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Bystander B cells may be initially stimulated through CD40, which enhances susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis, before encountering Ag, which produces Fas resistance. A key issue in this process is to what extent CD40 cross-talk might affect subsequent BCR signaling. It has previously been shown that CD40 engagement bypasses or mitigates the need for Bruton's tyrosine kinase in subsequent BCR signaling for NF-kappaB activation. However, the full extent of the effects of CD40 on BCR signaling has not been delineated. In the present study we evaluated the possibility that CD40-mediated cross-talk also affects another principal outcome of BCR signaling: MAPK activation. We found that prior stimulation of primary murine B cells with CD40L markedly enhanced the level of ERK and JNK (but not p38 MAPK) phosphorylation produced by subsequently added anti-Ig Ab, and much, but not all, of this enhancement was independent of PI3K and phospholipase C. CD40L treatment similarly enhanced BCR-induced MAPK kinase (MEK) phosphorylation, and MEK was required for enhancement of ERK. Although BCR-induced c-Raf phosphorylation was also enhanced by prior CD40L treatment, c-Raf was not required for MEK/ERK phosphorylation. These results identify a novel system of receptor cross-talk between CD40 and BCR and indicate that the effects of CD40 engagement on subsequent BCR stimulation spread beyond NF-kappaB to involve the MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

CD40-mediated activation of NF-kappa B in airway epithelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have reported previously that airway epithelial cells (AEC) express CD40 and that activation of this molecule stimulates the expression of inflammatory mediators, including the chemokine RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted). Because NF-kappaB regulates the expression of many inflammatory mediators, such as RANTES, we utilized CD40-mediated induction of RANTES expression to investigate the mechanisms that underlie CD40-mediated activation of NF-kappaB in AEC. Results demonstrate that, in AEC, intact NF-kappaB sites were required for CD40-mediated activation of the RANTES promoter. To examine activation of NF-kappaB binding directly, electrophoretic mobility shift analyses were performed. These analyses revealed that CD40 ligation stimulated NF-kappaB binding and that the activated NF-kappaB complexes were composed of p65 subunits. Additional studies focused on the CD40-triggered signaling pathways that facilitate NF-kappaB activation. Findings show that CD40 engagement activated the IkappaB kinases IKK-alpha and IKK-beta and stimulated IkappaBalpha phosphorylation. Analyses also examined the role of tumor necrosis factor-associated factor (TRAF) molecules in CD40-mediated NF-kappaB activation within AEC. Stable transfectants expressing wild-type or mutant forms of the cytoplasmic domain of CD40 suggested that TRAF3, but not TRAF2, binding was essential for CD40-mediated RANTES expression. Further studies indicated that exogenous expression of wild-type TRAF3 enhanced activation of the RANTES promoter, whereas exogenous expression of wild-type TRAF2 inhibited this activation; TRAF3-mediated enhancement was dependent upon NF-kappaB. Together, these findings suggest that, in AEC, ligation of CD40 regulates the expression of inflammatory mediators, such as RANTES, via activation of NF-kappaB. Moreover, these results suggest that CD40-mediated signaling in AEC differs with previously reported findings observed in other cell models, such as B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

It has been shown that CD40 is required for optimal B cell activation. Casitas-B-lineage lymphoma-b (Cbl-b), a RING finger E3 ubiquitin ligase, inhibits B cell activation. In this report, we demonstrate that CD40 stimulation markedly enhances IgM-induced B cell proliferation in wild-type (WT) mice, whereas this cell proliferation was reduced in CD40-deficient (Cd40?/?) mice. Interestingly, CD40 ligation strongly augments IgM-induced Cbl-b ubiquitination and degradation in primary mouse B cells, which closely correlates with their proliferation capacity. Cbl-b deficiency uncouples BCR-induced B cell proliferation from CD40 costimulation. Our results indicate that Cbl-b negatively regulates costimulation of BCR and CD40, possibly by setting the threshold for B cell activation via controlling Cbl-b expression.  相似文献   

