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Some effects of nickel toxicity on rye grass   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Rye grass (Lolium perenne, cv.S-23) was grown for 4 weeks in a non-calcareous Seaton loam soil with varying amounts of Ni as NiSO4. The purpose of this investigation was to study the Ni toxicity and the relationship of Ni with other essential elements. Nickel depressed shoot yield at all levels except at the lowest levelviz 30 g Ni/g soil. Nickel concentration of 50 g/g in shoots did not reduce the dry matter production in rye grass although slight chlorosis did appear at this level. The Ni and Fe concentration of the shoots increased and that of Mn and Zn decreased with increasing rates of Ni application. Uptake of Mn and Zn decreased at all level of Ni. But Fe uptake showed a slight increase at the first two levels and a profound depression at the subsequent levels. The pattern of Ni uptake is different, being highest at the middle level and decreasing on both sides which showed that the increase of Ni concentration of shoots is not proportional to the reduction in the yield. The Ni–Fe ratio rather than Ni and Fe concentration in plants has shown better relationship with the toxic effects of Ni. The implications of Ni phytotoxicity are discussed with particular reference to serpentine soils.The work is a part of Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the University of Aberdeen, U.K.  相似文献   

Peter Sørensen 《Plant and Soil》2004,267(1-2):285-296
About 50–60% of dairy cattle slurry nitrogen is ammonium N. Part of the ammonium N in cattle slurry is immobilised due to microbial decomposition of organic matter in the slurry after application to soil. The immobilisation and the remineralisation influence the fertiliser value of slurry N and the amount of organic N that is retained in soil. The immobilisation and the remineralisation of 15 N-labelled dairy cattle slurry NH4-N were studied through three growing seasons after spring application under temperate conditions. Effects of slurry distribution (mixing, layer incorporation, injection, surface-banding) and extra litter straw in the slurry on the plant utilisation of labelled NH4-N from slurry were studied and compared to the utilisation of 15N-labelled mineral fertiliser. The initial immobilisation of slurry N was influenced by the slurry distribution in soil. More N was immobilised when the slurry was mixed with soil. Surface-banding of slurry resulted in significant volatilisation losses and less residual 15N in soil. Much more N was immobilised after slurry incorporation than after mineral fertiliser application. After 2.5 years the recovery of labelled N in soil (0–25 cm) was 46% for slurry mixed with soil, 42% for injected slurry, 22% for surface-banded slurry and 24% for mineral fertiliser N. The total N uptake in a ryegrass cover crop was 5–10 kg N/ha higher in the autumn after spring-application of cattle slurry (100–120 kg NH4-N/ha) compared to the mineral fertiliser N reference, but the immobilised slurry N (labelled N) only contributed little to the extra N uptake in the autumn. Even in the second autumn after slurry application there was an extra N uptake in the cover crop (0–10 kg N/ha). The residual effect of the cattle slurry on spring barley N uptake was insignificant in the year after slurry application (equivalent to 3% of total slurry N). Eighteen months after application, 13% of the residual 15N in soil was found in microbial biomass whether it derived from slurry or mineral fertiliser, but the remineralisation rate (% crop removal of residual 15N) was higher for fertiliser- than for slurry-derived N, except after surface-banding. Extra litter straw in the slurry had a negligible influence on the residual N effects in the year after application. It is concluded that a significant part of the organic N retained in soil after cattle slurry application is derived from immobilised ammonium N, but already a few months after application immobilised N is stabilised and only slowly released. The immobilised N has negligible influence on the residual N effect of cattle slurry in the first years after slurry application, and mainly contributes to the long-term accumulation of organic N in soil together with part of the organic slurry N. Under humid temperate conditions the residual N effects of the manure can only be optimally utilised when soil is also covered by plants in the autumn, because a significant part of the residual N is released in the autumn, and there is a higher risk of N leaching losses on soils that receive cattle slurry regularly compared to soils receiving only mineral N fertilisers.  相似文献   

