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The neocortex and the thalamus constitute a unified oscillatory machine during different states of vigilance. The cortically generated slow sleep oscillation has the virtue of grouping other sleep rhythms, including those arising in the thalamus, within complex wave-sequences. Despite the coherent oscillatory activity in corticothalamic circuits, on the functional side there is dissociation between thalamus and neocortex during sleep. While dorsal thalamic neurons undergo inhibitory processes induced by prolonged spikebursts of GABAergic thalamic reticular neurons, the cortex displays, periodically, a rich spontaneous activity and preserves the capacity to process internally generated signals. Simultaneous intracellular recordings from thalamic and cortical neurons show that short-term plasticity processes occur after prolonged and rhythmic spike-bursts fired by thalamic and cortical neurons during slow-wave sleep oscillations. This may serve to support resonant phenomena and reorganize corticothalamic circuitry.  相似文献   

Thalamic neurons generate high-frequency bursts of action potentials when a low-threshold (T-type) calcium current, located in soma and dendrites, becomes activated. Computational models were used to investigate the bursting properties of thalamic relay and reticular neurons. These two types of thalamic cells differ fundamentally in their ability to generate bursts following either excitatory or inhibitory events. Bursts generated with excitatory inputs in relay cells required a high degree of convergence from excitatory inputs, whereas moderate excitation drove burst discharges in reticular neurons from hyperpolarized levels. The opposite holds for inhibitory rebound bursts, which are more difficult to evoke in reticular neurons than in relay cells. The differences between the reticular neurons and thalamocortical neurons were due to different kinetics of the T-current, different electrotonic properties and different distribution patterns of the T-current in the two cell types. These properties enable the cortex to control the sensitivity of the thalamus to inputs and are also important for understanding states such as absence seizures.  相似文献   

The dynamics of evoked potentials during blocking of cholinergic cortical structures was investigated in unanesthetized cats. Application of the anticholinergic drug benactyzine inhibits the negative phases of cortical responses to stimulation of the reticular formation and non-specific thalamic nuclei and also of responses to direct cortical stimulation. Direct cortical responses (DCRs), inverted by -aminobutyric acid, are also depressed, indicating the role of cholinergic mechanisms in the genesis of these responses. During blocking of cholinergic synapses, negative phases of the primary response (PR) and response to stimulation of the specific thalamic nucleus are facilitated. A tendency is then observed toward grouping of spontaneous unit discharges and abolition of inhibition of cortical neurons produced by high-frequency stimulation of the reticular formation. One cause of the increase in amplitude of the primary response (PR) to the action of anticholinergic drugs may be widening of the zone of cortical neurons involved in the response because of abolition of the localizing effect of inhibitory neurons.Institute of Physiology, Siberian Division, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 406–411, July–August, 1970.  相似文献   

It has been established that stimulation of the structures of the limbic system (hippocampus, amygdaloid complex, septum) and the medial nucleic of the thalamus of rabbits in conditions of free behavior elicits four basic types of behavioral reactions: arousal, orientation-investigatory, aggressive-defensive and various epileptiform (convulsive) reactions. Activation of behavior, i.e., arousal and the orientation-investigatory reaction, constantly appear on stimulation of the unspecific thalamic nuclei. The aggressive-defense reaction is elicited by stimulating the nuclei of the amygdaloid complex of the ventral part of the hippocampus and the ventromedial nuclei of the thalamus. The epileptiform reactions are most readily reproduced on stimulation of the amygdaloid complex and the ventral part of the hippocampus. The threshold for the appearance of discharges of the aftereffect is very low. The latter are more sustained on stimulation of the basolateral part of the amygdala and the ventral part of the hippocampus. In rabbits as compared with higher animals the discharges on stimulation rapidly spread not only to the limbic system but also to the reticular formation and the neocortex.Kharkov Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 194–201, September–October, 1969.  相似文献   

