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The highly positively charged and intrinsically disordered H1 C-terminal domain (CTD) undergoes extensive condensation upon binding to nucleosomes, and stabilizes nucleosomes and higher-order chromatin structures but its interactions in chromatin are not well defined. Using single-molecule FRET we found that about half of the H1 CTDs in H1-nucleosome complexes exhibit well-defined FRET values indicative of distinct, static conformations, while the remainder of the population exhibits exchange between multiple defined FRET structures. Moreover, crosslinking studies indicate that the first 30 residues of the H1 CTD participate in relatively localized contacts with the first ∼25 bp of linker DNA, and that two separate regions in the CTD contribute to H1-dependent organization of linker DNA. Finally, we show that acetylation mimetics within the histone H3 tail markedly reduce the overall extent of H1 CTD condensation and significantly increase the fraction of H1 CTDs undergoing dynamic exchange between FRET states. Our results indicate the nucleosome-bound H1 CTD adopts loosely defined structures that exhibit significantly enhanced dynamics and decondensation upon epigenetic acetylation within the H3 tail.  相似文献   

On the nucleosome level, histone posttranslational modifications function mainly as the regulatory signals; in addition, some posttranslational modifications can enhance nucleosome stochastic folding, which is restricted in “canonic” nucleosomes. Recently, it has been shown in vitro that symmetric or asymmetric nucleosome ubiquitylation at H2BK34 (and H2BK120, to a lesser extent) can destabilize one of the nucleosomal H2A–H2B dimers and promote nucleosome conversion to a hexasome particle [Krajewski et al. (2018). Nucleic Acids Res., 46, 7631–7642]. Such lability of H2Bub nucleosomes raises a question of whether they could accommodate transient changes in DNA torsional tensions, which are generated by virtually any process that manipulates DNA strands. Using positively or negatively supercoiled DNA minicircles and homogeneously-modified H2Bub histones, we have found that DNA topology could strongly and selectively affect nucleosome stability depending on its ubiquitylation state (here the term “nucleosome stability” means the nucleosome property to maintain its structural integrity and dynamics characteristic to “canonic” nucleosomes). The results point to a role for H2B ubiquitylation in amplifying or mitigating the effects of a DNA torque on the nucleosome stability and dynamics.  相似文献   