The effects of concentrate energy source on feed intake and rumen fermentation parameters of lactating dairy cattle, offered one of three grass silages differing in fermentation and intake characteristics, were evaluated in a partially balanced changeover design experiment involving four rumen fistulated dairy cows. Three silages were harvested using different management practices prior to and at ensiling. Silages A and C and silage B were harvested from primary or secondary regrowths either untreated or treated with a bacterial inoculant. For silages A, B and C, dry matter (DM) concentrations were 334, 197 and 183 g/kg (S.E. 3.1), pH values 4.00, 4.79 and 4.80 (S.E. 0.042) and ammonia nitrogen (N) concentrations were 123, 319 and 295 g/kg total N (S.E. 20.0), respectively. Two concentrates were formulated to contain similar crude protein, effective rumen degradable protein, digestible undegradable protein and metabolisable energy concentrations but using different carbohydrate sources to achieve a wide range of starch concentrations. For the low and high starch concentrates starch concentrations were 17 and 304 g/kg DM and acid detergent fibre concentrations were 170 and 80 g/kg DM, respectively. The silages were offered ad libitum, supplemented with 10 kg fresh concentrate daily. For silages A, B and C, DM intakes were 10.9, 7.2 and 8.6 kg/day and concentrate energy sources did not alter (P>0.05) intake. Increasing the level of starch in the concentrate decreased the molar concentration of acetate (P<0.05) and tended to increase the molar concentration of propionate (P<0.1). Silage type altered the molar concentration of acetate (P<0.01) and the acetate:propionate ratio (P<0.05). There were no silagetype×concentrate interactions (P>0.05) on silage intake or rumen fermentation parameters. It is concluded that when concentrate and silage form equal proportions of the diet, the composition of the silage has an over-riding influence on rumen fermentation parameters. Furthermore, the changes in milk fat concentration, observed in a concurrent production study, due to changes in silage and concentrate types can be accounted for by changes in the ratio of lipogenic to glucogenic precursors in the rumen fluid.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne incognita causes more damage to cotton in the US than any other pathogen. The objective of this study was to document the cumulative effect of moderate resistance on M. incognita population density, root galling, and yield suppression in the southern United States on a moderately resistant cotton genotype grown continuously for three years. Cotton genotypes were Phytogen PH98-3196 (77% suppression of M. incognita), Acala NemX (85% suppression of M. incognita), and Delta and Pine Land DP458 B/R (susceptible standard, 0% suppression). Cotton was grown in fumigated and non-fumigated plots to measure yield loss. Each genotype and nematicide combination was planted in the same place for three years at two sites to document cumulative effects. In 2006, following three years of the different genotypes, all plots at one site were planted with susceptible cotton to document residual effects of planting resistant genotypes. Root galling and nematode population densities in the soil were significantly lower, and percentage yield suppression was numerically lower, when moderately resistant cotton was grown compared to the susceptible standard in both fields in all three years. Differences between susceptible and moderately resistant genotypes are established quickly (after only one season) and then either maintained at similar levels or slightly increased in subsequent years depending on initial nematode levels. However, when susceptible cotton was grown following three years of the moderately resistant genotypes, the nematode suppression provided by moderate resistance was undetectable by the end of the first season. Moderately resistant cotton genotypes are more beneficial than previously reported and should be pursued for nematode management. Rotation of moderately resistant and susceptible cotton could be used along with nematicides to manage root-knot nematodes in a continuous cotton cropping system and reduce selection pressure on the nematodes.  相似文献   

为筛选出北方城市冬季生态效益突出的常绿树种,以缓解大气CO2和粉尘颗粒物污染,并为这些树种的园林应用提供科学支持,该文选取郑州市园林绿化应用广泛的12个常绿树种,利用LI-6400便携式光合测定仪和洗脱-质量差值法,并对其光合特性及滞尘能力进行测定,计算出其光合参数[叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度...  相似文献   

The influence of osmotic effects of aqueous plant extracts on the results of allelopathy bioassays was investigated for four pasture grass species. It was found that allelopathic effects were substantially overestimated when osmotic effects were not taken into account. It is concluded that bioassays using aqueous plant extracts are more realistic when osmotically adjusted control values (with the same osmotic potential as the plant extract being tested) are used.  相似文献   

