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Effects of leaf shape plasticity on leaf surface temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
干旱区植物叶片形态可塑性是植物适应高温干旱环境的重要生存策略, 但目前仍缺乏直观的数据予以证明。该研究应用热成像技术和图像分析技术, 同步测定真实叶片与模拟叶片的叶温、形态及风速、辐射和温度等环境参数。研究结果显示: 在干旱、高温环境下, 除了蒸腾, 叶片形态变化也是调控叶温的重要因子。干旱区植物叶片变小, 有利于加速叶片与环境的物质及热量交换, 从而达到降低叶温的目的。样地数据显示, 在高温、低风速环境下, 叶片宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低约2.1 ℃, 而模拟叶片叶宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低0.60-0.86 ℃。该研究对深入理解植物生存策略与环境适能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

干旱区植物叶片形态可塑性是植物适应高温干旱环境的重要生存策略, 但目前仍缺乏直观的数据予以证明。该研究应用热成像技术和图像分析技术, 同步测定真实叶片与模拟叶片的叶温、形态及风速、辐射和温度等环境参数。研究结果显示: 在干旱、高温环境下, 除了蒸腾, 叶片形态变化也是调控叶温的重要因子。干旱区植物叶片变小, 有利于加速叶片与环境的物质及热量交换, 从而达到降低叶温的目的。样地数据显示, 在高温、低风速环境下, 叶片宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低约2.1 ℃, 而模拟叶片叶宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低0.60-0.86 ℃。该研究对深入理解植物生存策略与环境适能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Winter wheat was sown on 2 dates with 3 levels of nitrogen fiertiliser (0, 50 and 200 kg N ha−1) in one year and on 2 sites in a followign season. Shoot and root development and growth were measured between emergence and anthesis in the first season and emergence and 7 mainstem leaves in the second. Differences in temperature and light regime led to significant differences in shoot and root development and growth between sowing dates. A thermal time-scale, based on soil surface or air temperatures, with a base of 0°C, adequately described the production of mainstem leaves and nodal root axes over all treatments. Autumn applied nitrogen had little effect on development. Shoot growth and green area index increased exponentially with thermal time prior to spring nitrogen application and the completion of canopy development. Early-sown crops had larger root systems than late-sown crops prior to winter and this divergence was retained until anthesis. The relationship between root growth and thermal time was little better than with days after sowing and was not improved by either varying the site of temperature measurement or the base temperature used for calculation. Differences in soil texture and drainage, between sites, led to significant changes in root length distribution. Although spring applied nitrogen generally increased root length, its effects were inconsistent. There was a curvilinear relation between root length and the amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted; this relation was unaffected by sowing date or nitrogen treatment. The amount of root produced per unit PAR decreased as the season progressed, reflecting the decrease in the proportion of total dry matter partitioned to the root system.  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from cultured excised leaf segments of monohaploid (2n=x=12) and diphaloid (2n=2x=24) potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and a sample has been studied cytologically. In the case of monohaploids, a single leaf regeneration cycle resulted in almost total recovery of doubled monohaploid plants (2n=2x=24), whilst 50% of the plants regenerated from doubled monohaploid leaves had doubled again to the doubled double monohaploid (or homozygous tetraploid, 2n=4x=48) level. Regeneration from dihaploid leaf pieces also gave a good proportion (60%) of doubled genotypes. Very few mixoploids and very few aneuploids were found. These results, together with the general applicability of the method to a large number of potato cultivars, suggest that it can be used as a simple and reliable method of obtaining homozygous tetraploid potatoes.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the development and growth of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) have never been quantified. Therefore, to establish the effect of temperature on leaf appearance and canopy establishment of fibre hemp under controlled and field conditions, plants were grown in growth chambers at 11 regimes with average temperatures between 10°C and 28°C, and three cultivars were sown in the field in March, April and May in 1990, 1991 and 1992. In the field, thermal time (base 0°C) between sowing and emergence ranged from 68°Cd to 109.5°Cd (average 88.3°Cd). Rates of leaf appearance and stem elongation increased linearly with temperature between 10°C and 28°C. The base temperature for leaf appearance was 5.7°C from the growth chamber experiments and 1°C from the field experiments. In the field, the base temperature for the relationship between light interception by the canopy and thermal time was 2.5°C, and thermal time, calculated at the appropriate base temperature, accounted for about 98% of the variance in the number of leaves and for 98.6% of the variance in the proportion of light intercepted by the canopy. Days from emergence accounted for less of the variance in both parameters than thermal time. Interception of 90% of light was attained on average at 465°Cd (base 0°C) after emergence. It is concluded that thermal time is a simple and accurate tool to describe leaf appearance and light interception in fibre hemp.  相似文献   

