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The Wnt signaling pathway can be grouped into two classes, the β‐catenin‐dependent and β‐catenin‐independent pathways. Wnt5a signaling through a β‐catenin‐independent pathway promotes microtubule (MT) remodeling during cell‐substrate adhesion, cell migration, and planar cell polarity formation. Although Wnt5a signaling and MT remodeling are known to form an interdependent regulatory loop, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here we show that in HeLa cells, the paralogous MT‐associated proteins Map7 and Map7D1 (Map7/7D1) form an interdependent regulatory loop with Disheveled, the critical signal transducer in Wnt signaling. Map7/7D1 bind to Disheveled, direct its cortical localization, and facilitate the cortical targeting of MT plus‐ends in response to Wnt5a signaling. Wnt5a signaling also promotes Map7/7D1 movement toward MT plus‐ends, and depletion of the Kinesin‐1 member Kif5b abolishes the Map7/7D1 dynamics and Disheveled localization. Furthermore, Disheveled stabilizes Map7/7D1. Intriguingly, Map7/7D1 and its Drosophila ortholog, Ensconsin show planar‐polarized distribution in both mouse and fly epithelia, and Ensconsin influences proper localization of Drosophila Disheveled in pupal wing cells. These results suggest that the role of Map7/7D1/Ensconsin in Disheveled localization is evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

The activation of the Rac1 GTPase during cell signalling entails its translocation from the cytosol to membranes, release from sequestering Rho GDP dissociation inhibitors (RhoGDI), and GDP/GTP exchange. In addition to those steps, we show here that optimal Rac1 activation during cell signalling requires the engagement of a downstream, cytoskeletal-based feedback loop nucleated around the cytoskeletal protein coronin 1A and the Rac1 exchange factor ArhGEF7. These two proteins form a cytosolic complex that, upon Rac1-driven F-actin polymerization, translocates to juxtamembrane areas where it expands the pool of activated, membrane-bound Rac1. Such activity requires the formation of an F-actin/ArhGEF7-dependent physical complex of coronin 1A with Pak1 and RhoGDIα that, once assembled, promotes the Pak1-dependent dissociation of Rac1 from the Rac1/RhoGDIα complex and subsequent Rac1 activation. Genetic evidence demonstrates that this relay circuit is essential for generating sustained Rac1 activation levels during cell signalling.  相似文献   


Blood vessels grow and remodel in response to mechanical stimuli. Many computational models capture this process phenomenologically, by assuming stress homeostasis, but this approach cannot unravel the underlying cellular mechanisms. Mechano-sensitive Notch signaling is well-known to be key in vascular development and homeostasis. Here, we present a multiscale framework coupling a constrained mixture model, capturing the mechanics and turnover of arterial constituents, to a cell–cell signaling model, describing Notch signaling dynamics among vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) as influenced by mechanical stimuli. Tissue turnover was regulated by both Notch activity, informed by in vitro data, and a phenomenological contribution, accounting for mechanisms other than Notch. This novel framework predicted changes in wall thickness and arterial composition in response to hypertension similar to previous in vivo data. The simulations suggested that Notch contributes to arterial growth in hypertension mainly by promoting SMC proliferation, while other mechanisms are needed to fully capture remodeling. The results also indicated that interventions to Notch, such as external Jagged ligands, can alter both the geometry and composition of hypertensive vessels, especially in the short term. Overall, our model enables a deeper analysis of the role of Notch and Notch interventions in arterial growth and remodeling and could be adopted to investigate therapeutic strategies and optimize vascular regeneration protocols.


