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Methanol extracts of the plants Geranium robertianum, Lepidium sativum, Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis, Salvia pratensis, Saponaha officinalis, Thymus vulgaris, Trifolium repens and Valerianella locusta were produced and applied to cotyledons of 6–8 days old rape seedlings to investigate whether they can influence the feeding of the slug Arion lusitanicus on young rape. All plant extracts appeared to reduce slug feeding on rape to some extent, but only the extracts of Saponaria officinalis and V. locusta significantly deterred A. lusitanicus from feeding. The small effects of some extracts may be due to a poor extraction efficiency or an insufficient feeding inhibition capacity of these extracts.  相似文献   

As Arion lusitanicus has been observed in high densities in wildflower strips, the palatability of the foliage of 78 species of sown and naturally occurring plants found in such strips was investigated. In the laboratory, the slugs were offered a surplus of fresh, mature leaves and, after 16 h, a consumption index was calculated to rank the plants according to their palatability to the slugs. Arion lusitanicus showed clear preferences for particular plant species, but more than two thirds of all plants investigated were scarcely eaten. Brassica napus was most eaten, followed by Papaver rhoeas, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Lamium purpureum. Overall, A. lusitanicus preferred sown species to naturally occurring ones and preferred annuals to perennials.  相似文献   

The slug Arion lusitanicus is an invasive species which has recently become established in many European countries and is considered a serious pest, both in agriculture and private gardens. The effect of temperature on growth rate, survival, egg developmental time and hatchability of the slug are reported. The growth rate was positively correlated with temperatures up to 20°C and A. lusitanicus continued (on average) to grow until they die. A model describing how growth depends on temperature was developed, and a field survey found that the predicted growth matched the observed with reasonable accuracy. This study confirms the assumption that A. lusitanicus die after egg laying. Free‐ranging A. lusitanicus has an annual life cycle, but our data show that slugs also possess the ability to live for up to 3 years. The egg developmental time was, like growth, positively correlated with temperature and was shortest at 20°C, but the optimum temperature for egg development, when regarded as the temperature with highest hatchability was found to be 10°C. In conclusion, this study has shown that growth and the life‐history traits, egg developmental time and hatchability, of A. lusitanicus are highly influenced by temperature. However, data also show that temperatures within the range 2–20°C did not influence survival rates to any large degree, and that A. lusitanicus can quickly adjust to changes in temperature. The study provides a number of basic parameters which contribute to the understanding of the population dynamics of A. lusitanicus.  相似文献   

The feeding deterrent effect of carvone on the slug Arion lusitanicus was investigated. Carvone, a natural compound from caraway seeds, was incorporated into mulch to reduce its inherent volatility. In a laboratory choice experiment, boxes were filled on one side with carvone‐treated mulch and on the other side with untreated mulch. At carvone concentrations ranging from 0.03–0.75 ml litre?1 mulch, slugs ate significantly more lettuce on the untreated side. In a laboratory based no‐choice experiment, carvone concentrations of 0.25 and 0.75 ml litre?1 mulch significantly reduced slug feeding in comparison with the untreated control. Moreover at the highest concentration of carvone (0.75 ml litre?1 mulch) 50% mortality was recorded over a period of 5 days, indicating a clear molluscicidal effect. Due to its volatility carvone did not decrease plant defoliation by A. lusitanicus when applied directly onto lettuce. Subsequent field evaluation showed 0.75 ml litre?1 mulch to partially reduce slug feeding damage. However, this effect was not sufficient to significantly increase lettuce yield. The incorporation of a higher carvone concentration into mulch is still to be tested to confirm whether carvone‐treated mulch can be recommended as an effective alternative approach to chemical slug control.  相似文献   

Daily activity of slugs, Deroceras reticulatum and Arion distinctus, was studied in the laboratory in relation to the presence of shelters so as to define optimal conditions for using traps to forecast crop damage. Under constant temperature and humidity, activity of slugs began with the lights off. Its arrest occurred after a period of activity with the lights on. Slugs rested most frequently under a shelter on bare earth and rarely used the same shelter for more than two consecutive days. When food was placed under the shelter, the number of slugs found under the shelter was more constant throughout the 24 h period, but lower during diurnal rest. The presence of 4% methiocarb pellets under the shelter led to an increased occupation by slugs, due to the poisoning of some of them. Acts of aggression were more numerous in A. distinctus than in D. reticulatum. In D. reticulatum the smallest slug was the least aggressive and suffered more attacks from the other slugs. In A. distinctus the numbers of attacks suffered or provoked varied little with the size of the slug, but the smallest slug showed less interactions with other slugs.  相似文献   

