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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(6):366-377
A new Plio-Pleistocene viverrid species is described based on two newly discovered maxillae (KW 10141 and KW 10383) from the recent excavations at the hominin-bearing site of Kromdraai (Gauteng, South Africa). This major site allows us to address the conundrum of Paranthropus and Homo origins in South Africa and presents a highly diverse carnivore spectrum (at least 22 species) including herpestids and viverrids. Civettictis braini nov. sp. is a viverrid species comparable in size to the extant African civet Civettictis civetta (Schreber, 1776). However C. braini nov. sp. differs significantly from the extant species in its dental proportions. Its canine and three premolars (P1–P3) are relatively robust, while its carnassials (P4) and two molars (M1, M2) are extremely reduced. This new species supplements our knowledge on carnivore taxonomic diversity and paleoecology in Southern Africa about 2 millions of years ago.  相似文献   

Costa tricostata (Reuss) and Paleocosta aquitanicanov. sp. are polymorph species of the Paleogene Aquitaine. In this study, their constituent forms are both described and illustrated. These are particularly ornamented and show Mesogene affinites; their geographical distribution area is limited within the Aquitaine Basin and Bay of Biscaye.In bathyal environments, the spatial distribution of the Costa, reveals three domains characterized by an increase of faunal density and polymorphism and a morpho- functional adaptation through the strengthening of the shell architecture. We attribute these changes to the effects of an adaptative strategy of the populations within an environment of increasing dynamic activity either near drainage channels and/or accumulation zones of terrigenous material continentally-derived, or within highly intensive upwelling zones.In less shallow environments and/or more close tooceanic influences, the Costa and Paleocosta populations flourish but lose their polymorphism. They announce the ecologic limit of the species.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene locality of Kromdraai B has yielded the type specimen of Paranthropus robustus, as well as 27 additional fossil hominin specimens. In a number of both cranial and dental features, the states shown by the Kromdraai Paranthropus are more conservative when compared to the more derived conditions displayed by both South African conspecifics and the post-2.3 Ma eastern African Paranthropus boisei. Since 2014, we excavated the earliest known infilling of the Kromdraai cave system in a previously unexplored area. This new locality provided as yet 2200 identifiable macrovertebrate fossils, including 22 hominins, all tied in the earliest part of the stratigraphic sequence, representing three distinct depositional periods. Since we report here, for the first time, the occurrence of fossil hominins in Members 1 and 2, our discoveries stretch the time span of hominin evolution at Kromdraai and contribute to a better understanding of the origin of Paranthropus in southern Africa.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):659-668
In this paper we analyze the rodent assemblage from the Early Pleistocene site of Gruta1 (Quibas karstic complex, Murcia, SE Spain), providing taphonomic comments and paleoecological and paleoclimatic data. The studied assemblage includes 209 identified rodent teeth corresponding to at least four taxa. The karstic source of the site and the low presence of digested remains suggest that the accumulation is scatological in origin, with the influence of predators such as owls; the accumulation also shows certain evidence of slight hydrodynamic sorting. For the area around Quibas/Gruta1 the paleoecological study indicates a predominance of rocky areas (31.7%), forested environments (31.7%) and open dry meadows or shrublands (29.7%), which would indicate a mosaic forest environment, and to a lesser extent the presence of open humid land (5.4%) and areas along streams or ponds (1.5%). The distribution of the bioclimatic spectra yields the highest percentage for a Mediterranean climate (37.5%), while the climatic parameters calculated (MAT = 15 °C, MTW = 25.7 °C, MTC = 4.3 °C, MAP = 390 mm) suggest colder and slightly more humid conditions than today at the time of the deposition of the remains. The data also point to a relative decrease in temperature within the phase in which the site was produced, which possibly occurred during a relative cold period between MIS 36 and MIS 40 according to the age.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):647-657
The fossil bat assemblage from the Lower Red Unit of Sima del Elefante (TELRU) in Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) has been exhaustively analysed for the first time. Bat fossil assemblages are of particular relevance to palaeoenvironmental approaches to sites. Here we integrate our new data on the chiropteran fauna with the data provided previously by other authors on the basis of the small-vertebrate assemblages and the palynology of the site. Our results are consistent with the earlier results in that they indicate a generally warmer climate than at present in the area and stable environmental conditions throughout the major part of the TELRU sequence. However, fossil bat assemblages sometimes lead to problems when they are used in landscape reconstruction. These problems are discussed here and should be taken into account in future works.  相似文献   

