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KCNE1 associates with KCNQ1 to increase its current amplitude and slow the activation gating process, creating the slow delayed rectifier channel that functions as a “repolarization reserve” in human heart. The transmembrane domain (TMD) of KCNE1 plays a key role in modulating KCNQ1 pore conductance and gating kinetics, and the extracellular juxtamembrane (EJM) region plays a modulatory role by interacting with the extracellular surface of KCNQ1. KCNE2 is also expressed in human heart and can associate with KCNQ1 to suppress its current amplitude and slow the deactivation gating process. KCNE1 and KCNE2 share the transmembrane topology and a high degree of sequence homology in TMD and surrounding regions. The structural basis for their distinctly different effects on KCNQ1 is not clear. To address this question, we apply cysteine (Cys) scanning mutagenesis to TMDs and EJMs of KCNE1 and KCNE2. We analyze the patterns of functional perturbation to identify high impact positions, and probe disulfide formation between engineered Cys side chains on KCNE subunits and native Cys on KCNQ1. We also use methanethiosulfonate reagents to probe the relationship between EJMs of KCNE subunits and KCNQ1. Our data suggest that the TMDs of both KCNE subunits are at about the same location but interact differently with KCNQ1. In particular, the much closer contact of KCNE2 TMD with KCNQ1, relative to that of KCNE1, is expected to impact the allosteric modulation of KCNQ1 pore conductance and may explain their differential effects on the KCNQ1 current amplitude. KCNE1 and KCNE2 also differ in the relationship between their EJMs and KCNQ1. Although the EJM of KCNE1 makes intimate contacts with KCNQ1, there appears to be a crevice between KCNQ1 and KCNE2. This putative crevice may perturb the electrical field around the voltage-sensing domain of KCNQ1, contributing to the differential effects of KCNE2 versus KCNE1 on KCNQ1 gating kinetics.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor type I (PAI-1) plays a central role in metastatic behavior by increasing cells' migratory capacities as shown in several tumoral cell lines. Moreover, in vivo high expression of this factor helps tumoral growth, both by its role in extracellular matrix remodeling and by favoring angiogenesis. High levels of PAI-1 are correlated with bad prognosis in several cancers, particularly in breast cancer. The effect of PAI-1 upon angiogenesis is also involved in atherosclerosis, in which high levels of PAI-1 expression are observed. Breast carcinoma MDA MB 231 cells are known for both having important metastatic capacities and expressing high levels of PAI-1. We have demonstrated in these cells that the transfection of PAI-1 specific small interfering RNAs (siRNA) specifically inhibited the expression of this factor by 91%. We evaluated siRNA activity by determining PAI-1 mRNA level, as well as intracellular and extracellular PAI-1 protein by using RT Q-PCR, Western blot and ELISA analyses, respectively. Data confirmed inhibition at mRNA levels (primary aim of interference), intracellular protein, and secreted PAI-1, the latter being operative successfully in the cell microenvironment. The lipidic vector Delivery Liposomes System (DLS) used was adapted to siRNA delivery as observed by particle size distribution analysis, confocal microscopy and transfection into MDA MB 231, in the presence of serum. SiRNA activity was clearly detected at concentrations as low as 10 nM. Moreover, the low cytotoxicity of this vector makes it a good candidate for future in vivo siRNA delivery.  相似文献   

