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JiaBei Lin  Aaron L. Lucius 《Proteins》2015,83(11):2008-2024
Escherichia coli ClpB is a heat shock protein that belongs to the AAA+ protein superfamily. Studies have shown that ClpB and its homologue in yeast, Hsp104, can disrupt protein aggregates in vivo. It is thought that ClpB requires binding of nucleoside triphosphate to assemble into hexameric rings with protein binding activity. In addition, it is widely assumed that ClpB is uniformly hexameric in the presence of nucleotides. Here we report, in the absence of nucleotide, that increasing ClpB concentration leads to ClpB hexamer formation, decreasing NaCl concentration stabilizes ClpB hexamers, and the ClpB assembly reaction is best described by a monomer, dimer, tetramer, hexamer equilibrium under the three salt concentrations examined. Further, we found that ClpB oligomers exhibit relatively fast dissociation on the time scale of sedimentation. We anticipate our studies on ClpB assembly to be a starting point to understand how ClpB assembly is linked to the binding and disaggregation of denatured proteins. Proteins 2015; 83:2008–2024. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: The protein quality control network (pQC) plays critical roles in maintaining protein and cellular homeostasis, especially during stress. Lon is a major pQC AAA+ protease, conserved from bacteria to human mitochondria. It is the principal enzyme that degrades most unfolded or damaged proteins. Degradation by Lon also controls cellular levels of several key regulatory proteins. Recently, our group determined that Escherichia coli Lon, previously thought to be an obligate homo‐hexamer, also forms a dodecamer. This larger assembly has decreased ATPase activity and displays substrate‐specific alterations in degradation compared with the hexamer. Here we experimentally probe the physical hexamer–hexamer interactions and the biological roles of the Lon dodecamer. Using structure prediction methods coupled with mutagenesis, we identified a key interface and specific residues within the Lon N domain that participates in an intermolecular coiled coil unique to the dodecamer. With this knowledge, we made a Lon variant (LonVQ) that forms a dodecamer with increased stability, as determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. Using this altered Lon, we characterize the Lon dodecamer's activities using a panel of substrates. Lon dodecamers are clearly functional, and complement critical lon‐ phenotypes but also exhibit altered substrate specificity. For example, the small heat shock proteins IbpA and IbpB are only efficiently degraded well by the hexamer. Thus, by elucidating the intermolecular contacts connecting the hexamers, we are starting to illuminate how dodecamer formation versus disassembly can alter Lon function under conditions where controlling specific activities and substrate preferences of this key protease may be advantageous.  相似文献   

Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a key enzyme of the nucleoside salvage pathway and is characterized by complex kinetics. It was suggested that this is due to coexistence of various oligomeric forms that differ in specific activity. In this work, the molecular architecture of Escherichia coli PNP in solution was studied by analytical ultracentrifugation and CD spectroscopy. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis revealed a homohexameric molecule with molecular mass 150+/-10 kDa, regardless of the conditions investigated-protein concentration, 0.18-1.7 mg/mL; presence of up to 10 mM phosphate and up to 100 mM KCl; temperature, 4-20 degrees C. The parameters obtained from the self-associating model also describe the hexameric form. Sedimentation velocity experiments conducted for broad protein concentration range (1 microg/mL-1.3 mg/mL) with boundary (classical) and band (active enzyme) approaches gave s(0)20,w=7.7+/-0.3 and 8.3+/-0.4 S, respectively. The molecular mass of the sedimenting particle (146+/-30 kDa), calculated using the Svedberg equation, corresponds to the mass of the hexamer. Relative values of the CD signal at 220 nm and the catalytic activity of PNP as a function of GdnHCl concentration were found to be correlated. The transition from the native state to the random coil is a single-step process. The sedimentation coefficient determined at 1 M GdnHCl (at which the enzyme is still fully active) is 7.7 S, showing that also under these conditions the hexamer is the only catalytically active form. Hence, in solution similar to the crystal, E. coli PNP is a hexameric molecule and previous suggestions for coexistence of two oligomeric forms are incorrect.  相似文献   

The trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP) negatively regulates expression of the tryptophan biosynthesis genes of Bacillus subtilis. In the presence of tryptophan, TRAP is activated to bind to the 5'-leader region of the trp mRNA resulting in termination prior to the structural genes. In addition, accumulation of uncharged tRNA(Trp) induces synthesis of anti-TRAP (AT), which binds to TRAP and inhibits its function. Both of these proteins consist of oligomers of identical subunits. Here, we characterize the self-association of each of these proteins and the TRAP-AT interaction in free solution using equilibrium and velocity analytical ultracentrifugation. TRAP exists as a stable 11-mer in the absence and in the presence of tryptophan. Tryptophan binding induces a conformational change in TRAP. AT exists in a reversible equilibrium between trimer and dodecamer with an equilibrium constant of approximately 3 x 10(14)M(-3). About 20% of the trimer is incompetent to form dodecamer. The AT equilibrium is slow on the time-scale of the velocity experiment. Formation of TRAP-AT complexes occurs only in the presence of tryptophan. A complex containing one TRAP 11-mer and one AT 12-mer forms with high affinity. At higher ratios of TRAP:AT complexes containing two TRAP 11-mers and one AT 12-mer are detected. A model for the structure of the complex is proposed.  相似文献   

AMPA and kainate receptors mediate fast synaptic transmission. AMPA receptor ligand‐binding domains form dimers, which are key functional units controlling ion‐channel activation and desensitization. Dimer stability is inversely related to the rate and extent of desensitization. Kainate and AMPA receptors share common structural elements, but functional measurements suggest that subunit assembly and gating differs between these subtypes. To investigate this, we constructed a library of GluR6 kainate receptor mutants and directly measured changes in kainate receptor dimer stability by analytical ultracentrifugation, which, combined with electrophysiological experiments, revealed an inverse correlation between dimer stability and the rate of desensitization. We solved crystal structures for a series of five GluR6 mutants, to understand the molecular mechanisms for dimer stabilization. We demonstrate that the desensitized state of kainate receptors acts as a deep energy well offsetting the stabilizing effects of dimer interface mutants, and that the deactivation of kainate receptor responses is dominated by entry into desensitized states. Our results show how neurotransmitter receptors with similar structures and gating mechanisms can exhibit strikingly different functional properties.  相似文献   

ClpB is a member of the bacterial protein-disaggregating chaperone machinery and belongs to the AAA(+) superfamily of ATPases associated with various cellular activities. The mechanism of ClpB-assisted reactivation of strongly aggregated proteins is unknown and the oligomeric state of ClpB has been under discussion. Sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity show that, under physiological ionic strength in the absence of nucleotides, ClpB from Escherichia coli undergoes reversible self-association that involves protein concentration-dependent populations of monomers, heptamers, and intermediate-size oligomers. Under low ionic strength conditions, a heptamer becomes the predominant form of ClpB. In contrast, ATP gamma S, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, as well as ADP stabilize hexameric ClpB. Consistently, electron microscopy reveals that ring-type oligomers of ClpB in the absence of nucleotides are larger than those in the presence of ATP gamma S. Thus, the binding of nucleotides without hydrolysis of ATP produces a significant change in the self-association equilibria of ClpB: from reactions supporting formation of a heptamer to those supporting a hexamer. Our results show how ClpB and possibly other related AAA(+) proteins can translate nucleotide binding into a major structural transformation and help explain why previously published electron micrographs of some AAA(+) ATPases detected both six- and sevenfold particle symmetry.  相似文献   

The innate immune system is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. The retinoic acid‐inducible gene I (RIG‐I) like receptors (RLRs), RIG‐I and melanoma differentiation‐associated protein 5 (MDA5), are critical for host recognition of viral RNAs. These receptors contain a pair of N‐terminal tandem caspase activation and recruitment domains (2CARD), an SF2 helicase core domain, and a C‐terminal regulatory domain. Upon RLR activation, 2CARD associates with the CARD domain of MAVS, leading to the oligomerization of MAVS, downstream signaling and interferon induction. Unanchored K63‐linked polyubiquitin chains (polyUb) interacts with the 2CARD domain, and in the case of RIG‐I, induce tetramer formation. However, the nature of the MDA5 2CARD signaling complex