利用热及物质交换原理, 并结合前人研究成果, 在单叶尺度上建立了简单的叶温和水气蒸腾模型。模型通过预设值驱动, 预设值参照干旱区环境及植物叶片特征设置。模拟结果显示: 随气孔阻力的增加, 叶片蒸腾速率降低, 叶温升高; 同一环境下, 具有低辐射吸收率的叶片蒸腾速率和叶温更低, 并且气孔阻力越大, 这种差异越明显。另外, 叶片宽度及风速是影响叶片蒸腾及叶温的重要因子。干旱地区植物生长季节, 风速小于0.1 m·s -1、气孔阻力接近1000 s·m -1时, 降低叶片宽度不仅有利于降低叶片温度, 而且能够降低叶片蒸腾速率, 从而实现保持水分, 增强植物适应高温、干旱的能力。  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on total glycoalkaloid (TGA) synthesis in tubers exposed to light (250 jumol m“2 s”2 PAR, Photosynthetically Active Radiation) or dark environments for 96 h was examined in three potato cultivars. Following 96 h light or dark the tubers were stored without light at 5°C or 24°C and TGA concentrations monitored over the subsequent 30 and 90 days. Exposure to light and cultivar were found to be major factors influencing TGA concentrations; temperature had no significant effect. TGA content in illuminated tubers of cvs ‘Pentland Hawk’ and ‘Kerrs Pink’ were significantly higher (P < 0.01) compared with tubers placed in the dark. TGA concentrations in cv. ‘Desiree’ increased significantly only following exposure to light at low temperatures (P < 0.05). Removal of tubers from storage at 5°C and immediate illumination at 24°C altered the ratio of glycoalkaloids in cvs ‘Pentland Hawk’ and ‘Kerrs Pink’. Regardless of cultivar and storage temperature TGA concentrations were higher at the end of the storage period compared with initial TGA concentrations. During storage TGA concentrations fluctuated widely and gradual accumulation of glycoalkaloids with time was rarely demonstrated except in cv. ‘Desiree’. Tubers stored at 24°C accumulated higher TGA concentrations than those stored at 5°C in cv. ‘Kerrs Pink’ but not in cvs ‘Pentland Hawk’ and ‘Desiree’. Tubers of cv. ‘Kerrs Pink’ exposed to light prior to storage accumulated glycoalkaloids more rapidly than unexposed tubers during storage at 24°C and occasionally at 5°C. Light enhanced glycoalkaloids are not degraded over time.  相似文献   

In an analysis of leaf development of leek plants grown in the field in 1988, successive leaves initiated, appeared (tip and ligule) and senesced at equal intervals of accumulated temperature/thermal time. These intervals corresponded to a plastochron of 92°C days and phyllochrons of 135 (tip) and 233 (ligule) °C days. The rate of appearance of ligules was exactly equal to the rate of leaf senescence, with the result that the number of fully-expanded leaves per plant remained constant at 1.4. These data, which were compatible with results from previous seasons, were used to develop a model of the interrelationships between primordium initiation at the shoot apex and subsequent events in the development of individual leaves. Primordium initiation is considered to be the primary controlling event in the life of a leaf, and the processes of tip appearance, ligule appearance and death can be predicted from knowledge of the number of primordia which have been initiated, without reference to the environment. A model of canopy expansion, based on the central role of the shoot apex, was developed using the temperature relations of primordium initiation and additional data on leaf expansion and leaf dimensions. Leaf area indices computed in this way provided a satisfactory simulation of the thermal-time course of leaf area index observed in a previous season, 1985.  相似文献   

Leaf development involves many complex genetic interactions,signals between adjacent cells or between more distant tissues and consequent changes in cell fate.This review describes three stages in leaf development where regulation by small RNAs have been used to modulate gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

Leaf development involves many complex genetic interactions,signals between adjacent cells or between more distant tissues and consequent changes in cell fate.This review describes three stages in leaf development where regulation by small RNAs have been used to modulate gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

