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The dynamics and the spectra of the excited state of the retinal in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and its K-intermediate at pH 0 was compared with that of bR and halorhodopsin at pH 6.5. The quantum yield of photoisomerization in acid purple bR was estimated to be at least 0.5. The change of pH from 6.5 to 2 causes a shift of the absorption maximum from 568 to 600 nm (acid blue bR) and decreases the rate of photoisomerization. A further decrease in pH from 2 to 0 shifts the absorption maximum back to 575 nm when HCl is used (acid purple bR). We found that the rate of photoisomerization increases when the pH decreases from 2 to 0. The effect of chloride anions on the dynamics of the retinal photoisomerization of acid bR (pH 2 and 0) and some mutants (D85N, D212N, and R82Q) was also studied. The addition of 1 M HCl (to make acid purple bR, pH 0) or 1 M NaCl to acid blue bR (pH 2) was found to catalyze the rate of the retinal photoisomerization process. Similarly, the addition of 1 M NaCl to the solution of some bR mutants that have a reduced rate of retinal photoisomerization (D85N, D212N, and R82Q) was found to catalyze the rate of their retinal photoisomerization process up to the value observed in wild-type bR. These results are explained by proposing that the bound Cl- compensates for the loss of the negative charges of the COO- groups of Asp85 and/or Asp212 either by neutralization at low pH or by residue replacement in D85N and D212N mutants.  相似文献   

In order to account for the large variety of kinetic phenomena in the light-induced reactions of bacteriorhodopsin's retinal chromophore (BR), a scheme of parallel photocycles has been proposed [W. Eisfeld, C. Pusch, R. Diller, R. Lohrmann and M. Stockburger, Biochemistry, 32 (1993) 7196-7215]. In the present study an experimental test for the validity of this model is described which is based on the fact that in the alkaline region the longest-living intermediates M(f), M(S) or N in each of the proposed cycles have significantly different lifetimes. A condition for the existence of parallel cycles would be that the population of M(f), M(S) or N is accompanied by a respective depletion of BR in each individual cycle. Dual-beam laser experiments were performed which showed that this condition is fulfilled. It is concluded that those proton transfer steps which are important for the function as a proton pump are the same for all cycles.  相似文献   

In order to understand how isomerization of the retinal drives unidirectional transmembrane ion transport in bacteriorhodopsin, we determined the atomic structures of the BR state and M photointermediate of the E204Q mutant, to 1.7 and 1.8 A resolution, respectively. Comparison of this M, in which proton release to the extracellular surface is blocked, with the previously determined M in the D96N mutant indicates that the changes in the extracellular region are initiated by changes in the electrostatic interactions of the retinal Schiff base with Asp85 and Asp212, but those on the cytoplasmic side originate from steric conflict of the 13-methyl retinal group with Trp182 and distortion of the pi-bulge of helix G. The structural changes suggest that protonation of Asp85 initiates a cascade of atomic displacements in the extracellular region that cause release of a proton to the surface. The progressive relaxation of the strained 13-cis retinal chain with deprotonated Schiff base, in turn, initiates atomic displacements in the cytoplasmic region that cause the intercalation of a hydrogen-bonded water molecule between Thr46 and Asp96. This accounts for the lowering of the pK(a) of Asp96, which then reprotonates the Schiff base via a newly formed chain of water molecules that is extending toward the Schiff base.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR), a light-driven proton pump in Halobacterium salinarum, accommodates two resting forms of the retinylidene chromophore, the all-trans form (AT-BR) and the 13-cis,15-syn form (13C-BR). Both isomers are present in thermal equilibrium in the dark, but only the all-trans form has proton-pump activity. In this study, we applied low-temperature Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to 13C-BR at 77 K and compared the local structure around the chromophore before and after photoisomerization with that in AT-BR. Strong hydrogen-out-of-plane (HOOP) vibrations were observed at 964 and 958 cm(-)(1) for the K state of 13C-BR (13C-BR(K)) versus a vibration at 957 cm(-)(1) for the K state of AT-BR (AT-BR(K)). In AT-BR(K), but not in 13C-BR(K), the HOOP modes exhibit isotope shifts upon deuteration of the retinylidene at C15 and at the Schiff base nitrogen. Whereas the HOOP modes of AT-BR(K) were significantly affected by the mutation of Thr89, this was not the case for the HOOP modes of 13C-BR(K). These observations imply that, while the chromophore distortion is localized near the Schiff base in AT-BR(K), it is located elsewhere in 13C-BR(K). By use of [zeta-(15)N]lysine-labeled BR, we identified the N-D stretching vibrations of the 13C-BR Schiff base (in D(2)O) at 2173 and 2056 cm(-)(1), close in frequency to those of AT-BR. These frequencies indicate strong hydrogen bonding of the Schiff base in 13C-BR, presumably with a water molecule as in AT-BR. In contrast, the N-D stretching vibration appears at 2332 and 2276 cm(-)(1) in 13C-BR(K) versus values of 2495 and 2468 cm(-)(1) for AT-BR(K), suggesting that the rupture of the Schiff base hydrogen bond that occurs in AT-BR(K) does not occur in 13C-BR(K). Rotational motion of the Schiff base upon retinal isomerization is probably smaller in magnitude for 13C-BR than for AT-BR. These differences in the primary step are possibly related to the absence of light-driven proton pumping by 13C-BR.  相似文献   