The kinin peptides are released during inflammation and are amongst the most potent known mediators of vasodilatation, pain, and oedema. A role in the modulation or induction of healthy breast tissue growth has been postulated for tissue kallikrein present in human milk. Moreover, tissue kallikrein was found in malignant human breast tissue and bradykinin (BK) stimulates the proliferation of immortalised breast cancer cells. Aim of the present article was to investigate whether BK also exerts mitogenic activity in normal breast epithelial cells and partially characterise the signalling machinery involved. Results show that BK increased up to 2-fold the 24 h proliferation of breast epithelial cells in primary culture, and that the BK B2 receptor (not B1) inhibitor alone fully blocked the BK response. Intracellular effects of B2 stimulation were the following: (a) the increase of free intracellular Ca(2+) concentration by a mechanism dependent upon the phospholipase C (PLC) activity; (b) the cytosol-to-membrane translocation of conventional (PKC)-alpha and -beta isozymes, novel PKC-delta, -epsilon, and -eta isozymes; (c) the phosphorylation of the extracellular-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2); and (d) the stimulation of the expression of c-Fos protein. EGF, a well known stimulator of cell proliferation, regulated the proliferative response in human epithelial breast cells to the same extent of BK. The effects of BK on proliferation, ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and c-Fos expression were abolished by GF109203X, which inhibits PKC-delta isozyme. Conversely, G?6976, an inhibitor of PKC-alpha and -beta isozymes, and the 18-h treatment of cells with PMA, that led to the complete down-regulation of PKC-alpha, -beta, -epsilon, and -eta, but not of PKC-delta, did not have any effect, thereby indicating that the PKC-delta mediates the mitogenic signalling of BK. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), tyrosine kinase of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and mitogen activated protein kinase kinases (MEK) inhibitors were also tested. The results suggest that EGFR, PI3K, and ERK are required for the proliferative effects of BK. In addition, the BK induced cytosol-to-membrane translocation of PKC-delta was blocked by PI3K inhibition, suggesting that PI3K is upstream to PKC-delta. In conclusion, BK has mitogenic actions in cultured human epithelial breast cells; the activation of PKC-delta through B2 receptor acts in concert with ERK and PI3K pathways to induce cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Highlights? LCMT-1 makes extensive contacts to PP2A active site for methylation of PP2A tail ? PP2A methylation is stimulated by phosphatase activation, hampered by inactivation ? LCMT-1 would facilitate efficient transition of activated PP2A to holoenzymes ? A high-affinity dnLCMT-1 mutant attenuates the cell cycle without causing cell death  相似文献   

In the human breast carcinoma cell line MDA-468 addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) is growth inhibitory. Calcium signalling was investigated in this cell line using the calcium sensitive fluorescent probe Indo-1. Addition of EGF to MDA-468 cells resulted in a novel biphasic calcium response. In the first phase of the response EGF raised calcium to levels significantly above basal. This was followed by a prolonged fall in calcium to levels significantly lower than original basal levels. The G-protein activator aluminum fluoride (AlF), stimulated a rise in calcium which was not proceeded by a fall below basal levels. Conversely addition of PMA, an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), induced a fall in calcium from basal without a prior increase. Down regulation of PKC eliminated the response to PMA, however the biphasic nature of the EGF response was maintained. Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin did not alter the response to EGF nor to AlF. We conclude that in the MDA-468 cell in which EGF is growth inhibitory: 1) EGF results in a biphasic calcium response which ultimately leads to reduction below baseline levels, 2) a rise in calcium itself is not sufficient to account for the subsequent fall below basal levels, 3) G-proteins may be involved in the initial phase of the EGF response, 4) activation of PKC can also reduce intracellular calcium, however the response to EGF is not dependent on this pathway.  相似文献   

Cancer is a complex and dynamic process caused by a cellular dysfunction leading to a whole organ or even organism vital perturbation. To better understand this process, we need to study each one of the levels involved, which allows the scale change, and to integrate this knowledge. A matricellular protein, PAI-1, is able to induce in vitro cell behaviour modifications, morphological changes, and to promote cell migration. PAI-1 influences the mesenchymo-amaeboid transition. This matricellular protein should be considered as a potential 'launcher' of the metastatic process acting at the molecular, cellular, tissular levels and, as a consequence, at the organism's level.  相似文献   