Proper DNA methylation patterns are essential for mammalian development and differentiation. DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) primarily establish and maintain global DNA methylation patterns; however, the molecular mechanisms for the generation and inheritance of methylation patterns are still poorly understood. We used sucrose density gradients of nucleosomes prepared by partial and maximum micrococcal nuclease digestion, coupled with Western blot analysis to probe for the interactions between DNMTs and native nucleosomes. This method allows for analysis of the in vivo interactions between the chromatin modification enzymes and their actual nucleosomal substrates in the native state. We show that little free DNA methyltransferase 3A and 3B (DNMT3A/3B) exist in the nucleus and that almost all of the cellular contents of DNMT3A/3B, but not DNMT1, are strongly anchored to a subset of nucleosomes. This binding of DNMT3A/3B does not require the presence of other well-known chromatin-modifying enzymes or proteins, such as proliferating cell nuclear antigen, heterochromatin protein 1, methyl-CpG binding protein 2, Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2, histone deacetylase 1, and UHRF1, but it does require an intact nucleosomal structure. We also show that nucleosomes containing methylated SINE and LINE elements and CpG islands are the main sites of DNMT3A/3B binding. These data suggest that inheritance of DNA methylation requires cues from the chromatin component in addition to hemimethylation.Proper DNA methylation patterns are essential for mammalian development and differentiation. More than three decades ago, de novo cytosine DNA methylation and its maintenance were proposed to exist in eukaryotic cells (29, 54); however, the molecular mechanisms for the generation and inheritance of methylation patterns are still poorly understood. DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B primarily establish and maintain global DNA methylation patterns (39, 48). DNMT1 preferentially methylates hemimethylated DNA in vitro (7) and is tethered to replication foci during S phase (38). In contrast, DNMT3A and DNMT3B (DNMT3A/3B) have no preference for hemimethylated DNA (49) and are required for de novo methylation of genomic DNA (48). It has been thought that DNMT1 acts mainly as a “maintenance methyltransferase” during DNA synthesis and that DNMT3A and DNMT3B act as “de novo” enzymes. However, more recent studies indicate that DNMT1 may also be required for de novo methylation of genomic DNA (17, 30) and that DNMT3A/3B are also required for maintenance functions (11, 40, 55). Furthermore, the different DNMTs cooperate in maintaining the methylation of some regions of the genome, particularly repetitive elements (40, 53).Recruitment of individual DNMT enzymes to different regions of chromatin in vivo, particularly to gene regulatory regions, may require interaction with auxiliary factors (28, 36). DNMT1, which is diffusely localized throughout nuclei in non-S-phase cells (38), is targeted to replication foci by interacting with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) (15) and also physically interacts with UHRF1 (ubiquitinlike, containing PHD and RING finger domains 1) that binds to hemimethylated DNA (3, 4, 8, 27, 62). DNMT3 enzymes are usually found localized to heterochromatin regions in most transient-expression assays (5, 12). As genomic DNA in chromatin is packaged into nucleosomes which might limit the accessibility of target sites to the enzymes, the interaction of DNMTs with nucleosomes in a chromatin context is important for the regulation of genomic methylation.Genetic and biochemical studies have provided many insights into the distinct and cooperative functions of the DNMT enzymes; however, few of these studies have addressed how they interact with chromatin in vivo. Recombinant DNMT1 and DNMT3 enzymes can methylate the CpG sites on nucleosomes assembled in vitro (26, 50, 56, 65). Recently DNMT3L has been found to connect DNMT3A2 to nucleosomes in embryonic stem cells (52). However, DNMT3L is expressed only during gametogenesis and embryonic stages (1, 9), suggesting that other mechanisms might be necessary for directing the enzyme to specific chromatin regions in somatic cells.In the present study, we investigated how different DNMT enzymes interact with chromatin at the nucleosomal level in somatic cell lines. Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) treatment of nuclei in a low-ionic-strength buffer digests nucleosomal linker DNA regions, thereby minimizing the disruption of protein complexes on the nucleosomes. We prepared nucleosomes from partial or maximum MNase-digested nuclei and resolved them on sucrose density gradients to analyze their interactions with chromatin proteins. The results indicate that while DNMT1 interacts primarily with linker DNA, DNMT3A/3B enzymes interact strongly with nucleosomes containing methylated repetitive elements and also containing methylated CpG islands (CGIs) and may not require additional proteins for this strong binding. These data are particularly intriguing in that they provide insights into the mechanisms of the interaction of DNMTs with chromatin and maintenance of DNA methylation in somatic cells.  相似文献   

Importin4 transports histone H3/H4 in complex with Asf1a to the nucleus for chromatin assembly. Importin4 recognizes the nuclear localization sequence located at the N-terminal tail of histones. Here, we analyzed the structures and interactions of human Importin4, histones and Asf1a by cross-linking mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, negative-stain electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering and integrative modeling. The cross-linking mass spectrometry data showed that the C-terminal region of Importin4 was extensively cross-linked with the histone H3 tail. We determined the crystal structure of the C-terminal region of Importin4 bound to the histone H3 peptide, thus revealing that the acidic patch in Importin4 accommodates the histone H3 tail, and that histone H3 Lys14 contributes to the interaction with Importin4. In addition, we show that Asf1a modulates the binding of histone H3/H4 to Importin4. Furthermore, the molecular architecture of the Importin4_histone H3/H4_Asf1a complex was produced through an integrative modeling approach. Overall, this work provides structural insights into how Importin4 recognizes histones and their chaperone complex.  相似文献   

Stem cell phenotypes are reflected by posttranslational histone modifications, and this chromatin-related memory must be mitotically inherited to maintain cell identity through proliferative expansion. In human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), bivalent genes with both activating (H3K4me3) and repressive (H3K27me3) histone modifications are essential to sustain pluripotency. Yet, the molecular mechanisms by which this epigenetic landscape is transferred to progeny cells remain to be established. By mapping genomic enrichment of H3K4me3/H3K27me3 in pure populations of hESCs in G2, mitotic, and G1 phases of the cell cycle, we found striking variations in the levels of H3K4me3 through the G2-M-G1 transition. Analysis of a representative set of bivalent genes revealed that chromatin modifiers involved in H3K4 methylation/demethylation are recruited to bivalent gene promoters in a cell cycle-dependent fashion. Interestingly, bivalent genes enriched with H3K4me3 exclusively during mitosis undergo the strongest upregulation after induction of differentiation. Furthermore, the histone modification signature of genes that remain bivalent in differentiated cells resolves into a cell cycle-independent pattern after lineage commitment. These results establish a new dimension of chromatin regulation important in the maintenance of pluripotency.  相似文献   