The K state, an early intermediate of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle, contains the excess free energy used for light-driven proton transport. The energy gain must reside in or near the photoisomerized retinal, but in what form has long been an open question. We produced the K intermediate in bacteriorhodopsin crystals in a photostationary state at 100K, with 40% yield, and determined its X-ray diffraction structure to 1.43 A resolution. In independent refinements of data from four crystals, the changes are confined mainly to the photoisomerized retinal. The retinal is 13-cis,15-anti, as known from vibrational spectroscopy. The C13=C14 bond is rotated nearly fully to cis from the initial trans configuration, but the C14-C15 and C15=NZ bonds are partially counter-rotated. This strained geometry keeps the direction of the Schiff base N-H bond vector roughly in the extracellular direction, but the angle of its hydrogen bond with water 402, that connects it to the anionic Asp85 and Asp212, is not optimal. Weakening of this hydrogen bond may account for many of the reported features of the infrared spectrum of K, and for its photoelectric signal, as well as the deprotonation of the Schiff base later in the cycle. Importantly, although 13-cis, the retinal does not assume the expected bent shape of this configuration. Comparison of the calculated energy of the increased angle of C12-C13=C14, that allows this distortion, with the earlier reported calorimetric measurement of the enthalpy gain of the K state indicates that a significant part of the excess energy is conserved in the bond strain at C13.  相似文献   

Archaeal rhodopsins possess a retinal molecule as their chromophores, and their light energy and light signal conversions are triggered by all-trans to 13-cis isomerization of the retinal chromophore. Relaxation through structural changes of the protein then leads to functional processes, proton pump in bacteriorhodopsin and transducer activation in sensory rhodopsins. In the present paper, low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is applied to phoborhodopsin from Natronobacterium pharaonis (ppR), a photoreceptor for the negative phototaxis of the bacteria, and infrared spectral changes before and after photoisomerization are compared with those of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) at 77 K. Spectral comparison of the C--C stretching vibrations of the retinal chromophore shows that chromophore conformation of the polyene chain is similar between ppR and BR. This fact implies that the unique chromophore-protein interaction in ppR, such as the blue-shifted absorption spectrum with vibrational fine structure, originates from both ends, the beta-ionone ring and the Schiff base regions. In fact, less planer ring structure and stronger hydrogen bond of the Schiff base were suggested for ppR. Similar frequency changes upon photoisomerization are observed for the C==N stretch of the retinal Schiff base and the stretch of the neighboring threonine side chain (Thr79 in ppR and Thr89 in BR), suggesting that photoisomerization in ppR is driven by the motion of the Schiff base like BR. Nevertheless, the structure of the K state after photoisomerization is different between ppR and BR. In BR, chromophore distortion is localized in the Schiff base region, as shown in its hydrogen out-of-plane vibrations. In contrast, more extended structural changes take place in ppR in view of chromophore distortion and protein structural changes. Such structure of the K intermediate of ppR is probably correlated with its high thermal stability. In fact, almost identical infrared spectra are obtained between 77 and 170 K in ppR. Unique chromophore-protein interaction and photoisomerization processes in ppR are discussed on the basis of the present infrared spectral comparison with BR.  相似文献   

