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近年来,冠状病毒严重威胁人类和动物的健康。病毒具有专性胞内寄生的特点,其需要利用细胞完成自身的增殖,因此入侵细胞的过程是其感染机制中非常重要的一部分。多项研究表明冠状病毒能通过细胞表面途径和内吞途径入侵细胞。通过对冠状病毒入侵途径研究有助于了解其生命周期,有利于冠状病毒的防治以及新型药物和疫苗的研发。本文对近年来不同冠状病毒的入侵途径及针对入侵途径所开发的潜在药物的相关研究进行总结,以期为全面了解冠状病毒的入侵方式提供参考。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)由于其高传染性已造成全球大流行。目前关于SARS-CoV-2依赖内吞途径进入细胞的研究偏向于药物抑制实验或固定样品的蛋白共定位实验,而对于其入胞时与细胞内吞结构相互作用的动力学机制研究较少。本研究首先基于慢病毒系统包装出可在生物安全二级实验室(BSL-2)进行操作的SARS-CoV-2假病毒,之后利用膜染料对假病毒的囊膜进行荧光标记,并进行鉴定。通过免疫荧光方法观察到假病毒与网格蛋白包被的内吞结构共定位,进一步在网格蛋白敲低的Caco-2细胞系上进行假病毒感染,检测到荧光素酶活性显著下降,这些结果确定了网格蛋白介导的内吞作用参与假病毒感染。最后基于单病毒示踪技术,通过共聚焦显微镜对假病毒入胞过程进行活细胞实时拍摄,选取两个具有代表性的假病毒粒子依赖网格途径入胞的典型视野,并对假病毒动力学进行分析。本研究成功建立了SARS-CoV-2假病毒入胞活细胞示踪平台,可应用于研究单个假病毒粒子入胞过程动力学机制。该平台对SARS-CoV-2入胞机制的研究具有重大意义。  相似文献   

细胞外基质的各种分子经细胞膜进入真核细胞是一个复杂的过程。细胞内吞是通过细胞质膜的变形运动将细胞外物质转运入细胞内的过程。不同的细胞内吞途径需要不同的蛋白质分子参与,引起不同的信号转导通路。目前认为细胞内吞和膜转运是细胞对其信号转导过程的一种精密的组织安排,细胞内吞在细胞信号转导,维持机体动态平衡方面起着重要作用。细胞内吞途径通常可以分为网格蛋白依赖的内吞和非网格蛋白依赖的内吞,其中后者包括陷窝蛋白依赖和非陷窝蛋白依赖的内吞,以及巨胞饮介导的内吞。本文将就这几种主要细胞内吞途径及与细胞信号转导通路关系的研究进展予以介绍。  相似文献   

生物大分子药物与传统治疗方式相比作用靶点具有高度的专一性,成为21世纪药物研发中最具发展前景的领域之一,但由于细胞膜的天然屏障作用致使许多潜在的胞内药物靶标无法应用于新药研究。细胞穿膜肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPP)是一类具有穿膜功能的小分子短肽,可高效携带核酸、蛋白质等生物大分子穿过细胞膜进入胞质发挥功能,在介导生物大分子药物入胞上有着高效、低毒等诸多优势,但仍存在效率低、靶向性差等问题。CPP携带货物分子入胞的方式可以根据是否依赖能量分为直接入胞和内吞。直接入胞依据孔隙形成的方式不同分为四种模型:桶板模型、超环面模型、地毯模型和反向胶团模型。内吞则根据受体的不同又分为巨胞饮、网格蛋白介导的内吞、小窝蛋白介导的内吞、硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖介导的内吞以及神经毡蛋白-1介导的内吞。CPP自身的类型、浓度、效应分子的物理化学性质以及分子大小都会影响CPP的入胞过程,进而决定CPP携带生物大分子入胞的途径。对CPP介导生物大分子的入胞机制进行综述,为研究更加高效、靶向性强的CPP提供依据,从而推动其在生物、医学领域的应用。  相似文献   

