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Morphological changes in the outer retina such as drusen are established biomarkers to diagnose age‐related macular degeneration. However, earlier diagnosis might be possible by taking advantage of more subtle changes that accompany tissues that bear polarization‐altering properties. To test this hypothesis, we developed a method based on polarization‐sensitive optical coherence tomography with which volumetric data sets of the macula were obtained from 10 young (<25 years) and 10 older (>54 years) subjects. All young subjects and 5 of the older subjects had retardance values induced by the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch's membrane (RPE‐BM) complex that were just above the noise floor measurement (5°‐13° at 840 nm). In contrast, elevated retardance, up to 180°, was observed in the other 5 older subjects. Analysis of the degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) demonstrates that reduced DOPU (<0.4) in the RPE is associated with elevated double pass phase retardation (DPPR) below the RPE‐BM complex, suggesting that the observed elevated DPPR in older subjects is the result of increased scattering or polarization scrambling. Collectively, our measurements show that the outer retina can undergo dramatic change in its polarization properties with age, and in some cases still retain its clinically normal appearance.   相似文献   

We show that polarization‐sensitive optical coherence tomography angiography (PS‐OCTA) based on full Jones matrix assessment of speckle decorrelation offers improved contrast and depth of vessel imaging over conventional OCTA. We determine how best to combine the individual Jones matrix elements and compare the resulting image quality to that of a conventional OCT scanner by co‐locating and imaging the same skin locations with closely matched scanning setups. Vessel projection images from finger and forearm skin demonstrate the benefits of Jones matrix‐based PS‐OCTA. Our study provides a promising starting point and a useful reference for future pre‐clinical and clinical applications of Jones matrix‐based PS‐OCTA.  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a functional extension of optical coherence tomography for non-invasive in vivo three-dimensional imaging of the microvasculature of biological tissues. Several algorithms have been developed to construct OCTA images from the measured optical coherence tomography signals. In this study, we compared the performance of three OCTA algorithms that are based on the variance of phase, amplitude, and the complex representations of the optical coherence tomography signals for rodent retinal imaging, namely the phase variance, improved speckle contrast, and optical microangiography. The performance of the different algorithms was evaluated by comparing the quality of the OCTA images regarding how well the vasculature network can be resolved. Quantities that are widely used in ophthalmic studies including blood vessel density, vessel diameter index, vessel perimeter index, vessel complexity index were also compared. Results showed that both the improved speckle contrast and optical microangiography algorithms are more robust than phase variance, and they can reveal similar vasculature features while there are statistical differences in the calculated quantities.  相似文献   

A single‐channel high‐resolution cross‐polarization (CP) optical coherence tomography (OCT) system is presented for multicontrast imaging of human myocardium in one‐shot measurement. The intensity and functional contrasts, including the ratio between the cross‐ and co‐polarization channels as well as the cumulative retardation, are reconstructed from the CP‐OCT readout. By comparing the CP‐OCT results with histological analysis, it is shown that the system can successfully delineate microstructures in the myocardium and differentiate the fibrotic myocardium from normal or ablated myocardium based on the functional contrasts provided by the CP‐OCT system. The feasibility of using A‐line profiles from the 2 orthogonal polarization channels to identify fibrotic myocardium, normal myocardium and ablated lesion is also discussed.   相似文献   

Wide‐field optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is gaining interest in clinical imaging applications. In this pursuit, it is challenging to maintain the imaging resolution and sensitivity throughout the wide field of view (FoV). Here, we propose a novel method/system of dual‐beam arrangement and Fourier‐domain multiplexing to achieve wide‐field OCTA when imaging the uneven surface samples. The proposed system provides 2 separate FoVs, with flexibility that the imaging area, focus of the imaging beam and imaging depth range can be individually adjusted for each FoV, leading to either (1) increased system imaging FoV or (2) capability of targeting 2 regions of interests that locate at depths with large difference between each other. We demonstrate this novel method by employing 100 kHz laser source in a swept source OCTA to achieve an effective 200 kHz sweeping rate, covering a 22 × 22 mm FoV. The results are verified by a SS‐OCTA system employing a 200 kHz laser source, together with the experimental demonstrations when imaging whole brain vasculature in rodent models and skin blood perfusion in human fingers, show‐casing the capability of proposed system to image live large samples with complex surface topography.   相似文献   

