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Meningioma is the most frequent primary central nervous system tumor. The risk of recurrence and the prognosis are correlated with the extent of the resection that ideally encompasses the infiltrated dura mater and, if required, the infiltrated bone. No device can deliver real‐time intraoperative histopathological information on the tumor environment to help the neurosurgeon to achieve a gross total removal. This study assessed the abilities of nonlinear microscopy to provide relevant and real‐time data to help resection of meningiomas. Nine human meningioma samples (four World Health Organization Grade I, five Grade II) were analyzed using different optical modalities: spectral analysis and imaging, lifetime measurements, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, fluorescence emitted under one‐ and two‐photon excitation and the second‐harmonic generation signal imaging using a multimodal setup. Nonlinear microscopy produced images close to histopathology as a gold standard. The second‐harmonic generation signal delineated the collagen background and two‐photon fluorescence underlined cell cytoplasm. The matching between fluorescence images and Hematoxylin and Eosin staining was possible in all cases. Grade I meningioma emitted less autofluorescence than Grade II meningioma and Grade II meningioma exhibited a distinct lifetime value. Autofluorescence was correlated with the proliferation rates and seemed to explain the observed differences between Grade I and II meningiomas. This preliminary multimodal study focused on human meningioma samples confirms the potential of tissue autofluorescence analysis and nonlinear microscopy in helping intraoperatively neurosurgeons to reach the actual boundaries of the tumor infiltration.

Correspondence between H&E staining (top pictures) and the two‐photon fluorescence imaging (bottom pictures)  相似文献   

Molecular bioswitches offer an invaluable asset in the shift from systemic to targeted treatments. Within the growing arsenal of switches are imaging probes that functionalize only in given locations or situations. Acetate esters are a common fluorescent example, known to activate upon interaction with esterases. Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) is one such fluorophore used in cell viability assays. These assays rely on the fact that the compound begins colorless and with no fluorescent signature whatsoever, and only after internalization into cells it is possible to detect a fluorescence signal. In this study, using fluorescence intensity (FI) and fluorescence lifetime (FLT) imaging, FDA is shown to be fluorescent even when unactivated. Furthermore, the FLT is shown to change with pH. Finally, the ability to image FDA in different environments simulated by tissue‐imitating phantoms is explored. Altogether, the ability of FDA to serve as a bioswitch when measured using FLT imaging microscopy (FLIM) is assessed. The combination of a spectrum of FDA activation and FLIM serves as a bioswitch, where biologically relevant stimulation can generate detectable and incremental variations.   相似文献   

The surgical outcome of brain tumor resection and needle biopsy is significantly correlated to the patient's prognosis. Brain tumor surgery is limited to resecting the solid portion of the tumor as current intraoperative imaging modalities are incapable of delineating infiltrative regions. For accurate delineation, in situ tissue interrogation at the submicron scale is warranted. Additionally, multimodal detection is required to remediate the genetically and molecularly heterogeneous nature of brain tumors, notably, that of gliomas, meningioma and brain metastasis. Multimodal detection, such as spectrally‐ and temporally‐resolved fluorescence under one‐ and two‐photon excitation, enables characterizing tissue based on several endogenous optical contrasts. In order to assign the optically‐derived parameters to different tissue types, construction of an optical database obtained from biopsied tissue is warranted. This report showcases the different quantitative and semi‐quantitative optical markers that may comprise the tissue discrimination database. These include: the optical index ratio, the optical redox ratio, the relative collagen density, spectrally‐resolved fluorescence lifetime parameters, two‐photon fluorescence imaging and second harmonic generation imaging.  相似文献   

