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Number matters: control of mammalian mitochondrial DNA copy number   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis is essential for proper cellular functioning. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion and the resulting mitochondrial malfunction have been implicated in cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes, aging, and many other human diseases. Although it is known that the dynamics of the mammalian mitochondrial genome are not linked with that of the nuclear genome, very little is known about the mechanism of mtDNA propagation. Nevertheless, our understanding of the mode of mtDNA replication has ad- vanced in recent years, though not without some controversies. This review summarizes our current knowledge of mtDNA copy number control in mammalian cells, while focusing on both mtDNA replication and turnover. Although mtDNA copy number is seemingly in excess, we reason that mtDNA copy number control is an important aspect of mitochondrial genetics and biogenesis and is essential for normal cellular function.  相似文献   

Mutations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cause a wide array of multisystem disorders, particularly affecting organs with high energy demands. Typically only a proportion of the total mtDNA content is mutated (heteroplasmy), and high percentage levels of mutant mtDNA are associated with a more severe clinical phenotype. MtDNA is inherited maternally and the heteroplasmy level in each one of the offspring is often very different to that found in the mother. The mitochondrial genetic bottleneck hypothesis was first proposed as the explanation for these observations over 20 years ago. Although the precise bottleneck mechanism is still hotly debated, the regulation of cellular mtDNA content is a key issue. Here we review current understanding of the factors regulating the amount of mtDNA within cells and discuss the relevance of these findings to our understanding of the inheritance of mtDNA heteroplasmy.  相似文献   

The well-established manifestation of mitochondrial mutations in functional cardiac disease (e.g., mitochondrial cardiomyopathy) prompted the hypothesis that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence and/or copy number (mtDNAcn) variation contribute to cardiac defects in congenital heart disease (CHD). MtDNAcns were calculated and rare, non-synonymous mtDNA mutations were identified in 1,837 CHD-affected proband-parent trios, 116 CHD-affected singletons, and 114 paired cardiovascular tissue/blood samples. The variant allele fraction (VAF) of heteroplasmic variants in mitochondrial RNA from 257 CHD cardiovascular tissue samples was also calculated. On average, mtDNA from blood had 0.14 rare variants and 52.9 mtDNA copies per nuclear genome per proband. No variation with parental age at proband birth or CHD-affected proband age was seen. mtDNAcns in valve/vessel tissue (320 ± 70) were lower than in atrial tissue (1,080 ± 320, p = 6.8E?21), which were lower than in ventricle tissue (1,340 ± 280, p = 1.4E?4). The frequency of rare variants in CHD-affected individual DNA was indistinguishable from the frequency in an unaffected cohort, and proband mtDNAcns did not vary from those of CHD cohort parents. In both the CHD and the comparison cohorts, mtDNAcns were significantly correlated between mother-child, father-child, and mother-father. mtDNAcns among people with European (mean = 52.0), African (53.0), and Asian haplogroups (53.5) were calculated and were significantly different for European and Asian haplogroups (p = 2.6E?3). Variant heteroplasmic fraction (HF) in blood correlated well with paired cardiovascular tissue HF (r = 0.975) and RNA VAF (r = 0.953), which suggests blood HF is a reasonable proxy for HF in heart tissue. We conclude that mtDNA mutations and mtDNAcns are unlikely to contribute significantly to CHD risk.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA‐CN) estimated in whole blood is a novel marker of mitochondrial mass and function that can be used in large population‐based studies. Analyses that attempt to relate mtDNA‐CN to specific aging phenotypes may be confounded by differences in the distribution of blood cell types across samples. Also, low or high mtDNA‐CN may have a different meaning given the presence of diseases associated with mitochondrial damage. We evaluated the impact of blood cell type distribution and diabetes status on the association between mtDNA‐CN and aging phenotypes, namely chronologic age, interleukin‐6, hemoglobin, and all‐cause mortality, among 672 participants of the InCHIANTI study. After accounting for white blood cell count, platelet count, and white blood cell proportions in multivariate models, associations of mtDNA‐CN with age and interleukin‐6 were no longer statistically significant. Evaluation of a statistical interaction by diabetes status suggested heterogeneity of effects in the analysis of mortality (< 0.01). The magnitude and direction of associations between mtDNA‐CN estimated from blood samples and aging phenotypes are influenced by the sample cell type distribution and disease status. Therefore, accounting for these factors may aid understanding of the relevance of mitochondrial DNA copy number to health and aging.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content is important for understanding many cellular processes. Several pre-analytical factors, from sample collection to DNA extraction can affect measurement of mtDNA copy number. In the present study, whole blood samples yielded a higher mtDNA copy number than buffy coat samples. mtDNA content is affected by the cell separation method used and the time between blood withdrawal and cell separation. Thus, reference values must be established with the same type of sample. As to the DNA isolation and purification method, the manual phenol method can give randomly false high values. The QIAamp DNA Mini Kit provided the most highly reproducible mtDNA/nDNA yield.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena, the DNA of the macronucleus exists as very large (100 to 4,000-kb) linear molecules that are randomly partitioned to the daughter cells during cell division. This genetic system leads directly to an assortment of alleles such that all loci become homozygous during vegetative growth. Apparently, there is a copy number control mechanism operative that adjusts the number of each macronuclear DNA molecule so that macronuclear DNA molecules (with their loci) are not lost and aneuploid death is a rare event. In comparing Southern analyses of the DNA from various species of Tetrahymena using histone H4 genes as a probe, we find different band intensities in many species. These differences in band intensities primarily reflect differences in the copy number of macronuclear DNA molecules. The variation in copy number of macronuclear DNA molecules in some species is greater than an order of magnitude. These observations are consistent with a developmental control mechanism that operates by increasing the macronuclear copy number of specific DNA molecules (and the genes located on these molecules) to provide the relatively high gene copy number required for highly expressed proteins. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fragile X‐associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late‐onset neurodegenerative disorder that appears in at least one‐third of adult carriers of a premutation (55‐200 CGG repeats) in the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Several studies have shown that mitochondrial dysfunction may play a central role in aging and also in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease as well as in FXTAS. It has been recently proposed that mtDNA copy number, measured by the number of mitochondrial genomes per nuclear genome (diploid), could be a useful biomarker of mitochondrial dysfunction. In order to elucidate the role of mtDNA variation in the pathogenesis of FXTAS, mtDNA copy number was quantified by digital droplet Polymerase chain reaction. In human brain samples, mtDNA levels were measured in the cerebellar vermis, dentate nucleus, parietal and temporal cortex, thalamus, caudate nucleus and hippocampus from a female FXTAS patient, a FMR1 premutation male carrier without FXTAS and from three male controls. The mtDNA copy number was further analyzed using this technology in dermal fibroblasts primary cultures derived from three FXTAS patients and three controls as well as in cortex and cerebellum of a CGG knock in FXTAS mice model. Finally, qPCR was carried out in human blood samples. Results indicate reduced mtDNA copy number in the specific brain region associated with disease progression in FXTAS patients, providing new insights into the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of FXTAS.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the possibility that mtDNA mutations might arise in inflammatory or chronically damaged nasal polyp tissue from 23 patients. Thirteen patients (57%) displayed nasal polyp tissue-specific mtDNA mutations in the hypervariable segment of the control region and cytochrome b gene, which were not found in the corresponding blood cells and/or adjacent normal tissue. Nasal polyp tissue-specific length heteroplasmic mutations were also detected in nucleotide position (np) 303–315 homopolymeric poly C track (39%), np 514–523 CA repeats (17%) and np 16184–16193 poly C track (30%). The average mtDNA copy number was about three times higher in nasal polyp tissue than in the corresponding peripheral blood cells and adjacent non-polyp tissues. The level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was significantly higher in the nasal polyp tissues compared to those from the corresponding samples. High level of ROS in nasal polyp tissue may contribute to development of mtDNA mutations, which may play a crucial role in the vicious cycle of pathophysiology of nasal polyps.  相似文献   

