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At Booderee National Park, south-eastern Australia, the intensive control of the introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes) resulted in a major increase in the abundance of a browsing macropod, the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor). This has led to a major decrease in the abundance and biomass of a range of palatable plant species. Fox control has also started a trophic cascade that has resulted in a decline in the abundance of the greater glider (Petauroides volans) a folivorous arboreal marsupial, mediated either through increased predation by owls or increased competition with common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). We identified five potential scenarios for managing the effects of over-abundant swamp wallabies on the ecosystem as a whole. These were (1) the present scenario of continued intensive fox control and four possible scenarios to redress the problem: (2) ceasing fox control; (3) intensive fox control and intensive wallaby control; (4) introducing dingoes and ceasing fox control; and (5) introducing dingoes and maintaining fox control. We used an ecosystem modelling approach based on a fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) to predict relative estimates of abundance for each scenario for a wide range of taxa in the Booderee National Park ecosystem likely to be affected by each scenario. We addressed uncertainty in our knowledge of the interactions between species by creating alternative models of the system by removing one or more of the uncertain links between species and varying the strength of the remaining interactions in the FCM and aggregated predictions from 100,000 models to estimate the effect of uncertainty on the predictions from our FCM model. In comparison with the current scenario of intensive fox control, scenario 3 had the greatest likelihood of improving the status of palatable plants. Scenarios 2 and 4 reduced the abundance of a range of medium-sized mammals but improved the status of greater gliders, whereas the predicted effects of scenario 5 were uncertain. The FCM modelling approach developed here provided a valuable tool for managers to learn about the potential ecosystem wide effects of management actions while incorporating the likely effects of uncertain knowledge on system outcomes.  相似文献   

A locus on chromosome 17q, designated “BRCA1,” has been identified as a predisposition gene for breast cancer. A panel of chromosome 17–specific radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrid clones has been assembled for high-resolution mapping of chromosome 17. A series of 35 markers, known to span the BRCA1 locus, were tested against this hybrid panel by PCR assays. Statistical analysis of these data yields a BRCA1 radiation hybrid map at a density sufficient to initiate YAC cloning and pulsed-field gel electrophoretic mapping of the candidate region. In addition, many of the markers reveal genetic polymorphisms and may be tested in breast cancer families and in loss-of-heterozygosity studies of sporadic breast cancers to better define the BRCA1 gene candidate region.  相似文献   

Samples of suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected from the Humber Estuary had higher concentrations of particulate metals than SPM from Holderness coastal waters (U.K.). Characterised SPM from both sources was used in laboratory experiments involving the uptake of radiotracer109Cd,137Cs,54Mn and65Zn. Kinetic experiments, over five days, showed that the rate and extent of uptake was highly dependent on particle type, with109Cd,54Mn and65Zn being more reactive with Humber Estuary particles than those from Holderness and137Cs having the opposite trend. Adsorption experiments were also carried out on suspensions in which SPM from the Humber Estuary and Holderness coastal water were mixed in various proportions. These experiments revealed that Kd for65Zn increased linearly with the proportion of Humber SPM, Kd for137Cs decreased linearly with increase in Humber SPM and Kd for54Mn and109Cd displayed non-linear behaviour. The results of the study were used to develop an algorithm for predicting the partition coefficients in the Humber Plume based on the extent of particle mixing from the two source regions. The use of206/207Pb ratios in determining the extent of particle mixing is discussed, along with the application of the algorithm to the modelling of particulate trace metal behaviour in the Humber-Wash coastal zone.  相似文献   

The spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) gene has been localized to chromosome 12q24.1. To characterize this region and to aid in the identification of the SCA2 gene, we have constructed a 3.9-Mb physical map, which covers markers D12S1328 and D12S1329 known to flank the gene. The map comprises a contig of 84 overlapping yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), P1 artificial chromosomes (PACs), and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) onto which we placed 82 PCR markers. We localized eight genes and expressed sequence tags on this map, many of which had not been precisely mapped before. In contrast to YACs, which showed a high degree of chimerism and deletions in this region, PACs and BACs were stable. Only 1 in 65 PACs contained a small deletion, and 2 in 18 BACs were chimeric. The high-resolution physical map, which was used in the identification of the SCA2 gene, will be useful for the positional cloning of other disease genes mapped to this region.  相似文献   

The gene order and orientation in the leu-pyrA region of the Salmonella typhimurium linkage map was established by phage P22-mediated transductions. The gene order, in counterclockwise orientation, is leuO-leuA-leuB-leuC-leuD-ara-fol-pyrA. The fol locus is co-transducible with either the ara and leu loci or the pyrA locus, whereas no co-transduction for the ara and pyrA loci can be found.  相似文献   

水稻第六染色体长臂亚端粒区遗传图与物理图的整合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
生物染色体亚闰区域在物种翰经过程中是高度活跃的。为了认识水稻染色体亚端粒区域的组织结构,用水稻第六染色体长臂亚端料区的RFLP标记G342和R1167作探针筛选BAC文库,以得到的阳笥BAC克隆为起点进行染色体眇地,构建了覆盖这2个分子标记区约500kb的BAC跨叠克隆群,将这一区域的跗图和物理图进行了整合。对14个BAC克隆插入末端进行了亚克隆,鉴定的7个亚克隆 端为单考贝或抵考贝序列,其中5个  相似文献   

