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We investigated the effects of 5,6-dichloro-1-ethyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-one(DCEBIO) on the Cl secretory response of the mouse jejunum using the Ussing short-circuit current (Isc) technique. DCEBIO stimulated a concentration-dependent, sustained increase in Isc (EC50 41 ± 1 µM). Pretreating tissues with 0.25 µM forskolin reduced the concentration-dependent increase in Isc by DCEBIO and increased the EC50 (53 ± 5 µM). Bumetanide blocked (82 ± 5%) the DCEBIO-stimulated Isc consistent with Cl secretion. DCEBIO was a more potent stimulator of Cl secretion than its parent molecule, 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone. Glibenclamide or NPPB reduced the DCEBIO-stimulated Isc by >80% indicating the participation of CFTR in the DCEBIO-stimulated Isc response. Clotrimazole reduced DCEBIO-stimulated Isc by 67 ± 15%, suggesting the participation of the intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (IKCa) in the DCEBIO-activated Isc response. In the presence of maximum forskolin (10 µM), the DCEBIO response was reduced and biphasic, reaching a peak response of the change in Isc of 43 ± 5 µA/cm2 and then falling to a steady-state response of 17 ± 10 µA/cm2 compared with DCEBIO control tissues (61 ± 6 µA/cm2). The forskolin-stimulated Isc in the presence of DCEBIO was reduced compared with forskolin control tissues. Similar results were observed with DCEBIO and 8-BrcAMP where adenylate cyclase was bypassed. H89, a PKA inhibitor, reduced the DCEBIO-activated Isc, providing evidence that DCEBIO increased Cl secretion via a cAMP/PKA-dependent manner. These data suggest that DCEBIO stimulates Cl secretion of the mouse jejunum and that DCEBIO targets components of the Cl secretory mechanism. 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone; forskolin; glibenclamide; clotrimazole; H89  相似文献   

The action of the isoflavonegenistein on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator(CFTR) has been studied in many cell systems but not in intact murinetissues. We have investigated the action of genistein on murine tissuesfrom normal and cystic fibrosis (CF) mice. Genistein increased theshort-circuit current (Isc) in tracheal(16.4 ± 2.8 µA/cm2) and colonic (40.0 ± 4.4 µA/cm2) epithelia of wild-type mice. This increase wasinhibited by furosemide, diphenylamine-2-carboxylate, andglibenclamide, but not by DIDS. In contrast, genistein produced nosignificant change in the Isc of the trachealepithelium (0.9 ± 1.1 µA/cm2) and decreased theIsc of colons from CF null (13.1 ± 2.3 µA/cm2) and F508 mice (10.3 ± 1.3 µA/cm2). Delivery of a human CFTRcDNA-liposome complex to the airways of CF null mice restored thegenistein response in the tracheas to wild-type levels. Tracheas fromF508 mice were also studied: 46% of trachea showed no response togenistein, whereas 54% gave an increase in Iscsimilar to that in wild type. We conclude that genistein activatesCFTR-mediated Cl secretion in the murine trachea anddistal colon.


Adenosine is known to stimulate chloride secretion by mouse jejunum. Whereas the receptor on the basolateral side is believed to be A2B, the receptor involved in the luminal effect of adenosine has not been identified. We found that jejuna expressed mRNA for all adenosine receptor subtypes. In this study, we investigated the stimulation of chloride secretion by adenosine in jejuna derived from mice lacking the adenosine receptors of A1 (A1R) and A2A (A(2A)R) or control littermates. The jejunal epithelium was mounted in a Ussing chamber, and a new method on the basis of impedance analysis was used to calculate the short-circuit current (I(sc)) values. Chloride secretion was assessed by the I(sc) after inhibition of the sodium-glucose cotransporter by adding phloridzin to the apical bathing solution. The effect of apical adenosine on chloride secretion was lost in jejuna from mice lacking the A1R. There was no difference in the response to basolaterally applied adenosine or to apical forskolin. Furthermore, in jejuna from control mice, the effect of apical adenosine was also abolished in the presence of 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, a specific A1R antagonist. Responses to adenosine were identical in jejuna from control and A(2A)R knockout mice. This study demonstrates that A1R (and not A(2A)R) mediates the enhancement of chloride secretion induced by luminal adenosine in mice jejunum.  相似文献   