Kraus M  Alimzhanov MB  Rajewsky N  Rajewsky K 《Cell》2004,117(6):787-800
We previously showed that type I interferon-induced, Cre-mediated ablation of surface BCR expression in mature B cells through Ig-heavy chain deletion results in apoptosis of these cells. This led to the hypothesis that survival signals from the BCR are vital for mature B cells. Here, we test two critical assumptions of this model. First, we demonstrate loss of mature B cells upon induced mutation of a signaling module of the BCR, not precluding BCR surface expression. Second, we show that the cells are also lost upon BCR inactivation in the absence of an exogenous inducer like interferon, excluding that cell death depends on previous cellular activation by the latter. Kinetic data demonstrate that BCR-less mature B cells have a severely reduced lifespan, with a half-life of 3-6 days. Together these results establish that BCR signaling is required to keep resting mature B cells alive in vivo.  相似文献   

CD72 is a 45-kDa B cell transmembrane glycoprotein that has been shown to be important for B cell activation. However, whether CD72 ligation induces B cell activation by delivering positive signals or sequestering negative signals away from B cell receptor (BCR) signals remains unclear. Here, by comparing the late signaling events associated with the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, we identified many similarities and some differences between CD72 and BCR signaling. Thus, CD72 and BCR activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) but not p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Both CD72- and BCR-mediated ERK and JNK activation required protein kinase C activity, which was equally important for CD72- and BCR-induced B cell proliferation. However, CD72 induced stronger JNK activation compared with BCR. Surprisingly, the JNK activation induced by both BCR and CD72 is Btk independent. Although both CD72 and BCR induced Btk-dependent ERK activation, CD72-mediated proliferation is more resistant to blocking of ERK activity than that of BCR, as shown by the proliferation response of B cells treated with PD98059 and dibutyryl cAMP, agents that inhibit ERK activity. Most importantly, CD72 signaling compensated for defective BCR signaling in X-linked immunodeficiency B cells and partially restored the proliferation response of X-linked immunodeficiency B cells to anti-IgM ligation. These results suggest that CD72 signals B cells by inducing BCR-independent positive signaling pathways.  相似文献   



B cells are important effectors and regulators of adaptive and innate immune responses, inflammation and autoimmunity, for instance in anti-NMDA-receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis. Thus, pharmacological modulation of B-cell function could be an effective regimen in therapeutic strategies. Since the non-competitive NMDAR antagonist memantine is clinically applied to treat advanced Alzheimer`s disease and ketamine is supposed to improve the course of resistant depression, it is important to know how these drugs affect B-cell function.


Non-competitive NMDAR antagonists impaired B-cell receptor (BCR)- and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced B-cell proliferation, reduced B-cell migration towards the chemokines SDF-1α and CCL21 and downregulated IgM and IgG secretion. Mechanistically, these effects were mediated through a blockade of Kv1.3 and KCa3.1 potassium channels and resulted in an attenuated Ca2+-flux and activation of Erk1/2, Akt and NFATc1. Interestingly, NMDAR antagonist treatment increased the frequency of IL-10 producing B cells after BCR/CD40 stimulation.


Non-competitive NMDAR antagonists attenuate BCR and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) B-cell signaling and effector function and can foster IL-10 production. Consequently, NMDAR antagonists may be useful to target B cells in autoimmune diseases or pathological systemic inflammation. The drugs’ additional side effects on B cells should be considered in treatments of neuronal disorders with NMDAR antagonists.

The development of HIV-1 vaccines is challenged by the lack of relevant models to accurately induce human B- and T-cell responses in lymphoid organs. In humanized mice reconstituted with human hematopoietic stem cells (hu-mice), human B cell-development and function are impaired and cells fail to efficiently transition from IgM B cells to IgG B cells. Here, we found that CD40-targeted vaccination combined with CpG-B adjuvant overcomes the usual defect of human B-cell switch and maturation in hu-mice. We further dissected hu-B cell responses directed against the HIV-1 Env protein elicited by targeting Env gp140 clade C to the CD40 receptor of antigen-presenting cells. The anti-CD40.Env gp140 vaccine was injected with CpG-B in a homologous prime/boost regimen or as a boost of a NYVAC-KC pox vector encoding Env gp140 clade C. Both regimens elicited Env-specific IgG-switched memory hu-B cells at a greater magnitude in hu-mice primed with NYVAC-KC. Single-cell RNA-seq analysis showed gp140-specific hu-B cells to express polyclonal IgG1 and IgG3 isotypes and a broad Ig VH/VL repertoire, with predominant VH3 family gene usage. These cells exhibited a higher rate of somatic hypermutation than the non-specific IgG+ hu-B-cell counterpart. Both vaccine regimens induced splenic GC-like structures containing hu-B and hu-Tfh-like cells expressing PD-1 and BCL-6. We confirmed in this model that circulating ICOS+ memory hu-Tfh cells correlated with the magnitude of gp140-specific B-cell responses. Finally, the NYVAC-KC heterologous prime led to a more diverse clonal expansion of specific hu-B cells. Thus, this study shows that CD40-targeted vaccination induces human IgG production in hu-mice and provides insights for the development of a CD40-targeting vaccine to prevent HIV-1 infection in humans.  相似文献   