Previous studies for melanin visualization in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) have exploited either its absorption properties (using photoacoustic tomography or photothermal optical coherence tomography [OCT]) or its depolarization properties (using polarization sensitive OCT). However, these methods are only suitable when the melanin concentration is sufficiently high. In this work, we present the concept of hyperspectral OCT for melanin visualization in the RPE when the concentration is low. Based on white light OCT, a hyperspectral stack of 27 wavelengths (440‐700 nm) was created in post‐processing for each depth‐resolved image. Owing to the size and shape of the melanin granules in the RPE, the variations in backscattering coefficient as a function of wavelength could be identified—a result which is to be expected from Mie theory. This effect was successfully identified both in eumelanin‐containing phantoms and in vivo in the low‐concentration Brown Norway rat RPE.   相似文献   

The investigation of lung dynamics on alveolar scale is crucial for the understanding and treatment of lung diseases, such as acute lung injury and ventilator induced lung injury, and to promote the development of protective ventilation strategies. One approach to this is the establishment of numerical simulations of lung tissue mechanics where detailed knowledge about three‐dimensional alveolar structure changes during the ventilation cycle is required. We suggest four‐dimensional optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging as a promising modality for visualizing the structural dynamics of single alveoli in subpleural lung tissue with high temporal resolution using a mouse model. A high‐speed OCT setup based on Fourier domain mode locked laser technology facilitated the acquisition of alveolar structures without noticeable motion artifacts at a rate of 17 three‐dimensional stacks per ventilation cycle. The four‐dimensional information, acquired in one single ventilation cycle, allowed calculating the volume‐pressure curve and the alveolar compliance for single alveoli. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

To quantify differences in nerve fiber layer thickness measurements by various spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography (SD‐OCT) systems, we developed a phantom eye model. We tested twelve SD‐OCT systems of four manufacturers. All systems combined overestimated the 49 µm thick phantom RNFL thickness on average by 18 µm. Within brands, thickness measurements differed statistically significant for one Topcon, one RTVue and one Cirrus. Between brands, thickness determined with RTVue and Topcon differed statistically significant from Cirrus and Spectralis. The maximum difference between mean thicknesses is 3.6 µm within brands and 7.7 µm between brands. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A compact high‐speed full‐field optical coherence microscope has been developed for high‐resolution in vivo imaging of biological tissues. The interferometer, in the Linnik configuration, has a size of 11 × 11 × 5 cm3 and a weight of 210 g. Full‐field illumination with low‐coherence light is achieved with a high‐brightness broadband light‐emitting diode. High‐speed full‐field detection is achieved by using part of the image sensor of a high‐dynamic range CMOS camera. En face tomographic images are acquired at a rate of 50 Hz, with an integration time of 0.9 ms. The image spatial resolution is 0.9 μm × 1.2 μm (axial × transverse), over a field of view of 245 × 245 μm2. Images of human skin, revealing in‐depth cellular‐level structures, were obtained in vivo and in real‐time without the need for stabilization of the subject. The system can image larger fields, up to 1 × 1 mm2, but at a reduced depth.   相似文献   

Optical coupling between a single, individually addressable neuron and a properly designed optical fiber is demonstrated. Two‐photon imaging is shown to enable a quantitative in situ analysis of such fiber–single‐neuron coupling in the live brain of transgenic mice. Fiber‐optic interrogation of single pyramidal neurons in mouse brain cortex is performed with the positioning of the fiber probe relative to the neuron accurately mapped by means of two‐photon imaging. These results pave the way for fiber‐optic interfaces to single neurons for a stimulation and interrogation of individually addressable brain cells in chronic in vivo studies on freely behaving transgenic animal models, as well as the integration of fiber‐optic single‐neuron stimulation into the optical imaging framework.


