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The oxidation of methionine residues in proteins to methionine sulfoxides occurs frequently and protein repair by reduction of the methionine sulfoxides is mediated by an enzyme, peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (PMSR, EC, universally present in the genomes of all so far sequenced organisms. Recently, five PMSR‐like genes were identified in Arabidopsis thaliana, including one plastidic isoform, chloroplast localised plastidial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (pPMSR) that was chloroplast‐localized and highly expressed in actively photosynthesizing tissue ( Sadanandom A et al., 2000 ). However, no endogenous substrate to the pPMSR was identified. Here we report that a set of highly conserved methionine residues in Hsp21, a chloroplast‐localized small heat shock protein, can become sulfoxidized and thereafter reduced back to methionines by this pPMSR. The pPMSR activity was evaluated using recombinantly expressed pPMSR and Hsp21 from Arabidopsis thaliana and a direct detection of methionine sulfoxides in Hsp21 by mass spectrometry. The pPMSR‐catalyzed reduction of Hsp21 methionine sulfoxides occurred on a minute time‐scale, was ultimately DTT‐dependent and led to recovery of Hsp21 conformation and chaperone‐like activity, both of which are lost upon methionine sulfoxidation ( Härndahl et al., 2001 ). These data indicate that one important function of pPMSR may be to prevent inactivation of Hsp21 by methionine sulfoxidation, since small heat shock proteins are crucial for cellular resistance to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The effect of the Y108V mutation of human glutathione S‐transferase P1‐1 (hGST P1‐1) on the binding of the diuretic drug ethacrynic acid (EA) and its glutathione conjugate (EASG) was investigated by calorimetric, spectrofluorimetric, and crystallographic studies. The mutation Tyr 108 → Val resulted in a 3D‐structure very similar to the wild type (wt) enzyme, where both the hydrophobic ligand binding site (H‐site) and glutathione binding site (G‐site) are unchanged except for the mutation itself. However, due to a slight increase in the hydrophobicity of the H‐site, as a consequence of the mutation, an increase in the entropy was observed. The Y108V mutation does not affect the affinity of EASG for the enzyme, which has a higher affinity (Kd ~ 0.5 μM) when compared with those of the parent compounds, K ~ 13 μM, K ~ 25 μM. The EA moiety of the conjugate binds in the H‐site of Y108V mutant in a fashion completely different to those observed in the crystal structures of the EA or EASG wt complex structures. We further demonstrate that the ΔCp values of binding can also be correlated with the potential stacking interactions between ligand and residues located in the binding sites as predicted from crystal structures. Moreover, the mutation does not significantly affect the global stability of the enzyme. Our results demonstrate that calorimetric measurements maybe useful in determining the preference of binding (the binding mode) for a drug to a specific site of the enzyme, even in the absence of structural information.  相似文献   

AtFKBP13, an immunophilin in the chloroplast thylakoid lumen, participates in redox-regulatory processes via a pair of conserved disulfide bonds that are present at the N- and C-termini of the protein. Characterization of this protein by structural and biochemical analysis has revealed a novel mechanism of redox regulation in the thylakoid lumen. The protein is active in its oxidized form but is inactivated after reduction by the thioredoxin system. This is in sharp contrast with the regulation of biosynthetic enzymes in the stroma of the chloroplast, where reduction of enzymes by thioredoxin activates their function. To understand how the reduced form of AtFKBP13 is stabilized and how reduction of the cysteine residues affects the molecular properties of the enzyme, we determined the crystal structure of reduced AtFKBP13 at 1.88 A. Comparison of the reduced structure and the oxidized form that we published earlier shows rearrangements in redox site regions, readjustments of hydrogen-bonding interactions and the secondary structure of the active site residues 50-53, and reduced accessibility of the catalytic residues involved in the peptidyl proline isomerase (PPIase) activity of this enzyme. We propose that redox-linked changes in the secondary structure of the PPIase domain are responsible for significant functional differences in this protein in the reduced and oxidized states.  相似文献   

