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We propose an orthogonal-polarization-gating optical coherence tomography (OPG-OCT) for human sweat ducts in vivo. OPG-OCT is composed of the orthogonal linearly polarized light of a sample arm individually interfering with orthogonal linearly polarized lights of the reference arms, where OPG-OCT induces two images, one reflecting the projection intensity and the other the horizontal linear diattenuation (HLD). The results demonstrate that OPG-OCT projection intensity could improve the image quality of sweat ducts. HLD also clearly illustrates the spiral shape of the sweat ducts. Finally, sweat ducts in intensity image are segmented by employing convolutional neural networks (CNN). The proportions of left-handed and right-handed ducts are extracted to characterize the sweat ducts based on HLD. Therefore, the OPG-OCT technique employing CNN for the human sweat glands has the potential to automatically identify the human sweat ducts in vivo.  相似文献   

We present the proof of concept of a general model that uses the tissue sample transmittance as input to estimate the depth‐resolved attenuation coefficient of tissue samples using optical coherence tomography (OCT). This method allows us to obtain an image of tissue optical properties instead of intensity contrast, guiding diagnosis and tissues differentiation, extending its application from thick to thin samples. The performance of our method was simulated and tested with the assistance of a home built single‐layered and multilayered phantoms (~100 μm each layer) with known attenuation coefficient on the range of 0.9 to 2.32 mm?1. It is shown that the estimated depth‐resolved attenuation coefficient recovers the reference values, measured by using an integrating sphere followed by the inverse adding doubling processing technique. That was corroborated for all situations when the correct transmittance value is used with an average difference of 7%. Finally, we applied the proposed method to estimate the depth‐resolved attenuation coefficient for a thin biological sample, demonstrating the ability of our method on real OCT images.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using optical coherence tomography (OCT) to identify internal brain lesions, specifically intracerebral hemorrhage, without dissection. Mice with artificially injected brain hematomas were used to test the OCT system, and the recorded images were compared with microscopic images of the same mouse brains after hematoxylin and eosin staining. The intracranial structures surrounding the hematomas were clearly visualized by the OCT system without dissection. These images reflect the ability of OCT to determine the extent of a lesion in several planes. OCT is a useful technology, and these findings could be used as a starting point for future research in intraoperative imaging.  相似文献   

Quantifying the mechanical properties of the iris can offer valuable insights into the pathophysiology of primary angle closure glaucoma. However, current techniques for iris elastography remain ex vivo with limited clinical applications. This article describes a proposition for a non-contact and non-invasive air-puff optical coherence elastography (OCE) system that can evaluate iris elasticity in vivo. Ten eyes recruited from seven subjects underwent OCE imaging acquisition under three different illumination conditions. The Young's modulus of each eye was detected and shown to be inversely proportional to the iris length, indicating a relationship between mechanical properties and morphology of the iris. With its noninvasive and high-resolution features, this air-puff system shows great potential for applications in clinical ophthalmology.  相似文献   

