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Indices of filterability of red blood cell suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Skalak  M Hanss  S Chien 《Biorheology》1983,20(3):311-316
A number of different experimental techniques have been devised in recent years to use microsieving as a test of the filterability of suspensions of red blood cells. Various indices have been proposed to express the results of these tests. In the present paper a correlation is made of the intrinsic increase in resistance at the level of a single pore in the filter to the macroscopically observed pressure and flow through the entire filter. Further it is shown how a number of different tests may be used to derive the same index. The results apply only to situations in which there is no plugging of pores.  相似文献   

The Staverman reflection coefficient, sigma for several permeant molecules was determined in human red cell suspensions with a Durrum stopped-flow spectrophotometer. This procedure was first used with dog, cat, and beef red cells and with human red cells. The stopped-flow technique used was similar to the rapid-flow method used by those who originally reported sigma measurements in human red cells for molecules which rapidly penetrate the red cell membrane. The sigma values we obtained agreed with those previously reported for most of the slow penetrants, except malonamide, but disagreed with all the sigma values previously reported for the rapid penetrants. We were unable to calculate an "equivalent pore radius" with our sigma data. The advantages of our equipment and our experimental procedure are discussed. Our sigma data suggest that sigma is indirectly proportional to the log of the nonelectrolyte permeability coefficient, omega. Since a similar trend has been previously shown for log omega and molar volume of the permeant molecules, a correlatioo was shown between sigma and molar volume suggesting the membrane acts as a sieve.  相似文献   


We have established the presence of a rhythm in the activity of 4 enzymes in in‐vitro cell suspensions of human red blood cells. Glucose 6‐phosphate dehydrogenase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase demonstrated semicircadian patterns of activity, while acid phosphatese and acetylcholine esterase exhibited circadian activity rhythms. The ratios between the highest to lowest activities varied from 2:1 to 10:1 among the various enzymes. The affinity of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase to its substrate and coenzyme remained constant throughout the cycle. No evidence was obtained for the presence of a soluble inhibitor at the lower levels of the activity. Sonication of hemolysates with low glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogense activity yielded additional activity comparable to that of the peak activity. Sonication of hemolysates from the time of the peak activity did not change the original activity. The observations point to a role of the cell membrane in the biological clock.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in blood safety by careful donor selection and implementation of infectious disease testing, transmission of viruses, bacteria and parasites by transfusion can still rarely occur. One approach to reduce the residual risk from currently tested pathogens and to protect against the emergence of new ones is to investigate methods for pathogen inactivation. The use of photosensitizing dyes for pathogen inactivation has been studied in both red cell and platelet blood components. Optimal properties of sensitizing dyes for use in red cell suspensions include selection of dyes that traverse cell and viral membranes, bind to nucleic acids, absorb light in the red region of the spectrum, inactivate a wide range of pathogens, produce little red cell photodamage from dye not bound to nucleic acid and do not hemolyze red cells in the dark. Early research at the American Red Cross focused on the use of a class of dyes with rigid structures, such as the phenothiazine dyes, beginning with the prototypical sensitizer methylene blue. Results revealed that methylene blue phototreatment could inactivate extracellular virus, but resulted in undesirable defects in the red cell membrane that resulted in enhanced hemolysis that became evident during extended refrigerated blood storage. In addition, methylene blue phototreatment could neither inactivate intracellular viruses nor appreciably inactivate bacteria under conditions of extracellualar viral killing. Attempts to improve intracellular viral inactivation led to the investigations of more hydrophobic phenothiazines, such as methylene violet or dimethylmethylene blue. Although these dyes could inactivate intracellular virus, problems with increased red cell membrane damage and hemolysis persisted or increased. Further studies using red cell additive storage solutions containing high levels of the impermeable ion, citrate, to protect against colloidal osmotic hemolysis as well as competitive inhibitors to limit sensitizer binding to red cell membranes revealed that photoinduced hemolysis stemmed from dye bound to the red cell membrane as well as dye free in solution. Use of red cell additive solutions to prevent colloidal-osmotic hemolysis and use of novel flexible dyes that only act as sensitizers when bound to their targets are two techniques that currently are under investigation for reducing red cell damage. Ultimately, the decision to implement a photodynamic method for pathogen reduction will be determined by weighing the risks of unintended adverse consequences of the procedure itself, such as the potential for genotoxicity and allergic reactions, against the cost and benefits of its implementation.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in blood safety by careful donor selection and implementation of infectious disease testing, transmission of viruses, bacteria and parasites by transfusion can still rarely occur. One approach to reduce the residual risk from currently tested pathogens and to protect against the emergence of new ones is to investigate methods for pathogen inactivation. The use of photosensitizing dyes for pathogen inactivation has been studied in both red cell and platelet blood components. Optimal properties of sensitizing dyes for use in red cell suspensions include selection of dyes that traverse cell and viral membranes, bind to nucleic acids, absorb light in the red region of the spectrum, inactivate a wide range of pathogens, produce little red cell photodamage from dye not bound to nucleic acid and do not hemolyze red cells in the dark. Early research at the American Red Cross focused on the use of a class of dyes with rigid structures, such as the phenothiazine dyes, beginning with the prototypical sensitizer methylene blue. Results revealed that methylene blue phototreatment could inactivate extracellular virus, but resulted in undesirable defects in the red cell membrane that resulted in enhanced hemolysis that became evident during extended refrigerated blood storage. In addition, methylene blue phototreatment could neither inactivate intracellular viruses nor appreciably inactivate bacteria under conditions of extracellualar viral killing. Attempts to improve intracellular viral inactivation led to the investigations of more hydrophobic phenothiazines, such as methylene violet or dimethylmethylene blue. Although these dyes could inactivate intracellular virus, problems with increased red cell membrane damage and hemolysis persisted or increased. Further studies using red cell additive storage solutions containing high levels of the impermeable ion, citrate, to protect against colloidal osmotic hemolysis as well as competitive inhibitors to limit sensitizer binding to red cell membranes revealed that photoinduced hemolysis stemmed from dye bound to the red cell membrane as well as dye free in solution. Use of red cell additive solutions to prevent colloidal-osmotic hemolysis and use of novel flexible dyes that only act as sensitizers when bound to their targets are two techniques that currently are under investigation for reducing red cell damage. Ultimately, the decision to implement a photodynamic method for pathogen reduction will be determined by weighing the risks of unintended adverse consequences of the procedure itself, such as the potential for genotoxicity and allergic reactions, against the cost and benefits of its implementation.  相似文献   

