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Recent studies of captive macaques have revealed considerable inter-species differences in dominance styles among females. In “egalitarian” species such as stumptail (Macaca arctoides) or tonkean macaques (M. tonkeana), social interactions are more symmetrical and less kin-biased than in “despotic” species such as Japanese (M. fuscata) or rhesus macaques (M. mulatta). Field observations of moor macaques (M. maurus), close relatives of tonkean macaques, suggest that tolerance during feeding characterizes their egalitarian dominance style in the natural habitat. Although it has been proposed that communal defense against other groups may be the main selective force in the evolution of egalitarian dominance style among females, few field data support this prediction. A game theory analysis showed that both an “egalitarian” strategy and a “despotic” strategy are possible evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) under certain conditions. The difference in dominance styles might reflect the difference in ESS. This means that an egalitarian dominance style can emerge without strong between-group contest competition. A phylogenetic comparison among macaques suggests that despotic dominance styles very likely evolved from egalitarian dominance styles. In the future, primate socioecological studies should pay more attention to the evolutionary history of each species.  相似文献   

This article traces a critical change in the professional therapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): from treatment of a disorder borne by individuals to treatment of an anticipated disorder to be prevented by fortifying the entire population. A community resilience program in the city of Sderot in southern Israel, which has been subjected to Qassam rockets by its Palestinian neighbors across the border, serves as our case study. Drawing on an ethnographic study of this new therapeutic program, we analyze how the social body that the professionals attempt to immunize against trauma was treated. In particular, we follow the various practices used to expand the clinical. We found that the population was split into several groups on a continuum between the clinical and the preclinical, each receiving different treatment. Moreover, the social body managed according to this new form of PTSD was articulated through ethnic and geopolitical power relations between professionals from the country’s center and professionals from its periphery, and between the professionals and the city’s residents. Finally, we discuss how this Israeli case compares with other national sites of the growing globalization of PTSD, like Bali, Haiti and Ethiopia, which anthropologists have been exploring in recent years.  相似文献   


Significant transformations in the ways the ethnic “self” and its relationship to the “other” are perceived have led to the transgression of the two traditional poles (East and West) that were prevalent in the definition of Greekness since the creation of the Greek nation-state. By placing the photographs of immigrants published in the most popular local newspaper in Central Greece within their wider social and historical context, we can “see” that immigrants (a group that is perceived to be homogeneous and transcendental) constitute a new axis around which the negotiation of ethnic identity and otherness in Greece is now conducted.  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on second-generation migrants by examining the construction of ethnicity (Italianitá) over time. We compare two cohorts of second-generation Italian-Australians: the post-World War II cohort and the post-1980s cohort. Ethnographic data for this research were collected with second-generation Italian-Australians in Perth over a thirty-year period. Our findings highlight important differences between these two groups based on socio-historical context and transnational experiences. Informants draw on these differences to distinguish between “wog” vs. “cosmopolitan” forms of Italianitá. While these contrasting identities highlight cultural discontinuities between cohorts, both groups construct their ethnicity through the trope of the Italian migrant family. Employing the theoretical notions of “intimate culture” and “familial habitus” we theorize family as integral to conceptualizations of ethnic field and show how it has been overlooked and devalued in analyses of diaspora politics and identity.  相似文献   

Eating disorders have been associated with developing nations undergoing rapid social transition, including participation in a global market economy and heavy media exposure. San Andrés, Belize, a community with many risk factors associated with the cross-cultural development of eating disorders, has shown remarkable resistance to previously documented patterns, despite a local focus on female beauty. Drawing on longitudinal person-centered ethnography with adolescent girls, this article examines why this community appears exceptional in light of the literature. First, community beauty and body image ideals and practices are explicated. Then, a protective ethnopsychology is proposed as a key mediating factor of the rapid socio-cultural change among young women. Finally, possible nascent cases of eating disordered behavior are discussed in light of their unique phenomenology: that is, having to do more with economic opportunity in the tourism industry and less with personal distress or desire for thinness. Close, meaning-centered examination of eating and body image practices may aid understanding and prevention of eating disorders among adolescents undergoing rapid social change in situations of globalization and immigration.  相似文献   