This study aims to characterize biochemical and morphological variations of the clinically relevant anatomical locations of in vivo oral tissue (ie, alveolar process, lateral tongue and floor of the mouth) by using hybrid Raman spectroscopy (RS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) technique. A total of 1049 in vivo fingerprint (FP: 800‐1800 cm?1) and high wavenumber (HW: 2800‐3600 cm?1) Raman spectra were acquired from different oral tissue (alveolar process = 331, lateral tongue = 339 and floor of mouth = 379) of 26 normal subjects in the oral cavity under the OCT imaging guidance. The total Raman dataset were split into 2 parts: 80% for training and 20% for testing. Tissue optical attenuation coefficients of alveolar process, lateral tongue and the floor of the mouth were derived from OCT images, revealing the inter‐anatomical morphological differences; while RS uncovers subtle FP/HW Raman spectral differences among different oral tissues that can be attributed to the differences in inter‐ and intra‐cellular proteins, lipids, DNA and water structures and conformations, enlightening biochemical variability of different oral tissues at the molecular level. Partial least squares‐discriminant analysis implemented on the training dataset show that the integrated tissue optical attenuation coefficients and FP/HW Raman spectra provide diagnostic sensitivities of 99.6%, 82.3%, 50.2%, and specificities of 97.0%, 75.1%, 92.1%, respectively, which are superior to using either RS (sensitivities of 90.2%, 77.5%, 48.8%, and specificities of 95.8%, 72.1%, 88.8%) or optical attenuation coefficients derived from OCT (sensitivities of 75.0%, 78.2%, 47.2%, and specificities of 96.2%, 67.7%, 85.0%) for the differentiation among alveolar process, lateral tongue and the floor of the mouth. Furthermore, the diagnostic algorithms applied to the independent testing dataset based on hybrid RS‐OCT technique gives predictive diagnostic sensitivities of 100%, 76.5%, 51.3%, and specificities of 95.1%, 77.6%, 89.6%, respectively, for the classifications among alveolar process, lateral tongue and the floor of the mouth, which performs much better than either RS or optical attenuation coefficient derived from OCT imaging. This work suggests that inter‐anatomical morphological and biochemical variability are significant which should be considered as an important parameter in the interpretation and rendering of hybrid RS‐OCT technique for oral tissue diagnosis and characterization.   相似文献   

Neurotrophic keratopathy (NK) is a rare degenerative corneal disorder characterized by instability of epithelial integrity with consequent epithelial defects that can worsen up to persistent epithelial defects with stromal melting and ulceration. The pathogenesis of NK springs from a variable degree of damage to the trigeminal nerve plexus, leading to a reduction or total loss of corneal sensitivity. Mackie classification (1995) distinguishes three stages of NK, based on the severity of clinical presentation. The technological innovations in corneal diagnostic imaging allow clinicians to accurately study the morphometry and morphology of corneal structure with microscopic resolution. In this study, 45 patients affected by NK at different stages underwent in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) and anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) with particular attention to analyze subbasal nerve plexus fibers and the stromal structure. At the light of IVCM and AS-OCT observations, we propose a different staging of NK with respect to the Mackie's classification that takes into account the severity of subbasal nerve fibers damage and the extension in depth of stromal ulceration; this classification better defines, at the time of diagnosis, the cellular and structural alterations in the affected corneas, with possible prognostic and therapeutic values in the management of NK.  相似文献   

The formation of biofilms in the endotracheal tubes (ETTs) of intubated patients on mechanical ventilation is associated with a greater risk of ventilator‐associated pneumonia and death. New technologies are needed to detect and monitor ETTs in vivo for the presence of these biofilms. Longitudinal OCT imaging was performed in mechanically ventilated subjects at 24‐hour intervals until extubation to detect the formation and temporal changes of in vivo ETT biofilms. OCT‐derived attenuation coefficient images were used to differentiate between mucus and biofilm. Extubated ETTs were examined with optical and electron microscopy, and all imaging results were correlated with standard‐of‐care clinical test reports. OCT and attenuation coefficient images from four subjects were positive for ETT biofilms and were negative for two subjects. The processed and stained extubated ETTs and clinical reports confirmed the presence/absence of biofilms in all subjects. Our findings confirm that OCT can detect and differentiate between biofilm‐positive and biofilm‐negative groups (P < 10?5). OCT image‐based features may serve as biomarkers for direct in vivo detection of ETT biofilms and help drive investigation of new management strategies to reduce the incidence of VAP.   相似文献   

We tried to explore the intrinsic differences in the optical properties of the four representative NPC cell lines on the models of radiobiology and metastasis by OCT. The scattering coefficients and anisotropies were extracted by fitting the average a‐scan attenuation curves based on the multiple scatter effect. The values of scattering coefficients and anisotropy factors were 5.21 ± 0.11, 5.30 ± 0.09, 5.92 ± 0.21, 6.97 ± 0.22, and 0.892 ± 0.009, 0.886 ± 0.006, 0.884 ± 0.009, 0.86 ± 0.01 for CNE1, CNE2, 5‐8F and 6‐10B pellets (p < 0.05, P = 0.07 for CNE1 and CNE2), respectively. The results showed that the radiobiology and metastasis cell's model could be distinguished obviously; which implied that the corresponding types of NPC tissue might be potentially differentiated by OCT. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