ACE, accessory cholera enterotoxin, the thirdenterotoxin in Vibrio cholerae, has been reported toincrease short-circuit current (Isc) in rabbitileum and to cause fluid secretion in ligated rabbit ileal loops. Westudied the ACE-induced change in Isc andpotential difference (PD) in T84 monolayers mounted in modified Ussingchambers, an in vitro model of a Cl secretory cell. ACEadded to the apical surface alone stimulated a rapid increase inIsc and PD that was concentration dependent andimmediately reversed when the toxin was removed. Ion replacement studies established that the current was dependent on Cland HCO3. ACE acted synergistically with theCa2+-dependent acetylcholine analog, carbachol, tostimulate secretion in T84 monolayers. In contrast, the secretoryresponse to cAMP or cGMP agonists was not enhanced by ACE. TheACE-stimulated secretion was dependent on extracellular andintracellular Ca2+ but was not associated with an increasein intracellular cyclic nucleotides. We conclude that the mechanism ofsecretion by ACE involves Ca2+ as a second messenger andthat this toxin stimulates a novel Ca2+-dependent synergy.


The loss of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-mediated transepithelial HCO(3)(-) secretion contributes to the pathogenesis of pancreatic and biliary disease in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Recent studies have investigated P2Y(2) nucleotide receptor agonists, e.g., UTP, as a means to bypass the CFTR defect by stimulating Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) secretion. However, the value of this treatment in facilitating transepithelial HCO(3)(-) secretion is unknown. Gallbladder mucosae from CFTR knockout mice were used to isolate the Ca(2+)-dependent anion conductance during activation of luminal P2Y(2) receptors. In Ussing chamber studies, UTP stimulated a transient peak in short-circuit current (I(sc)) that declined to a stable plateau phase lasting 30-60 min. The plateau I(sc) after UTP was Cl(-) independent, HCO(3)(-) dependent, insensitive to bumetanide, and blocked by luminal DIDS. In pH stat studies, luminal UTP increased both I(sc) and serosal-to-mucosal HCO(3)(-) flux (J(s-->m)) during a 30-min period. Substitution of Cl(-) with gluconate in the luminal bath to inhibit Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange did not prevent the increase in J(s-->m) and I(sc) during UTP. In contrast, luminal DIDS completely inhibited UTP-stimulated increases in J(s-->m) and I(sc). We conclude that P2Y(2) receptor activation results in a sustained (30-60 min) increase in electrogenic HCO(3)(-) secretion that is mediated via an intracellular Ca(2+)-dependent anion conductance in CF gallbladder.  相似文献   

Helodermin stimulates glucagon secretion in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Ahrén 《Peptides》1989,10(3):709-711
Helodermin is structurally similar to VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide) and PHI (peptide histidine isoleucine). Since VIP and PHI both stimulate insulin and glucagon secretion, we investigated the effects of helodermin on insulin and glucagon secretion in the mouse, both in the basal state and during administration of glucose and the cholinergic agonist carbachol. After intravenous injection at dose levels between 0.5 and 8.0 nmol/kg, helodermin markedly enhanced basal plasma glucagon levels, for example at 8 nmol/kg from 139 +/- 14 to 421 +/- 86 pg/ml (p less than 0.001) after 6 minutes, without affecting basal plasma insulin levels. Together with glucose (2.8 mmol/kg), helodermin (2 and 8 nmol/kg) augmented plasma glucagon levels but had no effect on plasma insulin levels. When injected together with the cholinergic agonist carbachol (0.16 mumol/kg), helodermin markedly potentiated the increase in plasma glucagon levels (more than three-fold; p less than 0.001), again without affecting the plasma insulin levels. Combined alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor blockade (yohimbine + L-propranolol) reduced the augmenting effect of helodermin on glucagon secretion by approximately 60%. It is concluded helodermin stimulates glucagon secretion in the mouse by an effect that is partially antagonized by combined alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor antagonism.  相似文献   

