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The peptide-lipid interaction of a beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide tachyplesin-1 (TP-1) and its linear derivatives are investigated to gain insight into the mechanism of antimicrobial activity. (31)P and (2)H NMR spectra of uniaxially aligned lipid bilayers of varying compositions and peptide concentrations are measured to determine the peptide-induced orientational disorder and the selectivity of membrane disruption by tachyplesin. The disulfide-linked TP-1 does not cause any disorder to the neutral POPC and POPC/cholesterol membranes but induces both micellization and random orientation distribution to the anionic POPE/POPG membranes above a peptide concentration of 2%. In comparison, the anionic POPC/POPG bilayer is completely unaffected by TP-1 binding, suggesting that TP-1 induces negative curvature strain to the membrane as a mechanism of its action. Removal of the disulfide bonds by substitution of Cys residues with Tyr and Ala abolishes the micellization of POPE/POPG bilayers but retains the orientation randomization of both POPC/POPG and POPE/POPG bilayers. Thus, linear tachyplesin derivatives have membrane disruptive abilities but use different mechanisms from the wild-type peptide. The different lipid-peptide interactions between TP-1 and other beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptides are discussed in terms of their molecular structure.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR spectroscopic techniques provide valuable information about the structure, dynamics and topology of membrane-inserted polypeptides. In particular antimicrobial peptides (or 'host defence peptides') have early on been investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy and many technical innovations in this domain have been developed with the help of these compounds when reconstituted into oriented phospholipid bilayers. Using solid-state NMR spectroscopy it could be shown for the first time that magainins or derivatives thereof exhibit potent antimicrobial activities when their cationic amphipathic helix is oriented parallel to the bilayer surface, a configuration found in later years for many other linear cationic amphipathic peptides. In contrast transmembrane alignments or lipid-dependent tilt angles have been found for more hydrophobic sequences such as alamethicin or β-hairpin antimicrobials. This review presents various solid-state NMR approaches and develops the basic underlying concept how angular information can be obtained from oriented samples. It is demonstrated how this information is used to calculate structures and topologies of peptides in their native liquid-disordered phospholipid bilayer environment. Special emphasis is given to discuss which NMR parameters provide the most complementary information, the minimal number of restraints needed and the effect of motions on the analysis of the NMR spectra. Furthermore, recent (31)P and (2)H solid-state NMR measurements of lipids are presented including some unpublished data which aim at investigating the morphological and structural changes of oriented or non-oriented phospholipids. Finally the structural models that have been proposed for the mechanisms of action of these peptides will be presented and discussed in view of the solid-state NMR and other biophysical experiments.  相似文献   

The designed antimicrobial peptide KIGAKIKIGAKIKIGAKI possesses enhanced membrane selectivity for bacterial lipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The perturbation of the bilayer by the peptide was first monitored using oriented bilayer samples on glass plates. The alignment of POPE/POPG model membranes with respect to the bilayer normal was severely altered at 4 mol% KIGAKI while the alignment of POPC bilayers was retained. The interaction mechanism between the peptide and POPE/POPG bilayers was investigated by carefully comparing three bilayer MLV samples (POPE bilayers, POPG bilayers, and POPE/POPG 4/1 bilayers). KIGAKI induces the formation of an isotropic phase for POPE/POPG bilayers, but only a slight change in the (31)P NMR CSA line shape for both POPE and POPG bilayers, indicating the synergistic roles of POPE and POPG lipids in the disruption of the membrane structure by KIGAKI. (2)H NMR powder spectra show no reduction of the lipid chain order for both POPG and POPE/POPG bilayers upon peptide incorporation, supporting the evidence that the peptide acts as a surface peptide. (31)P longitudinal relaxation studies confirmed that different dynamic changes occurred upon interaction of the peptide with the three different lipid bilayers, indicating that the strong electrostatic interaction between the cationic peptide KIGAKI and anionic POPG lipids is not the only factor in determining the antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, (31)P and (2)H NMR powder spectra demonstrated a change in membrane characteristics upon mixing of POPE and POPG lipids. The interaction between different lipids, such as POPE and POPG, in the mixed bilayers may provide the molecular basis for the KIGAKI carpet mechanism in the permeation of the membrane.  相似文献   