The present study on the prognostic and predictive value of serine proteases was conducted in 460 early breast cancer patients mostly treated with some kind of adjuvant systemic therapy: 156 received chemotherapy, 141 hormone therapy and 111 a combination of both. Already in univariate analysis PAI-1 was the only proteolytic factor with a significant impact on DFS, which was retained in multivariate analysis (p = 0.020); PAI-2 showed borderline significance in univariate analysis (p = 0.0503) and uPA did not present as a significant prognostic factor for DFS in our patient series. In a separate univariate analysis of DFS on patient subgroups defined by adjuvant systemic therapy, a higher risk of relapse associated with higher uPA and PAI-1 levels was found in the subgroup of patients who did not receive any treatment; this difference did not reach the level of significance, probably due to the small number (n = 52) of patients in this group (HR 1.37; p = 0.71 and HR 2.14; p = 0.321, respectively). A higher risk of relapse was also found in the subgroup of patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy (HR 1.44; p = 0.381 and HR 2.48; p = 0.003, respectively). In contrast, the bad prognostic impact of high uPA and PAI-1 levels was lost in the subgroup of patients treated with adjuvant hormone therapy (HR 0.79; p = 0.693 and HR 0.26; p = 0.204, respectively). The same observations were made for the uPA/PAI-1 combination. Our study confirmed the prognostic value of serine proteases in early breast cancer. In addition, it pointed to a possible predictive value of these tumor markers for response to adjuvant hormone therapy with tamoxifen, which should be confirmed in further studies.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure involves two different signalling chains, only one of which is Ca2+-dependent. ABA induces deactivation of the inward K+ channel and activation of an inward 'background' current, changes also produced by high cytoplasmic Ca2+ or injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. It is argued that ABA produces local increases in Ca2+, which are obligatory for the response, even where global increases are not observed with present methodology. Deactivation of the inward K+ channel is abolished in the presence of internal Ca2+ chelator, but not by external Ca2+ chelator, arguing for release from internal stores. ABA-induced turnover in the polyphosphoinositide cycle occurs within 30 s, and may precede the electrical changes. Activation of the outward K+ channel is Ca2+-independent; changes in cytoplasmic pH, of unknown origin, may be responsible.  相似文献   



The biological phenomenon of cell fusion has been linked to several characteristics of tumour progression, including an enhanced metastatogenic capacity and an enhanced drug resistance of hybrid cells. We demonstrated recently that M13SV1-EGFP-Neo breast epithelial cells exhibiting stem cell characteristics spontaneously fused with MDA-MB-435-Hyg breast cancer cells, thereby giving rise to stable M13MDA435 hybrid cells, which are characterised by a unique gene expression profile and migratory behaviour. Here we investigated the involvement of the PLC-??/??1, PI3K/AKT and RAS-RAF-ERK signal transduction cascades in the EGF and SDF-1?? induced migration of two M13MDA435 hybrid cell clones in comparison to their parental cells.


Analysis of the migratory behaviour by using the three-dimensional collagen matrix migration assay showed that M13SV1-EGFP-Neo cells as well as M13MDA435 hybrid cells, but not the breast cancer cell line, responded to EGF stimulation with an increased locomotory activity. By contrast, SDF-1?? solely stimulated the migration of M13SV1-EGFP-Neo cells, whereas the migratory activity of the other cell lines was blocked. Analysis of signal transduction cascades revealed a putative differential RAF-AKT crosstalk in M13MDA435-1 and -3 hybrid cell clones. The PI3K inhibitor Ly294002 effectively blocked the EGF induced migration of M13MDA435-3 hybrid cells, whereas the EGF induced locomotion of M13MDA435-1 hybrid cells was markedly increased. Analysis of RAF-1 S259 phosphorylation, being a major mediator of the negative regulation of RAF-1 by AKT, showed decreased pRAF-1 S259 levels in LY294002 treated M13MDA435-1 hybrid cells. By contrast, pRAF-1 S259 levels remained unaltered in the other cell lines. Inhibition of PI3K/AKT signalling by Ly294002 relieves the AKT mediated phosphorylation of RAF-1, thereby restoring MAPK signalling.


Here we show that hybrid cells could evolve exhibiting a differential active RAF-AKT crosstalk. Because PI3K/AKT signalling has been chosen as a target for anti-cancer therapies our data might point to a possible severe side effect of AKT targeted cancer therapies. Inhibition of PI3K/AKT signalling in RAF-AKT crosstalk positive cancer (hybrid) cells could result in a progression of these cells. Thus, not only the receptor (activation) status, but also the activation of signal transduction molecules should be analysed thoroughly prior to therapy.  相似文献   