The effects of serotonin[5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] on the transepithelial electricalproperties of the short-circuited rabbit conjunctiva were examined.With this epithelium, the short-circuit current(Isc) measures Cl secretion plusan amiloride-resistant Na+ absorptive process. Apicaladdition of 5-HT (10 µM) elicited a prompt Iscreduction from 14.2 ± 1.2 to 10.9 ± 1.2 µA/cm2 and increased transepithelial resistance from0.89 ± 0.05 to 1.03 ± 0.06 k · cm2(means ± SE, n = 21, P < 0.05).Similar changes were obtained with conjunctivae bathed withoutNa+ in the apical bath, as well as with conjunctivaepreexposed to bumetanide with the Cl-dependentIsc sustained by the parallel activities ofbasolateral Na+/H+ andCl/HCO exchangers. In contrast, the5-HT-evoked effects were attenuated by the absence of Cl(Isc = 0.5 ± 0.2, n = 5), suggesting that reduced Clconductance(s) is an effect of 5-HT exposure. In amphotericin B-treatedconjunctiva and in the presence of a transepithelial K+gradient, 5-HT addition reduced K+ diffusion across thepreparation by 13% and increased transepithelial resistance by 4%(n = 6, P < 0.05), indicating that aninhibition in K+ conductance(s) was also detectable.Significant electrical responses also occurred under physiologicalconditions when 5-HT was introduced to epithelia pretreated withadrenergic agonists or protein kinase C, phospholipase C,phosphodiesterase, or adenylyl cyclase inhibitors or after perturbationof Ca2+ homeostasis. Briefly, the conjunctiva harbors theonly known Cl-secreting epithelium in which 5-HT evokesCl transport inhibition; receptor subtype and signaltransduction mechanism were not determined.


We have studied the effect of enhanced expression of epithelial Na(+)channels (ENaC) on the ATP-induced Cl(-)secretion in the mouse epithelium using short-circuit current (I(SC)) and RT-PCR techniques. The amiloride sensitivity of basal current (I(b)) across the cultured endometrial epithelia was found to vary with the magnitude of the I(b), the higher the I(b)the greater its sensitivity to amiloride, indicating possible elevation of ENaC. However, the magnitude of ATP-induced I(SC), previously demonstrated to be mediated by Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel (CaCC), decreased as the amiloride sensitivity of the I(b)increased, suggesting a possible inhibitory effect of elevated expression of ENaC on ATP-mediated chloride secretion. The Matrigel treatment for culturing the endometrial epithelia affected the amiloride sensitivity of the I(b)as well as the ATP-induced I(SC)reversedly. Competitive RT-PCR demonstrated that the expression of both ENaC gamma subunits and CaCC was enhanced in Matrigel-treated cultures. However, the observed reduction in the ATP-induced or CaCC-mediated I(SC)could not be explained by the CaCC expression pattern. These data suggest that inhibition of CaCC function is due to enhanced ENaC expression. Therefore, in addition to interacting with CFTR, ENaC also appears to interact with CaCC in the mouse endometrial epithelium. Physiologically the present findings indicate that enhanced expression of ENaC leads to suppression of other Cl(-)channels, such as CFTR and CaCC, thereby preconditioning the endometrium in favour of overall salt and water absorption as observed during embryo implantation.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that intranasal (IN) ACTH(1-24) administration stimulates adrenocortical steroid secretion in normal subjects. To determine the efficiency of transmucosal absorption of ACTH into the adrenal medulla, we measured serum cortisol, aldosterone, epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine levels after IN vs. intravenous (IV) administration of 250 microg ACTH(1-24) in 7 healthy adult men (mean age 21.7 +/- 1.2 yr; range, 21 - 24 yr). Blood was collected at 0, 30, 60 and 120 min after administration of ACTH(1-24), and the levels of adrenocortical steroids and catecholamines were measured by specific RIA and HPLC methods, respectively. There were no side effects associated with IN or IV ACTH administration. Consistent with the previous study, serum cortisol and aldosterone increased after IN administration of ACTH(1-24), peaking 30 min after administration. Sixty minutes after IN and IV administration of ACTH, epinephrine levels increased by 41.9 +/- 13.1 % and 63.3 +/- 11.8 %, respectively, and remained elevated throughout the sampling period. Thirty minutes after IN or IV administration of ACTH(1-24), plasma norepinephrine levels increased by 55.9 +/- 13.4 % and 73.7 +/- 15.0 %, respectively, peaking 30 min after ACTH(1-24) administration, and decreasing to basal levels within 60 min. Plasma dopamine levels did not change after IN administration of ACTH(1-24). Adrenocortical steroid and catecholamine levels did not increase after IN administration of saline. These results demonstrate that IN administration of ACTH(1-24) not only stimulates adrenocortical steroids, but also epinephrine and norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Airways consist of a heterogeneous population of cells, comprising ciliated cells, Clara cells and goblet cells. Electrolyte secretion by the airways is necessary to produce the airway surface liquid that allows for mucociliary clearance of the lungs. Secretion is driven by opening of Cl(-) selective ion channels in the apical membrane of airway epithelial cells, through either receptor mediated increase in intracellular cAMP or cytosolic Ca(2+). Traditionally cAMP-dependent and Ca(2+)-dependent secretory pathways are regarded as independent. However, this concept has been challenged recently. With identification of the Ca(2+) activated Cl(-) channel TMEM16A (anoctamin 1) and with detailed knowledge of the cAMP-regulated cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), it has become possible to look more closely into this relationship.  相似文献   