NK cells are a subpopulation of lymphocytes characterized primarily by their cytolytic activity. They are recognized as an important component of the immune response against virus infection and tumors. In addition to their cytolytic activity, NK cells also participate either directly or indirectly in the regulation of the ongoing Ab response. More recently, it has been suggested that NK cells have an important role in the outcome of autoimmune diseases. Here, we demonstrate that human NK cells can induce autologous resting B cells to synthesize Ig, including switching to IgG and IgA, reminiscent of a secondary Ab response. B cell activation by the NK cell is contact-dependent and rapid, suggesting an autocrine B cell-regulated process. This NK cell function is T cell-independent, requires an active cytoplasmic membrane, and is blocked by anti-CD40 ligand (anti-CD154) or CD40-mIg fusion protein, indicating a critical role for CD40-CD40 ligand interaction. Depletion studies also demonstrate that CD5+ B cells (autoreactive B-1 cells) and a heterogeneous population of CD27+ memory B cells play a critical role in the Ig response induced by NK cells. The existence of this novel mechanism of B cell activation has important implications in innate immunity, B cell-mediated autoimmunity, and B cell neoplasia.  相似文献   

The ability of CD40 signaling to regulate B cell growth, survival, differentiation, and Ig class switching involves many changes in gene expression. Using cDNA expression arrays and Northern blotting, we found that CD40 signaling increased the mRNA levels for pim-1, a protooncogene that encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase. Subsequent experiments showed that CD40 engagement also increased both Pim-1 protein levels and Pim-1 kinase activity in B cells. We then investigated the signaling pathways by which CD40 regulates Pim-1 expression and found that CD40 up-regulates Pim-1 primarily via the activation of NF-kappaB. Inhibiting the activation of NF-kappaB, either by treating cells with a chemical inhibitor, BAY11-7082, or by inducibly expressing a superrepressor form of IkappaBalpha, significantly impaired the ability of CD40 to increase Pim-1 protein levels. Because Pim-1 expression is associated with cell proliferation and survival, we asked whether this correlated with the ability of CD40 signaling to prevent anti-IgM-induced growth arrest in the WEHI-231 murine B cell line, a model for Ag-induced clonal deletion. We found that the anti-IgM-induced growth arrest in WEHI-231 cells correlated with a substantial decrease in Pim-1 levels. In contrast, culturing WEHI-231 cells with either anti-CD40 Abs or with the B cell mitogen LPS, both of which prevent the anti-IgM-induced growth arrest, also prevented the rapid decline in Pim-1 levels. This suggests that Pim-1 could regulate the survival and proliferation of B cells.  相似文献   

Efficient T cell priming by GM-CSF and CD40 ligand double-transduced C26 murine colon carcinoma is not sufficient to cure metastases in a therapeutic setting. To determine whether a cellular vaccine that interacts directly with both APC and T cells in vivo might be superior, we generated C26 carcinoma cells transduced with the T cell costimulatory molecule OX40 ligand (OX40L) either alone (C26/OX40L) or together with GM-CSF (C26/GM/OX40L), which is known to activate APC. Mice injected with C26/OX40L cells displayed only a delay in tumor growth, while the C26/GM/OX40L tumor regressed in 85% of mice. Tumor rejection required granulocytes, CD4+, CD8+ T cells, and APC-mediated CD40-CD40 ligand cosignaling, but not IFN-gamma or IL-12 as shown using subset-depleted and knockout (KO) mice. CD40KO mice primed with C26/GM/OX40L cells failed to mount a CTL response, and T cells infiltrating the C26/GM/OX40L tumor were OX40 negative, suggesting an impairment in APC-T cell cross-talk in CD40KO mice. Indeed, CD4+ T cell-depleted mice failed to mount any CTL activity against the C26 tumor, while treatment with agonistic mAb to CD40, which acts on APC, bypassed the requirement for CD4+ T cells and restored CTL activation. C26/GM/OX40L cells cured 83% of mice bearing lung metastases, whereas C26/OX40L or C26/GM vaccination cured only 28 and 16% of mice, respectively. These results indicate the synergistic activity of OX40L and GM-CSF in a therapeutic setting.  相似文献   