Stephanorhinus etruscus is one of the most abundantly recorded and better known Eurasian Early Pleistocene rhinoceroses. Nevertheless, the first and last appearances of this species, as well as its paleogeographic distribution, are controversial and debated in literature. Setruscus is documented since the latest Pliocene in Spain (Las Higueruelas), Italy (Montopoli and Castelnuovo di Barardenga), France (Perrier–Les Étouaires) and Romania (Iar??–Cariera Veche). During the Early Pleistocene, Setruscus occurred in several Spanish, French and Italian localities, as well as in The Netherlands (e.g., Tegelen), Germany (e.g., Thiede), Greece (e.g., Aivaliki) and Israel (e.g., Ubeidiya). The last appearance of Setruscus in Eurasia is debatable. Etruscan rhino populations survived till the Jaramillo subchrone (around 1.1 Ma) in France (Bois-de-Riquet), Romania (Betfia XII) and Hungary (Osztramos 2 and 8), and close to the early–middle Pleistocene transition in Spain (Cueva Victoria, Huéscar 1, Atapuerca TD4, TD6 and TD8), and Italy (Monte delle Piche).  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(4):305-315
With more than 50 extant turtle species, Southeast Asia is currently a hotspot of turtle biodiversity. However, the distribution areas of most species are decreasing as a consequence of human activities. The causes of this decline are multiple: habitat and natural resources destruction, introduction of invasive species, hunting, etc. Historical data are however still lacking for a detailed understanding of that regional trend as well as for forecasting its evolution in the future. Indeed, while oral testimonies and text data can provide a rather good appreciation of the decline of biodiversity over the last few decades; nothing is known about the dynamic of turtle biodiversity over the Holocene. This lack of data is especially damaging in area where human activities are interacting for a long time with the wild fauna, as the central plain of Thailand, which is now dominated by agricultural landscape. In order to solve these issues, we investigated five Holocene localities in Thai central plain which provided assemblages of turtle remains ranging from Neolithic to Dvaravati periods (4000 to 1000 BP). The studied archaeological assemblages showed a very high species richness. Species such as Malayemys macrocephala, Cuora amboinensis, Heosemys annandalii, Heosemys grandis, Siebenrockiella crassicolis, Amyda ornata were among the most abundant. We also found several plates and a cranial material belonging to a species of the genus Batagur and tortoise remains including Indotestudo elongata and a few plates belonging to the genus Geochelone. The Batagur and Geochelone genera are absent from living turtle assemblages in the central plain but are present in Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia or Southern Thailand for Batagur and far in the West for Geochelone (Myanmar) respectively. Batagur is usually found in coastal areas and its disappearance from central plain is interpreted as resulting from the destruction of a fragile habitat and possibly from the rapid geomorphological evolution of the Chao-Phraya deltaic plain, the disappearance of tortoises could result from deforestation. Cutting traces showed that most turtles were used as food resources at these times, suggesting that turtle hunting was a common practise. Furthermore, occurrence of holes in the margin of the carapace of specimens from Kheed Khin (Saraburi Province) and Promthin Tai (Lopburi Province) suggests that turtles were sometimes kept captive alive or transported. This study shows that investigation of recent fossil localities allows for a better understanding of the role of past human populations in the alteration of the biodiversity through time, and for a more accurate estimation of the rates of species extinction.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):557-593
Valdavara 3 is a new early late Pleistocene paleontological and archeological cave site in northwestern Iberia. Over 1400 fossils have been collected, representing about 40 species. The fauna is of interglacial aspect and is in accordance with the OSL dates from the fossiliferous layer, which indicate an age of 103–113 ka. The great taxonomical diversity indicates a varied landscape. A small collection of lithic artifacts was found associated with the fossils, demostrating presence of humans and suggesting short non-residential visits to the cave. The fossiliferous site was predominantly formed by natural processes. Many fossil localities have short or biased faunal lists, but the fossil fauna recovered from Valdavara 3 is remarkably diverse and may reflect the fauna which once lived there.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):473-481
The fragmentary fossil history of whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Coronulidae) is mainly constituted by remains of Coronula spp. in Plio-Pleistocene deposits found along extant humpback whale migration routes, and especially in occurrence of breeding areas. Here we report the presence of a single compartment of Cetopirus along with remains of Coronula bifida in Lower Pleistocene open shelf deposits of Salento (South Italy). This is the first occurrence of the genus Cetopirus prior to the Late Glacial period (ca. 15–10 ky before Present), and the specimen here studied is designated as the holotype of the new fossil species Cetopirus fragilis. Since Cetopirus is currently found exclusively inhabiting the skin of the right whales (Eubalaena spp.), the fossil material here studied suggests the persistence of Balaenidae in the Mediterranean Basin during the Early Pleistocene and supports the existence of a baleen whale migratory route active between the central Mediterranean and the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):681-695
Quaternary small vertebrate assemblages from northern France, and more generally from northwestern Europe, are poorly recognized, and studied less than those from more southern, Mediterranean areas. However, important sites of human occupation are often found in these northern areas, with significant issues related to the occupation of these sites by Neanderthals and previous humans, as well as faunal dynamics under climatic pressure. In this paper, we present preliminary results from the study of small vertebrate assemblages from two Late Pleistocene sites of northern France: Mutzig (Alsace) and Le Rozel (Normandy). Both are ancient rock-shelters that have been excavated recently and have yielded evidence of Neanderthal occupation, but in very different contexts: Le Rozel is located in a coastal area of northwestern France contemporaneous with a temperate period, while Mutzig is located at the foot of the Vosges mountains in northeastern France and was occupied during a cold period. Consequently, even if these two sites are chronologically close to each other, differences in faunal composition are observed and discussed in relation to the geographic, climatic and biochronological context, in comparing the results from small vertebrates with those from other disciplines (numerical dating, large mammals).  相似文献   