Aging is the largest risk factor for cardiovascular disease, yet the molecular mechanisms underlying vascular aging remain unclear. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage is linked to aging, but whether mtDNA damage or mitochondrial dysfunction is present and directly promotes vascular aging is unknown. Furthermore, mechanistic studies in mice are severely hampered by long study times and lack of sensitive, repeatable and reproducible parameters of arterial aging at standardized early time points. We examined the time course of multiple invasive and noninvasive arterial physiological parameters and structural changes of arterial aging in mice, how aging affects vessel mitochondrial function, and the effects of gain or loss of mitochondrial function on vascular aging. Vascular aging was first detected by 44 weeks (wk) of age, with reduced carotid compliance and distensibility, increased β‐stiffness index and increased aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV). Aortic collagen content and elastin breaks also increased at 44 wk. Arterial mtDNA copy number (mtCN) and the mtCN‐regulatory proteins TFAM, PGC1α and Twinkle were reduced by 44 wk, associated with reduced mitochondrial respiration. Overexpression of the mitochondrial helicase Twinkle (Tw+) increased mtCN and improved mitochondrial respiration in arteries, and delayed physiological and structural aging in all parameters studied. Conversely, mice with defective mitochondrial polymerase‐gamma (PolG) and reduced mtDNA integrity demonstrated accelerated vascular aging. Our study identifies multiple early and reproducible parameters for assessing vascular aging in mice. Arterial mitochondrial respiration reduces markedly with age, and reduced mtDNA integrity and mitochondrial function directly promote vascular aging.  相似文献   