We have studied caspase-3 activation by combined DNA damage induction and EGFR kinase inhibition in order to identify potential EGFR-mediated survival signals conferring resistance to apoptosis in human colorectal tumor cells. The onset of apoptosis was microscopically imaged with a newly developed caspase-3 substrate sensor based on EGFP and tHcred1, enabling us to monitor caspase-3 activation in cells by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Both optical approaches provide parameters quantitatively reporting the ratio between cleaved and uncleaved sensor, thereby facilitating the comparison of caspase-3 activation between different cells. Using these methods, we show that EGFR kinase inhibitors sensitize colorectal SW-480 tumor cells for 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis, indicating that EGFR-mediated survival signaling contributes to apoptosis resistance via its intrinsic kinase activity.  相似文献   

Acquiring information of the neural structures in the whole‐brain level is vital for systematically exploring mechanisms and principles of brain function and dysfunction. Most methods for whole brain imaging, while capable of capturing the complete morphology of neurons, usually involve complex sample preparation and several days of image acquisition. The whole process including optical clearing or resin embedding is time consuming for a quick survey of the distribution of specific neural circuits in the whole brain. Here, we develop a high‐throughput light‐sheet tomography platform (HLTP), which requires minimum sample preparation. This method does not require optical clearing for block face light sheet imaging. After fixation using paraformaldehyde, an aligned 3 dimensional image dataset of a whole mouse brain can be obtained within 5 hours at a voxel size of 1.30 × 1.30 × 0.92 μm. HLTP could be a very efficient tool for quick exploration and visualization of brain‐wide distribution of specific neurons or neural circuits.   相似文献   

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) is an attractive microscopy method in the life sciences, yielding information on the sample otherwise unavailable through intensity‐based techniques. A novel Noise‐Corrected Principal Component Analysis (NC‐PCA) method for time‐domain FLIM data is presented here. The presence and distribution of distinct microenvironments are identified at lower photon counts than previously reported, without requiring prior knowledge of their number or of the dye's decay kinetics. A noise correction based on the Poisson statistics inherent to Time‐Correlated Single Photon Counting is incorporated. The approach is validated using simulated data, and further applied to experimental FLIM data of HeLa cells stained with membrane dye di‐4‐ANEPPDHQ. Two distinct lipid phases were resolved in the cell membranes, and the modification of the order parameters of the plasma membrane during cholesterol depletion was also detected.

Noise‐corrected Principal Component Analysis of FLIM data resolves distinct microenvironments in cell membranes of live HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging is a versatile laboratory technique in the field of biophotonics and its importance is also growing in the field of in vivo diagnostics for medical purposes. After years of experience in dermatology, endoscopic implementations of the technique are now posing new technical challenges. To develop, test, and compare instrumental solutions for this purpose suitable reference samples have been devised and tested. These reference samples can serve as reliable NADH- and FAD-mimicking optical phantoms for 2-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging, as they can be prepared relatively easily with reproducible and stable characteristics for this quite relevant diagnostic technique. The reference samples (mixtures of coumarin 1 and coumarin 6 in ethanol with suitable amounts of 4-hydroxy-TEMPO) have been tuned to exhibit spectral and temporal fluorescence characteristics very similar to those of NADH and FAD, the two molecules most frequently utilized to characterize cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) and Raman spectroscopy are two promising methods to support morphological intravascular imaging techniques with chemical contrast. Both approaches are complementary and may also be used in combination with OCT/IVUS to add chemical specificity to these morphologic intravascular imaging modalities. In this contribution, both modalities were simultaneously acquired from two human coronary specimens using a bimodal probe. A previously trained SVM model was used to interpret the fluorescence lifetime data; integrated band intensities displayed in RGB false color images were used to interpret the Raman data. Both modalities demonstrate unique strengths and weaknesses and these will be discussed in comparison to histologic analyses from the two coronary arteries imaged.


