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Intra- and interspecific plant-plant interactions are fundamental to patterns of community assembly and to the mixture effects observed in biodiversity studies. Although much research has been conducted at the species level, very little is understood about how genetic variation within and among interacting species may drive these processes. Using clones of both Solidago altissima and Solidago gigantea, we found that genotypic variation in a plant's neighbours affected both above- and belowground plant traits, and that genotype by genotype interactions between neighbouring plants impacted associated pollinator communities. The traits for which focal plant genotypic variation explained the most variation varied by plant species, whereas neighbour genotypic variation explained the most variation in coarse root biomass. Our results provide new insight into genotypic and species diversity effects in plant-neighbour interactions, the extended consequences of diversity effects, and the potential for evolution in response to competitive or to facilitative plant-neighbour interactions.  相似文献   

Decomposing litter provides critical nutrients for plants, particularly in nutrient-poor ecosystems such as tropical forests. We hypothesised that decomposing litter improves the performance of a variety of tropical tree seedlings, and that this litter effect varies depending on the species of litter present in litter mixtures. We addressed these hypotheses with a large pot experiment manipulating a range of different litter mixtures of contrasting quality and using seedlings of four tree species from the Amazonian forest of French Guiana. In contrast to our initial hypothesis, decomposing litter had either neutral or negative impacts on seedling growth, despite strongly different growth rates, biomass allocation patterns and leaf and root traits among tree species. Tree species varied in their responses to litter additions, which were further modified by species identity of the added litter. Our data show litter species-specific effects on growth, biomass allocation and leaf and root traits of tropical tree seedlings. These results suggest that a net nutrient release from decomposing litter does not necessarily improve tree seedling growth, even under nutrient-limiting conditions. In conclusion, litter layer composition may affect seedling establishment and recruitment success beyond litter-derived plant nutrient availability, which may contribute to tree species composition and dynamics in the studied tropical forest.  相似文献   

1. Induced plant responses can affect herbivores either directly, by reducing herbivore development, or indirectly, by affecting the performance of natural enemies. Both the direct and indirect impacts of induction on herbivore and parasitoid success were evaluated in a common experimental system, using clonal poplar trees Populus nigra (Salicales: Salicaceae), the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), and the gregarious parasitoid Glyptapanteles flavicoxis (Marsh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 2. Female parasitoids were attracted to leaf odours from both damaged and undamaged trees, however herbivore‐damaged leaves were three times more attractive to wasps than undamaged leaves. Parasitoids were also attracted to herbivore larvae reared on foliage and to larval frass, but they were not attracted to larvae reared on artificial diet. 3. Prior gypsy moth feeding elicited a systemic plant response that retarded the growth rate, feeding, and survival of gypsy moth larvae, however induction also reduced the developmental success of the parasitoid. 4. The mean number of parasitoid progeny emerging from hosts fed foliage from induced trees was 40% less than from uninduced trees. In addition, the proportion of parasitised larvae that survived long enough to issue any parasitoids was lower on foliage from induced trees. 5. A conceptual and analytical model is provided to describe the net impacts of induced plant responses on parasitoids, and implications for tritrophic interactions and biological control of insect pests are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is a frequent phenomenon in plants. It can lead to the formation of new species, facilitate introgression of plant traits, and affect the interactions between plants and their biotic and abiotic environments. An important consequence of hybridization is the generation of qualitative and quantitative variation in secondary chemistry. Using the literature and my own results, I review the effects of hybridization on plant secondary chemistry, the mechanisms that generate patterns of chemical variation, and the possible consequences of this variation for plants and herbivores. Hybrids are immensely variable. Qualitatively, hybrids may express all of the secondary chemicals of the parental taxa, may fail to express certain parental chemicals, or may express novel chemicals that are absent in each parent. Quantitatively, concentrations of parental chemicals may vary markedly among hybrids. There are five primary factors that contribute to variation: parental taxa, hybrid class (F(1), F(2), etc.), ploidy level, chemical class, and the genetics of expression (dominance, recessive vs. additive inheritance). This variation is likely to affect the process of chemical diversification, the potential for introgression, the likelihood that hybrids will facilitate host shifts by herbivores, and the conditions that might lead to enhanced hybrid susceptibility and lower fitness.  相似文献   

