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Heterosentis hirsutus n. sp. is described from Cnidoglanis macrocephala (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) from the Swan Estuary, Western Australia. It is distinguished by having 14 longitudinal rows of 6-7 hooks per row on the proboscis, a trunk armed anteriorly and posteriorly (= genital spines) with minute spines and lemnisci that may extend to the posterior margin of the proboscis receptacle. The new species also has prominent fragmented nuclei in its trunk wall. New information is given for Heterosentis plotosi Yamaguti, 1935 from Plotosus lineatus (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) and H. paraplagusiarum (Nickol, 1972) Amin, 1985 from Paraplagusia guttata (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae), both from Queensland. A key to the species of Heterosentis Van Cleave, 1931 is provided. The Arhythmacanthidae subfamilies are reviewed: there is little utility in the recognition of these taxa because of the small number of genera involved and the validity of the characters on which they are based is in doubt, particularly whether trunk spines are present or absent. Only Acanthocephaloides Meyer, 1932, Breizacanthus Golvan, 1969, Euzetacanthus Golvan & Houin, 1964, Heterosentis, Hypoechinorhynchus Yamaguti, 1939 and Paracanthocephaloides Golvan, 1969 of the Arhythmacanthidae are considered valid. A key to these genera is provided. The monotypic genus Neoacanthocephaloides Cable & Quick, 1954 is considered a new synonym of Acanthocephaloides thus creating Acanthocephaloides spinicaudatus (Cable & Quick, 1954) n. comb. Arhythmacanthus Yamaguti, 1935 is maintained as a synonym of Heterosentis because the distinction between two and three hook types is made equivocal when the transition between the apical and subapical hooks is gradual.  相似文献   

Acanthocephalus tahlequahensis sp. n. was recovered from the intestines of 4 species of freshwater fishes, Etheostoma punctulatum, E. spectabile, Nocomis asper, and Notropis pilsbryi, collected in northeastern Oklahoma. The new species is distinguished from all other species of Acanthocephalus, except A. japonicus (Fukui and Morisita 1936) Petrochenko 1956, and A. fluviatilus Paperna 1964, by having smaller proboscis hooks. The length of the proboscis hooks for males is 27 to 38 (33) mum and for females 35 to 46 (42) mum. A. tahlequahensis is smaller than either A. japonicus or A. fluviatilis, and has about half the number of longitudinal rows of proboscis hooks of A. japonicus and half the number of proboscis hooks in each longitudinal row of A. fluviatilus. In addition to having smaller hooks. A. tahlequahensis differs from other species of Acanthocephalus parasitizing North American fishes by its smaller, spindle-shaped trunk and more hooks in each longitudinal row.  相似文献   

This study describes a new species of Pomphorhynchus collected from Percilia gillissi Girard, 1855 from the Za?artu canal, between the sister basins of the Itata and Laja rivers, in central Chile. Pomphorhynchus moyanoi n. sp. is characterized by an asymmetrical, well-differentiated subspherical bulb and 12-14 longitudinal rows of 13-14 hooks; the third and the fourth hook in each row are stout. Among South American species, P. moyanoi n. sp. shows some similarities to the Chilean species P. yamagutii Schmidt & Hugghins, 1973, but it differs in having a longer neck, larger bulb, and different proboscis armature arrangement. Pomphorhynchus moyanoi n. sp. differs from P. patagonicus Ortubay, Ubeda, Semenas & Kennedy 1991, in the bulb shape (protuberances), number of rows, fourth hook size and basal hook size. Pomphorhynchus moyanoi n. sp. also differs from P. sphaericus in the arrangement of hooks (number of rows and hooks per row), length and width of the proboscis, neck width, and symmetry of the bulb.  相似文献   