Qin LY  Liu S  Wang CR  Wang J  Yue X  Yu C 《生理科学进展》2006,37(1):41-44
巨胞饮(macropinocytosis)是内吞的一种形式,指在某些因素刺激下,细胞膜皱褶形成大且不规则的原始内吞小泡,它们被称为巨胞饮体。巨胞饮体的直径一般为0.5~2μm,有时可达5μm。与其它内吞形式的小泡相比,巨胞饮体直径较大,为非选择性地内吞细胞外营养物质和液相大分子提供了一条有效途径。最近的研究表明,巨胞饮具有清除凋亡细胞、参与免疫反应、介导某些病原菌侵袭细胞、更新细胞膜等功能。  相似文献   

融合蛋白与病毒入膜机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wu M  Nie SQ 《生理科学进展》1998,29(3):221-225
包膜病毒感染细胞的第一步即病毒与靶细胞膜的融合,它由病毒包膜上的融合蛋白诱发,融合蛋白与受体分子相互作用后暴露出融合肽,它伸向靶膜使两膜紧密接近后,多肽周围的脂质分子进一步重排,通过中间态最后发生融合,本文将介绍近年来病毒融合蛋白及入膜机制研究进展。  相似文献   

目前关于腺病毒感染及胞内运输的分子机制研究主要来源于C亚群腺病毒在肿瘤细胞系中的研究结果。腺病毒对靶细胞的感染及胞内运输大致分为几步:病毒与细胞表面受体的特异结合,胞吞介导的病毒内化,病毒逃脱胞内体进入细胞质,病毒沿着微管运输至核孔,病毒基因组入核。病毒胞内运输效率极高,感染后1 h,80%以上的病毒基因组被送至核内。但是腺病毒胞内的运输方式会因以下几个因素变化而产生差异:靶细胞类型,细胞生理状态,病毒血清型。文中对腺病毒感染靶细胞及胞内运输的已有分子机制进行综述,为临床基因治疗用途的病毒载体研发提供思路。  相似文献   

丙肝感染是全球性的公共卫生问题之一,目前尚无预防丙肝病毒感染的疫苗,联合应用靶向丙肝不同复制阶段的药物,即所谓的"鸡尾酒"疗法可能会有更好的疗效。丙肝病毒进入宿主细胞的过程是药物干预的重要环节,这个过程是由丙肝病毒的包膜蛋白与宿主因子作用介导的,其中病毒的包膜蛋白包括E1、E2,宿主因子包括硫酸乙酰肝素(Heparan sulfate,HS)、膜蛋白CD81、B族I型清道夫受体(Scavenger receptor class B type I,SR-BI)、两种紧密连接蛋白Occludin(OCLD)和Claudin(CLDN)、低密度脂蛋白受体(Low densitity lipoprotein receptor,LDLR)、树突细胞特异性细胞间黏附分子-3-结合非整合素分子(Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grab-bing nonintegrin,DCSIGN)、肝/淋巴细胞特异性细胞间粘附分子-3-结合整合素分子(Liver/lymph node specific ICAM-3-grabbing integrin,L-SIGN)和转铁蛋白1受体(Transferrin receptor 1,TfR1)等。病毒的包膜蛋白和这些宿主因子都可以作为靶向丙肝入胞抑制剂的作用靶点,许多研究表明丙肝入胞抑制剂作为一种新颖和有发展前景的化合物与作用于复制阶段药物联合应用能够更有效的治疗丙肝。本文综述了自20世纪90年代以来发现的靶点和靶向丙肝病毒进入宿主细胞的化合物。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎,世界卫生组织命名为"2019冠状病毒病"(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19),是一种由2019新型冠状病毒(2019-nCov)感染导致的肺炎.目前新冠肺炎在全球广泛流行,且疫情尚未得到全部控制.由于新型冠状病毒表面的刺突蛋白(spike protein,S)介导病...  相似文献   

网格蛋白介导型胞吞作用(clathrin-mediated endocytosis, CME)是代谢产物、激素、蛋白质和某些病毒进入细胞的主要途径.前期研究已报道超过50种胞吞辅助蛋白(endocytic accessory proteins, EAPs)参与到CME的进程中,但是其复杂的分子调控机制仍有待厘清.近年来显微成像技术及CME抑制剂的发展为更好地解析CME的分子机制提供了机会.本文重点介绍了哺乳动物细胞中CME的分阶段调控机制以及CME抑制剂的开发现状.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles (NPs) are considered attractive carriers for gene therapy and drug delivery owing to their minor toxic effect and their ability to associate and internalize into mammalian cells. In this study, we compared the endocytosis into HeLa cells of NPs exposing either a negative or positive charge on their surface. The exposed charge significantly affected their ability to internalize as well as the cellular endocytosis mechanism utilized. Negatively charged NPs show an inferior rate of endocytosis and do not utilize the clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway. On the other hand, positively charged NPs internalize rapidly via the clathrin-mediated pathway. When this pathway is blocked, NPs activate a compensatory endocytosis pathway that results in even higher accumulation of NPs. Overall, the addition of a positive charge to NPs may improve their potential as nanoparticulate carriers for drug delivery.  相似文献   