CD40 signaling activates CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1)-mediated adhesion in B cells.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cell-cell adhesion events play critical roles in the sequential migrations and multiple specific cell-cell interactions which B cells undergo during normal development and function. We have observed that mAb to several B cell-associated molecules, including mAb to CD19, CD37, and CD40, induce homotypic aggregation of freshly isolated human B cells. The aggregation of B cells induced by CD40 mAb was due to activation of a cell-cell adhesion system, and not due to agglutination by mAb, because 1) in addition to being energy dependent and cation dependent, the aggregation was blocked by inhibitors of messenger RNA and protein synthesis; and 2) a mouse B cell line transformed with intact human CD40 aggregated in response to CD40 mAb, whereas a line expressing surface CD40, but lacking the cytoplasmic tail and previously shown incapable of transmitting a signal from the cell surface, did not aggregate. The aggregation, although of slow onset, was persistent and of high avidity. In addition, CD40 mAb induced increased surface expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (CD54), a ligand for CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1), and CD18 mAb blocked aggregation. CD40 mAb also augmented the ability of dense B cells to stimulate the proliferation of allogeneic T cells via a CD18-dependent process. We conclude that signaling through CD40, elicited by cross-linking the CD40 protein on the cell surface, activates the CD18/intercellular adhesion molecule adhesion system; in addition, CD40 cross-linking may activate a second adhesion system since CD40 mAb induced aggregation of the B cell line Ramos, which does not express surface CD18. B cell adhesion may be triggered by signaling through multiple surface proteins, thereby lending specificity of activation to adhesion systems which are broadly expressed.  相似文献   

B cells responding to cognate Ag in vivo undergo clonal expansion that is followed by differentiation into Ab-secreting plasma cells or into quiescent restimulable memory. Both these events occur in the germinal center and require that cells exit from proliferation, but the signals that lead to one or the other of these mutually exclusive differentiation pathways have not been definitively characterized. Previous experiments have shown that signals transduced through the TNFRs CD27 and CD40 at the time of B cell stimulation in vitro or in vivo can influence this cell fate decision by inhibiting terminal differentiation and promoting memory. In this study, we show that the PIQED domain of the cytoplasmic tail of murine CD27 and the adapter molecule TNFR-associated factor 2 are involved in this effect. Using pharmacological inhibitors of signaling intermediates, we identify JNK as being necessary and sufficient for the observed inhibition of terminal differentiation. While JNK is involved downstream of CD40, inhibition of the MEK pathway can also partially restore plasma cell generation, indicating that both signaling intermediates may be involved. We also show that inhibition of induction of IFN regulatory factor 4 and B lymphocyte induced maturation protein 1 are downstream events common to both receptors.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) GT2 defines a unique epitope on the CD2 molecule. GT2 triggers T cell mitosis in combination with any MAb directed against 9.6/T11(1) or D66, two previously defined CD2 epitopes. We have shown already that accessory cells (AC) are required for plenary T-PBL activation by any pair of Ab directed against D66 + 9.6/T11(1). In this study, we further investigated their role and found it to vary with the anti-CD2 pair used. When purified T-PBL preparation is used, the level of [3H]TdR incorporation observed with anti-(GT2 + 9.6/T11(1)) Ab was not significant; however, it did prove significant, although greatly reduced, with the other anti-CD2 pairs tested. This was due to qualitative differences in the process of T-PBL activation, and the role of AC, because: anti-(GT2 + 9.6/T11(1)) did not induce IL 2-R expression on purified T-PBL, whereas the other anti-CD2 pairs tested did; anti-(GT2 + 9.6/T11(1)) did not induce detectable IL 2 secretion from purified T-PBL, whereas the other anti-CD2 pairs tested induced a low amount; and anti-CDw18 Ab inhibited the mitogenic effect of anti-(GT2 + 9.6/T11(1)) on PBMC by preventing both IL 2-R expression and IL 2 secretion, whereas anti-CDw18 Ab enhanced the mitogenic effect of the other anti-CD2 pairs tested. Paraformaldehyde-fixed AC fully restored, and recombinant IL 1 partially restored purified T-PBL mitosis triggered by all anti-CD2 pairs tested. To induce IL 2 synthesis, the necessity to cross-link anti-CD2 Ab was demonstrated by coupling one Ab on Sepharose beads and adding the second Ab in the soluble phase: under these circumstances, anti-CD2 pairs were mitogenic solely in the presence of AC. These data can be interpreted as follows. Most anti-CD2 pairs require minimal contact between AC and T-PBL to induce plenary levels of IL 2 synthesis. When anti-(GT2 + 9.6/T11(1)) are used, additional contact is necessary, both for IL 2-R expression and IL 2 synthesis, which would include CDw18 for stabilization. We believe these differences could be related to different conformational changes on the CD2 molecule, depending on the epitope on which the antibodies bind, and could account for different signaling to T cells.  相似文献   

