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DNAs of all inbred mouse strains contain multiple copies (18 to 28 copies per haploid mouse genome) of endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related sequences detectable by Southern analysis with a xenotropic murine leukemia virus env gene-specific probe. After PvuII digestion, we identified a subset of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related sequences that are well resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis and can be mapped to specific chromosomes by using recombinant inbred mouse strains. Interestingly, three of six xenotropic proviral loci that we mapped were integrated near genes encoding mouse lymphocyte antigens (Ly-m22, chromosome 1; Ly-m6, chromosome 2; and Ly-m10, chromosome 19) and a fourth xenotropic proviral locus mapped near a gene on chromosome 4 that has a major influence on xenotropic virus cell surface antigen levels. These studies indicate that xenotropic proviral loci are located on many different mouse chromosomes and may be useful markers for molecularly cloning and characterizing regions of the mouse genome important in lymphocyte development.  相似文献   

We have studied the hybridization profile of heterogeneous nuclear RNA from HeLa cells across DNA density gradients, and found that components in the high molecular weight fraction of heterogeneous nuclear RNA of HeLa cells hybridize to discrete density fractions on the light and heavy sides of the DNA. The conditions used for hybridization in this work allowed the detection of only those components in the RNA complementary to reiterated sequences in the DNA. These sequences in HnRNA are known to include double-stranded regions, which can be isolated readily. The double-stranded RNA shows a pattern of hybridization across a DNA density gradient which is similar to that of total HnRNA. It is concluded that the repeated sequences in HnRNA are complementary to clusters of repeated sequences in the DNA.  相似文献   

The major and the minor satellite sequences of Mus musculus were undermethylated in both sperm and oocyte DNAs relative to the amount of undermethylation observed in adult somatic tissue DNA. This hypomethylation was specific for satellite sequences in sperm DNA. Dispersed repetitive and low copy sequences show a high degree of methylation in sperm DNA; however, a dispersed repetitive sequence was undermethylated in oocyte DNA. This finding suggests a difference in the amount of total genomic DNA methylation between sperm and oocyte DNA. The methylation levels of the minor satellite sequences did not change during spermiogenesis, and were not associated with the onset of meiosis or a specific stage in sperm development.  相似文献   

Recently, it was observed that noncoding regions of DNA sequences possess long-range power-law correlations, whereas coding regions typically display only short-range correlations. We develop an algorithm based on this finding that enables investigators to perform a statistical analysis on long DNA sequences to locate possible coding regions. The algorithm is particularly successful in predicting the location of lengthy coding regions. For example, for the complete genome of yeast chromosome III (315,344 nucleotides), at least 82% of the predictions correspond to putative coding regions; the algorithm correctly identified all coding regions larger than 3000 nucleotides, 92% of coding regions between 2000 and 3000 nucleotides long, and 79% of coding regions between 1000 and 2000 nucleotides. The predictive ability of this new algorithm supports the claim that there is a fundamental difference in the correlation property between coding and noncoding sequences. This algorithm, which is not species-dependent, can be implemented with other techniques for rapidly and accurately locating relatively long coding regions in genomic sequences.  相似文献   

Precursor molecules for Escherichia coli tRNAs that accumulated in a temperature-sensitive mutant defective in tRNA synthesis (TS709) were investigated. More than 20 precursors were purified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified molecules were analyzed by RNA fingerprint analysis and/or in vitro processing after treatment with E. coli cell-free extracts. The molecular sizes of most of the precursors identified were in the range of 4 to 5 S RNAs, although several larger ones were also detected. Fingerprint analysis revealed that the precursors generally differ from the corresponding mature tRNAs in the 5′ termini, having extra nucleotides. Thus, the genetic block in TS709 was shown to affect the trimming of the 5′ side of tRNA by impairing the function of RNAase P. Although this mutant had been isolated as a conditional mutant defective in the synthesis of su+ 3 tRNA1Tyr, the synthesis of many tRNA species was affected at high temperature. On the basis of their mode of maturation in vivo, the precursor molecules were discussed as intermediates in tRNA biosynthesis in E. coli. Accumulation of these intermediates was accounted for as a common feature of E. coli mutants defective in RNAase P function.  相似文献   