Rectal biopsies from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients show defective cAMP-activated Cl(-) secretion and an inverse response of the short-circuit current (I(sc)) toward stimulation with carbachol (CCh). Alternative Cl(-) channels are found in airway epithelia and have been attributed to residual Cl(-) secretion in CF colon. The aim of the present study was to investigate ion conductances causing reversed I(sc) upon cholinergic stimulation. Furthermore, the putative role of an alternative Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) conductance in human distal colon was examined. Cholinergic ion secretion was assessed in the absence and presence of cAMP-dependent stimulation. Transepithelial voltage and I(sc) were measured in rectal biopsies from non-CF and CF individuals by means of a perfused micro-Ussing chamber. Under baseline conditions, CCh induced a positive I(sc) in CF rectal biopsies but caused a negative I(sc) in non-CF subjects. The CCh-induced negative I(sc) in non-CF biopsies was gradually reversed to a positive response by incubating the biopsies in indomethacin. The positive I(sc) was significantly enhanced in CF and was caused by activation of a luminal K(+) conductance, as shown by the use of the K(+) channel blockers Ba(2+) and tetraethylammonium. Moreover, a cAMP-dependent luminal K(+) conductance was detected in CF individuals. We conclude that the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator is the predominant Cl(-) channel in human distal colon. Unlike human airways, no evidence was found for an alternative Cl(-) conductance in native tissues from CF patients. Furthermore, we demonstrated that both Ca(2+)- and cAMP-dependent K(+) secretion are present in human distal colon, which are unmasked in rectal biopsies from CF patients.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and secretion by hamster, rat and mouse jejunum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The synthesis and secretion of [35S]methionine-labelled proteins by hamster, rat and mouse jejunum has been measured in vitro after 60 min incubation in culture medium. Twenty-three major bands of radioactively labelled proteins were detected by PAGE analysis of enterocyte extracts. Three of these proteins having mol. wts of 28,000, 43,000 and 60,000 appeared to be synthesised preferentially by older enterocytes. A small number of radioactively labelled proteins also appeared in culture medium at the end of incubation. Three of these proteins, accounting for most of the recovered radioactivity, had mol. wts of 28,000, 43,000 and 60,000. Secretion of these proteins was inhibited by monensin. Further experiments showed these secreted proteins to be acidic and possibly glycoprotein in nature. Their rapid turnover, selective secretion and changing abundance in enterocytes of different ages all suggest that they may have important functions to perform in the intestine.  相似文献   