2B4 (CD244) is a receptor belonging to the CD2-signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family and is found on all murine NK cells and a subset of NKT and CD8+ T cells. Murine 2B4 is expressed as two isoforms (2B4 short and 2B4 long) that arise by alternative splicing. They differ only in their cytoplasmic domains and exhibit opposing function when expressed in the RNK-16 cell line. The ligand for 2B4, CD48, is expressed on all hemopoietic cells. Previous studies have shown that treatment of NK cells with a 2B4 mAb results in increased cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma production. In this report, we used CD48+/- variants of the P815 tumor cell line and 2B4 knockout mice to show that engagement of 2B4 by its counterreceptor, CD48, expressed on target cells leads to an inhibition in NK cytotoxicity. The addition of 2B4 or CD48 mAb relieves this inhibition resulting in enhanced target cell lysis. This 2B4-mediated inhibition acts independently of signaling lymphocytic activation molecule-associated protein expression. Imaging studies show that 2B4 preferentially accumulates at the interface between NK and target cells during nonlytic events also indicative of an inhibitory receptor. This predominant inhibitory function of murine 2B4 correlates with increased 2B4 long isoform level expression over 2B4 short.  相似文献   

CD40-activated B cells (CD40-B cells) have been identified as an alternative source of immuno-stimulatory antigen-presenting cells (APC) for cancer immunotherapy 1-3. Compared to Dendritic cells (DCs), the best characterized APC, CD40-B cells have several distinct biological and technical properties. Similar to DCs, B cells show an increased expression of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules (Fig.1b), exhibit a strong migratory capacity and present antigen presentation efficiently to T cells, after stimulation with interleukin-4 and CD40 ligand (CD40L). However, in contrast to immature or mature DCs, CD40-B cells express the full lymph node homing triad consisting of CD62L, CCR7/CXCR4, and leukocyte function antigen-1 (LFA1, CD11a/CD18), necessary for homing to secondary lymphoid organs (Fig.1a) 3. CD40-B cells can be generated without difficulties from very small amounts of peripheral blood which can be further expanded in vitro to very large amounts of highly-pure CD40-B cells (>109 cells per patient) from healthy donors as well as cancer patients (Fig.1c,d) 1,4.In this protocol we demonstrate how to obtain fully activated CD40-B cells from human PBMC. Key molecules for the cell culture are CD40 ligand, interleukin-4 (IL-4) and cyclosporin A (CsA), which are replenished in a 3-4 day culture cycle. For laboratory purposes CD40-stimulation is provided by NIH/3T3 cells expressing recombinant human CD40 ligand (tCD40L NIH/3T3) 5. To avoid contamination with non-transfected cells, expression of the human CD40 ligand on the transfectants has to be checked regularly (Fig.2).After 14 days CD40-B cell cultures consist of more than 95% pure B cells and an expansion of CD40-B cells over 65 days is frequently possible without any loss of function 1, 4. CD40-B cells efficiently take up, process and present antigens to T cells 6. They do not only prime naϊve, but also expand memory T cells 7,8. CD40-activated B cells can be used to study B-cell activation, differentiation and function. Moreover, they represent a promising tool for therapeutic or preventive vaccination against tumors 9.Download video file.(152M, mp4)  相似文献   

