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Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3 sites at Orce in the south of Spain, and Vallonnet cave in the south of France, are some of the oldest sites in Europe, testimonies of the first settlements of these territories. The Orce sites, dated around 1.3-1.2 Ma, have given away numerous lithic artifacts principally issued from an important débitage activity. The beginning of flake production processes is few represented into these two consummation sites. In return, full débitage flakes are in high proportion, with generally short dimensions, in consequence of which, in some case an intense core reduction. Two percussion methods are identified: with direct percussion or on anvil. Sometimes, there was débitage on flake, taking advantage of the inferior face natural convexity of the core-flake, permitting the maximal exploitation and the economy of the best raw materials. The bipolar percussion on anvil permitted the maximal exploitation of the short dimensions supports, often in naturally cubic or sub-cubic form. A lot of the producted flakes, sometimes called “pièces esquillées”, show some scales on the distal and/or proximal transversal edges, issued from this bipolar knapping method. In the Vallonnet cave, where the occupation levels are dated around 1 Ma, the lithic industry show a lot of percussion tools and hammerstone flakes, but also some core reduction flakes and some very rares cores, especially in flint. This good raw material was chosen for the débitage, and the flakes show on superior face several anterior removals, and a butt which could reveal a striking platform preparation. At the gates of Europe, in Georgia, Dmanisi site give away an abundant lithic industry associated with faunal and human remains, dated around 1.81 to 1.77 Ma. Amid the lithic assemblages, cores are rather frequent and are characterized by a poor degree of exploitation, most often unifacial, and high frequency of cortical striking platforms. Raw materials, essentially volcanic cobbles, were from local origin, and the knapped supports were often chosen for their angular morphology adequate to begin the débitage in easier way, débitage which was essentially by direct percussion.  相似文献   

The lithic assemblage of the Early Pleistocene site of Bizat Ruhama, Israel demonstrates the earliest evidence for systematic secondary knapping of flakes. The site, dated to the Matuyama chron, is one of the earliest primary context Oldowan occurrences in Eurasia. According to the experimental replication of the stone-tool production sequence, the secondary knapping of flakes was a part of a multi-stage operational sequence targeted at the production of small (<2 cm) flakes. This sequence included four stages: acquisition of chert pebbles, production of flakes, deliberate selection of flakes of specific morphologies, and their secondary knapping by free-hand or bipolar methods. The results suggest that flakes with retouch-like scars that were produced during this sequence and which commonly are interpreted as shaped tools are unintentional waste products of the small flake production. The intentional manufacture of very small flakes at Bizat Ruhama was probably an economic response to the raw material constrains. Systematic secondary knapping of flakes has not yet been reported from other Early Pleistocene sites. Systematic secondary knapping for small flake production became increasingly important only in the lithic industries of the second half of the Middle Pleistocene, almost a million years later. The results from Bizat Ruhama indicate that Oldowan stone-tool production sequence was conceptually more complex than previously suggested and offer a new perspective on the capabilities for invention and the adaptive flexibility of the Oldowan hominins.  相似文献   

Dmanisi is the oldest site outside of Africa that records unquestioned hominin occupations as well as the dispersal of hominins in Europe and Asia. The site has yielded large numbers of artefacts from several periods of hominin occupation. This analysis of Dmanisi stone tool technology includes a review of all the pieces recovered during the last 15 years of excavations. This lithic assemblage gives insights into the hominin behaviour at 1.7-1.8 Ma in Eurasia. Dmanisi hominins exploited local rocks derived from either nearby riverbeds or outcrops, and petrographic study provides data on patterns of stone procurement. Recent geological surveys and technological studies of the artefacts illustrate the roles of hominins in composing the assemblage. Dmanisi hominins selected two types of blanks, including cobbles and angular blocks, of basalt, andesite, and tuffs. Many complete cobbles, pebbles, and rolled blocks in basalt were unmodified, and geological analyses and surveys indicate that hominins brought manuports back to the site, suggesting a complex procurement strategy. Cores, flakes and debris show that all stages of flaking activity took place at the site. Numerous unifacial cores suggest that knapping was not very elaborate. Centripetal knapping is observed on some flake-cores. Knapping was influenced by the blank shape and natural angles. Most flaked objects were either cores or chopper-cores. Flakes predominate while flake tools are rare. The Dmanisi lithic assemblage is comparable to Oldowan sites in Africa in terms of reduction sequence, organisation of the removals, platform types, and the lack of retouched flakes. Dmanisi artefacts and may have been produced by the original hominins in Europe and Asia.  相似文献   

