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A DNA-binding nonhistone protein, protein BA, was previously demonstrated to co-localize with U-snRNPs within discrete nuclear domains (Bennett, F. C., and L. C. Yeoman, 1985, Exp. Cell Res., 157:379-386). To further define the association of protein BA and U-snRNPs within these discrete nuclear domains, cells were fractionated in situ and the localization of the antigens determined by double-labeled immunofluorescence. Protein BA was extracted from the nucleus with the 2.0 M NaCl soluble chromatin fraction, while U-snRNPs were only partially extracted from the 2.0 M NaCl-resistant nuclear structures. U-snRNPs were extracted from the residual nuclear material by combined DNase I/RNase A digestions. Using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique and electron microscopy, protein BA was localized to interchromatinic regions of the cell nucleus. Protein BA was noted to share a number of chemical and physical properties with a family of cytoplasmic enzymes, the glutathione S-transferases. Comparison of the published amino acid composition of protein BA and glutathione S-transferases showed marked similarities. Nonhistone protein BA isolated from saline-EDTA nuclear extracts exhibited glutathione S-transferase activity with a variety of substrates. Substrate specificity and subunit analysis by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that it was a mixture of several glutathione S-transferase isoenzymes. Protein BA isolated from rat liver chromatin was shown by immunoblotting and peptide mapping techniques to be two glutathione S-transferase isoenzymes composed of the Yb and Yb' subunits. Glutathione S-transferase Yb subunits were demonstrated to be both nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins by indirect immunolocalization on rat liver cryosections. The identification of protein BA as glutathione S-transferase suggests that this family of multifunctional enzymes may play an important role in those nuclear domains containing U-snRNPs.  相似文献   

[3H]Non-histone proteins ([3H]NHP), dissolved in the culture medium, are endocytosed by lymphocytes and equilibrate rapidly between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. During incubation, the proteins are gradually degraded in the lysosomes. The lysosomotropic agents conA, NaF, eserine and atropine have two parallel effects on resting lymphocytes, after they have endocytosed [3H]NHP: inhibition of degradation and increased translocation of [3H]NHP from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. This indicates that lysosomal degradation and translocation of [3H]NHP to the nucleus are linked and suggests that this translocation may be the result of inhibited lysosomal degradation of the [3H]NHP. The behaviour of endocytosed [3H]NHP appears similar to that of endogenous [3H]NHP in cells prelabeled with [3H]leucine, when subjected to the same lysosomotropic agents, reported previously (Polet, H, Exp cell res 148 (1983) 345). This observation may provide a model to study the mechanism(s) controlling nucleo-cytoplasmic traffic of NHP.  相似文献   

Tryptophan, phenylalanine and leucine have two parallel effects in cultured lymphocytes, they inhibit cellular proteolysis and increase the translocation of non-histone proteins to the nucleus. The latter is associated with an increased cellular binding of [3H]actinomycin D, indicating an altered structure of chromatin. The amino acids also inhibit the cellular uptake of [3H]chloroquine, suggesting that inhibited protein degradation is lysosomal. Several amine catabolites of tryptophan and phenylalanine, some of which are known to play a role as biogenic amines, have similar actions, and can explain, at least in part, the effects of their parent amino acids. Fractionation of the nuclear 3H-labeled non-histone proteins according to pH 2.5-6.5 shows that such proteins with a high rate of degradation in untreated cells correspond to the 3H-labeled non-histone proteins with a high rate of translocation in tryptophan treated cells. These data suggest that the degradation and the translocation of the non-histone proteins are linked and that the increased translocation of the non-histone proteins to the nucleus may be the consequence of inhibited lysosomal degradation of these proteins by the amino acids.  相似文献   

The binding of nuclear non-histone protein to DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Non-histone chromosomal protein high mobility group 1 (HMG-1) rapidly migrates into the nucleus when injected into the cytoplasm of bovine fibroblasts and HeLa cells by red cell-mediated microinjection (Rechsteiner, M., and Kuehl, L. (1979) Cell 16, 901-908). We isolated hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies against HMG-1. One of these monoclonal antibodies, FR-1, inhibited in vitro binding of 125I-HMG-1 to chromatin isolated from FL cells. When 125I-HMG-1 was co-introduced with antibody FR-1 by red cell-mediated microinjection, antibody FR-1 did not prevent the accumulation of 125I-HMG-1 in the nucleus. When 125I-antibody FR-1 or fluorescein isothiocyanate antibody FR-1 was introduced into the cytoplasm of FL cells, most of the antibody did not accumulate in the nucleus. But when 125I- or fluorescein isothiocyanate antibody FR-1 was co-introduced with HMG-1 into the cytoplasm of FL cells, it did migrate into the nucleus.  相似文献   

