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In 2004–2006 a group of Lower Palaeolithic sites was discovered in the northeastern Caucasus: Ainikab I–VI, Gegalashur I–III and Muhkai I–II. Since then, they have been the subject of comprehensive scientific investigations. One site which is undergoing active research is the multilayered site of Muhkai II. Multiple cultural layers at the site have been found in a 73 m thick sequence of Early Pleistocene sediments. The geological age of the layers encompasses the interval 2.1–0.8 million years ago, or the majority of the Early Pleistocene. Layer 80 of Muhkai II is located in the central part of the section at a depth of −33.6 to −34.0 m. Its significance lies in the fact that the site contains two cultural layers–the upper and the lower (main)–that are preserved in situ or have been subject to minimal fluvial processes. The finds consist of lithic artefacts and osseous faunal remains. According to field observations and microstratigraphic analyses, the cultural layers can be characterised as the ancient surfaces of an occupation area. Two stages of occupation can be defined in the lower cultural layer. Layer 80 of Muhkai II was a periodically visited location at the banks of a waterbody, where the acquisition and butchery of large mammals took place. The faunal collection contains 301 bones, deriving from four carnivorous and six herbivorous species of mammals. The total lithic collection contains 1094 finds. According to typological and technological criteria the lithic assemblage relates to the Oldowan and has analogies with Oldowan sites in Africa (particularly with sites of the Olduvai Gorge as well as others). At the same time, some specifics of the lithic assemblage reflect the uniqueness of the site and its functional type. Layer 80 of the Muhkai II site is estimated to date to within the chronological interval ∼2.1–1.7 mya.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):737-746
The spatial relationships of the Early Oldowan toolmakers with their environment have been so far addressed through raw material procurement analyses and the characterization of hominid habitat. This paper proposes to integrate these two approaches into a broader spatial analysis encompassing archaeological and environmental data (palaeontological, geological and isotopic data) from Member F and lower Member G of the Shungura Formation (Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia). Heterogeneity in data resolution induces a multiscale approach with three levels of analysis. The level of occurrence complex allows focusing on the characterization of archaeological occurrences and on their environmental settings. The level of “study area” allows working on hominid habitats and on their raw material procurement behaviours. Finally, at the Shungura Formation scale, we can address temporal issues related to the evolution of spatial behaviours between Member F and the lower part of Member G, ca. 2.3 to 2 million years (Ma).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):717-725
This article presents the results of excavations and multidisciplinary investigations of the extraordinary Oldowan site of Muhkai II in the northern Caucasus (Republic of Dagestan, Russia) from 2008 to 2012. Archaeological and palaeontological materials are summarized together with data from palaeomagnetic and palynological analyses, obtained from 34 cultural layers at the site. This gives an opportunity for a new approach to the question of the timing and route of the first human settlement of the middle latitudes of western Eurasian, including south-eastern Europe. Judging by the data obtained, this occurred around 2 million years BP and a route of migration was located along the western shore of the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

Stephanorhinus etruscus is one of the most abundantly recorded and better known Eurasian Early Pleistocene rhinoceroses. Nevertheless, the first and last appearances of this species, as well as its paleogeographic distribution, are controversial and debated in literature. Setruscus is documented since the latest Pliocene in Spain (Las Higueruelas), Italy (Montopoli and Castelnuovo di Barardenga), France (Perrier–Les Étouaires) and Romania (Iar??–Cariera Veche). During the Early Pleistocene, Setruscus occurred in several Spanish, French and Italian localities, as well as in The Netherlands (e.g., Tegelen), Germany (e.g., Thiede), Greece (e.g., Aivaliki) and Israel (e.g., Ubeidiya). The last appearance of Setruscus in Eurasia is debatable. Etruscan rhino populations survived till the Jaramillo subchrone (around 1.1 Ma) in France (Bois-de-Riquet), Romania (Betfia XII) and Hungary (Osztramos 2 and 8), and close to the early–middle Pleistocene transition in Spain (Cueva Victoria, Huéscar 1, Atapuerca TD4, TD6 and TD8), and Italy (Monte delle Piche).  相似文献   