We applied three‐dimensional (3D) analysis to optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) to measure macular ischemia in eyes affected by non‐proliferative diabetic retinopathy (DR). A previously validated algorithm was applied to OCTA data in order to obtain 3D visualization of the retinal vasculature. Successively, a global thresholding algorithm was applied and two novel quantitative metrics were introduced: 3D vascular volume and 3D perfusion density. Two‐dimensional (2D) OCTA metrics were also obtained with different binarization thresholds for comparison. Of the 30 patients included, 15 were diagnosed with DR and 15 were controls. The 3D vascular volume and 3D perfusion density were reduced in DR eyes (P < .0001). The 2D variables also significantly differ between groups. The 3D perfusion density had the highest area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (0.964) among tested variables. Assessing quantitative perfusion using 3D analysis is reliable and promising, and with an elevated diagnostic efficacy in identifying DR eyes.  相似文献   

A polarization‐multiplexed, dual‐beam setup is proposed to expand the field of view (FOV) for a swept source optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) system. This method used a Wollaston prism to split sample path light into 2 orthogonal‐polarized beams. This allowed 2 beams to shine on the cornea at an angle separation of ~14°, which led to a separation of ~4.2 mm on the retina. A 3‐mm glass plate was inserted into one of the beam paths to set a constant path length difference between the 2 polarized beams so the interferogram from the 2 beams are coded at different frequency bands. The resulting OCTA images from the 2 beams were coded with a depth separation of ~2 mm. A total of 5 × 5 mm2 angiograms from the 2 beams were obtained simultaneously in 4 seconds. The 2 angiograms then were montaged to get a wider FOV of ~5 × 9.2 mm2.   相似文献   

Non‐invasive and quantitative estimations for the delineation of sub‐surface tumor margins could greatly aid in the early detection and monitoring of the morphological appearances of tumor growth, ensure complete tumor excision without the unnecessary sacrifice of healthy tissue, and facilitate post‐operative follow‐up for recurrence. In this study, a high‐speed, non‐invasive, and ultra‐high‐resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography (UHR‐SDOCT) imaging platform was developed for the quantitative measurement of human sub‐surface skin mass. With a proposed robust, semi‐automatic analysis, the system can rapidly quantify lesion area and shape regularity by an en‐face‐oriented algorithm. Various sizes of nylon sutures embedded in pork skin were used first as a phantom to verify the accuracy of our algorithm, and then in vivo, feasibility was proven using benign human angiomas and pigmented nevi. Clinically, this is the first step towards an automated skin lesion measurement system.

In vivo optical coherence tomography (OCT) image of angioma (A). Thin red arrows point to a blood vessel (BV).  相似文献   

Retina, the only light sensor in the human eye, is hidden and extremely fragile. Optimized animal models and efficient imaging techniques are very important for the study of retinopathy. In this work, the rapid retinal injury process and the long‐term retinal repair process were in vivo continuously evaluated with a novel imaging technology spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography (SD‐OCT) in a unique animal model zebrafish. Acute retinal injury was constructed on adult zebrafish by needle injection surgery. SD‐OCT imaging was carried out immediately after the mechanical injury. The retinal hemorrhage, which lasted only 5 seconds, could be visualized dynamically by SD‐OCT. The process of blood clearance and retinal repair was also evaluated because SD‐OCT imaging is nondestructive. Both SD‐OCT imaging results and behavioral analyzing results demonstrated that zebrafish retina could be repaired by itself within 15 days, which was confirmed by the results of pathological experiment.  相似文献   

