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A fluorescence-quenching method has been used to assess the potential formation of segregated liquid-ordered domains in lipid bilayers combining cholesterol with mixtures of amino and choline phospholipids like those found in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the mammalian cell plasma membrane. When present in proportions >20-30 mol %, different saturated phospholipids show a strong proclivity to form segregated domains when combined with unsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol, in a manner that is only weakly affected by the nature of the phospholipid headgroups. By contrast, mixtures containing purely unsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol do not exhibit detectable segregation of domains, even in systems whose components differ in headgroup structure, mono- versus polyunsaturation and/or acyl chain heterogeneity. These results indicate that mixtures of phospholipids resembling those found in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane do not spontaneously form segregated liquid-ordered domains. Instead, our findings suggest that factors extrinsic to the inner-monolayer lipids themselves (e.g., transbilayer penetration of long sphingolipid acyl chains) would be essential to confer a distinctive, more highly ordered organization to the cytoplasmic leaflet of "lipid raft" structures in animal cell membranes.  相似文献   

The existence of different lipid domains in the monolayers of the human erythrocyte membrane was investigated at 4 °C by employing spin-labelled phospholipid analogues. Spectra of analogues located exclusively either in the exoplasmic or in the cytoplasmic leaflet of erythrocyte membranes were recorded. Spectra were simulated by variation of order parameter describing the average amplitude of motion of the long molecular axis of the nitrogen 2 orbital of the spin label and of the respective correlation times. For both leaflets at least three components were required to fit the experimental spectra, differing mainly in the order parameter. While the parameters of each component are not very different between both membrane halves, the relative contribution of each component to the spectrum is different between the exoplasmic and cytoplasmic leaflet. The order parameter of the most fluid component, presumably resembling the lipid bulk phase, is smaller in the cytoplasmic leaflet in comparison to the exoplasmic one. The lateral coexistence of different lipid domains in the human red blood cell membrane is concluded. The molecular nature of those domains is discussed. Received: 6 November 1998 / Revised version: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 29 January 1999  相似文献   

Transbilayer lipid asymmetry is a fundamental characteristic of the eukaryotic cell plasma membrane (PM). While PM phospholipid asymmetry is well documented, the transbilayer distribution of PM sterols such as mammalian cholesterol and yeast ergosterol is not reliably known. We now report that sterols are asymmetrically distributed across the yeast PM, with the majority (~80%) located in the cytoplasmic leaflet. By exploiting the sterol‐auxotrophic hem1Δ yeast strain we obtained cells in which endogenous ergosterol was quantitatively replaced with dehydroergosterol (DHE), a closely related fluorescent sterol that functionally and accurately substitutes for ergosterol in vivo. Using fluorescence spectrophotometry and microscopy we found that <20% of DHE fluorescence was quenched when the DHE‐containing cells were exposed to membrane‐impermeant collisional quenchers (spin‐labeled phosphatidylcholine and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid). Efficient quenching was seen only after the cells were disrupted by glass‐bead lysis or repeated freeze‐thaw to allow quenchers access to the cell interior. The extent of quenching was unaffected by treatments that deplete cellular ATP levels, collapse the PM electrochemical gradient or affect the actin cytoskeleton. However, alterations in PM phospholipid asymmetry in cells lacking phospholipid flippases resulted in a more symmetric transbilayer distribution of sterol. Similarly, an increase in the quenchable pool of DHE was observed when PM sphingolipid levels were reduced by treating cells with myriocin. We deduce that sterols comprise up to ~45% of all inner leaflet lipids in the PM, a result that necessitates revision of current models of the architecture of the PM lipid bilayer.   相似文献   