Based on well-preserved lower dentition, a new adapisoriculid from the Cambay Shale Formation (basal Eocene, ~54.5 Ma) in the open cast lignite mine of Vastan, Gujarat State, western India, is described. Indolestes kalamensis gen. et sp. nov adds significantly to the diversity of basal eutherians from Vastan as it represents a family hitherto not known from the Eocene of the Indian Subcontinent. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Indolestes is derived relative to Deccanolestes and Afrodon, but primitive relative to the European adapisoriculids Bustylus and Adapisoriculus. The new data from the early Eocene provide evidence for continued survival of a Gondwanan mammal lineage following the Deccan volcanic activity (Cretaceous–Paleogene transition) in the Indian Subcontinent.  相似文献   

The new fossil locality of El Kohol is located on the southern flank of the Saharan Altas, near Brezina (Algeria). It has been discovered in a thick Palaeogene continental series divided into 4 members: a transitional gypsiferous member, a lower red detritic member, a middle marly-calcareous member, and an upper red detritic member. The new flora and fauna have been obtained by excavation and washing-screening of a marly level of the middle member. The main finds are charophytes, lower vertebrates, a marsupial and eutherian mammals (lipotyphlan Insectivora, hyracoids, creodonts and Proboscidea). Geological and palaeontological data allow to refer these fossil remains, at least provisorily, to the end of the early Eocene. Palaeobiogeographical comments are made about forms with Holarctic affinities.  相似文献   