is not known. We have used sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation to compare MDA5 2CARD and RIG‐I 2CARD binding to polyUb and to characterize the assembly of MDA5 2CARD oligomers in the absence of polyUb. Multi‐signal sedimentation velocity analysis indicates that Ub4 binds to RIG‐I 2CARD with a 3:4 stoichiometry and cooperatively induces formation of an RIG‐I 2CARD tetramer. In contrast, Ub4 and Ub7 interact with MDA5 2CARD weakly and form complexes with 1:1 and 2:1 stoichiometries but do not induce 2CARD oligomerization. In the absence of polyUb, MDA5 2CARD self‐associates to forms large oligomers in a concentration‐dependent manner. Thus, RIG‐I and MDA5 2CARD assembly processes are distinct. MDA5 2CARD concentration‐dependent self‐association, rather than polyUb binding, drives oligomerization and MDA5 2CARD forms oligomers larger than tetramer. We propose a mechanism where MDA5 2CARD oligomers, rather than a stable tetramer, function to nucleate MAVS polymerization.  相似文献   

The analytical ultracentrifuge (AUC) is a powerful biophysical tool that allows us to record macromolecular sedimentation profiles during high speed centrifugation. When properly planned and executed, an AUC sedimentation velocity or sedimentation equilibrium experiment can reveal a great deal about a protein in regards to size and shape, sample purity, sedimentation coefficient, oligomerization states and protein-protein interactions.This technique, however, requires a rigorous level of technical attention. Sample cells hold a sectored center piece sandwiched between two window assemblies. They are sealed with a torque pressure of around 120-140 in/lbs. Reference buffer and sample are loaded into the centerpiece sectors and then after sealing, the cells are precisely aligned into a titanium rotor so that the optical detection systems scan both sample and reference buffer in the same radial path midline through each centerpiece sector while rotating at speeds of up to 60, 000 rpm and under very high vacuumNot only is proper sample cell assembly critical, sample cell components are very expensive and must be properly cared for to ensure they are in optimum working condition in order to avoid leaks and breakage during experiments. Handle windows carefully, for even the slightest crack or scratch can lead to breakage in the centrifuge. The contact between centerpiece and windows must be as tight as possible; i.e. no Newton s rings should be visible after torque pressure is applied. Dust, lint, scratches and oils on either the windows or the centerpiece all compromise this contact and can very easily lead to leaking of solutions from one sector to another or leaking out of the centerpiece all together. Not only are precious samples lost, leaking of solutions during an experiment will cause an imbalance of pressure in the cell that often leads to broken windows and centerpieces. In addition, plug gaskets and housing plugs must be securely in place to avoid solutions being pulled out of the centerpiece sector through the loading holes by the high vacuum in the centrifuge chamber. Window liners and gaskets must be free of breaks and cracks that could cause movement resulting in broken windows.This video will demonstrate our procedures of sample cell assembly, torque, loading and rotor alignment to help minimize component damage, solution leaking and breakage during the perfect AUC experiment.  相似文献   

The complex dynamic behavior of microtubules (MTs) is believed to be primarily due to the αβ‐tubulin dimer architecture and its intrinsic GTPase activity. Hence, a detailed knowledge of the conformational variations of isolated α‐GTP‐β‐GTP‐ and α‐GTP‐β‐GDP‐tubulin dimers in solution and their implications to interdimer interactions and stability is directly relevant to understand the MT dynamics. An attempt has been made here by combining molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and protein–protein docking studies that unravels key structural features of tubulin dimer in different nucleotide states and correlates their association to tubulin assembly. Results from simulations suggest that tubulin dimers and oligomers attain curved conformations in both GTP and GDP states. Results also indicate that the tubulin C‐terminal domain and the nucleotide state are closely linked. Protein–protein docking in combination with MD simulations suggest that the GTP‐tubulin dimers engage in relatively stronger interdimer interactions even though the interdimer interfaces are bent in both GTP and GDP tubulin complexes, providing valuable insights on in vitro finding that GTP‐tubulin is a better assembly candidate than GDP‐tubulin during the MT nucleation and elongation processes. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 99: 282–291, 2013.  相似文献   