Patterns of floral development, dry matter distribution and seed yield were examined in winter oilseed rape plants subjected to different pre-floral growth environments. The duration of pre-floral growth and plant size at flower initiation, measured in terms of total mainstem leaf number, were manipulated by varying the temperature between seedling emergence and flower initiation. Exposure of seedlings to low temperatures from cotyledon expansion onwards markedly reduced the duration of pre-floral growth and the number of leaves on the mainstem. The subsequent development pattern of plants was largely dependent on the date of flower initiation and therefore vernalisation requirement. Indeed, the period of growth from flower initiation to maturity, considered on the basis of thermal time, was directly related to the duration of pre-floral growth and mainstem leaf number. The thermal durations of the bud development phase and flowering period in plants exposed to different pre-floral cold treatments but with a common date of flower initiation were similarly linked to these two parameters. Plants exposed to prolonged periods of low temperature treatment from cotyledon expansion onwards initiated fewer mainstem leaves during a relatively short pre-floral growth phase and their yield potential was limited by a reduction in branch and flower numbers. Plants maintained at higher temperatures produced more mainstem leaves during an extended period of pre-floral growth and supported a greater number of branches and flowers. However, this additional yield potential was not realised due to a reduction in seed numbers and mean seed weight. It appeared that seed yield of these plants was limited by increased competition between an excessive number of lower branches and flowers, a problem apparently created by excessive pre-floral growth. Minimal competition for available assimilates between the limited number of branches of plants with a shorter pre-floral growth phase and fewer mainstem leaves, resulted in lower levels of pod abortion, greater seed production and ultimately increased seed yields.  相似文献   

Abstract Rate of leaf emergence of barley grown in the field in each of 2 years was affected by sowing date and, where direct comparisons were possible, it was found that leaves on late-sown plants emerged more quickly. Rate of leaf emergence fluctuated throughout the season, slowing almost to zero in the winter. Much of this variation in rate was removed when the number of leaves was plotted against accumulated temperature rather than time. When emergence rates for each sowing were calculated using a common base temperature they were found to be well correlated with rate of change of daylength. However, it was (bund that base temperature as well as temperature response was affected by date of sowing. The pattern of change of size of leaves was also affected by date of sowing. It appeared that in low temperatures and short days, there was no increase in leaf size from leaf position to leaf position. The responses of leaf emergence, extension and final size to date of sowing appear to adapt the plant to grow quickly when sown early but to cease growth and possibly frost-harden at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on short-term leaf extension rates was studied for two cool-season tussok grasses, Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata, growing in the field under a variety of water stress and defoliation conditions. Leaf extension rates and air temperatures were monitored every half hour during numerous 12- to 65-h periods in three growing seasons using auxanometers constructed of precision resistors. For both species, a three-phase relationship between leaf extension rate and temperature was observed during diurnal cycles. Leaf extension rate increased linearly with temperature from dawn until midday (phase 1). Leaf extension then increased rapidly, reaching maximum rates in the early evening (approximately 1900h), despite decreasing temperatures during this period (phase 2). Finally, leaf extension rate declined with temperature from evening until dawn (phase 3). This diurnal cycle was described by linear (phase 1) and quadratic (phases 2 and 3 combined) regression models. Although the rate of leaf extension and daily integrals were affected by the water stress and defoliation treatments, the diurnal pattern was consistently observed. Temperature was probably a major factor governing leaf extension rates at night (phase 3), but it appeared unimportant in controlling leaf extension between dawn and midday. The relative importance of physiological and environmental factors controlling leaf extension rate appears to shift during the day in these species under field conditions.  相似文献   

李家慧  杨群芳  王慧 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):986-989
室内研究了红珠凤蝶小斑亚种Pachliopta aristolochiae adaeus(Rothschild)在19~31℃范围内5个恒温条件下的发育.结果表明,成虫在19℃时不能交配和产卵,而卵、幼虫和蛹在19~31℃范围内均能完成发育,且发育历期随温度而变化.各温度下,预蛹期最短,幼虫期最长,幼虫龄期随虫龄的增加...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate supposedly positive biological effects of coloured hailnets on microclimate, including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), UV-B, air, soil, fruit and leaf temperature as well as humidity, which in turn may affect leaf anatomy, tree growth and fruit quality; apple was chosen as a model crop at Klein-Altendorf near Bonn, Germany; adjacent uncovered trees served as control. Red and green hailnets transmitted 3–6% more red or green light, without alteration of the red:far red (R–666 nm:FR–730 nm) ratio (0.99–1.01:1) and hence without affecting the phytochrome system. The microclimate was changed with a reduction by 12–23% in PAR and, to a larger extent, by 20–28% in UV, viz. shading. Light measurements at a 45° angle, to mimic the fruit or leaf position, showed that PAR was 90–210 µmol m−2 s−1 larger outside on a sunny summer day than under the white or red-white and 150–340 µmol m−2 s−1 larger than under red-black and green-black hailnets. Air temperature and relative humidity under coloured hailnets decreased by ca. 1.3°C and by ca 2% rh (cloudy) to 5% rh (sunny day), respectively, compared with outside; leaf temperature was decreased by up to 3°C and fruit temperature by up to 6°C. Soil temperatures at 5 cm depth were 0.5–1°C colder under red-black and green-black hailnets, but up to 0.9°C warmer under white and red-white hailnets compared with the uncovered control outside. Alternate bearing had a larger impact on vegetative growth in the affected year than the coloured hailnets; annual trunk diameter increments in cv. ‘Fuji’, i.e. the variety susceptible to alternate bearing, showed a larger variation than cv. ‘Pinova’ without alternate bearing. Reproductive growth, viz. return bloom and leaf anatomy were impaired by the coloured hailnets. Apple trees under dark hailnets developed thinner leaves with a thinner epidermis and fewer layers of palisade cells. These leaves were 3.5°C (dark hailnets) and 2.5°C (white hailnets) cooler than outside on a sunny day compared with ca. 1.5°C (dark hailnets) and 0.85°C (white hailnets) on a cloudy day. Transpirational cooling of cv. ‘Fuji’ leaves was 0.3–0.6°C outside and 1.4–1.6°C under the green-black hailnet on sunny days compared to <0.1°C on cloudy days. As a practical application, apple fruit colouration was dependent on light (PAR and UV-B) transmission of the respective hailnet colour.  相似文献   