洋县绿豆梁遗址位于汉水北部一级支流金水河左岸的第四级阶地上。为了配合国家重点工程项目——南水北调西线“引汉济渭”工程的建设,2014~2015年对该地点进行了发掘,揭露面积126 m2,出土和采集不同类型的石制品656件。研究显示,早期人类加工石制品的原料来自于河漫滩或阶地古老砾石层中的砾石,岩性包括石英、石英岩、硅质灰岩、石英砂岩、花岗岩等。硬锤打击法是最主要的剥片方式。石制品包含石锤、石核、石片、石器、断块和碎屑等类型。遗址石器组合中既包括刮削器、尖状器、石钻等尺寸较小的轻型石器,也包含重型刮削器、砍砸器等重型石器。通过与位于相同阶地部位、相距2 km的金水河口遗址的测年数据和地层堆积序列对比,绿豆梁遗址的年代属于中更新世时期或更早的时段。  相似文献   

马梁遗址地处泥河湾盆地东缘,发现于1983年,并于同年及2006、2008年分别进行小规模发掘,出土了少量石制品和动物化石。2016年,为建立该区域早-中更新世古人类演化的文化序列,河北省文物研究所对低于马梁遗址文化层约3m的马梁第10地点开展试掘,发掘面积18m2,出土石制品197件,动物化石1500余件。石制品原料以燧石、石英砂岩和白云岩为主;类型包括石核、石片、工具、砾石、岩块、断块和碎屑等。技术上,以硬锤锤击为主要打制技术,石核剥坯较为简单,未见修理台面,工具加工缺乏"精制品",表现出较为单一和简单化的石器工业面貌。  相似文献   