We observed optical rotation of the plane of polarization of the second harmonic (SH) radiation at 532 nm (in resonance with the retinal absorption) generated in reflection geometry in Langmuir-Blodgett film of bacteriorhodopsin (bR). The analysis of the experimental data showed that this effect arises from the nonvanishing contribution of the antisymmetrical part of the hyperpolarizability tensor. This requires that the dipole moment of the resonant electronic transition, the change of the dipole moment upon electronic excitation, and the long axis of the retinal not be coplanar. Such conditions are satisfied only if the retinal has a nonplanar geometry, a conclusion that could lend support to the heterogeneity model of the origin of the biphasic band shape of the linear CD spectrum of the retinal in bR. On the basis of our theoretical analysis, we were able to estimate the angle between the induced dipole moment and the plan that contains the long axis of the chromophore and the transition dipole moment of the retinal absorption.  相似文献   

G S Harms  Q Song    C K Johnson 《Biophysical journal》1996,70(5):2352-2357
Chromophore reorientations during the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle in the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarium have been detected by time-resolved linear dichroism measurements of the optical anisotropy over the pH range from 4 to 10 and at ionic strengths from 10 mM to 1 M. The results show that reorientations in the L and M states of bacteriorhodopsin are pH dependent, reaching their largest amplitude when the membrane is at pH 6-8. Reorientations on the millisecond time scale of unexcited spectator proteins in the native purple membrane also depend on pH, consistent with the suggestion that spectator reorientations are triggered by reorientation of the photoexcited protein. The results imply that a group with a PK(a) of 5 to 6 enables reorientations, and that the deprotonation of a site at pH values above 9 restricts reorientational motion. This suggests that reorientations in M may be correlated with proton release.  相似文献   

At high pH (> 8) the 570 nm absorption band of all-trans bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in purple membrane undergoes a small (1.5 nm) shift to longer wavelengths, which causes a maximal increase in absorption at 615 nm. The pK of the shift is 9.0 in the presence of 167 mM KCl, and its intrinsic pK is ~8.3. The red shift of the trans-bR absorption spectrum correlates with the appearance of the fast component in the light-induced L to M transition, and absorption increases at 238 and 297 nm which are apparently caused by the deprotonation of a tyrosine residue and red shift of the absorption of tryptophan residues. This suggests that the deprotonation of a tyrosine residue with an exceptionally low pK (pKa ≈ 8.3) is responsible for the absorption shift of the chromophore band and fast M formation. The pH and salt dependent equilibrium between the two forms of bR, “neutral” and “alkaline,” bR ↔ bRa, results in two parallel photocycles of trans-bR at high pH, differing in the rate of the L to M transition. In the pH range 10-11.8 deprotonation of two more tyrosine residues is observed with pK's ~ 10.3 and 11.3 (in 167 mM KCL). Two simple models discussing the role of the pH induced tyrosine deprotonation in the photocycle and proton pumping are presented.

It is suggested that the shifts of the absorption bands at high pH are due to the appearance of a negatively charged group inside the protein (tyrosinate) which causes electrochromic shifts of the chromophore and protein absorption bands due to the interaction with the dipole moments in the ground and excited states of bR (Stark effect). This effect gives evidence for a significant change in the dipole moment of the chromophore of bR upon excitation.

Under illumination alkaline bR forms, besides the usual photocycle intermediates, a long-lived species with absorption maximum at 500 nm (P500). P500 slowly converts into bRa in the dark. Upon illumination P500 is transformed into an intermediate having an absorption maximum at 380 nm (P380). P380 can be reconverted to P500 by blue light illumination or by incubation in the dark.


