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Mass-weighted molecular dynamics simulation of cyclic polypeptides.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Mao  G M Maggiora  K C Chou 《Biopolymers》1991,31(9):1077-1086
A modified molecular dynamics (MD) method in which atomic masses are weighted was developed previously for studying the conformational flexibility of neuroregulating tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide (FMRF-amide). The method has now been applied to longer and constrained molecules, namely a disulfide-linked cyclic hexapeptide, c[CYFQNC], and its linear and "pseudo-cyclic" analogues. The sampling of dehedral conformational space of teh linear hexapeptide in mass-weighted MD simulations was found to be improved significantly over conventional MD simulations, as in the case of the shorter FMRF-amide molecule studied previously. In the cyclic hexapeptide, the internal constraint of the molecule due to the intramolecular disulfide bond (hence the absence of free terminals in the molecule) does not adversely affect the significant improvement of conformational sampling in mass-weighted MD simulations over normal MD simulations. The pseudo-cyclic polypeptide is identical to the linear CYFQNC molecule in amino acid sequence (i.e., side chains of the cysteine residues are reduced), but the positions of its two terminal heavy atoms were held fixed in space such that the molecule has a nearly cyclic conformation. For this molecule, the mass-weighted MD simulation generated a wide range of polypeptide backbone conformations covering the internal dihedral degrees of freedom; moreover, the physical space of the pseudo-cyclic structure was also sampled in a complete revolution of the entire molecular fragment about the two fixed termini during the simulation. These characteristics suggest that mass-weighted MD can also be an extremely useful method for conformational analyses of constrained molecules and, in particular, for modeling loops on protein surfaces.  相似文献   

B Mao 《Biophysical journal》1991,60(3):611-622
Atomic motions in protein molecules have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations; dynamics simulation methods have also been employed in conformational studies of polypeptide molecules. It was found that when atomic masses are weighted, the molecular dynamics method can significantly increase the sampling of dihedral conformation space in such studies, compared to a conventional MD simulation of the same total simulation time length. Herein the theoretical study of molecular conformation sampling by the molecular dynamics-based simulation method in which atomic masses are weighted is reported in detail; moreover, a numerical scheme for analyzing the extensive conformational sampling in the simulation of a tetrapeptide amide molecule is presented. From numerical analyses of the mass-weighted molecular dynamics trajectories of backbone dihedral angles, low-resolution structures covering the entire backbone dihedral conformation space of the molecule were determined, and the distribution of rotationally stable conformations in this space were analyzed quantitatively. The theoretical analyses based on the computer simulation and numerical analytical methods suggest that distinctive regimes in the conformational space of the peptide molecule can be identified.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of rhizopuspepsin complexed with two oligopeptide inhibitors have been determined. CP-69,799, an azahomostatine dipeptide isostere, had previously been associated with a displacement of the C-terminal subdomain of endothiapepsin [Sali, A., Veerapandian, B., Cooper, J. B., Foundling, S. I., Hoover, D. J., & Blundell, T. L. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 2179-2188]. Here, we report the measurement of two data sets, one from crystals soaked in the inhibitor and the other from protein crystallized in the presence of excess inhibitor. In neither case is there any significant movement of the C-terminal subdomain of the rhizopuspepsin. The data suggest that the energy associated with any conformational change is small and is overcome by the crystal packing forces. The second inhibitor, a hydrated difluorostatone, was examined in a search for transition-state analogs that could cast further light on the mechanism of action [Suguna, K., Padlan, E. A., Smith, C. W., Carlson, W. D., & Davies, D. R. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 7009-7013]. The gem-diol provides a set of contact distances with the enzyme that mimic the interactions with the tetrahedral intermediate of the substrate during catalysis. These data provide support for the suggestion that the polarization of the keto group of the peptide substrate is enhanced by a hydrogen bond from the OD1 of Asp 35 (Suguna et al., 1987).  相似文献   

