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Does systems biology represent a Kuhnian paradigm shift?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Ren LH  Ding YS  Shen YZ  Zhang XF 《Amino acids》2008,35(3):565-572
Recently, a collective effort from multiple research areas has been made to understand biological systems at the system level. This research requires the ability to simulate particular biological systems as cells, organs, organisms, and communities. In this paper, a novel bio-network simulation platform is proposed for system biology studies by combining agent approaches. We consider a biological system as a set of active computational components interacting with each other and with an external environment. Then, we propose a bio-network platform for simulating the behaviors of biological systems and modelling them in terms of bio-entities and society-entities. As a demonstration, we discuss how a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network can be seen as a society of autonomous interactive components. From interactions among small PPI networks, a large PPI network can emerge that has a remarkable ability to accomplish a complex function or task. We also simulate the evolution of the PPI networks by using the bio-operators of the bio-entities. Based on the proposed approach, various simulators with different functions can be embedded in the simulation platform, and further research can be done from design to development, including complexity validation of the biological system.  相似文献   

In the ethical debate over synthetic biology the formula “playing god” is widely used in order to attack this new branch of biotechnology. The article analyses, contextualizes and criticises this usage with respect to the theological concepts of creation, sin and humans as created in the image of God. Against the background of these theological understandings an ethical corridor of how to responsibly cope with the societal challenges of synthetic biology is presented.  相似文献   

Formalin has long been the standard fixative for clinical routines worldwide. After the Formaldehyde Standard became law in the US in 1987, as a result of increasing concerns about the potential carcinogenicity of formaldehyde, attempts have been made to find safer alternatives. Alcoholic formalin is a useful fixative, because in addition to fixation, dehydration also is begun. For centuries, honey has been known to be an antibacterial agent with the potential to preserve compounds without harmful effects on its users. We compared the effects of honey fixation with other routine fixatives using conventional histochemical and immunohistochemical staining methods. Our results demonstrated that tissues fixed in either honey or alcoholic formalin and 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) have similar histomorphology. Honey fixation showed minor histomorphological differences among the various tissues; however, it did not influence affect correct diagnostic conclusions. Our results suggested that honey can be used as a safe alternative to formalin in histopathology.  相似文献   

During malting, barley germinates and produces hydrolytic enzymes that de-structure the endosperm, making the grains soft and friable. This process starts close to the embryo and spreads throughout the whole grain. It is leaded by the degradation of cell walls, which are mainly constituted of β-glucans. Fast and extended breakdown of β-glucans occurs by means of an expanding reaction front driven by β-glucanase, and appears to follow pseudo-first-order kinetics. Endosperm permeabilization to macromolecules is closely linked to the dismantling of cell walls, thus that access to β-glucans by β-glucanase itself is limited. It is shown that the kinetics of β-glucan degradation during malting are consequent to this condition, and can be explained according to an anomalous evolution of the reverse quasi-steady-state approximation (rQSSA) for enzymatic reactions. In fact, kinetics based on the rQSSA include a transient phase wherein fast substrate depletion is indeed of pseudo-first-order. In the germinating barley, the conditions in which the physical modification of the endosperm occurs are shown to be suitable for the fast transient to persist in dynamic equilibrium while it progressively expands throughout the grain, depleting most β-glucans and, then, establishing the overall kinetics of β-glucan breakdown.  相似文献   

Ho MW  Ulanowicz R 《Bio Systems》2005,82(1):39-51
Schrödinger [Schrödinger, E., 1944. What is Life? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge] marvelled at how the organism is able to use metabolic energy to maintain and even increase its organisation, which could not be understood in terms of classical statistical thermodynamics. Ho [Ho, M.W., 1993. The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms, World Scientific, Singapore; Ho, M.W., 1998a. The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms, 2nd (enlarged) ed., reprinted 1999, 2001, 2003 (available online from ISIS website www.i- sis.org.uk)] outlined a novel “thermodynamics of organised complexity” based on a nested dynamical structure that enables the organism to maintain its organisation and simultaneously achieve non-equilibrium and equilibrium energy transfer at maximum efficiency. This thermodynamic model of the organism is reminiscent of the dynamical structure of steady state ecosystems identified by Ulanowicz [Ulanowicz, R.E., 1983. Identifying the structure of cycling in ecosystems. Math. Biosci. 65, 210–237; Ulanowicz, R.E., 2003. Some steps towards a central theory of ecosystem dynamics. Comput. Biol. Chem. 27, 523–530].The healthy organism excels in maintaining its organisation and keeping away from thermodynamic equilibrium – death by another name – and in reproducing and providing for future generations. In those respects, it is the ideal sustainable system. We propose therefore to explore the common features between organisms and ecosystems, to see how far we can analyse sustainable systems in agriculture, ecology and economics as organisms, and to extract indicators of the system's health or sustainability.We find that looking at sustainable systems as organisms provides fresh insights on sustainability, and offers diagnostic criteria for sustainability that reflect the system's health.In the case of ecosystems, those diagnostic criteria of health translate into properties such as biodiversity and productivity, the richness of cycles, the efficiency of energy use and minimum dissipation. In the case of economic systems, they translate into space-time differentiation or organised heterogeneity, local autonomy and sufficiency at appropriate levels, reciprocity and equality of exchange, and most of all, balancing the exploitation of natural resources – real input into the system – against the ability of the ecosystem to regenerate itself.  相似文献   

