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Because hydrodynamic regimes influence community assemblages, commercial ferry traffic can directly affect neighboring marine ecosystems by altering water movement. One of the largest ferry fleets in the world traverses the calm, protected waters of the Canadian Gulf Islands (British Columbia). To address the effects of ferry wakes on rocky marine intertidal communities, we examined community assemblages in sites impacted by ferry wakes (N?=?5) relative to geographically similar control sites not directly exposed to ferry wakes (N?=?6). Intertidal communities were significantly different between wake-influenced and control sites. Further analyses revealed that community level differences resulted from differences in seaweed assemblages, while invertebrate assemblages were similar. Sites exposed to ferry traffic displayed significantly greater overall seaweed abundance and seaweed species richness. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations, salinity, fetch, and tidal zonation were not significantly different between wake-impacted and control sites. However, dissolution blocks revealed that wake-impacted sites experienced increased overall water movement. Furthermore, block dissolution was negatively associated with distance from nearest ferry route and not fetch. Although dissolution block cannot disentangle effects of increased flow versus waves resulting from ferry wakes, we conclude that increased overall water movement from frequent and proximate ferry traffic stimulates primary production in rocky intertidal marine seaweeds by ameliorating mass transfer limitation.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) uptake capacities and Cd tolerance of the marine alga Fucus vesiculosus from the Irish Sea (salinity 35 psu) and from the Bothnian Sea (northern Baltic, 5 psu) were quantified. These data were complemented by measurements of changes in maximal photosynthetic rate (P(max)), dark respiration rate and variable fluorescence vs. maximal fluorescence (F(v):F(m)). At concentrations between 0.01 and 1 mmol Cd l(-1), F. vesiculosus from the Bothnian Sea adsorbed significantly more (about 98%) Cd compared with F. vesiculosus from the Irish Sea. The photosynthetic measurements showed that the Bothnian Sea F. vesiculosus were more sensitive to Cd exposure than the Irish Sea algae. The algae from the Irish Sea showed negative photosynthetic effects only at 1 mmol Cd l(-1), which was expressed as a decreased P(max) (-12.3%) and F(v):F(m) (-4.6%). On the contrary, the algae from the Bothnian Sea were negatively affected already at Cd concentrations as low at 0.1 mmol Cd l(-1). They exhibited increased dark respiration (+11.1%) and decreased F(v):F(m) (-13.9%). The results show that F. vesiculosus from the Bothnian Sea may be an efficient sorption substrate for Cd removal from Cd contaminated seawater and this algae type may also have applications for wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aquatic macrophytes was studied in a northern transition area of the Baltic Sea; the Northern Quark, Gulf of Bothnia. In the area there is a gradual, marked change in environmental conditions, the most prominent of which is a decrease in salinity from 5.0% in the Bothnian Sea to 3.5% in the Bothnian Bay. In all, 40 species of macrophytes were observed; 10 fucophyceans, 10 bangiophyceans, 8 chlorophyceans, 3 charophyceans, 1 tribophycean, 1 nostocophycean, 6 phanerogams and 1 water moss. 26 of the observed species were of marine and 14 of lacustrine origin. There was a clear change in species composition and community structure from south to north over the area. The vegetation at the southernmost localities had a marine character, with belt-forming Fucus vesiculosus and a comparatively diverse flora of macroalgae. Further north, an ephemeral, lacustrine vegetation dominated by benthic diatoms and Cladophora aegagropila prevailed. The ratio marine: lacustrine species decreased from 4.2 to 1 when comparing a southern and a northern sub-area of the Northern Quark. The species observed include 57 % of the marine macrophytes noted in the Aland and Archipelago Seas (N Baltic Proper) during the past two decades. Two marine species, Aglaothamnion roseum and Ahnfeltia plicata , are reported for the first time from the Northern Quark. This comprises a northern extension of their distribution limit with approximately 300 km.  相似文献   