Notch is a single-pass transmembrane receptor protein which is composed of a short extracellular region, a single-pass transmembrane domain and a small intracellular region. Notch ligand like Delta, member of the DSL protein family, is also single-pass transmembrane protein. It has been demonstrated that of the 36 EGF repeats of Notch, 11th and 12th are sufficient to mediate interactions with Delta. Crystal structure of mammalian Notch extracellular ligand binding domain contains 11 and 12 EGF-like repeats. Here a portion of the Delta protein of Drosophila, known to interact with Notch extracellular domain (ECD) has been modeled using homology modeling. The structure of the Delta-Notch complex was subsequently modeled by protein docking method using GRAMM. MD simulations of the modeled structures were performed. The structure for Delta-Notch complex has been proposed based on interaction energy parameter and planarity studies.  相似文献   

Diabetic macular edema, also known as diabetic eye disease, is mainly caused by the overexpression of vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP) at hypoxia/ischemic. AKB-9778 is a known VE-PTP inhibitor that can effectively interact with the active site of VE-PTP to inhibit the activity of VE-PTP. However, the binding pattern of VE-PTP with AKB-9778 and the dynamic implications of AKB-9778 on VE-PTP system at the molecular level are poorly understood. Through molecular docking, it was found that the AKB-9778 was docked well in the binding pocket of VE-PTP by the interactions of hydrogen bond and Van der Waals. Furthermore, after molecular dynamic simulations on VE-PTP system and VE-PTP AKB-9778 system, a series of postdynamic analyses found that the flexibility and conformation of the active site undergone an obvious transition after VE-PTP binding with AKB-9778. Moreover, by constructing the RIN, it was found that the different interactions in the active site were the detailed reasons for the conformational differences between these two systems. Thus, the finding here might provide a deeper understanding of AKB-9778 as VE-PTP Inhibitor.  相似文献   

The function of the E. coli lactose operon requires the binding of the tetrameric repressor protein to the operator DNA. We have previously shown that γ-irradiation destabilises the repressor-operator complex because the repressor gradually loses its DNA-binding ability (Radiat Res 170:604–612, 2008). It was suggested that the observed oxidation of tyrosine residues and the concomitant structural changes of irradiated headpieces (DNA-binding domains of repressor monomers) could be responsible for the inactivation. To unravel the mechanisms that lead to repressor-operator complex destabilisation when tyrosine oxidation occurs, we have compared by molecular dynamic simulations two complexes: (1) the native complex formed by two headpieces and the operator DNA, and (2) the damaged complex, in which all tyrosines are replaced by their oxidation product 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). On a 20 ns time scale, MD results show effects consistent with complex destabilisation: increased flexibility, increased DNA bending, modification of the hydrogen bond network, and decrease of the positive electrostatic potential at the protein surface and of the global energy of DNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

We coupled protein-protein docking procedure with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to investigate the electron transfer (ET) complex Azurin-Cytochrome c551 whose transient character makes difficult a direct experimental investigation. The ensemble of complexes generated by the docking algorithm are filtered according to both the distance between the metal ions in the redox centres of the two proteins and to the involvement of suitable residues at the interface. The resulting best complex (BC) is characterized by a distance of 1.59 nm and involves Val23 and Ile59 of Cytochrome c551. The ET properties have been evaluated in the framework of the Pathways model and compared with experimental data. A 60 ns long MD simulation, carried on at full hydration, evidenced that the two protein molecules retain their mutual spatial positions upon forming the complex. An analysis of the ET properties of the complex, monitored at regular time intervals, has revealed that several different ET paths are possible, with the occasional intervening of water molecules. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of the geometric distance between the two redox centres is characterized by very fast fluctuations around an average value of 1.6 nm, with periodic jumps at 2 nm with a frequency of about 70 MHz. Such a behaviour is discussed in connection with a nonlinear dynamics of protein systems and its possible implications in the ET process are explored.  相似文献   

Majumder R, Roy, S, Thakur AR, J Biomol Struct Dyn .2011 Oct;29(2):297-310. According to a letter that the Journal received as an attachment to an email dated September 27, 2011 from the senior author Prof. Ashoke Ranjan Thakur, they have indicated to have their paper retracted, because an original reviewer raised questions (when he saw the published copy) regarding the correctness assignment of a residue number in their calculation. The authors have already started the recalculation. They intend to submit the whole paper back again for consideration for publication in a future issue of the Journal.  相似文献   

