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In the Sahara, wherever there are naked rock surfaces, engravings and paintings have been found in large numbers. This rock art includes various types of images — the oldest dating about ten millenniums — among which human beings, wild or domesticated animals, therianthrops and non-explicit images can be identified. According to periods and styles, the human being has been represented under extremely varied aspects from particularly realistic — similar to the reality — till very simplified, even caricatural drawings. For some realistic representations of women and men, we can observe anatomical or morphological peculiarities which, without being frequent, show cases of steatopygy and gynoïd or androïd obesity, pathological or not. For certain periods, we also find imaginary, fantastic or caricatural representations. These images characterize particularly styles previous to that called “Round Heads”. So, in the Saharan art, the human being has been represented either in his physical truth, or according to multiple stylistic conventions or graphic stereotypes, which could characterize certain ethnic groups.  相似文献   

F. Schenk  L. Cocchi 《PSN》2007,5(1):62-66
The relationship between the human psychological faculties and their underlying biological foundation is traditionally addressed within the mind-matter philosophical framework and its ethical extension regarding freedom and determinism. Neurobiology represents a new method, reflective of our times, to articulate the relationships between biological and psychological phenomena. The various points of view in this field are often based on implicit ontological presuppositions and, at least sometimes, unconscious epistemological assumptions: monism vs dualism, functionalism, reductionism, eliminativism, type identity and other more or less sophisticated variations. Bearing in mind the pitfalls these create, we can try to determine structural analogies across the different levels of the living being and the mind: the energy imbalance maintained for cell survival; the dynamic and complementary relationship between homeostatic and allostatic functions in living organisms; the tension between essential and complementary cognitive brain processes, such as the processes used to represent an object and those used to locate an object in space. Those phenomena all bear structural analogies, even though they work at different levels.  相似文献   

Despite a rich archaeological record, the old prehistory of Namibia, particularly from the Earlier Stone Age, is poorly documented, due to the surface context of the findings, exposed by erosional processes. In this context, human behaviors and responses to environment changes in this region during the Middle Pleistocene remain unclear. In the late 1970's, Myra Shackley surveyed the Central Namib dune desert and discovered lithic artefacts associated to fragmented fossilized bones of antelopes, elephants, zebras and buffalos at Namib IV. She interpreted this locality as an Acheulean butchery site on the shores of a paleolake. The radiometric dating suggested an age of ~347ka whereas biochronology broadly pointed the human occupation to the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (1–0.5 Ma). Thanks to these ages, Namib IV is currently the earliest dated evidence of human presence in the current Namib coastal desert. Contextualized by the existing chronological and paleoenvironmental data, we analyzed the unstudied lithic material recovered at Namib IV. To do so, we applied a qualitative morpho-structural approach to the stone tools and tried to reconstruct the productional schemes (chaînes opératoires). Our results argue for an important economy of the raw material, a spatial fragmentation of stone tool production and an important technical homogeneity of the lithic assemblage despite few possible intrusive elements. In the light of these analyses, we finally discussed the advanced site function of Namib IV as butchery site.  相似文献   

Systematic surveys on the Rhins Valley, a little tributary of the Loire River (South East France), have yielded lithic assemblages for more than 20 years. The number of open-air localities totals at that moment 28. The assemblages are composed for the most of bifaces, cores, including many Levallois cores, and flakes. Although the number of pieces varies in localities, data recorded for more than 20 years are enough to map a small size territory and compare assemblages attributed to the end of the “Acheulean”. Comparison of strategies, debitage and façonnage, provides hypotheses on the type of occupation of the valley, with living spots located on the flint outcrops and asking both a heavy-duty component and flaking products. Some main categories of bifacial tools are present, mainly on flint. The ratio of bifaces and intensity of shaping seems to distinguish the series. The Levallois core technology is used in large quantity associated to diverse other core technologies. These sites located on the plateaus bordering the valley offer the opportunity to describe human occupations on a micro-regional scale, occupations sharing technological common features. These occupations are located between the Saône-Rhône corridor and the isolated basins of the Massif Central. The rhodanian corridor has yielded at that moment few evidence of Acheulean open-air human occupations. These sites attest that systematic surveys have to continue on these areas to complete the knowledge on the occupations.  相似文献   