The lithic industry discovered at the Dmanissi site, in Georgia is dated to between 1.81 and 1.7 Myrs and is in association with a rich faunal assemblage composed of large Quaternary vertebrates, as well as several hominid fossils attributed to Homo georgicus, and attests to the human presence on the border of Europe at the beginning of the Lower Pleistocene. The material taken into account in this study was excavated from 1991 to 1999 and comprises 4446 lithic pieces coming from Beds I through VI of the site. The assemblage is very homogenous from the base to the top of the deposits and shows no significative evolutionary tendencies. The lithic material includes a high proportion of whole pebbles (33.8% of the assemblage) coming from two nearby rivers, the Mashavera and the Pinezaouri. They are essentially of fine and coarse grained volcanic tuff, basalt, but also of rhyolite, granite, quartz, as well as other volcanic and metamorphic rocks. Pebbles used for percussion, shaping or debitage were chosen according to their petrographic nature, their morphology and their size. Whole pebbles with percussion marks situated on their extremities or with isolated removals showing convexe edges, are abundant (1.3% of the assemblage). Other pebbles showing percussion marks on a flat face, were used as anvils. Broken pebbles and pebble fragments are very numerous (30.4% of the assemblage). These often show percussion marks on their cortical surfaces. Fractures are generally related to violent percussion as the pebbles were used for striking instruments, or as they were intentionally broken. Some fractures may have been caused accidentally during flaking. Pebble tools represent 4.8% of the lithic assemblage and 10% of the industry, excluding whole and fractured pebbles. These include essentially the primary choppers (pebbles with isolated concave removal negatives) (6% of the industry and 60.1% of the pebble tools), choppers showing continuous cutting edges without a point (2.1% of the industry and 21.2% of the pebble tools). Chopping-tools are very rare (0.8% of the industry and 8.7% of the pebble tools). Although choppers without pointed cutting edges were made using very few removals (3.3 on average), they usually present a regular cutting edge and seem relatively standardised. Cores are well represented (5% of the industry, excluding whole and broken pebbles). They are characterized by a low degree of exploitation and by a frequence of cortical striking platforms. Cored knapped on a single face are most frequent, representing nearly half of the pieces (42.3%), while bifacial cores are present in smaller proportions (34.2%) and multifacial cores are rare (6.3%). Non-modified flakes are very numerous and usually of small size and intentional retouch is absent. On the other hand, the cuttingedges of many the pieces; broken pebbles, pebble tools, cores and flakes, show irregular micro-retouch and irregular retouch such as isolated notches or with continuous or overlapping configuration, sometimes associated with localised crush marks which appear to have been caused by intensive use and heavy working of the pieces. A total of 31.3% of the non-modified flakes show irregular retouch on their cutting edges. One of the main characteristics of the Dmanissi industry appears therefore to be the obtaining of flakes, most often of small size, to be used without modification. The technological and typological characteristics of the lithic industry from Dmanissi allow to attribute the assemblage to a "Pre-Oldowayen" cultural horizon (Lumley de et al., 2004), characterized by the absence of small retouched tools, which appears in East Africa from 2.55 Myrs ago. This cultural horizon is present at the border of Europe, at Dmanissi, around 1.81 Myrs ago and in Western Europe, on the shores of the Mediterranean, at Barranco León about 1.3 Myrs ago and at Fuente Nueva 3 about 1.2 Myrs ago. The lithic industry from the Dmanissi site seems anterior to the Oldowan cultural horizon, characterized by the presence of standardized small retouched tools, which appears in East Africa around 1.8 Myrs ago and emerges in Mediterranean Europe around 800?000 years ago.  相似文献   

位于汉水左岸一级支流金水河第四级阶地的金水河口遗址是汉水流域发现较早的一处旧石器遗址。2014年6月~2015年2月,为了配合国家重点建设工程——南水北调西线“引汉济渭”项目的实施,我们对金水流域金水镇附近的3个旧石器遗址进行了正式发掘,金水河口遗址即为其中之一。该遗址发掘面积370m2,出土不同类型石制品1210件。研究显示在金水河口遗址生活的古人类主要选取附近河滩砾石为原料进行剥片及工具加工。石制品的岩性以石英和石英岩为主,硅质灰岩次之,并少量使用了石英砂岩和花岗岩原料。古人类主要使用锤击法剥片。遗址中石核的利用效率较低,近半数石片有直接使用的痕迹。加工工具的毛坯以石片为主。工具类型除了刮削器、凹缺器、石锥等小型工具之外,还有砍砸器、手镐、重型刮削器等重型工具。遗址中碎屑数量很少。石制品组合以刮削器等小型工具为主,也包含少量重型工具。相较于汉中盆地已发现的遗址,金水河口遗址的文化面貌与洛南盆地中更新世的龙牙洞遗址更相似,但是重型工具的比例更高。由于遗址堆积物已超出了钾长石红外后释光测年法(post-IR IRSL)的测年范畴,目前只能给出遗址的埋藏时间下限,即埋藏石制品地层的年代不晚于150 ka。作为汉中盆地有明确测年的中更新世晚期遗址,金水河口遗址为我们系统了解汉江支流金水河流域和秦岭地区的石器工业特点、遗址地层堆积及年代等提供了新的、丰富的材料。  相似文献   

洛南花石浪龙牙洞1995年出土石制品研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
1995─1997年,经过连续3年对洛南盆地花石浪龙牙洞遗址的发掘,获得20余种哺乳动物、鸟类和水生动物化石以及包括人类生活踩踏面、灰烬层、烧石、烧骨和77000余件石制品在内的大量的人类文化遗迹和遗物。本文是1995年度龙牙洞内顶部扰动层及第4层上部出土的18608件各类石制品的阶段性研究成果。研究结果显示石制品是以中小型石片和简单的石片工具为代表的旧石器时代早期文化,而龙牙洞是一处内涵丰富的早期人类居住类型遗址。  相似文献   