S Sen  L Nilsson 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(4):1782-1800
A 0.7-ns molecular dynamics simulation of the DNA-EcoRI complex in a 7.0-A solvent shell indicated a stable behavior of the system. No significant evaporation or smearing of the solvent's outer boundary occurred. The structure and the intermolecular interactions were found to be well maintained during the simulation. The interaction pattern in the simulation was found to be very similar to that in the crystal structure. Most of the specific interactions between the DNA and the protein were found to be enhanced in the simulation compared to that in the crystal structure as a result of improved interaction geometry. The nonspecific interactions were found to be stronger than the specific ones. The specific interactions between the N7 atoms of Gua(4) or Ade(5) or Ade(6) and the protein were found to be present over almost the entire time of the simulation, whereas hydrogen bonds involving the amino groups of the Ade(5) and Ade(6) with the protein were found to be relatively weaker, with lower probability and shorter lifetime. The time evolution of the root mean square deviations of the DNA and the protein were highly correlated even at the later part of the simulation, showing the tight binding between them. Several long-lived water bridges were found between the DNA backbone atoms and the protein and also between the two protein monomers, which increased the overall stability of the complex. The two protein monomers were found to interact strongly with each other. The energy of the DNA kink deformation was estimated as approximately 31 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

We report on an unrestrained molecular dynamics simulation of the flavin mononucleotide (FMN)–RNA aptamer. The simulated average structure maintains both cross‐strand and intermolecular FMN–RNA nuclear Overhauser effects from the nmr experiments and has all qualitative features of the nmr structure including the G10–U12–A25 base triple and the A13–G24, A8–G28, and G9–G27 mismatches. However, the relative orientation of the hairpin loop to the remaining part of the molecule differs from the nmr structure. The simulation predicts that the flexible phosphoglycerol part of FMN moves toward G27 and forms hydrogen bonds. There are structurally long‐lived water molecules in the FMN binding pocket forming hydrogen bonds within FMN and between FMN and RNA. In addition, long‐lived water is found bridging primarily RNA backbone atoms. A general feature of the environment of long‐lived “structural” water is at least two and in most cases three or four potential acceptor atoms. The 2′‐OH group of RNA usually acts as an acceptor in interactions with the solvent. There are almost no intrastrand O2′H(n)⋮O4′(n + 1) hydrogen bonds within the RNA backbone. In the standard case the preferred orientation of the 2′‐OH hydrogen atoms is approximately toward O3′ of the same nucleotide. However, a relatively large number of conformations with the backbone torsional angle γ in the trans orientation is found. A survey of all experimental RNA x‐ray structures shows that this backbone conformation occurs but is less frequent than found in the simulation. Experimental nmr RNA aptamer structures have a higher fraction of this conformation as compared to the x‐ray structures. The backbone conformation of nucleotide n + 1 with the torsional angle γ in the trans orientation leads to a relatively short distance between 2′‐OH(n) and O5′(n + 1), enabling hydrogen‐bond formation. In this case the preferred orientation of the 2′‐OH hydrogen atom is approximately toward O5′(n + 1). We find two relatively short and dynamically stable types of backbone–backbone next‐neighbor contacts, namely C2′(H)(n)⋮O4′(n + 1) and C5′(H)(n + 1)⋮O2′(n). These interactions may affect both backbone rigidity and thermodynamic stability of RNA helical structures. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 287–302, 1999  相似文献   

Classical molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the nuclear motions associated with photoinduced electron transfer in plastocyanin. The blue copper protein is modeled using a molecular mechanics potential; potential parameters for the copper-protein interactions are determined using an x-ray crystallographic structure and absorption and resonance Raman spectra. Molecular dynamics simulations yield a variety of information about the ground (oxidized) and optically excited (charge-transfer) states: 1) The probability distribution of the potential difference between the states, which is used to determine the coordinate and energy displacements, places the states well within the Marcus inverted region. 2) The two-time autocorrelation function of the difference potential in the ground state and the average of the difference potential after instantaneous excitation to the excited state are very similar (confirming linear response in this system); their decay indicates that vibrational relaxation occurs in about 1 ps in both states. 3) The spectral densities of various internal coordinates begin to identify the vibrations that affect the optical transition; the spectral density of the difference potential correlation function should also prove useful in quantum simulations of the back electron transfer. 4) Correlation functions of the protein atomic motions with the difference potential show that the nuclear motions are correlated over a distance of more than 20 A, especially along proposed electron transport paths.  相似文献   