M. Schneider 《PSN》2007,5(1):31-36
Psychoanalysis characterises subjectivity as a notion based on the “plurality of psychologically troubled persons”, revealed, for instance, in dreams. The author takes a closer look at a number of Freud’s dream analyses and argues that, in working with the dream, subjects often eject one of their psychologically troubled persons (often the “suffering child”) out of themselves, projecting the person into the Other. As a result, an intersubjective space is created, which is required to receive the divisions originating from the intrasubjective space. Freud’s 1895 Project, however, goes farther: the evacuation of the “disparate part” of the child to the Other grants access to logical and rational judgement, guaranteeing a child’s psychological life a fictional stability (the “Thing” or the “ego”). Freud adds that this process is possible if a Nebenmensch — or “fellow creature” — is present and has the quality of a “helping person” capable of receiving the child’s suffering cry. These two lines of thought, together, help clarify the intersubjective position underlying the analytical work: a tentative encounter between the patient’s distress and the analyst’s presence. Free-floating attention will enable the analyst to receive and hear this distress and ease the patient’s recovery of his or her intrasubjective space.  相似文献   

Penoscrotal elephantiasis is a rare disease outside areas where filariasis is endemic. It is a benign disease but can become disabling in that it can make sexual relations difficult and sometimes even affect urination. We report three cases of primitive penoscrotal elephantiasis treated with complete surgical resection of pathological tissue and penoscrotal reconstruction, with good functional and aesthetic results. We update, through our own experience and a review of the literature, aspects of the diagnostic and therapeutic care of penoscrotal elephantiasis.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of birds: 35 years of progress. Birds are dinosaurs – specifically, small feathered and flighted theropod dinosaurs that probably originated in Laurasia during the Late Jurassic over 140 million years ago. They are most closely related to other small theropods such as dromaeosaurs and troodontids, terrestrial predators that were fleet-footed hunters. The origin of birds is a classic example of two kinds of macroevolution: the phylogenetic origin of the group, and the sequential assembly of adaptations such as flight that are indelibly associated with birds. These adaptations were not assembled all at once. Rather, a great many characteristics associated with birds and flight first appeared in non-avian dinosaurs, where they were used for many purposes other than flight. These included insulation, brooding, and probably display and species recognition. Birds diversified steadily but gradually after their origin, which is identified with the origin of flight (Archaeopteryx); forelimb and other flight-associated features evolved more rapidly than features associated with the posterior skeleton. The first birds grew more slowly than extant birds do, and more like other small Mesozoic dinosaurs; like them, they probably matured sexually well before they completed their active skeletal growth. The origin of flight is not a problem of “trees down” or “ground up,” but rather an examination of the order in which diagnostic flight characters evolved, and what each stage can reveal about the functions and habits of bird outgroups at those evolutionary junctures.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-eight human remains have been discovered during excavations carried out between 1964 and 2014 in la Caune de l’Arago, in Tautavel, in the Eastern Pyrenees. They come from a detailed stratigraphic context comprising 15 archaeostratigraphic units with human presence, with ages ranging from 550 ka for unit Q at the base, to 400 ka for unit C at the top (OIS 14 to 10). During this long period of time, Man experienced two cold and dry climatic periods (stratigraphic complexes I and III), separated by a humid-temperate period (stratigraphic complex II). Most of the human remains come from units F and G, in stratigraphic complex III, associated with a cold and windy steppic environment. The human remains were mixed with the archaeological material and waste from hunted and consumed fauna. The inventory of human remains comprises a majority of cranial elements, and in particular, the anterior portion of a skull, Arago XXI, discovered on 22 July 1971, which revealed the physical aspect of the first Europeans for the first time. The remains are made up of 5 mandibles, 123 teeth (isolated or still on the alveolar arch), several post-cranial skeletal fragments: 9 upper limb elements, 19 lower limb elements, representing 30 deceased individuals, comprising 18 adults and 12 children. The study of these fossils relates them to Asian and African forms of Homo erectus, as they display common characteristics. This observation raises questions as to the existence of this group in Europe. The contribution of the collection of human fossils from Arago thus presents a threefold interest; paleontological, population-based and behavioural. The multiple remains allow us to assess the biodiversity and the composition of this small population. These remains present original features in comparison to Mauer, the classical Homo heidelbergensis European ancestor. The Arago fossils display archaic characteristics not observed on the Mauer mandible; in particular, the great anteroposterior extension of the convex arch toward the fore, the large proportions of the premolars and of the M2, the high robusticity index of the mandible body, the sub-horizontal alveolar planum and the slightly inclined prominent mylohyoidian line. The face of the skull is not yet reduced to allow for the expansion of the brain, a process which develops at a later stage. The skull is low, with an extended frontal, very marked facial prognathism and a powerful masticatory apparatus with temporal crests and a prominent torus angularis, conveying a pantagonal coronal cross-section, contrasting with the regular convexity observed on the skulls from La Sima de los Huesos and Neanderthals. A comparative analysis with the well-documented population discovered in La Sima de los Huesos shows that the latter fossils are more evolved and are more similar to the Neanderthal shape, and at the same time, not very different from the Mauer mandible. The currently known European human fossils point to the following scenario: Homo georgicus, a similar form to the habilis-rudolfensis group, bearing pre-Oldowan and Oldowan technology, was present at the gateways of Europe approximately 1.8 Ma ago. From 1.2–0.8 Ma onwards, the somewhat fragmentary records from Atapuerca, Elefante, Gran Dolina-TD6, could be related to this first lineage. The first Homo erectus with biface cultures to leave Africa arrived at the gateways of Europe some 1.2 Ma ago, as shown by the discovery of the Kocabaş skull cap in Anatolia, similar to the fossils from Buia in Eritrea and Daka in Ethiopia, dated to about 1 Ma. From 0.55 Ma, the set of 148 human remains, and in particular the skull Arago XXI, point to the presence of a new, well-documented form (distinct from Mauer). We propose to relate these remains to Homo erectus tautavelensis, thereby giving this subspecies a geographic connotation. The morphofunctional and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus tautavelensis represent the stock of a long European lineage, leading to the emergence of Neanderthals.  相似文献   