Systems biology aims to provide a holistic and in many cases dynamic picture of biological function and malfunction, in case of disease. Technology developments in the generation of genome-wide datasets and massive improvements in computer power now allow to obtain new insights into complex biological networks and to copy nature by computing these interactions and their kinetics and by generating in silico models of cells, tissues and organs. The expectations are high that systems biology will pave the way to the identification of novel disease genes, to the selection of successful drug candidates—that do not fail in clinical studies due to toxicity or lack of human efficacy—and finally to a more successful discovery of novel therapeutics. However, further research is necessary to fully unleash the potential of systems biology. Within this review we aim to highlight the most important and promising top-down and bottom-up systems biology applications in drug discovery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: At the beginning of the 21st century cancer research has reached an impasse similar to that experienced in developmental biology in the first decades of the 20th century when conflicting results and interpretations co-existed for a long time until these differences were resolved and contradictions were eliminated. In cancer research, instead of this healthy "weeding-out" process, there have been attempts to reach a premature synthesis, while no hypothesis is being rejected. Systems Biology could help cancer research to overcome this stalemate by resolving contradictions and identifying spurious data. First, in silico experiments should allow cancer researchers to be bold and a priori reject sets of data and hypotheses in order to gain a deeper understanding of how each dataset and each hypothesis contributes to the overall picture. In turn, this process should generate novel hypotheses and rules, which could be explored using these in silico approaches. These activities are significantly less costly and much faster than "wet-experiments". Consequently, Systems Biology could be advantageously used both as a heuristic tool to guide "wet-experiments" and to refine hypotheses and test predictions.  相似文献   

The inanimate world, including Man's wheeled vehicles, follow the classical mechanical laws: trajectories of objects in phase-space are predictable on the basis of the vectors of forces acting on the objects. Animal locomotion does not involve wheels, but relies on antagonistic contractile fibre systems, and defies prediction of trajectories. These features are tied up with the faculty of immediate steering in response to momentaneous physiological and environmental stimuli. Thus, animal motor systems have two relatively independent inputs: the sensory/information system, which is the cause for specific trajectories, and the erfolg system which permits for the execution of the thus instructed motion. The problem of relative energetic magnitudes between the two systems — in that the causative system involves small, yet the executive system large energies — is specially considered in relation to locomotion by antagonistically functioning mechanical elements.Classical mechanics is an adequate model to develope the following considerations; it is not necessary to invoke relativity theory and curved spaces.  相似文献   

Paris MC  Snow M  Cox SL  Shaw JM 《Theriogenology》2004,61(2-3):277-291
The transplantation of reproductive organs, including ovaries and ovarian tissue, was pioneered over 100 years ago. In the 1960s, ovarian grafting was used as a tool to investigate ovarian function, but with the recent development of more effective cryopreservation protocols for ovarian tissue, germline preservation and propagation have now become realistic goals. This review describes progress in ovarian banking and ovarian tissue transplantation, with emphasis on how fresh and frozen ovarian tissue can be used in assisted reproduction for both humans and animals. This paper focuses most closely on the potential value of xenotransplantation, the transplantation of gonads from one species to another, to conserve rare and endangered species. Specific attention is drawn to the use of xenotransplantation as a strategy for generating viable gametes that can be used to produce live fertile offspring. Other upcoming xenogeneic technologies that may be of potential significance in animal conservation, such as transplantation of whole ovaries or isolated growing follicles, and even male germ cells, are discussed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology is distinctively forward looking or 'teleological' in its way of thought. In this, it distinguishes itself from the physical sciences. One can ask for the purpose or function of the stegoseaur's fins. One would never ask for the function of a planet. Many, including biologists, worry that such teleology is an unhappy legacy of a Christian past. Although teleology does have its roots in pre-evolutionary thought, there are good reasons why it has persisted, and there are equally good reasons why it should be cherished.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate four types of indicators that can be used for measuring the greening of a tax system: revenue-based indicators, single tax rates, aggregate tax-rate based indicators and the implicit tax rate on energy. We develop an evaluation framework, introducing two principal evaluation criteria: content validity and comprehensiveness, and four statistical criteria: data availability, comparison over time, international comparability and ease of aggregation. Additional analysis regarding the issue of weighting is carried out for the aggregate tax-rate based indicator. The theoretical and methodological evaluation is supplemented and validated empirically using recent data on the Belgian and Flemish tax system. Finally, conclusions are drawn with regard to the strengths and the weaknesses of the four types of indicators, and recommendations are made for further research.  相似文献   