The designed antimicrobial peptide KIGAKIKIGAKIKIGAKI possesses enhanced membrane selectivity for bacterial lipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The perturbation of the bilayer by the peptide was first monitored using oriented bilayer samples on glass plates. The alignment of POPE/POPG model membranes with respect to the bilayer normal was severely altered at 4 mol% KIGAKI while the alignment of POPC bilayers was retained. The interaction mechanism between the peptide and POPE/POPG bilayers was investigated by carefully comparing three bilayer MLV samples (POPE bilayers, POPG bilayers, and POPE/POPG 4/1 bilayers). KIGAKI induces the formation of an isotropic phase for POPE/POPG bilayers, but only a slight change in the 31P NMR CSA line shape for both POPE and POPG bilayers, indicating the synergistic roles of POPE and POPG lipids in the disruption of the membrane structure by KIGAKI. 2H NMR powder spectra show no reduction of the lipid chain order for both POPG and POPE/POPG bilayers upon peptide incorporation, supporting the evidence that the peptide acts as a surface peptide. 31P longitudinal relaxation studies confirmed that different dynamic changes occurred upon interaction of the peptide with the three different lipid bilayers, indicating that the strong electrostatic interaction between the cationic peptide KIGAKI and anionic POPG lipids is not the only factor in determining the antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, 31P and 2H NMR powder spectra demonstrated a change in membrane characteristics upon mixing of POPE and POPG lipids. The interaction between different lipids, such as POPE and POPG, in the mixed bilayers may provide the molecular basis for the KIGAKI carpet mechanism in the permeation of the membrane.  相似文献   

We have investigated the membrane interactions and dynamics of a 21-mer cytotoxic model peptide that acts as an ion channel by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. To shed light on its mechanism of membrane perturbation, 31P and 2H NMR experiments were performed on 21-mer peptide-containing bicelles. 31P NMR results indicate that the 21-mer peptide stabilizes the bicelle structure and orientation in the magnetic field and perturbs the lipid polar head group conformation. On the other hand, 2H NMR spectra reveal that the 21-mer peptide orders the lipid acyl chains upon binding. 15N NMR experiments performed in DMPC bilayers stacked between glass plates also reveal that the 21-mer peptide remains at the bilayer surface. 15N NMR experiments in perpendicular DMPC bicelles indicate that the 21-mer peptide does not show a circular orientational distribution in the bicelle planar region. Finally, 13C NMR experiments were used to study the 21-mer peptide dynamics in DMPC multilamellar vesicles. By analyzing the 13CO spinning sidebands, the results show that the 21-mer peptide is immobilized upon membrane binding. In light of these results, we propose a model of membrane interaction for the 21-mer peptide where it lies at the bilayer surface and perturbs the lipid head group conformation.  相似文献   