With homemade active crystalline fibers, we generated bright and broadband light sources for full-field optical coherence tomography, offering deep penetration into skin tissues with cellular resolution at a high frame rate. Extraction of backscattered spectra from the tissue has potential applications in biomedicine. The hysteresis nonlinearity of the piezoelectric transducer actuating the Mirau interferometer has been greatly reduced by a feedforward compensation approach. The linearized hysteresis response enables us to extract depth-dependent spectra accurately. To validate, the complex dispersion of a fused silica plate was characterized with 2% error. Further validation on an in vitro setting, the backscattered spectra from indocyanine green pigment and nonpigmented microspheres were obtained and verified. For in vivo skin measurement, the backscattered spectra show depth-dependent spectral shift and bandwidth variation due to the complex skin anatomy and pigment absorption. Such a high-speed spectra acquisition of in vivo deep tissue backscattering could lead to disease diagnosis in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Investigations of the tympanic membrane (TM) can have an important impact on understanding the sound conduction in the ear and can therefore support the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the middle ear. High‐speed Doppler optical coherence tomography (OCT) has the potential to describe the oscillatory behaviour of the TM surface in a phase‐sensitive manner and additionally allows acquiring a three‐dimensional image of the underlying structure. With repeated sound stimuli from 0.4 kHz to 6.4 kHz, the whole TM can be set in vibration and the spatially resolved frequency response functions (FRFs) of the tympanic membrane can be recorded. Typical points, such as the umbo or the manubrium of malleus, can be studied separately as well as the TM surface with all stationary and wave‐like vibrations. Thus, the OCT methodology can be a promising technique to distinguish between normal and pathological TMs and support the differentiation between ossicular and membrane diseases. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Embolectomy is one of the emergency procedures performed to remove emboli. Assessing the composition of human blood clots is an important diagnostic factor and could provide guidance for an appropriate treatment strategy for interventional physicians. Immunostaining has been used to identity compositions of clots as a gold-standard procedure, but it is time-consuming and cannot be performed in situ. Here, we proposed that the optical attenuation coefficient of optical coherence tomography (OCT) can be a reliable indicator as a new imaging modality to differentiate clot compositions. Fifteen human blood clots with multiple red blood cell (RBC) compositions from 21% to 95% were prepared using healthy human whole blood. A homogeneous gelatin phantom experiment and numerical simulation based on the Lambert–Beer's law were examined to verify the validity of the attenuation coefficient estimation. The results displayed that optical attenuation coefficients were strongly correlated with RBC compositions. We reported that attenuation coefficients could be a promising biomarker to guide the choice of an appropriate interventional device in a clinical setting and assist in characterizing blood clots.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to establish a novel method for continuously monitoring thrombus progression with various outcome measures and to assess the efficacy of antithrombotic drugs in murine thrombosis model in mice. In the study, thrombus was induced in the femoral vein of mice by FeCl3 and monitored over time by spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Three‐dimensional images of thrombi with or without heparin as an antithrombotic agent were obtained from OCT angiography. In addition, several parameters of thrombi were analyzed and compared between control and anticoagulant groups. By using OCT, we were able to trace thrombus generation in the same mouse in real time. We found that in our model heparin reduced thrombus size by ~60% and thrombus cross‐sectional area by 50%. OCT results also show that both time to thrombus size (>0.02mm3) and time to occlusion (>30%) were significantly reduced after heparin addition. This study demonstrates that OCT reliably monitors thrombus generation and progression from various aspects including thrombus size. This enables us to measure the kinetic of thrombosis more accurately, and effectively evaluate the efficacy and activities of antithrombotic drugs. This model may represent a useful tool in antithrombotic drug discoveries in preclinical studies.   相似文献   