The morphology of relaxed cystacanths of polymorphid acanthocephalans collected from notothenioid fishes in the Beagle Channel (Magellanic subregion of sub-Antarctica) is described. A parasite of birds, Andracantha baylisi (Zdzitowiecki, 1986), was found in Patagonotothen longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.82–0.89 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–5 basal hooks; distal hooks with the longest blades; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; large somatic spines arranged in two zones separated by a zone of small, loosely dispersed spines; and only the anterior 36–40% of ventral side of the trunk is covered with spines. One male specimen of Corynosoma sp. was found in Patagonotothen tessellata. It differs from A. baylisi in that the distal proboscis hooks are similar in length to the prebasal hooks, it has a smaller proboscis (0.77 mm) and in the distribution of the somatic spines, which are contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk and lack a zone of small spines between zones of larger spines. A parasite of seals and fur seals, Corynosoma evae Zdzitowiecki, 1984, was found in P. longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.61–0.78 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 20–22 rows of 12–13, including 3/4–4 basal hooks; prebasal hooks with the longest blades; a trunk divided into fore-trunk and hind-trunk; somatic spines covering the anterior 64–74% of the ventral side of the trunk; genital spines present only in males; and a terminal genital opening in both sexes. Corynosoma beaglense n. sp. was found in Champsocephalus esox. It has: an almost cylindrical proboscis (length 0.52–0.56 mm); a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–4/5 basal hooks; distal hooks shorter than the prebasal hooks; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; somatic spines contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk of the male and covering the entire length of the ventral side of the female trunk, and the presence of genital spines surrounding the terminal genital pore of the male. The definitive host of this species is unknown.  相似文献   

Moniliformis tarsii n. sp. was found in Tarsius bancanus. It is unique in possessing 11-12 longitudinal rows of 6-7 hooks each. Hooks 2 and 3 are conspicuously enlarged, 41-55 microns long. Moniliformis echinosorexi n. sp. differs from all other species in having 12-15 rows of 11-13 hooks that are 34-36 microns long, and in having a proboscis receptacle 1.2-2.0 mm long. Several new host records for M. moniliformis are presented.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus patagonicus n. sp. is described from Lake Rosario, Chubut Province, Argentina. It is characterized by a long neck forming an asymmetrical bulb with 2 well differentiated dorsal protruberances and 14 alternating rows of 13 and 14 proboscis hooks, each row with a stout fourth hook. It most closely resembles Pomphorhynchus sebastichthydis Yamaguti, 1939, from Japan, but differs in the bulb protruberances and in having more rows of hooks and more hooks per row and in the shapes of the fourth and basal hooks. Among American species P. patagonicus shows some similarities to Pomphorhynchus yamagutii Schmidt and Hugghins, 1973, from Chile, but differs with respect to the longer neck, bulb protruberances, and proboscis armature. Pomphorhynchus patagonicus is endemic to Patagonia, where its definitive type host is the endemic fish Patagonina hatcheri (Atherinidae) and its intermediate host the endemic freshwater amphipod Hyalella patagonica. It has been found also in autochthonous fishes belonging to the families Galaxiidae and Percichthyidae and in introduced salmonid fishes.  相似文献   

Acanthocephaloides irregularis n. sp. (Arhythmacanthidae) is described from four species of marine fishes in the Gulf of Odessa and Sukhyi Lyman, Ukrainan Black Sea waters, making it the tenth species of the genus. The hosts are the combtooth blenny Parablennius zvonimiri (Kolombatovic) (Blenniidae), the mushroom goby Ponticola eurycephalus (Kessler) (Gobiidae), the tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas) (Gobiidae) and the black-striped pipefish Syngnathus abaster Risso (Syngnathidae). The new species is most similar to its closest relative, Acanthocephaloides propinquus (Dujardin, 1845), in proboscis shape and armature (12 longitudinal rows of 5 hooks) and the shape of the trunk, reproductive system and lemnisci, but differs in having randomly distributed trunk spines. These trunk spines are organised in circular rings of individual spines separated by aspinose zones. The new species is also unique in having an anterior trunk collar, a very large triangular cephalic ganglion, nucleated pouches at the posterior end of the proboscis receptacle, and hooks and spines with roots bearing anterior manubria. Valid and invalid species of Acanthocephaloides Meyer, 1932 are listed and a key to all ten species is included.  相似文献   