The slug Arion lusitanicus Mabille (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae) is an invasive species which has spread to most parts of Europe. The area of origin is unknown, but A. lusitanicus seems to cope well with the local conditions in the countries to which it has migrated. It spreads rapidly, occurs often in high densities and has become a serious pest in most European countries. Therefore there is an urgent need for better knowledge of the ecophysiology of A. lusitanicus, such as the influence of climatic conditions, in order to develop prognostic models and strategies for novel pest management practises.The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of subzero temperatures in relation to winter survival. A. lusitanicus is shown to be freeze-tolerant in some life stages. Most juveniles and some adult slugs survived being frozen at −1.3 °C for 3 days, but none of the slugs survived freezing at −3 °C. The eggs survived subzero temperatures (down to −2 °C) probably by supercooling. Juveniles and adults may also survive in a supercooled state (down to −3 °C) but are generally poor supercoolers. Therefore, the winter survival of A. lusitanicus depends to a high degree on migration to habitats protected from low winter temperatures, e.g. under plant litter, buried in the soil or in compost heaps.  相似文献   

The nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a commercially available biocontrol agent against slugs. This product is especially interesting for use in organic farming, where products containing metaldehyde or carbamates cannot be used for controlling pest slugs. We investigated the potential of P. hermaphrodita for the control of the pest slugs Deroceras reticulatum and Arion lusitanicus. These two species are the most harmful slug pests in Switzerland. At different times of the year, we collected slug specimens of different weight and assessed their susceptibility to P. hermaphrodita in the laboratory. Batches of five slugs were subjected to five different doses of nematodes plus an untreated control and replicated three times. During six weeks, feeding and survival of the slugs were recorded. D. reticulatum was strongly affected by increasing nematode doses, irrespective of the slugs' body weight. In small specimens of A. lusitanicus, feeding and survival were strongly affected by the nematodes, while larger specimens remained almost unaffected. Because A. lusitanicus has an asynchronous development in Switzerland, it seems difficult to control the entire population with a single nematode application. To what extent nematodes will be used in practice for slug control depends on their effectivity against the pest slugs of major importance, on the longevity of the molluscicidal effect and on the price of nematodes.  相似文献   

Daily variation in the number of slugs under and around 25 cm × 25 cm pad‐traps was recorded in plots of crop cultures. Grey field slugs Deroceras reticulatum and garden slugs (Arion distinctus and Arion hortensis) left traps at dusk and came back at the end of the night. The time of day at which the number of trapped slugs was maximal did not occur in the middle of the day, when slugs were inactive, but in the early morning and in the evening, a few hours before dusk. This was due to a rise in temperature under the traps in the middle of the day. However, the grey field slugs stayed under traps throughout the morning, when temperatures under the traps reached values more favourable for rest.  相似文献   

Total locomotor activity was studied in 10 Thoroughbreds housed under a natural 12/12 light/dark cycle. Five horses were housed in individual boxes, and five were housed in individual boxes with a paddock. In order to record locomotor activity, on each horse was placed an Actiwatch-Mini® (Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd, UK), actigraphy-based data loggers that record a digitally integrated measure of motor activity. Locomotor activity in the different experimental conditions was evaluated by visual inspection. Average amount of activity (bout of activity/hour) during light and dark phase and cosine Peak (time of peak activity) were calculate using Actiwatch Activity Analysis 5.06. Student's t-test was used to determine significant differences. The results from this study underline the influence of stabling conditions on activity rhythms in horses; furthermore, we clearly established that in horses, the activity rhythm reaches its peak in the middle of the day.  相似文献   

Consistent inter-individual differences in daily activity rhythms (i.e., chronotypes) can have ecological consequences in determining access to food resources and avoidance of predators. The most common measure to characterize chronotypes in animals as well as humans is the onset of activity (i.e., early or late chronotypes). However, daily activity rhythms may also differ in the relative amount of activity displayed at particular time periods. Moreover, chronotypes may also be linked to other consistent inter-individual differences in behavior (i.e., personality), such as the propensity to take risks. Here, we used the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus to test the presence of chronotypes and risk-taking personality traits and a potential behavioral syndrome between these traits. We first exposed crayfish to 5 days of light–darkness to measure daily activity rhythms and then we applied a visual predator-simulating stimulus in 2 different contexts (neutral and food). Our results showed consistent (i.e., across 5 days) inter-individual differences in the relative nocturnal activity displayed in the early and middle, but not in the late part of darkness hours. Moreover, while crayfish displayed inter-individual differences in risk-taking behavior, these were not found to be consistent across 2 contexts. Therefore, we were not able to formally test a behavioral syndrome between these 2 traits. In conclusion, our study provides the first evidence of chronotypes in the relative amount of activity displayed at particular time periods. This could be a valuable information for applied ecological aspects related to the signal crayfish, which is a major invasive species of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

