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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Medicago truncatula has gained much attention as a genomic model species for legume biology, but little is known about the morphology of its pods and seeds. Structural and developmental characteristics of M. truncatula pod walls and seed coats are presented. METHODS: Plants of M. truncatula ecotype A17 were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Flowers were date-tagged at anthesis, so that pods of known age could be collected. Harvested pods were fixed and sectioned for light microscopy. Structural attributes of pod walls and seed coats were characterized at four time points throughout early to mid-stages of pod development (3, 6, 13 and 20 d post-pollination). KEY RESULTS: Basic features of the pod wall are an exocarp comprised of a single epidermal layer, a mesocarp with seven to 14 layers of parenchyma cells, and an endocarp composed of an inner epidermal cell layer and three to five layers of sclerenchyma cells adjacent to it. Vascular bundles are abundant in the pod wall and include one lateral carpellary bundle, one median carpellary bundle and nine to 12 vascular bundles, all embedded within the mesocarp parenchyma. Seed coat features include an epidermal layer of macrosclereids, a sub-epidermal layer of osteosclereids, and two to five rows of internal parenchyma cells. The hilar region contains the tracheid bar and the chalazal vascular bundle, the latter of which expands to form only two short branches. CONCLUSIONS: This characterization provides a needed understanding of pod structure and development in this model legume, and should facilitate various molecular investigations into legume fruit and seed biology.  相似文献   

Many species of rhizobial bacteria can invade their plant hosts and induce development of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing nodules only if they are able to produce an acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) with certain structural and molecular weight characteristics.13 Sinorhizobium meliloti that produces the functional form of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan induces formation of invasion structures called infection threads in the root hair cells of its plant hosts alfalfa and Medicago truncatula. However, S. meliloti mutants that cannot produce succinoglycan are not able to induce infection thread formation, resulting in an early arrest of nodule development and in nitrogen starvation of the plant. Mounting evidence has suggested that succinoglycan acts as a signal to these host plants to permit the entry of S. meliloti. Now, our microarray screen and functional category analysis of differentially-expressed genes show that M. truncatula plants inoculated with wild type S. meliloti receive a signal to increase their translation capacity, alter their metabolic activity and prepare for invasion, while those inoculated with a succinoglycan-deficient mutant do not receive this signal, and also more strongly express plant defense genes.Key words: nitrogen fixation, nodule, succinoglycan, microarray, legume, rhizobial bacteria, Sinorhizobium meliloti, Medicago truncatula, infection thread, root hair  相似文献   

? The cell and developmental biology of zygotic embryogenesis in the model legume Medicago truncatula has received little attention. We studied M. truncatula embryogenesis from embryo sac until cotyledon maturation, including oil and protein body biogenesis. ? We characterized embryo development using light and electron microscopy, measurement of protein and lipid fatty acid accumulation and by profiling the expression of key seed storage genes. ? Embryo sac development in M. truncatula is of the Polygonum type. A distinctive multicellular hypophysis and suspensor develops before the globular stage and by the early cotyledon stage, the procambium connects the developing apical meristems. In the storage parenchyma of cotyledons, ovoid oil bodies surround protein bodies and the plasma membrane. Four major lipid fatty acids accumulate as cotyledons develop, paralleling the expression of OLEOSIN and the storage protein genes, VICILIN and LEGUMIN. ? Zygotic embryogenesis in M. truncatula features the development of a distinctive multicellular hypophysis and an endopolyploid suspensor with basal transfer cell. A clear procambial connection between the apical meristems is evident and there is a characteristic arrangement of oil bodies in the cotyledons and radicle. Our data help link embryogenesis to the genetic regulation of oil and protein body biogenesis in legume seed.  相似文献   

Medicago truncatula is a model species for the study of the unique secondary metabolism in legumes. LC/MS/MS analysis was used to identify and profile flavonoid glycoconjugates and free aglycones in leaves of M. truncatula (ecotype R108-1) infected with the fungal pathogen Phoma medicaginis. Use of a high resolution analyzer with a collision induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometer (CID MS/MS) permitted structural elucidation of target secondary metabolites and four new acylated flavone glycosides have been identified. Changes in the phytoalexin medicarpin and its isoflavone precursors were quantitatively monitored at various time points after fungal spore application. Application of spores induced disease symptoms in the leaves of infected plants and resulted in an increase in the medicarpin precursors formononetin 7-O-glucoside and malonylated formononetin 7-O-glucoside between one and three days post-infection. Relative concentrations of medicarpin were highest five days post-infection. The rapid increase of these molecules was clearly positively correlated to the infection process as certain of them were absent in uninfected leaves, suggesting that the relative rate of their synthesis is tightly related with the infection process.  相似文献   

The marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum is attracting considerable interest as a candidate for biofuel production due to its fast growth and high lipid content. Nitrogen deficiency can increase the lipid content in certain microalgae species, including P. tricornutum. However, the molecular basis of such changes remains unclear without analyzing metabolism at the proteomic level. We attempted to systematically analyze protein expression level changes of P. tricornutum upon N deprivation. We observed translational level changes that could overall redirect the metabolic network from carbon flux towards lipid accumulation. N deprivation led to an increase in the expression of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation and fatty acid biosynthesis and a concomitant decrease in photosynthesis and lipid catabolism enzymes. These molecular level changes are consistent with the observed physiological changes, e.g., in photosynthesis rate and saturated lipid content. Our results provide information at the proteomic level of the key enzymes involved in carbon flux towards lipid accumulation in P. tricornutum and suggest candidates for genetic manipulation in microalgae breeding for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

