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To determine the role of sequences other than the hydrophobic core in mediating signal sequence function, we examined the behavior of fusion proteins and deletion mutants in cell-free systems. We demonstrate that neither the N nor the C region of the preprolactin signal sequence is necessary for translocation. However, insertion of sequences with either a net charge of +2.5 or -6.0 between the N region and the hydrophobic core of the signal converted it into a signal-anchor. The topologies adopted (types I and II, respectively) were opposite those predicted from the distribution of charges surrounding the hydrophobic core of the signals. When these mutant signals were located in the interior of an otherwise secreted protein, both sequences functioned as stop-transfer sequences. Related mutations were assayed in fusion proteins in which the IgM transmembrane domain functioned as an amino-terminal signal-anchor. For these molecules, the distribution of charged residues surrounding the hydrophobic core had no influence on the topology adopted. Our results suggest that features other than simple charge distribution play an important role in determining membrane topology in vitro.  相似文献   

Blue-absorbing proteorhodopsin (BPR) from marine bacteria is a retinal-bound, light-activated, outwards proton transporter containing seven α-helical transmembrane segments (TMS). It is synthesized as a precursor species (pre-BPR) with a predicted N-terminal signal sequence that is cleaved to yield the mature protein. While optimizing the production of BPR in Escherichia coli to facilitate the construction of bioprotonic devices, we observed significant pre-BPR accumulation in the inner membrane and explored signal sequence requirements and export pathway. We report here that BPR does not rely on the Sec pathway for inner membrane integration, and that although it greatly enhances yields, its signal sequence is not necessary to obtain a functional product. We further show that an unprocessable version of pre-BPR obtained by mutagenesis of the signal peptidase I site exhibits all functional attributes of the wild-type protein and has the advantage of being produced at higher levels. Our results are consistent with the BPR signal sequence being recognized by the signal recognition particle (SRP; a protein that orchestrates the cotranslational biogenesis of inner membrane proteins) and serving as a beneficial “pro” domain rather than a traditional secretory peptide.  相似文献   

Type I signal peptidases are integral membrane proteins that function to remove signal peptides from secreted and membrane proteins. These enzymes carry out catalysis using a serine/lysine dyad instead of the prototypical serine/histidine/aspartic acid triad found in most serine proteases. Site-directed scanning mutagenesis was used to obtain a qualitative assessment of which residues in the fifth conserved region, Box E, of the Escherichia coli signal peptidase I are critical for maintaining a functional enzyme. First, we find that there is no requirement for activity for a salt bridge between the invariant Asp-273 and the Arg-146 residues. In addition, we show that the conserved Ser-278 is required for optimal activity as well as conserved salt bridge partners Asp-280 and Arg-282. Finally, Gly-272 is essential for signal peptidase I activity, consistent with it being located within van der Waals proximity to Ser-278 and general base Lys-145 side-chain atoms. We propose that replacement of the hydrogen side chain of Gly-272 with a methyl group results in steric crowding, perturbation of the active site conformation, and specifically, disruption of the Ser-90/Lys-145 hydrogen bond. A refined model is proposed for the catalytic dyad mechanism of signal peptidase I in which the general base Lys-145 is positioned by Ser-278, which in turn is held in place by Asp-280.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the regulatory region of malB operons in E. coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nucleotide sequence of a cloned section of the Escherichia coli chromosome containing the promoter regions of the malB divergent operons was determined. The region of the proximal gene, malE of the malEFG operon, was identified on the basis of the known amino acid sequence of the precursor molecule of maltose-binding protein. The region of malK, the proximal gene of the malKlamB operon, was deduced from the observation that a cloned segment contains an amino-terminal portion of the malK gene. The non-coding region between malE and malK is 299 base pairs long and contains two long GC clusters. Another feature of this region that may be related to the regulation of gene expression is the presence of two palindromic structures between the GC clusters. The DNA regions binding to cyclic AMP binding protein were determined by a method using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The sites are thought to be located close to GC clusters.  相似文献   