In photosynthesis in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria, redox control of thylakoid protein phosphorylation regulates distribution of absorbed excitation energy between the two photosystems. When electron transfer through chloroplast photosystem II (PSII) proceeds at a rate higher than that through photosystem I (PSI), chemical reduction of a redox sensor activates a thylakoid protein kinase that catalyses phosphorylation of light-harvesting complex II (LHCII). Phosphorylation of LHCII increases its affinity for PSI and thus redistributes light-harvesting chlorophyll to PSI at the expense of PSII. This short-term redox signalling pathway acts by means of reversible, post-translational modification of pre-existing proteins. A long-term equalisation of the rates of light utilisation by PSI and PSII also occurs: by means of adjustment of the stoichiometry of PSI and PSII. It is likely that the same redox sensor controls both state transitions and photosystem stoichiometry. A specific mechanism for integration of these short- and long-term adaptations is proposed. Recent evidence shows that phosphorylation of LHCII causes a change in its 3-D structure, which implies that the mechanism of state transitions in chloroplasts involves control of recognition of PSI and PSII by LHCII. The distribution of LHCII between PSII and PSI is therefore determined by the higher relative affinity of phospho-LHCII for PSI, with lateral movement of the two forms of the LHCII being simply a result of their diffusion within the membrane plane. Phosphorylation-induced dissociation of LHCII trimers may induce lateral movement of monomeric phospho-LHCII, which binds preferentially to PSI. After dephosphorylation, monomeric, unphosphorylated LHCII may trimerize at the periphery of PSII.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Kim TW  Kim SJ 《BMB reports》2011,44(8):523-528
To identify novel genes that are regulated by promoter methylation, a combinational approach involving in silico mining followed by molecular assay was performed. From the expression microarray data registered in the European bioinformatics institute (EBI), genes showing downregulation in breast cancer cells were initially screened and then selected by e-Northern analysis using the Unigene database. A series of these in silico methods identified CAMK2B and ARFGEF1 as candidates, and the two genes were revealed to be hypermethylated in breast cancer cell lines and hypomethylated in normal breast cell lines. Additionally, cancer cell lines showed downregulated expression of these genes. Furthermore, treatment of the cancer cell lines with a demethylation agent, 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine, recovered expression of CAMK2B and ARFGEF1, implying that hypermethyaltion silenced gene activity in cancer cells. Taken together, promoter methylations of CAMK2B and ARFGEF1 are novel epigenetic markers identified in breast cancer cell lines and can be utilized for the application to clinical cancer tissues.  相似文献   

hMena and the epithelial specific isoform hMena(11a) are actin cytoskeleton regulatory proteins belonging to the Ena/VASP family. EGF treatment of breast cancer cell lines upregulates hMena/hMena(11a) expression and phosphorylates hMena(11a), suggesting cross-talk between the ErbB receptor family and hMena/hMena(11a) in breast cancer. The aim of this study was to determine whether the hMena/hMena(11a) overexpression cooperates with HER-2 signalling, thereby affecting the HER2 mitogenic activity in breast cancer. In a cohort of breast cancer tissue samples a significant correlation among hMena, HER2 overexpression, the proliferation index (high Ki67), and phosphorylated MAPK and AKT was found and among the molecular subtypes the highest frequency of hMena overexpressing tumors was found in the HER2 subtype. From a clinical viewpoint, concomitant overexpression of HER2 and hMena identifies a subgroup of breast cancer patients showing the worst prognosis, indicating that hMena overexpression adds prognostic information to HER2 overexpressing tumors. To identify a functional link between HER2 and hMena, we show here that HER2 transfection in MCF7 cells increased hMena/hMena(11a) expression and hMena(11a) phosphorylation. On the other hand, hMena/hMena(11a) knock-down reduced HER3, AKT and p44/42 MAPK phosphorylation and inhibited the EGF and NRG1-dependent HER2 phosphorylation and cell proliferation. Of functional significance, hMena/hMena(11a) knock-down reduced the mitogenic activity of EGF and NRG1. Collectively these data provide new insights into the relevance of hMena and hMena(11a) as downstream effectors of the ErbB receptor family which may represent a novel prognostic indicator in breast cancer progression, helping to stratify patients.  相似文献   

