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We have used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to study the orientation and rotational motions of spin-labeled myosin heads during steady-state relaxation and contraction of skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers. Using an indane-dione spin label, we obtained EPR spectra corresponding specifically to probes attached to Cys 707 (SH1) on the catalytic domain of myosin heads. The probe is rigidly immobilized, so that it reports the global rotation of the myosin head, and the probe's principal axis is aligned almost parallel with the fiber axis in rigor, making it directly sensitive to axial rotation of the head. Numerical simulations of EPR spectra showed that the labeled heads are highly oriented in rigor, but in relaxation they have at least 90 degrees (Gaussian full width) of axial disorder, centered at an angle approximately equal to that in rigor. Spectra obtained in isometric contraction are fit quite well by assuming that 79 +/- 2% of the myosin heads are disordered as in relaxation, whereas the remaining 21 +/- 2% have the same orientation as in rigor. Computer-simulated spectra confirm that there is no significant population (> 5%) of heads having a distinct orientation substantially different (> 10 degrees) from that in rigor, and even the large disordered population of heads has a mean orientation that is similar to that in rigor. Because this spin label reports axial head rotations directly, these results suggest strongly that the catalytic domain of myosin does not undergo a transition between two distinct axial orientations during force generation. Saturation transfer EPR shows that the rotational disorder is dynamic on the microsecond time scale in both relaxation and contraction. These results are consistent with models of contraction involving 1) a transition from a dynamically disordered preforce state to an ordered (rigorlike) force-generating state and/or 2) domain movements within the myosin head that do not change the axial orientation of the SH1-containing catalytic domain relative to actin.  相似文献   

The orientations of the N- and C-terminal lobes of the cardiac isoform of the myosin regulatory light chain (cRLC) in the fully dephosphorylated state in ventricular trabeculae from rat heart were determined using polarized fluorescence from bifunctional sulforhodamine probes. cRLC mutants with one of eight pairs of surface-accessible cysteines were expressed, labeled with bifunctional sulforhodamine, and exchanged into demembranated trabeculae to replace some of the native cRLC. Polarized fluorescence data from the probes in each lobe were combined with RLC crystal structures to calculate the lobe orientation distribution with respect to the filament axis. The orientation distribution of the N-lobe had three distinct peaks (N1–N3) at similar angles in relaxation, isometric contraction, and rigor. The orientation distribution of the C-lobe had four peaks (C1–C4) in relaxation and isometric contraction, but only two of these (C2 and C4) remained in rigor. The N3 and C4 orientations are close to those of the corresponding RLC lobes in myosin head fragments bound to isolated actin filaments in the absence of ATP (in rigor), but also close to those of the pair of heads folded back against the filament surface in isolated thick filaments in the so-called J-motif conformation. The N1 and C1 orientations are close to those expected for actin-bound myosin heads with their light chain domains in a pre-powerstroke conformation. The N2 and C3 orientations have not been observed previously. The results show that the average change in orientation of the RLC region of the myosin heads on activation of cardiac muscle is small; the RLC regions of most heads remain in the same conformation as in relaxation. This suggests that the orientation of the dephosphorylated RLC region of myosin heads in cardiac muscle is primarily determined by an interaction with the thick filament surface.  相似文献   

The rotational motion of crossbridges, formed when myosin heads bind to actin, is an essential element of most molecular models of muscle contraction. To obtain direct information about this molecular motion, we have performed saturation transfer EPR experiments in which spin labels were selectively and rigidly attached to myosin heads in purified myosin and in glycerinated myofibrils. In synthetic myosin filaments, in the absence of actin, the spectra indicated rapid rotational motion of heads characterized by an effective correlation time of 10 microseconds. By contrast, little or no submillisecond rotational motion was observed when isolated myosin heads (subfragment-1) were attached to glass beads or to F-actin, indicating that the bond between the myosin head and actin is quite rigid on this time scale. A similar immobilization of heads was observed in spin-labeled myofibrils in rigor. Therefore, we conclude that virtually all of the myosin heads in a rigor myofibril are immobilized, apparently owing to attachment of heads to actin. Addition of ATP to myofibrils, either in the presence or absence of 0.1 mM Ca2+, produced spectra similar to those observed for myosin filaments in the absence of actin, indicating rapid submillisecond rotational motion. These results indicate that either (a) most of the myosin heads are detached at any instant in relaxed or activated myofibrils or (b) attached heads bearing the products of ATP hydrolysis rotate as rapidly as detached heads.  相似文献   