In total, 20 multiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows received one of four diets in each of four periods of 28-day duration in a Latin square design to test the hypothesis that the inclusion of lucerne in the ration of high-yielding dairy cows would improve animal performance and milk fatty acid (FA) composition. All dietary treatments contained 0.55 : 0.45 forage to concentrates (dry matter (DM) basis), and within the forage component the proportion of lucerne (Medicago sativa), grass (Lolium perenne) and maize silage (Zea mays) was varied (DM basis): control (C)=0.4 : 0.6 grass : maize silage; L20=0.2 : 0.2 : 0.6 lucerne : grass : maize silage; L40=0.4 : 0.6 lucerne : maize silage; and L60=0.6 : 0.4 lucerne : maize silage. Diets were formulated to contain a similar CP and metabolisable protein content, with the reduction of soya bean meal and feed grade urea with increasing content of lucerne. Intake averaged 24.3 kg DM/day and was lowest in cows when fed L60 (P<0.01), but there was no effect of treatment on milk yield, milk fat or protein content, or live weight change, which averaged 40.9 kg/day, 41.0, 30.9 g/kg and 0.16 kg/day, respectively. Milk fat content of 18:2 c9 c12 and 18:3 c9 c12 c15 was increased (P<0.05) with increasing proportion of lucerne in the ration. Milk fat content of total polyunsaturated fatty acids was increased by 0.26 g/100 g in L60 compared with C. Plasma urea and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations averaged 3.54 and 0.52 mmol/l, respectively, and were highest (P<0.001) in cows when fed L60 and lowest in C, but plasma glucose and total protein was not affected (P>0.05) by dietary treatment. Digestibility of DM, organic matter, CP and fibre decreased (P<0.01) with increasing content of lucerne in the diet, although fibre digestibility was similar in L40 and L60. It is concluded that first cut grass silage can be replaced with first cut lucerne silage without any detrimental effect on performance and an improvement in the milk FA profile, although intake and digestibility was lowest and plasma urea concentrations highest in cows when fed the highest level of inclusion of lucerne.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of three different theoretical particle lengths (TPL) of grass silage on the distribution of particle fractions of the diet and the resulting effects on fermentation profile and concentrations of protozoa and mixed bacterial mass in the rumen of three lactating Holstein cows fed total mixed rations (45% grass silage, 5% grass hay and 50% concentrate) ad libitum. Decreasing TPL of grass silage (long, medium, short) reduced particles retained on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, while particle fractions from 8 mm to 19 mm and smaller than 8 mm were increased. Different TPL did not affect pH and the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the rumen. However, lowering the TPL from long to medium increased significantly the bicarbonate concentration, acetate proportion and protozoal number in the rumen, whereas the proportion of bacterial protein in ruminal digesta and its amino acid concentration were significantly increased by the short TPL. For the current feeding conditions, it can be concluded that increasing the fraction of particles between 8 and 19 mm and probably even the fraction below 8 mm by decreasing TPL of grass silage do not adversely affect rumen conditions and can be beneficial in terms of optimising concentration and activity of ruminal microbiota in high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of three different theoretical particle lengths (TPL) of grass silage on the distribution of particle fractions of the diet and the resulting effects on fermentation profile and concentrations of protozoa and mixed bacterial mass in the rumen of three lactating Holstein cows fed total mixed rations (45% grass silage, 5% grass hay and 50% concentrate) ad libitum. Decreasing TPL of grass silage (long, medium, short) reduced particles retained on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, while particle fractions from 8 mm to 19 mm and smaller than 8 mm were increased. Different TPL did not affect pH and the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the rumen. However, lowering the TPL from long to medium increased significantly the bicarbonate concentration, acetate proportion and protozoal number in the rumen, whereas the proportion of bacterial protein in ruminal digesta and its amino acid concentration were significantly increased by the short TPL. For the current feeding conditions, it can be concluded that increasing the fraction of particles between 8 and 19 mm and probably even the fraction below 8 mm by decreasing TPL of grass silage do not adversely affect rumen conditions and can be beneficial in terms of optimising concentration and activity of ruminal microbiota in high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