Specific folding and contraction of DNA by histones H3 and H4.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
M Bina-Stein  R T Simpson 《Cell》1977,11(3):609-618
We demonstrate that the arginine-rich histones H3 and H4 can introduce torsional constraints on closed circular DNA with a concomitant compaction of the nucleic acid. SV40 DNA I complexed with H3 and H4 appears relaxed in electron micrographs and contains particles of 75 +/- 10 A in diameter along the DNA. SV40 DNA I is contracted 2.75 +/- 0.25 fold by all the four smaller histones and 2.6 +/- 0.4 fold by H3 and H4 alone. The arginine-rich histones can cause the topological equivalent of unwinding the DNA close to one Watson-Crick turn per particle formed. Spherical nucleoprotein complexes morphologically similar to isolated nu bodies or nucleosomes are obtained by association of H3 and H4 with 140 base pair length DNA isolated from chromatin core particles. These reconstituted particles sediment at 9.8S, as compared to 10.8S for native core particles, and contain a tetramer of the arginine-rich histones. None of these specific alterations in DNA structure is seen om complexing the slightly lysine rich-histones H2A and H2B to DNA. Our data provide further evidence indicating that the arginine-rich histones are the major determinants of the architecture of DNA within the chromatin core particle.  相似文献   

In this paper, Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (SWAXS) analysis of macromolecules is demonstrated through experimentation. SWAXS is a technique where X-rays are elastically scattered by an inhomogeneous sample in the nm-range at small angles (typically 0.1 - 5°) and wide angles (typically > 5°). This technique provides information about the shape, size, and distribution of macromolecules, characteristic distances of partially ordered materials, pore sizes, and surface-to-volume ratio. Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is capable of delivering structural information of macromolecules between 1 and 200 nm, whereas Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) can resolve even smaller Bragg spacing of samples between 0.33 nm and 0.49 nm based on the specific system setup and detector. The spacing is determined from Bragg''s law and is dependent on the wavelength and incident angle.In a SWAXS experiment, the materials can be solid or liquid and may contain solid, liquid or gaseous domains (so-called particles) of the same or another material in any combination. SWAXS applications are very broad and include colloids of all types: metals, composites, cement, oil, polymers, plastics, proteins, foods, and pharmaceuticals. For solid samples, the thickness is limited to approximately 5 mm.Usage of a lab-based SWAXS instrument is detailed in this paper. With the available software (e.g., GNOM-ATSAS 2.3 package by D. Svergun EMBL-Hamburg and EasySWAXS software) for the SWAXS system, an experiment can be conducted to determine certain parameters of interest for the given sample. One example of a biological macromolecule experiment is the analysis of 2 wt% lysozyme in a water-based aqueous buffer which can be chosen and prepared through numerous methods. The preparation of the sample follows the guidelines below in the Preparation of the Sample section. Through SWAXS experimentation, important structural parameters of lysozyme, e.g. the radius of gyration, can be analyzed.  相似文献   

We sequenced the amino-terminal third of the histone H3 and H4 genes and the intergenic region from Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Fourteen recombinant clones of 646 bp were sequenced and the level of sequence variation detected among these clones was similar to that reported among closely related species of Tetrahymena and to levels of sequence variation detected within other ciliates. The intergenic region is 417 bp and approximately 92% AT rich, making it the longest and most AT-rich ciliate H3/H4 intergenic region yet identified. Similar to Tetrahymena, the intergenic region of Ichthyophthirius contains two CCAAT regions arranged in a complementary orientation. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed based on nucleotide sequence variation among H4 genes to evaluate evolutionary relationships within and among six classes of Ciliophora. The single shortest neighbor-joining tree depicted a sister-group relationship of Ichthyophthirius with taxa of Tetrahymenina, thereby supporting monophyly of Oligohymenophorea.  相似文献   

