Summary During metamorphic adult development, neurons and glial cells in the developing olfactory (antennal) lobes of the moth undergo
characteristic and extensive changes in shape. These changes depend on an interplay among these two cell types and ingrowing
sensory axons. All of the direct cellular interactions occur against a background of changing steroid hormone titers. Antennal-lobe
(AL) neurons dissociated from stage-5 (of 18 stages) metamorphosing animals survive at least 3 wk in primary cell culture.
We describe here the morphological influences on AL neurons of (1) exposure to the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone, (2)
exposure to sensory axons, and (3) interactions among the AL neurons. Cultured AL neurons respond only weakly, if at all,
to 20-hydroxyecdysone. They do, however, show greater total outgrowth and branching when they had been exposed in vivo to
sensory axons. Because there is no direct contact between some of the neuronal types and the sensory axons at the time of
dissociation, the increase in outgrowth must have been mediated via a diffusible factor(s). When AL cells (neurons and glia)
are plated at high density in low volumes of medium, or when the cells are plated at low density but in the presence of medium
conditioned by high-density cultures, neurite outgrowth and cell survival are increased. Nerve growth factor (NGF), epidermal
growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor-basic (bFGF), transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and insulin-like growth factor (ILGF) had no obvious effect on neuronal morphology and thus are unlikely to underlie these
effects. Our results suggest that the mature shape of AL neurons depends on developmental interactions among a number of diffusible
factors. 相似文献
Insect pest management relies mainly on neurotoxic insecticides, including neonicotinoids, leaving residues in the environment. There is now evidence that low doses of insecticides can have positive effects on pest insects by enhancing various life traits. Because pest insects often rely on sex pheromones for reproduction, and olfactory synaptic transmission is cholinergic, neonicotinoid residues could modify chemical communication. We recently showed that treatments with different sublethal doses of clothianidin could either enhance or decrease behavioural sex pheromone responses in the male moth, Agrotis ipsilon. We investigated now effects of the behaviourally active clothianidin doses on the sensitivity of the peripheral and central olfactory system. We show with extracellular recordings that both tested clothianidin doses do not influence pheromone responses in olfactory receptor neurons. Similarly, in vivo optical imaging does not reveal any changes in glomerular response intensities to the sex pheromone after clothianidin treatments. The sensitivity of intracellularly recorded antennal lobe output neurons, however, is upregulated by a lethal dose 20 times and downregulated by a dose 10 times lower than the lethal dose 0. This correlates with the changes of behavioural responses after clothianidin treatment and suggests the antennal lobe as neural substrate involved in clothianidin-induced behavioural changes. 相似文献
Enormous advances have been made in the recent years in regard to the mechanisms and neural circuits by which odors are sensed and perceived. Part of this understanding has been gained from parallel studies in insects and rodents that show striking similarity in the mechanisms they use to sense, encode, and perceive odors. In this review, we provide a short introduction to the functioning of olfactory systems from transduction of odorant stimuli into electrical signals in sensory neurons to the anatomical and functional organization of the networks involved in neural representation of odors in the central nervous system. We make emphasis on the functional and anatomical architecture of the first synaptic relay of the olfactory circuit, the olfactory bulb in vertebrates and the antennal lobe in insects. We discuss how the exquisite and conserved architecture of this structure is established and how different odors are encoded in mosaic activity patterns. Finally, we discuss the validity of methods used to compare activation patterns in relation to perceptual similarity.
Insects are suitable model organisms for studying mechanisms underlying olfactory coding and olfactory learning, by their unique adaptation to host plants in which the chemical senses are essential. Recent molecular biological studies have shown that a large number of genes in insects and other organisms are coding for olfactory receptor proteins. In general, one receptor type seems to be expressed in each neurone. The functional characterisations of olfactory receptor neurones have been extensive in certain insect species, demonstrating a fine-tuning of single neurones to biologically relevant odourants; both insect and plant produced volatiles. Stained neurones of the same functional type have been shown to project in one and the same glomerular unit in the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe. This corresponds to molecular biological studies, showing projections in one glomerulus by neurones expressing the same receptor type. Comparison of these findings with physiological and morphological characterisations of antennal lobe neurones has indicated correspondence between input and output of the glomerular units. Examples are presented from studies of heliothine moths. From the antennal lobe, the olfactory information is further conveyed to the mushroom bodies, particularly important for learning, and the lateral protocerebrum, a premotoric area. The three brain areas are regions of synaptic plasticity important in learning of odours, which is well studied in the honeybee but also in species of moths. 相似文献
Plasticity in the response to stimuli related to food and oviposition cues is well documented in insects. However, responses to cues related to reproduction, for example, sex pheromones, are considered to be innate and thus not affected by experience. Here we show that brief preexposure to sex pheromones, without ensuing reward, lowers the threshold for behavioral response and augments the sensitivity in antennal lobe interneurons to pheromone compared with naive male moths. Thus, the sex pheromone system in insects can be modulated by experience. In addition, we show that the behavioral attraction to sex pheromone increases after preexposure in a time-dependent manner: a short-term effect, possibly a form of sensitization, and a long-term effect after more than 24 h. The behavioral long-term effect is paralleled by an increase in sensitivity of interneurons in the primary olfactory center, whereas the peripheral olfactory system does not change its sensitivity. We hypothesize that short-term sensitization to sex pheromone serves as a kind of alert system, whereas the long-term effect improves male performance when reproductively active females are present. 相似文献