Crystallographic structures of the mitochondrial ubiquinol/cytochrome c oxidoreductase (cytochrome bc(1) complex) suggest that the mechanism of quinol oxidation by the bc(1) complex involves a substantial movement of the soluble head of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein (ISP) between reaction domains in cytochrome b and cytochrome c(1) subunits. In this paper we report the results of steered molecular dynamics simulations inducing, through an applied torque within 1 ns, a 56 degrees rotation of the soluble domain of ISP. For this purpose, a solvated structure of the bc(1) complex in a phospholipid bilayer (a total of 206,720 atoms) was constructed. A subset of 91,061 atoms was actually simulated with 45,131 moving atoms. Point charge distributions for the force field parametrization of heme groups and the Fe(2)S(2) cluster of the Rieske protein included in the simulated complex were determined. The simulations showed that rotation of the soluble domain of ISP is actually feasible. Several metastable conformations of the ISP during its rotation were identified and the interactions stabilizing the initial, final, and intermediate positions of the soluble head of the ISP domain were characterized. A pathway for proton conduction from the Q(o) site to the solvent via a water channel has been identified.  相似文献   

Irisin is found closely associated with promoting the browning of beige fat cells in white adipose tissue. The crystal structure reveals that irisin forms a continuous inter-subunit β-sheet dimer. Here, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulation were performed to investigate the dissociation process and the intricate interactions between the two irisin monomers. In the process of MD, the interactions between the monomers were roughly analyzed through the average numbers of both hydrophobic contacts and H-bonds. Then, SMD was performed to investigate the accurate interaction energy between the monomers. By the analysis of dissociation energy, the van der Waals (vdW) force was identified as the major energy to maintain the dimer structure, which also verified the results of MD simulation. Meanwhile, 11 essential residues were discovered by the magnitude of rupture force during dissociation. Among them, residues Arg75, Glu79, Ile77, Ala88, and Trp90 were reported in a previous study using the method of mutagenesis and size exclusion chromatography, and several new important residues (Arg72, Leu74, Phe76, Gln78, Val80, and Asp91) were also identified. Interestingly, the new important residues that we discovered and the important residues that were reported are located in the opposite side of the β-sheet of the dimer.  相似文献   

We describe a statistical approach to the validation and improvement of molecular dynamics simulations of macromolecules. We emphasize the use of molecular dynamics simulations to calculate thermodynamic quantities that may be compared to experimental measurements, and the use of a common set of energetic parameters across multiple distinct molecules. We briefly review relevant results from the theory of stochastic processes and discuss the monitoring of convergence to equilibrium, the obtaining of confidence intervals for summary statistics corresponding to measured quantities, and an approach to validation and improvement of simulations based on out-of-sample prediction. We apply these methods to replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations of a set of eight helical peptides under the AMBER potential using implicit solvent. We evaluate the ability of these simulations to quantitatively reproduce experimental helicity measurements obtained by circular dichroism. In addition, we introduce notions of statistical predictive estimation for force-field parameter refinement. We perform a sensitivity analysis to identify key parameters of the potential, and introduce Bayesian updating of these parameters. We demonstrate the effect of parameter updating applied to the internal dielectric constant parameter on the out-of-sample prediction accuracy as measured by cross-validation.  相似文献   