The hominin presence during Lower Palaeolithic in Central Europe was sporadic and followed cold-warm climatic cycle connected with spreading of Scandinavian ice sheet. Up to now there had been discovered about 50 archaeological assemblages from 17 sites from 700 ka years, mostly from second part of it, during c. 300 ka between MIS 15 and 9. The Lower Paleolithic hominins visited Central Europe during warmer periods with deciduous or coniferous forests, even during open domination of open or partly open landscape. Incredible finds, like Bilzingsleben and Schöningen show how complex was life of early hunter-gatherers. In opposite to the previous concept, according to which Lower Palaeolithic hominins were mostly scavengers. The discovery of wooden tools, like spears in lakeshore in opencast mine Schöningen, denies this concept. Contrary to that, early hominins were smart hunters following animal herds and hunted distant way and experienced gatherers. Local lithic technology based on core-flake processing in opposite to Western and Southern Europe dominated by handaxes. Moreover, the preferred usage of “small tools”, which are difficult to use only by fingers may be explained by identification of wooden hafts on few lithic artifacts in Schöningen. However, very long duration of unchanged lithic technology is surprising. An intense accumulation of glacial, eolian and alluvial sediments covered large part of Central Europe and this way Lower Palaeolithic sites are very difficult to discover. All known sites were identified in deep travertine quarries or opencast mines. Future research must be focused on systematic prospection of such outcrops.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):647-657
The fossil bat assemblage from the Lower Red Unit of Sima del Elefante (TELRU) in Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) has been exhaustively analysed for the first time. Bat fossil assemblages are of particular relevance to palaeoenvironmental approaches to sites. Here we integrate our new data on the chiropteran fauna with the data provided previously by other authors on the basis of the small-vertebrate assemblages and the palynology of the site. Our results are consistent with the earlier results in that they indicate a generally warmer climate than at present in the area and stable environmental conditions throughout the major part of the TELRU sequence. However, fossil bat assemblages sometimes lead to problems when they are used in landscape reconstruction. These problems are discussed here and should be taken into account in future works.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):594-615
Bifaces dominate the Acheulean stone tools recovered during the archaeological excavation of layer X of Gruta da Aroeira, dated to 389–436 ka. Faunal remains and a human cranium were found in association with this lithic assemblage. The raw materials used are mostly quartz and quartzite cobbles available in the vicinity of the site. Technological and systematic analysis shows that there are no Levallois elements and suggests that on-site knapping consisted of the reduction of centripetal cores. Flake cleavers are absent. Use-wear analysis indicates the processing of hard materials, mainly wood. Gruta da Aroeira represents one of the few Middle Pleistocene sites that provide securely dated diagnostic human remains and associated Acheulean lithics, thus representing a major step forward in our understanding of the variability of westernmost Europe's Acheulean and of the human populations that made it.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):731-744
Despite the postulation of the “herpetofaunal stability hypothesis”, which suggests that the herpetofauna underwent relatively few changes during the Pleistocene, the amphibian and squamate faunas of western Europe are known to have progressively diminished during the Pliocene and the beginning of the Pleistocene. Iberian Early Pleistocene sites continue to document the presence of “exotic” herpetofaunal elements that are supposed to have disappeared from the mainland, such as Oriental vipers, agamid lizards, the anguids Pseudopus and Dopasia, and a representative of the green toad group (Bufo viridis sensu lato), as well as possibly gekkonids, a scincid lizard (Lygosominae), the anguid Ragesaurus and blind snake (Scolecophidia). The geographical and temporal pattern of these progressive southward withdrawals and extirpations on the Iberian Peninsula shows that extirpation events occurred in northern Spain at roughly the Olduvai paleomagnetic event and in southern Spain just before the Jaramillo paleomagnetic reversal, thus permitting us to establish a framework that can be used to complement the biochronological zonation of the Iberian Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):1073-1082
The present study investigates the inner structural organization of the two mandible specimens Tighenif 1 and Tighenif 2 from the late early Pleistocene site of Tighenif, Algeria. Using (micro)tomographic scans, we built a new protocol to investigate the cortical bone topography at the post-canine level. We selected two cross-sectional slices placed between the P3/P4 and M1/M2 on the right and left sides and assessed the cortical bone thickness topography (CBT) on each slice. Our analyses demonstrate that the mandibles from Tighenif exhibit higher CBT and a different topographic distribution pattern at the molar level than in modern humans, resulting in a proportionally more robust inner structure, while a similar signal is observed between the fossil and extant specimens at the premolar level. Further studies need to be done in order to determine if this feature is related to functional constraints during mastication or paramasticatory activities; or if it is related to any independent evolutionary process.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):635-646
Unit TE9 of the Sima del Elefante (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain), where the remains of Homo sp. have been discovered (1.2–1.3 Ma), is also a level rich in small mammals. The taphonomic study of these small vertebrates sheds light on the landscape that provided the setting for the activities of these early hominids and allows us to describe what the cave was like during the formation of the level. Small mammal predators identified in the study indicate that during this period the Sierra de Atapuerca was part of a large biome consisting of semi-open riparian forests with meadows nearby. Postdepositional alterations reveal that the production of fossils took place outside the cave, being transported inside by water currents. During the formation of TE9, the cave presented conditions of high humidity, which made it difficult for hominids to establish occupations inside, although these conditions became somewhat less severe in TE9c, the sublevel where human remains are found.  相似文献   