Despite the identification of a number of guidance molecules, a comprehensive picture has yet to emerge to explain the precise anatomy of the olfactory map. From a misexpression screen of 1,515 P{GS} lines, we identified 23 genes that, when forcibly expressed in the olfactory receptor neurons, disrupted the stereotyped anatomy of the Drosophila antennal lobes. These genes, which have not been shown previously to control olfactory map development, encode novel proteins as well as proteins with known roles in axonal outgrowth and cytoskeletal remodeling. We analyzed Akap200, which encodes a Protein Kinase A-binding protein. Overexpression of Akap200 resulted in fusion of the glomeruli, while its loss resulted in misshapen and ectopic glomeruli. The requirement of Akap200 validates our screen as an effective approach for recovering genes controlling glomerular map patterning. Our finding of diverse classes of genes reveals the complexity of the mechanisms that underlie olfactory map development. 相似文献
The L1-family of cell adhesion molecules is involved in many important aspects of nervous system development. Mutations in the human L1-CAM gene cause a complicated array of neurological phenotypes; however, the molecular basis of these effects cannot be explained by a simple loss of adhesive function. Human L1-CAM and its Drosophila homolog neuroglian are rather divergent in sequence, with the highest degree of amino acid sequence conservation between segments of their cytoplasmic domains. In an attempt to elucidate the fundamental functions shared between these distantly related members of the L1-family, we demonstrate here that the extracellular domains of mammalian L1-CAMs and Drosophila neuroglian are both able to induce the aggregation of transfected Drosophila S2 cells in vitro. To a limited degree they even interact with each other in cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth assays. The cytoplasmic domains of human L1-CAM and neuroglian are both able to interact with the Drosophila homolog of the cytoskeletal linker protein ankyrin. Moreover the recruitment of ankyrin to cell-cell contacts is completely dependent on L1-mediated cell adhesion. These findings support a model of L1 function in which the phenotypes of human L1-CAM mutations result from a disruption of the link between the extracellular environment and the neuronal cytoskeleton. 相似文献
The olfactory circuit of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has emerged in recent years as an excellent paradigm for studying the principles and mechanisms of information processing in neuronal circuits. We discuss here the organizational principles of the olfactory circuit that make it an attractive model for experimental manipulations, the lessons that have been learned, and future challenges. 相似文献
The rodent olfactory epithelium expresses more than 1000 odorant receptors (ORs) with distinct patterns, yet it is unclear how such patterns are established during development. In the current study, we investigated development of the expression patterns of different ORs in the septal organ, a small patch of olfactory epithelium predominantly expressing nine identified ORs. The presumptive septal organ first appears at about embryonic day 16 (E16) and it completely separates from the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) at about postnatal day 7 (P7). Using in situ hybridization, we quantified the densities of the septal organ neurons labeled by specific RNA probes of the nine abundant OR genes from E16 to postnatal 3 months. The results indicate that olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing different ORs have asynchronous temporal onsets. For instance, MOR256-17 and MOR236-1 cells are present in the septal organ at E16; however, MOR0-2 cells do not appear until P0. In addition, OSNs expressing different ORs show distinct developmental courses and reach their maximum densities at different stages ranging from E16 (e.g. MOR256-17) to 1 month (e.g. MOR256-3 and MOR235-1). Furthermore, early onset does not correlate with high abundance in adult. This study reveals a dynamic composition of the OSNs expressing different ORs in the developing olfactory epithelium. 相似文献
Studies of olfactory function show that disruption of GABA A receptors within the insect antennal lobe (AL) disrupts discrimination of closely related odors, suggesting that local processing within the AL specifically enhances fine odor discrimination. It remains unclear, however, how extensively AL function has been disrupted in these circumstances. Here we psychophysically characterize the effect of GABA A blockade in the AL of the moth Manduca sexta. We used 2 GABA A antagonists and 3 Pavlovian-based behavioral assays of olfactory function. In all cases, we used matched saline-injected controls in a blind study. Using a stimulus generalization assay, we found that GABA A disruption abolished the differential response to related odors, suggesting that local processing mediates fine odor discrimination. We then assessed the effect of GABA A antagonist on discrimination thresholds. Moths were differentially conditioned to respond to one odor (reinforced conditioned stimulus [CS+]) but not a second (unreinforced conditioning stimulus [CS-]) then tested for a significant differential conditioned response between them across a series of increasing concentrations. Here, GABA A blockade disrupted discrimination of both similar and dissimilar odor pairs as indicated by generally increased discrimination thresholds. Finally, using a detection threshold assay, we established that GABA A blockade also increases detection thresholds. Because detection is a prerequisite of discrimination, this later finding suggests that disrupted discrimination may be due to impairment of the ability to detect. We conclude that the loss of ability to detect and subsequently discriminate is attributable to a loss of ability of the AL to provide a clear neural signal from background. 相似文献
This study compared the contribution of the Ca2+‐activated Cl? conductance to the electroolfactogram (EOG) evoked by different odorant classes between the marine Cabinza grunt Isacia conceptionis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. The Ca2+‐activated Cl? channel blocker niflumic acid significantly diminished odorant responses in O. mykiss, but had no effect on the EOG in I. conceptionis, supporting the notion that Ca2+‐activated Cl? channels may not operate as odorant transduction current amplifiers in this marine teleost. 相似文献