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Here, we ask whether placebo-suggestion (without any form of hypnotic induction) can modulate the resolution of cognitive conflict. Naïve participants performed a Stroop Task while wearing an EEG cap described as a “brain wave” machine. In Experiment 1, participants were made to believe that the EEG cap would either enhance or decrease their color perception and performance on the Stroop task. In Experiment 2, participants were explicitly asked to imagine that their color perception and performance would be enhanced or decreased (non-hypnotic imaginative suggestion). We observed effects of placebo-suggestion on Stroop interference on accuracy: interference was decreased with positive suggestion and increased with negative suggestion compared to baseline. Intra-individual variability was also increased under negative suggestion compared to baseline. Compliance with the instruction to imagine a modulation of performance, on the other hand, did not influence accuracy and only had a negative impact on response latencies and on intra-individual variability, especially in the congruent condition of the Stroop Task. Taken together, these results demonstrate that expectations induced by a placebo-suggestion can modulate our ability to resolve cognitive conflict, either facilitating or impairing response accuracy depending on the suggestion’s contents. Our results also demonstrate a dissociation between placebo-suggestion and non-hypnotic imaginative suggestion.  相似文献   

Adaptation-related aftereffects (AEs) show how face perception can be altered by recent perceptual experiences. Along with contrastive behavioural biases, modulations of the early event-related potentials (ERPs) were typically reported on categorical levels. Nevertheless, the role of the adaptor stimulus per se for face identity-specific AEs is not completely understood and was therefore investigated in the present study. Participants were adapted to faces (S1s) varying systematically on a morphing continuum between pairs of famous identities (identities A and B), or to Fourier phase-randomized faces, and had to match the subsequently presented ambiguous faces (S2s; 50/50% identity A/B) to one of the respective original faces. We found that S1s identical with or near to the original identities led to strong contrastive biases with more identity B responses following A adaptation and vice versa. In addition, the closer S1s were to the 50/50% S2 on the morphing continuum, the smaller the magnitude of the AE was. The relation between S1s and AE was, however, not linear. Additionally, stronger AEs were accompanied by faster reaction times. Analyses of the simultaneously recorded ERPs revealed categorical adaptation effects starting at 100 ms post-stimulus onset, that were most pronounced at around 125–240 ms for occipito-temporal sites over both hemispheres. S1-specific amplitude modulations were found at around 300–400 ms. Response-specific analyses of ERPs showed reduced voltages starting at around 125 ms when the S1 biased perception in a contrastive way as compared to when it did not. Our results suggest that face identity AEs do not only depend on physical differences between S1 and S2, but also on perceptual factors, such as the ambiguity of S1. Furthermore, short-term plasticity of face identity processing might work in parallel to object-category processing, and is reflected in the first 400 ms of the ERP.  相似文献   