Ming M  Lu M  Balashov SP  Ebrey TG  Li Q  Ding J 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(9):3322-3332
The pH-dependence of photocycle of archaerhodopsin 4 (AR4) was examined, and the underlying proton pumping mechanism investigated. AR4 is a retinal-containing membrane protein isolated from a strain of halobacteria from a Tibetan salt lake. It acts as a light-driven proton pump like bacteriorhodopsin (BR). However, AR4 exhibits an "abnormal" feature--the time sequence of proton release and uptake is reversed at neutral pH. We show here that the temporal sequence of AR4 reversed to "normal"--proton release preceding proton uptake--when the pH is increased above 8.6. We estimated the pK(a) of the proton release complex (PRC) in the M-intermediate to be approximately 8.4, much higher than 5.7 of wide-type BR. The pH-dependence of the rate constant of M-formation shows that the pK(a) of PRC in the initial state of AR4 is approximately 10.4, whereas it is 9.7 in BR. Thus in AR4, the chromophore photoisomerization and subsequent proton transport from the Schiff base to Asp-85 is coupled to a decrease in the pK(a) of PRC from 10.4 to 8.4, which is 2 pK units less than in BR (4 units). This weakened coupling accounts for the lack of early proton release at neutral pH and the reversed time sequence of proton release and uptake in AR4. Nevertheless the PRC in AR4 effectively facilitates deprotonation of primary proton acceptor and recovery of initial state at neutral pH. We found also that all pK(a)s of the key amino acid residues in AR4 were elevated compared to those of BR.  相似文献   

The photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was studied in the 0.3 microsecond to 10 s time interval after excitation, using a wide range of actinic light intensities (10 ns half-duration, 0.06-60 mJ/cm2), at neutral and alkaline pH values. The relative weights of the rapidly and the slowly decaying components of the M intermediate (Mf and M(s), respectively) and the yield of the third millisecond component, N(R,P), are the function of the exciting light intensity (density), while their lifetimes are not. The relative weight of M(s) is found to be a linear function of the portion of the BR molecules undergoing the photocycle. This suggests the existence of a cooperative interaction of the BR molecules arranged in the crystalline purple membrane sheets. Another source of M(s) is also found, which results a nonvanishing relative weight of M(s) even at very weak actinic light density values. The explanation for this may be a branching, or the heterogeneity of BR itself or with its environment. It is shown that the relative weights of the rising and decaying components of the M form(s) do not correlate directly with each other.  相似文献   

We used a gated optical multichannel analyzer to measure transient flash-induced absorption changes in bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and halorhodopsin (HR) and developed criteria for calculating the absorption spectra of the photocycle intermediates and the kinetics of their rise and decay. The results for BR agree with data reported by a large number of other authors. The results for HR in the presence of chloride are consistent with earlier data and reveal an additional intermediate, not previously seen, in the submicrosecond time scale. Although an M412-like intermediate is not in the HR photocycle, a one-by-one comparison of the rest of the intermediates observed for BR and HR indicates a striking similarity between the photocycles of the two bacterial rhodopsins. This was previously not apparent, perhaps because the experimental approaches to the spectroscopy of the two pigments were different and the data were thus more fragmented.  相似文献   

J Cladera  J Torres    E Padrós 《Biophysical journal》1996,70(6):2882-2887
The conformation of bacterioopsin in the apomembrane has been studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Resolution enhancement techniques and curve-fitting procedures have been used to determine the secondary structural components from the amide I region. Bacterioopsin contains about 54% helicoidal structure (alpha I and alpha II helices + 3(10) turns), 21% sheets, 16% reverse turns, and 9% unordered structure. Thus, after retinal removal, all of the secondary structural types of bacteriorhodopsin remain present, and only slight quantitative differences appear. On the other hand, H/D exchange studies show that there is a higher degree of exchange for reverse turns and protonated carboxylic lateral chains in bacterioopsin as compared to bacteriorhodopsin. This gives further support to the idea of a more open tertiary structure of bacterioopsin, and to the consideration of the retinal molecule as an important element in complementing the interhelical interactions in bacteriorhodopsin folding.  相似文献   