Mani R  Tang M  Wu X  Buffy JJ  Waring AJ  Sherman MA  Hong M 《Biochemistry》2006,45(27):8341-8349
The intermolecular packing of a beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide, PG-1, in lipid bilayers is determined using solid-state NMR distance measurements. Previous spin counting experiments showed that PG-1 associates as dimers in POPC bilayers; however, the detailed dimer structure was unknown. We have now measured several intermolecular 13C-19F, 1H-13C, and 15N-13C distances in site-specifically labeled PG-1 to constrain the structure of the intermolecular interface. The distances are measured using the rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) technique under magic-angle spinning. The results indicate that two PG-1 molecules align in a parallel fashion with the C-terminal strand of the hairpin forming the dimer interface. Six hydrogen bonds stabilize this interface, and the Phe12 side chain adopts the g- conformation in the membrane as in solution. The parallel packing of the peptide in the lipid bilayer differs from the antiparallel dimer found in DPC micelles and may be stabilized by its strong amphipathic character, which should facilitate its insertion into the amphipathic lipid bilayer. This study demonstrates the utility of the REDOR NMR technique for the elucidation of the oligomeric structure of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Doherty T  Waring AJ  Hong M 《Biochemistry》2006,45(44):13323-13330
The conformation and membrane topology of the disulfide-stabilized antimicrobial peptide tachyplesin I (TP) in lipid bilayers are determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The backbone (phi and psi) torsion angles of Val(6) are found to be -133 degrees and 142 degrees , respectively, and the Val(6) CO-Phe(8) H(N) distance is 4.6 A. These constrain the middle of the N-terminal strand to a relatively ideal antiparallel beta-sheet conformation. In contrast, the phi angle of Gly(10) is +/-85 degrees , consistent with a beta-turn conformation. Thus, TP adopts a beta-hairpin conformation with straight strands, similar to its structure in aqueous solution but different from a recently reported structure in DPC micelles where bending of the two beta-strands was observed. The Val(6) and Gly(10) CO groups are both 6.8 A from the lipid (31)P, while the Val(6) side chain is in (1)H spin diffusion contact with the lipid acyl chains. These results suggest that TP is immersed in the glycerol backbone region of the membrane and is oriented roughly parallel to the plane of the membrane. This depth of insertion and orientation differs from those of the analogous beta-sheet antimicrobial peptide protegrin-1 and suggest the importance of structural amphiphilicity in determining the location and orientation of membrane peptides in lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial arenicin peptides are cationic amphipathic sequences that strongly interact with membranes. Through a cystine ring closure a cyclic β-sheet structure is formed in aqueous solution, which persists when interacting with model membranes. In order to investigate the conformation, interactions, dynamics, and topology of their bilayer-associated states, arenicin 1 and 2 were prepared by chemical solid-phase peptide synthesis or by bacterial overexpression, labeled selectively or uniformly with (15)N, reconstituted into oriented membranes, and investigated by proton-decoupled (31)P and (15)N solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Whereas the (31)P NMR spectra indicate that the peptide induces orientational disorder at the level of the phospholipid head groups, the (15)N chemical shift spectra agree well with a regular β-sheet conformation such as the one observed in micellar environments. In contrast, the data do not fit the twisted β-sheet structure found in aqueous buffer. Furthermore, the chemical shift distribution is indicative of considerable conformational and/or topological heterogeneity when at the same time the (15)N NMR spectra exclude alignments of the peptide where the β-sheet lies side ways on the membrane surface. The ensemble of experimental constraints, the amphipathic character of the peptide, and in particular the distribution of the six arginine residues are in agreement with a boatlike dimer structure, similar or related to the one observed in micellar solution, that floats on the membrane surface with the possibility to oligomerize into higher order structures and/or to insert in a transmembrane fashion.  相似文献   

Unsealed membranes from human erythrocytes bind GTP and GTP analogs according to first order kinetics, a single rate constant being observed. With [35S]GTP gamma S this is 0.15 +/- 0.2 min-1. Treatment of the membranes with detergents decreases binding considerably. Scatchard plots reveal uncomplicated patterns of ligand association, with Kd values of 10.2 +/- 2.3 nM [35S]GTP gamma S, of 18.2 +/- 4.3 nM [alpha-32P]GTP and of 28.6 +/- 3.5 nM [alpha-32P]GDP, respectively. The stoichiometry with the three ligands is strictly comparable, i.e. 65 +/- 7 picomoles/mg of membrane protein. Binding of each labeled nucleotide is competitively inhibited by the other two unlabeled ligands, the inhibition constants being very close to the corresponding Kd values. Metabolic depletion and subsequent repletion of intact erythrocytes result in membrane preparations still active in guanine nucleotide binding, with unmodified Kd values. However, the stoichiometry falls to 35 picomoles/mg protein with the "depleted" erythrocyte membranes and regains higher values (50 picomoles/mg protein) with the "repleted" cell membranes. Accordingly, the "in situ" characterization of guanine nucleotide-binding properties of erythrocyte membranes seems to represent a new tool for monitoring the metabolic state of intact erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The bulky and amphiphilic nature of tryptophan residues makes them particularly interesting components of proteins. In bacteriorhodopsin, four of the eight tryptophan residues are in the active site, forming parts of the retinal binding pocket. In this work, we use solid-state NMR to study the interactions of the tryptophan residues in wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, in the resting state, and in critical intermediates of the proton-motive photocycle. The range of the chemical shifts of the indole nitrogens suggests that all eight of them are hydrogen bonded. Using difference spectroscopy, we isolate several changes in these hydrogen bonds in the early and late M states. As found earlier for the peptide backbone, some perturbations found in the early M state relax in the transition to the late M state while new perturbations arise. Interestingly, Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance (REDOR) difference spectroscopy of [20-13C]retinal,[indole-15N]Trp-bR shows that indole of Trp182 is not involved in the significant hydrogen bond perturbations. We also use REDOR to measure dipolar interactions in [20-13C]retinal,[indole-15N]Trp-bR, and thereby determine the distance between the C20 of retinal and the indole nitrogen of Trp182. The internuclear distance changes only slightly from the light-adapted state (3.36 +/- 0.2 A) to the early M state (3.16 +/- 0.4 A).  相似文献   