Breizacanthus ligur sp.n. is described and figured from several benthic fishes from the Ligurian Sea. The host species are: Argentina sphyraena, Chlorophthalmus agassizi, Gadiculus argenteus, Phycis blennoides, Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus, Capros aper, Callionymus phaeton, Helicolenus dactylopterus. The parasites were considered as belonging to the family Arhythmacanthidae Yamaguti, 1935 and to the genus Breizancanthus Golvan, 1969. Breizancanthus ligur differs from the only two known species of the genus B. irenae and B. chabaudi for the number of longitudinal rows of hooks and-or numbers of hooks in each longitudinal row, arrangment of cement glands, length of body and lenght of male genital apparatus ratio, lenght of female genital apparatus and shape of embroyophore.  相似文献   

Chabaudechina presidentei n. g., n. sp. (Seuratidae: Echinonematinae) is described from Sminthopsis virginiae, S. macroura and S. youngsoni (Dasyuridae) from northern Australia. The new genus can be distinguished from all other genera of the Echinonematinae by the morphology and number of rows of cephalic hooks as well as the morphology and arrangement of body hooks and spines. The genus otherwise resembles the echinonematines in spicule morphology and arrangement of cloacal papillae. It resembles Inglechina and Linstowinema in having a triangular mouth opening, no lips and two pairs of double cephalic papillae. C. presidentei differs from C. haycocki n. sp. from Dasycercus cristicauda from central Australia in the number of caudal papillae, the proportions of the alae surrounding the cloaca and the posterior ventral cuticular spination of the male. Chabaudechina sp., found in Planigale spp., could not be identified to species level.  相似文献   

During November 2000, a collection of acanthocephalans from birds in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam, included a new genus and species in a new family and order. Pyrirhynchus heterospinus n. gen., n. sp. (Pyrirhynchidae n. fam.: Heteramorphida: new order) is described from Actitis hypoleucos (Linnaeus, 1758) (common sandpiper). The new family combines characters from Polymorphidae and Heteracanthocephalidae, and it includes new features. Specimens of the new species are distinguished from those of Heteracanthocephalidae and/or Polymorphidae by their long cylindrical trunk with anterior swelling, pyriform proboscis with hooks much larger ventrally, brain at the anterior end of the receptacle, specialized tubular cement glands, and elliptoid eggs with concentric shells. A detailed analysis of proboscis and trunk armature is included, and specimens of several species of Arhythmorhynchus Lühe, 1911 (Polymorphidae) were studied for comparative purposes. The proboscis of P. heterospinus is armed with 17 to 20 rows of 17 to 19 hooks each, with anterior 9-11 hooks rooted and posterior 6-10 spines rootless.  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus beringianus sp. n. is described from Pungitius pungitius L. in north-eastern Russia. Since 1986, when it was first found, it was reported as 'N. pungitius Dechtiar, 1971'. However, this new species differs from the latter in having an egg shell without a prolongation of the fertilisation membrane, a larger proboscis and proboscis hooks, a subterminal position of the female genital pore and a more slender trunk, and it occurs in a different site in the intestine. N. beringianus has a small, stout body with an asymmetrical position of the proboscis, which is located ventrally to and at an angle with the longitudinal axis of the body. The proboscis is wider than long, the hooks are of equal size in each circle but diminish in size posteriorly, whereas the lemnisci are subequal in length. It differs from those species of Neoechinorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905 with somewhat similar characteristics in body length, proboscis size and proportions, proboscis hook lengths, egg size, size-ratio of the cement gland and testes, and the number of giant nuclei in the tegument and lemnisci. In different geographical populations of the new species, the sizes of both the proboscis and proboscis hooks exhibit some variation.  相似文献   