The all-trans to 13-cis photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin occurs selectively, efficiently, and on an ultrafast time scale. The reaction is facilitated by the surrounding protein matrix which undergoes further structural changes during the proton-transporting reaction cycle. Low-temperature polarized Fourier transform infrared difference spectra between bacteriorhodopsin and the K intermediate provide the possibility to investigate such structural changes, by probing O-H and N-H stretching vibrations [Kandori, Kinoshita, Shichida, and Maeda (1998) J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 7899-7905]. The measurements of [3-18O]threonine-labeled bacteriorhodopsin revealed that one of the D2O-sensitive bands (2506 cm(-1) in bacteriorhodopsin and 2466 cm(-1) in the K intermediate, in D2O exhibited 18(O)-induced isotope shift. The O-H stretching vibrations of the threonine side chain correspond to 3378 cm(-1) in bacteriorhodopsin and to 3317 cm(-1) in the K intermediate, indicating that hydrogen bonding becomes stronger after the photoisomerization. The O-H stretch frequency of neat secondary alcohol is 3340-3355 cm(-1). The O-H stretch bands are preserved in the T46V, T90V, T142N, T178N, and T205V mutant proteins, but diminished in T89A and T89C, and slightly shifted in T89S. Thus, the observed O-H stretching vibration originates from Thr89. This is consistent with the atomic structure of this region, and the change of the S-H stretching vibration of the T89C mutant in the K intermediate [Kandori, Kinoshita, Shichida, Maeda, Needleman, and Lanyi (1998) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 5828-5829]. We conclude that all-trans to 13-cis isomerization causes shortening of the hydrogen bond between the OH group of Thr89 and a carboxyl oxygen atom of Asp85.  相似文献   

The dependence of the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) photocycle on the intensity of the exciting flash was investigated in purple membranes. The dependence was most pronounced at slightly alkaline pH values. A comparison study of the kinetics of the photocycle and proton uptake at different intensities of the flash suggested that there exist two parallel photocycles in purple membranes at a high intensity of the flash. The photocycle of excited bR in a trimer with the two other bR molecules nonexcited is characterized by an almost irreversible M --> N transition. Excitation of two or three bR in a trimer induces the N --> M back reaction and accelerates the N --> bR transition. Based on the qualitative similarity of the pH dependencies of the photocycles of solubilized bR and excited dimers and trimers we proposed that the interaction of nonexcited bR in trimers alters the photocycle of the excited monomer as compared to solubilized bR and the changes in the photocycles in excited dimers and trimers are the result of decoupling of this interaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to choose between two popular models of skeletal muscle: one with the parallel elastic component in parallel with both the contractile element and the series elastic component (model A), and the other in which it is in parallel with only the contractile element (model B). Passive and total forces were obtained at a variety of muscle lengths for the medial gastrocnemius muscle in anesthetized rats. Passive force was measured before the contraction (passive A) or was estimated for the fascicle length at which peak total force occurred (passive B). Fascicle length was measured with sonomicrometry. Active force was calculated by subtracting passive (A or B) force from peak total force at each fascicle or muscle length. Optimal length, that fascicle length at which active force is maximized, was 13.1 +/- 1.2 mm when passive A was subtracted and 14.0 +/- 1.1 mm with passive B (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the relationship between double-pulse contraction force and length was broader when calculated with passive B than with passive A. When the muscle was held at a long length, passive force decreased due to stress relaxation. This was accompanied by no change in fascicle length at the peak of the contraction and only a small corresponding decrease in peak total force. There is no explanation for the apparent increase in active force that would be obtained when subtracting passive A from the peak total force. Therefore, to calculate active force, it is appropriate to subtract passive force measured at the fascicle length corresponding to the length at which peak total force occurs, rather than passive force measured at the length at which the contraction begins.  相似文献   

The electric dichroism of purple and cation-depleted (blue) membrane was measured in a.c. electric fields at saturation. A decrease of 5.5° in the direction of the chromophore transition moment with respect to the membrane normal was found upon removal of cations from purple membrane.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the kinetic parameters of beta-D-xylosidase (EC. from Bacillus pumilus reveals that an acidic functional group with pK 8.0 is involved in the catalysis. The fast inactivation of the dimeric enzyme by near equivalent amounts of methylmethanethiolsulfonate indicates that one thiol group per monomer is essential for catalysis, consistent with previously reported results. From the reactivity of the thiol groups with respect to 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), the absence of subunit cooperativity was indicated. The present study also reports on the inactivation of the enzyme by diethylpyrocarbonate, and provides evidence of the importance of a histidine residue. A mechanism of catalysis is presented, in which the thiol group interacts with the substrate via partial proton transfer. The mode of participation of the histidine group is difficult to specify, but may be associated with the maintenance of the active conformation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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