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J. Green 《Journal of Zoology》1986,208(1):135-159
Zooplankton associations in six crater lakes have been compared by means of indices of similarity and diversity, and by k -dominance curves. The lakes covered a wide range of salinities and vegetational characteristics.
The total number of species identified were: Protozoa, 34; Rotifera, 48; Gastrotricha, 7; Crustacea, 24; and Chaoborus larvae, 2; giving an overall total of 115. The numbers of zooplankton species in each lake varied from 68, in a richly vegetated fresh crater lake in Arizona, to one in a highly saline lake in New Mexico.
Testate rhizopods and gastrotrichs were not found in the more saline lakes. A comparison of the rotifer associations with those of crater lakes in other parts of the world shows that there is a general tendency for a reduction in the total number of species when the conductivity rises above 400 μS cm−1 20°C, and when the conductivity reaches 10,000 μS cm−1 20°C the number of rotifer species is usually reduced to two. The two species found at high salinities show some variation in different parts of the world, but generally include species of Brachionus and Hexarthra.
There is a general tendency for the number of rotifer species in a crater lake to increase with increasing vegetation, at least up to the stage where there is a dense, zoned vegetation, and before a complete mosaic of vegetation covers the lake.  相似文献   

Zooplankton associations in some Ethiopian crater lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
SUMMARY. 1. The zoopiankton associations in five crater lakes in Ethiopia were examined in April 1984. The two least alkaline lakes had the most diverse zoopiankton.
2. The large diaptomid copepod Lovenula africana was present in the lakes with alkalinities between 10 and 63 meq l−1, but was absent from Lake Chitu (239 meq l−1).
3. The contribution of the zoopiankton to the nocturnal deoxygenation of Lake Aranguadi is negligible.  相似文献   

Percentage of rotifers in spring zooplankton in lakes of different trophy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Radwan  Stanisław  Popiołek  Barbara 《Hydrobiologia》1989,186(1):235-238
Studies carried out on 8 lakes in the czna-Wodawa Lakeland of eastern Poland indicated that the qualitative and quantitative structure of zooplankton was clearly correlated with the lake trophy state. In the spring zooplankton of lakes affected by gradual natural eutrophication were dominated by rotifers. In the zooplankton of lakes strongly affected by human activities, Cladocera dominated. With an increase in lake trophy there was an increase in the number of species that were indicators of eutrophy and a decrease in the number of indicators of mesotrophy. The total number of species in individual lakes tended to increase with an increase in trophy.  相似文献   

Bogaert  Geert  Dumont  Henri J. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):167-179
Hydrobiologia - The community structure and dynamics of the rotifers of an abandoned and inundated limestone quarry are described. Zooplankton standing crop is low, but the community is rich in...  相似文献   