Uncoupling proteins, a subgroup of the mitochondrial anion transporter superfamily, have beenidentified in prokaryotes, plants, and mammalian cells. Evolutionary conservation of thesemolecules reflects their importance as regulators of two critical mitochondrial functions, i.e.,ATP synthesis and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although the amino acidsequences of the three mammalian uncoupling proteins, UCP1, UCP2 and UCP3, are verysimilar, each homolog is the product of a unique gene and important differences have beendemonstrated in their tissue-specific expression and regulation. UCP1 and UCP3 appear to bekey regulators of energy expenditure, and hence, nonshivering thermogenesis, either in brownadipose tissue (UCP1) or skeletal muscle (UCP3). UCP2 is expressed more ubiquitously,although generally at low levels, in many tissues. There is conflicting evidence about itsimportance as a regulator of resting metabolic rate. However, evidence suggests that thishomolog might modulate the mitochondrial generation of ROS in some cell types, includingmacrophages and hepatocytes. While the induction of various uncoupling protein homologsprovides adaptive advantages, both to the organism (e.g., thermogenesis) and to individual cells(e.g., reduced ROS), increased uncoupling protein activity also increases cellular vulnerability tonecrosis by compromising the mitochondrial membrane potential. This narrow risk—benefitmargin necessitates tight control of uncoupling protein activity in order to preserve cellularviability and much remains to be learned about the regulatory mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Female predominance among carriers of reciprocal translocations (rec) has been commonly explained by male sterility, although appropriate comparative studies had not been carried out. The objectives of this study were comparative analysis of rates of carriers of balanced chromosomal rearrangement among patients with infertility and among patients with recurrent miscarriages and comparative analysis of maleto-female ratio (sex ratio, SR) in the carriers. Metaanalysis of data from 34 publications on prevalence of chromosomal rearrangements in couples with reproductive failures showed that among couples with infertility, a carrier of reciprocal translocation was found in 0.48% (74/15306) of males and in 0.41% (64/15456) of females, SR =1.17, not different statistically from the population value of 1.06 (p = 0.36). Carriers of Robertsonian translocations (rob) were detected in 0.58% of males and in 0.11% of females, SR = 5.3 (p = 5 × 10–13). Carriers of an inversion (inv) were found at a slightly lower rate among infertile males compared to females, 0.16% vs 0.27%, SR = 0.59 (p = 0.020). Among patients with miscarriages, carriers of rec were detected at a significantly higher rate compared to patients with infertility, in 0.78% (151/19353) of males and in 1.42% (281/19737) of females, SR = 0.55 (p = 1 × 10–9). Carriers of rob were found in 0.33% of male patients and in 0.6% of female patients, SR = 0.56 (p = 9.7 × 10–5). Rates of male and female carriers of inv were 0.17 and 0.20%, respectively. The data obtained corroborate with the observation of female predominance among fertile carriers of rob due to male sterility. However, female predominance among fertile carriers of rec cannot be explained by the same reason. Firstly, there is no significant male prevalence among infertile carriers, secondly, the rate of rec carriers among infertile males is lower compared to that among fertile patients. This phenomenon might be explained by factors inherent to oogenesis affecting meiotic segregation of rearranged.  相似文献   

The coordinated and physiological behavior of living cells in an organism critically depends on their ability to interact with surrounding cells and with the extracellular space. For this, cells have to interpret incoming stimuli, correctly process the signals, and produce meaningful responses. A major part of such signaling mechanisms is the translation of incoming stimuli into intracellularly understandable signals, usually represented by second messengers or second-messenger systems. Two key second messengers, namely the calcium ion and signaling lipids, albeit extremely different in nature, play an important and often synergistic role in such signaling cascades. In this report, we will shed some light on an entire family of protein kinases, the protein kinases C, that are perfectly designed to exactly decode these two second messengers in all of their properties and convey the signaling content to downstream processes within the cell.Once generated, second messengers relay their information content in a plethora of properties, including time, quantity (i.e., concentration), space (i.e., subcellular distribution), and interestingly into any combination of these three characteristics. Nevertheless, such information is meaningless for the cell unless it has a toolkit of read-out systems that can actually interpret such second-messenger properties and relate them further downstream into complex signaling networks, or directly to effector systems. An important system is the family of protein kinase Cs (PKCs) that can read-out lipid signals alone, or combine the ability to read-out simultaneous lipid and Ca2+ signals. A common denominator of all PKCs is the property to convey signals downstream by phosphorylation of additional signaling partners or effector proteins. We will briefly introduce the PKC subfamilies with particular emphasis on their signaling ability, discuss the important sensing domains, and their properties, before concentrating on sensing details of the subfamily of conventional PKCs and their role in signal integration in greater depth.  相似文献   

A careful control of the N nutritional status of grapevines can have a determining effect on wine characteristics; therefore a suitable management of N fertilization might allow some wine parameters to be modified, thereby improving product quality. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar application of urea at different doses and different times of the growing season on the parameters of Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot grape juice. The research described herein involved Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot grapevines (V. vinifera L.) at a commercial vineyard and was conducted over 2 years. In the first year, N treatment involved a foliar application at a dose of 10 kg N ha?1 during veraison, whereas in the second year it involved a foliar urea application at two doses (10 and 50 kg N ha?1) and at three different times—3 weeks before veraison, during veraison and 3 weeks after veraison. In this second year, the urea applied at a dose of 10 kg N ha?1 was isotopically labelled with 1% 15N. Chemical parameters, yeast assimilable N, amino acid content, amino acid profile and N isotopic composition were determined for all treatments. Grape and grape-juice parameters for Merlot were found to be more affected by N fertilization than for Sauvignon Blanc and were also more affected during the second year than during the first year, thus indicating that the climatic characteristics of each campaign could affect these parameters. The yeast assimilable N in grape juice was found to be higher for late applications of foliar urea, with application of the higher dose of urea during veraison increasing the amino acid and proline contents in both varieties. The isotopic analysis data showed that the urea applied to leaves was transferred to the berries, with the maximum translocation in Sauvignon Blanc occurring for the post-veraison treatment and in Merlot for the veraison treatment. We can therefore conclude that foliar application of urea could modify grape juice quality and could therefore be used as a tool for obtaining quality wines.  相似文献   