Red blood cells from Wistar rats were exposed to milimolar concentrations of t-butyl hydroperoxide. Extensive hemoglobin oxidation (methemoglobin formation), t-butyl hydroperoxide cleavage (t-butanol formation) and peroxidation (measured by oxygen consumption and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) was observed. Significant chemiluminescence was emitted by the system. Hemoglobin oxidation and t-butanol production were independent of oxygen pressure and free radical scavengers, however, luminescence was enhanced as oxygen pressure increased and it was reduced by addition of free radical scavengers. The spectral distribution of the light emitted suggests that the luminescence detected is not due to singlet oxygen dimol emission. The results are in agreement with a lipid peroxidative mechanism initiated by t-butoxy radicals produced in the interaction of hemoglobin and t-butyl hydroperoxide.  相似文献   

Rheological studies of lysed cell suspensions are performed with a magneto acoustic ball microrheometer. Two methods for lysing the cells are developed in order to provide cell volume concentrations identical to control intact cell suspensions. The first uses a freeze-thaw technique and the second uses sonication. It is found that cell suspensions disrupted by sonication have a lower viscosity than intact suspensions, whereas cell suspensions lysed by the freeze-thaw method exhibit a higher viscosity. Sonication is discovered to have a detrimental impact on the cell membrane, and to cause complete destruction of the cell membrane structure. Measurements of the steady state viscosity show that indeed the presence of the membrane is not detected, and that what is measured is mainly the viscosity of the hemoglobin solution. On the other hand, freeze-thaw results indicate that at least two phenomena occur. The first phenomenon, occurring during the first freeze-thaw cycle, produces an increase in viscosity and in viscoelasticity. The second one, taking place after subsequent freeze-thaw cycles, induces a decrease in the bulk rheological properties. Several possible mechanisms are presented to explain the observed phenomena.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in blood safety by careful donor selection and implementation of infectious disease testing, transmission of viruses, bacteria and parasites by transfusion can still rarely occur. One approach to reduce the residual risk from currently tested pathogens and to protect against the emergence of new ones is to investigate methods for pathogen inactivation. The use of photosensitizing dyes for pathogen inactivation has been studied in both red cell and platelet blood components. Optimal properties of sensitizing dyes for use in red cell suspensions include selection of dyes that traverse cell and viral membranes, bind to nucleic acids, absorb light in the red region of the spectrum, inactivate a wide range of pathogens, produce little red cell photodamage from dye not bound to nucleic acid and do not hemolyze red cells in the dark. Early research at the American Red Cross focused on the use of a class of dyes with rigid structures, such as the phenothiazine dyes, beginning with the prototypical sensitizer methylene blue. Results revealed that methylene blue phototreatment could inactivate extracellular virus, but resulted in undesirable defects in the red cell membrane that resulted in enhanced hemolysis that became evident during extended refrigerated blood storage. In addition, methylene blue phototreatment could neither inactivate intracellular viruses nor appreciably inactivate bacteria under conditions of extracellualar viral killing. Attempts to improve intracellular viral inactivation led to the investigations of more hydrophobic phenothiazines, such as methylene violet or dimethylmethylene blue. Although these dyes could inactivate intracellular virus, problems with increased red cell membrane damage and hemolysis persisted or increased. Further studies using red cell additive storage solutions containing high levels of the impermeable ion, citrate, to protect against colloidal osmotic hemolysis as well as competitive inhibitors to limit sensitizer binding to red cell membranes revealed that photoinduced hemolysis stemmed from dye bound to the red cell membrane as well as dye free in solution. Use of red cell additive solutions to prevent colloidal-osmotic hemolysis and use of novel flexible dyes that only act as sensitizers when bound to their targets are two techniques that currently are under investigation for reducing red cell damage. Ultimately, the decision to implement a photodynamic method for pathogen reduction will be determined by weighing the risks of unintended adverse consequences of the procedure itself, such as the potential for genotoxicity and allergic reactions, against the cost and benefits of its implementation.  相似文献   