Polymorphus spindlatus n. sp. is described from the black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, in Lake Titicaca, Peru. It is distinguished from all 27 known species of the subgenus Polymorphus by its spindle-shaped proboscis and its trunk shape, the anterior 2/3 of which is ovoid, tapering into a tubular posterior end. It resembles Polymorphus brevis (=Arhythmorhynchus brevis), which is, however, longer and considerably more slender, and has smaller and more numerous proboscis hooks per row and smaller eggs. It is separated also from Polymorphus swartzi, Polymorphus striatus, Polymorphus contortus, and Polymorphus cincli by its proboscis armature (usually 18 longitudinal rows of 11-13 hooks each), among other characters. Histopathological sections of host tissue show well defined localized damage including hemorrhaging with subsequent phagocyte cell migration (granular tissue). The lumen of the host intestine is obstructed and villi show compression. The proboscis of P. spindlatus extends through the intestinal mucosa and submucosa, displacing the smooth muscle layers of the muscularis externa. Fibrosis also was observed.  相似文献   

Hypoechinorhynchus magellanicus Szidat, 1950 (Acanthocephala: Arhythmacanthidae) is redescribed based on specimens collected from a sub-Antarctic notothenioid fish, Champsocephalus esox (Günther). The host was caught in the Beagle Channel (Magellanic sub-region). H. magellanicus has a trunk with an antero-dorsal curvature, a spherical proboscis, spines on the anterior region of the trunk, narrow lemnisci which are considerably longer than the proboscis receptacle, six cement glands and a single vaginal sphincter. The proboscis is armed with 40 hooks, including 15 large hooks with roots and 25 rootless basal spines. The large hooks are arranged in 10 alternate rows of one and two hooks. Each single large hook is followed by two spines, and pairs of large hooks are followed by single spines. Ten single spines are also present at the base of the proboscis between the rows. The eggs have polar prolongations of the middle envelope.  相似文献   

A new acanthocephalan species, Spiracanthus bovichthys n. gen. n. sp., is described. Samples were taken from 26 marine fish species between 23 and 53 degrees S of Chile. The parasite was found in the intestine of 6 species and only between 36 and 40 degrees S, especially in those fish that prey on small crustaceans in the upper and sublittoral zone. The parasite was found in Bovichthys chilensis (Reagan). Auchenionchus variolosus (Valenciennes), Calliclinus genigutattus (Valenciennes), Sindoscopus australis (Fowler and Bean), Myxodes cristatus Valenciennes, and Gobiesox marmoratus (Jenyns). However, only the first species is a suitable host for the parasite as evidenced by the presence of mature females. This acanthocephalan belongs to Arhythmacanthidae, but it does not correspond to any genus described. Spiracanthus bovichthys is different in the number and spiralled distribution of its hooks in the proboscis. In the short proboscis, 3 groups of hooks are distinguished according to size, summing up to 150-190 hooks. The group of largest hooks are found in the apical part of the proboscis, and there are 10 diagonal rows of small hooks from the prebasal to basal proboscis. Its trunk is covered partially by small spines. Amphipod and isopods were the prey items shared among the host fish species and are the best candidates to be the intermediate hosts of S. bovichthys.  相似文献   

G N Rodiuk 《Parazitologiia》1986,20(3):224-227
Two new species of Acanthocephala of the genus Echinorhynchus were found and described from fishes of Falkland-Patagonia and South Georgia Island area. E. longiproboscis sp. n. from Dissostichus eleginoides and Macrourus holotrachys intestines differs from its close relative E. gadi (Zoega in Müller, 1776) in proboscis armature and the proboscis to the body length ratio. E. georgianus sp. n. from D. eleginoides intestines differs from E. gadi in proboscis armature and length and shape of the basal hooks.  相似文献   

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