DNA interacting enzymes recognize their target sequences embedded in variable flanking sequence context. The influence of flanking sequences on enzymatic activities of DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) can be systematically studied with “deep enzymology” approaches using pools of double-stranded DNA substrates, which contain target sites in random flanking sequence context. After incubation with DNMTs and bisulfite conversion, the methylation states and flanking sequences of individual DNA molecules are determined by NGS. Deep enzymology studies with different human and mouse DNMTs revealed strong influences of flanking sequences on their CpG and non-CpG methylation activity and the structures of DNMT-DNA complexes. Differences in flanking sequence preferences of DNMT3A and DNMT3B were shown to be related to the prominent role of DNMT3B in the methylation of human SATII repeat elements. Mutational studies in DNMT3B discovered alternative interaction networks between the enzyme and the DNA leading to a partial equalization of the effects of different flanking sequences. Structural studies in DNMT1 revealed striking correlations between enzymatic activities and flanking sequence dependent conformational changes upon DNA binding. Correlation of the biochemical data with cellular methylation patterns demonstrated that flanking sequence preferences are an important parameter that influences genomic DNA methylation patterns together with other mechanisms targeting DNMTs to genomic sites.  相似文献   

The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes and the organisation into higher order structures of chromatin limits the access of sequence specific DNA binding factors to DNA. In cells, DNA methylation is preferentially occuring in the linker region of nucleosomes, suggesting a structural impact of chromatin on DNA methylation. These observations raise the question whether DNA methyltransferases are capable to recognize the nucleosomal substrates and to modify the packaged DNA. Here, we performed a detailed analysis of nucleosome binding and nucleosomal DNA methylation by the maintenance DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. Our binding studies show that Dnmt1 has a DNA length sensing activity, binding cooperatively to DNA, and requiring a minimal DNA length of 20 bp. Dnmt1 needs linker DNA to bind to nucleosomes and most efficiently recognizes nucleosomes with symmetric DNA linkers. Footprinting experiments reveal that Dnmt1 binds to both DNA linkers exiting the nucleosome core. The binding pattern correlates with the efficient methylation of DNA linkers. However, the enzyme lacks the ability to methylate nucleosomal CpG sites on mononucleosomes and nucleosomal arrays, unless chromatin remodeling enzymes create a dynamic chromatin state. In addition, our results show that Dnmt1 functionally interacts with specific chromatin remodeling enzymes to enable complete methylation of hemi-methylated DNA in chromatin.  相似文献   

The low-angle X-ray diffraction pattern from fibres of reconstituted H3/H4/DNA complexes is very similar to that of chromatin and has well defined maxima at 10.6, 5.4, 3.4 and 2.6 nm. Staphyloccal nuclease digestion of reconstituted H3/H4/DNA yields DNA fragments of length 49, 69, 100, 128, 193 and 255 b.p. as principal components. Comparison of the relative amounts of DNA fragments shows that the larger components (100 and 128 b.p.) increase with respect to the smaller (49 and 69 b.p.) as the histone to DNA ratio increases. A structural unit containing intergral of 65 b.p. of DNA and tetrameric (H3/H4)2 is proposed such that longer DNA fragments result from multiples of this unit. The principal nucleo-protein particle resulting from nuclease digestion contains 128/139 b.p. of DNA and has electrophoretic mobility very close to that of 'core' nucleosome. It probably represents a dimer of the basic structural unit.  相似文献   

The competition between poly(ADP-ribose) and DNA for binding of the histones H1, H3 and H4 was studied, using a membrane filter-binding test. Poly(ADP-ribose) differently affected the interaction between DNA and the individual histones. While poly(ADP-ribose) effectively competed with DNA for binding of histone H4, it equally competed with DNA for binding of histone H3 and only inefficiently competed with DNA for binding of histone H1. Moreover, preformed complexes were correspondingly affected by the addition of competing polynucleotides, thereby also indicating the reversibility of complex formation. The competition capacity of DNA for histone H4 binding did not depend on DNA size. Competition experiments with poly(A) also indicated that poly(ADP-ribose) preferentially affected DNA-histone H4 interaction. The significance of the differing binding properties is discussed with regard to the possible molecular function of poly(ADP-ribose), especially with regard to its potential effect on nucleosome structure.  相似文献   