Since neurotransmitter releasing into the synaptic space delivers electrical signals from presynaptic neural cell to the postsynaptic cell, neurotransmitter secretion must be much orchestrated. Crowded intracellular vesicles involving neurotransmitters present a question of the how secretory vesicles fuse onto the plasma membrane in a fast synchronized fashion. Complexin is one of the most experimentally studied proteins that regulate assembly of fusogenic four‐helix SNARE complex to synchronized neurotransmitter secretion. We used MD simulation to investigate the interaction of complexin with the neural SNARE complex in detail. Our results show that the SNARE complex interacts with the complexin central helix by forming salt bridges and hydrogen bonds. Complexin also can interact with the Q‐SNARE complex instead of synaptobrevin to decrease the Q‐SNARE flexibility. The complexin alpha‐accessory helix and the C‐terminal region of synaptobrevin can interact with the same region of syntaxin. Although the alpha‐accessory helix aids the tight binding of the central helix to the SNARE complex, its proximity with synaptobrevin causes the destabilization of syntaxin and Sn1 helices. This study suggests that the alpha‐accessory helix of complexin can be an inhibiting factor for membrane fusion by competing with synaptobrevin for binding to the Q‐SNARE complex. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 560–570, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Rab9 is required for the transport of mannose 6-phosphate receptors to the trans-Golgi network from late endosomes through the interaction with its effector: RhoBTB3. Earlier research indicates the C-terminus of RhoBTB3 (Rho_Cterm) is used for the interaction with Rab9. We used the homology modeling along with the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to study the binding pattern of Rho_Cterm and Rab9 at atomic level. Both modeled structures, Rab9 and Rho_Cterm, are of high quality as suggested by the Ramachandran plot and ProCheck. The complex of Rab9-Rho_Cterm was generated by unrestrained pairwise docking using ZDOCK server. The interface of complex is consistent with the previous experimental data. The results of MD simulation indicate that the binding interface is stable along the simulation process.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of a model membrane with inserted cholesterol molecules have been performed to study the perturbing influence of cholesterol. In the fluid phase of a lipid bilayer at 13 mol% concentration of cholesterol, local ordering of the hydrocarbon chains is induced. This perturbation decays with the distance from the cholesterol, and the effect extends 1.25 nm. It can be monitored in several ways, e.g., by an order parameter corresponding to deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance quadrupolar splittings, by the fraction of gauche bonds, or by the local bilayer thickness. At constant surface density, the local ordering is accompanied by disordering of the bulk phase, and, consequently, the net ordering effect is small. After compressing the system laterally in accordance with experimentally known surface areas, the bulk order parameters agree with those of a pure system, and the average order parameters are in accordance with experimental data. The necessity for this lateral compression is supported by calculated lateral pressures. At lower cholesterol concentration (3%), no direct perturbing effect is observed. A smaller lateral pressure than in a pure system indicates that the system with cholesterol is expected to have a smaller surface area, which would result in an increase of the order parameters, thus accounting for the experimental observations. The lack of spatial variation is, however, puzzling and may indicate a cooperative ordering effect.  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics simulation study is reported for three polymorphic protein crystals (4PTI, 5PTI and 6PTI) of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). The simulated lattice constants are in good agreement with experimental data, indicating the reliability of force field used. The fluctuation patterns of peptide chains in the three crystals are similar, and the protein structures are fairly well maintained during simulation. We observe that water forms a pronounced hydration layer near the protein surface. The diffusion coefficients of water in the three crystals are smaller than in bulk phase, and thus, the activation energies are higher. The porosity, fluctuation of peptide chains and solvent-accessible surface area as well as the diffusion coefficients of water and counterion in 5PTI are the largest among the three crystals. The diffusion of water and counterion is anisotropic, and the degree of anisotropy increases in the order of 4PTI < 5PTI < 6PTI. Despite a slight difference, the structural and diffusion properties in the three BPTI crystals are generally close. This simulation study reveals that crystal polymorphism does not significantly affect microscopic properties in the BPTI crystals with different morphologies.  相似文献   

A review of the works on the computer simulation of the globular protein dynamics is given. Methodological aspects of the simulation procedure are outlined briefly. Main peculiarities of protein dynamics revealed in the course of simulation of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and cytochrome c are presented. The causes of "anomalous" processes, inherent in the simulated behaviour of model proteins are discussed. These "anomalous" processes are: continuous drift of the structure and its deviation from the experimental one, determined by X-ray analysis. Both processes are supposed to be the consequence of the reduced conformational rigidity of the model protein in comparison to the real one. Among the possible reasons for this reduced rigidity absence of the water molecules, hydrating peptide groups in the real protein, may be mentioned. Analogy between "anomalous" processes in the simulated protein dynamics and some phenomena observed in the real proteins during their functioning is drawn.  相似文献   

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