A delipidized proteolipid protein fraction was purified from organic solvent extracts of bovine cerebral cortex and studied by means of diffraction, electron microscopic, and ir techniques. Special use was made of an electron diffraction procedure which minimized the electron damage to the biological specimens. The ir spectroscopy of the apoprotein fraction indicated the presence of polypeptides in extended β-conformation, possibly in the antiparallel mode of packing. Electron microscopy of the fraction, negatively stained in organic media, made apparent the presence of both ordered and amorphous material. Only the former, characterized by repeating units of about 40–45 Å in diameter and varying length, produced diffraction patterns in the selected area mode exhibiting a highly undistorted lattice. The two-dimensional cell parameters of the protein fraction were a = 4.79 Å, b = 7.20 Å, and γ = 90°. The plane group symmetry, corresponding to the systematic absences, was p 2gg, consistent with the β-pleated sheet structure of simple polypeptides.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the plasma membrane structure has undergone a major change since the proposal of the fluid mosaic model of Singer and Nicholson in the 1970s. In this model, the membrane, composed of over thousand lipid and protein species, is organized as a well‐equilibrated two‐dimensional fluid. Here, the distribution of lipids is largely expected to reflect a multicomponent system, and proteins are expected to be surrounded by an annulus of specialized lipid species. With the recognition that a multicomponent lipid membrane is capable of phase segregation, the membrane is expected to appear as patchwork quilt pattern of membrane domains. However, the constituents of a living membrane are far from being well equilibrated. The living cell membrane actively maintains a trans‐bilayer asymmetry of composition, and its constituents are subject to a number of dynamic processes due to synthesis, lipid transfer as well as membrane traffic and turnover. Moreover, membrane constituents engage with the dynamic cytoskeleton of a living cell, and are both passively as well as actively manipulated by this engagement. The extracellular matrix and associated elements also interact with membrane proteins contributing to another layer of interaction. At the nano‐ and mesoscale, the organization of lipids and proteins emerge from these encounters, as well as from protein–protein, protein–lipid, and lipid–lipid interactions in the membrane. New methods to study the organization of membrane components at these scales have also been developed, and provide an opportunity to synthesize a new picture of the living cell surface as an active membrane composite.  相似文献   

The activity of membrane proteins is controlled, in part, by protein-protein interactions localized to the plasma membrane. In the current study, domains within the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) reactive at the plasma membrane were identified using a novel yeast one-hybrid screen. The cytosolic N terminus of alphaENaC and the cytosolic C termini of alpha-, beta-, and gammaENaC contained domains reactive at the plasma membrane. Fluorescent micrographs of epithelial cells overexpressing fusion proteins of enhanced green fluorescent protein and mENaC cytosolic domains were consistent with those in yeast. A novel membrane reactive domain within the cytosolic C terminus of gamma-mENaC was localized to the 17 amino acids between residues Thr(584)-Pro(600). Two overlapping internalization signals within the C terminus of gamma-mENaC, a WW-binding domain (PY motif) and a tyrosine-based endocytic signal, were additive with respect to decreasing complementation and expression levels of hybrid proteins. Decreases in expression levels of hybrid proteins containing the PY and endocytic motif were reversed with latrunculin A, an inhibitor of endosomal movement. Decreases in complementation and expression levels of hybrid proteins mediated by the combined PY and overlapping endocytic motif proceeded in the absence of established ubiquitination sites within ENaC. In addition, the endocytic motif was active in the absence of the PY motif, demonstrating that these two domains, while possibly interacting, also have discrete functions. The novel domains within the cytosolic N terminus of alphaENaC and the C termini of alpha-, beta-, and gammaENaC identified here are likely to be involved in protein-protein and/or protein-lipid interactions localized to the plasma membrane. We hypothesize that these newly identified domains play a role in modulating ENaC activity.  相似文献   

In some cases, lipids in one leaflet of an asymmetric artificial lipid vesicle suppress the formation of ordered lipid domains (rafts) in the opposing leaflet. Whether this occurs in natural membranes is unknown. Here, we investigated this issue using plasma membrane vesicles (PMVs) from rat leukemia RBL-2H3 cells. Membrane domain formation and order was assessed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and fluorescence anisotropy. We found that ordered domains in PMVs prepared from cells by N-ethyl maleimide (NEM) treatment formed up to ~37°C, whereas ordered domains in symmetric vesicles formed from the extracted PMV lipids were stable up to 55°C, indicating the stability of ordered domains was substantially decreased in intact PMVs. This behavior paralleled lesser ordered domain stability in artificial asymmetric lipid vesicles relative to the corresponding symmetric vesicles, suggesting intact PMVs exhibit some degree of lipid asymmetry. This was supported by phosphatidylserine mislocalization on PMV outer leaflets as judged by annexin binding, which indicated NEM-induced PMVs are much more asymmetric than PMVs formed by dithiothreitol/paraformaldehyde treatment. Destroying asymmetry by reconstitution of PMVs using detergent dilution also showed stabilization of domain formation, even though membrane proteins remained associated with reconstituted vesicles. Similar domain stabilization was observed in artificial asymmetric lipid vesicles after destroying asymmetry via detergent reconstitution. Proteinase K digestion of proteins had little effect on domain stability in NEM PMVs. We conclude that loss of PMV lipid asymmetry can induce ordered domain formation. The dynamic control of lipid asymmetry in cells may regulate domain formation in plasma membranes.  相似文献   