AimThe diagnostic benefit of bone single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) is currently being demonstrated. However, until now, reproducibility has been poorly investigated. Therefore, a study was undertaken to assess intra- and inter-reader reliability comparing bone planar views, SPECT and SPECT/CT.MethodsThe study was carried out on a cohort of 50 adults consecutively referred to two distinct Nuclear Medicine departments for clinical and radiological suspicion of a reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) of the foot. Each set of planar views and SPECT/CT was independently re-read by two Nuclear Medicine physicians (one junior and one senior expert) in a blinded fashion. An array of bone scan and CT semiological criteria depicting RSD and main differential diagnoses was initially elaborated. Reliability was measured by percentage of agreement and computation of unweighted kappa.ResultsAmong the 50 patients, only four actually suffered from RSD. Among the 46 patients who did not suffer from RSD, 28 were affected by miscellaneous skeletal lesions. This is the reason why the study shifted from focusing on RSD to the etiologic diagnosis of a painful foot. Percentage of inter-reader agreement rose from 74% for planar scintigraphy and SPECT to 96% for SPECT/CT. This study showed reliability indices higher than in literature mainly due to the use of predefined detailed semiological criteria and to the learning effect of the junior physician at senior physician school.ConclusionBone SPECT/CT provides significantly stronger intra-reader and inter-reader agreement in comparison to planar images and stand-alone SPECT.  相似文献   

Growth delay in adults with GH (growth hormone) or insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) deficiency is often associated to low bone mineral density (BMD), osteoporosis and a higher risk of fractures (Tritos et al., 2011 [1]; Wüster et al., 2001 [2]; Bex et Bouillon, 2003 [3]). However to date, the risk of fractures in children with GH or IGF1 deficiency is not clearly evaluated (Högler and Shaw, 2010 [4]). This is the case of a young woman aged 21, with a syndrome including a severe mental, growth and weight retardation (–4 SD), facial dysmorphism and partial epilepsy, who recently presented walking and muscle strength loss, without history of trauma. Bone scan revealed several hot spots related to cortical bone fractures and biological data showed an IGF1 deficiency. Through this case, we discuss the role played by GH and IGF1 in bone growth, and the basic procedures to follow in children when measuring BMD with dual absorptiometry X ray technique (DXA).  相似文献   

What are the beginnings of the human conception of death? The graves and funeral rites which we find and the figurative representations may give us some indications to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

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