The extent to which cell signaling is integrated outside the cell is not currently appreciated. We show that a member of the low-density receptor-related protein family, Lrp4 modulates and integrates Bmp and canonical Wnt signalling during tooth morphogenesis by binding the secreted Bmp antagonist protein Wise. Mouse mutants of Lrp4 and Wise exhibit identical tooth phenotypes that include supernumerary incisors and molars, and fused molars. We propose that the Lrp4/Wise interaction acts as an extracellular integrator of epithelial-mesenchymal cell signaling. Wise, secreted from mesenchyme cells binds to BMP''s and also to Lrp4 that is expressed on epithelial cells. This binding then results in the modulation of Wnt activity in the epithelial cells. Thus in this context Wise acts as an extracellular signaling molecule linking two signaling pathways. We further show that a downstream mediator of this integration is the Shh signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Myorod is expressed exclusively in molluscan catch muscle and localizes on the surface of thick filaments together with twitchin and myosin. Myorod is an alternatively spliced product of the myosin heavy-chain gene that contains the C-terminal rod part of myosin and a unique N-terminal domain. The unique domain is a target for phosphorylation by gizzard smooth myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK) and, perhaps, molluscan twitchin, which contains a MLCK-like domain. To elucidate the role of myorod and its phosphorylation in the catch muscle, the effect of chromatographically purified myorod on the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of myosin was studied. We found that phosphorylation at the N-terminus of myorod potentiated the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of mussel and rabbit myosins. This potentiation occurred only if myorod was phosphorylated and introduced into the ATPase assay as a co-filament with myosin. We suggest that myorod could be related to the catch state, a function specific to molluscan muscle.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans normally colonizes dental biofilms and is regularly exposed to continual cycles of acidic pH during ingestion of fermentable dietary carbohydrates. The ability of S. mutans to survive at low pH is an important virulence factor in the pathogenesis of dental caries. Despite a few studies of the acid adaptation mechanism of this organism, little work has focused on the acid tolerance of S. mutans growing in high-cell-density biofilms. It is unknown whether biofilm growth mode or high cell density affects acid adaptation by S. mutans. This study was initiated to examine the acid tolerance response (ATR) of S. mutans biofilm cells and to determine the effect of cell density on the induction of acid adaptation. S. mutans BM71 cells were first grown in broth cultures to examine acid adaptation associated with growth phase, cell density, carbon starvation, and induction by culture filtrates. The cells were also grown in a chemostat-based biofilm fermentor for biofilm formation. Adaptation of biofilm cells to low pH was established in the chemostat by the acid generated from excess glucose metabolism, followed by a pH 3.5 acid shock for 3 h. Both biofilm and planktonic cells were removed to assay percentages of survival. The results showed that S. mutans BM71 exhibited a log-phase ATR induced by low pH and a stationary-phase acid resistance induced by carbon starvation. Cell density was found to modulate acid adaptation in S. mutans log-phase cells, since pre-adapted cells at a higher cell density or from a dense biofilm displayed significantly higher resistance to the killing pH than the cells at a lower cell density. The log-phase ATR could also be induced by a neutralized culture filtrate collected from a low-pH culture, suggesting that the culture filtrate contained an extracellular induction component(s) involved in acid adaptation in S. mutans. Heat or proteinase treatment abolished the induction by the culture filtrate. The results also showed that mutants defective in the comC, -D, or -E genes, which encode a quorum sensing system essential for cell density-dependent induction of genetic competence, had a diminished log-phase ATR. Addition of synthetic competence stimulating peptide (CSP) to the comC mutant restored the ATR. This study demonstrated that cell density and biofilm growth mode modulated acid adaptation in S. mutans, suggesting that optimal development of acid adaptation in this organism involves both low pH induction and cell-cell communication.  相似文献   


