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Heavy metals are highly toxic compounds for cells. In this report we demonstrate that the expression of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii thioredoxins (TRX) m and h is induced by heavy metals. Upon exposure of the cells to Cd and Hg, a strong accumulation of both messengers was observed. Western-blot experiments revealed that among these two TRXs, only TRX h polypeptides accumulated in response to the toxic cations. A biochemical analysis indicated that heavy metals inhibit TRX activity, presumably by binding at the level of their active site. Sequence analysis of the C. reinhardtii TRX h promoter revealed the presence of cis-acting elements related to cadmium induction. The origins and purposes of this regulation are discussed. Our data suggest, for the first time to our knowledge, a possible implication of TRXs in defense mechanisms against heavy metals.  相似文献   

All aerobic organisms have developed sophisticated mechanisms to prevent, detect and respond to cell damage caused by the unavoidable production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Plants and algae are able to synthesize specific pigments in the chloroplast called carotenoids to prevent photo-oxidative damage caused by highly reactive by-products of photosynthesis. In this study we used the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to demonstrate that defects in carotenoid biosynthesis lead to the activation of autophagy, a membrane-trafficking process that participates in the recycling and degradation of damaged or toxic cellular components. Carotenoid depletion caused by either the mutation of phytoene synthase or the inhibition of phytoene desaturase by the herbicide norflurazon, resulted in a strong induction of autophagy. We found that high light transiently activates autophagy in wild-type Chlamydomonas cells as part of an adaptation response to this stress. Our results showed that a Chlamydomonas mutant defective in the synthesis of specific carotenoids that accumulate during high light stress exhibits constitutive autophagy. Moreover, inhibition of the ROS-generating NADPH oxidase partially reduced the autophagy induction associated to carotenoid deficiency, which revealed a link between photo-oxidative damage, ROS accumulation and autophagy activation in Chlamydomonas cells with a reduced carotenoid content.  相似文献   

All aerobic organisms have developed sophisticated mechanisms to prevent, detect and respond to cell damage caused by the unavoidable production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Plants and algae are able to synthesize specific pigments in the chloroplast called carotenoids to prevent photo-oxidative damage caused by highly reactive by-products of photosynthesis. In this study we used the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to demonstrate that defects in carotenoid biosynthesis lead to the activation of autophagy, a membrane-trafficking process that participates in the recycling and degradation of damaged or toxic cellular components. Carotenoid depletion caused by either the mutation of phytoene synthase or the inhibition of phytoene desaturase by the herbicide norflurazon, resulted in a strong induction of autophagy. We found that high light transiently activates autophagy in wild-type Chlamydomonas cells as part of an adaptation response to this stress. Our results showed that a Chlamydomonas mutant defective in the synthesis of specific carotenoids that accumulate during high light stress exhibits constitutive autophagy. Moreover, inhibition of the ROS-generating NADPH oxidase partially reduced the autophagy induction associated to carotenoid deficiency, which revealed a link between photo-oxidative damage, ROS accumulation and autophagy activation in Chlamydomonas cells with a reduced carotenoid content.  相似文献   

Glycolate Metabolism and Excretion by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The flux of glycolate through the C2 pathway in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was estimated after inhibition of the pathway with aminooxyacetate (AOA) or aminoacetonitrile (AAN) by measurement of the accumulation of glycolate and glycine. Cells grown photoautotrophically in air excreted little glycolate except in the presence of 2 mm AOA when they excreted 5 micromoles glycolate per hour per milligram clorophyll. Cells grown on high CO2 (1-5%) when transferred to air produced three times as much glycolate, with half of the glycolate metabolized and half excreted. The lower amount of glycolate produced by the air-grown cells reflects the presence of a CO2 concentrating mechanism which raises the internal CO2 level and decreases the ribulose-1,5-bisP oxygenase reaction for glycolate production. Despite the presence of the CO2 concentrating mechanism, there was still a significant amount of glycolate produced and metabolized by air-grown Chlamydomonas. The capacity of these cells to metabolize between 5 and 10 micromoles of glycolate per hour per milligram chlorophyll was confirmed by measuring the biphasic uptake of added labeled glycolate. The initial rapid (<10 seconds) phase represented uptake of glycolate; the slow phase represented the metabolism of glycolate. The rates of glycolate metabolism were in agreement with those determined using the C2-cycle inhibitors during CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous expression of multiple genes in the nucleus of transgenic plants requires theintroduction of an individual gene and the subsequent backcross to reconstitute multi-subunit proteins ormetabolic pathways.In order to accomplish the expression of multiple genes in a single transformationevent,we inserted both large and small subunits of allophycocyanin gene (apcA and apcB) into Chlamydomonasreinhardtii chloroplast expression vector,resulting in papc-S.The constructed vector was then introducedinto the chloroplast of C.reinhardtii by micro-particle bombardment.Polymerase chain reaction and Southernblot analysis revealed that the two genes had integrated into the chloroplast genome.Western blot andenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the two genes from the prokaryotic cyanobacteria couldbe correctly expressed in the chloroplasts of C.reinhardtii.The expressed foreign protein in transformantsaccounted for about 2%-3% of total soluble proteins.These findings pave the way to the reconstitution ofmulti-subunit proteins or metabolic pathways in transgenic C.reinhardtii chloroplasts in a single transformationevent.  相似文献   