Kylafis G  Loreau M 《Ecology letters》2008,11(10):1072-1081
Niche construction can generate ecological and evolutionary feedbacks that have been underinvestigated so far. We present an eco-evolutionary model that incorporates the process of niche construction to reveal its effects on the ecology and evolution of the niche-constructing agent. We consider a simple plant-soil nutrient ecosystem in which plants have the ability to increase the input of inorganic nutrient as an example of positive niche construction. On an ecological time scale, the model shows that niche construction allows the persistence of plants under infertile soil conditions that would otherwise lead to their extinction. This expansion of plants' niche, however, requires a high enough rate of niche construction and a high enough initial plant biomass to fuel the positive ecological feedback between plants and their soil environment. On an evolutionary time scale, we consider that the rates of niche construction and nutrient uptake coevolve in plants while a trade-off constrains their values. Different evolutionary outcomes are possible depending on the shape of the trade-off. We show that niche construction results in an evolutionary feedback between plants and their soil environment such that plants partially regulate soil nutrient content. The direct benefit accruing to plants, however, plays a crucial role in the evolutionary advantage of niche construction.  相似文献   

Y Xiao  Q Wang  M Erb  TC Turlings  L Ge  L Hu  J Li  X Han  T Zhang  J Lu  G Zhang  Y Lou  J Penuelas 《Ecology letters》2012,15(10):1130-1139
In response to insect attack, plants release complex blends of volatile compounds. These volatiles serve as foraging cues for herbivores, predators and parasitoids, leading to plant-mediated interactions within and between trophic levels. Hence, plant volatiles may be important determinants of insect community composition. To test this, we created rice lines that are impaired in the emission of two major signals, S-linalool and (E)-β-caryophyllene. We found that inducible S-linalool attracted predators and parasitoids as well as chewing herbivores, but repelled the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens, a major pest. The constitutively produced (E)-β-caryophyllene on the other hand attracted both parasitoids and planthoppers, resulting in an increased herbivore load. Thus, silencing either signal resulted in specific insect assemblages in the field, highlighting the importance of plant volatiles in determining insect community structures. Moreover, the results imply that the manipulation of volatile emissions in crops has great potential for the control of pest populations.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by plant roots can influence the germination and growth of neighbouring plants. However, little is known about the effects of root VOCs on plant–herbivore interactions of neighbouring plants. The spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) constitutively releases high amounts of sesquiterpenes into the rhizosphere. Here, we examine the impact of Cstoebe root VOCs on the primary and secondary metabolites of sympatric Taraxacum officinale plants and the resulting plant‐mediated effects on a generalist root herbivore, the white grub Melolontha melolontha. We show that exposure of Tofficinale to C.stoebe root VOCs does not affect the accumulation of defensive secondary metabolites but modulates carbohydrate and total protein levels in Tofficinale roots. Furthermore, VOC exposure increases Mmelolontha growth on Tofficinale plants. Exposure of Tofficinale to a major Cstoebe root VOC, the sesquiterpene (E)‐β‐caryophyllene, partially mimics the effect of the full root VOC blend on Mmelolontha growth. Thus, releasing root VOCs can modify plant–herbivore interactions of neighbouring plants. The release of VOCs to increase the susceptibility of other plants may be a form of plant offense.  相似文献   

Pang YP 《Proteins》2001,45(3):183-189
I report herein two 2.0 ns (1.0 fs time step) MD simulations of two zinc complexes bridged by a hydroxide in phosphotriesterase (PTE) employing the nonbonded method and the cationic dummy atom method that uses virtual atoms to impose orientational requirement for zinc ligands. The cationic dummy atom method was able to simulate the four-ligand coordination of the two zinc complexes in PTE. The distance (3.39 +/- 0.07A) between two nearby zinc ions in the time-average structure of PTE derived from the MD simulation using the cationic dummy atoms matched that in the X-ray structure (3.31 +/- 0.001A). Unequivocally, the time-average structure of PTE was able to fit into the experimentally determined difference electron density map of the corresponding X-ray structure. The results demonstrate the practicality of the cationic dummy atom method for MD simulations of zinc proteins bound with multiple zinc ions. In contrast, a 2.0 ns (1.0 fs time step) MD simulation using the nonbonded method revealed a striking difference in the active site between the X-ray structure and the time-average structure that was unable to fit into the density map of PTE. The results suggest that caution should be used in the MD simulations using the nonbonded method.  相似文献   