Interaction between substance P (SP) and PGE(2) on Cl(-) secretion in the guinea pig distal colonic epithelia was investigated. A short-circuit current (I(sc)) was measured as an index of ion transport. Mucosa preparations deprived of muscle and submucosa of distal colon were mounted in the Ussing flux chamber and treated with TTX and piroxicam to remove the influences of neuronal activity and endogenous PG synthesis, respectively. Although SP (10(-7) M) itself evoked little increase in I(sc), exogenous PGE(2) concentration dependently enhanced the response of SP. The effect of PGE(2) on the SP-evoked response was mimicked by forskolin and 8-bromoadenosine cAMP. Depletion of Ca2+ from the bathing solution reduced the PGE(2)-dependent response of SP. Effects of PGE(2), SP, and SP in the presence of PGE(2) on intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) in isolated crypt cells were measured by the confocal microscope fluorescence imaging system. SP, but not PGE(2), temporally evoked an increase in [Ca2+](i) but declined to the baseline within 3 min. A return of the SP-evoked increase in [Ca2+](i) was slower in the presence of PGE(2) than SP alone. These results suggest that PGE(2) synergistically enhances SP-evoked Cl(-) secretion via an interaction between the intracellular cAMP and [Ca2+](i) in the epithelial cells. In conclusion, SP and PGE(2) could cooperatively induce massive Cl(-) secretion in guinea pig distal colon at epithelial levels.  相似文献   

We isolated and cultured fetal distal lung epithelial (FDLE) cells from 17- to 19-day rat fetuses and assayed for anion secretion in Ussing chambers. With symmetrical Ringer solutions, basal short-circuit currents (I(sc)) and transepithelial resistances were 7.9 +/- 0.5 microA/cm(2) and 1,018 +/- 73 Omega.cm(2), respectively (means +/- SE; n = 12). Apical amiloride (10 microM) inhibited basal I(sc) by approximately 50%. Subsequent addition of forskolin (10 microM) increased I(sc) from 3.9 +/- 0.63 microA/cm(2) to 7.51 +/- 0.2 microA/cm(2) (n = 12). Basolateral bumetanide (100 microM) decreased forskolin-stimulated I(sc) from 7.51 +/- 0.2 microA/cm(2) to 5.62 +/- 0.53, whereas basolateral 4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (5 mM), an inhibitor of HCO secretion, blocked the remaining I(sc). Forskolin addition evoked currents of similar fractional magnitudes in symmetrical Cl(-)- or HCO(-)(3)-free solutions; however, no response was seen using HCO(-)(3)- and Cl(-)-free solutions. The forskolin-stimulated I(sc) was inhibited by glibenclamide but not apical DIDS. Glibenclamide also blocked forskolin-induced I(sc) across monolayers having nystatin-permeablized basolateral membranes. Immunolocalization studies were consistent with the expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein in FDLE cells. In aggregate, these findings indicate the presence of cAMP-activated Cl(-) and HCO(-)(3) secretion across rat FDLE cells mediated via CFTR.  相似文献   