Exported proteins require an N-terminal signal peptide to direct them from the cytoplasm to the periplasm. Once the protein has been translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane, the signal peptide is cleaved by a signal peptidase, allowing the remainder of the protein to fold into its mature state in the periplasm. Signal peptidase I (LepB) cleaves non-lipoproteins and recognises the sequence Ala-X-Ala. Amino acids present at the N-terminus of mature, exported proteins have been shown to affect the efficiency at which the protein is exported. Here we investigated a bias against aromatic amino acids at the second position in the mature protein (P2′). Maltose binding protein (MBP) was mutated to introduce aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine) at P2′. All mutants with aromatic amino acids at P2′ were exported less efficiently as indicated by a slight increase in precursor protein in vivo. Binding of LepB to peptides that encompass the MBP cleavage site were analysed using surface plasmon resonance. These studies showed peptides with an aromatic amino acid at P2′ had a slower off rate, due to a significantly higher binding affinity for LepB. These data are consistent with the accumulation of small amounts of preMBP in purified protein samples. Hence, the reason for the lack of aromatic amino acids at P2′ in E. coli is likely due to interference with efficient LepB activity. These data and previous bioinformatics strongly suggest that aromatic amino acids are not preferred at P2′ and this should be incorporated into signal peptide prediction algorithms.  相似文献   

The signal sequence trap technique was applied to identify genes coding for secreted and membrane bound proteins from Echinococcus granulosus, the etiologic agent of cystic hydatid disease. An E. granulosus protoscolex cDNA library was constructed in the AP-PST vector such that randomly primed cDNAs were fused with a placental alkaline phosphatase reporter gene lacking its endogenous signal peptide. E. granulosus cDNAs encoding a functional signal peptide were selected by their ability to rescue secretion of alkaline phosphatase by COS-7 cells that had been transfected with the cDNA library. Eighteen positive clones were identified and sequenced. Their deduced amino acid sequences showed significant similarity with amino acid transporters, Krebs cycle intermediates transporters, presenilins and vacuolar protein sorter proteins. Other cDNAs encoded secreted proteins without homologues. Three sequences were transcribed antisense to E. granulosus expressed sequence tags. All the mRNAs were expressed in protoscoleces and adult worms, but some of them were not found in oncospheres. The putative E. granulosus secreted and membrane bound proteins identified are likely to play important roles in the metabolism, development and survival in the host and represent potential targets for diagnosis, drugs and vaccines against E. granulosus.  相似文献   

Hybrid promoter constructs were used to determine the DNA sequence requirements for stringent and growth rate control within a promoter region. The promoters were obtained by fusing complementing sequence regions located upstream and downstream from the GCGC discriminator motif of the growth rate regulated rRNA P1 promoter and a non-regulated tac promoter variant. The activities and the regulatory response of the hybrid promoters were determined in vivo using a promoter test vector system with the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene. Measurements were made at different growth rates and after starvation for isoleucine to induce the stringent response. Neither the upstream nor the downstream sequence of P1 relative to the GCGC discriminator motif conferred comparable regulatory features when fused to the complementing sequences of the non-regulated mutant tac promoter. A minor response to amino acid deprivation or changes in the growth rate was noted for the hybrid promoter with the rrnB P1 upstream segment and the tac downstream element, pointing to a slightly different importance of the two sequence elements for regulation. The parallel effects for stringent as well as growth rate regulation of the hybrid promoters supports the view of a common mechanism for both types of control. However, none of the promoter sequence elements on its own was able to restore the complete regulatory behaviour of their 'parent' promoters.  相似文献   

Secretion of amber fragments of an E. coli periplasmic protein, the maltose-binding protein, was studied to determine if the mature portion of the protein is required for its export across the cytoplasmic membrane. A fragment lacking 25–35 amino acid residues at the C terminus is secreted at normal levels, suggesting that this sequence is not required for secretion. This is in contrast to the results obtained with the periplasmic protein β-lactamase. In studying another fragment of one-third the molecular weight of the intact protein, we found that the majority of the fragment is not recovered from the periplasmic fraction. However, a small amount of secretion of this polypeptide was observed. This fragment is synthesized as a larger molecular weight form when cells are induced for the synthesis of a maltose-binding protein-β-galactosidase hybrid protein, which was previously shown to block the proper localization and processing of envelope proteins. This result is consistent with the idea that the larger form is a precursor with an unprocessed signal sequence, whereas in the absence of the hybrid protein the fragment is a processed mature form. Thus secretion of the smaller fragment may be occurring up to the point where the signal sequence is removed. That this fragment has passed through the cytoplasmic membrane is further supported by its accessibility to externally added trypsin. We suggest that the fragment may be secreted to the periplasm, but cannot assume a water-soluble conformation; the majority of the polypeptide may be associated with the external surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. Thus the mature sequence of maltose-binding protein, at least its C-terminal two thirds, may not be required for its export across the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