The first step in the formation of the nucleosome is commonly assumed to be the deposition of a histone H3-H4 heterotetramer onto DNA. Antisilencing function 1 (ASF1) is a major histone H3-H4 chaperone that deposits histones H3 and H4 onto DNA. With a goal of understanding the mechanism of deposition of histones H3 and H4 onto DNA, we have determined the stoichiometry of the Asf1-H3-H4 complex. We have established that a single molecule of Asf1 binds to an H3-H4 heterodimer using gel filtration, amino acid, reversed-phase chromatography, and analytical ultracentrifugation analyses. We demonstrate that Asf1 blocks formation of the H3-H4 heterotetramer by a mechanism that likely involves occlusion of the H3-H3 dimerization interface.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase I (Poll) digested by protease produces a small fragment (SF) containing 5~--~3~ exonuclease activity. The 5~-~3' exonuclease activity of poll cleaves the down- stream RNA primer strands during DNA replication in vivo. Previous in vitro studies suggested its capability of cleaving duplex from 5' terminal and a flap-structure-spe- cific endonuclease activity. From the crystal structures of other nucleases and biochemical data, a two-metal-ion mechanism has been proposed but has not been deter- mined. In this study, we cloned, expressed, and purified the SF protein, and established a novel fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay to analyze the catalytic activ- ity of the SF protein. The effects of several metal ions on its catalytic capability were analyzed using this FRET assay. Results showed that Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ were able to activate the cleavage of SF, while Ca2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ were not suitable for SF catalysis. The effects of K+, Na+, and dNTP were also determined.  相似文献   

Feitoza L  Guerra M 《Genetica》2011,139(3):305-314
Eukaryotic chromosomes are organized into two large and distinct domains, euchromatin and heterochromatin, which are cytologically characterized by different degrees of chromatin compaction during interphase/prophase and by post-synthesis modifications of histones and DNA methylation. Typically, heterochromatin remains condensed during the entire cell cycle whereas euchromatin is decondensed at interphase. However, a fraction of the euchromatin can also remain condensed during interphase and appears as early condensing prophase chromatin. 5S and 45S rDNA sites and telomere DNA were used to characterize these regions in metaphase and interphase nuclei. We investigated the chromosomal distribution of modified histones and methylated DNA in the early and late condensing prophase chromatin of two species with clear differentiation between these domains. Both species, Costus spiralis and Eleutherine bulbosa, additionally have a small amount of classical heterochromatin detected by CMA/DAPI staining. The distribution of H4 acetylated at lysine 5 (H4K5ac), H3 phosphorylated at serine 10 (H3S10ph), H3 dimethylated at lysine 4 or 9 (H3K4me2, H3K9me2), and 5-methylcytosine was compared in metaphase, prophase, and interphase cells by immunostaining with specific antibodies. In both species, the late condensing prophase chromatin was highly enriched in H4K5ac and H3K4me2 whereas the early condensing chromatin was very poor in these marks. H3K9me2 was apparently uniformly distributed along the chromosomes whereas the early condensing chromatin was slightly enriched in 5-methylcytosine. Signals of H3S10ph were restricted to the pericentromeric region of all chromosomes. Notably, none of these marks distinguished classical heterochromatin from the early condensing euchromatin. It is suggested that the early condensing chromatin is an intermediate type between classical heterochromatin and euchromatin.  相似文献   

Anti-silencing function 1 (Asf1) and Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF-1) chaperone histones H3/H4 during the assembly of nucleosomes on newly replicated DNA. To understand the mechanism of histone H3/H4 transfer among Asf1, CAF-1 and DNA from a thermodynamic perspective, we developed and employed biophysical approaches using full-length proteins in the budding yeast system. We find that the C-terminal tail of Asf1 enhances the interaction of Asf1 with CAF-1. Surprisingly, although H3/H4 also enhances the interaction of Asf1 with the CAF-1 subunit Cac2, H3/H4 forms a tight complex with CAF-1 exclusive of Asf1, with an affinity weaker than Asf1–H3/H4 or H3/H4–DNA interactions. Unlike Asf1, monomeric CAF-1 binds to multiple H3/H4 dimers, which ultimately promotes the formation of (H3/H4)2 tetramers on DNA. Thus, transition of H3/H4 from the Asf1-associated dimer to the DNA-associated tetramer is promoted by CAF-1-induced H3/H4 oligomerization.  相似文献   

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