A specific class of DNA sequences, the inverted repetitive sequences, forms a double-stranded structure within a single linear polynucleotide chain in denatured DNA. The reassociation process is unimolecular and occurs very fast. Quantitative analyses have shown that in mouse P815 cells these sequences comprise about 4% of the nuclear DNA and are interspersed within sequences of other degrees of repetitiveness. After labeling the cells with L-[Me-3H]methionine and [14C]deoxycytidine, relative rates of enzymic DNA methylation were computed on the basis of radioactivities found in pyrimidine residues of the nuclear DNA. The results indicate that in P815 cells, DNA of inverted repetitive sequences is methylated to a level about 50% higher than the normal repetitive DNA sequences and to about 300% higher than the unique and intermediary intermediatry sequences. The biological function of the inverted repetitive sequences, as well as of the role of enzymic methylation of DNA remains unknown.  相似文献   

Dispersed repetitive DNA sequences have been described recently in eubacteria. To assess the distribution and evolutionary conservation of two distinct prokaryotic repetitive elements, consensus oligonucleotides were used in polymerase chain reaction [PCR] amplification and slot blot hybridization experiments with genomic DNA from diverse eubacterial species. Oligonucleotides matching Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic [REP] elements and Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus [ERIC] sequences were synthesized and tested as opposing PCR primers in the amplification of eubacterial genomic DNA. REP and ERIC consensus oligonucleotides produced clearly resolvable bands by agarose gel electrophoresis following PCR amplification. These band patterns provided unambiguous DNA fingerprints of different eubacterial species and strains. Both REP and ERIC probes hybridized preferentially to genomic DNA from Gram-negative enteric bacteria and related species. Widespread distribution of these repetitive DNA elements in the genomes of various microorganisms should enable rapid identification of bacterial species and strains, and be useful for the analysis of prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

All six transformants obtained by inoculating fowl adenovirus type 1 (CELO virus) DNA or its fragments into a rat cell line of normal karyotype had more than 50 copy-equivalents of viral DNA sequences. Each of the transformants had almost all if not all of these viral DNA sequences clustered on a marker chromosome(s). Although the marker chromosome(s) differed from one cell line to another, viral DNA sequences preferentially clustered in or near the achromatic (or light-stained) region of the G-banded marker chromosomes where chromosomal rearrangement or translocation occurred. These results indicate that no particular chromosome is required to act as the integration site of viral DNA for the transformation of cells, but chromosomal rearrangement at or near the cluster of viral DNA sequences might contribute to the transformation.  相似文献   

Previously, in vitro recombinant DNA studies demonstrated that genetic determinants of N-tropism and B-tropism, or Fv-1-related host range properties of murine leukemia viruses, were located in a BamHI-HindIII DNA segment derived from the 5' portion of the cloned viral genome. We sequenced this segment and its immediate 5' region from cloned DNA of two BALB/c mouse C-type viruses (WN1802N and WN1802B) and found base differences at 12 positions out of the otherwise identical 1,390-base-pair sequences. Analysis of the most likely reading frame showed that 6 of the 12 base differences would result in four encoded amino acid changes, three of which occur at positions 109 (glutamine in WN1802N versus threonine in WN1802B), 110 (arginine in WN1802N versus glutamic acid in WN1802B), and 159 (glutamic acid in WN1802N versus glycine in WN1802B) of the p30 protein. The remaining one is located at position 36 (threonine in WN1802N versus isoleucine in WN1802B) of the viral polymerase protein. Significant conformational alteration of the p30 protein could be predicted from these amino acid changes.  相似文献   

The New Zealand hagfish, Eptatretus cirrhatus, is known to eliminate parts of its chromosomes during embryogenesis from presumptive somatic cells. Electrophoresis of germ line and somatic DNAs of this species, after treatment with the restriction endonucleases DraI and EcoRI, revealed three fragments of DNA that were restricted to the germ line. DNA filter hybridization experiments demonstrated that these fragments were present almost exclusively in the germ line DNA of E. cirrhatus and that they were highly and tandemly repeated. Thus, these DNA fragments appeared to be eliminated during embryogenesis. Moreover, one fragment (a DraI fragment) cross-hybridized with the germ line DNA from other species of hagfish, namely, Eptatretus okinoseanus and Paramyxine atami. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis revealed that the DraI fragment was composed mainly of closely related sequences of 85 bp in length and that this sequence was about 75% homologous to the sequence of EEEo2 (eliminated element of E. okinoseanus 2) which is a germ line-restricted and highly repetitive sequence that was isolated previously from E. okinoseanus. The other two fragments were composed of three families of closely related sequences that were 172 bp long (designated EEEc1), 61 bp long (EEEc2) and 54 bp long (EEEc3). Fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments revealed that each eliminated element was distributed on several chromosomes that are limited to germ cells. EEEo2 was dispersed on 12 C-band-positive chromosomes. EEEc1 and EEEc3 were dispersed on all C-band-positive and several C-band-negative chromosomes. By contrast, EEEc2 was located to terminal regions of several C-band-negative chromosomes. These results suggest that the eliminated chromosomes in hagfish are mosaics of highly repeated, germ line-restricted families of DNA sequences. Received: ██; in revised form: 25 October 1997 / Accepted: ██  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosomes of L cells (metaphase plates) were dehistonized by centrifugation through a layer of 2 M NaCl and then treated with restriction endonuclease Bam HI. Alternatively, they were pretreated with EcoRI endonuclease, dehistonized, and additionally digested with EcoRI or HindIII. The DNA remaining attached to the axial structure of the chromosomes was isolated and investigated in renaturation experiments. It was found to be enriched in reiterated base sequences belonging to the satellite and to abundant intermediate repeats. The CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation of this DNA separated the satellite from the fraction containing intermediate repeats.  相似文献   