In the present study we compared the contents of water soluble organic compounds of the marine intertidal ecotype of Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) from the Norwegian Sea (34 practical salinity units, psu) with the sublittoral ecotype of F. vesiculosus from the brackish Bothnian Sea (5 psu). Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra revealed that marine F. vesiculosus had additional types of water soluble organic compounds compared with brackish F. vesiculosus. The results suggested that glycine betaine in the marine ecotype could be the reason for this ecotype differentiation. Furthermore, the qualitative differences between the ecotypes were the same after one week's treatment of marine algae in brackish water and of brackish algae in marine water. These suggest that the additional types of water soluble organic compounds in marine F. vesiculosus are not caused by the salinity conditions at the growth sites. Further research concerning other environmental factors that may influence ecotype differentiation of water soluble organic compounds qualitative content and adaptation in F. vesiculosus is recommended.  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthic communities within and outside of the drift algal mats were compared in Kõiguste Bay, NE Baltic Sea. The patches of the drift algae were on average 0.5–1 km wide in diameter covering about 25% of the total bottom area of the bay. Thickness of the mat did not exceed 6 cm. The biomass of the mat varied between 35 and 1391 g dw m?2. The drift algal mats had no clear negative effect on macrozoobenthos except for a few infaunal species. The drift algae favoured several detrivorous, herbivorous and carnivorous species. Among the studied variables, the thickness of algal mat and oxygen concentration at near-bottom layer explained the best the structure of macrozoobenthos. Total number of invertebrate species increased curvilinearly with the thickness of algal mat having the peak value at 3–5 cm thick algal mat. To conclude, moderate drift algal mats increased habitat complexity and, thus, the diversity of benthic faunal assemblages in otherwise poorly vegetated coastal areas.  相似文献   

Reproduction of attached large brown algae is known to occur only by sexual zygotes. Using microsatellites we show evolution of asexual reproduction in the bladder wrack promoting population persistence in the brackish water Baltic Sea (< 6 psu). Here a dwarf morph of Fucus vesiculosus is dominated by a single clone but clonal reproduction is also present in the common form of the species. We describe a possible mechanism for vegetative reproduction of attached algae, and conclude that clonality plays an important role in persistence and dispersal of these marginal populations, in which sexual reproduction is impaired by low salinity.  相似文献   

Patchy occurrences of benthic drift algae (i.e. loose lying macroalgal mats) may increase habitat complexity on normally bare soft bottoms, but at the same time, extensive amounts of drifting algal mats are known to stress the benthic fauna. This paper presents results of the first detailed study of the fauna associated with drift algal mats in the northern Baltic Sea. In order to assess the importance of drifting algae as an alternative habitat for benthic fauna, benthic drift algal mats were sampled on shallow (2-9 m) sandy soft bottoms in the outer archipelago of the ?land Islands (Finland). Species composition, abundance and biomass of the macrofauna associated with algal mats were recorded. The results show that drifting algae at times can harbour very high abundances of invertebrates (up to 1116 individuals/g algal dryweight), surpassing invertebrate densities recorded in seagrass communities. The algal fauna varied between sites and over time, and factors such as ambient benthic fauna, exposure to wind-wave disturbance, depth, and algal coverage and condition influenced the invertebrate community composition of the algal mats. Abundance increased while individual biomass of the animals decreased over time (summer season; July-October). A series of laboratory experiments were conducted in order to test the ability of a few important benthic species to move up into, and survive in a drifting algal mat. Macoma balthica, Hydrobia spp., Nereis diversicolor and Bathyporeia pilosa were used in the experiments, and significant differences in their survival and mobility within drifting algae were recorded. This study shows that benthic species differ significantly in their ability to utilise the algal mats, with mainly opportunistic and mobile taxa such as Hydrobia spp., Chironomidae and Ostracoda benefiting from the algae, whereas infaunal species such as M. balthica and B. pilosa are negatively affected. The occurrence of eutrophication induced drifting macroalgal mats has increased significantly during the last decade in the northern Baltic Sea. Hence, the importance of drifting algae as a stress factor and as an alternative habitat for benthic fauna increases.  相似文献   