We have measured the microsecond rotational motions of myosin heads in contracting rabbit psoas muscle fibers by detecting the transient phosphorescence anisotropy of eosin-5-maleimide attached specifically to the myosin head. Experiments were performed on small bundles (10-20 fibers) of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers at 4 degrees C. The isometric tension and physiological ATPase activity of activated fibers were unaffected by labeling 60-80% of the heads. Following excitation of the probes by a 10-ns laser pulse polarized parallel to the fiber axis, the time-resolved emission anisotropy of muscle fibers in rigor (no ATP) showed no decay from 1 microsecond to 1 ms (r infinity = 0.095), indicating that all heads are rigidly attached to actin on this time scale. In relaxation (5 mM MgATP but no Ca2+), the anisotropy decayed substantially over the microsecond time range, from an initial anisotropy (r0) of 0.066 to a final anisotropy (r infinity) of 0.034, indicating large-amplitude rotational motions with correlation times of about 10 and 150 microseconds and an overall angular range of 40-50 degrees. In isometric contraction (MgATP plus saturating Ca2+), the amplitude of the anisotropy decay (and thus the amplitude of the microsecond motion) is slightly less than in relaxation, and the rotational correlation times are about twice as long, indicating slower motions than those observed in relaxation. While the residual anisotropy (at 1 ms) in contraction is much closer to that in relaxation than in rigor, the initial anisotropy (at 1 microsecond) is approximately equidistant between those of rigor and relaxation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fluorescence polarization was used to examine orientation changes of two rhodamine probes bound to myosin heads in skeletal muscle fibers. Chicken gizzard myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) was labeled at Cys108 with either the 5- or the 6-isomer of iodoacetamidotetramethylrhodamine (IATR). Labeled RLC (termed Cys108-5 or Cys108-6) was exchanged for the endogenous RLC in single, skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle. Three independent fluorescence polarization ratios were used to determine the static angular distribution of the probe dipoles with respect to the fiber axis and the extent of probe motions on the nanosecond time scale of the fluorescence lifetime. We used step changes in fiber length to partially synchronize the transitions between biochemical, structural, and mechanical states of the myosin cross-bridges. Releases during active contraction tilted the Cys108-6 dipoles away from the fiber axis. This response saturated for releases beyond 3 nm/half-sarcomere (h.s.). Stretches in active contraction caused the dipoles to tilt toward the fiber axis, with no evidence of saturation for stretches up to 7 nm/h.s. These nonlinearities of the response to length changes are consistent with a partition of approximately 90% of the probes that did not tilt when length changes were applied and 10% of the probes that tilted. The responding fraction tilted approximately 30 degrees for a 7.5 nm/h.s. release and traversed the plane perpendicular to the fiber axis for larger releases. Stretches in rigor tilted Cys108-6 dipoles away from the fiber axis, which was the opposite of the response in active contraction. The transition from the rigor-type to the active-type response to stretch preceded the main force development when fibers were activated from rigor by photolysis of caged ATP in the presence of Ca2+. Polarization ratios for Cys108-6 in low ionic strength (20 mM) relaxing solution were compatible with a combination of the relaxed (200 mM ionic strength) and rigor intensities, but the response to length changes was of the active type. The nanosecond motions of the Cys108-6 dipole were restricted to a cone of approximately 20 degrees half-angle, and those of Cys108-5 dipole to a cone of approximately 25 degrees half-angle. These values changed little between relaxation, active contraction, and rigor. Cys108-5 showed very small-amplitude tilting toward the fiber axis for both stretches and releases in active contraction, but much larger amplitude tilting in rigor. The marked differences in these responses to length steps between the two probe isomers and between active contraction and rigor suggest that the RLC undergoes a large angle change (approximately 60 degrees) between these two states. This motion is likely to be a combination of tilting of the RLC relative to the fiber axis and twisting of the RLC about its own axis.  相似文献   