Quantitative azure B-RNA cytophotometry was used to monitor metabolic responses of individual neurons within the ventrobasal nuclear complex (VBC) and nucleus reticularis (NR) of the rat thalamus following administration of soman (0.5, 0.9 or 1.5 LD50, sc). A dose-dependent depression in brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was evidenced. With respect to thalamic RNA responses, a complex pattern of RNA alterations was evidenced, with these two regions generally exhibiting opposite patterns of dose-related RNA changes. With sub-lethal dosages of soman, RNA accumulation was evidenced in the acetylcholine (ACh) mediated excitatory VBC region and RNA depletion in the ACh mediated inhibitory NR neurons. With a lethal dose, an opposite RNA response pattern observed in both thalamic regions. It is postulated that the observed RNA response pattern with sub-lethal dosages of soman is what one would anticipate with cholinergic brainstem reticular formation activation. The absence of such a response with lethal doses strongly suggests some disruption of functional excitatory cholinergic activity and perhaps also an impairment of inhibitory cholinergic synaptic activity.  相似文献   

The corticothalamic system has an important role in synchronizing the activities of thalamic and cortical neurons. Numerically, its synapses dominate the inputs to relay cells and to the gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)ergic cells of the reticular nucleus (RTN). The capacity of relay neurons to operate in different voltage-dependent functional modes determines that the inputs from the cortex have the capacity directly to excite the relay cells, or indirectly to inhibit them via the RTN, serving to synchronize high- or low-frequency oscillatory activity respectively in the thalamocorticothalamic network. Differences in the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) subunit composition of receptors at synapses formed by branches of the same corticothalamic axon in the RTN and dorsal thalamus are an important element in the capacity of the cortex to synchronize low-frequency oscillations in the network. Interactions of focused corticothalamic axons arising from layer VI cortical cells and diffuse corticothalamic axons arising from layer V cortical cells, with the specifically projecting core relay cells and diffusely projecting matrix cells of the dorsal thalamus, form a substrate for synchronization of widespread populations of cortical and thalamic cells during high-frequency oscillations that underlie discrete conscious events.  相似文献   

Patients with Doublecortin (DCX) mutations have severe cortical malformations associated with mental retardation and epilepsy. Dcx knockout (KO) mice show no major isocortical abnormalities, but have discrete hippocampal defects. We questioned the functional consequences of these defects and report here that Dcx KO mice are hyperactive and exhibit spontaneous convulsive seizures. Changes in neuropeptide Y and calbindin expression, consistent with seizure occurrence, were detected in a large proportion of KO animals, and convulsants, including kainate and pentylenetetrazole, also induced seizures more readily in KO mice. We show that the dysplastic CA3 region in KO hippocampal slices generates sharp wave-like activities and possesses a lower threshold for epileptiform events. Video-EEG monitoring also demonstrated that spontaneous seizures were initiated in the hippocampus. Similarly, seizures in human patients mutated for DCX can show a primary involvement of the temporal lobe. In conclusion, seizures in Dcx KO mice are likely to be due to abnormal synaptic transmission involving heterotopic cells in the hippocampus and these mice may therefore provide a useful model to further study how lamination defects underlie the genesis of epileptiform activities.  相似文献   

A physiologically based model of corticothalamic dynamics is used to investigate the electroencephalographic (EEG) activity associated with tumors of the thalamus. Tumor activity is modeled by introducing localized two-dimensional spatial non-uniformities into the model parameters, and calculating the resulting activity via the coupling of spatial eigenmodes. The model is able to reproduce various qualitative features typical of waking eyes-closed EEGs in the presence of a thalamic tumor, such as the appearance of abnormal peaks at theta ( approximately 3Hz) and spindle ( approximately 12Hz) frequencies, the attenuation of normal eyes-closed background rhythms, and the onset of epileptic activity, as well as the relatively normal EEGs often observed. The results indicate that the abnormal activity at theta and spindle frequencies arises when a small portion of the brain is forced into an over-inhibited state due to the tumor, in which there is an increase in the firing of (inhibitory) thalamic reticular neurons. The effect is heightened when there is a concurrent decrease in the firing of (excitatory) thalamic relay neurons, which are in any case inhibited by the reticular ones. This is likely due to a decrease in the responsiveness of the peritumoral region to cholinergic inputs from the brainstem, and a corresponding depolarization of thalamic reticular neurons, and hyperpolarization of thalamic relay neurons, similar to the mechanism active during slow-wave sleep. The results indicate that disruption of normal thalamic activity is essential to generate these spectral peaks. Furthermore, the present work indicates that high-voltage and epileptiform EEGs are caused by a tumor-induced local over-excitation of the thalamus, which propagates to the cortex. Experimental findings relating to local over-inhibition and over-excitation are discussed. It is also confirmed that increasing the size of the tumor leads to greater abnormalities in the observable EEG. The usefulness of EEG for localizing the tumor is investigated.  相似文献   