Stalled DNA replication forks can result in incompletely replicated genomes and cell death. DNA replication restart pathways have evolved to deal with repair of stalled forks and E. coli Rep helicase functions in this capacity. Rep and an accessory protein, PriC, assemble at a stalled replication fork to facilitate loading of other replication proteins. A Rep monomer is a rapid and processive single stranded (ss) DNA translocase but needs to be activated to function as a helicase. Activation of Rep in vitro requires self-assembly to form a dimer, removal of its auto-inhibitory 2B sub-domain, or interactions with an accessory protein. Rep helicase activity has been shown to be stimulated by PriC, although the mechanism of activation is not clear. Using stopped flow kinetics, analytical sedimentation and single molecule fluorescence methods, we show that a PriC dimer activates the Rep monomer helicase and can also stimulate the Rep dimer helicase. We show that PriC can self-assemble to form dimers and tetramers and that Rep and PriC interact in the absence of DNA. We further show that PriC serves as a Rep processivity factor, presumably co-translocating with Rep during DNA unwinding. Activation is specific for Rep since PriC does not activate the UvrD helicase. Interaction of PriC with the C-terminal acidic tip of the ssDNA binding protein, SSB, eliminates Rep activation by stabilizing the PriC monomer. This suggests a likely mechanism for Rep activation by PriC at a stalled replication fork.  相似文献   

A sensitive method is proposed for the determination of small differences between the buoyant densities of different species of monodisperse macromolecules by analytical density gradient equilibrium centrifugation. The procedure involves the measurement at sedimentation equilibrium of the bandwidths of the concentration distribution of the separate macromolecules and of a mixture of the different species. The difference in buoyant densities can then be estimated from the difference between the bandwidths.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70) are a family of molecular chaperones involved in protein folding, aggregate prevention, and protein disaggregation. They consist of the substrate‐binding domain (SBD) that binds client substrates, and the nucleotide‐binding domain (NBD), whose cycles of nucleotide hydrolysis and exchange underpin the activity of the chaperone. To characterize the structure–function relationships that link the binding state of the NBD to its conformational behavior, we analyzed the dynamics of the NBD of the Hsp70 chaperone from Bos taurus (PDB 3C7N:B) by all‐atom canonical molecular dynamics simulations. It was found that essential motions within the NBD fall into three major classes: the mutual class, reflecting tendencies common to all binding states, and the ADP‐ and ATP‐unique classes, which reflect conformational trends that are unique to either the ADP‐ or ATP‐bound states, respectively. “Mutual” class motions generally describe “in‐plane” and/or “out‐of‐plane” (scissor‐like) rotation of the subdomains within the NBD. This result is consistent with experimental nuclear magnetic resonance data on the NBD. The “unique” class motions target specific regions on the NBD, usually surface loops or sites involved in nucleotide binding and are, therefore, expected to be involved in allostery and signal transmission. For all classes, and especially for those of the “unique” type, regions of enhanced mobility can be identified; these are termed “hot spots,” and their locations generally parallel those found by NMR spectroscopy. The presence of magnesium and potassium cations in the nucleotide‐binding pocket was also found to influence the dynamics of the NBD significantly. Proteins 2015; 83:282–299. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The molecular mass and sedimentation coefficient of native C-reactive protein in solution were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation in the presence and absence of calcium ions. Pentameric C-reactive protein was shown to be the major macroscopic form of this protein in solution. The removal of calcium ions from solution caused decompaction of the protein accompanied by changes in its hydrodynamic parameters. The sedimentation coefficient s 0 20,w of pentameric C-reactive protein in solution containing 2 mM Ca2+ (6.6S) exceeded that for C-reactive protein in solution containing 2 mM EDTA (6.4S). Analysis of average molecular masses M w and M z obtained from sedimentation data demonstrated that the solution of highly purified protein was not homogeneous. As shown by intermolecular crosslinking, the solution also contained the 241-kDa decamer of C-reactive protein (9.5S) as a separate macroscopic form, whose share hardly reached 10% in the presence of 2 mM Ca2+ and increased after removal of calcium ions. The decamers were shown to result from intermolecular association of the pentamers.