Fatigue is recognized as an important safety concern in the transportation industry. In this study, our goal was to investigate how circadian and sleep–wake dependent factors influence St-Lawrence River pilots’ sleep–wake cycle, alertness and psychomotor performance levels at work. A total of 18 male St-Lawrence River ship pilots were recruited to a 16–21-day field study. Pilots’ chronotype, sleepiness and insomnia levels were documented using standardized questionnaires. Their sleep–wake cycle was documented by a sleep–wake log and wrist-worn activity monitoring. Subjective alertness and objective psychomotor performances were assessed ~5×/day for each work and rest day. Ship transits were distributed throughout the 24-h day and lasted on average (± SEM) 5.93 ± 0.67 h. Main sleep periods occurred mainly at night, and objectively lasted 6.04 ± 1.02 h before work days. When going to bed at the end of work days, pilots subjectively reported sleeping 7.64 ± 1.64 h in the prior 24 h. Significant diurnal and wake-dependent effects were observed for subjective alertness and objective psychomotor performance, with minimum levels occurring between 09:00 and 10:00. Thus, despite their irregular work schedule, ship pilots presented, as a group, a diurnal variation of alertness and psychomotor performance indicative of a day-oriented circadian system. Important inter-individual differences were observed on psychomotor performance mesor and phase. In individuals, earlier phases in psychomotor performance were correlated with earlier chronotype. This study indicates that both circadian and homeostatic processes modulate alertness and psychomotor performance levels with worst levels reached when long shifts ended in the morning. This work has potential applications as it indicates fatigue countermeasures considering both processes are scientifically based.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(7):2374-2386.e5
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Black sea bream ( Mylio macrocephalus) hepatic heat shock proteins hsp90, hsp70, and hsp60 were found to be thermally and reversibly inducible as they were elevated 2.0, 3.2, and 2.1 fold, respectively, on acute heat shock and returned to pre-heat-shock levels after a 40-hour recovery period. To establish whether salinity plays a role in regulating heat shock protein (hsp) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) expression in a euryhaline marine fish, we adapted groups of juvenile black sea bream to salinities of 50 ppt (hypersaline), 33 ppt (seawater), 12 ppt (isoosmotic), and 6 ppt (hypoosmotic) for 8 months. The lowest levels of hsps were found in fish reared in an isoosmotic salinity and the highest in those adapted to hypersaline and hypoosmotic salinities. Hepatic beta-actin messenger RNA abundance remained unchanged in all groups during salinity adaptation, whereas IGF-I mRNA abundance was highest in isoosmotic adapted black sea bream. This study is the first report of an effect of salinity ranging from hypersaline to hypoosmotic on the expression of different hsp forms and IGF-I in fish, and the possible relationship between environmental salinity, hepatic IGF-I expression, and hsp regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Recurrent interactions between neurons in the visual cortex are crucial for the integration of image elements into coherent objects, such as in figure-ground segregation of textured images. Blocking N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in monkeys can abolish neural signals related to figure-ground segregation and feature integration. However, it is unknown whether this also affects perceptual integration itself. Therefore, we tested whether ketamine, a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, reduces feature integration in humans. We administered a subanesthetic dose of ketamine to healthy subjects who performed a texture discrimination task in a placebo-controlled double blind within-subject design. We found that ketamine significantly impaired performance on the texture discrimination task compared to the placebo condition, while performance on a control fixation task was much less impaired. This effect is not merely due to task difficulty or a difference in sedation levels. We are the first to show a behavioral effect on feature integration by manipulating the NMDA receptor in humans.  相似文献   

In annual plants, including amphicarpic annuals, variation in light availability can evoke phenotypic plasticity in multiple traits. We examined plasticity to light availability of vegetative and reproductive performance traits in Amphicarpaea bracteata (Fabaceae) by developing and evaluating three path-analysis models using data from a greenhouse study. To assess whether light availability altered the phenotypic integration of these performance traits, we examined the models' fit to data collected within a high- or a low-light treatment. We also examined whether a single model or alternate models were required to fit data from the two contrasting light treatments. Using our path-analysis approach, we also made comparisons among three population types: shade- and sun-native populations of the widespread variety A. bracteata var. bracteata and sun-native populations of the variety A. bracteata var. comosa. Although each type of population was somewhat distinctive in patterns of integration and in the plasticity of integration, patterns did not correspond to contrasting ecological affinity, i.e., shade- and sun-native population types or to genetic relatedness of the two varieties. Counter to the prediction that selection regimes involving variation in one or more environmental factor favor intermediate levels of integration, phenotypic integration in A. bracteata was very flexible, with plasticity occurring in a trait-by-trait manner. In particular, there was an inverse relationship between aerial and subterranean reproductive modes in low but not high light. Previous studies of amphicarpic annuals have not observed this type of environment-specific life history trade-off.  相似文献   



Sexual conflict theory predicts sexually antagonistic coevolution of reproductive traits driven by conflicting evolutionary interests of two reproducing individuals. Most studies of the evolutionary consequences of sexual conflicts have, however, to date collectively investigated only a few species. In this study we used the annual herb Collinsia heterophylla to experimentally test the existence and evolutionary consequences of a potential sexual conflict over onset of stigma receptivity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We conducted crosses within and between four greenhouse-grown populations originating from two regions. Our experimental setup allowed us to investigate male-female interactions at three levels of geographic distances between interacting individuals. Both recipient and pollen donor identity affected onset of stigma receptivity within populations, confirming previous results that some pollen donors can induce stigma receptivity. We also found that donors were generally better at inducing stigma receptivity following pollen deposition on stigmas of recipients from another population than their own, especially within a region. On the other hand, we found that donors did worse at inducing stigma receptivity in crosses between regions. Interestingly, recipient costs in terms of lowered seed number after early fertilisation followed the same pattern: the cost was apparent only if the pollen donor belonged to the same region as the recipient.


