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Factors known to influence left ventricular contractility include preload, afterload, circulating catecholamine concentration, efferent sympathetic discharge, and heart rate. Heart rate influences have been primarily determined in the dog, whereas the influence of heart rate in smaller mammals has not been determined. Eight pentobarbital-anesthetized rabbits were instrumented to measure electrocardiogram, heart rate, left ventricular pressure, end-diastolic pressure, dP/dt, and mean and pulsatile aortic pressures. Systematic bradycardia was induced by stimulating the peripheral end of the sectioned right vagus nerve. Between 293 and 235 beats/min, there was no change in (dP/dt)max as heart rate was decreased. Below this range there was a direct relationship between (dP/dt)max and heart rate. Preload remained unchanged down to 132 beats/min. There was a small but significant decrease in afterload (0.09 mmHg X beat-1 X min-1; 1 mmHg = 133.32 Pa) throughout the decrease in heart rate. Infusion of propranolol (2.0 mg/kg) produced no marked change in the heart rate - (dP/dt)max relationship, although both resting heart rate and (dP/dt)max were reduced. This study demonstrates that (dP/dt)max is not influenced by changes in heart rate above 235 beats/min in the pentobarbital-anesthetized rabbit. These results differ from findings in other animals, and demonstrate that species and heart rate ranges must be considered when drawing conclusions regarding (dP/dt)max as a reliable index of contractility.  相似文献   



Carotid plaque severity and morphology can affect cardiovascular prognosis. We evaluate both the importance of echographically assessed carotid artery plaque geometry and morphology as predictors of death in hospitalised cardiological patients.


541 hospitalised patients admitted in a cardiological division (age = 66 ± 11 years, 411 men), have been studied through ultrasound Duplex carotid scan and successively followed-up for a median of 34 months. Echo evaluation assessed plaque severity and morphology (presence of heterogeneity and profile).


361 patients showed carotid stenosis (67% with <50% stenosis, 18% with 50–69% stenosis, 9% with >70% stenosis, 4% with near occlusion and 2% with total occlusion). During the follow-up period, there were 83 all-cause deaths (15% of the total population). Using Cox's proportional hazard model, age (RR 1.06, 95% CI 1.03–1.09, p = 0.000), ejection fraction > 50% (RR = 0.62, 95% CI 0.4–0.96, p = 0.03), treatment with statins (RR = 0.52, 95% CI 0.29–0.95, p = 0.34) and the presence of a heterogeneous plaque (RR 1.6; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.14, p = 0.002) were independent predictors of death. Kaplan – Meier survival estimates have shown the best outcome in patients without plaque, intermediate in patients with homogeneous plaques and the worst outcome in patients with heterogeneous plaques (90% vs 79% vs 73%, p = 0.0001).


In hospitalised cardiological patients, carotid plaque presence and morphology assessed by ultrasound are independent predictors of death.  相似文献   

To determine whether changes in heart rate and aortic systolic pressure contribute equally to the determination of left ventricular myocardial oxygen consumption, we independently varied heart rate and pressure and compared the resultant oxygen consumption for similar rate-pressure products. In 6 young lambs which underwent atrioventricular node ablation, we varied heart rate by ventricular pacing at 250 beats/min, 300 beats/min, and 120 beats/min while aortic pressure remained stable and varied aortic systolic pressure by infusion of phenylephrine (to 132 +/- 15 mm Hg and 155 +/- 14 mm Hg) and by infusion of sodium nitroprusside (to 79 +/- 6 mm Hg) while heart rate was maintained stable at 200 beats/min. The 3 levels of change in aortic systolic pressure were chosen so that the ratepressure product during the pressure changes matched the rate-pressure product during the heart rate changes. We found that left ventricular myocardial oxygen consumption was the same at all 3 levels of the rate-pressure product whether heart rate was changed and pressure remained stable or pressure was changed and heart rate remained stable. Also, the correlation between oxygen consumption and the rate-pressure product was similar for both heart rate and pressure changes. During nitroprusside infusion at a fixed heart rate, oxygen extraction was significantly lower than during pacing at a heart rate of 120 beats/min when the rate-pressure product was comparable because of the direct vasodilatory effects of nitroprusside. We conclude that heart rate and aortic systolic pressure contribute equally to left ventricular myocardial oxygen consumption at the same rate-pressure product, even though there may be differences in myocardial blood flow and oxygen extraction.  相似文献   

Systemic hemodynamic parameters in 5-month-old and 10-month-old normotensive Wistar-Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) conscious rats were studied with microsphere technique. Cardiac index was similar in both strains of rats and was not significantly different between 5 and 10 months. Left ventricle catheter implantation through the right common carotid artery evoked the development of heart failure in 10-month-old SHR (in the first day after operation). This model can be used for screening of new drugs for heart failure treatment.  相似文献   

Pressure responses obtained during steady-volume releases performed on isolated contracting rabbit left ventricle reveal a typical non-linear time course, dependent on velocity of volume release (VVR) and on amplitude of volume release (AVR). For values of VVR = 4.8 ml/s and of AVR = 0.28 ml (about 20% of the EDV at preload 0.5 kPa) a shoulder shaped pressure-time course is observed. The shoulder is seen during releases independently of the time during systole at which the release starts. When releases are compared which start at the same time during systole but have different velocities then the shoulder appears at higher amplitudes for the higher velocities. The shoulder can be explained by an active actin-myosin interaction within the scheme of a multi-state contraction model.  相似文献   

