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For both fundamental study of biological processes and early diagnosis of diseases, information about nanoscale changes in tissue and cell structure is crucial. Nowadays, almost all currently known nanoscopy methods rely upon the contrast created by fluorescent stains attached to the object or molecule of interest. This causes limitations due to the impact of the label on the object and its environment, as well as its applicability in vivo, particularly in humans. In this paper, a new label‐free approach to visualize small structure with nano‐sensitivity to structural alterations is introduced. Numerically synthesized profiles of the axial spatial frequencies are used to probe the structure within areas whose size can be beyond the diffraction resolution limit. Thereafter, nanoscale structural alterations within such areas can be visualized and objects, including biological ones, can be investigated with sub‐wavelength resolution, in vivo, in their natural environment. Some preliminary results, including numerical simulations and experiments, which demonstrate the nano‐sensitivity and super‐resolution ability of our approach, are presented.   相似文献   

In this paper, a spectroscopic method for determination of cyclosporine concentrations in biological fluids is presented. Blood plasma and hemoglobin solutions are chosen for the experiment. For various cyclosporine concentrations in blood plasma and hemoglobin, absorbance measurements in spectra range from 600 to 1100 nm are performed. The measurement results are analyzed by the use of a dedicated algorithm. The obtained data are characterized by a high coefficient of correlation R2, which is equal to 0.9461 and 0.9808 for blood plasma and hemoglobin, respectively. The proposed method enables the selective detection of cyclosporine level and could be applied in medicine and laboratory diagnostics. The obtained result can be the base to build the point‐of‐care CsA level detection optical sensor.   相似文献   

In this work, we report a biopsy‐needle compatible rigid probe, capable of performing three‐dimensional (3D) two‐photon optical biopsy. The probe has a small outer diameter of 1.75 mm and fits inside a gauge‐14 biopsy needle to reach internal organs. A carefully designed focus scanning mechanism has been implemented in the rigid probe, which, along with a rapid two‐dimensional MEMS scanner, enables 3D imaging. Fast image acquisition up to 10 frames per second is possible, dramatically reducing motion artifacts during in vivo imaging. Equipped with a high‐numerical aperture micro‐objective, the miniature rigid probe offers a high two‐photon resolution (0.833 × 6.11 μm, lateral × axial), a lateral field of view of 120 μm, and an axial focus tuning range of 200 μm. In addition to imaging of mouse internal organs and subcutaneous tumor in vivo, first‐of‐its‐kind depth‐resolved two‐photon optical biopsy of an internal organ has been successfully demonstrated on mouse kidney in vivo and in situ.   相似文献   

Carbonaceous particle exposure and air pollution in general lead to a multitude of adverse human health effects and pose multiple challenges in terms of exposure, risk and safety assessment. Highly desirable for fast screening are label‐free approaches for detecting these particle types in biological or medical context. We report a powerful approach for detecting carbonaceous particles using photothermal pump‐probe microscopy, which directly probes their strong light absorption. The principle and reliability of this approach is demonstrated by examining 4 different carbon black (CB) species modeling soot with diameters ranging from 13 to 500 nm. Our results show that the proposed approach is applicable to a large number of CB types as well as black carbon. As the particles show a strong absorption over a wide spectral range as compared to other absorbing species, we can image CB particles almost background free. Our pump‐probe approach allows label‐free optical detection and unambiguous localization of CB particles in (bio)fluids and 3D cellular environments. In combination with fluorescence microscopy, this method allows for simultaneous colocalization of CB with different cellular components using fluorophores as shown here for human lung fibroblasts. We further demonstrate the versatility of pump‐probe detection in a flow cell.   相似文献   

Recent progress in three‐dimensional optical imaging techniques allows visualization of many comprehensive biological specimens. Optical clearing methods provide volumetric and quantitative information by overcoming the limited depth of light due to scattering. However, current imaging technologies mostly rely on the synthetic or genetic fluorescent labels, thus limits its application to whole‐body visualization of generic mouse models. Here, we report a label‐free optical projection tomography (LF‐OPT) technique for quantitative whole mouse embryo imaging. LF‐OPT is based on the attenuation contrast of light rather than fluorescence, and it utilizes projection imaging technique similar to computed tomography for visualizing the volumetric structure. We demonstrate this with a collection of mouse embryo morphologies in different stages using LF‐OPT. Additionally, we extract quantitative organ information applicable toward high‐throughput phenotype screening. Our results indicate that LF‐OPT can provide multi‐scale morphological information in various tissues including bone, which can be difficult in conventional optical imaging technique.  相似文献   