Core‐shell nanostructures associated with photonics techniques have found innumerous applications in diagnostics and therapy. In this work, we introduce a novel core‐shell nanostructure design that serves as a multimodal optical imaging contrast agent for dental adhesion evaluation. This nanostructure consists of a rare‐earth‐doped (NaYF4:Yb 60%, Tm 0.5%)/NaYF4 particle as the core (hexagonal prism, ~51 nm base side length) and the highly refractive TiO2 material as the shell (~thickness of 15 nm). We show that the TiO2 shell provides enhanced contrast for optical coherence tomography (OCT), while the rare‐earth‐doped core upconverts excitation light from 975 nm to an emission peaked at 800 nm for photoluminescence imaging. The OCT and the photoluminescence wide‐field images of human tooth were demonstrated with this nanoparticle core‐shell contrast agent. In addition, the described core‐shell nanoparticles (CSNps) were dispersed in the primer of a commercially available dental bonding system, allowing clear identification of dental adhesive layers with OCT. We evaluated that the presence of the CSNp in the adhesive induced an enhancement of 67% scattering coefficient to significantly increase the OCT contrast. Moreover, our results highlight that the upconversion photoluminescence in the near‐infrared spectrum region is suitable for image of deep dental tissue.   相似文献   

Endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive technology allowing for imaging of tissue microanatomies of luminal organs in real time. Conventional endoscopic OCT operates at 1300 nm wavelength region with a suboptimal axial resolution limited to 8‐20 μm. In this paper, we present the first ultrahigh‐resolution tethered OCT capsule operating at 800 nm and offering about 3‐ to 4‐fold improvement of axial resolution (plus enhanced imaging contrast). The capsule uses diffractive optics to manage chromatic aberration over a full ~200 nm spectral bandwidth centering around 830 nm, enabling to achieve super‐achromaticity and an axial resolution of ~2.6 μm in air. The performance of the OCT capsule is demonstrated by volumetric imaging of swine esophagus ex vivo and sheep esophagus in vivo, where fine anatomic structures including the sub‐epithelial layers are clearly identified. The ultrahigh resolution and excellent imaging contrast at 800 nm of the tethered capsule suggest the potential of the technology as an enabling tool for surveillance of early esophageal diseases on awake patients without the need for sedation.   相似文献   

We propose a cross‐scanning optical coherence tomography (CS‐OCT) system to correct eye motion artifacts in OCT angiography images. This system employs a dual‐illumination configuration with two orthogonally polarized beams, each of which simultaneously perform raster scanning in perpendicular direction with each other over the same area. In the reference arm, a polarization delay unit is used to acquire the two orthogonally polarized interferograms with a single photo detector by introducing different optical delay lines. The two cross‐scanned volume data are affected by the same eye motion but in two orthogonal directions. We developed a motion correction algorithm, which removes artifacts in the slow axis of each angiogram using the other and merges them through a nonrigid registration algorithm. In this manner, we obtained a motion‐corrected angiogram within a single volume scanning time without additional eye‐tracking devices.  相似文献   

Optical coherence Doppler tomography (ODT) increasingly attracts attention because of its unprecedented advantages with respect to high contrast, capillary‐level resolution and flow speed quantification. However, the trade‐off between the signal‐to‐noise ratio of ODT images and A‐scan sampling density significantly slows down the imaging speed, constraining its clinical applications. To accelerate ODT imaging, a deep‐learning‐based approach is proposed to suppress the overwhelming phase noise from low‐sampling density. To handle the issue of limited paired training datasets, a generative adversarial network is performed to implicitly learn the distribution underlying Doppler phase noise and to generate the synthetic data. Then a 3D based convolutional neural network is trained and applied for the image denoising. We demonstrate this approach outperforms traditional denoise methods in noise reduction and image details preservation, enabling high speed ODT imaging with low A‐scan sampling density.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a non‐invasive approach to determine azimuth and elevation angles of collagen fibers capable of generating second harmonic signal. The azimuth angle was determined using the minimum of second harmonic generation (SHG) signal while rotating the plane of polarization of excitation light. The elevation angle was estimated from the ratio of the minimal SHG intensity to the intensity when laser polarization and fiber directions were parallel to each other using experimentally determined calibration curve. Pixel‐resolution images of collagen fiber spatial orientation in tendon from bovine leg, chicken leg, and chicken skin were acquired using our approach of SHG polarization‐resolved microscopy. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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