The y-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is defective in the conversion of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide in the dark. Aerobic δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) feeding of y-1 cells causes protoporphyrin monomethyl ester (PME) to accumulate in addition to increased levels of Pchlide. y-1 cell homogenates are not capable of methylating protoporphyrin (PROTO) to form PME but can methylate magnesium protoporphyrin (MgP) to form magnesium protoporphyrin monomethyl ester (MgPME). Anaerobic ALA feeding of y-1 causes concomitant accumulation of PME and MgPME. y-1 cells treated with α,α′-dipyridyl (DP) accumulate MgPME but not PROTO or PME. A mutant strain (bme) of Chlamydomonas has been isolated which has very little chlorophyll and accumulates PME. bme Cell homogenates can methylate MgP but not PROTO. We propose that: (a) in Chlamydomonas, PME is the initial breakdown product of MgPME; (b) both the breakdown of MgPME to PME and the conversion of MgPME to Pchlide require O2; (c) the breakdown of MgPME to PME appears to require Fe; and (d) the PME accumulated in the bme mutant is the result of an increased breakdown of MgPME.  相似文献   

FtsZ蛋白在原核细胞以及植物细胞叶绿体的分裂过程中发挥着重要作用。为了研究叶绿体分裂装置的进化 ,运用RT PCR方法从莱茵衣藻中克隆了叶绿体分裂相关基因CrFtsZ3。由于已经从衣藻细胞中克隆了一个ftsZ基因 ,所以CrFtsZ3的克隆表明衣藻中已经存在两类不同的 ftsZ基因 ,这说明 ftsZ基因的复制与分歧发生于绿藻的分化之前。序列分析结果显示 ,CrFtsZ3所编码的蛋白质具有FtsZ蛋白的典型模体。进一步的原核表达与定位分析表明CrFtsZ3 GFP融合蛋白沿着宿主菌体的纵轴方向有规律地聚集成荧光点或荧光带 ,并且CrFtsZ3蛋白过量表达明显干挠了宿主菌正常的细胞分裂过程 ,说明衣藻CrFtsZ3蛋白能够识别宿主细胞内的分裂位点并影响细胞分裂过程 ,从而初步验证了它的生物学功能  相似文献   

Blue Light Regulation of Cell Division in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Münzner P  Voigt J 《Plant physiology》1992,99(4):1370-1375
A delay in cell division was observed when synchronized cultures of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii growing under heterotrophic conditions were exposed to white light during the second half of the growth period. This effect was also observed when photosynthesis was blocked by addition of the photosystem II inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. Light pulses of 10 minutes were sufficient to induce a delay in cell division in the presence or absence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. A delay in cell division was induced by blue light but not by illumination with red or far-red light. The equal intensity action spectrum revealed two peaks at 400 and 500 nm.  相似文献   