Our results indicate that recipients are released from the cost of interacting with local pollen donors when crossed with donors from a more distant location, a pattern consistent with a history of sexually antagonistic coevolution within populations. Accordingly, sexual conflicts may have important evolutionary consequences also in plants.  相似文献   

The emerging patterns of life in contemporary Africa are most apparent in the often competing social and political groupings which have developed as basically rural populations have attempted to deal with the complexities of modern life. During the colonial period, these new groupings—whether rural or urban—were under the control of a dominant administration and seldom came into overt conflict. However, this is not now the case in most African towns. There, as in Ouagadougou, the capital of Upper Volta, a multiplicity of socio-political factions and multiple governing bodies all claim rights to power and legitimacy. The result is more open competition and conflict. This suggests that the "stability" claimed for colonial African societies was more a function of exogenous political factors than of inherent structural features in the social systems described. Until new dominant political structures emerge in Africa and establish mediating linkages with other institutional forms, there may well be a period of conflict and revolution.  相似文献   

Sleepiness and fatigue are important risk factors in the transport sector and bio-mathematical sleepiness, sleep and fatigue modeling is increasingly becoming a valuable tool for assessing safety of work schedules and rosters in Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS). The present study sought to validate the inner workings of one such model, Three Process Model (TPM), on aircrews and extend the model with functions to model jetlag and to directly assess the risk of any sleepiness level in any shift schedule or roster with and without knowledge of sleep timings. We collected sleep and sleepiness data from 136 aircrews in a real life situation by means of an application running on a handheld touch screen computer device (iPhone, iPod or iPad) and used the TPM to predict sleepiness with varying level of complexity of model equations and data. The results based on multilevel linear and non-linear mixed effects models showed that the TPM predictions correlated with observed ratings of sleepiness, but explorative analyses suggest that the default model can be improved and reduced to include only two-processes (S+C), with adjusted phases of the circadian process based on a single question of circadian type. We also extended the model with a function to model jetlag acclimatization and with estimates of individual differences including reference limits accounting for 50%, 75% and 90% of the population as well as functions for predicting the probability of any level of sleepiness for ecological assessment of absolute and relative risk of sleepiness in shift systems for safety applications.  相似文献   

Regulation of the DNA binding affinity of an oligomeric protein can be considered to consist of an intrinsic component, in which the affinity of an individual DNA‐binding domain is modulated in response to effector binding, and an extrinsic component, in which the relative position of the protein's two DNA‐binding domains are altered so that they can or cannot contact both half‐site operators simultaneously. We demonstrated directly that the TetR repressor utilizes an extrinsic mechanism and CAP, the catabolite activator protein, utilizes an intrinsic mechanism.  相似文献   

A land dispute following the "repossession" of territory in upstate New York by a group of Traditionalist Mohawk Indians is examined. Each side placed the dispute within the context of preexisting conflicts that served as "interpretive frameworks" for political actors. The process of change and manipulation of symbols that publicly represented these frameworks is traced. Research findings suggest that an answer for how symbols work in mobilizing groups to action can be found in the concurrence of change in symbols and meanings with continuity of interpretive framework.  相似文献   

Highlights? A cell fragment is the simplest motile electric-field-sensing unit ? Keratocyte cells and fragments migrate in opposite directions in an electric field ? Competition of two signal transduction pathways underlies keratocyte galvanotaxis ? Protrusive and contractile actin networks are steered by the electric field  相似文献   

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