The in situ grazing experiments were performed in the shallow water rocky habitat of the northern Baltic Sea during ice-free season 2002. In the experiments the effects of algal species and choice on the grazing of the mesoherbivores Idotea baltica (Pallas) and Gammarus oceanicus Segerstråle were tested. Salinity, temperature, concentration of nutrients in water and macroalgae and net production of macroalgae were considered as random effects in the analysis. The invertebrate feeding rate was mainly a function of the net photosynthetic activity of Pylaiella littoralis (L.) Kjellman and Fucus vesiculosus L. Feeding rate increased significantly with decreasing algal photosynthetic activity. When the two algal species were incubated together invertebrates fed primarily on P. littoralis. Low selectivity towards P. littoralis coincided with its high photosynthetic activity. The presence of F. vesiculosus did not modify the invertebrate feeding on P. littoralis. The results indicated that (1) the grazing on F. vesiculosus depended on the availability of P. littoralis, (2) the photosynthetic activity of algae explained the best the variation in grazing rate and (3) the grazers are not likely to control the early outbreak of filamentous algae in the northern Baltic Sea by avoiding young and photosynthetically active algae. The likely mechanism behind the relationship is that the increased photosynthetic activity of macroalgae coincides with their higher resistance to herbivory.  相似文献   

On the rocky shores of southeast Sweden, in the central Baltic Sea, the brown seaweed species Fucus serratus L. and Fucus vesiculosus L. form dense constantly submerged stands. The relative proportion of the two species in the belt is shifting both vertically and geographically. Our hypothesis is that differences in life-history characteristics and the tolerance to physical factors such as wave force, freezing, and light may alter the competitive outcome between the two species with increasing wave exposure. This study included a combination of field studies and laboratory experiments. In sheltered locations, F. serratus and F. vesiculosus grow in mixed stands from 0.5 to 3 m deep, whereas at exposed sites F. vesiculosus grow from 0.5 to 2 m deep and F. serratus mainly from 1 to 5 m deep. The two Fucus species differed markedly in their tolerance to physical stress as well as in a number of reproductive and vegetative characteristics. Tolerance to freezing and wave action was higher in F. vesiculosus compared with F. serratus . Fucus vesiculosus also produced 10 times more eggs per receptacle, allocated significantly more tissue per frond for reproduction, and produced more reproductive fronds per individual than did F. serratus . In addition, the survival rate of F. vesiculosus germlings was slightly higher than that of F. serratus germlings during the first year. These differences in life history characteristics are suggested to partly explain the observed distribution patterns of the two Fucus species in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that supply from macroalgal propagule banks may influence the relative abundance of annual and perennial algae and that this may alter the effects of grazers and nutrients on species composition. In a factorial field experiment in the Baltic Sea littoral system we tested the effects of manipulating propagule banks, the abundance of crustacean and gastropod grazers, and nutrient supply on recruitment and growth of macroalgae over a year. Moreover, we determined seasonal patterns of macroalgal propagule dispersal at the experimental site and quantified algal abundance and recruitment at 25 locations throughout the Baltic Sea. Experimental manipulations had minor effects on adults of the dominating perennial alga, Fucus vesiculosus. Instead, we found that species composition was determined by processes operating at early life stages. Propagule supply from a propagule bank strongly favored the fast-growing annual alga Enteromorpha spp. which then blocked settlement and recruitment of Fucus. Grazers reduced the abundance of annual algae and indirectly favored Fucus recruitment. There was an apparent trade-off between gains from the propagule bank and losses to herbivory in five of seven colonizing species. Nutrient enrichment overrode grazer control of annual algae and accelerated the decline of Fucus only when annual algae had already achieved high densities through the propagule bank. Corroborating the experimental findings, field surveys across the Baltic showed that Fucus recruit densities can be predicted from the cover of annual algae during the period of Fucus reproduction and settlement. Recruitment inhibition by annual algae, which is driven by the abundance of annuals in the propagule bank, increasing nutrient levels, and declining consumer control, is suggested as a mechanistic explanation of the current decline of perennial algae in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The localisation of absorbed copper in the brown seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus L. and Fucus serratus L. was studied by X-ray microanalysis in the electron microscope. The metal was localised in the physodes of the photosynthetic and inner non-photosyn-thetic cells. No significant copper was found in the cell walls of these algae, which had been collected from sites which were continually polluted by run-off from old copper mines.  相似文献   