Fish antifreeze proteins and glycoproteins (AF(G)Ps) prevent ice crystal growth and are able to protect mammalian cells and tissues from hypothermic damage in the sub-zero Polar oceans. This protective mechanism is not fully understood, and further data is required to explain how AF(G)Ps are able to stabilize lipid membranes as they pass through their phase transition temperatures. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used as a direct method to study the interaction of the 37-residue alpha-helical type I AFP, TTTT, and the low molecular weight fraction glycoprotein, AFGP8, with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine membranes above and below the gel-fluid phase transition temperature. In contrast to previous studies in fluid phase bilayers these experiments have provided direct information regarding both the mobility of the phosphate headgroups and perturbation of the acyl chains at a range of temperatures under identical conditions on the same sample. At 5 degrees C changes in the (2)H and (31)P spectra and a dramatic increase in the (31)P T(1) relaxation times were consistent with a significant disruption of the membrane by TTTT. Heating to 30 degrees C appeared to expel the peptide from the lipid and re-cooling showed that the interaction of TTTT was not reversible. By contrast, (31)P spectra of the membranes with AFGP8 were consistent with interaction with the phosphate headgroups at both 5 and 30 degrees C. Although both peptides interact with the phospholipid bilayer surface, which may stabilize the membrane at lower temperatures, the longer (31)P T(1) values and the (2)H NMR data obtained for TTTT compared with AFGP8 suggest that TTTT causes a greater reduction of phosphate headgroup mobility and has a greater effect on the lipid acyl chains at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

The orientation and dynamics of an 18-residue antimicrobial peptide, ovispirin, has been investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Ovispirin is a cathelicidin-like model peptide (NH(2)-KNLRRIIRKIIHIIKKYG-COOH) with potent, broad-spectrum bactericidal activity. (15)N NMR spectra of oriented ovispirin reconstituted into synthetic phospholipids show that the helical peptide is predominantly oriented in the plane of the lipid bilayer, except for a small portion of the helix, possibly at the C-terminus, which deviates from the surface orientation. This suggests differential insertion of the peptide backbone into the lipid bilayer. (15)N spectra of both oriented and unoriented peptides show a reduced (15)N chemical shift anisotropy at room temperature compared with that of rigid proteins, indicating that the peptide undergoes uniaxial rotational diffusion around the bilayer normal with correlation times shorter than 10(-4) s. This motion is frozen below the gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature of the lipids. Ovispirin interacts strongly with the lipid bilayer, as manifested by the significantly reduced (2)H quadrupolar splittings of perdeuterated palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine acyl chains upon peptide binding. Therefore, ovispirin is a curved helix residing in the membrane-water interface that executes rapid uniaxial rotation. These structural and dynamic features are important for understanding the antimicrobial function of this peptide.  相似文献   

The membrane-disruptive antimicrobial peptide PGLa is found to change its orientation in a dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer when its concentration is increased to biologically active levels. The alignment of the alpha-helix was determined by highly sensitive solid-state NMR measurements of (19)F dipolar couplings on CF(3)-labeled side chains, and supported by a nonperturbing (15)N label. At a low peptide/lipid ratio of 1:200 the amphiphilic peptide resides on the membrane surface in the so-called S-state, as expected. However, at high peptide concentration (>/=1:50 molar ratio) the helix axis changes its tilt angle from approximately 90 degrees to approximately 120 degrees , with the C-terminus pointing toward the bilayer interior. This tilted "T-state" represents a novel feature of antimicrobial peptides, which is distinct from a membrane-inserted I-state. At intermediate concentration, PGLa is in exchange between the S- and T-state in the timescale of the NMR experiment. In both states the peptide molecules undergo fast rotation around the membrane normal in liquid crystalline bilayers; hence, large peptide aggregates do not form. Very likely the obliquely tilted T-state represents an antiparallel dimer of PGLa that is formed in the membrane at increasing concentration.  相似文献   