This review is focused on the formation of lateral domains in model bilayer membranes, with an emphasis on sphingolipids and their interaction with cholesterol. Sphingolipids in general show a preference for partitioning into ordered domains. One of the roles of cholesterol is apparently to modulate the fluidity of the sphingolipid domains and also to help segregate the domains for functional purposes. Cholesterol shows a preference for sphingomyelin over phosphatidylcholine with corresponding acyl chains. The interaction of cholesterol with different sphingolipids is largely dependent on the molecular properties of the particular sphingolipid in question. Small head group size clearly has a destabilizing effect on sphingolipid/cholesterol interaction, as exemplified by studies with ceramide and ceramide phosphoethanolamine. Ceramides actually displace sterol from ordered domains formed with saturated phosphatidylcholine or sphingomyelin. The N-linked acyl chain is known to be an important stabilizer of the sphingolipid/cholesterol interaction. However, N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamines failed to interact favorably with cholesterol and to form cholesterol-enriched lateral domains in bilayer membranes. Glycosphingolipids also form ordered domains in membranes but do not show a strong preference for interacting with cholesterol. It is clear from the studies reviewed here that small changes in the structure of sphingolipids alter their partitioning between lateral domains substantially.  相似文献   

This review is focused on the formation of lateral domains in model bilayer membranes, with an emphasis on sphingolipids and their interaction with cholesterol. Sphingolipids in general show a preference for partitioning into ordered domains. One of the roles of cholesterol is apparently to modulate the fluidity of the sphingolipid domains and also to help segregate the domains for functional purposes. Cholesterol shows a preference for sphingomyelin over phosphatidylcholine with corresponding acyl chains. The interaction of cholesterol with different sphingolipids is largely dependent on the molecular properties of the particular sphingolipid in question. Small head group size clearly has a destabilizing effect on sphingolipid/cholesterol interaction, as exemplified by studies with ceramide and ceramide phosphoethanolamine. Ceramides actually displace sterol from ordered domains formed with saturated phosphatidylcholine or sphingomyelin. The N-linked acyl chain is known to be an important stabilizer of the sphingolipid/cholesterol interaction. However, N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamines failed to interact favorably with cholesterol and to form cholesterol-enriched lateral domains in bilayer membranes. Glycosphingolipids also form ordered domains in membranes but do not show a strong preference for interacting with cholesterol. It is clear from the studies reviewed here that small changes in the structure of sphingolipids alter their partitioning between lateral domains substantially.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied using the probes trans-parinaric acid and diphenylhexatriene. Diphenylhexatriene anisotropy is a good reporter of global membrane order. The fluorescence lifetimes of trans-parinaric acid are particularly sensitive to the presence and nature of ordered domains, but thus far they have not been measured in yeast cells. A long lifetime typical of the gel phase (>30 ns) was found in wild-type (WT) cells from two different genetic backgrounds, at 24 and 30 °C, providing the first direct evidence for the presence of gel domains in living cells. To understand their nature and location, the study of WT cells was extended to spheroplasts, the isolated plasma membrane, and liposomes from total lipid and plasma membrane lipid extracts (with or without ergosterol extraction by cyclodextrin). It is concluded that the plasma membrane is mostly constituted by ordered domains and that the gel domains found in living cells are predominantly at the plasma membrane and are formed by lipids. To understand their composition, strains with mutations in sphingolipid and ergosterol metabolism and in the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor remodeling pathway were also studied. The results strongly indicate that the gel domains are not ergosterol-enriched lipid rafts; they are mainly composed of sphingolipids, possibly inositol phosphorylceramide, and contain glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, suggesting an important role in membrane traffic and signaling, and interactions with the cell wall. The abundance of the sphingolipid-enriched gel domains was inversely related to the cellular membrane system global order, suggesting their involvement in the regulation of membrane properties.  相似文献   