Flagella are sensory organelles that interact with the environment through signal transduction and gene expression networks. We used microarray profiling to examine gene regulation associated with flagellar length change in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Microarrays were probed with fluorescently labeled cDNAs synthesized from RNA extracted from cells before and during flagellar assembly or disassembly. Evaluation of the gene expression profiles identified >100 clones showing at least a twofold change in expression during flagellar length changes. Products of these genes are associated not only with flagellar structure and motility but also with other cellular responses, including signal transduction and metabolism. Expression of specific genes from each category was further characterized at higher resolution by using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Analysis and comparison of the gene expression profiles coupled to flagellar assembly and disassembly revealed that each process involves a new and uncharacterized whole-cell response to flagellar length changes. This analysis lays the groundwork for a more comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular networks regulating flagellar length changes.  相似文献   

The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is able to take up methylammonium/ammonium from the medium at different stages of its sexual life cycle. Vegetative cells and pre‐gametes mostly used a low‐affinity system (LATS) component, but gametes obtained after light treatment of N‐deprived pre‐gametes expressed both LATS and high‐affinity system (HATS) components for the uptake of methylammonium/ammonium. The activity of the LATS component was stimulated by light in only 5 min in a process independent of protein synthesis. By using the lrg6 mutant that produces sexually competent gametes in the dark, light effects on ammonium transport and gamete differentiation have been separately analysed. We have found light regulation of four Amt1 genes: Amt1; 1, Amt1; 2, Amt1; 4 and Amt1; 5. Whereas light‐dependent expression of Amt1; 1, Amt1; 2 and Amt1; 4 was independent of gametogenesis, and that of Amt1; 5 was activated in the lrg6 mutant, suggesting a connection between this transporter and the subsequent events taking place during gametogenesis.  相似文献   

Polypeptides of 21, 36 and 37 kDa are induced in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. when cells are transferred from high (2%) to low (0.03%) CO2 concentrations. The synthesis of these polypeptides is correlated with the induction of the CO2-concentrating mechanism. In this work we studied the effect of the growth conditions on the synthesis of these polypeptides with the aim of clarifying whether the induction of all three of these low-CO2-inducible polypeptides requires the same environmental factor. Our results showed that induction of the 21- and 36-kDa polypeptides under low-CO2 conditions occurred only in the light, while the 37-kDa periplasmic carbonic anhydrase (EC was induced in light, darkness, and in both synchronous and asynchronous cultures. In addition, induction of these polypeptides appeared to be determined more by the O2/CO2 ratio than by the CO2 concentrations. None of these polypeptides could be induced in either of two different mutants of C. reinhardtii, one lacking ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC and the other with inactive enzyme. Our results indicate that the 21- and 36-kDa polypeptides are regulated by a mechanism different from that controlling the 37-kDa polypeptide.Abbreviations pCA (periplasmic) carbonic anhydrase - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - TAP Trisacetate phosphate medium The authors thank Prof. M. Spalding (Iowa State University, USA) for providing antisera to LIP-21 and LIP-36. We thank Prof. S. Bartlett and Dr. J. Moroney (Louisiana State University, USA) for providing antibodies to C. reinhardtii, Rubisco and 37-kDa pCA, respectively. This work was supported by the Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias.  相似文献   

The metabolism of hydrogen peroxide by the scavenging system was studied in Chlamydomonas grown in a selenium-lacking and a selenium-containing medium. In cells of the former, 40% of external hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was scavenged by ascorbate peroxidase (AsAP; EC and the residual H2O2 by catalase (EC The enzymes involved in the ascorbate-glutathione cycle including AsAP. were localized in the chloroplast. In cells of the latter, glutathione peroxidase (GSHP; EC functioned primarily in the removal of external H2O2. GSHP was located solely in the cytosol. The Chlamydomonas AsAP was relatively stable in ascorbate-depleted medium as compared with chloroplast AsAP of higher plants. No inactivation of the enzyme was found upon its incubation with hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of the chloroplast enzyme of higher plants. The enzyme showed higher specificity with pyrogallol than with ascorbate. The amino acid sequences in the N-terminal region of Chlamvdomonas AsAP showed no significant similarity to any other AsAP from higher plants and Euglena . The enzyme had a molecular mass of 34 kDa. The Km values of the enzyme for ascorbate and H2O2 were 5.2±0.3 and 25±3.4 μ M , respectively. Hydrogen peroxide was generated at a rate of 6.1±0.8 μmol mg-1 chlorophyll h-1 in intact chloroplasts isolated from Chlamydomonas cells grown in the presence of Na-selenite, and it diffused from the organelles into the medium.  相似文献   

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