β-Arrestins play a role in AT1 endocytosis by binding the cytoplasmic, C-terminus region T332–S338, the major site of angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced phosphorylation. However, the processes responsible for recruiting β-arrestin to the activated receptor are poorly defined. In this study, we used CHO-K1 and HEK 293 cells expressing wild-type or mutant AT1 to investigate two possibilities: activated AT1 induces global relocation of β-arrestins to the plasma membrane or the phosphorylated C-terminus acts as bait to attract β-arrestins. Results obtained using high osmolarity and dominant-negative β-arrestin confirmed that internalization of AT1 in both CHO-K1 and HEK 293 cells is predominately via clathrin-mediated endocytosis involving β-arrestin, and substitution of T332, S335, T336 and S338 with alanine to preclude phosphorylation markedly attenuated AT1 internalization. Confocal microscopy revealed that wild-type AT1 induced a time-dependent translocation of GFP-tagged β-arrestins 1 and 2 to the cell surface. In contrast, the TSTS/A mutant did not traffic β-arrestin 1 at all, and only trafficked β-arrestin 2 weakly. Results of rescue-type experiments were consistent with the idea that both β-arrestins are able to interact with the non-phosphorylated receptor, albeit with much lower affinity and β-arrestin 1 less so than β-arrestin 2. In conclusion, this study shows that the high affinity binding of β-arrestins to the phosphorylated C-terminus is the predominant mechanism of agonist-induced β-arrestin recruitment to the cell surface and AT1 receptor.  相似文献   

In non-polarized cell culture models, influenza virus has been shown to enter host cells via multiple endocytic pathways, including classical clathrin-mediated endocytic routes (CME), clathrin- and caveolae-independent routes and macropinocytosis. However, little is known about the entry route of influenza virus in differentiated epithelia, in vivo site of infection for influenza virus. Here, we show that in polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney type II (MDCK II) cells, influenza virus has a specific utilization of the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway and requires Eps15 for host cell entry.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the Flaviviridae family and causes acute and chronic hepatitis. Chronic HCV infection may result in severe liver damage including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver is the primary target organ of HCV, and the hepatocyte is its primary target cell. Attachment of the virus to the cell surface followed by viral entry is the first step in a cascade of interactions between the virus and the target cell that is required for successful entry into the cell and initiation of infection. This step is an important determinant of tissue tropism and pathogenesis; it thus represents a major target for antiviral host cell responses, such as antibody-mediated virus neutralization. Following the development of novel cell culture models for HCV infection our understanding of the HCV entry process and mechanisms of virus neutralization has been markedly advanced. In this review we summarize recent developments in the molecular biology of viral entry and its impact on pathogenesis of HCV infection, development of novel preventive and therapeutic antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the Flaviviridae family and causes acute and chronic hepatitis. Chronic HCV infection may result in severe liver damage including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver is the primary target organ of HCV, and the hepatocyte is its primary target cell. Attachment of the virus to the cell surface followed by viral entry is the first step in a cascade of interactions between the virus and the target cell that is required for successful entry into the cell and initiation of infection. This step is an important determinant of tissue tropism and pathogenesis; it thus represents a major target for antiviral host cell responses, such as antibody-mediated virus neutralization. Following the development of novel cell culture models for HCV infection our understanding of the HCV entry process and mechanisms of virus neutralization has been markedly advanced. In this review we summarize recent developments in the molecular biology of viral entry and its impact on pathogenesis of HCV infection, development of novel preventive and therapeutic antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