Frontoparietal cortex and the thalamocortical circuit comprising reticular thalamic nucleus (RTN) and relay nuclei of the ventrolateral thalamus (VLT) are critical structures in the generation of spike-wave discharges (SWD) during absence seizures. The activity of these nuclei is under the control of the ascending cholinergic projections of nucleus basalis of Meynert. The aim of our study is to make an attempt to change the pattern of SWD in WAG/Rij rats by injecting of cholinotoxine AF64A to the area of RTN. Spontaneous SWD were registered in cortex of WAG/Rij rats with genetically determined absences. The spectral content of SWD was analyzed by means of the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) procedure. Unilateral injections of AF64A (1 nmol) to RTN led the decrease in duration and number of SWD comparing to the basal EEG recordings 2 days after the lesion. The FFT analysis showed the disappearance of 17-18 Hz spike on the side of the lesion compared with the intact side. The immunohistochemical study for acetylcholinetransferase (ChaT)-containing neurons showed the loss of ChaT-positive cells in the nucleus basalis area on the side of the lesion. The removal of cholinergic afferentation of RTN and cortex from nucleus basalis inhibits the SWD developing most likely due to the decrease of cortical excitability. Moreover, possibly cholinergic transmission is involved in the transforation of the synchronized phenomena (SWD) to another with close mechanism of generation.  相似文献   

Morphological studies have shown that excitatory synapses from the cortex constitute the major source of synapses in the thalamus. However, the effect of these corticothalamic synapses on the function of the thalamus is not well understood because thalamic neurones have complex intrinsic firing properties and interact through multiple types of synaptic receptors. Here we investigate these complex interactions using computational models. We show first, using models of reconstructed thalamic relay neurones, that the effect of corticothalamic synapses on relay cells can be similar to that of afferent synapses, in amplitude, kinetics and timing, although these synapses are located in different regions of the dendrites. This suggests that cortical EPSPs may complement (or predict) the afferent information. Second, using models of reconstructed thalamic reticular neurones, we show that high densities of the low-threshold Ca2+ current in dendrites can give these cells an exquisite sensitivity to cortical EPSPs, but only if their dendrites are hyperpolarized. This property has consequences at the level of thalamic circuits, where corticothalamic EPSPs evoke bursts in reticular neurones and recruit relay cells predominantly through feedforward inhibition. On the other hand, with depolarized dendrites, thalamic reticular neurones do not generate bursts and the cortical influence on relay cells is mostly excitatory. Models therefore suggest that the cortical influence can either promote or antagonize the relay of information, depending on the state of the dendrites of reticular neurones. The control of these dendrites may therefore be a determinant of attentional mechanisms. We also review the effect of corticothalamic feedback at the network level, and show how the cortical control over the thalamus is essential in co-ordinating widespread, coherent oscillations. We suggest mechanisms by which different modes of corticothalamic interaction would allow oscillations of very different spatiotemporal coherence to coexist in the thalamocortical system.  相似文献   

Experiments were directed toward elucidation of the role of the thalamic reticular nucleus (R) in the modulation of generalized seizure reactions under kindling conditions and of the mechanisms mediating the effects of stimulation of the above nucleus on seizure activity. It was shown that activation of the thalamic R in rats limits generalization of the seizure reactions both in the course of development of seizures of limbic genesis (evoked by stimulation of the hippocampus) and under conditions of the existence of a pre-formed epileptic nidus. Tetanic stimulation of the R in cats under conditions of acute experiments induced significant facilitation of IPSPs in thalamo-cortical neurons of the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus. This effect is rather long-lasting and may be considered a mechanism providing blocking of generalized seizures under kindling conditions. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 352–361, July–August, 2005.  相似文献   