We used solid-state NMR techniques to probe the interactions of cholesterol (Chol) with bovine brain sphingomyelin (SM) and for comparison of the interactions of Chol with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), which has a similar gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature. (1)H-, (31)P-, and (13)C-MASNMR yielded high-resolution spectra from multilamellar dispersions of unlabeled brain SM and Chol for analysis of chemical shifts and linewidths. In addition, (2)H-NMR spectra of oriented lipid membranes with specific deuterium labels gave information about membrane ordering and mobility. Chol disrupted the gel-phase of pure SM and increased acyl chain ordering in the liquid crystalline phase. As inferred from (13)C chemical shifts, the boundaries between the ordered and disordered liquid crystalline phases (L and L) were similar for SM and DPPC. The solubility limit of Chol in SM was ~50 mol %, the same value as previously reported for DPPC membranes. We found no evidence for specific H-bonding between Chol and the amide group of SM. The order parameters of a probe molecule, d31-sn1-DPPC, in SM were slightly higher than in DPPC for all carbons except the terminal groups at 30 mol % but were not significantly different at 5 and 60 mol % Chol. These studies show a general similarity with some subtle differences in the way Chol interacts with DPPC and SM. In the environment of a typical biomembrane, the higher proportion of saturated fatty acyl chains in SM compared to other phospholipids may be the most significant factor influencing interactions with Chol.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional NMR study of the antimicrobial peptide magainin 2   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D Marion  M Zasloff  A Bax 《FEBS letters》1988,227(1):21-26
Using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, a complete 1H resonance assignment has been obtained for the peptide magainin 2 recently isolated from Xenopus laevis. It is demonstrated that this peptide adopts an alpha-helical structure with amphiphilic character when dissolved in a mixture of trifluoroethanol (TFE) and H2O. The transition to the alpha-helical conformation occurs at very low concentrations of TFE.  相似文献   