Genistein is one of non-steroidal phytoestrogens present in soya and soybean products as well as in other legumes. Phytoestrogens possess estrogen-like biological activity and may influence human and animal reproduction. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of genistein on testosterone (T) secretion by isolated Leydig cells in roosters. Genistein (5-50 microM) inhibited (p<0.05) in vitro basal and LH-stimulated T secretion by Leydig cells in a dose dependent manner. No significant effect of lavendustin C (inhibitor of PTK, a non-phytoestrogen) on the T production was observed. In conclusion, genistein, present in commercial poultry feeds, may influence testicular steroidogenesis but its effect on reproductive performance of roosters requires further examinations.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the activation of endometrial Cl(-) secretion through P(2Y2) (P(2U)) purinoceptors by extracellular ATP. The present study further explored the presence of pyrimidine-sensitive receptors in the primary cultured mouse endometrial epithelial cells using the short-circuit current (I(SC)) and whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. UDP induced a transient increase in I(SC) in a concentration-dependent manner (EC(50) approximately 8.84 microM). The UDP-induced I(SC) was abolished after pretreating the epithelia with a calcium chelator, 1, 2-bis-(2-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N'N'tetraacetic acid-acetomethyl ester (BAPTA-AM), suggesting the dependence of the I(SC) on cytosolic free Ca(2+). The type of receptor involved was studied by cross-desensitization between ATP and UDP. ATP or UDP desensitized its subsequent I(SC) response. However, when ATP was added after UDP, or vice versa, a second I(SC) response was observed, indicating the activation of distinct receptors, possibly pyrimidine-sensitive receptors in addition to P(2Y2) (P(2U)) receptors. Similar results were observed in the patch-clamp experiments where UDP and ATP were shown to sequentially activate whole-cell current in the same cell. The UDP-activated whole-cell current exhibited outward rectification with delay activation and inactivation at depolarizing and hyperpolarizing voltages, respectively. In addition, the UDP-evoked whole-cell current reversed near the equilibrium potential of Cl(-) in the presence of a Cl(-) gradient across the membrane, and was sensitive to 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), indicating the activation of Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) conductance. These characteristics were very similar to that of the ATP-activated whole-cell current. Taken together, our findings indicate the presence of distinct receptors, pyrimidinoceptors and P(2Y2) (P(2U)) receptors in mouse endometrial epithelial cells. These distinct receptors appear to converge on the same Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) channels.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that endogenously produced hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) can potentially contribute to the adrenergic stress response in rainbow trout by initiating catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells. During acute hypoxia (water Po(2) = 35 mmHg), plasma H(2)S levels were significantly elevated concurrently with a rise in circulating catecholamine concentrations. Tissues enriched with chromaffin cells (posterior cardinal vein and anterior kidney) produced H(2)S in vitro when incubated with l-cysteine. In both tissues, the production of H(2)S was eliminated by adding the cystathionine beta-synthase inhibitor, aminooxyacetate. Cystathionine beta-synthase and cystathionine gamma-lyase were cloned and sequenced and the results of real-time PCR demonstrated that with the exception of white muscle, mRNA for both enzymes was broadly distributed within the tissues that were examined. Electrical field stimulation of an in situ saline-perfused posterior cardinal vein preparation caused the appearance of H(2)S and catecholamines in the outflowing perfusate. Perfusion with the cholinergic receptor agonist carbachol (1 x 10(-6) M) or depolarizing levels of KCl (1 x 10(-2) M) caused secretion of catecholamines without altering H(2)S output, suggesting that neuronal excitation is required for H(2)S release. Addition of H(2)S (at concentrations exceeding 5 x 10(-7) M) to the perfusion fluid resulted in a marked stimulation of catecholamine secretion that was not observed when Ca(2+)-free perfusate was used. These data, together with the finding that H(2)S-induced catecholamine secretion was unaltered by the nicotinic receptor blocker hexamethonium, suggest that H(2)S is able to directly elicit catecholamine secretion via membrane depolarization followed by Ca(2+)-mediated exocytosis.  相似文献   

We compared the effects exerted by two classes of Cl(-) transport inhibitors on a Cl(-)-selective, passive anion transport route across the skin of Bufo viridis, the conductance (G(Cl)) of which can be activated by transepithelial voltage perturbation or high cAMP at short circuit. Inhibitors of antiporters (erythrosine, eosin) or cotransporters (furosemide) reduced voltage-activated G(Cl) with IC(50) of 6 +/- 1, 54 +/- 12, and 607 +/- 125 microM, respectively; they had no effect on the cAMP-induced G(Cl). The voltage for half-maximal activation of G(Cl) (V(50)) increased compared with controls, but effects on the maximal G(Cl) at more positive clamp potentials were small. Cl(-) channel blockers from the diphenylamino-2-carboxylic acid (DPC) family [dichloro-DPC, niflumic acid, flufenamic acid, and 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid] reduced the voltage-activated G(Cl) with IC(50) of 8.3 +/- 1.2, 10.5 +/- 0.6, 16.5 +/- 3.4, and 36.5 +/- 11.4 microM, respectively, and also inhibited the cAMP-induced G(Cl), albeit with slightly larger IC(50). V(50) was not significantly changed compared with controls; the maximal G(Cl) was strongly reduced. We conclude that the pathway for Cl(-) is composed of the conductive pore proper, which is blocked by the derivatives of DPC, and a separate, voltage-sensitive regulator, which is influenced by blockers of cotransporters or antiporters. This influence is partly overcome by increasing the clamp potential and removed by high concentrations of cAMP, which renders the pathway insensitive to voltage.  相似文献   

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