A high profile context in which physics and biology meet today is in the new field of systems biology. Systems biology is a fascinating subject for sociological investigation because the demands of interdisciplinary collaboration have brought epistemological issues and debates front and centre in discussions amongst systems biologists in conference settings, in publications, and in laboratory coffee rooms. One could argue that systems biologists are conducting their own philosophy of science. This paper explores the epistemic aspirations of the field by drawing on interviews with scientists working in systems biology, attendance at systems biology conferences and workshops, and visits to systems biology laboratories. It examines the discourses of systems biologists, looking at how they position their work in relation to previous types of biological inquiry, particularly molecular biology. For example, they raise the issue of reductionism to distinguish systems biology from molecular biology. This comparison with molecular biology leads to discussions about the goals and aspirations of systems biology, including epistemic commitments to quantification, rigor and predictability. Some systems biologists aspire to make biology more similar to physics and engineering by making living systems calculable, modelable and ultimately predictable-a research programme that is perhaps taken to its most extreme form in systems biology's sister discipline: synthetic biology. Other systems biologists, however, do not think that the standards of the physical sciences are the standards by which we should measure the achievements of systems biology, and doubt whether such standards will ever be applicable to 'dirty, unruly living systems'. This paper explores these epistemic tensions and reflects on their sociological dimensions and their consequences for future work in the life sciences.  相似文献   

The findings on the navigational mechanisms of homing pigeons and the available data on those of wild birds, in particular migrants, are compared. There are important parallels in the use of the magnetic field and the sun for directional orientation. Also the findings on the navigational ‘map’, its preferred use by experienced birds and the strategy of using route information to acquire the necessary knowledge to establish the ‘map’, obtained in pigeons studies, can probably be generalized to wild birds and migrants in their home region. It seems that birds share a common navigational system. Special development of migratory birds, however, is the innate migration program that enables young first‐time migrants to reach their still unknown wintering area.  相似文献   

Is there a special conservation biology?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reed Noss 《Ecography》1999,22(2):113-122
Conservation biology is special to the extent that it fills useful roles in the scientific and conservation fields that are not being filled by practitioners of other disciplines. The emergence of the “new conservation biology” in the late 1970's and its blossoming in the 1980's and 1990's reflect, to a large degree, a failure of traditional academic ecology and the natural resource disciplines to address modern conservation problems adequately. Yet, to be successful conservation biology, as an interdisciplinary field, must build on the strengths of other disciplines both basic and applied. The new conservation biology grew out of concern over extinction of species, although the field has expanded to include issues about management of several levels of biological organization. I examine four controversial questions of importance to conservation biologists today: 1) are there any robust principles of conservation biology? 2) Is advocacy an appropriate activity of conservation biologists? 3) Are we educating conservation biologists properly? 4) Is conservation biology distinct from other biological and resource management disciplines? I answer three of these questions with a tentative “yes” and one (3) with a regretful “in most cases, no.” I see a need for broader Training for students of conservation biology, more emphasis on collecting basic field data, compelling applications of conservation biology to real problems, increased influence on policy, and expansion of the international scope of the discipline. If all these occur, conservation biology will by truly special.  相似文献   

In an instant classic paper (Lazebnik, in Cancer Cell 2(3); 2002: 179–182) biologist Yuri Lazebnik deplores the poor effectiveness of the approach adopted by biologists to understand and “fix” biological systems. Lazebnik suggests that to remedy this state of things biologist should take inspiration from the approach used by engineers to design, understand, and troubleshoot technological systems. In the present paper I substantiate Lazebnik’s analysis by concretely showing how to apply the engineering approach to biological problems. I use an actual example of electronic circuit troubleshooting to ground the thesis that, in engineering, the crucial phases of any non-trivial troubleshooting process are aimed at generating a mechanistic explanation of the functioning of the system, which makes extensive recourse to problem-driven qualitative reasoning possibly based on cognitive artifacts applied to systems that are known to have been designed for function. To show how to translate these findings into biological practice I consider a concrete example of biological model building and “troubleshooting”, aimed at the identification of a “fix” for the human immune system in presence of progressing cancer, autoimmune disease, and transplant rejection. The result is a novel immune system model—the danger model with regulatory cells— and new, original hypotheses concerning the development, prophylaxis, and therapy of these unwanted biological processes. Based on the manifest efficacy of the proposed approach, I suggest a refocusing of the activity of theoretical biologists along the engineering-inspired lines illustrated in the paper.  相似文献   

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