Vallonnet cave (Alpes-Maritimes, France) provided archaic lithic tools together with a big amount of large mammals of the end of lower pleistocene. At the crossing of diverse ecological niches in time and space, three main levels and within them several smaller units were distinguished. The poorly mineralized bones witnessed a huge diagenetic fragmentation. The presence of the animals in the cave seems to be linked to the reasons of their death. The exhaustive and systematic observation of the bones, like the bears probably used to die inside the cave. Some other carnivores especially hyenas, used the cave as a nursery. Man also occupied the cave and had an activity mainly on large cervid bones and on some other species as well. The very progressive deposit gave a way for carnivores and porcupine to gnaw the bones on the ground before their burial. The succession of actions (man, carnivores and porcupine) on the same bones is characteristic on Vallonnet large mammals bones.  相似文献   

2014年7-8月在河北怀来盆地开展的旧石器考古调查工作新发现确认10处旧石器地点,获得20余件石制品及动物化石。石制品类型包括石核、石片、工具以及断块,总体来看包含了石片石器技术和细石叶技术两套技术组合。石制品原料以火山岩为主,应为就地取材;石核剥片与工具修理均主要采用锤击法。永定河两岸第二、三级阶地是文化遗物埋藏的主要地貌部位,依相关地貌、地层资料以及石制品的类型特征,初步推测新地点的时代主要为中、晚更新世。  相似文献   

在打制石器中,软锤法能够更有效地控制石片形态,是古人类认知与技术水平提升的一个重要标志。传统认为,使用软锤法打下的石片具有打击泡散漫、台面处有唇等特征。随着针对性实验的开展,上述石片特征已经不再被认为仅是软锤剥片所致,而是打制过程中如打击角度、背缘角等诸多因素共同作用的结果,通过石片特征区分软、硬锤存在很大争议。本文旨在梳理学术界对软锤法的认知过程和系统实验历史。根据国际上大量的实验可知,目前的实验以燧石、黑曜石为主要石料,根据石片特征区分软、硬锤尚存在很大争议,石片特征的产生可能受锤的质地、石料、打制者、打击角度等多种因素的影响,因此,不宜仅凭个别石片特征判断遗址中存在软锤剥片。在对具体考古材料的技术分析中,需综合考量整个石器打制过程中涉及到的多种因素,有必要建立一个汇集实验数据与遗址出土石片相关特征的数据库,为打制技术与技法分析提供更为丰富的对比材料。  相似文献   

洛南盆地槐树坪旧石器地点最初发现于1999年,该地点位于南洛河左岸(北部)支流石门河及石门河的二级支流东麻坪河(石门河一级支流为麻坪河)之间的第四级阶地上,是洛南盆地高阶地旷野旧石器地点群的代表性遗址之一。2004年4~5月和2006年6~7月,槐树坪地点曾历经两次小规模试掘。2013年4~6月,我们对该遗址进行了较大规模的系统发掘,发掘面积56 m~2,出土石锤、石料、石核、石片、工具、断块、碎屑等不同类型石制品830件。本文对2013年发掘出土的石制品进行了初步研究,统计分析结果显示,槐树坪地点加工石制品的原料来自遗址附近河流阶地砾石层中的砾石,其中以石英和石英岩为主,石英砂岩和细砂岩也有使用。剥片方式主要采用锤击法,偶见砸击法和碰砧法。石制品以中型和小型为主。工具多为石片加工而成的刮削器,偶见手斧、薄刃斧、石刀等大型工具。石器加工方向以正向居多。光释光测年数据表明,槐树坪地点埋藏石制品地层堆积物形成年代大约为距今8~9万年到1.3万年之间,其中7~8万年段的地层堆积物中包含石制品较多。槐树坪地点发现的石制品丰富了洛南盆地旧石器遗址的材料,可以使我们更深刻的了解洛南盆地高阶地旧石器遗址群的地层埋藏情况、遗址年代和石器工业内涵。  相似文献   