Label‐free quantitative imaging is highly desirable for studying live cells by extracting pathophysiological information without perturbing cell functions. Here, we demonstrate a novel label‐free multimodal optical imaging system with the capability of providing comprehensive morphological and molecular attributes of live cells. Our morpho‐molecular microscopy (3M) system draws on the combined strength of quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) and Raman microscopy to probe the morphological features and molecular fingerprinting characteristics of each cell under observation. While the commonr‐path geometry of our QPM system allows for highly sensitive phase measurement, the Raman microscopy is equipped with dual excitation wavelengths and utilizes the same detection and dispersion system, making it a distinctive multi‐wavelength system with a small footprint. We demonstrate the applicability of the 3M system by investigating nucleated and nonnucleated cells. This integrated label‐free platform has a promising potential in preclinical research, as well as in clinical diagnosis in the near future.   相似文献   

Cell death plays a critical role in health and homeostasis as well as in the pathogenesis and treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases and can be broadly divided into two main categories: apoptosis, or programmed cell death, and necrosis, or acute cell death. While these processes have been characterized extensively in vitro, label‐free detection of apoptosis and necrosis at the cellular level in vivo has yet to be shown. In this study, for the first time, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) of intracellular reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) was utilized to assess the metabolic response of in vivo mouse epidermal keratinocytes following induction of apoptosis and necrosis. Results show significantly elevated levels of both the mean lifetime of NADH and the intracellular ratio of protein bound‐to‐free NADH in the apoptotic compared to the necrotic tissue. In addition, the longitudinal profiles of these two cell death processes show remarkable differences. By identifying and extracting these temporal metabolic signatures, apoptosis in single cells can be studied in native tissue environments within the living organism.


Transmission measurement has been perceived as a potential candidate for label‐free investigation of biological material. It is a real‐time, label‐free and non‐invasive optical detection technique that has found wide applications in pharmaceutical industry as well as the biological and medical fields. Combining transmission measurement with optical trapping has emerged as a powerful tool allowing stable sample trapping, while also facilitating transmittance data analysis. In this study, a near‐infrared laser beam emitting at a wavelength of 1064 nm was used for both optical trapping and transmission measurement investigation of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV‐1) infected and uninfected TZM‐bl cells. The measurements of the transmittance intensity of individual cells in solution were carried out using a home built optical trapping system combined with laser transmission setup using a single beam gradient trap. Transmittance spectral intensity patterns revealed significant differences between the HIV‐1 infected and uninfected cells. This result suggests that the transmittance data analysis technique used in this study has the potential to differentiate between infected and uninfected TZM‐bl cells without the use of labels. The results obtained in this study could pave a way into developing an HIV‐1 label‐free diagnostic tool with possible applications at the point of care .  相似文献   

Impaired skin wound healing is a significant comorbid condition of diabetes that is caused by poor microcirculation, among other factors. Studies have shown that angiogenesis, a critical step in the wound healing process in diabetic wounds, can be promoted under hypoxia. In this study, an angiogenesis‐promoting topical treatment for diabetic wounds, which promotes angiogenesis by mimicking a hypoxic environment via inhibition of prolyl hydroxylase resulting in elevation or maintenance of hypoxia‐inducible factor, was investigated utilizing a custom‐built multimodal microscopy system equipped with phase‐variance optical coherence tomography (PV‐OCT) and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). PV‐OCT was used to track the regeneration of the microvasculature network, and FLIM was used to assess the in vivo metabolic response of mouse epidermal keratinocytes to the treatment during healing. Results show a significant decrease in the fluorescence lifetime of intracellular reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, suggesting a hypoxic‐like environment in the wounded skin, followed by a quantitative increase in blood vessel density assessed by PV‐OCT. Insights gained in these studies could lead to new endpoints for evaluation of the efficacy and healing mechanisms of wound‐healing drugs in a setting where delayed healing does not permit available methods for evaluation to take place.   相似文献   

A rapid, simple and sensitive label‐free fluorescence method was developed for the determination of trace amounts of an important drug, heparin. This new method was based on water‐soluble glutathione‐capped CdTe quantum dots (CdTe QDs) as the luminescent probe. CdTe QDs were prepared according to the published protocol and the sizes of these nanoparticles were verified through transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) with an average particle size of about 7 nm. The fluorescence intensity of glutathione‐capped CdTe QDs increased with increasing heparin concentration. These changes were followed as the analytical signal. Effective variables such as pH, QD concentration and incubation time were optimized. At the optimum conditions, with this optical method, heparin could be measured within the range 10.0–200.0 ng mL?1 with a low limit of detection, 2.0 ng mL?1. The constructed fluorescence sensor was also applied successfully for the determination of heparin in human serum. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Millions of women worldwide have silicone breast implants. It has been reported that implant failure occurs in approximately a tenth of patients within 10 years, and the consequences of dissemination of silicone debris are poorly understood. Currently, silicone detection in histopathological slides is based on morphological features as no specific immunohistochemical technique is available. Here, we show the feasibility and sensitivity of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging to specifically detect silicone material in stained histopathological slides, without additional sample treatment. Histology slides of four periprosthetic capsules from different implant types were obtained after explantation, as well as an enlarged axillary lymph node from a patient with a ruptured implant. SRS images coregistered with bright‐field images revealed the distribution and quantity of silicone material in the tissue. Fast and high‐resolution imaging of histology slides with molecular specificity using SRS provides an opportunity to investigate the role of silicone debris in the pathophysiology of implant‐linked diseases.  相似文献   

Surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is garnering considerable attention for the swift diagnosis of pathogens and abnormal biological status, that is, cancers. In this work, a simple, fast and inexpensive optical sensing platform is developed by the design of SERS sampling and data analysis. The pretreatment of spectral measurement employed gold nanoparticle colloid mixing with the serum from patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). The droplet of particle‐serum mixture formed coffee‐ring‐like region at the rim, providing strong and stable SERS profiles. The obtained spectra from cancer patients and healthy volunteers were analyzed by unsupervised principal component analysis (PCA) and supervised machine learning model, such as support‐vector machine (SVM), respectively. The results demonstrate that the SVM model provides the superior performance in the classification of CRC diagnosis compared with PCA. In addition, the values of carcinoembryonic antigen from the blood samples were compiled with the corresponding SERS spectra for SVM calculation, yielding improved prediction results.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based label‐free DNA sensor for the detection of Helicobacter pylori is investigated. In particular, H. pylori ureC gene, a specific H. pylori nucleic acid sequence, was selected as the target sequence. In the presence of ureC gene, the target DNA could be amplified to dsDNA with much higher detectable levels. After added the SYBR green I (SGI), the sensing system could show high fluorescence. Thus, the target DNA can be detected by monitoring the change of fluorescence intensity of sensing system. The clinical performance of this method was determined by comparing it with another conventional technique urea breath test (UBT). The result also showed good distinguishing ability between negative and positive patient, which was in good agreement with that obtained by the UBT. It suggests that the label‐free fluorescence‐based method is more suitable for infection confirmation test of H. pylori. This approach offers great potential for simple, sensitive and cost‐effective identification of H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

Polarization‐resolved second‐harmonic generation (P‐SHG) microscopy is a technique capable of characterizing nonlinear optical properties of noncentrosymmetric biomaterials by extracting the nonlinear susceptibility tensor components ratio , with z‐axis parallel and x‐axis perpendicular to the C6 symmetry axis of molecular fiber, such as a myofibril or a collagen fiber. In this paper, we present two P‐SHG techniques based on incoming and outgoing circular polarization states for a fast extraction of : A dual‐shot configuration where the SHG circular anisotropy generated using incident right‐ and left‐handed circularly‐polarized light is measured; and a single‐shot configuration for which the SHG circular anisotropy is measured using only one incident circular polarization state. These techniques are used to extract the of myosin fibrils in the body wall muscles of Drosophila melanogaster larva. The results are in good agreement with values obtained from the double Stokes‐Mueller polarimetry. The dual‐ and single‐shot circular anisotropy measurements can be used for fast imaging that is independent of the in‐plane orientation of the sample. They can be used for imaging of contracting muscles, or for high throughput imaging of large sample areas.  相似文献   