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli UvrD is a non‐ring‐shaped model helicase, displaying a 3′—5′ polarity in DNA unwinding. Using a transverse magnetic tweezer and DNA hairpins, we measured the unwinding kinetics of UvrD at various DNA‐destabilizing forces. The multiform patterns of unwinding bursts and the distributions of the off‐times favour the mechanism that UvrD unwinds DNA as a dimer. The two subunits of the dimer coordinate to unwind DNA processively. They can jointly switch strands and translocate backwards on the other strand to allow slow (~40 bp/s) rewinding, or unbind simultaneously to allow quick rehybridization. Partial dissociation of the dimer results in pauses in the middle of the unwinding or increases the translocation rate from ~40 to ~150 nt/s in the middle of the rewinding. Moreover, the unwinding rate was surprisingly found to decrease from ~45 to ~10 bp/s when the force is increased from 2 to 12 pN. The results lead to a strained‐inchworm mechanism in which a conformational change that bends and tenses the ssDNA is required to activate the dimer.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli ClpA protein is a molecular chaperone that binds and translocates protein substrates into the proteolytic cavity of the tetradecameric serine protease ClpP. In the absence of ClpP, ClpA can remodel protein complexes. In order for ClpA to bind protein substrates targeted for removal or remodeling, ClpA requires nucleoside triphosphate binding to first assemble into a hexamer. Here we report the assembly properties of ClpA in the presence of the nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates ADP, adenosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate, adenosine 5′-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate, β,γ-methyleneadenosine 5′-triphosphate, and adenosine diphosphate beryllium fluoride. In addition to examining the assembly of ClpA in the presence of various nucleotides and nucleotide analogues, we have also correlated the assembly state of ClpA in the presence of these nucleotides with both polypeptide binding activity and enzymatic activity, specifically ClpA-catalyzed polypeptide translocation. Here we show that all of the selected nucleotides, including ADP, promote the assembly of ClpA. However, only adenosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate and adenosine 5′-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate promote the formation of an oligomer of ClpA that is active in polypeptide binding and translocation. These results suggest that the presence of γ phosphate may serve to switch ClpA into a conformational state with high peptide binding activity, whereas affinity is severely attenuated when ADP is bound.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(9):113061
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ClpB reactivates aggregated proteins in cooperation with DnaK/J. The ClpB monomer contains two nucleotide‐binding domains (D1, D2), a coiled‐coil domain, and an N‐terminal domain attached to D1 with a 17‐residue‐long unstructured linker containing a Gly‐Gly motif. The ClpB‐mediated protein disaggregation is linked to translocation of substrates through the central channel in the hexameric ClpB, but the events preceding the translocation are poorly understood. The N‐terminal domains form a ring surrounding the entrance to the channel and contribute to the aggregate binding. It was suggested that the N‐terminal domain's mobility that is maintained by the unstructured linker might control the efficiency of aggregate reactivation. We produced seven variants of ClpB with modified sequence of the N‐terminal linker. To increase the linker's conformational flexibility, we inserted up to four Gly next to the GG motif. To decrease the linker's flexibility, we deleted the GG motif and converted it into GP and PP. We found that none of the linker modifications inhibited the basal ClpB ATPase activity or its capability to form oligomers. However, the modified linker ClpB variants showed lower reactivation rates for aggregated glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase and firefly luciferase and a lower aggregate‐binding efficiency than wt ClpB. We conclude that the linker does not merely connect the N‐terminal domain, but it supports the chaperone activity of ClpB by contributing to the efficiency of aggregate binding and disaggregation. Moreover, our results suggest that selective pressure on the linker sequence may be crucial for maintaining the optimal efficiency of aggregate reactivation by ClpB. Proteins 2012; © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The kinase PKR is a central component of the interferon antiviral pathway. PKR is activated upon binding