Cortico-thalamic interactions are known to play a pivotal role in many brain phenomena, including sleep, attention, memory consolidation and rhythm generation. Hence, simple mathematical models that can simulate the dialogue between the cortex and the thalamus, at a mesoscopic level, have a great cognitive value. In the present work we describe a neural mass model of a cortico-thalamic module, based on neurophysiological mechanisms. The model includes two thalamic populations (a thalamo-cortical relay cell population, TCR, and its related thalamic reticular nucleus, TRN), and a cortical column consisting of four connected populations (pyramidal neurons, excitatory interneurons, inhibitory interneurons with slow and fast kinetics). Moreover, thalamic neurons exhibit two firing modes: bursting and tonic. Finally, cortical synapses among pyramidal neurons incorporate a disfacilitation mechanism following prolonged activity. Simulations show that the model is able to mimic the different patterns of rhythmic activity in cortical and thalamic neurons (beta and alpha waves, spindles, delta waves, K-complexes, slow sleep waves) and their progressive changes from wakefulness to deep sleep, by just acting on modulatory inputs. Moreover, simulations performed by providing short sensory inputs to the TCR show that brain rhythms during sleep preserve the cortex from external perturbations, still allowing a high cortical activity necessary to drive synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation. In perspective, the present model may be used within larger cortico-thalamic networks, to gain a deeper understanding of mechanisms beneath synaptic changes during sleep, to investigate the specific role of brain rhythms, and to explore cortical synchronization achieved via thalamic influences.  相似文献   

The classical concept of "nonspecific" thalamus, as distinguished from the principal thalamic nuclei (i.e. the primary sensory, motor and limbic relays) is here briefly revisited in the light of anatomical investigations performed in the last decades, and primarily those based on tract tracing techniques. Altogether these data pointed out that the so-called "nonspecific" thalamus is composed by a heterogeneous collection of nuclear masses, which display not only species differences, but also marked internuclear variations in their cytological and neurochemical features, connections, areal and laminar distribution upon the cortex, and functional properties. Thus, the "nonspecific" thalamus exerts a modulatory role on cortical activity, chiefly regulated at the intrathalamic level by the interplay between the thalamic reticular nucleus and the interneurons and projection neurons of the dorsal thalamus. However, each of the components that have been traditionally considered as "nonspecific" also subserves selective roles in the transfer of different kinds of information from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia.  相似文献   

We have used single-unit recording techniques to map the spatial distribution of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortical influences on thalamic somatosensory relay nuclei in the rat. A total of 193 microelectrode penetrations were made to record single neurons in tracks through the medial and lateral ventroposterior (VPL and VPM), ventrolateral (VL), posterior (Po), and reticular (nRt) thalamic nuclei. Single units were classified according to their (1) location within the nuclei, (2) receptive fields, and (3) response to standardized microstimulation in deep layers of the SI cortical forepaw areas. The SI stimulation produced short-latency (1- to 7-msec) excitatory responses in different percentages of neurons recorded in the following thalamic nuclei: VPL, 42.0%; Po, 25.0%; nRt, 16.4%; VL, 13.6%; and VPM, 9.9%. Within the VPL, the highest proportion of responsive neurons was found in the anterior region. Although most of the VL region was unresponsive, the caudal subregion bordering the rostral VPL showed some responsiveness (13.6% of neurons). In general, the spatial pattern of corticothalamic influences appeared to reciprocate the known thalamocortical connection patterns, but with a heterogeneity that was unpredicted.

The same parameters of SI cortical stimulation were used in studies of corticofugal modulation of afferent transmission through the VPL thalamus. A condition—test (C-T) paradigm was implemented in which the cortical stimulation (C) was delivered at a range of time intervals before test (T) mechanical vibratory stimulation was applied to digit 4 of the contralateral forepaw. The time course of cortical effects was analyzed by measuring the averaged evoked unit responses of thalamic neurons to the T stimuli, and plotting them as a function of C-T intervals from 5 to 50 msec. Of the 20 VPL neurons tested during SI stimulation, the average response to T stimulation was decreased a mean of 36%, with the suppression peaking (at 49% inhibition of the afferent response) about 15 msec after the C stimulus. Considerable rostrocaudal variation was observed, however. Whereas neurons in the rostral VPL (near VL) were strongly inhibited (-69%), neurons in the middle and caudal VPL exhibited facilitations at long and short C-T intervals, respectively. This study establishes a specific projection system from the forepaw region of SI cortex to different subregions of the VPL thalamus, producing specific temporal patterns of sensory modulation.  相似文献   