线粒体是细胞能量和自由基代谢中心,并在细胞凋亡、钙调控、细胞周期和信号转导中发挥重要作用,维持线粒体功能正常对于细胞正常行使职能意义重大。线粒体的功能与线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)的数量和质量紧密相关,mtDNA的数量即mtDNA拷贝数又受到mtDNA质量的影响,因此mtDNA拷贝数可作为线粒体功能的重要表征。mtDNA拷贝数变异引起线粒体功能紊乱,进而导致疾病发生。本文综述了mtDNA拷贝数变异与神经退行性疾病、心血管疾病、肿瘤等疾病的发生发展和个体衰老之间的关系,以及mtDNA复制转录相关因子、氧化应激、细胞自噬等因素介导mtDNA拷贝数变异的调控机制。以期为进一步深入探究mtDNA拷贝数调控的分子机制,以及未来治疗神经退行性疾病、肿瘤及延缓衰老等提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a malignant brain cancer that causes high mortality in patients. GBM responds weakly to the common cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy and even surgery. Carboplatin is an alkylating agent widely used to treat cancer. However, resistance to this drug is a common problem in its use in cancer treatment. Concomitant exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) and carboplatin is one unexplored possibility for overcoming this resistance. Indeed, many lines of evidence show that EMF affects cancer cells and drug action. In this study, we evaluated the effect of concomitant administration of carboplatin and EMF (50 Hz, 70 G) and also concomitant administration of carboplatin and static magnetic field (SMF) (70 G) on human glioma cell line (U-87). The results showed that cotreatment reduced the efficiency of carboplatin in U-87 cells, by decreasing caspase-3 in comparison to drug groups. Overall, EMF reduced the apoptotic effect of carboplatin, possibly through a redox regulation mechanism. Therefore, we have to avoid coadministration of magnetic field (MF) and carboplatin in tumor area, because the MF decreased the toxicity of the drug. However, further studies are needed to reveal the action mechanism of this combination therapeutic method.  相似文献   

Copy number alteration (CNA) profiling of human tumors has revealed recurrent patterns of DNA amplifications and deletions across diverse cancer types. These patterns are suggestive of conserved selection pressures during tumor evolution but cannot be fully explained by known oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Using a pan‐cancer analysis of CNA data from patient tumors and experimental systems, here we show that principal component analysis‐defined CNA signatures are predictive of glycolytic phenotypes, including 18F‐fluorodeoxy‐glucose (FDG) avidity of patient tumors, and increased proliferation. The primary CNA signature is enriched for p53 mutations and is associated with glycolysis through coordinate amplification of glycolytic genes and other cancer‐linked metabolic enzymes. A pan‐cancer and cross‐species comparison of CNAs highlighted 26 consistently altered DNA regions, containing 11 enzymes in the glycolysis pathway in addition to known cancer‐driving genes. Furthermore, exogenous expression of hexokinase and enolase enzymes in an experimental immortalization system altered the subsequent copy number status of the corresponding endogenous loci, supporting the hypothesis that these metabolic genes act as drivers within the conserved CNA amplification regions. Taken together, these results demonstrate that metabolic stress acts as a selective pressure underlying the recurrent CNAs observed in human tumors, and further cast genomic instability as an enabling event in tumorigenesis and metabolic evolution.  相似文献   

A major issue in the use of mammalian cell culture in biopharmaceutical manufacturing is the removal of process related impurities, such as residual host cell DNA, during the product purification process. To ensure that sufficient DNA removal is achieved during purification, it is essential to have an accurate and sensitive assay for host cell DNA. The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) is widely used for this purpose; however, the extent to which the choice of QPCR gene target can have an impact on final results requires further understanding. In the present study, we examined the relationship between the genomic copy number of eight different Chinese Hamster ovary (CHO) gene targets and the sensitivity and accuracy afforded by those targets in a residual host cell DNA QPCR assay. We also evaluated the use of each gene target for accurate measurement of residual DNA clearance using in-process purification samples from two CHO production cell lines. Our results revealed a correlation between gene target abundance and the potential sensitivity for use in a QPCR assay. However, we found that higher copy number gene targets do not provide the highest measurement or reveal the largest clearance of residual host cell DNA from purification samples. These findings suggest that different DNA sequences may clear or degrade at differential rates and highlight unexpected considerations that must be made in the choice of QPCR gene target when designing QPCR assays.  相似文献   

Patients with mitochondrial DNA disease are amongst the most challenging to diagnose and manage given the striking phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity, which characterise these conditions. Recently, we and others have demonstrated the m.3243A>G mutation, one of the most common mitochondrial DNA pathogenic mutations, is present at clinically relevant levels in urinary epithelium, thus providing a practical, non-invasive test for diagnosis and mutation screening. In this study we further evaluate the use of these cells in detecting the m.3243A>G mutation, other mtDNA tRNA gene point mutations including the m.8344A>G mutation and single large-scale mtDNA deletions. We observe a robust relationship between m.3243A>G levels in urothelial cells and clinically affected tissues that does not change with time. Conversely, single large-scale mtDNA deletions can be detected in urothelial cells, with higher levels present in younger patients with more severe disease, but generally mtDNA deletion levels are not representative of those seen in a clinically affected tissue. Our results have implications for the diagnosis, management and counselling of families with mtDNA disease.  相似文献   

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