double-stranded (ds) RNA to undergo autophosphorylation. Although PKR is known to dimerize, the relationship between dimerization and activation remains unclear. Here, we directly characterize dimerization of PKR in free solution using analytical ultracentrifugation and correlate self-association with autophosphorylation activity. Latent, unphosphorylated PKR exists predominantly as a monomer at protein concentrations below 2 mg/ml. A monomer sedimentation coefficient of s(20,w)(0)=3.58 S and a frictional ratio of f/f(0)=1.62 indicate an asymmetric shape. Sedimentation equilibrium measurements indicate that PKR undergoes a weak, reversible monomer-dimer equilibrium with K(d)=450 microM. This dimerization reaction serves to initiate a previously unrecognized dsRNA-independent autophosphorylation reaction. The resulting activated enzyme is phosphorylated on the two critical threonine residues present in the activation loop and is competent to phosphorylate the physiological substrate, eIF2alpha. Dimer stability is enhanced by approximately 500-fold upon autophosphorylation. We propose a chain reaction model for PKR dsRNA-independent activation where dimerization of latent enzyme followed by intermolecular phosphorylation serves as the initiation step. Subsequent propagation steps likely involve phosphorylation of latent PKR monomers by activated enzyme within high-affinity heterodimers. Our results support a model whereby dsRNA functions by bringing PKR monomers into close proximity in a manner that is analogous to the dimerization of free PKR.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ClpB is a molecular chaperone that belongs to the Clp/Hsp100 family of AAA+ proteins. ClpB is able to form a hexameric ring structure to catalyze protein disaggregation with the assistance of the DnaK chaperone system. Our knowledge of the mechanism of how ClpB recognizes its substrates is still limited. In this study, we have quantitatively investigated ClpB binding to a number of unstructured polypeptides using steady‐state anisotropy titrations. To precisely determine the binding affinity for the interaction between ClpB hexamers and polypeptide substrates the titration data were subjected to global non‐linear least squares analysis incorporating the dynamic equilibrium of ClpB assembly. Our results show that ClpB hexamers bind tightly to unstructured polypeptides with binding affinities in the range of ~3–16 nM. ClpB exhibits a modest preference of binding to Peptide B1 with a binding affinity of (1.7 ± 0.2) nM. Interestingly, we found that ClpB binds to an unstructured polypeptide substrate of 40 and 50 amino acids containing the SsrA sequence at the C‐terminus with an affinity of (12 ± 3) nM and (4 ± 2) nM, respectively. Whereas, ClpB binds the 11‐amino acid SsrA sequence with an affinity of (140 ± 20) nM, which is significantly weaker than other polypeptide substrates that we tested here. We hypothesize that ClpB, like ClpA, requires substrates with a minimum length for optimal binding. Finally, we present evidence showing that multiple ClpB hexamers are involved in binding to polypeptides ≥152 amino acids. Proteins 2015; 83:117–134. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hexameric AAA+ ATPases induce conformational changes in a variety of macromolecules. AAA+ structures contain the nucleotide‐binding P‐loop with the Walker A sequence motif: GxxGxGK(T/S). A subfamily of AAA+ sequences contains Asn in the Walker A motif instead of Thr or Ser. This noncanonical subfamily includes torsinA, an ER protein linked to human dystonia and DnaC, a bacterial helicase loader. Role of the noncanonical Walker A motif in the functionality of AAA+ ATPases has not been explored yet. To determine functional effects of introduction of Asn into the Walker A sequence, we replaced the Walker‐A Thr with Asn in ClpB, a bacterial AAA+ chaperone which reactivates aggregated proteins. We found that the T‐to‐N mutation in Walker A partially inhibited the ATPase activity of ClpB, but did not affect the ClpB capability to associate into hexamers. Interestingly, the noncanonical Walker A sequence in ClpB induced preferential binding of ADP vs. ATP and uncoupled the linkage between the ATP‐bound conformation and the high‐affinity binding to protein aggregates. As a consequence, ClpB with the noncanonical Walker A sequence showed a low chaperone activity in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrate a novel role of the Walker‐A Thr in sensing the nucleotide's γ‐phosphate and in maintaining an allosteric linkage between the P‐loop and the aggregate binding site of ClpB. We postulate that AAA+ ATPases with the noncanonical Walker A might utilize distinct mechanisms to couple the ATPase cycle with their substrate‐remodeling activity.  相似文献   

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