The first peopling of Europe has been widely discussed for the last decades. The many findings recorded in recent years have confirmed that Europe was occupied by humans during the Early Pleistocene for over a million years. However, several issues are still questioned in the current debate about the first peopling of Europe, including the continuity or discontinuity of this event. In this regard, a revision of the available zooarchaeological evidence for the Early Pleistocene in Europe is proposed in this article, discussing the influence on hominin behaviour of meat-resource acquisition. The climatic fluctuations which characterized this period, as well as the diversity of ecosystems found in the Mediterranean area and in the whole continent, make meat consumption a key resource concerning the adaptive possibilities of local hominins. Thus, the persistence of hominin settlement in Europe during the Early Pleistocene may have depended on the social cohesion of the groups and their capacity to provide a regular supply of meat resources.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of ancient sites in mainland Southeast Asia confirm the presence of old lithic industries as early as 0.8 Ma, i.e., at the transition between the Early to Middle Pleistocene. Although these open-air sites still require geochronological and biostratigraphic precisions, they allow us to understand the oldest vestiges of human presence in the tropics and the technical orientations chosen by these hominins. This article aims to present an objective and critical synthesis of the material discovered at the main sites. Some sites in Cambodia and Thailand have been the subject of archaeological field missions by the Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères (MEAE). The diversity of lithic tool types and manufacture methods encountered from the Middle Pleistocene in peninsular Asia shows a technical variability that stands out as a counterexample to diffusionist hypotheses of a cultural fabrication inherited from the West. The diversity of production methods, tools, and raw material matrices remains incomparable to those encountered in the West, Africa, or South Asia. To date, only evidence from China has allowed us to put forward the hypothesis of a common technical basis that would have spread from its southern territories; however, this hypothesis is currently under debate. Researchers have proposed the idea of continuous technical progress and the shift from heavy industry to a lighter and polished stone in Southeast Asia. However, the omnipresence of the pebble prevents a clear conclusion because these technical objects from Southeast Asia are quite simply incommensurable; a chopper in these regions may not be comparable with another chopper from the terraces of the Garonne or the Roussillon in France, for example. In other words, these tools are above all ‘tropical’ tools, and they belong to a distant cognitive world(s) with specific use(s), gesture(s), and meaning(s), making it impossible for them to be compared or evaluated by our faculty of Western judgment.  相似文献   

The Cova del Rinoceront is the first site in the Iberian Peninsula where the genus Haploidoceros has been documented. This discovery of abundant remains is also its first recorded occurrence in Europe during the Upper Pleistocene. The new fossil record strengthens claims that this genus was widely distributed during the Pleistocene, occupying a longer time span at least until MIS 5. Cranial and post-cranial skeletal remains ascribed to this species were recovered from the uppermost layers of the Cova del Rinoceront. The diagnostic features that allow these remains to be unequivocally assigned to H. mediterraneus, include their cranial morphology and antler shape, comprising two sickle-shaped beams, curving backwards and laterally, and a long frontal basal tine. This paper highlights the problems of deer systematics and identification given the high degree of fragmentation of the genus, their relatively homogeneous morphology, a virtual absence of reliable characters and the overlap of measurements between species.  相似文献   

Preliminary conclusions from high-resolution microstratigraphical and taphonomical research suggest that Palaeolithic frequentation of the rock-shelter alternated with that of local fauna in the late Early (Lower) Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The TD6-2 level of the Gran Dolina cave site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) has yielded an assemblage of about 170 human fossil remains dated to > 800 ka (probably MIS 21) and assigned to the species Homo antecessor. In this study, we describe for the first time a large portion of a parietal bone (ATD6-100/168). The morphology of the fractures on the bones is compatible with a peri-mortem trauma. The superior parietal areas are flat. There is a large parietal foramen and one smaller accessory parietal foramen. Middle meningeal vessels are not particularly developed, but they are distributed in both anterior and posterior districts, with the parietal vasculature originating from the posterior branch. The meningeal vessels show multiple minor connections with the pericranial and diploic vascular systems. The diploe is not particularly developed, and large diploic channels are not detected. The bone is thin when compared with adult fossil humans, and equivalent to juvenile values. All these characters suggest that the parietal ATD6-100/168 probably belonged to a juvenile individual, with plesiomorphic endocranial traits similar to those described for H. ergaster/erectus. The derived temporal, maxillary and dental traits in Homo antecessor and the primitive parietal morphology further point to distinct (mosaic) patterns of morphological evolution of face and braincase.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):659-668
In this paper we analyze the rodent assemblage from the Early Pleistocene site of Gruta1 (Quibas karstic complex, Murcia, SE Spain), providing taphonomic comments and paleoecological and paleoclimatic data. The studied assemblage includes 209 identified rodent teeth corresponding to at least four taxa. The karstic source of the site and the low presence of digested remains suggest that the accumulation is scatological in origin, with the influence of predators such as owls; the accumulation also shows certain evidence of slight hydrodynamic sorting. For the area around Quibas/Gruta1 the paleoecological study indicates a predominance of rocky areas (31.7%), forested environments (31.7%) and open dry meadows or shrublands (29.7%), which would indicate a mosaic forest environment, and to a lesser extent the presence of open humid land (5.4%) and areas along streams or ponds (1.5%). The distribution of the bioclimatic spectra yields the highest percentage for a Mediterranean climate (37.5%), while the climatic parameters calculated (MAT = 15 °C, MTW = 25.7 °C, MTC = 4.3 °C, MAP = 390 mm) suggest colder and slightly more humid conditions than today at the time of the deposition of the remains. The data also point to a relative decrease in temperature within the phase in which the site was produced, which possibly occurred during a relative cold period between MIS 36 and MIS 40 according to the age.  相似文献   