A coculture system was developed to investigate the interactions between MCF-10A breast epithelial cells and MCF-7 breast cancer cells stably expressing the green fluorescent protein (MCF-7-GFP). Studies with this MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP coculture system on microtiter plates and on reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel), revealed paracrine inhibition of MCF-7-GFP cell proliferation. Epidermal growth factor, which in monocultures modestly enhanced MCF-7-GFP and markedly increased MCF-10A cell proliferation, greatly inhibited MCF-7-GFP cell proliferation in MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP cocultures. 17beta-Estradiol, which stimulated MCF-7-GFP but not MCF-10A cell proliferation in monoculture, inhibited MCF-7-GFP cell proliferation in MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP cocultures, an effect that was blocked by the antiestrogen, ICI 182,780. On Matrigel, complex MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP cellular interactions were observed in real time that resulted in the formation of acinus-like structures. These results indicate a role of normal epithelial cells in inhibiting tumor-cell proliferation and demonstrate the utility of this coculture system as a model of early paracrine control of breast cancer.  相似文献   

In order to gain a greater understanding of the factors that drive spatial organization in multicellular aggregates of cancer cells, we investigate the segregation patterns of 6 breast cell lines of varying degree of mesenchymal character during formation of mixed aggregates. Cell sorting is considered in the context of available adhesion proteins and cellular contractility. It is found that the primary compaction mediator (cadherins or integrins) for a given cell type in isolation plays an important role in compaction speed, which in turn is the major factor dictating preference for interior or exterior position within mixed aggregates. In particular, cadherin-deficient, invasion-competent cells tend to position towards the outside of aggregates, facilitating access to extracellular matrix. Reducing actomyosin contractility is found to have a differential effect on spheroid formation depending on compaction mechanism. Inhibition of contractility has a significant stabilizing effect on cell-cell adhesions in integrin-driven aggregation and a mildly destabilizing effect in cadherin-based aggregation. This differential response is exploited to statically control aggregate organization and dynamically rearrange cells in pre-formed aggregates. Sequestration of invasive cells in the interior of spheroids provides a physical barrier that reduces invasion in three-dimensional culture, revealing a potential strategy for containment of invasive cell types.  相似文献   

The structures of a number of processive enzymes have been determined recently. These proteins remain attached to their polymeric substrates and may perform thousands of rounds of catalysis before dissociating. Based on the degree of enclosure of the substrate, the structures fall into two broad categories. In one group, the substrate is partially enclosed, while in the other class, enclosure is complete. In the latter case, enclosure is achieved by way of an asymmetric structure for some enzymes while others use a symmetrical toroid.In those cases where the protein completely encloses its polymeric substrate, the two are topologically linked and an immediate explanation for processivity is provided. In cases where there is only partial enclosure, the structural basis for processivity is less obvious. There are, for example, pairs of proteins that have quite similar structures but differ substantially in their processivity. It does appear, however, that the enzymes that are processive tend to be those that more completely enclose their substrates. In general terms, proteins that do not use topological restraint appear to achieve processivity by using a large interaction surface. This allows the enzyme to bind with moderate affinity at a multitude of adjacent sites distributed along its polymeric substrate. At the same time, the use of a large interaction surface minimizes the possibility that the enzyme might bind at a small number of sites with much higher affinity, which would interfere with sliding. Proteins that can both slide along a polymeric substrate, and, as well, recognize highly specific sites (e.g., some site-specific DNA-binding proteins) appear to undergo a conformational change between the cognate and noncognate-binding modes.  相似文献   

Caveolin-1: an ambiguous partner in cell signalling and cancer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Caveolae are small plasma membrane invaginations that have been implicated in a variety of functions including transcytosis, potocytosis and cholesterol transport and signal transduction. The major protein component of this compartment is a family of proteins called caveolins. Experimental data obtained in knockout mice have provided unequivocal evidence for a requirement of caveolins to generate morphologically detectable caveolae structures. However, expression of caveolins is not sufficient per seto assure the presence of these structures. With respect to other roles attributed to caveolins in the regulation of cellular function, insights are even less clear. Here we will consider, more specifically, the data concerning the ambiguous roles ascribed to caveolin-1 in signal transduction and cancer. In particular, evidence indicating that caveolin-1 function is cell context dependent will be discussed.  相似文献   

Several classes of flavonoids (flavones, flavanones, 2′-hydroxychalcones and flavan-4-ols) having a variety of substituents on A ring were investigated for their antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Structure–activity relationships of these compounds were discussed. 2′-hydroxychalcones and methoxylated flavanones were found to be potent inhibitors of MCF-7 cells growth whereas flavones and flavan-4-ols appeared to be weak inhibitory agents except 7,8-dihydroxyflavone.  相似文献   

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