The mean final weight of juvenile greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina fed a single daily meal during the scotophase was lower than that of groups fed continuously or fed twelve, six, three or one meal during the photophase. Final weight did not differ among the latter five groups. Size variation in all groups of fish decreased during the course of the trial over 120 days. Groups assigned to a higher frequency (and hence a longer total daily meal duration) of daily meals were less active during mealtime. A distinct food anticipatory effect was observed in the groups of fish receiving a single daily meal during either photophase or scotophase, and also developed before at least one meal in the group of fish fed three meals per day.  相似文献   

A technique was developed for studying the flight activity of the, black fly,Simulium arcticum, under controlled environment conditions. Wind speed, light, temperature and humidity could be controlled and monitored in the flight chambers. Accurate measurement and recording of individual insect activity were achieved with a high-sensitivity video recording and monitoring system. The controlled-environment monitoring system is adaptable for investigations of the environmental behaviour and physiology of various insect species.  相似文献   

A study, involving laboratory choice tests, was conducted to determine the feeding behavior, based on food preference, of the adult and larval stage of the rove beetle, Atheta coriaria Kraatz when presented with both fresh moistened oatmeal and second instar fungus gnat, Bradysia sp. nr. coprophila (Lintner) larvae in Petri dishes. Rove beetles used in this study came from a laboratory-reared colony. A rating scale from 1 to 5, based on percent missing (1 = 0 to 10%, 2 = 11 to 30%, 3 = 31 to 50%, 4 = 51 to 75%, and 5 = 76 to 100%), was used to objectively assess the amount of oatmeal and number of fungus gnat larvae consumed by each rove beetle adult and larva. In all the choice tests, A. coriaria adults and larvae preferred to feed on fungus gnat larvae (78% and 69%, respectively) significantly more so than oatmeal (9% and 5%, respectively) based on the amount of oatmeal and number of fungus gnat larvae consumed after 4 and 6 hours. There were relatively minimal differences in the amount of food consumed for both adults and larvae after 4 and 6 hours. The results of this study indicate that oatmeal may be an inexpensive supplemental food source, during the rearing process, which will not inhibit the effectiveness of rove beetles to control fungus gnat larvae when released into greenhouses.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, is one of the most destructive pests of tomato worldwide. Management of the pest is mainly based on chemical insecticides. Reliance on insecticides is difficult to sustain because of unintended long‐term adverse effects on the environment and human health. Consequently, there is a need to develop pest management strategies that ensure the production of high‐quality products, while at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability and maximum consumer protection. We evaluated the efficacy the biopesticides: Azadirachtin, Bacillus thuringiensis, Steinernema feltiae and Beauveria bassiana individually and in combination against T. absoluta under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. When second instar larvae were exposed to tomato leaf discs treated with Azadirachtin (3 g / L), B. thuringiensis (0.5 g/L) or B. bassiana (1.5 g/L), 70%–86%, 55%–65%, and 45.5%–58.5% mortality was observed, respectively. Steinernema feltiae (1,000 IJs/ml) was the least effective biopesticide, with 26%–42% mortality. In the greenhouse trials on tomato, pest infestation (mines/10 leaves/plant) and fruits damaged were significantly lower on plants treated with Azadirachtin Bthuringiensis or Azadirachtin  +  Bbassiana compared to plants treated with Azadirachtin, B. thuringiensi, B. bassiana or S. feltiae alone. Azadirachtin Bthuringiensis and Azadirachtin  +  Bbassiana resulted in 90% and 81% reduction in fruits damaged in the summer experiments, respectively, and 96% and 91% in winter. The most severe pest infestation was observed on plants treated with S. feltia. The results indicate that the biopesticides, except S. feltia, can contribute to T. absoluta control in greenhouse tomato crops. In particular, the combined use of Azadirachtin with B. thuringiensis or B. bassiana provided the highest level of control of the pest. The potential for including these biopesticides in an overall sustainable integrated pest management programme for T. absoluta is discussed.  相似文献   

The flight and walking activities of second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh generations of Oomyzus sokolowskii reared on Plutella xylostella L. pupas were compared under laboratory conditions. The parasitoid wasps were obtained by collecting pupa masses of diamondback moth from cabbage fields. The experiments of flight and walking activities were carried out using black PVC tubes and the percentages of inactive, flying and walking wasps to light were calculated. Results showed a reduced flight and walking activities and increased percentage of inactive wasps with the increasing number of generations. In second- third- and fourth-generation average, 52.1 ± 1.27 and 29.6 ± 1.51 of population had flight and walking ability, respectively, and 17.1 ± 1.55 of them were not able to fly and walk. The highest percentage of inactive wasps was observed at seventh generation, whereas wasps showed significantly better flight and walking activities at second, third and fourth generations. Based on the results, flight and walking abilities of O. sokolowskii gradually decreased at continuous laboratory rearing.  相似文献   

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