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草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith)是2019年发现入侵我国的一种重要的外来害虫,对我国粮食种植业造成严重威胁。明确虫情是做好草地贪夜蛾预测预报和制定科学防控策略基础。在田间调查中需要一种简便、快速估计落卵量的方法,以明确田间虫口数量。本研究在实验室条件下收集草地贪夜蛾雌虫产于玉米叶片上的卵块,记录了每个卵块的长、宽、层数和卵粒数量,获得了卵块面积,建立了卵粒数量与卵块面积的指数函数模型:Y=e(2.1596×0.00832X),并依据该模型提出了根据卵块面积测算卵粒数量的分级表。该方法为田间调查中卵块卵粒数量量的快速估计提供了参考。  相似文献   

苜蓿叶象甲卵块在苜蓿植株上垂直分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苜蓿叶象甲卵块分布在苜蓿植株层次之间,差异显著;在不同田块之间,差异不显著。分布区间随着生育期的变化而变化,在分枝期,主要集中在0~20cm,区间估计为[0.6524,0.7876];在开花期,主要在0~60cm,区间估计为[0.8427,1.000]。苜蓿叶象甲每个卵块的卵粒平均数为8.4粒,卵块与卵粒数存在着显著的线性关系:y=0.0069+8.6594xr=0.8422**  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾生物学特性的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李月秋  彭宏梅 《昆虫知识》1998,35(3):150-153
甜菜夜蛾ler灯gmae力gua(Htibner)危害香叶尚无报道,近几年来发生逐年加重,尤其是5~6月高温期危害十分严重,难于防治。1994~1996年,我们对该虫的生活习性、生活史、发育起点温度、有效积温等进行了研究,并开展了防治探讨。回生活习性及生活史卵多产于植株下部叶片背面,据统计36个卵块,每块最少24粒,最多175粒,平均每块39.8粒。卵馒头形,初产时乳白色,孵化前转浅灰色,并出现1个小黑点。卵多数以卵块为主,占99.5%,仅0.5%为散产卵粒,卵块一般3天开始孵化。幼虫主要在夜间孵化,初孵幼虫先取食卵壳,2~5小时后陆续从…  相似文献   

一种采集稻纵卷叶螟卵的高效简便新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee的"烧杯+湿纱布"卵收集方法,并与"塑料袋收集法"和"塑料杯收集法"进行了比较。结果表明,"烧杯+湿纱布"卵收集法能显著地延长了稻纵卷叶螟成蛾的寿命、提高单雌产卵量和卵孵化率。采用此法收集稻纵卷叶螟的卵更高效和简便。  相似文献   

中华真地鳖雌虫产卵习性及其卵的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内饲养条件下,通过对不同月龄的中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker雌成虫产卵量调查,并对卵块的质量品级和发育进度进行划分。结果表明1月龄至3月龄中华真地鳖的产卵能力较强;饱满、无破损、形状规则的卵块孵化较好;在卵的各发育阶段,卵块和卵粒的形态变化较明显,以此确立了卵发育的分级标准。  相似文献   

稻螟赤眼蜂是我国水稻二化螟的优势卵寄生蜂,本文在室内条件下,初步研究了稻螟赤眼蜂分别与松毛虫赤眼蜂和螟黄赤眼蜂在水稻二化螟卵上的种间竞争作用。结果表明,同时接入稻螟赤眼蜂和松毛虫赤眼蜂时,寄生水稻二化螟卵(40.2粒)及子代雌蜂总数(32.0头)最多,且松毛虫赤眼蜂平均寄生二化螟卵的数量(26.5粒)明显高于单独接蜂的平均寄生的数量,后代雌蜂比率(76.3%)明显低于单独接蜂时的雌蜂比率,发育历期(10.7 d)明显长于接入同种时的发育历期。而稻螟赤眼蜂和螟黄赤眼蜂共存时,螟黄赤眼蜂平均寄生二化螟卵的数量(10.3粒)、后代雌蜂比率(75.3%)以及发育历期(8.0 d)与单独接蜂时相似;同样,当稻螟赤眼蜂与松毛虫赤眼蜂混合接蜂时,稻螟赤眼蜂平均寄生二化螟卵的数量(14.4粒)、后代雌蜂比率(79.0%)以及发育历期(8.6 d)与单独接蜂时相似,但是,当稻螟赤眼蜂与螟黄赤眼蜂混合接蜂时,其后代雌蜂比率(76.7%)明显低于单独接蜂处理,而发育历期(8.8 d)明显长于单独接蜂处理。总的来看,在二化螟卵上,同时接入二种赤眼蜂时,蜂种间存在一定的竞争作用,其中混合接入稻螟赤眼蜂和松毛虫赤眼蜂时,对水稻二化螟的控制效果最佳。  相似文献   