Many plasma membrane (PM) functions depend on the cholesterol concentration in the PM in strikingly nonlinear, cooperative ways: fully functional in the presence of physiological cholesterol levels (35~45 mol%), and nonfunctional below 25 mol% cholesterol; namely, still in the presence of high concentrations of cholesterol. This suggests the involvement of cholesterol‐based complexes/domains formed cooperatively. In this review, by examining the results obtained by using fluorescent lipid analogs and avoiding the trap of circular logic, often found in the raft literature, we point out the fundamental similarities of liquid‐ordered (Lo)‐phase domains in giant unilamellar vesicles, Lo‐phase‐like domains formed at lower temperatures in giant PM vesicles, and detergent‐resistant membranes: these domains are formed by cooperative interactions of cholesterol, saturated acyl chains, and unsaturated acyl chains, in the presence of >25 mol% cholesterol. The literature contains evidence, indicating that the domains formed by the same basic cooperative molecular interactions exist and play essential roles in signal transduction in the PM. Therefore, as a working definition, we propose that raft domains in the PM are liquid‐like molecular complexes/domains formed by cooperative interactions of cholesterol with saturated acyl chains as well as unsaturated acyl chains, due to saturated acyl chains' weak multiple accommodating interactions with cholesterol and cholesterol's low miscibility with unsaturated acyl chains and TM proteins. Molecules move within raft domains and exchange with those in the bulk PM. We provide a logically established collection of fluorescent lipid probes that preferentially partition into raft and non‐raft domains, as defined here, in the PM.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain (D4) of perfringolysin O binds selectively to cholesterol in cholesterol-rich microdomains. To address the issue of whether cholesterol-rich microdomains exist in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, we expressed D4 as a fusion protein with EGFP in MEF cells. More than half of the EGFP-D4 expressed in stable cell clones was bound to membranes in raft fractions. Depletion of membrane cholesterol with beta-cyclodextrin reduced the amount of EGFP-D4 localized in raft fractions, confirming EGFP-D4 binding to cholesterol-rich microdomains. Subfractionation of the raft fractions showed most of the EGFP-D4 bound to the plasma membrane rather than to intracellular membranes. Taken together, these results strongly suggest the existence of cholesterol-rich microdomains in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is the calcium pump that extrudes calcium ions from cells using ATP hydrolisis for the maintenance of low Ca2+ concentrations in the cell. Calmodulin stimulates Ca2+-ATPase by binding to the autoinhibitory enzyme domain, which allows the access of cytoplasmic ATP and Ca2+ to the active and transport cites. Our kinetic model predicts damped oscillations in the enzyme activity and interprets the known nonmonotonous kinetic behavior of the enzyme in the presence of calmodulin. For the parameters close to the experimental ones, the kinetic model explains the changes in frequency and damping factor of the oscillatory enzyme activity, as dependent on calmodulin concentration. The calculated pre-steady-state curves fit well the known experimental data. The kinetic analysis allows us to assign Ca2+-ATPase to the hysteretic enzymes exhibiting activity oscillations in open systems.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis possesses an ATP-dependent drug extrusion system which shares functional properties with the mammalian multidrug resistance (MDR) transporter P-glycoprotein. One of the intriguing aspects of both transporters is their ability to interact with a broad range of structurally unrelated amphiphilic compounds. It has been suggested that P-glycoprotein removes drugs directly from the membrane. Evidence is presented that this model is correct for the lactococcal multidrug transporter through studies of the extrusion mechanism of BCECF-AM and cationic diphenylhexatriene (DPH) derivatives from the membrane. The non-fluorescent probe BCECF-AM can be converted intracellularly into its fluorescent derivative, BCECF, by non-specific esterase activities. The development of fluorescence was decreased upon energization of the cells. These and kinetic studies showed that BCECF-AM is actively extruded from the membrane before it can be hydrolysed intracellularly. The increase in fluorescence intensity due to the distribution of TMA-DPH into the phospholipid bilayer is a biphasic process. This behaviour reflects the fast entry of TMA-DPH into the outer leaflet followed by a slower transbilayer movement to the inner leaflet of the membrane. The initial rate of TMA-DPH extrusion correlates with the amount of probe associated with the inner leaflet. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the lactococcal MDR transporter functions as a 'hydrophobic vacuum cleaner', expelling drugs from the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer. Thus, the ability of amphiphilic substrates to partition in the inner leaflet of the membrane is a prerequisite for recognition by multidrug transporters.  相似文献   