Confocal fluorescence microscopy enables visualisation and quantitation of fluorescent probes at high resolution deep within intact tissues, with minimal disturbance both of cell–cell interactions and the mechanical, ionic and physiological effects of the extracellular matrix. We illustrate the principles of multiple-parameter 3-D (x,y,z) imaging using reconstruction of nuclear channels in mammalian cells. Repeated sampling in time generates 4-D (x,y,z,t) images which can be used to follow dynamic changes, such as blue-light-dependent chloroplast re-orientation, in intact tissues. Quantitative measurements from multi-dimensional images require calibration of the spatial dimensions of the image and the fluorescence intensity response. This must be determined throughout the volume, which must be sampled to correct for geometric distortion as well as photometric errors arising from the complete optical system, including the specimen. The effects of specimen calibration are illustrated for morphological analysis of stomatal closing responses to abscisic acid in Commelina from 4-D images. Calibrated 4-D imaging allows direct volume measurements and we have followed volume regulation of chondrocytes in cartilage explants during osmotic perturbation. In intact cartilage, unlike in isolated cells, the chondrocytes exhibit volume regulatory mechanisms. In other cases, the fluorescence intensity of the probe may be related to a physiological parameter of interest and changes in its distribution within the cell. Optical sectioning permits discrimination of signal in separate compartments within the cell and can be used to follow transport events between different organelles. We illustrate 3-D (x,y,t) measurements of vacuolar glutathione conjugate pump activity in intact roots of Arabidopsis by following the sequestration of a fluorescent conjugate between glutathione and monochlorobimane. Dynamic measurements of protein localisation are now possible following the introduction of chimeric fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequoria victoria. We have analysed the disposition of heterochromatin in nuclei of living Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells expressing a chimeric construct between Swi6 and GFP. Heterochromatin dynamics can be followed throughout mitosis in 4-D (x,y,z,t) images. Statistical analysis of the fluorescence histograms from each nucleus over time provides quantitative support for aggregation and dispersion of Swi6-GFP clusters during mitosis, rather than dissociation of Swi6 from the heterochromatin. A wide range of single-wavelength and ratio probes are available for imaging different ion activities. We compare 3-D (x,y,t) measurements of ion activities made using single-wavelength (Fluo-3 for calcium) and ratio (BCECF for pH) measurements, using stomatal responses in Vicia faba to peptides from the auxin-binding protein of maize and tip growth in pollen tubes of Lilium longiflorum as examples. Ratioing techniques have many advantages for quantitative fluorescence measurements and we conclude with a discussion of techniques to develop ratioing of single-wavelength probes against alternative references, such as DNA, protein or cell wall material.Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Endocannabinoids are lipid mediators thought to modulate central and peripheral neural functions. We report here gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry analysis of human brain, showing that lipid extracts contain anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), the most active endocannabinoids known to date. Human brain also contained the endocannabinoid-like compounds N-oleoylethanolamine, N-palmitoylethanolamine and N-stearoylethanolamine. Anandamide and 2-AG (0.16 +/- 0.05 and 0.10 +/- 0.05 nmol/mg protein, respectively) represented 7.7% and 4.8% of total endocannabinoid-like compounds, respectively. N-Palmitoyethanolamine was the most abundant (50%), followed by N-oleoyl (23.6%) and N-stearoyl (13.9%) ethanolamines. A similar composition in endocannabinoid-like compounds was found in human neuroblastoma CHP100 and lymphoma U937 cells, and also in rat brain. Remarkably, human meningioma specimens showed an approximately six-fold smaller content of all N-acylethanolamines, but not of 2-AG, and a similar decrease was observed in a human glioblastoma. These ex vivo results fully support the purported roles of endocannabinoids in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are routinely used in the biopharmaceutical industry for production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Although multiple offline and time-consuming measurements of spent media composition and cell viability assays are used to monitor the status of culture in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, the day-to-day changes in the cellular microenvironment need further in-depth characterization. In this study, two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (2P-FLIM) was used as a tool to directly probe into the health of CHO cells from a bioreactor, exploiting the autofluorescence of intracellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAD(P)H), an enzymatic cofactor that determines the redox state of the cells. A custom-built multimodal microscope with two-photon FLIM capability was utilized to monitor changes in NAD(P)H fluorescence for longitudinal characterization of a changing environment during cell culture processes. Three different cell lines were cultured in 0.5 L shake flasks and 3 L bioreactors. The resulting FLIM data revealed differences in the fluorescence lifetime parameters, which were an indicator of alterations in metabolic activity. In addition, a simple principal component analysis (PCA) of these optical parameters was able to identify differences in metabolic progression of two cell lines cultured in bioreactors. Improved understanding of cell health during antibody production processes can result in better streamlining of process development, thereby improving product titer and verification of scale-up. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use FLIM as a label-free measure of cellular metabolism in a biopharmaceutically relevant and clinically important CHO cell line.  相似文献   

Dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has been utilised to study the post-mortem distribution of aluminium in air-dried frozen sections from unfixed, unstained human brain in order to minimise contamination of the tissue and avoid redistribution and extraction of endogenous tissue aluminium. Substrates, sputter-coated with silver, were found to be free of focal aluminum surface contamination and thus minimised substrate induced artefacts in the tissue aluminium ion image. SIMS imaging of aluminium secondary ions at a mass resolution that eliminated the major molecular interferences, combined with a photomontage technique provided a unique strategy for studying aluminium distribution in tissue unrivalled by other spatially resolved microanalytical techniques such as laser microprobe mass spectrometry or X-ray microanalysis. Using this strategy, high densities of focal aluminium accumulations have been demonstrated in the cerebral cortex of the majority of chronic renal dialysis patients studied. In contrast, such aluminium accumulations were absent in control patients. SIMS imaging of aluminium appeared to provide much better discrimination between the dialysis patient group and the control group than one of the most widely used techniques for measuring aluminium in bulk samples, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Preliminary studies have shown the feasibility of quantifying focal aluminium SIMS images obtained from brain tissue using aluminium-loaded brain homogenates as reference standards.  相似文献   

Time resolved spectroscopic measurements with single‐photon and multi‐photon excitation of native molecules were performed ex vivo on brain tissues from an Alzheimer's disease (AD) and a wild type (WT) mouse model using a streak camera. The fluorescence decay times of native NADH and FAD show a longer relaxation time in AD than in WT tissue, suggesting less non‐radiative processes in AD. The longer emission time of AD may be attributed to the coupling of the key native building block molecules to the amyloid‐tau and/or to the caging of the native fluorophores by the deposition of amyloid‐beta or tau plaques and neurofibrillary tangles that affect the local non‐radiative interactions.


Fluorescence lifetime measurements can provide quantitative readouts of local fluorophore environment and can be applied to biomolecular interactions via Förster resonant energy transfer (FRET). Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) can therefore provide a high content analysis (HCA) modality to map protein‐protein interactions (PPIs) with applications in drug discovery, systems biology and basic research. We present here an automated multiwell plate reader able to perform rapid unsupervised optically sectioned FLIM of fixed and live biological samples and illustrate its potential to assay PPIs through application to Gag protein aggregation during the HIV life cycle. We demonstrate both hetero‐FRET and homo‐FRET readouts of protein aggregation and report the first quantitative evaluation of a FLIM HCA assay by generating dose response curves through addition of an inhibitor of Gag myristoylation. Z ′ factors exceeding 0.6 are realised for this FLIM FRET assay. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Monitoring fluorescence properties of endogenous fluorophores such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) in normal and cancerous cells provide substantial information noninvasively on biochemical and biophysical aspects of metabolic dysfunction of cancerous cells. Time‐resolved spectral profiles and fluorescence lifetime images of NADH and FAD were obtained in human lung nonsmall carcinomas (H661 and A549) and normal lung cells (MRC‐5). Both fluorophores show the fast and slowly decaying emission components upon pulsed excitation, and fluorescence spectra of NADH and FAD show blue‐ and red‐shifts, respectively, during their decay. All identified lifetime components of NADH and FAD were found to be shorter in cancerous cells than in normal cells, no matter how they were measured under different extra‐cellular conditions (cells suspended in cuvette and cells attached on glass substrate), indicating that the changes in metabolism likely altered the subcellular milieu and potentially also affected the interaction of NADH and FAD with enzymes to which these cofactors were bound. The intensity ratio of NADH and FAD of cancerous cells was also shown to be larger than that of normal cells.  相似文献   