In the absence of adenosine triphosphate, the head domains of myosin cross-bridges in muscle bind to actin filaments in a rigor conformation that is expected to mimic that following the working stroke during active contraction. We used x-ray interference between the two head arrays in opposite halves of each myosin filament to determine the rigor head conformation in single fibers from frog skeletal muscle. During isometric contraction (force T(0)), the interference effect splits the M3 x-ray reflection from the axial repeat of the heads into two peaks with relative intensity (higher angle/lower angle peak) 0.76. In demembranated fibers in rigor at low force (<0.05 T(0)), the relative intensity was 4.0, showing that the center of mass of the heads had moved 4.5 nm closer to the midpoint of the myosin filament. When rigor fibers were stretched, increasing the force to 0.55 T(0), the heads' center of mass moved back by 1.1-1.6 nm. These motions can be explained by tilting of the light chain domain of the head so that the mean angle between the Cys(707)-Lys(843) vector and the filament axis increases by approximately 36 degrees between isometric contraction and low-force rigor, and decreases by 7-10 degrees when the rigor fiber is stretched to 0.55 T(0).  相似文献   

Isometric skinned muscle fibers were activated by the photogeneration of a substoichiometric amount of ATP and their cross-bridge configurations examined during the development of the rigor force by x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. By the photogeneration of approximately 100 microM ATP, approximately 2/3 of the concentration of the myosin heads in a muscle fiber, muscle fibers originally in the rigor state showed a transient drop of the force and then produced a long-lasting rigor force (approximately 50% of the maximal active force), which gradually recovered to the original force level with a time constant of approximately 4 s. Associated with the photoactivation, muscle fibers revealed small but distinct changes in the equatorial x-ray diffraction that run ahead of the development of force. After reaching a plateau of force, long-lasting intensity changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern developed in parallel with the force decline. Two-dimensional x-ray diffraction patterns and electron micrographs of the sectioned muscle fibers taken during the period of 1-1.9 s after the photoactivation were basically similar to those from rigor preparations but also contained features characteristic of fully activated fibers. In photoactivated muscle fibers, some cross-bridges bound photogenerated ATP and underwent an ATP hydrolysis cycle whereas a significant population of the cross-bridges remained attached to the thin actin filaments with no available ATP to bind. Analysis of the results obtained indicates that, during the ATP hydrolysis reaction, the cross-bridges detached from actin filaments and reattached either to the same original actin monomers or to neighboring actin monomers. The latter cross-bridges contribute to produce the rigor force by interacting with the actin filaments, first producing the active force and then being locked in a noncycling state(s), transforming their configuration on the actin filaments to stably sustain the produced force as a passive rigor force.  相似文献   

The orientation of the light-chain region of myosin heads in relaxed, rigor, and isometrically contracting fibers from rabbit psoas muscle was studied by fluorescence polarization. Cysteine 108 of chicken gizzard myosin regulatory light chain (cgRLC) was covalently modified with iodoacetamidotetramethylrhodamine (iodo-ATR). Native RLC of single glycerinated muscle fibers was exchanged for labeled cgRLC in a low [Mg2+] rigor solution at 30 degrees C. Troponin and troponin C removed in this procedure were replaced. RLC exchange had little effect on active force production. X-ray diffraction showed normal structure in rigor after RLC exchange, but loss of axial and helical order in relaxation. In isolated myofibrils labeled cgRLC was confined to the regions of the sarcomere containing myosin heads. The ATR dipoles showed a preference for orientations perpendicular to the fiber axis, combined with limited nanosecond rotational motion, in all conditions studied. The perpendicular orientation preference was more marked in rigor than in either relaxation or active contraction. Stretching relaxed fibers to sarcomere length 4 microns to eliminate overlap between actin- and myosin-containing filaments had little effect on the orientation preference. There was no change in orientation preference when fibers were put into rigor at sarcomere length 4.0 microns. Qualitatively similar results were obtained with ATR-labeled rabbit skeletal RLC.  相似文献   