性信息素大面积诱捕法防治东北越冬代水稻二化螟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年和2003年,在吉林省柳河县绿色大米生产基地,开展了应用性信息素诱捕法防治越冬代水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的试验。与对照区相比,2002年和2003年两年诱捕区诱蛾量分别下降84.54%和83.75%,雌虫交配率分别下降54.10%和47.67%; 同时,诱杀区二化螟卵孵化率下降25.50%,卵块密度也显著降低。2002年二化螟雌雄性比由对照区的1.14上升为诱捕区的3.96,而 2003年由1.12上升到3.84;诱杀区二化螟幼虫为害率,无论是枯鞘、枯心,还是白穗,也较之对照区显著下降,造成稻谷产量损失也明显降低。通过上述一系列评价指标表明性信息素诱捕法能有效控制东北越冬代水稻二化螟,可为东北绿色大米的可持续生产提供技术支持。  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗自古以来是中国农业上的头号害虫,历史和地方志上记载很多。农民为了保护生产,想尽种种办法和蝗虫作斗争,在耕作过程中观察到雌蝗产一卵于土下一二寸处,集数十粒至百余粒成一卵块,挖掉一个卵块就可少生几十只蝗虫,因此挖掘蝗卵是很久以前农民自己创造的治蝗方法之一。后来生产发展了,也有用犁耕翻蝗卵的,耕翻时可以直接或间接地杀死部分蝗卵。所以在较早年代的农书或治蝗书  相似文献   

银杏大蚕蛾Caligula japonica(Moore)作为危害核桃、板栗、银杏等坚果类果树的重要害虫之一,已经引起国内外广泛关注。明确银杏大蚕蛾卵期寄生蜂的种类、分布和自然寄生状况,可为银杏大蚕蛾天敌的保护利用提供科学依据。本文于2018-2019年在甘肃省陇南市银杏大蚕蛾核桃危害区采集该害虫的越冬卵并带回实验室培养,收集羽化的寄生蜂并记录其种类和数量,最后通过计算寄生率确定优势天敌物种。本研究共采集银杏大蚕蛾卵块1 114个约8万粒卵,平均单株核桃树木卵块数与卵粒数分别最高可达7.5块和533.5粒;共收集到膜翅目3科5属9种银杏大蚕蛾卵期寄生蜂,其中6种为首次报道;具体为旋小蜂科7种,包括平腹小蜂属4种:麻纹蝽平腹小蜂Anastatus fulloi、甘肃平腹小蜂A. gansuensis、日本平腹小蜂A. japonicus和梅岭平腹小蜂A. meilingensis;短角平腹小蜂属2种:白跗短角平腹小蜂Mesocomys albitarsis和枯叶蛾短角平腹小蜂M. trabalae;旋小蜂属1种:Eupelmus sp.;赤眼蜂科赤眼蜂属1种:螟黄赤眼蜂Trichogramma chilonis;姬小蜂科长尾啮小蜂属1种:短梗长尾啮小蜂Aprostocetus brevipedicellus。结果表明,旋小蜂科两种短角平腹小蜂数量最多,分布最广,物种优势度指数达86以上,为陇南地区野外寄生银杏大蚕蛾卵的优势性天敌,且卵块寄生率和卵粒寄生率分别最高可达55.91%和6.77%。本研究拓宽了银杏大蚕蛾自然天敌种类并为今后开发利用寄生蜂防治该害虫提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

我国稻螟研究新进展(二)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
刘光杰  秦厚国 《昆虫知识》1997,34(4):239-242
5防治指标与经济闭值目前,测定三化螟的为害主要以卵块数IZ‘,”]、为害团、丛叫作指标。研究二化螟的大多数学者以估鞘率l’‘-’SJ和枯鞘从率[从”1作指标,也有人提出第一代二化螟以枯鞘内幼虫数量I3’战格鞘株数[”]作指标比用秸鞘率作指标准确性高。秦厚国等[”]认为用防治适期枯鞘株数作指标较好,因为①以卵块作指标查找困难;③以防治适期枯鞘丛率和桔鞘团作指标,省工省力,但年度间差异较大;③以粘鞘内幼虫作指标,工作量太大,专业测报站也难以做到,生产上行不通;④以枯鞘率作指标,由于高产田和低产田稻株数及有…  相似文献   