The analysis of ecological networks is generally bottom‐up, where networks are established by observing interactions between individuals. Emergent network properties have been indicated to reflect the dominant mode of interactions in communities that might be mutualistic (e.g., pollination) or antagonistic (e.g., host–parasitoid communities). Many ecological communities, however, comprise species interactions that are difficult to observe directly. Here, we propose that a comparison of the emergent properties from detail‐rich reference communities with known modes of interaction can inform our understanding of detail‐sparse focal communities. With this top‐down approach, we consider patterns of coexistence between termite species that live as guests in mounds built by other host termite species as a case in point. Termite societies are extremely sensitive to perturbations, which precludes determining the nature of their interactions through direct observations. We perform a literature review to construct two networks representing termite mound cohabitation in a Brazilian savanna and in the tropical forest of Cameroon. We contrast the properties of these cohabitation networks with a total of 197 geographically diverse mutualistic plant–pollinator and antagonistic host–parasitoid networks. We analyze network properties for the networks, perform a principal components analysis (PCA), and compute the Mahalanobis distance of the termite networks to the cloud of mutualistic and antagonistic networks to assess the extent to which the termite networks overlap with the properties of the reference networks. Both termite networks overlap more closely with the mutualistic plant–pollinator communities than the antagonistic host–parasitoid communities, although the Brazilian community overlap with mutualistic communities is stronger. The analysis raises the hypothesis that termite–termite cohabitation networks may be overall mutualistic. More broadly, this work provides support for the argument that cryptic communities may be analyzed via comparison to well‐characterized communities.  相似文献   

Climate change has led to phenological shifts in flowering plants and insect pollinators, causing concern that these shifts will disrupt plant-pollinator mutualisms. We experimentally investigated how shifts in flowering onset affect pollinator visitation for 14 native perennial plant species, six of which have exhibited shifts to earlier flowering over the last 70 years and eight of which have not. We manipulated flowering onset in greenhouses and then observed pollinator visitation in the field. Five of six species with historically advanced flowering received more visits when flowering was experimentally advanced, whereas seven of eight species with historically unchanged flowering received fewer visits when flowering earlier. This pattern suggests that species unconstrained by pollinators have advanced their flowering, whereas species constrained by pollinators have not. In contrast to current concern about phenological mismatches disrupting plant-pollinator mutualisms, mismatches at the onset of flowering are not occurring for most of our study species.  相似文献   

We compared host selection by two subspecies of Abert's squirrel, a highly specialized and selective herbivore. Both subspecies are restricted to stands of ponderosa pine, upon which they are ecologically dependent, but the two subspecies are geographically disjunct and each is closely associated with stands of trees that represent strongly differentiated chemical races. The criteria by which trees were selected as sources of phloem by each subspecies of squirrel included heritable features of xylem oleoresin and phloem. Trees that were potentially available to the subspecies of squirrel in Colorado differed substantially in biochemical features from trees that were available to the subspecies in Arizona; as a result, chemically mediated feeding patterns were distinct between the two squirrel subspecies. Based on multivariate analysis of chemical characteristics, trees utilized by the squirrels for feeding (target trees) differed significantly from control trees (non-target tre es) for each subspecies. However, the discriminant functions that separated target trees from non-target trees within a site generated different patterns of predicted classification when applied to trees at the other site. Vertebrate herbivores that are feeding specialists can exert selection pressures in populations of their host plants, and results suggest that geographically differentiated herbivore–host interactions can produce different sets of selection pressures, which may result in different evolutionary outcomes. Such geographic differentiation is a potentially important evolutionary aspect of chemically mediated mammal–plant interactions.  相似文献   