Herbivorous fish occupy an important niche in coral reef ecosystems. Specifically, damselfish of the genus Stegastes have been shown to have a significant impact on coral community structure and algal assemblages. This study investigated the algal communities associated with Stegastes territories of the Indo-Pacific (Fiji, Solomon Islands, and Tonga), while concurrently examining the effects of nutrient enrichment and herbivore exclusion (alone and in unison) on these communities. Results evidenced differences in species composition, percent cover, and algal growth rate between Stegastes territories and non-Stegastes sites and between control sites and treatment sites. Stegastes territories consistently displayed a greater abundance of turf algae than non-Stegastes sites; the two main genera of turf algae observed at all sites were Polysiphonia and Ceramium. Although non-Stegastes sites in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and Tonga showed a greater percent coverage of macroalgae, they contained fewer algal species compared to Stegastes territories. In Fiji, red macroalgae decreased in the herbivore exclusion treatments, while brown macroalgae increased significantly in the herbivore exclusion and nutrient treatments. The combined effect of the herbivore exclusion and nutrient treatment at this location yielded a significantly increased turf algae growth rate compared to control sites. Growth rates of turf algae in the Solomon Islands and Tonga increased significantly in caged treatments, suggesting that damselfish of the genus Stegastes can play an important role in maintaining cropped algal beds. In summation, the results demonstrated that Stegastes sustains distinct algal assemblages which may be disrupted by reduced grazing and/or eutrophication.  相似文献   

The coral reefs at Cahuita National Park, Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, specifically at the CARICOMP site Meager Shoal, have been monitored since 1999. Complete data sets from 2000 and 2004 have shown that live coral cover has increased less than 3 % (from 15 to 17 %), but non-coralline algae cover has increased much (63 to 74 %) and coralline algae cover has decreased (17 to 5 %) significantly. The proportion of affected colonies by diseases, injuries and bleaching decreased from 24 % in 2000 to 10 % in 2004, but the difference was not statistically significant. Densities of the urchin Diadema antillarum increased, and are probably help to maintain the macroalgae biomass low, while those of Echinometra viridis decreased significantly. The coral reef at Cahuita National Park continues to be impacted by chronic terrigenous sediments and does not show a significant recovery since the late 1970's.  相似文献   

Feldberger Haussee provides a classic example of eutrophication history of hardwater lakes in the Baltic Lake District (Germany) and of changes in their algal flora during the 20th century. The lake originally was regarded as slightly eutrophic. A process of drastic eutrophication from the 1950s until the end of the 1970s caused mass developments of blue-green and green algae. A restoration program was started in the 1980s to improve the water quality of the lake using both diversion of sewage outside the catchment area, and biomanipulation by altering the fish community. This restoration program led to positive changes in the lake ecosystem. Direct effects of biomanipulation resulted in an increase of herbivorous zooplankton, a decrease of phytoplankton biomass, and an increase of water transparency. The recovery of Feldberger Haussee also may have been indirectly enhanced by an increase in nutrient sedimentation as a consequence of intensified calcite precipitation, decrease in phosphorus remobilization due to a pH-decrease, increased NIP-ratio, and recolonization of the littoral zone by macrophytes. This paper concentrates on the long term development of the phytoplankton community as a response to changes in the food web structure as well as to alterations in the chemical environment of the algae. Both are reflected in four major stages passed by the algal assemblage between 1980 and 1994: (1) From 1980-summer 1985 dense green algal populations were found indicating similar conditions as in the 1970s during the period of maximum eutrophication. (2) A diverse phytoplankton community during summer 1985–1989 showed the first effects of a recovery. (3) From 1990–1992 the phytoplankton was characterized by ungrazeable filamentous blue-green algae first of all as a response to increased herbivory of zooplankton on edible species and to increasing N/P-ratios. (4) Finally, the algal species diversity increased in 1993 and 1994 whereas the phytoplankton biomass decreased showing the success of the combined restoration measures.  相似文献   

