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Magnetic bead capture is demonstrated here to be a feasible alternative for quantitative screening of favorable mutants from a cell-displayed polypeptide library. Flow cytometric sorting with fluorescent probes has been employed previously for high throughput screening for either novel binders or improved mutants. However, many laboratories do not have ready access to this technology as a result of the limited availability and high cost of cytometers, restricting the use of cell-displayed libraries. Using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads and biotinylated ligands, an alternative approach to cell-based library screening for improved mutants was developed. Magnetic bead capture probability of labeled cells is shown to be closely correlated with the surface ligand density. A single-pass enrichment ratio of 9400 +/- 1800-fold, at the expense of 85 +/- 6% binder losses, is achieved from screening a library that contains one antibody-displaying cell (binder) in 1.1 x 10(5) nondisplaying cells. Additionally, kinetic screening for an initial high affinity to low affinity (7.7-fold lower) mutant ratio of 1:95,000, the magnetic bead capture method attains a single-pass enrichment ratio of 600 +/- 200-fold with a 75 +/- 24% probability of loss for the higher affinity mutant. The observed high loss probabilities can be straightforwardly compensated for by library oversampling, given the inherently parallel nature of the screen. Overall, these results demonstrate that magnetic beads are capable of quantitatively screening for novel binders and improved mutants. The described methods are directly analogous to procedures in common use for phage display and should lower the barriers to entry for use of cell surface display libraries.  相似文献   

Methodological advances and new applications have fueled significant growth in the practice of polypeptide library screening.  相似文献   

The genetic encoding of polypeptides with biological display systems enables the facile generation and screening of very large combinatorial libraries of molecules. By post-translationally modifying the encoded polypeptides, chemically and structurally more diverse molecules beyond linear amino acid polymers can be generated. The first post-translational modification applied to encoded polypeptides, the oxidation of cysteine residues to form disulfide bridges, is a natural one and was used to cyclise short peptides soon after the invention of phage display. Recently a range of non-natural chemical strategies for the post-translational modification of encoded polypeptide repertoires were applied to generate optical biosensors, semisynthetic polypeptides, peptide-drug conjugates, redox-insensitive monocyclic peptides or multicyclic peptides, and these strategies are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening of enzyme libraries   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Directed evolution is becoming a widely used technique for modifying or enhancing protein performance. Ultimately, the success of directed protein evolution experiments hinges on the efficiency of the methods used to screen libraries for mutants with properties of interest. Although there is still a paucity of general methods for enzyme library screening, in recent years a number of promising strategies have emerged and are increasingly being used to explore challenging issues in protein engineering.  相似文献   

The most common methods for discovery of chemical compounds capable of manipulating biological function involves some form of screening. The success of such screens is highly dependent on the chemical materials - commonly referred to as libraries - that are assayed. Classic methods for the design of screening libraries have depended on knowledge of target structure and relevant pharmacophores for target focus, and on simple count-based measures to assess other properties. The recent proliferation of two novel screening paradigms, structure-based screening and high-content screening, prompts a profound rethink about the ideal composition of small-molecule screening libraries. We suggest that currently utilized libraries are not optimal for addressing new targets by high-throughput screening, or complex phenotypes by high-content screening.  相似文献   

Cell-based high-content screening of small-molecule libraries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advanced microscopy and the corresponding image analysis have been developed in recent years into a powerful tool for studying molecular and morphological events in cells and tissues. Cell-based high-content screening (HCS) is an upcoming methodology for the investigation of cellular processes and their alteration by multiple chemical or genetic perturbations. Multiparametric characterization of responses to such changes can be analyzed using intact live cells as reporter. These disturbances are screened for effects on a variety of molecular and cellular targets, including subcellular localization and redistribution of proteins. In contrast to biochemical screening, they detect the responses within the context of the intercellular structural and functional networks of normal and diseased cells, respectively. As cell-based HCS of small-molecule libraries is applied to identify and characterize new therapeutic lead compounds, large pharmaceutical companies are major drivers of the technology and have already shown image-based screens using more than 100,000 compounds.  相似文献   