The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is well recognized as one of the essential cellular components of the DNA replication machinery in all eukaryotic organisms. Despite their prominent importance, very little biochemical and structural information about plant PCNAs is available, in comparison with that obtained from other eukaryotic organisms. We have determined the atomic resolution crystal structures of the two distinct Arabidopsis thaliana PCNAs (AtPCNA), both complexed with the C‐terminal segment of human p21. Both AtPCNAs form homotrimeric ring structures, which are essentially identical to each other, including the major contacts with the p21 peptide. The structure of the amino‐terminal half of the p21 peptide, containing the typical PIP box sequence, is remarkably similar to those observed in the previously reported crystal structures of the human and archaeal PCNA‐PIP box complexes. Meanwhile, the carboxy‐terminal halves of the p21 peptide in the plant PCNA complexes are bound to the protein in a unique manner, most probably because of crystal packing effects. A surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed high affinity between each AtPCNA and the C‐terminal fragment of human p21. This result strongly suggests that the interaction is functionally significant, although no plant homologs of p21 have been identified yet. We also discovered that AtPCNA1 and AtPCNA2 form heterotrimers, implying that hetero‐PCNA rings may play critical roles in cellular signal transduction, particularly in DNA repair.  相似文献   

Trametes versicolor glutathione transferase Omega 3S (TvGSTO3S) catalyzes the conjugation of isothiocyanates (ITC) with glutathione (GSH). Previously, this isoform was investigated in depth both biochemically and structurally. Structural analysis of complexes revealed the presence of a GSH binding site (G site) and a deep hydrophobic binding site (H site) able to bind plant polyphenols. In the present study, crystals of apo TvGSTO3S were soaked with glutathionyl‐phenethylthiocarbamate, the product of the reaction between GSH and phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC). On the basis of this crystal structure, we show that the phenethyl moiety binds in a new site at loop β2‐α2 while the glutathionyl part exhibits a particular conformation that occupies both the G site and the entrance to the H site. This binding mode is allowed by a conformational change of the loop β2‐α2 at the enzyme active site. It forms a hydrophobic slit that stabilizes the phenethyl group at a distinct site from the previously described H site. Structural comparison of TvGSTO3S with drosophila DmGSTD2 suggests that this flexible loop could be the region that binds PEITC for both isoforms. These structural features are discussed in a catalytic context.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxins efficiently remove hydroperoxides and peroxynitrite in pro‐ and eukaryotes. However, isoforms of one subfamily of peroxiredoxins, the so‐called Prx6‐type enzymes, usually have very low activities in standard peroxidase assays in vitro. In contrast to other peroxiredoxins, Prx6 homologues share a conserved histidyl residue at the bottom of the active site. Here we addressed the role of this histidyl residue for redox catalysis using the Plasmodium falciparum homologue PfPrx6 as a model enzyme. Steady‐state kinetics with tert‐butyl hydroperoxide (tBuOOH) revealed that the histidyl residue is nonessential for Prx6 catalysis and that a replacement with tyrosine can even increase the enzyme activity four‐ to six‐fold in vitro. Stopped‐flow kinetics with reduced PfPrx6WT, PfPrx6C128A, and PfPrx6H39Y revealed a preference for H2O2 as an oxidant with second order rate constants for H2O2 and tBuOOH around 2.5 × 107 M?1 s?1 and 3 × 106 M?1 s?1, respectively. Differences between the oxidation kinetics of PfPrx6WT, PfPrx6C128A, and PfPrx6H39Y were observed during a slower second‐reaction phase. Our kinetic data support the interpretation that the reductive half‐reaction is the rate‐limiting step for PfPrx6 catalysis in steady‐state measurements. Whether the increased activity of PfPrx6H39Y is caused by a facilitated enzyme reduction because of a destabilization of the fully folded enzyme conformation remains to be analyzed. In summary, the conserved histidyl residue of Prx6‐type enzymes is non‐essential for catalysis, PfPrx6 is rapidly oxidized by hydroperoxides, and the gain‐of‐function mutant PfPrx6H39Y might provide a valuable tool to address the influence of conformational changes on the reactivity of Prx6 homologues.  相似文献   

Methionine γ‐lyse (MGL) catalyzes the α, γ‐elimination of l ‐methionine and its derivatives as well as the α, β‐elimination of l ‐cysteine and its derivatives to produce α‐keto acids, volatile thiols, and ammonia. The reaction mechanism of MGL has been characterized by enzymological studies using several site‐directed mutants. The Pseudomonas putida MGL C116H mutant showed drastically reduced degradation activity toward methionine while retaining activity toward homocysteine. To understand the underlying mechanism and to discern the subtle differences between these substrates, we analyzed the crystal structures of the reaction intermediates. The complex formed between the C116H mutant and methionine demonstrated that a loop structure (Ala51–Asn64) in the adjacent subunit of the catalytic dimer cannot approach the cofactor pyridoxal 5′‐phosphate (PLP) because His116 disrupts the interaction of Asp241 with Lys240, and the liberated side chain of Lys240 causes steric hindrance with this loop. Conversely, in the complex formed between C116H mutant and homocysteine, the thiol moiety of the substrate conjugated with PLP offsets the imidazole ring of His116 via a water molecule, disrupting the interaction of His116 and Asp241 and restoring the interaction of Asp241 with Lys240. These structural data suggest that the Cys116 to His mutation renders the enzyme inactive toward the original substrate, but activity is restored when the substrate is homocysteine due to substrate‐assisted catalysis.  相似文献   