Although well-known methods for the detection of intestinal parasitic protozoans in water samples exist, they are insufficiently sensitive, expensive, of little practical value in the routine monitoring of waterborne pathogens and time- and labour-consuming. In the investigation reported here we have assessed Cryptosporidium oocyst detection using both the so-called Method 1623[recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)] and a direct method involving the determination of oocysts of Cryptosporidium in rotifers as detection tools of surface water contamination by dispersive stages of intestinal protozoans. Rotifers were sampled from three lakes located near the city of Poznan (Poland). To detect the oocysts of Cryptosporidium, we applied the fluorescent in situ hybridisation technique, an immunofluorescent assay and an enzyme immunoassay. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium were detected both in water collected from the lakes and in rotifers. The FISH technique applied to rotifers enabled the detection of biological contamination of surface water through an assessment of the dispersive stages of the parasite and was found to be more sensitive, less time-consuming and cheaper than the method recommended by the USEPA.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the distribution and species richness of epibenthic and planktonic Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in 62 Uganda crater lakes, spread across the climatic gradient between the sub-humid shoulder and semi-arid floor of the East African Rift Valley. Together, these lakes cover large environmental gradients in salinity, trophic conditions and depth. In total, 36 species of Cladocera were encountered in the freshwater lakes (<1,500 μS/cm), whereas only a single species was found in the true saline lakes (>10,000 μS/cm). Cladoceran species richness in individual lakes was found to be determined primarily by the presence of a well-developed littoral belt of submerged and emergent aquatic macrophytes, pH and salinity. The highest species richness occurred in fresh but eutrophic shallow waters, with relatively low pH (6.5–7) and dense aquatic macrophyte growth. As identified by multivariate statistical analysis, the distribution of Cladocera species among the Uganda lakes was most strongly determined by nutrient availability (measured as total phosphorus), the presence and diversity of aquatic macrophyte habitat, pH, mean annual temperature and the fraction of the crater catchment that is currently under agriculture. Since Cladocera play an important role in aquatic food webs, and as such contribute to the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems, an increased understanding of the environmental controls underlying their distribution provides valuable information on aquatic ecosystem functioning needed for management and conservation. The significant turnover of cladoceran species composition along the sampled environmental gradients demonstrates their potential as biological indicators for water quality and ecosystem health in East African lakes. Our results suggest that changes in land use are the greatest threat to natural ecosystem functioning in these African lakes, and particularly so in the shallower lakes.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on crater lakes in West Cameroon. Debundsha Lake   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cape Debundsha receives 10 m (400 inches) of rain per year, and the water of the small crater lake on the cape has one of the lowest conductivities in Africa (11–13 µmho/cm/20 C). The lake has a maximum depth of 13·5 m. At the time of our visit in April 1972 the lake was stratified with a depletion of oxygen in the hypolimnion. The phytoplankton was dominated by Botryococcus , and the zooplankton was dominated by the ostracod Oncocypris debundshae. Both these organisms are closely associated with the surface film. Other zooplankters included Thermocyclops hyalitws , and in deeper water during the daytime the larvae of Chaoborus ceratopogones.
The fauna of the lake includes 12 species of testacean rhizopods, six species of rotifers, two oligochaetes, one snail, seven crustaceans, 15 insects and three acarines. Of the last group two species were new to science and one had been found only once previously. The ectoproct polyzoan, Lophopodella carteri , is recorded for the first time from West Africa, and the second time from Africa. The general impression of the fauna is one of sparseness, with an unusually high proportion of larval Odonata.  相似文献   

Bowler  J. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1981,81(1):431-444

Ecological studies on crater lakes in West Cameroon Fishes of Barombi Mbo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the West Cameroonian crater lake, Barombi Mbo, and its inflowing stream there are 17 species of fishes, of which 12, including the 11 cichlids, appear to be endemic. We give a systematic account of the endemics, including four new species and two new genera, Konia and Myaka. The ecology of the lake is described in relation to the feeding biology of the fishes, studied by underwater observation in the lake and the examination of stomach contents. The cichlids in Barombi Mbo probably evolved there from two or three ancestral populations and now show clear ecological separation in their feeding and breeding. The problem of speciation within the lake is of particular interest because of the apparent absence of physical barriers to account for the genetic isolation of incipient species.  相似文献   

Sanoamuang  L.  Stout  V. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):481-490
Thirty-five lakes in the South Island of New Zealand were surveyed for rotifers during 1988–1991. Of 85 taxa identified, 31 are first records for New Zealand, bringing the rotifers recorded from the country to 331. Four species (Keratella australis, K. slacki, Lecane herzigi and L. tasmaniensis), previously recorded as endemic forms only in Australia, are now added to the New Zealand checklist. Several of the new records are photographed, and scanning electron micrographs of the trophi are shown. Comments are made on the Australasian endemics and rotifer biogeography in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Biological observations on the crater lakes of Jebel Marra, Sudan   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Two lakes lie in a caldera at the top of Jebel Marra. One is shallow and highly saline, with a dense bloom of planktonic blue-green algae and a zooplankton consisting entirely of rotifers. The other is over 100 metres deep, is less saline, with a sparse phytoplankton of diatoms, and the dominant zooplankter is Eucyclops gibsoni. The marginal fauna of the deep lake includes a number of widespread insects, but is unusual in that it includes an aquatic glowworm (Family Lampyridae).
In the shallow lake there is a superabundance of oxygen in the upper two metres, but no oxygen below six metres, except when strong winds mix the lake so that there is then about 40% saturation throughout the water column. In the deep lake it was found that after strong winds there was only about 12% saturation in the top 30 metres of water. The restricted fauna of these lakes appears to be a result of the combined effects of isolation, salinity and a variable oxygen regime.  相似文献   