Sticholysin I (StnI) is an actinoporin produced by the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus that binds biological and model membranes forming oligomeric pores. Both a surface cluster of aromatic rings and the N‐terminal region are involved in pore formation. To characterize the membrane binding by StnI, we have studied by 1H‐NMR the environment of these regions in water and in the presence of membrane‐mimicking micelles. Unlike other peptides from homologous actinoporins, the synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 1–30 tends to form helix in water and is more helical in either trifluoroethanol or dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. In these environments, it forms a helix‐turn‐helix motif with the last α‐helical segment matching the native helix‐α1 (residues 14–24) present in the complete protein. The first helix (residues 4–9) is less populated and is not present in the water‐soluble protein structure. The characterization of wild‐type StnI structure in micelles shows that the helix‐α1 is maintained in its native structure and that this micellar environment does not provoke its detachment from the protein core. Finally, the study of the aromatic resonances has shown that the motional flexibility of specific rings is perturbed in the presence of micelles. On these bases, the implication of the aromatic rings of Trp‐111, Tyr‐112, Trp‐115, Tyr‐132, Tyr‐136, and Tyr‐137, in the interaction between StnI and the micelle is discussed. Based on all the findings, a revised model for StnI interaction with membranes is proposed, which accounts for differences in its behavior as compared with other highly homologous sticholysins. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Linear peptide antibiotics have been isolated from amphibians, insects and humans and used as templates to design cheaper and more potent analogues for medical applications. Peptides such as cecropins or magainins are < or = 40 amino acids in length. Many of them have been prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis with isotopic labels incorporated at selected sites. Structural analysis by solid-state NMR spectroscopy and other biophysical techniques indicates that these peptide antibiotics strongly interact with lipid membranes. In bilayer environments they exhibit amphipathic alpha-helical conformations and alignments of the helix axis parallel to the membrane surface. This contrasts the transmembrane orientations observed for alamethicin or gramicidin A. Models that have been proposed to explain the antibiotic and pore-forming activities of membrane-associated peptides, as well as other experimental results, include transmembrane helical bundles, wormholes, carpets, detergent-like effects or the in-plane diffusion of peptide-induced bilayer instabilities.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is used to determine the membrane-bound topological structure of a cationic β-hairpin antimicrobial peptide in which the number of Arg residues has been halved. The parent peptide, PG-1, was previously found to form transmembrane β-barrels in anionic membranes where the Arg residues complex with the lipid phosphate groups to cause toroidal pore defects in the membrane. In comparison, the charge-attenuated and less active mutant studied here forms β-sheets that lie on the surface of the zwitterionic membrane and only partially insert into the anionic membrane. The mutant also exhibits much looser contact with the lipid headgroups. These results indicate that transmembrane insertion and tight Arg-phosphate association are two important elements for strong antimicrobial activities of this class of peptides. Comparison with other β-hairpin antimicrobial peptides studied so far further suggests a relative potency scale for the various mechanisms of action for the β-sheet family of antimicrobial peptides. The transmembrane insertion-toroidal pore mechanism is the most potent in disrupting the lipid bilayer, followed by the large-amplitude in-plane motional mechanism. The carpet model, where peptides aggregate on the membrane surface to cause lateral expansion and eventual micellization of the membrane, is a weaker mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Buffy JJ  Waring AJ  Lehrer RI  Hong M 《Biochemistry》2003,42(46):13725-13734
The dynamics and aggregation of a beta-sheet antimicrobial peptide, protegrin-1 (PG-1), are investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shift anisotropies of F12 and V16 carbonyl carbons are uniaxially averaged in 1,2-dilauryl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) bilayers but approach rigid-limit values in the thicker 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) bilayers. The Calpha-Halpha dipolar coupling of L5 is scaled by a factor of 0.16 in DLPC bilayers but has a near-unity order parameter of 0.96 in POPC bilayers. The larger couplings of PG-1 in POPC bilayers indicate immobilization of the peptide, suggesting that PG-1 forms oligomeric aggregates at the biologically relevant bilayer thickness. Exchange NMR experiments on F12 (13)CO-labeled PG-1 show that the peptide undergoes slow reorientation with a correlation time of 0.7 +/- 0.2 s in POPC bilayers. This long correlation time suggests that in addition to aggregation, geometric constraints in the membrane may also contribute to PG-1 immobilization. The PG-1 aggregates contact both the surface and the hydrophobic center of the POPC bilayer, as determined by (1)H spin-diffusion measurements. Thus, solid-state NMR provides a wide range of information about the molecular details of membrane peptide immobilization and aggregation in lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

One approach to the growing health problem of antibiotic resistant bacteria is the development of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as alternative treatments. The mechanism by which these AMPs selectively attack the bacterial membrane is not well understood, but is believed to depend on differences in membrane lipid composition. N-acylation of the small amidated hexapeptide, RRWQWR-NH(2) (LfB6), derived from the 25 amino acid bovine lactoferricin (LfB25) can be an effective means to improve its antimicrobial properties. Here, we investigate the interactions of C6-LfB6, N-acylated with a 6 carbon fatty acid, with model lipid bilayers with two distinct compositions: 3:1 POPE:POPG (negatively charged) and POPC (zwitterionic). Results from solid-state (2)H and (31)P NMR experiments are compared with those from an ensemble of all-atom molecular dynamic simulations running in aggregate more than 8.6ms. (2)H NMR spectra reveal no change in the lipid acyl chain order when C6-LfB6 is bound to the negatively charged membrane and only a slight decrease in order when it is bound to the zwitterionic membrane. (31)P NMR spectra show no significant perturbation of the phosphate head groups of either lipid system in the presence of C6-LfB6. Molecular dynamic simulations show that for the negatively charged membrane, the peptide's arginines drive the initial association with the membrane, followed by attachment of the tryptophans at the membrane-water interface, and finally by the insertion of the C6 tails deep into the bilayer. In contrast, the C6 tail leads the association with the zwitterionic membrane, with the tryptophans and arginines associating with the membrane-water interface in roughly the same amount of time. We find similar patterns in the order parameters from our simulations. Moreover, we find in the simulations that the C6 tail can insert 1-2? more deeply into the zwitterionic membrane and can exist in a wider range of angles than in the negatively charged membrane. We propose this is due to the larger area per lipid in the zwitterionic membrane, which provides more space for the C6 to insert and assume different orientations.  相似文献   

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