Remodeling rules with either a global or a local mathematical form have been proposed for load-bearing bones in the literature. In the local models, the bone architecture (shape, density) is related to the strains/energies sensed at any point in the bone, while in the global models, a criterion believed to be applicable to the whole bone is used. In the present paper, a local remodeling rule with a strain "error" form is derived as the necessary condition for the optimum of a global remodeling criterion, suggesting that many of the local error-driven remodeling rules may have corresponding global optimization-based criteria. The global criterion proposed in the present study is a trade-off between the cost of metabolic growth and use, mathematically represented by the mass, and the cost of failure, mathematically represented by the total strain energy. The proposed global criterion is shown to be related to the optimality criteria methods of structural optimization by the equivalence of the model solution and the fully stressed solution for statically determinate structures. In related work, the global criterion is applied to simulate the strength recovery in bones with screw holes left behind after removal of fracture fixation plates. The results predicted by the model are shown to be in good agreement with experimental results, leading to the conclusion that load-bearing bones are structures with optimal shape and property for their function.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is an increasingly prevalent condition in humans that frequently clusters with disorders characterized by left ventricular (LV) pressure overload, such as systemic hypertension. To investigate the impact of insulin resistance on LV remodeling and functional response to pressure overload, C57BL6 male mice were fed a high-fat (HFD) or a standard diet (SD) for 9 days and then underwent transverse aortic constriction (TAC). LV size and function were assessed in SD- and HFD-fed mice using serial echocardiography before and 7, 21, and 28 days after TAC. Serial echocardiography was also performed on nonoperated SD- and HFD-fed mice over a period of 6 wk. LV perfusion was assessed before and 7 and 28 days after TAC. Nine days of HFD induced systemic and myocardial insulin resistance (assessed by myocardial 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake), and myocardial perfusion response to acetylcholine was impaired. High-fat feeding for 28 days did not change LV size and function in nonbanded mice; however, TAC induced greater hypertrophy, more marked LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction, and decreased survival in HFD-fed compared with SD-fed mice. Compared with SD-fed mice, myocardial perfusion reserve was decreased 7 days after TAC, and capillary density was decreased 28 days after TAC in HFD-fed mice. A short duration of HFD induces insulin resistance in mice. These metabolic changes are accompanied by increased LV remodeling and dysfunction after TAC, highlighting the impact of insulin resistance in the development of pressure-overload-induced heart failure.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made in the identification of intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in the development of nervous system. It is remarkable that the establishment and maintenance of the asymmetrical architecture of a neuron is coordinated by a limited repertoire of signalling machineries. However, the details of signalling mechanisms responsible for creating specificity and diversity required for proper development of the nervous system remain largely to be investigated. An emerging body of evidence suggests that specificity and diversity can be achieved by differential regulation of signalling components at distinct subcellular localizations. Many aspects of neuronal polarization and morphogenesis are attributed to localized signalling. Further diversity and specificity of receptor signalling can be achieved by the regulation of molecules outside the cell. Recent evidence suggests that extracellular matrix molecules are essential extrinsic cues that function to foster the growth of neurons. Therefore, it is important to understand where the signalling machineries are activated and how they are combined with other factors in order to understand the molecular mechanism underlying neuronal development.  相似文献   

Atrial (ANP) and brain (BNP) natriuretic peptides are hormones of myocardial cell origin. These hormones bind to the natriuretic peptide A receptor (NPRA) throughout the body, stimulating cGMP production and playing a key role in blood pressure control. Because NPRA receptors are present on cardiomyocytes, we hypothesized that natriuretic peptides may have direct autocrine or paracrine effects on cardiomyocytes or adjacent cardiac cells. Because both natriuretic peptides and NPRA gene expression are upregulated in states of pressure overload, we speculated that the effects of the natriuretic peptides on cardiac structure and function would be most apparent after pressure overload. To attenuate cardiomyocyte NPRA activity, transgenic mice with cardiac specific expression of a dominant-negative (DN-NPRA) mutation (HCAT D 893A) in the NPRA receptor were created. Cardiac structure and function were assessed (avertin anesthesia) in the absence and presence of pressure overload produced by suprarenal aortic banding. In the absence of pressure overload, basal and BNP-stimulated guanylyl cyclase activity assessed in cardiac membrane fractions was reduced. However, systolic blood pressure, myocardial cGMP, log plasma ANP levels, and ventricular structure and function were similar in wild-type (WT-NPRA) and DN-NPRA mice. In the presence of pressure overload, myocardial cGMP levels were reduced, and ventricular hypertrophy, fibrosis, filling pressures, and mortality were increased in DN-NPRA compared with WT-NPRA mice. In addition to their hormonal effects, endogenous natriuretic peptides exert physiologically relevant autocrine and paracrine effects via cardiomyocyte NPRA receptors to modulate cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in response to pressure overload.  相似文献   