B cell tolerance can be maintained by functional inactivation, or anergy, wherein B cell Ag receptors (BCR) remain capable of binding Ag, but are unable to transduce signals. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying this unresponsiveness are unknown, some models of B cell anergy are characterized by disruption of proximal BCR signaling events, and by destabilization of the BCR complex. Receptor destabilization is manifest by a reduced ability to coimmunoprecipitate membrane Ig with the Ig-alpha/Ig-beta signal-transducing complex. To begin to explore the possibility that anergy is the consequence of receptor destabilization, we analyzed a panel of B lymphoma transfectants expressing constant amounts of signal-competent Ag receptors and varied amounts of a receptor with identical specificity, but bearing mutations that render it incapable of interacting with Ig-alpha/Ig-beta. This analysis revealed that coaggregation of signal-incompetent receptors prevented Ag-induced Ig-alpha and Syk phosphorylation, mobilization of Ca(2+), and the up-regulation of CD69 mediated by competent receptors. In contrast, Ag-induced Cbl and Erk phosphorylation were unaffected. Data indicate that coaggregation of destabilized receptors (as few as approximately 15% of total) with signal-competent receptors significantly affects the ability of competent receptors to transduce signals. Thus, BCR destabilization may underlie the Ag unresponsiveness of anergic B cells.  相似文献   

The innate ability of B lymphoma cells to escape control by tumor-reactive T cells must be overcome to develop effective immunotherapies for these diseases. Because signals from both the innate and adaptive immune systems direct the acquisition of strong immunogenicity by professional APCs, the effects of IL-2 and the TLR-7 agonist, S28690, on the immunogenic properties of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B cells were studied. IL-2 with S28690 caused CLL cells to proliferate and increased their expression of B7-family members, production of TNF-alpha and IL-10, and levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT-1 and STAT-3 proteins. S28690 increased CD25 expression on CLL cells and sensitized them to IL-2 signaling. However, IL-2 did not change TLR-7 expression or signaling in CLL cells. The ability to stimulate T cell proliferation required additional activation of protein kinase C, which inhibited tumor cell proliferation, "switched off" IL-10 production, and caused essentially all CLL cells (regardless of clinical stage) to acquire a CD83(high)CD80(high)CD86(high)CD54(high) surface phenotype marked by the activation of STAT-1 without STAT-3. These findings suggest that TLR-7 "licenses" human B cells to respond to cytokines of the adaptive immune system (such as IL-2) and provide a strategy to increase the immunogenicity of lymphoma cells for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Osteoclast Inhibitory Lectin-related Protein 2 (OCILRP2) is a typical type II transmembrane protein and belongs to C-type lectin-related protein family. It is preferentially expressed in dendritic cells (DC), B lymphocytes, and activated T lymphocytes. Upon binding to its ligand, OCILRP2 can promote CD28-mediated co-stimulation and enhance T cell activation. However, the role of OCILRP2 in DC development and activation is unclear. In this report, we present evidence that recombinant protein OCILRP2-Fc inhibits the generation and LPS-induced maturation of murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) by downregulating the expression of CD11c, MHC-II, and co-stimulators CD80 and CD86. OCILRP2-Fc also reduces the capacity of BMDCs to take up antigens, activates T cells, and secret inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-12, and TNF-α. Additionally, we show that OCILRP2-Fc may cause the aforementioned effects through inhibiting NF-κB activation. Therefore, OCILRP2 is a new regulator of DC maturation and differentiation following TLR4 activation.  相似文献   

In experimental transplantation, blockade of CD40-CD40 ligand (CD40L) interactions has proved effective at permitting long-term graft survival and has recently been approved for clinical evaluation. We show that CD4+ T cell-mediated rejection is prevented by anti-CD40L mAb therapy but that CD8+ T cells remain fully functional. Furthermore, blocking CD40L interactions has no effect on CD8+ T cell activation, proliferation, differentiation, homing to the target allograft, or cytokine production. We conclude that CD40L is not an important costimulatory molecule for CD8+ T cell activation and that following transplantation donor APC can activate recipient CD8+ T cells directly without first being primed by CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

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