Cell death plays a critical role in health and homeostasis as well as in the pathogenesis and treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases and can be broadly divided into two main categories: apoptosis, or programmed cell death, and necrosis, or acute cell death. While these processes have been characterized extensively in vitro, label‐free detection of apoptosis and necrosis at the cellular level in vivo has yet to be shown. In this study, for the first time, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) of intracellular reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) was utilized to assess the metabolic response of in vivo mouse epidermal keratinocytes following induction of apoptosis and necrosis. Results show significantly elevated levels of both the mean lifetime of NADH and the intracellular ratio of protein bound‐to‐free NADH in the apoptotic compared to the necrotic tissue. In addition, the longitudinal profiles of these two cell death processes show remarkable differences. By identifying and extracting these temporal metabolic signatures, apoptosis in single cells can be studied in native tissue environments within the living organism.


We demonstrate an accurate quantitative characterization of absolute two‐ and three‐photon absorption (2PA and 3PA) action cross sections of a genetically encodable fluorescent marker Sypher3s. Both 2PA and 3PA action cross sections of this marker are found to be remarkably high, enabling high‐brightness, cell‐specific two‐ and three‐photon fluorescence brain imaging. Brain imaging experiments on sliced samples of rat's cortical areas are presented to demonstrate these imaging modalities. The 2PA action cross section of Sypher3s is shown to be highly sensitive to the level of pH, enabling pH measurements via a ratiometric readout of the two‐photon fluorescence with two laser excitation wavelengths, thus paving the way toward fast optical pH sensing in deep‐tissue experiments.  相似文献   

Anthocyanins are flavonoid pigments that accumulate in most seed plants. They are synthesized in the cytoplasm but accumulate inside the vacuoles. Anthocyanins are pigmented at the lower vacuolar pH, but in the cytoplasm they can be visualized based on their fluorescence properties. Thus, anthocyanins provide an ideal system for the development of new methods to investigate cytoplasmic pools and association with other molecular components. We have analyzed the fluorescence decay of anthocyanins by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), in both in vitro and in vivo conditions, using wild‐type and mutant Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Within plant cells, the amplitude‐weighted mean fluorescence lifetime (τm) correlated with distinct subcellular localizations of anthocyanins. The vacuolar pool of anthocyanins exhibited shorter τm than the cytoplasmic pool. Consistently, lowering the pH of anthocyanins in solution shortened their fluorescence decay. We propose that FLIM is a useful tool for understanding the trafficking of anthocyanins and, potentially, for estimating vacuolar pH inside intact plant cells.  相似文献   

Although methods for light microscopy of chromatin are well established, there are no quantitative data for nucleosome concentrations in vivo. To establish such a method we used a HeLa clone expressing the core histone H2B fused to the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (H2B-EYFP). Quantitative gel electrophoresis and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of isolated oligonucleosomes show that 5% of the total H2Bs carry the fluorescent tag and an increased nucleosome repeat length of 204 bp for the fluorescent cells. In vivo, the mobility and distribution of H2B-EYFP were studied with a combination of FCS and confocal imaging. With FCS, concentration and brightness of nascent molecules were measured in the cytoplasm, while in the nucleoplasm a background of mobile fluorescent histones was determined by continuous photobleaching. Combining these results allows converting confocal fluorescence images of nuclei into calibrated nucleosome density maps. Absolute nucleosome concentrations in interphase amount up to 250 microM locally, with mean values of 140(+/-28)microM, suggesting that a condensation-controlled regulation of site accessibility takes place at length scales well below 200 nm.  相似文献   

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