Hou M  Hao L  Han Y  Liao X 《Environmental entomology》2010,39(6):1929-1935
Host plant specificity depends on recognition of the host and the ability to discriminate it from nonhost plants. Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), an important insect pest of rice, is considered to be polyphagous, although few papers have ever reported infestation of C. suppressalis on most of the recorded hosts. The present investigation was designed to test whether two important gramineous crops, wheat and corn, are host plants of C. suppressalis based on the host-plant finding process in cage and Y-tube olfactometer tests, oviposition and egg hatching, and larval feeding and survival. In the cage tests, gravid C. suppressalis females did not differentiate rice plants from wheat or corn plants when only visual cues were involved, but were more attracted to rice plants when only olfactory cues or both vision and olfaction were present. The Y-tube olfactometer tests further confirmed that the females did not prefer wheat or corn plants, and revealed that they responded equally to clean air and odors from wheat or corn plants. Under no-choice and choice condition alike, the females laid eggs on a lower proportion of wheat and corn plants and egg number and hatching rate were significantly reduced on wheat and/or corn plants than on rice plants. Larval feeding was not observed in wheat and lower in corn than in rice plants, and no pupae or surviving larvae were collected from wheat and corn plants. The results suggest that wheat and corn are not host plants of C. suppressalis. These findings are discussed in context of host-finding process in C. suppressalis and management of resistance to transgenic Bt rice.  相似文献   

To clarify factors causing mortality of Leptocorisa chinensis Dallas (Hemiptera: Alydidae) eggs in rice fields, sentinel egg masses were exposed for seven days in two rice, Oryza sativa L. (Poaceae), fields. An insecticide was sprayed to remove natural enemies in one-half of each field before exposing egg masses to predation. An egg mass containing 14 eggs was glued to a plastic label, and 21 egg masses each were placed in the sprayed and unsprayed control plots. During exposure, the number of hatched and missing eggs was observed daily. Egg predators were sampled in the fields before and after insecticide application. After the egg masses were retrieved from the fields, mortality factors of the unhatched eggs were assessed in the laboratory. The mean number of hatched and missing eggs was not significantly different between the sprayed and control plots in field A. In field B, however, the numbers were significantly different. The percentage of missing eggs in damaged egg masses ranged from 80 to 100%. In the laboratory, we observed that feeding marks caused by the grasshopper Conocephalus chinensis (Redtenbacher) were similar to those on the eggs exposed in the rice fields. The density of C. chinensis was low in control plots of field A. In contrast, the density was high in those of field B. These observations suggest that the density of egg predators, e.g., C. chinensis, is a mortality factor of L. chinensis eggs in rice fields.  相似文献   

为明确水稻品种和施肥时间对白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horvath)卵被稻飞虱缨小蜂Anagrus spp.寄生率的影响,采用产卵苗诱集法和田间双因子设计进行实验研究。与秀水11水稻品种相比,协优413品种上的白背飞虱卵块位置较高且卵块较大。诱集实验表明白背飞虱卵的被寄生率显著受用于诱集的产卵水稻品种的影响, 在协优413上所产卵的被寄生率(24%)显著高于秀水11上的相应值(12%),而不受由田间品种和氮肥施用时间组合而形成的诱集苗所置放的栖境条件的影响。田间种植的水稻品种对其稻株上的白背飞虱卵被寄生率的影响大于施肥时间, 在卵高峰期,这种影响更为显著, 协优413上的被寄生率(17%)显著高于秀水11上的相应值(9%)。田间寄生率和诱集寄生率二者的反正弦平方根转换值间存在着极显著的直线相关。这些结果表明,水稻品种是加强白背飞虱自然生物防治的重要因子。  相似文献   

Female adults of the migrant skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, lay different-sized eggs on different host plants in different generations. Moreover, P. g. guttata maintains large egg size variation either in the population or in the individual. Why such phenotypic plasticity in egg size is maintained has not been clarified. In the present study we performed a series of experiments to verify whether or not females of P. g. guttata discriminate between the different host plants, i.e., rice plant Oriza sativa in the first and second generations and cogon grass Imperata cylindrica in the third (overwintering) generation and manipulate egg size accordingly on these host plants. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs alternatively on soft-leafed rice plant and tough-leafed cogon grass, the size of the eggs laid on cogon grass was significantly larger than that on rice plant. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs on the two host plants that were supplied on alternate days, the size of eggs laid on cogon grass was also significantly larger than that on rice plant. A preliminary experiment using crude extract from the plants suggested that females did not manipulate egg size in response to chemical stimulants alone. The skipper female was able to lay different-sized eggs instantaneously after assessing the host plant. However, the reaction norm to different host plants differed among females. Eggs of various sizes were matured in each ovariole, and egg size variation at the lowest part of the ovariole ranged from the size of the larger eggs laid on cogon grass to that of the smaller eggs laid on rice plant, although how the female chose the appropriate-sized egg at each occasion is unknown.  相似文献   