TheLpslocus on mouse chromosome 4 controls host responsiveness to lipopolysaccharide, a major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The C3H/HeJ inbred mouse strain is characterized by a mutantLpsallele (Lpsd) that renders it hyporesponsive to LPS and naturally tolerant of its lethal effects. To identify theLpsgene by a positional cloning strategy, we have generated a high-resolution linkage map of the chromosomal region surrounding this locus. We have analyzed a total of 1604 backcross mice from a preexisting interspecific backcross panel of 259 (Mus spretus× C57BL/6J)F1 × C57BL/6J and two novel panels of 597 (DBA/2J × C3H/HeJ)F1 × C3H/HeJ and 748 (C57BL/6J × C3H/HeJ)F1 × C3H/HeJ segregating atLps.A total of 50 DNA markers have been mapped in a 11.8-cM span overlapping theLpslocus. This positions theLpslocus within a 1.1-cM interval, flanked proximally by a large cluster of markers, including three known genes (Cd30l, Hxb,andAmbp), and distally by two microsatellite markers (D4Mit7/D4Mit178). The localization of theLpslocus is several centimorgans proximal to that previously assigned.  相似文献   

The isolation of one amber mutation in malQ, one ochre mutation in malP, and seven amber mutations in malT is reported. A study of their phenotypic expressions in the presence of the amber suppressor su(III) and the ochre suppressor su(c) suggests that (i) malQ is the structural gene for amylomaltase; (ii) malQ and the structural gene for maltodextrin phosphorylase, malP, belong to the same operon; (iii) the malT product, which promotes the expression of the malP-malQ operon, is a protein synthesized in limiting amounts by the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

A reanalysis of the 84B3 to 84D3,5 region of the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster has led to the identification and localization of 16 genes. These genes include 11 vital loci, four genes exhibiting nonlethal visible mutant phenotypes and one gene encoding a nonessential enzyme. The identity of the gene products of two of the vital genes has been determined to be alpha-tubulin and glucose dehydrogenase (Gld). Three newly identified genes, sticking (stk), half out (hat) and trapped (ted), as well as Gld are required for eclosion. Among the nonessential genes are roughened eye (roe) and ruffed eye (rue), which affect eye texture. The roe phenotype is greatly enhanced by deletions that simultaneously remove roe and an unidentified locus in 84E. Mutations in another nonessential gene, rotund (rn), are characterized by pattern deletions of most adult appendages.  相似文献   

玉米CMS线粒体DNA R多型性分析及物理图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张翅  张方东  郑用琏 《遗传学报》2002,29(3):273-277
合成玉米CMS-S线粒体DNAR区域端点和orf77两端的特异引物,对Mo17、W23、77为核背景的N、C、T、S等4种胞质的的26个CMS材料的线粒体DNA进行了PCR扩增,结果表明orf77和R区域具有典型的胞质特异性:S组中有完整的R区域和orf77;T组中有部分R区域,可以扩增出orf77的的对应片段,但其核苷酸序列与S组orf77不同;正常胞质(N)中有部分R区域,但不包含完整的orf77;C胞质中不包含R区域,结果表明orf77是玉米S组CMS特异的胞质育性候选基因。在进行连锁群步移的基础上,建立了基于BAC文库、双酶切和Southern杂交的构建线粒体DNA物理图谱的体系,绘制Mo17CMS-J线粒体DNAR区的部分物理图谱。理论上,此法可以构建出覆盖线粒体基因组全长的物理图谱。  相似文献   

三峡水库河流生境评价指标体系构建及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈淼  苏晓磊  党成强  高婷  黄慧敏  董蓉  陶建平 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8433-8444
三峡水库建成蓄水后,库区支流因水位调度导致河流生境发生了剧烈的变化,消落带的形成使库区河流具有同自然河流截然不同的河流生境,新形势下库区河流生境评价十分必要。国内外现有的评价指标体系及评价方法不能够很好地适应这种特殊生境状况,急需建立或改进并形成新的评价指标体系和评价方法。基于此,分析了大量国内外河流生境评价方法,根据大型水库影响下的库区河流的生态环境特点,构建了包括水文情势、河流形态和河岸带生境3个方面18个指标的库区河流生境评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法(主观赋权法)和熵值法(客观赋权法)结合组合赋权法计算得到了各指标权重。使用新建立的指标体系和方法,以三峡库区支流东溪河、黄金河、汝溪河为例,进行河流生境质量评价发现,52.6%的样点河流生境质量处于优等或良好等级;42.1%为一般等级;5.3%为较差等级;没有最差等级的样点。结果表明,该评价指标体系适合库区支流河流生境状况的特殊性,得到的评价结果能较直观的反应河流生境状况,且操作便捷,数据易获得,具有较强的科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

Land cover maps reasonably depict areas that are strongly converted by human activities, but typically are unable to resolve low-density but widespread development patterns. Data products specifically designed to resolve land uses complement land cover datasets and likely improve our ability to understand the extent and complexity of human modification. Methods for developing a comprehensive land use classification system are described, and a map of land use for the conterminous United States is presented to reveal what we are doing on the land. The comprehensive, detailed and high-resolution dataset was developed through spatial analysis of nearly two-dozen publicly-available, national spatial datasets – predominately based on census housing, employment, and infrastructure, as well as land cover from satellite imagery. This effort resulted in 79 land use classes that fit within five main land use groups: built-up, production, recreation, conservation, and water. Key findings from this study are that built-up areas occupy 13.6% of mainland US, but that the majority of this occurs as low-density exurban/rural residential (9.1% of the US), while more intensive built-up land uses occupy 4.5%. For every acre of urban and suburban residential land, there are 0.13 commercial, 0.07 industrial, 0.48 institutional, and 0.29 acres of interstates/highways. This database can be used to address a variety of natural resource applications, and I provide three examples here: an entropy index of the diversity of land uses for smart-growth planning, a power-law scaling of metropolitan area population to developed footprint, and identifying potential conflict areas by delineating the urban interface.  相似文献   

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