土壤微生物对植物生长的负面影响只延续到最初几周 土壤微生物群落可以显著影响植物的生长表现。在本文中,我们提出一个问题:土壤微生物群落对植物生长的影响可以持续多久。我们监测了早期、中期和晚期3个阶段的植物生长速率,在无菌土壤或活土壤中对一种菊科植物疆千里光(Jacobaea vulgaris)进行了两次分别为49天和63天的生长实验。在第3个实验中,我们用4种不同的时间处理方法研究了种植前土壤接种时间对该植物相对生长速率的影响。研究结果表明,3个实验中,在无菌土壤和活土壤中生长的植物的生物量差异都增加了。此外,在前2–3周,灭菌土壤中植物的相对生长速率仅显著高于活土壤中植物的相对生长速率。在第3个实验中,植物生物量随着接种和种植之间时间的增加而减少。总体而言,这些结果表明,疆千里光在无菌土壤中的生长优于在活土壤中。土壤接种对植物生物量的负面影响似乎可以延伸到整个生长期,但源于最初几周发生的对相对生长速率的负面影响。  相似文献   

Abstract 1. As herbivory often elicits systemic changes in plant traits, indirect interactions via induced plant responses may be a pervasive feature structuring herbivore communities. Although the importance of this phenomenon has been emphasised for herbivorous insects, it is unknown if and how induced responses contribute to the organisation of other major phytoparasitic taxa. 2. Survey and experimental field studies were used to investigate the role of plants in linking the dynamics of foliar‐feeding insects and root‐feeding nematodes on tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. 3. Plant‐mediated interactions between insects and nematodes could largely be differentiated by insect feeding guild, with positive insect–nematode interactions predominating with leaf‐chewing insects (caterpillars) and negative interactions occurring with sap‐feeding insects (aphids). For example, insect defoliation was positively correlated with the abundance of root‐feeding nematodes, but aphids and nematodes were negatively correlated. Experimental field manipulations of foliar insect and nematode root herbivory also tended to support this outcome. 4. Overall, these results suggest that plants indirectly link the dynamics of divergent consumer taxa in spatially distinct ecosystems. This lends support to the growing perception that plants play a critical role in propagating indirect effects among a diverse assemblage of consumers.  相似文献   

Industrialisation has elevated atmospheric levels of CO2 from original 280 ppm to current levels at 400 ppm, which is estimated to double by 2050. Although high atmospheric CO2 levels affect insect interactions with host plants, the impact of global change on plant defences in response to insect attack is not completely understood. Recent studies have made advances in elucidating the mechanisms of the effects of high CO2 levels in plant–insect interactions. New studies have proposed that gene regulation and phytohormones regulate resource allocation from photosynthesis to plant defences against insects. Biochemical and molecular studies demonstrated that both defensive hormones jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) participate in modulating chemical defences against herbivores in plants grown under elevated CO2 atmosphere rather than changes in C:N ratio. High atmospheric CO2 levels increase vulnerability to insect damage by down‐regulating both inducive and constitutive chemical defences regulated by JA and ET. However, elevated CO2 levels increase the JA antagonistic hormone salicylic acid that increases other chemical defences. How plants grown under elevated CO2 environment allocate primary metabolites from photosynthesis to secondary metabolism would help to understand innate defences and prevent future herbivory in field crops. We present evidence demonstrating that changes in chemical defences in plants grown under elevated CO2 environment are hormonal regulated and reject the C:N hypothesis. In addition, we discuss current knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate plants defences against insects in elevated CO2 atmospheres.  相似文献   