Treatment of liquid manure can result in the production of ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane. Earthworms mix and transform nitrogen and carbon without consuming additional energy. The objective of this paper is to analyse whether earthworms modify the emissions of NH3, N2O, CH4 and CO2 during vermifiltration of pig slurry.The experiment used mesocosms of around 50 L, made from a vermifilter treating the diluted manure of a swine house. Three levels of slurry were added to the mesocosms, with or without earthworms, during one month, in triplicate. Earthworm abundance and gas emissions were measured three and five times, respectively.There was a decrease in emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide and a sink of methane in treatments with earthworms. We suggest that earthworm abundance can be used as a bioindicator of low energy input, and low greenhouse gas and ammonia output in systems using fresh slurry with water recycling.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P4) metabolism in dairy cattle can be manipulated by alterations in dry matter intake and diet composition. Our objectives were to determine the effects of grazing allowance and fat supplementation on P4 metabolism in lactating dairy cows. Forty mid- to late-lactation Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were used in a completely randomized block design, with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Cows were assigned to receive 1 of 2 pasture allowances (ad libitum allowance [AL], 9.5 kg dry matter per day, or restricted allowance [R] 7 kg dry matter per day) and 1 of 2 fat supplementation treatments (750 g per day saturated fat [F] or no fat supplement [NF]). All cows received an additional 4 kg per day of concentrate. Grass dry matter intake (GDMI) was measured 5 wk after the initiation of dietary treatment. Cows were treated with prostaglandin F (PGF) to eliminate the endogenous source of P4, and two intravaginal progesterone-releasing devices (CIDR) were inserted into each cow for a period of 8 days. Regular blood samples were taken before and after the removal of the intravaginal progesterone-releasing devices, and analyzed for P4 concentrations. The half-life (t½) and metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of P4 was calculated for each cow. There was no effect of GDMI or fat supplementation on the t½ or MCR of P4. There was a tendency for an interaction between GDMI and fat supplementation on the t½ of P4; cows on the restricted-F diet tended to have a longer P4 t½ than cows on the ad libitum-F diet. It was concluded that greater alterations in GDMI than achieved in the current study are required to change P4 metabolism. A combination of fat supplementation and restricted feeding slows P4 clearance, which may have beneficial implications for fertility.  相似文献   

Cattle slurry solid fraction (SF) with different dry matter (DM) contents was collected from two dairy farms and composted in static and turned piles, with different sizes and cover types, to investigate the effects of pile conditions on the physical and chemical changes in SF during composting and to identify approaches to improve final compost quality. Thermophilic temperatures were attained soon after separation of SF, but the temperature of piles covered with polyethylene did not increase above 60 degrees C. The rate of organic matter (OM) mineralisation increased for turned piles in comparison to static piles, but the maximum amount of mineralisable OM (630-675gkg(-1)) was similar for all pile treatments. The C/N ratio declined from over 36 to a value of 14 towards the end of composting, indicating an advanced degree of OM stabilisation. Mature compost was obtained from raw SF feedstock as indicated by the low compost temperature, low C/N ratio, and low content of NH(4)(+) combined with increased concentrations of NO(3)(-). The efficiency of the composting process was improved and NH(3)-N losses were minimized by increasing DM content of the SF, reducing the frequency of pile turning and managing compost piles without an impermeable cover.  相似文献   

