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拟南芥开花的光周期调节   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
拟南芥开花时间受先质、光周期影响。已鉴定出两类影响开花光周期反应的突变体:一类是通过影响内源生理节奏从而影响光周期测量,导致开花时间改变的突变体,包括elf3和lhy;另一类是影响长日光周期应答的突变作,如constans(co)和gigantea(gi)。CO基因已经克隆,通过转基因和原位杂交分析,表明CO转录水平是长日应答促进开花的主要决定因子。  相似文献   

植物能感应春化并记住这一效应,且通过一系列的信号传导,最终调控开花。文章就拟南芥的春化相关的基因,春化记忆分子模型、春化记忆与开花调控途径以及与此不同的另一种春化记忆模型和小麦春化记忆分子机制的研究进展作了介绍。  相似文献   

拟南芥开花时间调控的分子基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在合适的时间开花对大多数植物的生存和成功繁衍极为重要。开花时间受错综复杂的环境因素和植物自身的遗传因子影响,由开花调控因子所构成的光周期、春化、温度、赤霉素、自主以及年龄等至少6条既相互独立又相互联系的遗传途径调控。该文综述了有关拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)开花时间调控的分子机制的最新研究进展,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物从营养生长到生殖生长的转变是开花发育的关键,在合适的时间开花对植物的生长和繁衍极为重要,植物开花时间的调控对农业生产发展意义重大。植物开花是由遗传因子和环境因子协同调节的一个复杂过程。近年来,对不同植物开花调控的研究,特别是对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh.)的开花调控研究取得了显著进展,已探明开花时间分子调控的6条主要途径分别是光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径、温度途径、赤霉素途径和年龄途径。各遗传调控途径既相互独立又相互联系,构成一个复杂的开花调控网络。本文综述了模式植物拟南芥开花时间调控分子机制相关研究的最新进展,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

春化作用相关基因FLC的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拟南芥春化作用相关基因FLOWERING LOCUS C(FLC)属于MADS盒基因,它编码的蛋白转录因子对开花具抑制作用。春化作用通过负调控FLC的转录及蛋白表达水平,促进拟南芥的某些晚花生态型和晚花突变体开花。主要介绍了FLC基因在春化途径中的关键作用,及其春化作用通过FLC基因与其它开花途径相联系等内容。  相似文献   

控制拟南芥和水稻开花时间光周期途径的分子机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
就拟南芥和水稻开花时间控制光周期途径的分子机制的研究进展作简要介绍。  相似文献   

本文利用特异性引物,从拟南芥RNA中提取春化相关基因VRN2 cDNA序列,GenBank登录号AY063047。该基因序列大小为1 354 bp,编码区为1 323 bp,编码氨基酸441个。将克隆片段插入中间载体pBPFΩ7,经PstI酶切回收带有P35S启动子和nos终止子片段,连接pBI121载体,构建VRN2基因的植物表达载体。  相似文献   

拟南芥开花时间调控的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
调控开花时间是大多数植物由营养生长向生殖生长转化的一个重要生长发育过程.影响拟南芥开花时间的因素有很多,其中光照和温度是两个主要的外部因素,而赤霉素(GA)和一些自主性因子是主要的内部因素.目前,一般按照对以上因素的反应将晚花突变体归于四条开花调控途径:光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径和GA途径.在不断变化的外部环境条件和内部生理条件下,这些途径通过一些主要的整合基因如SOC1、FT、LFY等实现了对拟南芥开花时间的精确调控.  相似文献   

高等植物开花时程的基因调控(Ⅰ)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等植物从营养生长向生殖生长及发育转变的时程具有重要意义,但是了解得很少。近6年来利用分子遗传学方法详细地分析了拟南芥中的这一转变的时程变化,为高等植物开花时程的基因调控提供了一个很好的模式。有关早期或晚期开花表现型的大量突变体及遗传变异得到了阐述。这里谈到的表现型对影响开花转变的环境及内部因子的控制有重大作用。通过分子生物学、遗传学和生理学分析已经鉴定了参与此过程的不同组分,如光识别和昼夜节律(circadian rhythm)因子。另外,通过克隆某些花诱导基因及其相应的靶基因已经对参与开花信号转导途径(signal transduction pathway)的相关因子进行了系统的鉴定,这些开创性工作大大促进了高等植物开花时程的基因表达调控研究及其机理的阐明。本实验室在以黄瓜、新红宝西瓜、西葫芦为材料所获得的部分结果基础上,主要以近六年来在拟南芥方面获得的进展为依据,对高等植物开花时程的基因调控作一系统的总结,并对其开花时程基因调控的机理提出可能的作用理论模型。  相似文献   