位于北纬33°上下、秦岭南麓的汉水上游是北半球同纬度地带自然生态系统最复杂、动植物资源丰富、适于早期人类生存的地区,也是我国古人类和旧石器遗存发现较早、遗址密集和研究较为深入的区域之一。上世纪70~80年代以来,汉水上游干支流地区发现的古人类和旧石器遗址数以百计,其丰富的古人类和动物化石资源以及旧石器文化遗存对研究早期人类迁徙与演化、环境适应、石器工业技术和南北旧石器文化交流具有十分重要的价值,在我国古人类和旧石器考古研究中占据着极为重要的位置。本文在对汉水上游汉中盆地和安康盆地旧石器遗址相关调查研究现状详细梳理的基础上,兼及丹江口库区周边古人类和旧石器遗址调查、发掘和研究的收获,结合本研究团队数年来在该区域研究工作的进展状况与面临的问题,讨论了汉水上游地区的古人类和旧石器考古研究工作收获及存在的问题,并对未来研究工作的重点和方向给予前瞻。  相似文献   

富林遗址出土的细小石器在20世纪发现之初便引起了广泛关注,是南方小型石制品组合的典型代表且具有特殊的研究价值。本文结合已有报告对石制品进行再研究,认为富林遗址石器工业整体仍以石核-石片技术为主导,包含小型石片产品和似石叶产品,未见细石叶技术相关产品。在石器修理与使用方面,除较为常见的刃部正向修理之外,对石片未加工刃缘的直接使用也较为突出;并观察到对装柄部位修理的例子,指示了复合工具的使用。富林遗址的石制品技术反映的是青藏高原边缘地带人群在更新世末-全新世初对气候环境、原料条件及人口规模变化作出的适应。在更新世末-全新世中期,中国南方的小型石制品组合远不止富林遗址这一例,各地人群为适应生态环境而发展出了多样的石制品组合,形成了较为多元化的格局。  相似文献   

老鸦洞遗址是贵州省毕节市七星关区一处旧石器时代晚期遗址,该遗址上世纪80年代被发现并发掘,出土大量石制品及动物碎骨。由于种种原因,这批出土材料始终未被系统研究,老鸦洞遗址仅在有限的文献内被简单描述。为进一步研究该遗址,明确遗址文化及年代性质,我们对1985年试掘出土以及1983、1984年采集的部分的石制品进行了类型学及技术学分析,并以此为基础对遗址及所属人群进行了讨论。老鸦洞存在的石器技术属于我国境内典型的旧石器时代晚期小石片石器传统类型,以本地丰富的燧石和石灰岩为主要原料制作生产生活工具,石片形制规整,小型工具如刮削器、端刮器、尖状器等制作精美,在长达三万年的时间跨度中,石器技术无重大改变。这种对本地石料的采集方式,以及以洞穴为主要居住地点,长期在有限空间内活动的特征,表达了云贵高原古人类特有的低流动性生存模式,为探讨云贵高原更新世末期古人类的生存行为及扩散辐射提供了良好证据。  相似文献   

延岭地点处于东秦岭洛南盆地南洛河第二级阶地上,属盆地西部“四十里梁塬”中部,紧邻支流县河。2012年10~11月对该地点进行发掘,揭露面积251 m2,在地表耕土层和平整土地扰动层、原生黄土和古土壤层出土石料、石核、石片、各类修理的石器、断块、碎屑等不同类型石制品856件。延岭地点加工石制品的主要原料为附近河流阶地砾石堆积中的砾石,以石英为主,石英岩次之,石英砂岩、砂岩、火成岩、硅质岩等偶有使用。剥片方式主要为锤击法,偶见砸击法。石制品以小型为主。石器组合包括刮削器、尖状器、石锥、凹缺器、薄刃斧和手镐。遗址地层光释光年代学研究显示该地点埋藏石制品的地层形成于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期,其中距今12~7万年之间的晚更新世早期为石制品埋藏最为丰富的时段。  相似文献   