We have used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra to study spin labels selectively and rigidly attached to myosin heads in glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers. Because the angle between the magnetic field and the principal axis of the probe determines the position of the EPR absorption line, spectra from labeled fibers oriented parallel to the magnetic field yielded directly the distribution of spin label orientations relative to the fiber axis. Two spin labels, having reactivities resembling iodoacetamide (IASL) and maleimide (MSL), were used. In rigor fibers with complete filament overlap, both labels displayed a narrow angular distribution, full width at half maximum approximately 15 degrees, centered at angles of 68 degrees (IASL) and 82 degrees (MSL). Myosin subfragments (heavy meromyosin and subfragment-1) were labeled and allowed to diffuse into fibers. The resulting spectra showed the same sharp angular distribution that was found for the labeled fibers. Thus is appears that virtually all myosin heads in a rigor fiber have the same orientation relative to the fiber axis, and this orientation is determined by the actomyosin bond. Experiments with stretched fibers indicated that the spin labels on the fraction of heads not interacting with actin filaments had a broad angular distribution. Addition of ATP to unstretched fibers under relaxing conditions produced orientational disorder, resulting in a spectrum almost indistinguishable from that of an isotropic distribution of probes. Addition of either an ATP analog (AMPPNP) or pyrophosphate produced partial disorder. That is a fraction of the probes remained sharply oriented as in rigor while a second fraction was in a disordered distribution similar to that of relaxed fibers.  相似文献   

Motor actions of myosin were directly visualized by electron tomography of insect flight muscle quick-frozen during contraction. In 3D images, active cross-bridges are usually single myosin heads, bound preferentially to actin target zones sited midway between troponins. Active attached bridges (approximately 30% of all heads) depart markedly in axial and azimuthal angles from Rayment's rigor acto-S1 model, one-third requiring motor domain (MD) tilting on actin, and two-thirds keeping rigor contact with actin while the light chain domain (LCD) tilts axially from approximately 105 degrees to approximately 70 degrees. The results suggest the MD tilts and slews on actin from weak to strong binding, followed by swinging of the LCD through an approximately 35 degrees axial angle, giving an approximately 13 nm interaction distance and an approximately 4-6 nm working stroke.  相似文献   

We have used saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance (ST-EPR) to study the effect of ATP on the rotational dynamics of spin-labeled myosin heads crosslinked to actin (XLAS1). We have previously shown that ATP induces microsecond rotational motions in activated myofibrils or muscle fibers, but the possibility remained that the motion occurred only in the detached phase of the cross-bridge cycle. The addition of ATP to the crosslinked preparation has been shown to be a model system for active cross-bridges, presumably providing an opportunity to measure the motion in the attached state, without interference from unattached heads. In the absence of ATP, XLAS1 had very little microsecond rotational mobility, yielding a spectrum identical to that observed for uncrosslinked acto-S1. This suggests that all of the labeled S1 forms normal rigor complexes when crosslinked to actin. The addition of 5 mM ATP greatly increased the microsecond rotational mobility of XLAS1, and the effects were reversed upon depletion of ATP. The most plausible explanation for these results is that myosin heads undergo microsecond rotational motion while attached actively to actin during steady state ATPase activity. These results have important implications for the interpretation of spectroscopic data obtained during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

We have used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to detect ATP- and calcium-induced changes in the structure of spin-labeled myosin heads in glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers in key physiological states. The probe was a nitroxide iodoacetamide derivative attached selectively to myosin SH1 (Cys 707), the conventional EPR spectra of which have been shown to resolve several conformational states of the myosin ATPase cycle, on the basis of nanosecond rotational motion within the protein. Spectra were acquired in rigor and during the steady-state phases of relaxation and isometric contraction. Spectral components corresponding to specific conformational states and biochemical intermediates were detected and assigned by reference to EPR spectra of trapped kinetic intermediates. In the absence of ATP, all of the myosin heads were rigidly attached to the thin filament, and only a single conformation was detected, in which there was no sub-microsecond probe motion. In relaxation, the EPR spectrum resolved two conformations of the myosin head that are distinct from rigor. These structural states were virtually identical to those observed previously for isolated myosin and were assigned to the populations of the M*.ATP and M**.ADP.Pi states. During isometric contraction, the EPR spectrum resolves the same two conformations observed in relaxation, plus a small fraction (20-30%) of heads in the oriented actin-bound conformation that is observed in rigor. This rigor-like component is a calcium-dependent, actin-bound state that may represent force-generating cross-bridges. As the spin label is located near the nucleotide-binding pocket in a region proposed to be pivotal for large-scale force-generating structural changes in myosin, we propose that the observed spectroscopic changes indicate directly the key steps in energy transduction in the molecular motor of contracting muscle.  相似文献   