Entry of animal viruses and macromolecules into cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Luis Carrasco   《FEBS letters》1994,350(2-3):151-154
The entry of animal viruses into cells is mediated by conformational changes in certain virion-particle components. These changes are triggered by the binding of virions to receptors and are influenced by low pH during receptor-mediated endocytosis. These conformational alterations promote the interaction of some viral proteins with cellular membranes thereby leading to transient pore formation and the disruption of ionic and pH gradients. The entry of toxins that do not possess receptors on the cell surface is promoted during the translocation of the virus genome or the nucleocapsid to the cytoplasm. A model is now presented which indicates that efficient virus translocation through cellular membranes requires energy, that may be generated by a protonmotive force. The entry of some animal viruses, as promoted by low pH, should thus only take place when a pH gradient and/or a membrane potential exist, but will not take place if these are dissipated, even if virion particles are present in an acidic enviroment.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒进入肝细胞机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染早期进入肝细胞机制研究一直是HBV研究领域的热点和难点.简单易得的HBV体外感染细胞模型是HBV感染进入机制研究无法逾越的主要障碍.近年来,随着新型HBV体外感染细胞模型的建立和应用(HepRG细胞和树鼩原代肝细胞),HBV的进入机制研究取得了一系列重大发现.综述了近几年HBV进入肝细胞机制的最新研究进展,主要包括HBV表面蛋白进入相关结构域的鉴定,已发现的候选HBV进入相关分子和尚待解决的问题.  相似文献   

The HCV envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 contain eight and 18 highly conserved cysteine residues, respectively. Here, we examined the oxidation state of E1E2 heterodimers incorporated into retroviral pseudotyped particles (HCVpp) and investigated the significance of free sulfhydryl groups in cell culture-derived HCV (HCVcc) and HCVpp entry. Alkylation of free sulfhydryl groups on HCVcc/pp with a membrane-impermeable sulfhydryl-alkylating reagent 4-(N-maleimido)benzyl-α-trimethylammonium iodide (M135) prior to virus attachment to cells abolished infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. Labeling of HCVpp envelope proteins with EZ-Link maleimide-PEG2-biotin (maleimide-biotin) detected free thiol groups in both E1 and E2. Unlike retroviruses that employ disulfide reduction to facilitate virus entry, the infectivity of alkylated HCVcc could not be rescued by addition of exogenous reducing agents. Furthermore, the infectivity of HCVcc bound to target cells was not affected by addition of M135 indicative of a change in glycoprotein oxidation state from reduced to oxidized following virus attachment to cells. By contrast, HCVpp entry was reduced by 61% when treated with M135 immediately following attachment to cells, suggesting that the two model systems might demonstrate variations in oxidation kinetics. Glycoprotein oxidation was not altered following binding of HCVpp incorporated E1E2 to soluble heparin or recombinant CD81. These results suggest that HCV entry is dependent on the presence of free thiol groups in E1 and E2 prior to cellular attachment and reveals a new essential component of the HCV entry process.  相似文献   

An endocytosis-like process of protein uptake in the planctomycete Gemmata obscuriglobus is a recently discovered process unprecedented in the bacterial world. The molecular mechanisms underlying this process are not yet characterized. A homolog of the MC (membrane-coating) proteins of eukaryotes has been proposed to be involved in the mechanism of this process, but its relationship to eukaryote proteins is controversial. However, a number of other proteins of G. obscuriglobus with domains homologous to those involved in endocytosis in eukaryotes can also be identified. Here we critically evaluate current bioinformatic knowledge, and suggest practical experimental steps to overcome the limits of bioinformatics in elucidating the molecular mechanism of endocytosis in bacteria. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.  相似文献   

Viruses exploit cellular machinery to gain entry and initiate their replication cycle within host cells. The development of methods to visualize virus entry in live cells has provided new insights to the cellular processes involved in virus entry and the intracellular locations where viral payloads are deposited. The use of fluorescently labeled virus and high-resolution microscopy is currently the method of choice to study virus entry in live cells. While fluorescent protein fusions (e.g. viral proteins fused to GFP) have been used, the labeling of viral proteins that contain a small tetracysteine (tc) tag with biarsenical fluorescent compounds (e.g. FlAsH, ReAsH, Lumio-x) offers several advantages over conventional xFP-fusion constructs. This article describes methods for generating fluorescently labeled viruses encoding tc-tagged proteins that are suitable for the study of virus entry in live cells by fluorescence microscopy. Critical parameters required to quantify fluorescence signals from the labeled, tc-tagged proteins in individual virus particles during the entry process and the subsequent fate of the labeled viral proteins after virus uncoating are also described.  相似文献   

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