Grass silage is typically fed to dairy cows in temperate regions. However, in vivo information on methane (CH4) emission from grass silage of varying quality is limited. We evaluated the effect of two rates of nitrogen (N) fertilisation of grassland (low fertilisation (LF), 65 kg of N/ha; and high fertilisation (HF), 150 kg of N/ha) and of three stages of maturity of grass at cutting: early maturity (EM; 28 days of regrowth), mid maturity (MM; 41 days of regrowth) and late maturity (LM; 62 days of regrowth) on CH4 production by lactating dairy cows. In a randomised block design, 54 lactating Holstein–Friesian dairy cows (168±11 days in milk; mean±standard error of mean) received grass silage (mainly ryegrass) and compound feed at 80 : 20 on dry matter basis. Cows were adapted to the diet for 12 days and CH4 production was measured in climate respiration chambers for 5 days. Dry matter intake (DMI; 14.9±0.56 kg/day) decreased with increasing N fertilisation and grass maturity. Production of fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM; 24.0±1.57 kg/day) decreased with advancing grass maturity but was not affected by N fertilisation. Apparent total-tract feed digestibility decreased with advancing grass maturity but was unaffected by N fertilisation except for an increase and decrease in N and fat digestibility with increasing N fertilisation, respectively. Total CH4 production per cow (347±13.6 g/day) decreased with increasing N fertilisation by 4% and grass maturity by 6%. The smaller CH4 production with advancing grass maturity was offset by a smaller FPCM and lower feed digestibility. As a result, with advancing grass maturity CH4 emission intensity increased per units of FPCM (15.0±1.00 g CH4/kg) by 31% and digestible organic matter intake (33.1±0.78 g CH4/kg) by 15%. In addition, emission intensity increased per units of DMI (23.5±0.43 g CH4/kg) by 7% and gross energy intake (7.0±0.14% CH4) by 9%, implying an increased loss of dietary energy with advancing grass maturity. Rate of N fertilisation had no effect on CH4 emissions per units of FPCM, DMI and gross energy intake. These results suggest that despite a lower absolute daily CH4 production with a higher N fertilisation rate, CH4 emission intensity remains unchanged. A significant reduction of CH4 emission intensity can be achieved by feeding dairy cows silage of grass harvested at an earlier stage of maturity.  相似文献   

A 2 × 2 factorial feeding experiment was conducted to examine the effects of varying the maturity level of the grass used to prepare silage and the nature of concentrate starch source and their interactions on dry matter intake (DMI), diet digestibility, energy corrected milk (ECM) production and milk composition in dairy cows. Twenty-eight multiparous Swedish Red dairy cows, 133 ± 45 days in milk (DIM), with an average milk yield of 30 ± 4 kg/day and a live weight of 624 ± 69 kg were blocked by DIM and randomly assigned to seven replicated balanced 4 × 4 Latin squares with four 21-day experimental periods. The experimental diets consisted of four total mixed rations (TMR) consisting of early-cut grass silage (EGS) supplemented with either barley- or maize-based concentrate and late-cut grass silage (LGS) supplemented with either barley- or maize-based concentrate. All TMR contained identical proportions of forage (51%) and concentrate (49%). Total tract digestibility was estimated by determining indigestible NDF (iNDF) concentrations in feeds and faeces and using iNDF as an internal marker. The feeds’ ruminal degradation parameters were determined using both in situ (nylon bag) and in vitro (gas production (GP)) techniques. Cows offered diets containing EGS had greater (P < 0.001) daily dry matter (DM) intakes, ECM yields and total tract digestibilities for DM and organic matter (OM), but these were not affected by the nature of the concentrate starch source. No interaction between the maturity of the silage and the nature of the concentrate starch source was observed for DMI, diet digestibility or ECM yield. Both grass silages and concentrates had similar rates of ruminal degradation of NDF when measured in situ. The in situ DM (P < 0.001) and starch (P = 0.001) degradation rates of barley-based concentrate were greater than those for maize-based concentrate. In vitro OM GP rates and extents were similar for both concentrate feeds. The results showed that diets containing EGS offered better animal performance and diet digestibility than diets containing LGS. The concentrate starch source did not affect animal performance, but total NDF digestibility was better with diet containing barley- than maize-based concentrate.  相似文献   