Xu S  Gu J  Belknap B  White H  Yu LC 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(9):3370-3382
When myosin is attached to actin in a muscle cell, various structures in the filaments are formed. The two strongly bound states (A*M*ADP and A*M) and the weakly bound A*M*ATP states are reasonably well understood. The orientation of the strongly bound myosin heads is uniform ("stereospecific" attachment), and the attached heads exhibit little spatial fluctuation. In the prehydrolysis weakly bound A*M*ATP state, the orientations of the attached myosin heads assume a wide range of azimuthal and axial angles, indicating considerable flexibility in the myosin head. The structure of the other weakly bound state, A*M*ADP*P(i), however, is poorly understood. This state is thought to be the critical pre-power-stroke state, poised to make the transition to the strongly binding, force-generating states, and hence it is of particular interest for understanding the mechanism of contraction. However, because of the low affinity between myosin and actin in the A*M*ADP*P(i) state, the structure of this state has eluded determination both in isolated form and in muscle cells. With the knowledge recently gained in the structures of the weakly binding M*ATP, M*ADP*P(i) states and the weakly attached A*M*ATP state in muscle fibers, it is now feasible to delineate the in vivo structure of the attached state of A*M*ADP*P(i). The series of experiments presented in this article were carried out under relaxing conditions at 25 degrees C, where approximately 95% of the myosin heads in the skinned rabbit psoas muscle contain the hydrolysis products. The affinity for actin is enhanced by adding polyethylene glycol (PEG) or by lowering the ionic strength in the bathing solution. Solution kinetics and binding constants were determined in the presence and in the absence of PEG. When the binding between actin and myosin was increased, both the myosin layer lines and the actin layer lines increased in intensity, but the intensity profiles did not change. The configuration (mode) of attachment in the A*M*ADP*P(i) state is thus unique among the intermediate attached states of the cross-bridge ATP hydrolysis cycle. One of the simplest explanations is that both myosin filaments and actin filaments are stabilized (e.g., undergo reduced spatial fluctuations) by the attachment. The alignment of the myosin heads in the thick filaments and the alignment of the actin monomers in the thin filaments are improved as a result. The compact atomic structure of M*ADP*P(i) with strongly coupled domains may contribute to the unique attachment configuration: the "primed" myosin heads may function as "transient struts" when attached to the thin filaments.  相似文献   

Orientation of spin-labeled light chain 2 of myosin heads in muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p.r.) spectroscopy has been used to monitor the orientation of spin labels attached rigidly to a reactive SH residue on the light chain 2 (LC2) of myosin heads in muscle fibers. e.p.r. spectra from spin-labeled myosin subfragment-1 (S1), allowed to diffuse into unlabeled rigor (ATP-free) fibers, were roughly approximated by a narrow angular distribution of spin labels centered at 66 degrees relative to the fiber axis, indicating a uniform orientation of S1 bound to actin. On the other hand, spectra from spin-labeled heavy meromyosin (HMM) were roughly approximated by two narrow angular distributions centered at 42 degrees and 66 degrees, suggesting that the LC2 domains of the two HMM heads have different orientations. In contrast to S1 or HMM, the spectra from rigor fibers, in which LC2 of endogenous myosin heads was labeled, showed a random orientation which may be due to distortion imposed by the structure of the filament lattice and the mismatch of the helical periodicities of the thick and thin filaments. However, spectra from the fibers in the presence of ATP analog 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) were approximated by two narrow angular distributions similar to those obtained with HMM. Thus, AMPPNP may cause the LC2 domain to be less flexible and/or the S2 portion to be more flexible, so as to release the distortion of the LC2 domain and make it return to its natural position. At high ionic strength, AMPPNP disoriented the spin labels as ATP did under relaxing conditions, suggesting that the myosin head is detached from and/or weakly (flexibly) attached to a thin filament.  相似文献   