The sequence of phenylalanine tRNA from E. coli   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Barrell BG  Sanger F 《FEBS letters》1969,3(4):275-278

The nucleotide sequence of the uvrD gene of E. coli.   总被引:42,自引:13,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of a cloned section of the E. coli chromosome containing the uvrD gene has been determined. The coding region for the UvrD protein consists of 2,160 nucleotides which would direct the synthesis of a polypeptide 720 amino acids long with a calculated molecular weight of 82 kd. The predicted amino acid sequence of the UvrD protein has been compared with the amino acid sequences of other known adenine nucleotide binding proteins and a common sequence has been identified, thought to contribute towards adenine nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

During retroviral maturation, the CA protein undergoes dramatic structural changes and establishes unique intermolecular interfaces in the mature capsid shell that are different from those that existed in the immature precursor. The most conserved region of CA, the major homology region (MHR), has been implicated in both immature and mature assembly, although the precise contribution of the MHR residues to each event has been largely undefined. To test the roles of specific MHR residues in mature capsid assembly, an in vitro system was developed that allowed for the first-time formation of Rous sarcoma virus CA into structures resembling authentic capsids. The ability of CA to assemble organized structures was destroyed by substitutions of two conserved hydrophobic MHR residues and restored by second-site suppressors, demonstrating that these MHR residues are required for the proper assembly of mature capsids in addition to any role that these amino acids may play in immature particle assembly. The defect caused by the MHR mutations was identified as an early step in the capsid assembly process. The results provide strong evidence for a model in which the hydrophobic residues of the MHR control a conformational reorganization of CA that is needed to initiate capsid assembly and suggest that the formation of an interdomain interaction occurs early during maturation.  相似文献   

Ras-proteins are guanine nucleotide binding proteins, which, in the GTP bound state emit a strong mitogenic signal. In the GDP bound state, the protein appears inactive. We have found that stimulation by insulin of cells expressing elevated levels of insulin receptors results in a rapid conversion of Ras-GDP into Ras-GTP. This process is part of the signalling pathway leading to immediate-early gene expression and a mitogenic response. There seems to be no involvement of Ras-GTP formation in the process of insulin stimulated glucose transport. Though the precise mechanism by which Ras is converted to the GTP bound state remains to be established, a tight correlation exists between receptor autophosphorylation and Ras-GTP formation.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment coding for the E. coli phoA signal peptide was synthesized and inserted into the expression vector pKK223-3. A single HindIII restriction site is located just at the end of the signal sequence. A gene coding for the proteinase inhibitor hirudin, which has previously been synthesized, was inserted into this HindIII site. The hybrid protein was expressed under control of the tac-promoter and secreted into the periplasm of E. coli. From the periplasmic fraction two processed proteins were isolated. One of these was identical with desulfatohirudin and also had similar biological properties.  相似文献   

P Ames  J S Parkinson 《Cell》1988,55(5):817-826
Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) function as transmembrane signalers in bacteria. We isolated and characterized mutants of the E. coli Tsr protein that produce output signals in the absence of overt stimuli and that are refractory to sensory adaptation. The properties of these "locked" transducers indicate that MCP molecules are capable of generating signals that actively augment clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation of the flagellar motors. Transitions between MCP signaling states can be influenced by amino acid replacements in many parts of the molecule, including the methylation sites, at least one of the two membrane-spanning segments, and a linker region connecting the receptor and signaling domains. These findings suggest that transmembrane signaling may involve direct propagation of conformational changes between the periplasmic and cytoplasmic portions of the MCP molecule.  相似文献   

The replication origin of the E. coli K-12 chromosome has been isolated as autonomously replicating molecules(oriC plasmid), and the DNA region essential for replicating function(oriC) has been localized to a sequence of 232-245 base-pairs(bp) by deletion analysis. In this report, the functional role of oriC was analysed by using an in vitro replication system and various OriC+ and OriC- plasmids previously constructed. The results obtained were summarized as follows: (1) The oriC sequence contained information enough to direct bidirectional replication. (2) The actual DNA replication began at a region near, but outside, oriC and progressed bidirectionally. (3) Initiation of DNA synthesis at the specific region required the dnaA-complementing fraction from cells harboring a dnaA-carrying plasmid.  相似文献   

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