Increased temperatures and concomitant changes in vegetation patterns are expected to dramatically alter the functioning of northern ecosystems over the next few decades. Predicting the ecosystem response to such a shift in climate and vegetation is complicated by the lack of knowledge about the links between aboveground biota and belowground process rates. Current models suggest that increasing temperatures and rising concentrations of atmospheric CO(2) will be partly mitigated by elevated C sequestration in plant biomass and soil. However, empirical evidence does not always support this assumption, as elevated temperature and CO(2) concentrations also accelerate the belowground C flux, in many cases extending to increased decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) and ultimately resulting in decreased soil C stocks. The mechanism behind the increase has remained largely unknown, but it has been suggested that priming might be the causative agent. Here, we provide quantitative evidence of a strong coupling between root exudation, SOM decomposition, and release of plant available N caused by rhizosphere priming effects. As plants tend to increase belowground C allocation with increased temperatures and CO(2) concentrations, priming effects need to be considered in our long-term analysis of soil C budgets in a changing environment. The extent of priming seems to be intimately linked to resource availability, as shifts in the stoichiometric nutrient demands of plants and microorganisms will lead to either cooperation (resulting in priming) or competition (no priming will occur). The findings lead us on the way to resolve the varying response of primary production, SOM decomposition, and release of plant available N to elevated temperatures, CO(2) concentrations, and N availability.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a common mode of speciation that can have far‐reaching consequences for plant ecology and evolution. Because polyploidy can induce an array of phenotypic changes, there can be cascading effects on interactions with other species. These interactions, in turn, can have reciprocal effects on polyploid plants, potentially impacting their establishment and persistence. Although there is a wealth of information on the genetic and phenotypic effects of polyploidy, the study of species interactions in polyploid plants remains a comparatively young field. Here we reviewed the available evidence for how polyploidy may impact many types of species interactions that range from mutualism to antagonism. Specifically, we focused on three main questions: (1) Does polyploidy directly cause the formation of novel interactions not experienced by diploids, or does it create an opportunity for natural selection to then form novel interactions? (2) Does polyploidy cause consistent, predictable changes in species interactions vs. the evolution of idiosyncratic differences? (3) Does polyploidy lead to greater evolvability in species interactions? From the scarce evidence available, we found that novel interactions are rare but that polyploidy can induce changes in pollinator, herbivore, and pathogen interactions. Although further tests are needed, it is likely that selection following whole‐genome duplication is important in all types of species interaction and that there are circumstances in which polyploidy can enhance the evolvability of interactions with other species.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates are sulphur‐containing secondary metabolites characteristic of Brassicaceous plants. Glucosinolate breakdown products, which include isothiocyanates, are released following tissue damage when hydrolytic enzymes act on them. The isothiocyanates have toxic effects on generalist herbivores when they attempt to feed on oilseed rape, Brassica napus, and also function as repellents. However, specialist herbivores such as Brevicoryne brassicae aphids, flea beetles, Psylliodes chrysocephala and the Lepidopteran pest, Pieris rapae, are adapted to the presence of glucosinolates and thrive on plants containing them. They may do this by avoiding tissue damage to prevent the formation of isothiocyanates or by metabolising or tolerating glucosinolates. For many specialist herbivores, the isothiocyanates function as attractants and glucosinolates can even be sequestered for defence against predatory insects. Thus, these herbivores have evolved resistance to host‐plant secondary metabolites and this type of evolutionary history may have given some insects an enhanced ability to adapt to xenobiotics. In an agricultural context, this may make pests better able to evolve resistance to artificially applied pesticides. The effect of increased glucosinolate content in making oilseed rape cultivars more susceptible to specialist pests was highlighted in a seminal article in the Annals of Applied Biology in 1995. This review of the literature considers developments in this area since then.  相似文献   

Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) (WCR) depends on the continuous availability of corn. Broad adoption of annual crop rotation between corn (Zea mays) and nonhost soybean (Glycine max) exploited WCR biology to provide excellent WCR control, but this practice dramatically reduced landscape heterogeneity in East-central Illinois and imposed intense selection pressure. This selection resulted in behavioral changes and "rotation-resistant" (RR) WCR adults. Although soybeans are well defended against Coleopteran insects by cysteine protease inhibitors, RR-WCR feed on soybean foliage and remain long enough to deposit eggs that will hatch the following spring and larvae will feed on roots of planted corn. Other than documenting changes in insect mobility and egg laying behavior, 15 years of research have failed to identify any diagnostic differences between wild-type (WT)- and RR-WCR or a mechanism that allows for prolonged RR-WCR feeding and survival in soybean fields. We documented differences in behavior, physiology, digestive protease activity (threefold to fourfold increases), and protease gene expression in the gut of RR-WCR adults. Our data suggest that higher constitutive activity levels of cathepsin L are part of the mechanism that enables populations of WCR to circumvent soybean defenses, and thus, crop rotation. These new insights into the mechanism of WCR tolerance of soybean herbivory transcend the issue of RR-WCR diagnostics and management to link changes in insect gut proteolytic activity and behavior with landscape heterogeneity. The RR-WCR illustrates how agro-ecological factors can affect the evolution of insects in human-altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

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