Cramer  Grant R. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):233-244
This study focuses on the inhibitory effect of salinity on the leaf extension of three different grass species: Hordeum jubatum L., Hordeum vulgare L. and Zea mays L. Leaf elongation rates (LER) were measured on the third leaf of the plants. NaCl was added to the hydroponic solution (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM) and changes in LER were measured over time with a displacement transducer. Salinity inhibited LER immediately in all three species, and a new, but lower steady-state LER was reached within 5 h. The decrease in LER was proportional to the salinity level. Differences in salt tolerance (% of control LER) were evident between genotypes within 5 h after salinization, but the relative salt tolerance of the plant at this stage was not necessarily indicative of the long-term salt tolerance of the species. In general, H. jubatum was more tolerant than maize, which was more tolerant than barley to these short-term salinity stresses. In contrast, barley is more salt tolerant than maize over the long term. The mechanisms of inhibition of LER by salinity, as tested by the applied-tension technique, varied with the species examined, affecting either the apparent yield threshold, the hydraulic conductance of the whole plant or both. The cell wall extensibility was not significantly affected by salinity in the three species tested in this study.  相似文献   

Environmental effects on fertility measures early in lactation, such as the interval from calving to first luteal activity (CLA), proportion of samples with luteal activity during the first 60 days after calving (PLA) and interval to first ovulatory oestrus (OOE) were studied. In addition, traditional measurements of fertility, such as pregnancy to first insemination, number of inseminations per service period and interval from first to last insemination were studied as well as associations between the early and late measurements. Data were collected from an experimental herd during 15 years and included 1106 post-partum periods from 191 Swedish Holsteins and 325 Swedish Red and White dairy cows. Individual milk progesterone samples were taken twice a week until cyclicity and thereafter less frequently. First parity cows had 14.8 and 18.1 days longer CLA (LS-means difference) than second parity cows and older cows, respectively. Moreover, CLA was 10.5 days longer for cows that calved during the winter season compared with the summer season and 7.5 days longer for cows in tie-stalls than cows in loose-housing system. Cows treated for mastitis and lameness had 8.4 and 18.0 days longer CLA, respectively, compared with healthy cows. OOE was affected in the same way as CLA by the different environmental factors. PLA was a good indicator of CLA, and there was a high correlation (-0.69) between these two measurements. Treatment for lameness had a significant influence on all late fertility measurements, whereas housing was significant only for pregnancy to first insemination. All fertility traits were unfavourably associated with increased milk production. Regression of late fertility measurements on early fertility measurements had only a minor association with conception at first AI and interval from first to last AI for cows with conventional calving intervals, i.e. a 22 days later, CLA increased the interval from first to last insemination by 3.4 days. Early measurements had repeatabilities of 0.14-0.16, indicating a higher influence by the cow itself compared with late measurements, which had repeatabilities of 0.09-0.10. Our study shows that early fertility measurements have a possibility to be used in breeding for better fertility. To improve the early fertility of the cow, there are a number of important factors that have to be taken into account.  相似文献   

高寒地区白苞筋骨草对几种禾草的化感作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用青藏高原“黑土滩”次生毒杂草群落的优势植物——白苞筋骨草(Aerba lupulin)地上部分和地下部分水浸液,对青藏高原高寒地区4种禾草种子萌发、幼苗生长的抑制作用进行了分析。结果表明:白苞筋骨草地上部分水浸液对4种禾草种子萌发和幼苗生长具有显著抑制作用(P<0.05),地下部分水浸液的化感抑制作用不显著(P>0.05);4种牧草种子萌发对白苞筋骨草水浸提物敏感性强弱顺序为:垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)>老芒麦(E. sibiricus)>冷地早熟禾(Poa crymophila)>中华羊茅 (Festuca sinensis),禾草幼苗生长对白苞筋骨草水浸液的敏感性强弱顺序为:垂穗披碱草>中华羊茅>老芒麦>冷地早熟禾;整体上,4种牧草对白苞筋骨草化感作用的敏感性强弱顺序为:垂穗披碱草>老芒麦>冷地早熟禾>中华羊茅;4种牧草幼苗生长对白苞筋骨草的水浸液敏感性弱于种子萌发。白苞筋骨草的化感抑制作用是高寒地区毒杂草在退化草地蔓延,并最终形成"黑土滩"次生毒杂草群落的一个因素。  相似文献   

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