西沟湾1号旧石器地点位于河北省张家口市怀来县官厅镇珠窝园村,埋藏于永定河右岸第二级阶地后缘。2015年8-9月对该地点进行试掘,揭露面积约27m2,出土232件石制品和19件动物化石。石制品原料以粗面岩为主,应为就地取材;类型包括石核、石片、断块等,标本大小总体以小型为主;石核剥片均采用硬锤锤击法。石制品的类型和技术特征显示其总体属于石片石器技术体系。结合遗物和堆积状况,推测西沟湾1号地点为一处原地埋藏类型的临时性石制品剥片场所。依碳十四年代测定,初步推断该地点的时代为旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

楼房子遗址系陇东地区一处旧石器时代中期的旷野遗址。2018年对楼房子遗址下文化层下部(第14、15层)进行了发掘,发掘面积为16 m2,出土大量石制品、动物化石。石制品原料以石英砂岩和硅质灰岩为主,类型包括石核、石片、石器、断块或断片、备料等。剥片采用硬锤锤击法,石器修理以硬锤锤击法为主。石制品类型和技术总体上属于北方小石器传统。结合地层堆积及相关的孢粉分析初步认为,楼房子遗址下文化层时代与MIS5相当。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):594-615
Bifaces dominate the Acheulean stone tools recovered during the archaeological excavation of layer X of Gruta da Aroeira, dated to 389–436 ka. Faunal remains and a human cranium were found in association with this lithic assemblage. The raw materials used are mostly quartz and quartzite cobbles available in the vicinity of the site. Technological and systematic analysis shows that there are no Levallois elements and suggests that on-site knapping consisted of the reduction of centripetal cores. Flake cleavers are absent. Use-wear analysis indicates the processing of hard materials, mainly wood. Gruta da Aroeira represents one of the few Middle Pleistocene sites that provide securely dated diagnostic human remains and associated Acheulean lithics, thus representing a major step forward in our understanding of the variability of westernmost Europe's Acheulean and of the human populations that made it.  相似文献   

The current state of research on Lower Palaeolithic sites in Ukraine within its 1991 borders is the focus of this paper. Over the last 10–15 years, many new sites have been discovered in different parts of the eastern European area of the country, reassessed some old materials. In the central European region of the country, in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia, important new stratified Lower Palaeolithic sites have also been found. The current Ukrainian Lower Palaeolithic records demonstrate hominin presence in mountainous areas (Carpathians, Crimea) and the valleys of all major rivers, namely the Dniester, Southern Buh, Dnieper and Severskiy Donets. The article presents a brief review of the main currently known Lower Palaeolithic assemblages. Available geological, geomorphological, biostratigraphical data and ESR dates allow defining their age between 1.2 and 0.4 Myг; sites correlate with few warm phases between MIS 35 and MIS 11. Earlier sites, very tentatively dated at around 2 Myг, gravitate towards the seashore and mountainous areas. Later sites witness steady, though not continuous, colonisation of East European plain fringe areas. The main regularities of geographical setting, chronology, morphological and technological characteristics of assemblages of the Lower Palaeolithic sites of the Western segment of the East European plain are characterised. Typologically, industries are mainly characterised as belonging to Mode I. Core-and-flake industries survives to the Holsteinian. Essential difficulties in lithic raw materials supply could probably be a reason for the rise of a peculiar pattern of technological behaviour that involved mainly bipolar knapping and widely applied trimming technique of shaping the working edges of tools. Some signals of probable population movements penetrated the territory of Ukraine by the Asia Minor “western” trajectory and by Caucasian “eastern” way are revealed.  相似文献   

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