The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new genus and species of Pipoidea from the Huitrera Formation (Eocene) from Patagonia, Argentina. The new genus shows a unique combination of characters indicating that it is a valid taxon different from other pipimorphs, including the coeval Llankibatrachus truebae. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in the nesting of the new taxon within a previously unrecognized endemic clade of South American aglossans. This new clade turns out to be the sister-group of crown-group Pipidae. This phylogenetic proposal reinforces the hypothesis sustaining the dispersal of pipids between Africa and South America through an island chain or a continental bridge across the Atlantic Ocean by Early Tertiary times.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):731-744
Despite the postulation of the “herpetofaunal stability hypothesis”, which suggests that the herpetofauna underwent relatively few changes during the Pleistocene, the amphibian and squamate faunas of western Europe are known to have progressively diminished during the Pliocene and the beginning of the Pleistocene. Iberian Early Pleistocene sites continue to document the presence of “exotic” herpetofaunal elements that are supposed to have disappeared from the mainland, such as Oriental vipers, agamid lizards, the anguids Pseudopus and Dopasia, and a representative of the green toad group (Bufo viridis sensu lato), as well as possibly gekkonids, a scincid lizard (Lygosominae), the anguid Ragesaurus and blind snake (Scolecophidia). The geographical and temporal pattern of these progressive southward withdrawals and extirpations on the Iberian Peninsula shows that extirpation events occurred in northern Spain at roughly the Olduvai paleomagnetic event and in southern Spain just before the Jaramillo paleomagnetic reversal, thus permitting us to establish a framework that can be used to complement the biochronological zonation of the Iberian Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(7):877-887
The Tertiary sediments of northern Pakistan are an exceptional record of terrestrial sedimentation and represent most of Neogene time. Foremost is the Siwalik Group of the Potwar Plateau, for which multiple, superposed fossil levels span ∼18–6 Ma. Well-developed magnetostratigraphic control provides secure dating so that Siwalik fossil horizons may be interpolated into a time scale with resolution to 100,000 years. We describe the geographic setting of the Potwar, give an overview of the temporal distribution of faunas, and discuss changes in paleohabitat and paleoecology with coinciding faunal change, as seen from the Siwalik viewpoint. The long Siwalik biostratigraphy of many successive assemblages with its resolved time scale may be compared directly with other well-dated sequences. Immigrant arrival and timing of faunal change may be traced. The basins of the Iberian Peninsula show somewhat different timing of introduction of hipparionine horses, and faunal turnover in the Siwaliks clearly precedes the Vallesian crisis in Spain. In contrast to the increasingly seasonal precipitation of the late Miocene Potwar, the paleohabitat of coeval North China appears to have been moist and equable, with high diversity faunas. Continued development and comparison of resolved Neogene records allow increasing resolution of the patterns of faunal change on regional to global levels.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(4):465-478
The northern edge of the Iranian Central Desert has provided valuable evidence of terminal Pleistocene human settlements. Mirak constitutes one of the largest open-air lithic scatters in the region, consisting of eight natural mounds. Fieldwork was initiated in 2015 by the joint Iranian-French program at Mirak 8. Preliminary results have demonstrated at least three successive phases of human occupation during the MIS3: an upper layer with clear Upper Paleolithic affinities and a maximum age of 28 ky, a lower layer with clear Middle Paleolithic affinities that dates around 47 ky, and an intermediate layer with mixed characteristics that can be seen as an intermediate Paleolithic phase which dates between 28 ± 2 and 38 ± 2 ky. At the time when Upper Paleolithic cultures originated in the Zagros Mountains, cultures with clear Middle Paleolithic affinities persisted nearby along the northern edge of the Iranian Central Plateau.  相似文献   

The birds found in the Middle and Upper Pleistocene sites of France can be classified in four categories according to the thermic requirements of present forms. A «guide-number growing from 1 to 4 and corresponding to an increasing temperature has been ascribed to each category. The «Thermic index is calculated from this guide-number and takes into account the relative frequency of species.The different values obtained for the main fossilavifaunas allow to find climatic fluctuations that, in the whole, confirm the facts already known, which therefore allows to test the method.  相似文献   

The Eocene epoch in the Indian subcontinent was marked by widespread deposition of lignite and coal. While several of these deposits formed during the Early Eocene, corresponding to Early Eocene hyperthermal events, the lignites of Kutch in western India formed later during the Middle Eocene. An integrated biostratigraphy based on dinoflagellates and foraminifera assigns a Bartonian age to the succession, which likely corresponds to the time of the Middle Eocene warming. The spores, pollen, dinoflagellates and foraminifera suggest a restricted marine, near shore depositional environment adjacent to tropical rainforest. The lignites of Kutch suggest high precipitation during or just preceding the warm climate of the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

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