1. Anthropogenic stressors such as climate change, ozone depletion and acidification may act in concert to alter ultraviolet (UV) light and temperature regimes in freshwater ecosystems. These physical and chemical changes will inevitably affect zooplankton community dynamics, but little is known about their relative effects on different species in natural communities. During spring, species that migrate to surface waters to take advantage of warmer temperatures may be especially vulnerable as UV levels can be high. 2. The objective of this study was to investigate the in situ effects of UV and temperature on a natural assemblage of planktonic rotifers and crustaceans during the spring. We performed in situ exposure experiments in two lakes with different surface temperatures. 3. Exposure to UV had a significant effect on the abundance and/or reproduction of four rotifers: Gastropus spp., Kellicottia bostonensis, Kellicottia longispina, Keratella spp.; two cladocerans: Holopedium gibberum, Daphnia catawba, and one copepod: Leptodiaptomus minutus. Incubation under cooler temperatures had a negative effect on K. longispina and H. gibberum. Temperature and UV had a significant interactive effect on abundance and/or reproduction of L. minutus and Ploesoma truncatum. Our results indicate that changes in underwater UV and temperature can significantly influence the composition of the zooplankton community and ultimately food web dynamics.  相似文献   

Sarah A.  Corbet  J. Green    J. Griffith    Elaine  Betney 《Journal of Zoology》1973,170(3):309-324
Lake Kotto is a shallow crater lake, sometimes weakly stratified, and with a dense phytoplankton dominated by blue-green algae. The ecology of Lake Kotto and the similar, smaller lake Mboandong is described in relation to the feeding biology of their fishes. Of the five species of cichlids in Lake Kotto only one is endemic. Two are phytoplankton-feeders, one takes invertebrates as well as phytoplankton, one feeds mainly on chironomid larvae, and one preys on vertebrates as well as on invertebrates. The three phytoplanktivores are the main species eaten by man. One species of Clarias and one of Barbus also occur in Lake Kotto; and in the associated streams are four species of cyprinodont fishes. The fish fauna of Mboandong consists of three species of cichlids and two cyprinodonts, all known from the Kotto system. We contrast Lake Kotto with the oligotrophic lake Barombi Mbo, and conclude that Lake Kotto would probably be less sensitive to human interference than would Barombi Mbo.  相似文献   

An increasing number of exotic animals are causing ecological problems. Therefore, for better ecosystem management, it is important to understand how exotic species colonize and adapt to novel environments. The threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) can be a good vertebrate model system to explore the ecological and genetic mechanisms of adaptation not only in natural populations, but also in non-native populations. Although morphological changes have been documented in several introduced populations of stickleback, little is known about the dietary changes during colonization into novel environments. Here, we investigated the morphological and dietary changes of exotic threespine stickleback populations introduced into three Japanese crater lakes (Lake Towada, Lake Kussharo, and Lake Shikotsu). Sticklebacks were introduced into the crater lakes likely along with salmonids transplanted for aquaculture. The stickleback population in Lake Kussharo had multiple mitochondrial haplotypes and had larger phenotypic variances than other crater lake stickleback populations that had only one mitochondrial haplotype. Compilation of historical data on the morphology and stomach contents of the Lake Towada stickleback population showed that substantial shifts in body size and stomach contents occurred after colonization. Some of these changes may be related to an outbreak of the Schistocephalus parasite. These results suggest that sticklebacks can change their morphology and trophic ecology when they colonize novel environments. Therefore, extreme care should be taken when salmonids are transported between watersheds for aquaculture and that long-term monitoring of exotic species is essential for ecosystem management. In addition, further genetic studies on phenotypic changes in crater lake sticklebacks would help elucidate the genetic mechanisms underlying the adaptation of exotic fishes to novel environments.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化对轮虫群落结构及物种多样性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2005年7月至2006年6月, 我们对安徽省芜湖市境内5个湖泊中轮虫的群落结构及部分水质特征参数进行了调查, 用相关加权综合营养状态指数(TLIc)评价了各湖泊的营养水平, 分析了其中的轮虫群落结构、多样性指数及其与TLIC之间的关系。经鉴定, 5个湖泊中共采集到轮虫79种, 隶属18科31属; 不同营养水平湖泊中出现的轮虫种类数有明显的差异(P<0.01)。除龙窝湖外, 其余4个湖泊中的轮虫种类数与TLIC均呈显著负相关关系(r=–0.984, P<0.05)。湖泊水体的富营养化进程显著地提高了轮虫总密度和第一优势种的优势度, 降低了轮虫群落的均匀度和物种多样性指数。  相似文献   