Selecting and screening recombinant antibody libraries   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
During the past decade several display methods and other library screening techniques have been developed for isolating monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from large collections of recombinant antibody fragments. These technologies are now widely exploited to build human antibodies with high affinity and specificity. Clever antibody library designs and selection concepts are now able to identify mAb leads with virtually any specificity. Innovative strategies enable directed evolution of binding sites with ultra-high affinity, high stability and increased potency, sometimes to a level that cannot be achieved by immunization. Automation of the technology is making it possible to identify hundreds of different antibody leads to a single therapeutic target. With the first antibody of this new generation, adalimumab (Humira, a human IgG1 specific for human tumor necrosis factor (TNF)), already approved for therapy and with many more in clinical trials, these recombinant antibody technologies will provide a solid basis for the discovery of antibody-based biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics and research reagents for decades to come.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been significant advances in biochemical assay miniturization and integration of microchip-based technologies with combinatorial library screening for high-throughput and large-scale applications. Small-molecule microarrays, protein arrays and cell-based arrays and conventional DNA arrays as well as microfluidic approaches in HTS are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

With the publication of the sequence of the human genome, we are challenged to identify the functions of an estimated 70,000 human genes and the much larger number of proteins encoded by these genes. Of particular interest is the identification of gene products that play a role in human disease pathways, as these proteins include potential new targets that may lead to improved therapeutic strategies. This requires the direct measurement of gene function on a genomic scale in cell-based, functional assays. We have constructed and validated an individually arrayed, replication-defective adenoviral library harboring human cDNAs, termed PhenoSelect library. The adenoviral vector guarantees efficient transduction of diverse cell types, including primary cells. The arrayed format allows screening of this library in a variety of cellular assays in search for gene(s) that, by overexpression, induce a particular disease-related phenotype. The great majority of phenotypic assays, including morphological assays, can be screened with arrayed libraries. In contrast, pooled-library approaches often rely on phenotype-based isolation or selection of single cells by employing a flow cytometer or screening for cell survival. An arrayed placental PhenoSelect library was screened in cellular assays aimed at identifying regulators of osteogenesis, metastasis, and angiogenesis. This resulted in the identification of known regulators, as well as novel sequences that encode proteins hitherto not known to play a role in these pathways. These results establish the value of the PhenoSelect platform, in combination with cellular screens, for gene function discovery.  相似文献   

The chemical scaffolds from which screening libraries are built have strong influence on the libraries' utility for screening campaigns. Here we present analysis of the scaffold composition of several types of commercially available screening collections and compare those compositions to those of drugs and drug candidates.  相似文献   

Coatings libraries achieved through a combinatorial chemistry approach, which may generate tens to hundreds of formulations, can be deposited in an array of 12 patches, each approximately 9 cm(2), on 10 x 20 cm primed aluminum panels. However, existing methods to quantify algal biomass on coatings are unsuitable for this type of array format. This paper describes an algorithm modelled on a probability distribution that quantifies the area of surface covered by a green alga from digital images. The method allows coatings with potential fouling-release properties to be down-selected for further evaluation. The use of the algorithm is illustrated by a set of eight siloxane-polyurethane coatings made using organofunctional poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-PDMS-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL-PDMS-PCL) triblock copolymers along with four PDMS standards which were deposited on one panel. Six replicate panels were seeded with Ulva zoospores which grew into sporelings (small plants) that completely covered the surface. The ease of removal of the Ulva sporeling biofilms was determined by automated water jetting at six different impact pressures. The coverage of the biofilm on the twelve individual formulations after jet washing was quantified from the green colour of digital images. The data are discussed in relation to the composition of the coatings.  相似文献   

Mixture-based synthetic combinatorial library (MB-SCL) screening is a well-established experimental approach for rapidly retrieving structure–activity relationships (SAR) and identifying hits. Virtual screening is also a powerful approach that is increasingly being used in drug discovery programs and has a growing number of successful applications. However, limited efforts have been made to integrate both techniques. To this end, we combined experimental data from a MB-SCL of bicyclic guanidines screened against the κ-opioid receptor and molecular similarity methods. The activity data and similarity analyses were integrated in a biometric analysis–similarity map. Such a map allows the molecules to be categorized as actives, activity cliffs, low similarity to the reference compounds, or missed hits. A compound with IC50 = 309 nM was found in the “missed hits” region, showing that active compounds can be retrieved from a MS-SCL via computational approaches. The strategy presented in this work is general and is envisioned as a general-purpose approach that can be applied to other MB-SCLs.  相似文献   