We have measured the microsecond rotational motions of myosin heads in muscle cross-bridges under physiological ionic conditions at 4 degrees C, by detecting the time-resolved phosphorescence of eosin-maleimide covalently attached to heads in skeletal muscle myofibrils. The anisotropy decay of heads in rigor (no ATP) is constant over the time range from 0.5 to 200 microsecond, indicating that they do not undergo rotational motion in this time range. In the presence of 5 mM MgATP, however, heads undergo complex rotational motion with correlation times of about 5 and 40 microsecond. The motion of heads in relaxed myofibrils is restricted out to 1 ms, as indicated by a nonzero value of the residual anisotropy. The anisotropy decay of eosin-labeled myosin, extracted from labeled myofibrils, also exhibits complex decay on the 200-microsecond time scale when assembled into synthetic thick filaments. The correlation times and amplitudes of heads in filaments (under the same ionic conditions as the myofibril experiments) are unaffected by MgATP and very similar to the values for heads in relaxed myofibrils. The larger residual anisotropy and longer correlation times seen in myofibrils are consistent with a restriction of rotational motion in the confines of the myofibril protein lattice. These are the first time-resolved measurements under physiological conditions of the rotational motions of cross-bridges in the microsecond time range.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is caused by directed movement of myosin heads along actin filaments. This movement is triggered by ATP hydrolysis, which occurs within the motor domain of myosin. The mechanism for this intramolecular process remains unknown owing to a lack of ways to observe the detailed motions of each atom in the myosin molecule. We carried out 10-ns all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the types of dynamic conformational changes produced in the motor domain by the energy released from ATP hydrolysis. The results revealed that the thermal fluctuations modulated by perturbation of ATP hydrolysis are biased in one direction that is relevant to directed movement of the myosin head along the actin filament.  相似文献   

We have used electron paramagnetic resonance to study the orientation of myosin heads in the presence of nucleotides and nucleotide analogs, to induce equilibrium states that mimic intermediates in the actomyosin ATPase cycle. We obtained electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of an indane dione spin label (InVSL) bound to Cys 707 (SH1) of the myosin head, in skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers. This probe is rigidly immobilized on the catalytic domain of the head, and the principal axis of the probe is aligned nearly parallel to the fiber axis in rigor (no nucleotide), making it directly sensitive to axial rotation of the head. On ADP addition, all of the heads remained strongly bound to actin, but the spectral hyperfine splitting increased by 0.55 +/- 0.02 G, corresponding to a small but significant axial rotation of 7 degrees. Adenosine 5'-(adenylylim-idodiphosphate) (AMPPNP) or pyrophosphate reduced the actomyosin affinity and introduced a highly disordered population of heads similar to that observed in relaxation. For the remaining oriented population, pyrophosphate induced no significant change relative to rigor, but AMPPNP induced a slight but probably significant rotation (2.2 degrees +/- 1.6 degrees), in the direction opposite that induced by ADP. Adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S) relaxed the muscle fiber, completely dissociated the heads from actin, and produced disorder similar to that in relaxation by ATP. ATP gamma S plus Ca induced a weak-binding state with most of the actin-bound heads disordered. Vanadate had negligible effect in the presence of ADP, but in isometric contraction vanadate substantially reduced both force and the fraction of oriented heads. These results are consistent with a model in which myosin heads are disordered early in the power stroke (weak-binding states) and rigidly oriented later in the power stroke (strong-binding states), whereas transitions among the strong-binding states induce only slight changes in the axial orientation of the catalytic domain.  相似文献   