The copper-transporting ATPase ATP7A has an essential role in human physiology. ATP7A transfers the copper cofactor to metalloenzymes within the secretory pathway; inactivation of ATP7A results in an untreatable neurodegenerative disorder, Menkes disease. Presently, the mechanism of ATP7A-mediated copper release into the secretory pathway is not understood. We demonstrate that the characteristic His/Met-rich segment Met(672)-Pro(707) (HM-loop) that connects the first two transmembrane segments of ATP7A is important for copper release. Mutations within this loop do not prevent the ability of ATP7A to form a phosphorylated intermediate during ATP hydrolysis but inhibit subsequent dephosphorylation, a step associated with copper release. The HM-loop inserted into a scaffold protein forms two structurally distinct binding sites and coordinates copper in a mixed His-Met environment with an ~2:1 stoichiometry. Binding of either copper or silver, a Cu(I) analog, induces structural changes in the loop. Mutations of 4 Met residues to Ile or two His-His pairs to Ala-Gly decrease affinity for copper. Altogether, the data suggest a two-step process, where copper released from the transport sites binds to the first His(Met)(2) site, triggering a structural change and binding to a second 2-coordinate His-His or His-Met site. We also show that copper binding within the HM-loop stabilizes Cu(I) and protects it from oxidation, which may further aid the transfer of copper from ATP7A to acceptor proteins. The mechanism of copper entry into the secretory pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) manipulates multiple host defence pathways to survive and persist in host cells. Understanding Mtb–host cell interaction is crucial to develop an efficient means to control the disease. Here, we applied the Mtb proteome chip, through separately interacting with H37Ra and H37Rv stimulated macrophage lysates, screened 283 Mtb differential proteins. Through primary screening, we focused on fatty acylCoA synthetase FadD13. Mtb FadD13 is a potential drug target, but its role in infection remains unclear. Deletion of FadD13 in Mtb reduced the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL‐1β, IL‐18, and IL‐6. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and colocalization showed that the binding partner of FadD13 in macrophage was eEF1A1 (a translation elongation factor). Knockdown eEF1A1 expression in macrophage abrogated the promotion of proinflammatory cytokines induced by FadD13. In addition, ΔfadD13 mutant decreased the expression of the NF‐κB signalling pathway related proteins p50 and p65, so did the eEF1A1 knockdown macrophage infected with H37Rv. Meanwhile, we found that deletion of FadD13 reduced Mtb survival in macrophages during Mtb infection, and purified FadD13 proteins induced broken of macrophage membrane. Taken together, FadD13 is crucial for Mtb proliferation in macrophages, and it plays a key role in the production of proinflammatory cytokines during Mtb infection.  相似文献   

The limited proteolytic sites or nicksites are present only in one of the five loops of the RNase A molecule. The splitted loop 15–23 connects two structural domains in the hinge region of the interdomain contacts of the V-shaped molecule. The other four loops are inside two domains, 64–71 and 112–115 in the domain I (1–19, 47–81, 102–106) and 36–42 and 88–95 in the domain II (20–46, 82–101). Because of enhanced chain flexibility of the splitted loop in the pH-dependent conformational isomerization, deformation of its structure is slighter under the influence of the intermolecular contacts in the crystal lattice and more significant changes occur in loop conformation at the formation of the 3D swapped dimer of the RNase A molecule. The proteolytic splitting of the 15–23 loop proceeds due to the local fluctuation of the native protein structure.  相似文献   

The limited proteolytic sites or nicksites are present only in one of the five loops of the RNase A molecule. The splitted loop 15-23 connects two structural domains in the hinge region of the interdomain contacts of the V-shaped molecule. The other four loops are inside two domains, 64-71 and 112-115 in the domain I (1-19, 47-81, 102-106) and 36-42 and 88-95 in the domain II (20-46, 82-101). Because of enhanced chain flexibility of the splitted loop in the pH-dependent conformational isomerization, deformation of its structure is slighter under the influence of the intermolecular contacts in the crystal lattice and more significant changes occur in loop conformation at the formation of the 3D swapped dimer of the RNase A molecule. The proteolytic splitting of the 15-23 loop proceeds due to the local fluctuation of the native protein structure.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence has illustrated the vital roles of long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs in gastric cancer (GC). Nevertheless, the majority of their roles and mechanisms in GC are still largely unknown. In this study, we investigate the roles of lncRNA SLC25A5‐AS1 on tumourigenesis and explore its potential mechanisms in GC. The results showed that the expressions of SLC25A5‐AS1 in GC were significantly lower than that of adjacent normal tissues, which were significantly associated with tumour size, TNM stage and lymph node metastasis. Moreover, SLC25A5‐AS1 could inhibit GC cell proliferation, induce G1/G1 cell cycle arrest and cell apoptosis in vitro, as well as GC growth in vivo. Dual‐luciferase reporter assay confirmed the direct interaction between SLC25A5‐AS1 and miR‐19a‐3p, rescue experiment showed that co‐transfection miR‐19a‐3p mimics and pcDNA‐SLC25A5‐AS1 could partially restore the ability of GC cell proliferation and the inhibition of cell apoptosis. The mechanism analyses further found that SLC25A5‐AS1 might act as a competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNA), which was involved in the derepression of PTEN expression, a target gene of miR‐19a‐3p, and regulate malignant phenotype via PI3K/AKT signalling pathway in GC. Taken together, this study indicated that SLC25A5‐AS1 was down‐regulated in GC and functioned as a suppressor in the progression of GC. Moreover, it could act as a ceRNA to regulate cellular behaviours via miR‐19a‐3p/PTEN/PI3K/AKT signalling pathway. Thus, SLC25A5‐AS1 might be served as a potential target for cancer therapeutics in GC.  相似文献   

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