Distribution ofChilo partellus egg masses was studied in field, greenhouse, and laboratory experiments. The eggs were laid in batches mainly on the lower side and the lower leaves of the plant. The egg batch size ranged from 1 to 169 eggs, with a median of 33.5 eggs per batch (average, 40.5). Oviposition ofC. partellus is described at two levels. The first level, choice of oviposition plants, followed a random distribution. The second level, number of egg batches per plant, followed an aggregated distribution in the field, where more than one egg batch was deposited on the same plant by the same female, which was found on 25% of the oviposition plants. A mechanism for egg-layingC. partellus females to perceive preceding oviposition or injured plants could not be detected. Oviposition site choice seemed to be mediated by tactile stimuli.  相似文献   

The resistance of vegetative, booting, and flowering stage plants of a variety of an aromatic rice, Oryza sativa L., transformed with a Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner cry1Ab gene under control of the maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) promoter was evaluated against four lepidopterous rice pests--the stem borers Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and the foliage feeders Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Naranga aenescens Moore (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Plants of the cry1Ab-transformed line (no. 827) were more resistant to young larvae of S. incertulas, C. suppressalis, and C. medinalis than control plants at the vegetative stage but not at the flowering stage. Survival of 10-d-old stem borer larvae did not differ on cry1Ab plants and control plants at either the vegetative or flowering stage, but the development of 10-d-old C. suppressalis larvae was retarded on the vegetative stage cry1Ab plants. Immunological analysis also showed an apparent decline in Cry1Ab titer in leaf blades and leaf sheaths at the reproductive stage. In experiments comparing three fertilizer treatments (NPK, PK, and none), there was a significant interaction between fertilizer treatment and variety on larval survival only in whole-plant assays at booting stage with C. suppressalis. On cry1Ab plants, larval survival did not differ significantly among the three fertilizer levels, whereas on control plants survival was highest with the NPK treatment. cry1Ab plants tested at the sixth and seventh generations after transformation were more resistant than control plants to N. aenescens and C. suppressalis, respectively, suggesting that gene silencing will not occur in line 827. The results of the experiments are discussed in terms of resistance management for B. thuringiensis toxins in rice.  相似文献   

[目的]二化螟Chilo suppressalis是中国和其他亚洲地区为害水稻的重要害虫.由于缺乏遗传学操作工具,对二化螟的功能基因组学研究受到严重限制.本研究的目的是借助一个标记基因ebony,在二化螟体内建立CRISPR/Cas9介导的基因编辑体系.[方法]以家蚕Bombyx mori ebony蛋白作为参考序列,...  相似文献   

稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead是二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)和稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guenée)的优势卵寄生蜂。为优化稻螟赤眼蜂田间释放技术,作者分别在安徽、福建和贵州进行了稻螟赤眼蜂不同释放高度和密度对防控两种水稻螟虫效果影响的田间试验。结果表明,对于防控稻纵卷叶螟,释放量一定时,赤眼蜂在稻株顶部以上5 cm高度、8点/0.07 hm 2释放密度的防治效果优于其他释放密度和高度的处理。而对于防控二化螟,不同释放高度对赤眼蜂防治效果差异不显著。  相似文献   

Generalist predators are relevant natural enemies of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) in Europe. In fields of insect resistant genetically modified plants (GMPs), predators could be exposed to toxins either directly (e.g., via pollen), or indirectly through feeding on herbivorous prey. Hence, they represent an important functional group to consider when studying environmental impacts of GMPs. CPB females show a ‘bet-hedging’ strategy in spatial and temporal distribution of eggs, through which the species tries to minimize the risks of progeny loss due to adverse conditions. Experimental fields of GM eggplants expressing Cry3Bb toxin and potatoes expressing Cry1Ab toxin were set up. CPB egg masses were counted on naturally infested plants at four time points during the field season of each crop. To assess predation, newly deposited egg masses were marked at the same dates. Daily visual observations were conducted recording the numbers of intact or preyed eggs and neonate larvae. In both cases, oviposition was similar between GM and control plots, as the number of egg masses per plant and the number of eggs per mass did not differ significantly between treatments. A statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of egg masses revealed a similar aggregation in the potato field, whereas in the eggplant field, the variance of the number of egg masses per plant was smaller than expected in GMP plots. The predation rate was similar between treatments. These results suggest that the ecological function of natural predation on CPB eggs in GM plots was not impaired.  相似文献   

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