The seasonal and spatial dynamics of two groups of macroalgae, drift algae and rhizophytes, commonly found in tropical seagrass meadows were studied. The aim of this study was to provide insight into how freshwater discharges may be altering seagrass-dominated nearshore tropical habitats. Species composition, biomass, and percent cover of macroalgae were collected at six Thalassia testudinum König dominated sites within Biscayne Bay, Florida, representing three salinity regimes: canal-influenced, natural sheet-flow, and oceanic conditions. Mean annual salinities in these three regimes correspond to 10, 25 and 35 psu, respectively, with much greater variability in the canal and sheet-flow regimes, than in the oceanic condition. There were distinct changes in the composition of the macroalgal community along this salinity gradient. Drift algae (Chondria spp., Laurencia spp.) were most commonly found at canal-disturbed sites (10–85 g m−2), while rhizophytic calcareous green algae (Halimeda spp., Penicillus spp.) were most abundant at the higher salinity oceanic sites (20–105 g m−2). Seasonal patterns exhibited by the two groups differed also, with drift algae being more abundant in the cooler dry-season months, while rhizophytic algae were more abundant during the warmer wet-season months. These periods of higher abundance correlated with higher growth rates (drift = 2.3% day−1, rhizophytes = 0.85% day−1) measured in representative species for each group. Grazing rates on drift algae were found to be low for tropical habitats and did not differ much between canal (0.44% h−1) and oceanic sites (0.42% h−1).  相似文献   

Marine organisms colonizing brackish habitats such as the Baltic Sea must cope with the negative effects of low salinities on reproductive success because these may reduce gamete viability and/or increase polyspermy. Reproductive characteristics of the marine seaweed Fucus vesiculosus L. were studied in several brackish habitats, particularly in the northern Baltic Sea, to understand its ability to reproduce where few other marine species survive. Polyspermy and fertilization success were variable at the boundary of the continuous distribution of F. vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea, and polyspermy was high (10%–30%) when fertilization was successful. A strong female bias (80%–86%, ca. 5.5:1) was found at the northernmost limit of Baltic F. vesiculosus. Electrophysiological studies showed that many eggs have a high input resistance (519 ± 150 MΩ[mean ± SE, n = 14] at Drivan, 1995), which may be helpful in preventing polyspermy in this brackish habitat. The polyspermy block remains sodium-dependent in the northern Baltic. Sperm bound quickly to northern Baltic eggs in natural water, but fertilization was delayed compared to marine F. vesiculosus. A subset of northern Baltic eggs studied during an optimal reproductive period (7–11 July 1995) had a membrane potential (Em) of ca. −100 mV and an effective fertilization potential (FP) of ca. 2 min with a plateau of −25 mV, but repolarized too rapidly for the FP to be protective. Pronuclear migration and cell wall secretion occurred more slowly in Baltic than in marine zygotes. The reproductive success of theseboundary populations may be dependent upon windows of opportunity when there are favorable combinations of the levels of salinity, water motion, population density, and sex ratio. These factors and the short duration of the reproductive season in the northern Baltic Sea may result in reproductive failure in some years.  相似文献   

Since 1956, cancer incidences have been analysed in several rayons of the Semipalatinsk oblast, with cross-sectional analyses being conducted every 5 years. Data on different tumor localizations were recorded within a heavily contaminated so-called main area of nine villages (estimated average effective equivalent dose about 2000 mSv) and a so-called control area (estimated average effective equivalent dose about 70 mSv), each including approximately 10 000 persons. Up to 1970, the excess cancer incidence in the exposed villages was observed to have increased; after 1970, a decrease was noted, followed by a second increase in the late 1980s. The main sites of excess cancer included the esophagus, stomach, and liver. Up to 1970, the esophagus cancer incidence was predominant, but it decreased thereafter, while the incidence of stomach and liver cancers increased. The second peak of excess cancer rates was mainly due to lung, breast, and thyroid carcinomas.  相似文献   