We develop a model of thalamocortical dynamics using a shared population of thalamic neurons to couple distant cortical regions. Behavior of the model is determined as a function of the connection strengths with shared and unshared populations in the thalamus, either within a relay nucleus or the reticular nucleus. When the coupling is via the reticular nucleus, we locate solutions of the model where distant cortical regions maintain the same activity level, and regions where one region maintains an elevated activity level, suppressing activity in the other. We locate and investigate a region where both types of solutions exist and are stable, yielding a mechanism for spontaneous changes in global activity patterns. Power spectra and coherence are computed, and marked differences in the coherence are found between the two kinds of modes. When, on the other hand, the coupling is via a shared relay nuclei, the features seen with the reticular coupling are absent. These considerations suggest a role for the reticular nucleus in modulating long distance cortical communication.  相似文献   

We have used single-unit recording techniques to map the spatial distribution of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortical influences on thalamic somatosensory relay nuclei in the rat. A total of 193 microelectrode penetrations were made to record single neurons in tracks through the medial and lateral ventroposterior (VPL and VPM), ventrolateral (VL), posterior (Po), and reticular (nRt) thalamic nuclei. Single units were classified according to their (1) location within the nuclei, (2) receptive fields, and (3) response to standardized microstimulation in deep layers of the SI cortical forepaw areas. The SI stimulation produced short-latency (1- to 7-msec) excitatory responses in different percentages of neurons recorded in the following thalamic nuclei: VPL, 42.0%; Po, 25.0%; nRt, 16.4%; VL, 13.6%; and VPM, 9.9%. Within the VPL, the highest proportion of responsive neurons was found in the anterior region. Although most of the VL region was unresponsive, the caudal subregion bordering the rostral VPL showed some responsiveness (13.6% of neurons). In general, the spatial pattern of corticothalamic influences appeared to reciprocate the known thalamocortical connection patterns, but with a heterogeneity that was unpredicted. The same parameters of SI cortical stimulation were used in studies of corticofugal modulation of afferent transmission through the VPL thalamus. A condition-test (C-T) paradigm was implemented in which the cortical stimulation (C) was delivered at a range of time intervals before test (T) mechanical vibratory stimulation was applied to digit 4 of the contralateral forepaw. The time course of cortical effects was analyzed by measuring the averaged evoked unit responses of thalamic neurons to the T stimuli, and plotting them as a function of C-T intervals from 5 to 50 msec. Of the 20 VPL neurons tested during SI stimulation, the average response to T stimulation was decreased a mean of 36%, with the suppression peaking (at 49% inhibition of the afferent response) about 15 msec after the C stimulus. Considerable rostrocaudal variation was observed, however. Whereas neurons in the rostral VPL (near VL) were strongly inhibited (-69%), neurons in the middle and caudal VPL exhibited facilitations at long and short C-T intervals, respectively. This study establishes a specific projection system from the forepaw region of SI cortex to different subregions of the VPL thalamus, producing specific temporal patterns of sensory modulation.  相似文献   

The thalamus is the primary gateway that relays sensory information to the cerebral cortex. While a single recipient cortical cell receives the convergence of many principal relay cells of the thalamus, each thalamic cell in turn integrates a dense and distributed synaptic feedback from the cortex. During sensory processing, the influence of this functional loop remains largely ignored. Using dynamic-clamp techniques in thalamic slices in vitro, we combined theoretical and experimental approaches to implement a realistic hybrid retino-thalamo-cortical pathway mixing biological cells and simulated circuits. The synaptic bombardment of cortical origin was mimicked through the injection of a stochastic mixture of excitatory and inhibitory conductances, resulting in a gradable correlation level of afferent activity shared by thalamic cells. The study of the impact of the simulated cortical input on the global retinocortical signal transfer efficiency revealed a novel control mechanism resulting from the collective resonance of all thalamic relay neurons. We show here that the transfer efficiency of sensory input transmission depends on three key features: i) the number of thalamocortical cells involved in the many-to-one convergence from thalamus to cortex, ii) the statistics of the corticothalamic synaptic bombardment and iii) the level of correlation imposed between converging thalamic relay cells. In particular, our results demonstrate counterintuitively that the retinocortical signal transfer efficiency increases when the level of correlation across thalamic cells decreases. This suggests that the transfer efficiency of relay cells could be selectively amplified when they become simultaneously desynchronized by the cortical feedback. When applied to the intact brain, this network regulation mechanism could direct an attentional focus to specific thalamic subassemblies and select the appropriate input lines to the cortex according to the descending influence of cortically-defined “priors”.  相似文献   

The mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (MD) is a rich source of afferents to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Dysfunctions in the thalamo-prefrontal connections can impair networks implicated in working memory, some of which are affected in Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia. Considering the importance of the cholinergic system to cortical functioning, our study aimed to investigate the effects of global cholinergic activation of the brain on MD-mPFC synaptic plasticity by measuring the dynamics of long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) in vivo. Therefore, rats received intraventricular injections either of the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine (PILO; 40 nmol/µL), the nicotinic agonist nicotine (NIC; 320 nmol/µL), or vehicle. The injections were administered prior to either thalamic high-frequency (HFS) or low-frequency stimulation (LFS). Test pulses were applied to MD for 30 min during baseline and 240 min after HFS or LFS, while field postsynaptic potentials were recorded in the mPFC. The transient oscillatory effects of PILO and NIC were monitored through recording of thalamic and cortical local field potentials. Our results show that HFS did not affect mPFC responses in vehicle-injected rats, but induced a delayed-onset LTP with distinct effects when applied following PILO or NIC. Conversely, LFS induced a stable LTD in control subjects, but was unable to induce LTD when applied after PILO or NIC. Taken together, our findings show distinct modulatory effects of each cholinergic brain activation on MD-mPFC plasticity following HFS and LFS. The LTP-inducing action and long-lasting suppression of cortical LTD induced by PILO and NIC might implicate differential modulation of thalamo-prefrontal functions under low and high input drive.  相似文献   

Generalized convulsive seizures can be triggered by sensory stimuli in animals treated with subthreshold levels of convulsant drugs. The sensory responses of the brain-stem reticular formation (RF) are extensively enhanced before seizure initiation with bicuculline, strychnine, pentylenetetrazol, physostigmine, and several other convulsants. The responses of RF neurons are more greatly enhanced than other nonprimary neurons in the hippocampus, amygdala, and cortex. The action of systemically administered convulsants involves direct effects on reticular neurons, because RF response enhancement is also seen with iontophoresis. RF neuronal response enhancement does not appear to involve actions of convulsants on specific neurotransmitters, because agents that act on different transmitters enhance the responses of the same RF neuron when given sequentially. Anticonvulsant drugs reverse the effects of convulsants on reticular neurons. The convulsant-induced response enhancement in the RF may involve blockade of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and/or threshold reduction, effects observed in vitro. RF neurons may be most susceptible to convulsant action because these agents block habituation and other mechanisms that normally restrict RF neuronal responsiveness. The massive synchronization of reticular neuronal firing by sensory stimuli may induce seizures by intense output over widespread RF projection pathways analogous to the afterdischarge seizures seen with electrical stimulation of the RF.  相似文献   

Unit activity in 66 neurons of the reticular (R) nucleus and 31 neurons of the ventropostrolateral nuclei of the thalamus, and 14 neurons of the posterolateral nuclear complex, the pulvinar, were studied during extinction of the conditioned food implementation reflex. The number of R neurons that had responded to initial excitation in the first 300 msec after the conditional stimulus (CS) decreased with the extinction. Simultaneous disappearance of conditioned-reflex placement movements and late excitatory and inhibitory responses of R and dorsal thalamic nuclei neurons with latent periods exceeding 300 msec was also observed. Extinction of the conditioned reflex (CR) led to a significant lowering of background activity in two-thirds of investigated R and other thalamic nuclear neurons. This suggests that efferent effects from the reticular nucleus are decreased during Cr extinction.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 3–8, January–February, 1991.  相似文献   

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