Optical fibre gratings, especially long period gratings, have been recently proposed as optical devices for biochemical sensing. A biochemical interaction along the grating portion induces a refractive index change and hence a change in the fiber transmission spectrum. This provides an alternative methodology with respect to other label‐free optical approaches, such as surface plasmon resonance, interferometric configurations and optical resonators. The fibre biofunctionalization has been carried out by means of a novel chemistry using Eudragit L100 copolymer as opposed to the commonly used silanization procedure. Antigen‐antibody interaction has been analysed by means of an IgG/anti‐IgG bioassay. The biosensor was fully characterised, monitoring the kinetics during the antibody immobilization and the antigen interaction and achieving the calibration curve of the assay. A comparison of the biosensor performance was made by using two different long period gratings with distinct periods. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Skeletal tissue has the capability to adapt its mass and structure in response to mechanical stress. However, the molecular mechanism of bone and cartilage to respond to mechanical stress are not fully understood. A label‐free quantitative proteome approach was used for the first time to obtain a global perspective of the response of skeletal tissue to mechanical stress. Label‐free quantitative analysis of 1D‐PAGE‐LC/MS/MS based proteomics was applied to identify differentially expressed proteins. Differential expression analysis in the experimental groups and control group showed significant changes for 248 proteins including proteins related to proliferation, differentiation, regulation of signal transduction and energy metabolic pathways. Fluorescence labeling by incorporation of alizarin/calcein in newly formed bone minerals qualitatively demonstrated new bone formation. Skeletal tissues under mechanical load evoked marked new bone formation in comparison with the control group. Bone material apposition was evident. Our data suggest that 39 proteins were assigned a role in anabolic process. Comparisons of anabolic versus catabolic features of the proteomes show that 42 proteins were related to catabolic. In addition, some proteins were related to regulation of signal transduction and energy pathways, such as tropomyosin 4, fibronectin 1, and laminin, might be new molecular targets that are responsive to mechanical force. Differentially expressed proteins identified in this model may offer a useful starting point for elucidating novel aspects of the effects of mechanical force on skeletal tissue. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 600–611, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Astrocytes, the major glial population in the central nervous system (CNS), can secrete thrombospondin (TSP)‐1 that plays the role in synaptogenesis and axonal sprouting during CNS development and tissue repair. However, little is known about the regulation of TSP‐1 expression in astrocytes under oxidative stress condition. Here, a hypoxic mimetic reagent, cobalt chloride (CoCl2), was used to initiate hypoxia‐induced oxidative stress in primary rat astrocytes. CoCl2 at the concentration range of 0.1–0.5 mM was found to cause no significant cell death in primary rat astrocytes. However, CoCl2 at 0.2–0.5 mM increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene expression that is known as a hallmark for oxidative damage. We further found that TSP‐1 mRNA expression in astrocytes was inhibited dose‐ and time‐dependently by CoCl2. TSP‐1 mRNA levels were increased in CoCl2‐exposed astrocytes in the presence of the inhibitors (U0126 and PD98059) of mitogen‐activated protein kinase/extracellular signal‐regulated kinases (MAPK/ERK), when compared to that detected in the culture only exposed to CoCl2. Moreover, the inhibition in TSP‐1 mRNA expression by CoCl2 was blocked by the addition of the potent antioxidant, N‐acetylcysteine (NAC). Thus, we conclude that CoCl2 inhibits TSP‐1 mRNA expression in astrocytes via a ROS mechanism possibly involving MAPK/ERK. This inhibition may occur after CNS injury and impair the supportive function of astrocytes on neurite growth in the injured CNS tissues. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 59–70, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We experimentally demonstrate a label‐free biosensor for the ERBB2 cancer gene DNA target based on the distance‐dependent detection of surface‐enhanced fluorescence (SEF) on nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) plasmonic nanoparticles. We achieve detection of 2.4 zeptomole of DNA target on the NPGD substrate with an upper concentration detection limit of 1 nM. Without the use of molecular spacers, the NPGD substrate as an SEF platform was shown to provide higher net fluorescence for visible and NIR fluorophores compared to glass and non‐porous gold substrates. The enhanced fluorescence signals in patterned nanoporous gold nanoparticles make NPGD a viable material for further reducing detection limits for biomolecular targets used in clinical assays.

With patterned nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) plasmonic nanoparticles, a label‐free biosensor that makes use of distance‐dependent detection of surface‐enhanced fluorescence (SEF) is constructed and tested for zeptomole detection of ERBB2 cancer gene DNA targets.  相似文献   

Scanning near‐field optical microscopy (SNOM) represents a potential candidate for investigation of ultrastructure in human spermatozoa. It is a noninvasive optical technique that offers two main advantages: minimal sample preparation and simultaneous topographical and optical images acquisition with a spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit. This enables the combination of surface characterization and information from the inner cellular organization in a single acquisition providing an immediate and comprehensive analysis of the cellular portions. In this work spermatozoa are immobilized on poly‐L‐lysine coated coverslips, fixed according to a standard protocol and imaged by aperture‐SNOM in air. In the SNOM images, all peculiar sperm portions show well‐resolved optical features, which exhibit good similarities with the structures revealed in transmission electron microscopy images, as compared with literature data. The optical features of anomalous spermatozoa are clearly different as respect with those observed for healthy ones. This analysis reveals the potentialities of SNOM and opens to its application to high‐resolution analysis of sperm morphological alterations, which might be relevant in reproductive medicine.  相似文献   

We report a compact, cost‐effective tuned amplifier for frequency‐selective amplification of the modulated signal in heterodyne detected nonlinear optical microscopy. Our method improved the signal to noise ratio by an order of magnitude compared to conventional lock‐in detection, as demonstrated through stimulated Raman scattering imaging of live cells and tissues at the speed of 2 μsec/pixel. Application of the tuned amplifier to transient absorption microscopy is also demonstrated. The increased signal to noise ratio allowed epi‐detected in vivo imaging of myelin and blood in rat spinal cord with high spatial resolution. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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