NMR water-proton spin-lattice relaxation times were studied as probes of water structure in human red blood cells and red blood cell suspensions. Normal saline had a relaxation time of about 3000 ms while packed red blood cells had a relaxation time of about 500 ms. The relaxation time of a red cell suspension at 50% hematocrit was about 750 ms showing that surface charges and polar groups of the red cell membrane effectively structure extracellular water. Incubation of red cells in hypotonic saline increases relaxation time whereas hypertonic saline decreases relaxation time. Relaxation times varied independently of mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration in a sample population. Studies with lysates and resealed membrane ghosts show that hemoglobin is very effective in lowering water-proton relaxation time whereas resealed membrane ghosts in the absence of hemoglobin are less effective than intact red cells.  相似文献   

The shear flow dynamics of reversible red cell aggregates in dense suspensions were investigated by ultrasound scattering, to study the shear disruption processes of Rayleigh clusters and examine the effective mean field approximation used in microrheological models. In a first section, a rheo-acoustical model, in the Rayleigh scattering regime, is proposed to describe the shear stress dependence of the low frequency scattered power in relation to structural parameters. The fractal scattering regime characterizing the anisotropic scattering from flocs of size larger than the ultrasound wavelength is further discussed. In the second section, we report flow-dependent changes in the low-frequency scattering coefficient in a plane-plane flow geometry to analyze the shear disruption processes of hardened or deformable red cell aggregates in neutral dextran polymer solution. Rheo-acoustical experiments are examined on the basis of the rheo-acoustical model and the effective medium approximation. The ability of ultrasound scattering technique to determine the critical disaggregation shear stress and to give quantitative information on particle surface adhesive energy is analyzed. Lastly, the shear-thinning behavior of weakly aggregated hardened or deformable red cells is described.  相似文献   

《Plant Science Letters》1984,33(1):23-29
The contents of nucleic acids and rDNA were estimated during the development of carrot cell suspensions cultured under two different conditions. The cells transferred from stock culture to the medium without 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) induced the embryogenesis (embryogenic culture), while the cells inoculated to the medium with 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D did not form any embryos (non-embryogenic culture). The ratio of RNA to DNA of both cultures increased in the early stage of the culture. The rise of the ratio in embryogenic culture was much higher than that in non-embryogenic culture, which showed that embryogenic culture accumulated RNA prior to the formation of embryos. The rDNA amount of non-embryogenic culture remained constant throughout the culture period. Although embryogenic culture showed a slight change in rDNA amount, the differences were at most 12% and the quantitative stability of the rDNA was demonstrated during the development of carrot cell suspension cultures.  相似文献   

Plasmatic proteins, namely fibrinogen and globulins, play a major role in red blood cell (RBC) aggregation which is accountable for the three-dimensional structure of blood. Consequently, blood rheological properties linked to this structure must be modified when the protein plasma content changes. This paper gives results and related comments on thixotropic properties of RBC suspensions (0.45 hematocrit) in isotonic solutions containing various amount of fibrinogen to which albumin is added. Thixotropic behavior of these RBC suspensions is studied with a low inertia coaxial cylinders viscometer at a shear rate step of Y = 1 s-1. Rheograms are interpreted in term of thixotropy coefficient. The main conclusion is that albumin improves RBC disaggregability of whole blood, resulting probably from a competitive effect between fibrinogen and albumin in the RBC aggregation process.  相似文献   

The conductance and capacitance of flowing and quiescent red blood cell (RBC) suspensions were measured at a frequency of 0.2 MHz. The results demonstrate that the time-dependent changes in the conductance recorded during the aggregation process differ in nature for suspensions of short linear rouleaux, branched aggregates and RBC networks. It is shown that the conductance of RBC suspensions measured during the aggregation and disaggregation processes follows the morphological transformations of the RBC aggregates. Thus, this method enables characterization of the morphology of RBC aggregates formed in whole blood and in suspensions with physiological hematocrits both under flow conditions and in stasis. These results in combination with previous ones suggest that this technique can be used for studies of dynamic RBC aggregation and probably for diagnostic use.  相似文献   

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