Phytostabilization strategies may be suitable to reduce the dispersion of uranium (U) and the overall environmental risks of U-contaminated soils. The role of Glomus intraradices, an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, in such phytostabilization of U was investigated with a compartmented plant cultivation system facilitating the specific measurement of U uptake by roots, AM roots and extraradical hyphae of AM fungi and the measurement of U partitioning between root and shoot. A soil-filled plastic pot constituted the main root compartment (CA) which contained a plastic vial filled with U-contaminated soil amended with 0, 50 or 200 mg KH2PO4−P kg–1soil (CB). The vial was sealed by coarse or fine nylon mesh, permitting the penetration of both roots and hyphae or of just hyphae. Medicago truncatula plants grown in CA were inoculated with G. intraradices or remained uninoculated. Dry weight of shoots and roots in CA was significantly increased by G. intraradices, but was unaffected by mesh size or by P application in CB. The P amendments decreased root colonization in CB, and increased P content and dry weight of those roots. Glomus intraradices increased root U concentration and content in CA, but decreased shoot U concentrations. Root U concentrations and contents were significantly higher when only hyphae could access U inside CB than when roots could also directly access this U pool. The proportion of plant U content partitioned to shoots was decreased by root exclusion from CB and by mycorrhizas (M) in the order: no M, roots in CB > no M, no roots in CB > M, roots in CB > M, no roots in CB. Such mycorrhiza-induced retention of U in plant roots may contribute to the phytostabilization of U contaminated environments.  相似文献   

CLE (CLAVATA3/ESR-related) peptides are developmental regulators that are secreted into the apoplast. Little is known about the role of the sequences that flank CLE peptides in terms of their biological activity or how they are targeted by proteases that are known to liberate the final active CLE peptides from their precursor sequences. The biological activity of Medicago truncatula CLE36, which possesses broadly conserved border sequences flanking the putative final active CLE36 peptide product, was assessed. Using in vitro root growth assays and an in vitro root and callus formation assay it is shown that CLE36 peptides of different lengths possess differential biological activities. Using mass spectrometry, Glycine max and Medicago extracellular fluids were each shown to possess an endoproteolytic activity that recognizes and cleaves at border sequences in a synthetic 31 amino acid CLE36 'propeptide bait' to liberate biologically active peptide products. Inhibitor studies suggest that a subtilisin, in combination with a carboxypeptidase, liberated and trimmed CLE36, respectively, to form biologically relevant 11-15 amino acid cleavage products. The 15 amino acid cleavage product is more biologically potent on Arabidopsis than shorter or longer CLE peptides. In situ hybridization shows that the soybean orthologue of CLE36 (GmCLE34) is expressed in the provascular tissue. The results suggest that secreted subtilisins can specifically recognize the border sequences of CLE36 propeptides and liberate biologically active cleavage products. These secreted proteases may affect the stability and biological activity of CLE peptides in the apoplast or be involved in CLE36 processing.  相似文献   

Phosphorus is one of the essential mineral nutrients required by all living cells. Plants assimilate phosphate (P(i)) from the soil, and their root systems encounter tremendous variation in P(i) concentration, both temporally and spatially. Genome sequence data indicate that plant genomes contain large numbers of genes predicted to encode P(i) transporters, the functions of which are largely unexplored. Here we present a comparative analysis of four very closely related P(i) transporters of the PHT1 family of Medicago truncatula. Based on their sequence similarity and locations in the genome, these four genes probably arose via recent gene duplication events, and they form a small subfamily within the PHT1 family. The four genes are expressed in roots with partially overlapping but distinct spatial expression patterns, responses to P(i) and expression during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. The proteins are located in the plasma membrane. Three members of the subfamily, MtPT1, MtPT2, and MtPT3, show low affinities for P(i). MtPT5 shares 84% amino acid identity with MtPT1, MtPT2, and MtPT3 but shows a high affinity for P(i) with an apparent K(m) in yeast of 13 mum. Sequence comparisons and protein modeling suggest that amino acid residues that differ substantially between MtPT5 and the other three transporters are clustered in two regions of the protein. The data provide the first clues as to amino acid residues that impact transport activity of plant P(i) transporter proteins.  相似文献   

Seed vigour is important for successful establishment and high yield, especially under suboptimal environmental conditions. In legumes, raffinose oligosaccharide family (RFO) sugars have been proposed as an easily available energy reserve for seedling establishment. In this study, we investigated whether the composition or amount of soluble sugars (sucrose and RFO) is part of the genetic determinants of seed vigour of Medicago truncatula using two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping for germination rate, hypocotyl and radicle growth under water deficit and nutritional stress, seed weight and soluble sugar content was performed using RIL populations LR1 and LR4. Seven of the 12 chromosomal regions containing QTL for germination rate or post-germinative radicle growth under optimal or stress conditions co-located with Suc/RFO QTL. A significant negative correlation was also found between seed vigour traits and Suc/RFO. In addition, one QTL that explained 80% of the variation in the ratio stachyose/verbascose co-located with a stachyose synthase gene whose expression profile in the parental lines could explain the variation in oligosaccharide composition. The correlation and co-location of Suc/RFO ratio with germination and radicle growth QTL suggest that an increased Suc/RFO ratio in seeds of M. truncatula might negatively affect seed vigour.  相似文献   

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