Reactive oxidative species (ROS) and S‐glutathionylation modulate the activity of plant cytosolic triosephosphate isomerases (cTPI). Arabidopsis thaliana cTPI (AtcTPI) is subject of redox regulation at two reactive cysteines that function as thiol switches. Here we investigate the role of these residues, AtcTPI‐Cys13 and At‐Cys218, by substituting them with aspartic acid that mimics the irreversible oxidation of cysteine to sulfinic acid and with amino acids that mimic thiol conjugation. Crystallographic studies show that mimicking AtcTPI‐Cys13 oxidation promotes the formation of inactive monomers by reposition residue Phe75 of the neighboring subunit, into a conformation that destabilizes the dimer interface. Mutations in residue AtcTPI‐Cys218 to Asp, Lys, or Tyr generate TPI variants with a decreased enzymatic activity by creating structural modifications in two loops (loop 7 and loop 6) whose integrity is necessary to assemble the active site. In contrast with mutations in residue AtcTPI‐Cys13, mutations in AtcTPI‐Cys218 do not alter the dimeric nature of AtcTPI. Therefore, modifications of residues AtcTPI‐Cys13 and AtcTPI‐Cys218 modulate AtcTPI activity by inducing the formation of inactive monomers and by altering the active site of the dimeric enzyme, respectively. The identity of residue AtcTPI‐Cys218 is conserved in the majority of plant cytosolic TPIs, this conservation and its solvent‐exposed localization make it the most probable target for TPI regulation upon oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species. Our data reveal the structural mechanisms by which S‐glutathionylation protects AtcTPI from irreversible chemical modifications and re‐routes carbon metabolism to the pentose phosphate pathway to decrease oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Voltage‐dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), which is located in the outer mitochondrial membrane, plays important roles in various cellular processes. For example, oligomerization of VDAC1 is involved in the release of cytochrome c to the cytoplasm, leading to apoptosis. However, it is unknown how VDAC1 oligomerization occurs in the membrane. In the present study, we determined high‐resolution crystal structures of oligomeric human VDAC1 (hVDAC1) prepared by using an Escherichia coli cell‐free protein synthesis system, which avoided the need for denaturation and refolding of the protein. Broad‐range screening using a bicelle crystallization method produced crystals in space groups C222 and P22121, which diffracted to a resolution of 3.10 and 3.15 Å, respectively. Each crystal contained two hVDAC1 protomers in the asymmetric unit. Dimer within the asymmetrical unit of the crystal in space group C222 were oriented parallel, whereas those of the crystal in space group P22121 were oriented anti‐parallel. From a model of the crystal in space group C222, which we constructed by using crystal symmetry operators, a heptameric structure with eight patterns of interaction between protomers, including hydrophobic interactions with β‐strands, hydrophilic interactions with loop regions, and protein–lipid interactions, was observed. It is possible that by having multiple patterns of interaction, VDAC1 can form homo‐ or hetero‐oligomers not only with other VDAC1 protomers but also with other proteins such as VDAC2, VDAC3 and apoptosis‐regulating proteins in the Bcl‐2 family.  相似文献   

Four diastereomeric chiral stationary phases (CSPs) based on quinine, quinidine, epiquinine, and epiquinidine tert‐butyl carbamate selectors were synthesized and evaluated under ion exchange HPLC conditions with a set of racemic N‐acylated and N‐oxycarbonylated α‐amino acids as selectands. The enantioseparation potential of quinine‐ and quinidine‐derived CSPs proved to be far superior to that of their C9‐epimeric congeners. The absolute configuration of C9 stereogenic center of the cinchonan backbone of these selectors was identified as the structural feature controlling the elution order. Guided by an X‐ray structure of a most favorable selector–selectand complex and the observed chromatographic enantioseparation data, a chiral recognition model was advanced. The contributions of ion‐pairing, π–π donor–acceptor, hydrogen bonding and steric interactions were established as crucial factors. Chirality 11:522–528, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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