Three decades after the end of excavations at Pedra Furada, Northeastern Brazil, the site has been almost excluded from the debate about the first phase of human expansion in the Americas. Since the radiocarbon chronology spanning a period from 7 to 60 ky ago is unquestioned, most scepticism focuses on the anthropic nature of the artifacts and structures from the Pleistocene layers. The main objections concern the flaked tools on endogenous raw material, possibly resulting from rock spalling or being the involuntary product of monkeys’ battering activities. Fireplaces and other structures have been also questioned on the basis of the occurrence of bush fires and possible waterflow. In this paper, the entire evidence from the Pleistocene units is updated and presented in English, in a dynamic display aiming to facilitate the inspection by the reader, including hundreds of unpublished photographs. The main objections questioning the validity of this important archaeological sequence are discussed in the context of its regional setting and of the main pre-LGM sites in the Americas.  相似文献   

Prehistoric sites testifying to human presence older than one million years in Europe are rare, and in the current state of knowledge, the oldest of them have been dated to around 1.4–1.5 Ma. The Vallonnet cave at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin in the Alpes-Maritimes, on the Mediterranean border, is one of the oldest sites in France to have yielded evidence of human activity: a lithic assemblage of about a hundred pieces and traces of butchery on bones of an Epivillafranchian fauna. The archaeological levels of this small cave were recently dated between 1.1 and 1.2 Ma by U-Pb correlated with paleomagnetic data. The site was occupied alternately by large carnivores that used it as a den or a lair, and by hominins that stayed there briefly in bivouac. The lithic remains are mainly percussion tools, shaped pebbles, flakes and cores, whose raw materials are local, or even semi-local, and on the whole not very diversified with mainly limestone, and to a lesser extent sandstone, quartzite, flint and quartz. This assemblage is attributed to a Mode 1 technology (Oldowayen), among which macro-tools (hammerstones, shaped and fractured pebbles) are found alongside rarer elements resulting from debitage operating chains aimed at producing sharp-edged flakes, very rarely retouched. The bipolar-on-anvil flaking technique could be identified from the characteristics of some artifacts. Several refitting flakes on shaped pebbles or percussion tools attest to knapping and percussion activities in the cave. Hominins consumed the remains of large herbivore carcasses, as attested by the presence of cutting and fracturing marks on some bones. The presence of a freshwater source in the immediate vicinity, and the knapping and butchering activities here therefore document the subsistence behavior of Lower Pleistocene human groups, certainly in competition with the carnivores present.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):1041-1056
The Rhinocerotidae material from the early Pleistocene Tetoiu Formation of Colțești (southwestern Romania) is here described for the first time. The rhinoceros is documented by calcaneus and second, third, and fourth metatarsals, probably belonging to the same individual. The morphology and the dimensions of these specimens enable us to record the presence of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti, a relatively rare rhinoceros usually reported from late Pliocene European localities and recently considered a junior synonym of Selatus. Nevertheless, the taxon Rhinoceros elatus is here regarded as a nomen dubium and the name Sjeanvireti is retained in order to maintain nomenclatural stability, being it based on much more diagnostic material. In Romania, Sjeanvireti has been listed within a few late Pliocene faunal assemblages, but the rhinoceros remains are fragmentary and isolated bones. The Colțești find is among the best documented records of Sjeanvireti in Romania. The biochronological distribution of Sjeanvireti is mainly confined within the MNQ16 (early and early middle Villafranchian), and its first occurrence is doubtfully reported in late MNQ15 faunas. The record of Colțești (MNQ17/MNQ18) represents, instead, the last occurrence of this taxon in Europe.  相似文献   

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