Detached barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) shoots, maintained at different air temperatures and VPDs, were fed ABA via the sub-crown internode in a leaf elongation assay. Analysis of variance of leaf elongation rate (LER) showed significant effects of temperature (T), fed [ABA] and the interaction T × [ABA]. However, the interaction became non-significant when LER was modelled against the [ABA] of the elongation zone, [EZ-ABA] When detached barley shoots were fed sap from droughted maize (Zea mays L.) plants, sap [ABA] could not explain the growth inhibitory activity. Measurement of [EZ-ABA] accounted for this ‘unexplained’ growth inhibition. The detached shoot experiments indicated that [EZ-ABA], and not xylem sap [ABA], was an appropriate explanatory variable to measure in droughted plants. However, ABA accumulation in the elongation zone could not explain a 35% growth reduction in intact droughted plants; thus we considered an interaction of water status and ABA. Using a coleoptile growth assay, we applied mild osmotic stresses (ψ=0 to ?0.06 MPa) and 10?4 mol m?3 ABA. Individually, these treatments did not inhibit growth. However, osmotic stress and ABA applied together significantly reduced growth. This interaction may be an important mechanism in explaining leaf growth inhibition of droughted plants.  相似文献   

We induced foliar senescence in western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) needles (100 to 400 d old) in chambers set to combinations of photoperiod (8 or 16 h) and air temperature (8 or 15°C). We used regression analysis to estimate the effects of air temperature, photoperiod, provenance and leaf age on the date of decline in chlorophyll, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll a/b ratio. Increased air temperature delayed the decline in chlorophyll and photosynthesis without affecting chlorophyll a/b: seedlings with 200-d-old needles placed under 8h days and 8°C lost chlorophyll, photosynthesis and chlorophyll a/b in 22, 37 and 63d, respectively, while those senescing under 15°C lost them in 54, 61 and 63d. Extended photoperiod delayed the decline in chlorophyll but not photosynthesis or chlorophyll a/b ratio: the 200-d-old needles placed in 8°C and 16 h photoperiod lost chlorophyll, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll a/b in 34, 37 and 63 d, compared with 22, 37 and 63 d for seedlings in 8 h days. Our analysis shows that it is possible to quantify the extent to which the timing and process of senescence vary with environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of cooling on leaf extension rate (LER) and on relative elemental growth rate (REGR) was measured in both gibberellic acid (GA)-responsive dwarf barley and in the same barley variety treated with GA. Seedlings were maintained at 20 degrees C while their leaf extension zone (LEZ) temperature was reduced either in steps to -6 degrees C in short-term cooling experiments, or to 10 degrees C for 48 h in long-term cooling experiments. Short-term cooling resulted in a biphasic response in LER, with a clear inflection point identified. Below this point, the activation energy for leaf extension becomes higher. The short-term response of LER to cooling was altered by the application of GA, which resulted in a lower base temperature (Tb), inflection point temperature and activation energy for leaf extension. Both GA-treated and untreated seedlings were less sensitive to cooling maintained for a prolonged period, with LER making a partial recover over the initial 5 h. Although long-term cooling reduced maximum REGR, it resulted in a longer LEZ and an increase in the length of mature interstomatal cells in GA-treated and untreated seedlings. These changes in overall physiology appear to enhance the ability of the leaves to continue expansion at suboptimal temperatures. In both GA-treated and cold-acclimated tissue, the occurrence of a longer LEZ was associated with a lower temperature sensitivity in LER.  相似文献   

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