The binding of non-histone protein from mouse spleen chromatin located in the sites highly sensitive to micrococcal nuclease and DNA-ase I, to DNA and histones was studied. The binding of the DNA-protein complexes to nitrocellulose filters demonstrated the absence of protein binding to DNA. A highly selective binding of protein PS1 to histones H1 and H2A and to one of the non-histone proteins (presumably HMG 14) was revealed. It is concluded that protein PS1 is incorporated into chromatin by the protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Stimulation of resting WI38 cells, prelabeled with [3H]leucine, with fibroblastic growth factor (FGF) or serum, caused increased nuclear translocation of [3H]non-histone proteins [( 3H]NHP) and DNA synthesis, and a parallel decrease of proteolysis. [3H]NHP migration was independent of protein synthesis. Fractionation of the nuclear proteins in a pH gradient of 2.5-6.5 showed that [3H]NHP fractions with high degradation rates in resting cells corresponded to the [3H]NHP fractions with high migration rates in stimulated cells, suggesting that degradation and migration of [3H]NHP are linked. FGF inhibited cellular uptake of [3H]chloroquine, suggesting that FGF inhibits NHP degradation via lysosomes. The lysosomotropic amine eserine had similar effects as FGF. It is proposed that FGF induces NHP migration to the nucleus by inhibiting their lysosomal degradation. FGF also caused migration of [3H]histones, however, the mechanism is not clear.  相似文献   

The relationship between DNA synthesis and protein accumulation in cell nucleus and cytoplasm has been investigated by the use of a combination of ultramicrointerferometric and ultramicrospectrophotometric methods. 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FUdR) inhibited DNA synthesis, resulting in inhibition of cell proliferation in G-1 and early S-phase. However, synthesis and accumulation of protein continued in the presence of FUdR, as indicated by a 54% increase in the average dry mass value per individual cell during 18-hour exposure to FUdR; due primarily to protein accumulation in the cytoplasm, the average cytoplasmic dry mass increased by as much as 85%, while the dry mass of the nucleus increased by only 21%. The dry mass values of individual nuclei were well-correlated to the nuclear DNA content throughout the period of exposure to FUdR. In contrast to the continued accumulation of protein in the cytoplasm during inhibition of DNA synthesis, protein accumulation in the nucleus was inhibited. When cells were released from inhibition of DNA synthesis by the addition of 2'-deoxythymidine, the nuclear DNA content and nuclear dry mass increased in near-synchrony, there being some evidence that DNA synthesis was initiated somewhat prior to initiation of increase in nuclear dry mass. Thus, it appears that DNA synthesis (or an increase in nuclear DNA content) is intimately related to the regulation of protein accumulation in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Rabbit serum raised against electrophoretically specific nuclear polypeptides with molecular weights of 35-40 kD from colon adenocarcinoma has been used to detect p36 antigen in 83.3% (40 of 48) of cases of large intestine tumours by means of Western blot technique. Immunological analysis revealed that this antiserum cross-reacted with antigen of the same molecular weight in 83.3% (10 of 12) and 85.7% (6 of 7) nuclear protein preparations from stomach and lung tumours, respectively, but not in any control tissue samples. No cross-reactivity within the region of 36 kD was observed among nuclear proteins isolated from mononuclear cells of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients as well as healthy donors.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (conA) inhibits the degradation of [3H]leucine-labeled cellular proteins of human lymphocytes. The lectin also stimulates the migration of non-histone proteins (NHP) from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The increased nuclear level of NHP is associated with increased cellular binding of [3H]actinomycin D [(3H]AD). Decreased protein breakdown and increased migration of NHP are parallel events, i.e. both changes occur as a function of the lectin concentration and display a similar time course, suggesting that these events could be related. Similar effects are observed with fluoride, chloroquine and iodoacetate: these agents simultaneously decrease proteolysis and increase the nuclear level of NHP, associated with increased cellular [3H]AD binding. Fractionation of the acidic NHP according to pH 2.5-6.5 shows that proteins with a high degree of degradation in unstimulated cells correspond to proteins with a high degree of migration in conA-stimulated cells. A similar correlation was observed in fluoride-treated lymphocytes. conA, fluoride and iodoacetate decrease cellular [3H]chloroquine [(3H]CQ) accumulation, indicating a lysosomotropic effect. These and previously reported data suggest, but do not prove that conA inhibits degradation of cellular proteins via the lysosomal pathway. Ammonium chloride, methylamine and sodium azide also inhibit proteolysis and increase cellular [3H]AD binding; however, their effects are weak. On the basis of these observations it appears that lysosomal degradation and migration of NHP to the nucleus are linked; however, the mechanism of the linkage is unknown.  相似文献   