In 8 Versuchen wurde der Gärungsverlauf bei der Silierung von nitratarmem Grünfutter von Welschem Weidelgras, Knaulgras und Gras‐Leguminosen‐Gemenge geprüft. Aus den Ergebnissen geht hervor, daß bei Fehlen von Nitrat im Grünfutter bereits zu Gärbeginn Buttersäure entsteht, parallel zur Milchsäuregärung, auch in leicht vergärbarem Grünfutter. Diese frühzeitige Buttersäurebildung ist mit dem Fehlen von Nitrat als natürlicher Clostridieninhibitor zu erklären. Die Clostridienentwicklung verläuft zu Gärbeginn demnach wesentlich schneller als bisher angenommen wurde. Offensichtlich dienen leicht lösliche Kohlenhydrate als Substrat für die Buttersäurebildung. In nitratarmem Grünfutter werden deshalb Clostridien als Nahrungskonkurrenten für die Milchsäurebakterien wirksam. Aminosäuren werden zu Gärbeginn nicht abgebaut. Trotz z.T. hoher Buttersäuregehalte sind die Ammoniakgehalte gering. Höhere Homologe der Buttersäure fehlen. Die Milchsäuregärung erreicht trotz hoher Zuckergehalte im Grünfutter meist nur ein begrenztes Ausmaß. Es werden Unterschiede in der Vergärbarkeit der Kohlen‐hydratfraktion zwischen den Gräsern angenommen.  相似文献   


Edward Curtis's 1914 film of the Kwakiutl of British Columbia is analyzed from the perspective of early ("primitive") cinema and the avant‐garde. The original film, In the Land of the Headhunters, is recontextualized and compared both to Nanook of the North and fiction filmmaking of the silent period; the restored film, In the Land of the War Canoes, is considered from the perspective of ethnographic spectatorship and native reappropriation of colonialist texts. As an allegory of the “salvage paradigm,” Curtis's ethnography is positioned within a postmodernist discourse on cultural representation.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - “Double” derivatives of the drug Xymedon (1,2-dihydro-4,6-dimethyl-1-N-(hydroxyethyl)pyrimidone-2), hereafter referred to as pyrimidine (I), in...  相似文献   


After intratracheal administration of “empty” lecithin-cholesterol liposomes to rats it was found out twofold enhancement of the surfactant content with maximum on the 2nd-3rd day and with normalization to the control level by the 7th day. Phagocytic index of the alveolar macrophages was also increased. It was shown the change of the blast-transformation reaction of bronchoalveolar lavage and blood lymphocytes. Immune complexes content in bronchoalveolar lavage at different period of time after liposomes administration increased 1.5-2-fold. The natural killers (NK) activity of cells obtained from bronhoalveolar lavage and blood was enhanced 10 times and 2 times respectively. It is supposed that enhancement of lung surfactant phospholipid content is caused by substrate stimulation of type II alveolocytes activity. The stimulation of immunocompetent cells might be connected with imitation of bacterial attack by liposomes with proteins adsorbed on their surface.  相似文献   

The mobile receptor hypothesis has been proposed to describe the process by which hormone receptor binding initiates a biological response; it states that receptors, which can diffuse independently in the plane of the membrane, reversibly associate with effectors to regulate their activity. The affinity for effector is greater when the receptor is occupied by hormone.A mathematical expression of the mobile receptor hypothesis is used to show that: (1) The predicted kinetics of hormone receptor binding may be indistinguishable from “negative cooperativity”. (2) Receptor occupancy and biological response may be coupled in a non-linear fashion.By choosing specific parameters, most of the existing data on insulin binding and biological responses can be explained in terms of the mobile receptor hypothesis. Thus, the following are easily explained: (1) A single homogeneous receptor may appear kinetically to be composed of two classes (of high and low affinity) of receptors. (2) Occupancy of the apparent class of high affinity receptors is related linearly to the biological response. (3) The same receptor in different tissues may appear to have different affinity. (4) The binding of different biologically active insulin analogues may exhibit different degrees of “cooperatively.” These considerations may also be pertinent to intepretations of other hormone-receptor systems and of various ligand-macromolecule interactions.  相似文献   

Paper by Masek et al. “The Luc2 gene enhances reliability of bicistronic assays” in Volume 8, Issue 5, 423–431 / May 2013; DOI: 10.2478/s11535-013-0151-z contains incomplete graphic file inserted as Figure 2. The correct Figure 2, together with its caption is presented below.  相似文献   

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