By means of the echocardiographic techniques, morphometric and functional parameters of the heart left ventricle (HLV) were studied in male humans aged 20 to 23, in resting and under the effect of a physical load. The total ventricle work was found to be about 1 J, the relative one (per 100 g of the LV mass)--0.6 J. The total working power was found to be about 70 Watt, the relative one--about 40 Watt. The physical load resulted in increase of the LV mechanical work parameters due to the heart rate and systolic arterial pressure.  相似文献   

Mechanics of the left ventricle.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

A model for left ventricular diastolic mechanics is formulated that takes into account noneligible wall thickness, incompressibility, finite deformation, nonlinear elastic effects, and the known fiber architecture of the ventricular wall. The model consists of a hollow cylindrical mass of muscle bound between two plates of negligible mass. The wall contains fiber elements that follow a helical course and carry only axial tension. The fiber angle (i.e., helical pitch) is constant along the length of each fiber but varies through the wall in accordance with the known distribution of fiber orientations in the canine left ventricle. To simplify the analysis and reduce the number of degrees of freedom, the anatomic distribution of fiber orientations is divided into a clockwise and counterclockwise system. The reference configuration for the model corresponds to a state in which, by hypothesis, the transmural pressure gradient is zero, the tension is zero for all fibers across the wall, and all fibers are assumed to have a sarcomere length of 1.9 micrometer. This choice of reference configuration is based on the empirical evidence that canine ventricles, fixed in a state of zero transmural pressure gradient and dissected, demonstrate sarcomere lengths between 1.9 and 2.0 micrometer in inner, middle, and outer wall layers, while isolated ventricular muscle bundles are observed to have zero resting tension when the sarcomere length ranges from 1.9 to 2.0 micrometer. An equation representing the global condition for equilibrium is derived and solved numerically. It is found that the model's pressure-volume relation is representative of diastolic filling in vivo over a wide range of filling pressures, and the calculated midwall sarcomere lengths in the model compare favorably with published experimental data. Subendocardial fibers are stretched beyond Lmax even at low filling pressures, i.e., 5 mm Hg, while fibers located between 60-80% of wall thickness extend minimally between 5 and 12 mm Hg. The hydrostatic pressure field within the wall is highly nonlinear. The pressure rises steeply in the subendocardial layers so that the net gain in pressure in the inner third of the wall is 85% of the filling pressure. It is demonstrated that these results are independent of heart size for a family of heart models that are scale models of each other. They are, however, critically dependent on the existence of longitudinally oriented fibers in the endocardial and epicardial regions of heart wall.  相似文献   

Cancer is often associated with cachexia, cardiovascular symptoms and autonomic dysregulation. We tested whether extracardiac cancer directly affects the innervation of left ventricular myocardium. Mice injected with Lewis lung carcinoma cells (tumor group, TG) or PBS (control group, CG) were analyzed after 21 days. Cardiac function (echocardiography), serum levels of TNF-α and Il-6 (ELISA), structural alterations of cardiomyocytes and their innervation (design-based stereology) and levels of innervation-related mRNA (quantitative RT-PCR) were analysed. The groups did not differ in various functional parameters. Serum levels of TNF-α and Il-6 were elevated in TG. The total length of axons in the left ventricle was reduced. The number of dense core vesicles per axon profile was reduced. Decreased myofibrillar volume, increased sarcoplasmic volume and increased volume of lipid droplets were indicative of metabolic alterations of TG cardiomyocytes. In the heart, the mRNA level of nerve growth factor was reduced whereas that of β1-adrenergic receptor was unchanged in TG. In the stellate ganglion of TG, mRNA levels of nerve growth factor and neuropeptide Y were decreased and that of tyrosine hydroxylase was increased. In summary, cancer induces a systemic pro-inflammatory state, a significant reduction in myocardial innervation and a catabolic phenotype of cardiomyocytes in the mouse. Reduced expression of nerve growth factor may account for the reduced myocardial innervation.  相似文献   

Morphometric and functional parameters of the heart left ventricle in rabbits during systole and diastole were investigated by the method of echocardiography. Morphometric parameters were studied on three levels: the mitral valve, the papillary muscles and the apical level. The internal dimension of the left ventricle uniformly decreases in three parallel planes during systole, its maximal reduction being observed on the apical level. During the contraction phase, the posterior wall thickness of the left ventricular and the interventricular septum thickness increases on the basal level to a greater extent than on the apical one. During systole, the interventricular septum movement is greater than the left ventricular posterior wall motion. During the heart cycle, the form of the left ventricular cavity changes from an ellipsoid in diastole to elliptic paraboloid in systole.  相似文献   

Rhythm characteristics of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (Hr) of 11 healthy centenarians and 66 medical students are described. Each subject ambulatorily monitored measured BP and HR around the clock at 15-min intervals for 48 hours. Least-squares spectra were obtained by the fit of cosine curves (cosinor) and compared between the two populations. Confounding by geographic differences seems to be ruled out by comparisons with results from international data bases. A shift in prominence from the circadian domain to higher frequency harmonics was found for the BP but not for the HR of centenarians. In clinically mostly healthy centenarians, markers of primary aging may consist of a relatively low circadian BP and HR amplitude and a tendency toward internal and external desynchronization. Whether these chronobiologic changes with age are desirable, indifferent or undesirable can now be elucidated by outcome studies, in the light of the reference standards provided herein.  相似文献   

The authors studied some methodological questions associated with evaluation of the X-ray of the left ventriculogram (VTG). On the basis of their results they suggest that, in addition to the usual comprehensive volume parameters of the left ventricle (EDVI, ESVI, and EF), further indices, obtained either by drawing the cardiac contour frame-by-frame (norm dV/dtmin), or by dividing the diastole into halves or thirds (the indices norm FF 1/2 or norm FF 1/3), should be used. These indices allow more sensitive differentiation of patients with impaired left ventricular function.  相似文献   

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