The concomitant development of in silico screening technologies and of three-dimensional information on therapeutically relevant macromolecular targets makes it possible to navigate in the structural proteome and to identify targets fulfilling user-defined queries. This review illustrates some in-house recent advances in the development of target libraries and how they can be browsed to unravel chemogenomic information.  相似文献   

Publications reporting results of small-molecule screens are becoming more common as academic researchers increasingly make use of high-throughput screening (HTS) facilities. However, no standards have been formally established for reporting small-molecule screening data, and often key information important for the evaluation and interpretation of results is omitted in published HTS protocols. Here, we propose concise guidelines for reporting small-molecule HTS data.  相似文献   

To explore chitin-binding domain (ChBD)-based cell immobilization, a tripartite gene fusion consisting of an in-frame fusion of ChBD to lpp and ompA was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. ChBD-displayed cells exhibited highly specific and stable binding to chitin within a wide range of pHs (5 to 8) and temperatures (15 to 37 degrees C). These results illustrate the promising use of this approach for engineering applications.  相似文献   

We have constructed a human V(H) library based on a camelized V(H) sequence. The library was constructed with complete randomization of 19 of the 23 CDR3 residues and was panned against two monoclonal antibody targets to generate V(H) sequences for determination of the antigen contact residue positions. Furthermore, the feasibility and desirability of introducing a disulfide bridge between CDR1 and CDR3 was investigated. Sequences derived from the library showed a bias toward the use of C-terminal CDR3 residues as antigen contact residues. Mass spectrometric analyses indicated that CDR1-CDR3 disulfide formation was universal. However, surface plasmon resonance and NMR data showed that the CDR3 constraint imposed by the disulfide bridge was not always desirable. Very high yields of soluble protein products and lack of protein aggregation, as demonstrated by the quality of the (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra, indicated that the V(H) sequence for library construction was a good choice. These results should be useful in the design of V(H) libraries with optimal features.  相似文献   

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are of great interest as targeted cancer therapeutics. Preparation of ADCs for early stage screening is constrained by purification and biochemical analysis techniques that necessitate burdensome quantities of antibody. Here we describe a method, developed for the maytansinoid class of ADCs, enabling parallel conjugation of antibodies in 96-well format. The method utilizes ~100 µg of antibody per well and requires <5 µg of ADC for characterization. We demonstrate the capabilities of this system using model antibodies. We also provide multiple examples applying this method to early-stage screening of maytansinoid ADCs. The method can greatly increase the throughput with which candidate ADCs can be screened in cell-based assays, and may be more generally applicable to high-throughput preparation and screening of different types of protein conjugates.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography using immobilized S-protein was used for the screening of affinity peptide ligands from two soluble peptide libraries. Peptide library I consisted of octamers with glycine (G) at both termini of each peptide, i.e. GXXXXXXG. The six center positions were constructed using random sequences of six L-amino acids (Y, N, F, E, V, and L). Peptide library II also consisted of octamers but with glycine and valine (V) at both termini of each peptide (GVZZZZVG). The four variable center positions of peptide library II were random sequences of 18 L-amino acids. Peptides that were retained specifically on the immobilized S-protein column were eluted by 2% acetic acid. The peptides in the acid eluate were further separated using reversed-phase HPLC. Each separated peptide fraction was collected and the peptide sequences deconvoluted by mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The screenings of peptide libraries I and II resulted in 12 and 7 affinity peptides, respectively. Eight out of the twelve peptides from peptide library I contained the clear consensus sequence NFEV. Peptide library II resulted in affinity peptides with the sequences GVNFEVVG, GVNFTVVG and GVFFEL(I)VG. The advantages and limitations of affinity chromatography in peptide library screening are discussed.  相似文献   

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