C A Rebello  R D Ludescher 《Biochemistry》1999,38(40):13288-13295
We have investigated how Ca2+ or Mg2+ bound at the high-affinity cation binding site in F-actin modulates the dynamic response of these filaments to ATP hydrolysis by attached myosin head fragments (S1). Rotational motions of the filaments were monitored using steady-state phosphorescence emission anisotropy of the triplet probe erythrosin-5-iodoacetamide covalently attached to cysteine 374 of actin. The anisotropy of filaments containing only Ca2+ increased from 0.080 to 0.137 upon binding S1 in a rigor complex and decreased to 0.065 in the presence of ATP, indicating that S1 induced additional rotational motions in the filament during ATP hydrolysis. The comparable anisotropy values for Mg(2+)-containing filaments were 0.067, 0.137, and 0.065, indicating that S1 hydrolysis did not induce measurable rotational motions in these filaments. Phalloidin, a fungal toxin which stabilizes F-actin and increases its rigidity, increased the anisotropy of F-actin containing either Ca2+ or Mg2+ but not the anisotropy of the 1:1 S1-actin complexes of these filaments. Mg(2+)-containing filaments with phalloidin bound also displayed increased rotational motions during S1 ATP hydrolysis. A strong positive correlation between the phosphorescence anisotropy of F-actin under specific conditions and the extent of the rotational motions induced by S1 during ATP hydrolysis suggested that the long axis torsional rigidity of F-actin plays a crucial role in modulating the dynamic response of the filaments to ATP hydrolysis by S1. Cooperative responses of F-actin to dynamic perturbations induced by S1 during ATP hydrolysis may thus be physically mediated by the torsional rigidity of the filament.  相似文献   

The stiffness of the single myosin motor (epsilon) is determined in skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle by both mechanical and thermodynamic approaches. Changes in the elastic strain of the half-sarcomere (hs) are measured by fast mechanics both in rigor, when all myosin heads are attached, and during active contraction, with the isometric force (T0) modulated by changing either [Ca2+] or temperature. The hs compliance is 43.0+/-0.8 nm MPa-1 in isometric contraction at saturating [Ca2+], whereas in rigor it is 28.2+/-1.1 nm MPa-1. The equivalent compliance of myofilaments is 21.0+/-3.3 nm MPa-1. Accordingly, the stiffness of the ensemble of myosin heads attached in the hs is 45.5+/-1.7 kPa nm-1 in isometric contraction at saturating [Ca2+] (e0), and in rigor (er) it rises to 138.9+/-21.2 kPa nm-1. Epsilon, calculated from er and the lattice molecular dimensions, is 1.21+/-0.18 pN nm-1. epsilon estimated, using a thermodynamic approach, from the relation of T0 at saturating [Ca2+] versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature is 1.25+/-0.14 pN nm-1, similar to that estimated for fibers in rigor. Consequently, the ratio e0/er (0.33+/-0.05) can be used to estimate the fraction of attached heads during isometric contraction at saturating [Ca2+]. If the osmotic agent dextran T-500 (4 g/100 ml) is used to reduce the lateral filament spacing of the relaxed fiber to the value before skinning, both e0 and er increase by approximately 40%. Epsilon becomes approximately 1.7 pN nm-1 and the fraction and the force of myosin heads attached in the isometric contraction remain the same as before dextran application. The finding that the fraction of myosin heads attached to actin in an isometric contraction is 0.33 rules out the hypothesis of multiple mechanical cycles per ATP hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

The rotational motion of rigidly spin-labeled myosin heads of glycerinated myofibrils as reflected in saturation-transfer EPR spectra behaves to a first approximation as though the heads consist of two populations with different rotational motions. An immobilized fraction has a correlation time (tau 2) of approximately 0.5 ms, comparable to that of spin-labeled subfragment-1 (S1) bound to thin filaments, while a mobile fraction has a tau 2 of 10 microseconds, comparable to that of the heads of purified myosin filaments. The effects of nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues, potassium pyrophosphate (PPi), or adenylyl imidodiphosphate, Ca2+, temperature, or ionic strength on the spectra can be analyzed in terms of the fraction of myosin heads immobilized by attachment to thin filaments, without requiring changes in the motion of either attached or detached heads.  相似文献   

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