Quantitative imaging of protein interactions in the cell nucleus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Voss TC  Demarco IA  Day RN 《BioTechniques》2005,38(3):413-424
Over the past decade, genetically encoded fluorescent proteins have become widely used as noninvasive markers in living cells. The development of fluorescent proteins, coupled with advances in digital imaging, has led to the rapid evolution of live-cell imaging methods. These approaches are being applied to address biological questions of the recruitment, co-localization, and interactions of specific proteins within particular subcellular compartments. In the wake of this rapid progress, however, come important issues associated with the acquisition and analysis of ever larger and more complex digital imaging data sets. Using protein localization in the mammalian cell nucleus as an example, we will review some recent developments in the application of quantitative imaging to analyze subcellular distribution and co-localization of proteins in populations of living cells. In this report, we review the principles of acquiring fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy measurements to define the spatial relationships between proteins. We then discuss how fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) provides a method that is independent of intensity-based measurements to detect localized protein interactions with spatial resolution. Finally, we consider potential problems associated with the expression of proteins fused to fluorescent proteins for FRET-based measurements from living cells.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism whereby protein kinase C (PKC) molecules transduce signals into the cell nucleus is unknown. In this study, we provide evidence that Dictyostelium discoideum contains PKCδ-like protein that is localized in the nucleus. The Dictyostelium PKCδ-like protein has an apparent molecular mass of 76 kDa. This protein is already highly expressed in vegetative Dictyostelium cells. The expression level remained constant up to 12 h of development, and sharply decreased after 16 h. The PKCδ-like protein is phosphorylated in vivo in response to cAMP and phorbol ester stimulation. Immunofluorescent studies, as well as subcellular fractionation experiments, have indicated that Dictyostelium PKCδ-like protein is permanently located in the nucleus. Our results may indicate that PKCδ-like protein in Dictyostelium functions as a link between cAMP and the tumor-promoting phorbol esters, and events that take place in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Using the method of protein transfer from polyacrylamide gel to nitrocellulose filters with subsequent incubation of filter-adsorbed protein with [32P]DNA, it was found that the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from porcine brain is capable of interacting with DNA to form a stable complex. This complex is resistant even to 2 M NaCl. The ability of the catalytic subunit to interact with DNA depends on the degree of enzyme nativity. The regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase does not bind to DNA both in the presence and absence of cAMP. The 125I-labeled regulatory subunit can interact with some chromatin proteins, in particular, with histone H1 and core histones. An essential role in this binding belongs to electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(5):1089-1101
The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signal transduction pathway represents an important mechanism by which growth factors regulate cell function. Targets of the MAP kinase pathway are located within several cellular compartments. Signal transduction therefore requires the localization of MAP kinase in each sub-cellular compartment that contains physiologically relevant substrates. Here, we show that serum treatment causes the translocation of two human MAP kinase isoforms, p40mapk and p41mapk, from the cytosol into the nucleus. In addition, we report that p41mapk (but not p40mapk) is localized at the cell surface ruffling membrane in serum-treated cells. To investigate whether the protein kinase activity of MAP kinase is required for serum-induced redistribution within the cell, we constructed mutated kinase-negative forms of p40mapk and p41mapk. The kinase-negative MAP kinases were not observed to localize to the cell surface ruffling membrane. In contrast, the kinase-negative MAP kinases were observed to be translocated to the nucleus. Intrinsic MAP kinase activity is therefore required only for localization at the cell surface and is not required for transport into the nucleus. Together, these data demonstrate that the pattern of serum-induced redistribution of p40mapk is different from p41mapk. Thus, in addition to common targets of signal transduction, it is possible that these MAP kinase isoforms may differentially regulate targets located in distinct sub-cellular compartments.  相似文献   

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