A major challenge in biophotonics is multimodal imaging to obtain both morphological and molecular information at depth. We demonstrate a hybrid approach integrating optical coherence tomography (OCT) with wavelength modulated spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (WM‐SORS). With depth colocalization obtained from the OCT, we can penetrate 1.2‐mm deep into strong scattering media (lard) to acquire up to a 14‐fold enhancement of a Raman signal from a hidden target (polystyrene) with a spatial offset. Our approach is capable of detecting both Raman and OCT signals for pharmaceutical particles embedded in turbid media and revealing the white matter at depth within a 0.6‐mm thick brain tissue layer. This depth resolved label‐free multimodal approach is a powerful route to analyze complex biomedical samples.   相似文献   

Imaging the structural modifications of underlying tissues is vital to monitor wound healing. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images high-resolution sub-surface information, but suffers a loss of intensity with depth, limiting quantification. Hence correcting the attenuation loss is important. We performed swept source-OCT of full-thickness excision wounds for 300 days in mice skin. We used single-scatter attenuation models to determine and correct the attenuation loss in the images. The phantom studies established the correspondence of corrected-OCT intensity (reflectivity) with matrix density and hydration. We histologically validated the corrected-OCT and measured the wound healing rate. We noted two distinct phases of healing—rapid and steady-state. We also detected two compartments in normal scars using corrected OCT that otherwise were not visible in the OCT scans. The OCT reflectivity in the scar compartments corresponded to distinct cell populations, mechanical properties and composition. OCT reflectivity has potential applications in evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of healing and characterizing scars.  相似文献   

High‐definition optical coherence tomography (HD‐OCT) scanners have recently been developed. We assessed micromorphological HD‐OCT correlates of benign naevi (BN) and malignant melanoma (MM). 28 BN and 20 MM were studied using HD‐OCT and histology. Epidermal honeycomb/cobblestone pattern, regular junctional cell nests, and edged papillae are more often observed in BN, whereas fusion of rete ridges, pagetoid cells and junctional and/or dermal nests with atypical cells are more frequently seen in MM. A high overlap of HD‐OCT features in BN and MM was observed and in 20% of MM we did not find evidence for malignancy in OCT images at all. Using HD‐OCT it is possible to visualize architectural and cellular alterations of melanocytic skin lesions. The overlap of HD‐OCT features seen in BN and MM and the absence of suspicious HD‐OCT features in some MM represents an important limitation of HD‐OCT affecting the sensitivity of HD‐OCT in diagnosing MM.

High‐definition optical coherence tomography and the corresponding vertically sectioned histology of a compound naevus.  相似文献   

Imaging of cardiac tissue structure plays a critical role in the treatment and understanding of cardiovascular disease. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) offers the potential to provide valuable, high‐resolution imaging of cardiac tissue. However, there is a lack of comprehensive OCT imaging data of the human heart, which could improve identification of structural substrates underlying cardiac abnormalities. The objective of this study was to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of OCT image features throughout the human heart. Fifty human hearts were acquired, and tissues from all chambers were imaged with OCT. Histology was obtained to verify tissue composition. Statistical differences between OCT image features corresponding to different tissue types and chambers were estimated using analysis of variance. OCT imaging provided features that were able to distinguish structures such as thickened collagen, as well as adipose tissue and fibrotic myocardium. Statistically significant differences were found between atria and ventricles in attenuation coefficient, and between adipose and all other tissue types. This study provides an overview of OCT image features throughout the human heart, which can be used for guiding future applications such as OCT‐integrated catheter‐based treatments or ex vivo investigation of structural substrates.  相似文献   