Investigations of the surface chemistry of marine organisms are essential to understand their chemically mediated interactions with fouling organisms. In this context, the concentration of natural products in the immediate vicinity of algal surfaces, as well as their biological activity, are of particular importance. However, due to lack of appropriate methods, the distribution of compounds within the chemical sphere around marine algae is unknown. This study demonstrates the suitability of confocal resonance Raman microspectroscopy for the determination of metabolites around algal surfaces with a micrometer resolution. The spatial distribution of carotenoids in the diffusion boundary layer of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus and the green alga Ulva sp. was determined using the disruption-free optical method. A gradient of carotenoids was determined within 0 to 150 μm from the surface of the algae, thereby demonstrating the release of the non-polar metabolites involved in antifouling processes. The differences in the carotenoid composition of the brown and green algae were reflected in the spectra. Resonance Raman microspectroscopy also allowed visualization of the lateral distribution of fucoxanthin on the algal surface and localization of concentration maxima within a 50 × 50 μm(2) area. The results from this work show clearly that established dipping techniques suitable for the extraction of the diffusion boundary layer of macroalgae only provide an average of the local strongly variable concentrations of metabolites on algal surfaces.  相似文献   

A variety of macroalgae (Ceramium rubrum, Corallina officinalis, Palmaria palmata, Mastocarpus stellatus, Fucus vesiculosus, Cladophora rupestris, Ulva sp.) were investigated by scanning electron microscopy to visualize epiphytic colonizers. The macroalgae differed in terms of their epiphytic coverage of bacteria, fungi and diatoms. Macroalgae, largely devoid of epiphytic diatoms, were hypothesized to employ effective antifouling means to reduce epiphytic coverage, whilst heavily fouled macroalgae were proposed to lack antifouling strategies. To test these hypotheses from an allelochemical perspective with regard to fouling diatoms, dichloromethane-methanol (1:1) crude extracts of macroalgae were concentrated in dimethylsulfoxide and investigated in diatom attachment and proliferation assays using four benthic diatoms (Nitzschia sp., Navicula phyllepta, Navicula arenaria and Amphora sp.). Algal extracts exhibited a distinct pattern of activity against the test diatoms, suggesting a targeted and selective effect of macroalgal metabolites on individual fouling diatoms. The main outcome of this study was that visual inspection and quantitative categorization of epiphytic colonizers on macroalgal thalli could not be used to predict reliably whether macroalgae employed a chemical defense mechanism.  相似文献   

对三种泉溪大型藻类(脆弱刚毛藻, 弧形串珠藻和普生轮藻)藻体上附生藻类的种类、分布及环境因子与寄主本身对其的影响进行了研究。2004 年7 月至2005 年4 月在山西省辛安泉泉域采集三种大型藻类植物(每个季节采集一次)。研究结果表明, 三种大型藻类藻体上的附生藻类种类数不同, 普生轮藻上的附生藻类有49 种, 脆弱刚毛藻上37 种, 弧形串珠藻上6 种, 其中硅藻门种类数最多。这说明寄主本身结构的复杂程度在一定意义上会影响附生藻类的种类数及多样性。就季节变化而言, 三种大型藻类藻体上的附生藻类也表现出了明显的季节性,大致趋势为: 春季>秋季>夏季>冬季, 同时, 灰关联分析结果也表明, 环境因子在一定程度上对附生藻类也有影响, 最关键的影响因子是流速、水深和电导。这说明影响大型藻类植物藻体上附生藻类的影响因素是多方面的, 不仅有寄主本身, 同时流速、水深和电导这三种环境因子也起到了很关键的作用。    相似文献   

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