Cell plasma membranes of living cells maintain their asymmetry, so that the outer leaflet presents a large quantity of sphingomyelin, which is critical for formation of ordered lipid domains. Here, a recently developed probe based on Nile Red (NR12S) was applied to monitor changes in the lipid order specifically at the outer leaflet of cell membranes. Important key features of NR12S are its ratiometric response exclusively to lipid order (liquid ordered vs. liquid disordered phase) and not to surface charge, the possibility of using it at very low concentrations (10-20nM) and the very simple staining protocol. Cholesterol extraction, oxidation and sphingomyelin hydrolysis were found to red shift the emission spectrum of NR12S, indicating a decrease in the lipid order at the outer plasma membrane leaflet. Remarkably, apoptosis induced by three different agents (actinomycin D, camptothecin, staurosporine) produced very similar spectroscopic effects, suggesting that apoptosis also significantly decreases the lipid order at this leaflet. The applicability of NR12S to detect apoptosis was further validated by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, using the ratio between the blue and red parts of its emission band. Thus, for the first time, an environment-sensitive probe, sensitive to lipid order, is shown to detect apoptosis, suggesting a new concept in apoptosis sensing.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to construct chimeric cDNAs that encode the extracellular and transmembrane domains of the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) linked to the cytoplasmic domain of either the immunoglobulin mu membrane heavy chain, the hemagglutinin glycoprotein of influenza virus, or the small glycoprotein (p23) of infectious bronchitis virus. Biochemical analyses and immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that these hybrid genes were correctly expressed in eukaryotic cells and that the hybrid proteins were transported to the plasma membrane. The rate of transport to the Golgi complex of G protein with an immunoglobulin mu membrane cytoplasmic domain was approximately sixfold slower than G protein with its normal cytoplasmic domain. However, this rate was virtually identical to the rate of transport of micron heavy chain molecules measured in the B cell line WEHI 231. The rate of transport of G protein with a hemagglutinin cytoplasmic domain was threefold slower than wild type G protein and G protein with a p23 cytoplasmic domain, which were transported at similar rates. The combined results underscore the importance of the amino acid sequence in the cytoplasmic domain for efficient transport of G protein to the cell surface. Also, normal cytoplasmic domains from other transmembrane glycoproteins can substitute for the G protein cytoplasmic domain in transport of G protein to the plasma membrane. The method of constructing precise hybrid proteins described here will be useful in defining functions of specific domains of viral and cellular integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have demonstrated the ability of techniques based on immunoadsorption to selectively isolate specialized subregions of membranes, termed domains, which are derived from a larger more complex parent membrane like the plasma membrane. The immunoadsorbent is directed against a specific antigen that resides exclusively or predominantly in the membrane domain to be isolated. Thus, a monospecific antibody to the domain-specific antigen is required. In the present study we developed a method employing a modified immunoblotting strategy which could utilize polyspecific antibodies to isolate membrane vesicles derived from a specific membrane domain of the hepatocyte plasma membrane. We also used specific cell surface labeling of the hepatocyte plasma membrane by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination at 4 degrees C and preparation of different sized vesicles by sonication to facilitate isolation of the specific domain. For this study, polyspecific antisera were raised in goats against a membrane fraction, denoted N2u, which is enriched in bile canalicular proteins. This antiserum recognizes, among other antigens, a 110,000 Mr polypeptide previously shown to be localized in the bile canaliculus (J. Cook et al. (1983) J. Cell. Biol. 97, 1823-1833). A monospecific antiserum was raised in rabbits against the rat hepatocyte asialoglycoprotein receptor, a sinusoidal domain-specific set of glycoproteins whose major form has a Mr of 43,000. These antisera were each coupled indirectly to different pieces of nitrocellulose by the immunoblotting protocol and were used to isolate membrane vesicles from a crude extract of liver plasma membrane prepared by sonication. The ratio of iodinated asialoglycoprotein receptor to the 110,000 Mr polypeptide in vesicles isolated by the affinity nitrocellulose immunoadsorbent method indicate a 10- to 15-fold enrichment of sinusoidal-derived vesicles relative to bile canalicular-derived membrane vesicles. These results show that the affinity nitrocellulose immunoadsorbent method can be used to isolate domain-specific vesicles. Further, the affinity immunoadsorbent method described here for the isolation of domains of the plasma membrane is an integrative one allowing isolation of vesicles present in relatively small concentration in crude cell extracts and it requires minimal ultracentrifugation time.  相似文献   

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