Mutants of Diplococcus pneumoniae that lack a membrane-localized DNAase are defective in transformation because entry of DNA into the cell is blocked. Such mutants still bind DNA on the outside of the cell. The bound DNA is double-stranded and its double-stranded molecular weight is unchanged. Its sedimentation behavior in alkali, however, shows that it has undergone single-strand breakage. The breaks are located randomly in both strands of the bound DNA at a mean separation of 2 × 106 daltons of single-stranded DNA. Both binding and single-strand breakage occur in the presence of EDTA. Single-strand breaks are similarly formed on binding of DNA to normally transformable cells in the presence of EDTA. The single-strand breaks appear to be a consequence of attachment. DNA may be bound to the cell surface at the point of breakage.A mutant that is partially blocked in entry also binds DNA mainly on the outside of the cell. In the presence of EDTA, DNA bound by this mutant undergoes only single-strand breaks. In the absence of EDTA, however, double-strand breaks occur, apparently as a result of the initiation of entry. It is possible that the double-strand breaks arise from additional single-strand breaks opposite those that occurred on binding. The double-strand breaks presumably result from action of the membrane DNAase as it begins to release oligonucleotides from one strand segment while drawing the complementary strand segment into the cell.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster embryos and cells in culture were screened for the presence of unintegrated covalently closed circular DNA forms that hybridize to copia-like transposable elements, the F element and uncharacterized dispersed middle repetitive DNA elements. Our results indicate that the majority of copia-like elements (including copia, 297, 412, mdg1, mdg3 and gypsy), the F elements, and 9 of 12 middle repetitive DNA elements are present as free DNA forms in cultured cells and embryos. An 18 base-pair inverted repeat has been reported to flank the long direct repeat of mdg3, implying that mdg3 is not an orthodox copia-like element; however, we have sequenced two independently isolated mdg3 clones and shown that the inverted repeat is not part of the element. The relative abundance with which free DNA forms are found varies between the cultured cells used, and between cultured cells and embryos. This variation, which can be up to 20-fold for some elements, does not correlate well with either the amount of element-specific poly(A)+ RNA present per cell or the number of element-specific sequences integrated in the genome.  相似文献   

A Chinese hamster ovary cell line hemizygous for a defective adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (aprt) gene was transfected with a plasmid, pAG100, capable of correcting the endogenous aprt mutation by targeted homologous recombination. In some experiments, pAG100 was transfected in combination with one of two 'competitor' plasmids. Competitor pCOMP-A was identical to pAG100 except that the aprt sequence on pCOMP-A had the same mutation as the endogenous aprt gene. Competitor pCOMP-B was identical to pAG100 except for a 763 bp deletion in the aprt sequence encompassing the site of mutation in the endogenous gene. Neither pCOMP-A nor pCOMP-B was capable of correcting the defect in the endogenous aprt gene via gene targeting. We asked whether cotransfection of a 4-fold excess of either competitor DNA molecule with pAG100 would reduce the efficiency of targeted correction of the endogenous aprt gene. We report that while plasmid pCOMP-B did not influence the efficiency of gene targeting by pAG100, plasmid pCOMP-A reduced the number of gene targeting events about 5-fold. These observations indicate that the initial homologous interaction between transfected DNA and a genomic target sequence occurs rapidly and that targeting efficiency is limited by a step subsequent to homologous pairing.  相似文献   

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