Green  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):47-56
Samples were taken from a Malaysian estuary along a salinity gradient from full strength sea water down to a conductivity of 27 µS cm–1. In a region where the conductivity fluctuated between 6500 and 14000 µS only empty loricas of Keratella cochlearis and Lecane bulla were found. Where the salinity reached a maximum of 3800 µS Lecane bulla was the dominant rotifer, and 17 other species were found. Where the conductivity remained below 1000 µS at all stages of the tidal cycle there were more species of rotifers, up to 33 at one station.The rotifer fauna of the estuary was compared to the assemblage found in two local ponds. Of the 63 species found in the estuary only 29 were also found in the ponds. Compared to the total known rotifer fauna of Malaysia the estuary has a higher proportion of Lecane species (40%), and the genera Brachionus and Trichocerca are under-represented.Species associated with inland saline waters, such as Brachionus plicatilis, B. dimidiatus and Hexarthra jenkinae were not found in the estuary.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Measurements of oxygen, pH, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, hydroxylamine. ammonium and sulphide were made in four Ethiopian crater lakes during 1964, 1965 and 1966 at fairly regular intervals. The seasonal pattern of the dynamics of these chemical constituents is described for depth and time and relates closely to the pattern of thermal stratification and mixing previously described.
2. Interactions between the chemical constituents are examined and comparisons are made between the four lakes which differ widely in their depth, exposure to wind and standing crops of phytoplankton.
3. The vertical distribution of the chemical constituents is used to help define the limits of circulation of surface waters and the need to understand the seasonality of chemical stratification in relating climatic, morphometric and biological events, especially in tropical lakes, is stressed.  相似文献   

In July and August 1988 samples of zooplankton were collected from 17 lakes on four islands. Five species of Cladocera, three species of Copepoda and 30 species of Rotifera were found. The maximum numbers of species in any one lake were four planktonic Cladocera, two Copepoda and seven planktonic Rotifera (with up to six additional non-planktonic species). The smallest, most distant island had fewer species than the largest island nearest to the mainland, but the number of species in each lake was determined more by the size of the lake than by its location. This results in the most distant island having lakes containing the same number of species as lakes of similar size on islands nearer to the mainland. The numbers of zooplankton species in each of these lakes are significantly lower than the world average, and the dominance ratios are significantly higher.  相似文献   

Quantitative zooplankton sampling was carried out biweekly during 16 months in Lake Nyahirya, a Western Uganda crater lake. Six out of 24 rotifer species recorded from the lake were quantitatively important (Horaella brehmi, Brachionus angularis, B. caudatus, Keratella tropica, Filinia longiseta and F. opoliensis, and three others were common (Brachionus falcatus, Asplanchna sieboldi and Conochiloides natans). Rotifer peaks were correlated with rainy periods and relatively clear water, which coincide with the European spring and autumn. All species were able to deal with hypoxic conditions. A clear niche separation can be observed between different genera and between species of the same genus. The population dynamics of the rotifers seem to be ruled by repeated irregular environmental fluctuations. Rainfall appears to be a primary steering factor.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton communities and the production of cyanobacterial toxins were investigated in two alkaline Kenyan crater lakes, Lake Sonachi and Lake Simbi. Lake Sonachi was mainly dominated by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis, Lake Simbi by A. fusiformis and Anabaenopsis abijatae. The phytoplankton biomasses measured were high, reaching up to 3159 mg l−1 in L. Sonachi and up to 348 mg l−1 in L. Simbi. Using HPLC techniques, one structural variant of the hepatotoxin microcystin (microcystin-RR) was found in L. Sonachi and four variants (microcystin-LR, -RR, -LA and -YR) were identified in L. Simbi. The neurotoxin anatoxin-a was found in both lakes. To our knowledge this is the first evidence of cyanobacterial toxins in L. Sonachi and L. Simbi. Total microcystin concentrations varied from 1.6 to 12.0 μg microcystin-LR equivalents g−1 DW in L. Sonachi and from 19.7 to 39.0 μg microcystin-LR equivalents g−1 DW in L. Simbi. Anatoxin-a concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 2.0 μg g−1 DW in L. Sonachi and from 0 to 1.4 μg g−1 DW in L. Simbi. In a monocyanobacterial strain of A. fusiformis, isolated from L. Sonachi, microcystin-YR and anatoxin-a were produced. The concentrations found were 2.2 μg microcystin g−1 DW and 0.3 μg anatoxin-a g−1 DW. This is the first study showing A. fusiformis as producer of microcystins and anatoxin-a. Since A. fusiformis occurs in mass developments in both lakes, a health risk for wildlife can be expected.  相似文献   

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