Decreased mobility of the human eardrum, the tympanic membrane (TM), is an essential indicator of a prevalent middle ear infection. The current diagnostic method to assess TM mobility is via pneumatic otoscopy, which provides subjective and qualitative information of subtle motion. In this study, a handheld spectral-domain pneumatic optical coherence tomography system was developed to simultaneously measure the displacement of the TM, air pressure inputs applied to a sealed ear canal, and to perform digital pneumatic otoscopy. A novel approach based on quantitative parameters is presented to characterize spatial and temporal variations of the dynamic TM motion. Furthermore, the TM motions of normal middle ears are compared with those of ears with middle ear infections. The capability of noninvasively measuring the rapid motion of the TM is beneficial to understand the complex dynamics of the human TM, and can ultimately lead to improved diagnosis and management of middle ear infections.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of the near‐infrared attenuation coefficient, measured using optical coherence tomography (OCT), in longitudinal assessment of hypertrophic burn scars undergoing fractional laser treatment. The measurement method incorporates blood vessel detection by speckle decorrelation and masking, and a robust regression estimator to produce 2D en face parametric images of the attenuation coefficient of the dermis. Through reliable co‐location of the field of view across pre‐ and post‐treatment imaging sessions, the study was able to quantify changes in the attenuation coefficient of the dermis over a period of ~20 weeks in seven patients. Minimal variation was observed in the mean attenuation coefficient of normal skin and control (untreated) mature scars, as expected. However, a significant decrease (13 ± 5%, mean ± standard deviation) was observed in the treated mature scars, resulting in a greater distinction from normal skin in response to localized damage from the laser treatment. By contrast, we observed an increase in the mean attenuation coefficient of treated (31 ± 27%) and control (27 ± 20%) immature scars, with numerical values incrementally approaching normal skin as the healing progressed. This pilot study supports conducting a more extensive investigation of OCT attenuation imaging for quantitative longitudinal monitoring of scars.

En face 2D OCT attenuation coefficient map of a treated immature scar derived from the pre‐treatment (top) and the post‐treatment (bottom) scans. (Vasculature (black) is masked out.) The scale bars are 0.5 mm.  相似文献   

In mammals, preimplantation development primarily occurs in the oviduct (or fallopian tube) where fertilized oocytes migrate through, develop and divide as they prepare for implantation in the uterus. Studies of preimplantation development currently rely on ex vivo experiments with the embryos cultured outside of the oviduct, neglecting the native environment for embryonic growth. This prevents the understanding of the natural process of preimplantation development and the roles of the oviduct in early embryonic health. Here, we report an in vivo optical imaging approach enabling high‐resolution visualizations of developing embryos in the mouse oviduct. By combining optical coherence microscopy (OCM) and a dorsal imaging window, the subcellular structures and morphologies of unfertilized oocytes, zygotes and preimplantation embryos can be well resolved in vivo, allowing for the staging of development. We present the results together with bright‐field microscopy images to show the comparable imaging quality. As the mouse is a well‐established model with a variety of genetic engineering strategies available, the in vivo imaging approach opens great opportunities to investigate how the oviduct and early embryos interact to prepare for successful implantation. This knowledge could have beneficial impact on understanding infertility and improving in vitro fertilization. OCM through a dorsal imaging window enables high‐resolution imaging and staging of mouse preimplantation embryos in vivo in the oviduct.   相似文献   

A preliminary clinical trial using state‐of‐the‐art multiphoton tomography (MPT) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) for three‐dimensional (3D) multimodal in vivo imaging of normal skin, nevi, scars and pathologic skin lesions has been conducted. MPT enabled visualization of sub‐cellular details with axial and transverse resolutions of <2 μm and <0.5 μm, respectively, from a volume of 0.35 × 0.35 × 0.2 mm3 at a frame rate of 0.14 Hz (512 × 512 pixels). State‐of‐the‐art OCT, operating at a center wavelength of 1300 nm, was capable of acquiring 3D images depicting the layered architecture of skin with axial and transverse resolutions ~8 μm and ~20 μm, respectively, from a volume of 7 × 3.5 × 1.5 mm3 at a frame rate of 46 Hz (1024 × 1024 pixels). This study demonstrates the clinical diagnostic potential of MPT/OCT for pre‐screening relatively large areas of skin using 3D OCT to identify suspicious regions at microscopic level and subsequently using high resolution MPT to obtain zoomed in, sub‐cellular level information of the respective regions (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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