Vegetative phase change in flowering plants is regulated by a decrease in the level of miR156. The molecular mechanism of this temporally regulated decrease in miR156 expression is still unknown. Most of the miR156 in Arabidopsis thaliana shoots is produced by MIR156A and MIR156C. We found that the downregulation of these genes during vegetative phase change is associated with an increase in their level of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) and requires this chromatin modification. The increase in H3K27me3 at MIR156A/MIR156C is associated with an increase in the binding of PRC2 to these genes and is mediated redundantly by the E(z) homologs SWINGER and CURLY LEAF. The CHD3 chromatin remodeler PICKLE (PKL) promotes the addition of H3K27me3 to MIR156A/MIR156C but is not responsible for the temporal increase in this chromatin mark. PKL is bound to the promoters of MIR156A/MIR156C, where it promotes low levels of H3K27ac early in shoot development and stabilizes the nucleosome at the +1 position. These results suggest a molecular mechanism for the initiation and maintenance of vegetative phase change in plants.  相似文献   

Given their sessile nature, it is critical for the survival of plants to adapt to their environment. Accordingly, plants have evolved the ability to sense seasonal changes to govern developmental fates such as the floral transition. Temperature and day length are among the seasonal cues that plants sense. We recently reported that VIN3-LIKE 1 (VIL1) is involved in mediating the flowering response to both cold and day length via regulation of two related genes, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) and FLOWERING LOCUS M (FLM), respectively.Key Words: flowering, vernalization, photoperiod, chromatin, histone, gene expressionVernalization renders plants competent to flower after exposure to the prolonged cold of winter.1,2 Arabidopsis exhibits facultative responses to both vernalization and photoperiod to initiate the floral transition. The facultative nature of the responses makes Arabidopsis a tractable genetic system to study these aspects of flowering time control.In Arabidopsis, vernalization creates competence to flower via silencing of the potent floral repressor, FLC, in a mitotically stable manner.3,4 Thus, the vernalization response is an environmentally induced epigenetic switch in that exposure to cold permanently affects the plants'' developmental program. This epigenetic switch is associated with increased levels of FLC chromatin methylation on Histone H3 Lys 9 and Lys 27.5,6 VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3) plays an essential role in this switch since no modifications to FLC chromatin occur in vin3 mutants.5 Furthermore, the levels of expression of VIN3 mRNA are tightly correlated with the degree of the vernalization response.5 VIN3 encodes Plant HomeoDomain (PHD) finger-containing protein. PHD finger-containing proteins are often associated with protein complexes that are involved in chromatin remodeling.7We performed a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify potential protein partners of VIN3. VIN3-LIKE 1 (VIL1) was identified by this screen.8 VIL1 encodes a PHD finger-containing protein that is related to VIN3. As expected for proteins that are associated with VIN3, plants containing loss-of-function alleles of VIL1 do not respond to vernalization. Furthermore, no vernalization-mediated histone modifications occur at FLC in vil1 mutants similar to the situation in vin3 mutants. Thus, by yeast two hybrid and genetic analysis, VIL1 is a bona fide VIN3 partner that is required for vernalization-mediated histone modifications at FLC chromatin. Unlike VIN3, the expression of VIL1 does not change over the course of cold exposure. Rather, VIL1 mRNA levels are affected by photoperiod. VIL1 expression is significantly increased in non-inductive photoperiods (short days; SD). Consistent with this expression pattern, vil1 mutants in the Columbia accession exhibit a SD-specific late-flowering phenotype. Furthermore, VIL1 is required for attenuating expression of FLOWERING LOCUS M, a FLC-related gene, in a SD-specific manner. It is possible that the attenuation of FLM by VIL1 has a role in creating the facultative nature of photoperiod response in Arabidopsis since vil1 mutants tend towards an obligate photoperiod response (i.e., vil1 mutants often fail to flower in SD).In Arabidopsis, there are four VIN3-related genes, which we named as VIL1VIL4,8 and which have also been called VRN5 and VEL1VEL3.9 The C-terminal domain is highly conserved among these genes and was named the VIN3-Interacting Domain (VID) since it is required for protein-protein interaction between VIN3 and VIL1. The effect of cold on the expression patterns of VIN3-related genes varies. For example, VIL2 and VIL3 are induced specifically by vernalizing cold exposures whereas others such as VIL1 are, for the most part, constitutively expressed. It will be interesting to determine the functions of the remaining VIL genes.FLC is the main target for vernalization in Arabidopsis. Interestingly, FLC orthologs have not been found in vernalization-responsive varieties of cereals. However, in wheat, VRN2 appears to have a role equivalent to that of FLC in Arabidopsis.10 VRN2 encodes a ZCCT type zinc-finger protein that does not have a homolog in the Arabidopsis genome. In diploid wheat, down regulation of VRN2 is correlated with the vernalization response.11 Interestingly, wheat contains three VIN3-LIKE (VIL) genes, TmVIL1, TmVIL2 and TmVIL3.12 Furthermore, TmVIL1 is up-regulated by vernalization.12 However, whether TmVIL1 has a direct role in the vernalization-mediated repression of VRN2 in wheat has not yet been addressed. Similar to VIL1, TmVIL3 shows elevated level of expression in SD. Furthermore, VRN2 is downregulated in SD;13,14 thus there is a correlation between the induction of TmVIL genes and the downregulation of the floral repressor VRN2 similar to the VIN3/FLC and VIL1/FLM relationships (Fig. 1). Perhaps VIN3-related genes have similar roles both in Arabidopsis and in temperate wheat, but act on different target genes, possibly as a result of convergent evolution. Interestingly, the wheat gene TmVRN3 is homologous to FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) of Arabidopsis, and TmVRN3 is repressed by TmVRN2 as FT is repressed by FLC,15 suggesting another similarity in the regulation of flowering time between Arabidopsis and temperate wheat (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Proposed relationship of VIN3 family genes to the regulatory network controlling flowering time in response to environmental cues in Arabidopsis and diploid wheat (adapted from ref. 16).Although the PHD finger can be found in various eukaryotes, the VID is unique to plants. It is also noteworthy that VIN3-related genes can be found in various plant species, including rice, which does not have a vernalization response. It will be interesting to address whether the VIN3-related genes from various plant species are more broadly involved in relaying environmental signals to developmental programs.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) continuously produces lateral organs in plants.Based on the identity of the lateral organs,the life cycle of a plant can be divided into two phases:vegetative and reproductive.The SAM produces leaves during the vegetative phase,whereas it gives rise to flowers in the reproductive phase (reviewed in Poethig,2003).The floral transition,namely the switch from vegetative to reproductive growth,is controlled by diverse endogenous and exogenous cues such as age,hormones,photoperiod,and temperature (reviewed in B(a)urle and Dean,2006;Srikanth and Schmid,2011;Andres and Coupland,2012).The model annual Arabidopsis thaliana has been extensively used for the dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying the floral transition during the last two decades.The molecular and genetic analyses have revealed five flowering time pathways,including age,autonomous,gibberellins (GAs),photoperiod and vernalization (reviewed in Amasino and Michaels,2010).Growing lines of evidence indicate that there are extensive crosstalks,feedback or feed-forward loops between the components within these pathways,and that these multiple floral inductive cues are integrated into a set of floral promoting MADS-box genes including APETALA 1 (AP1),SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO 1 (SOC1),FRUITFULL (FUL) and LEAFY (LFY) (Amasino and Michaels,2010;Lee and Lee,2010;Srikanth and Schmid,2011).  相似文献   

Flowering and determinacy in Arabidopsis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Meristems provide new cells to produce organs throughout the life of a plant, and their continuous activity depends on regulatory genes that balance the proliferation of meristem cells with their recruitment to organogenesis. During flower development, this balance is shifted towards organogenesis, causing the meristem to terminate after producing a genetically determined number of organs. In Arabidopsis, WUSCHEL (WUS) specifies the self-renewing cells at the core of the shoot meristems and is a key target in the control of meristem stability. The development of a determinate floral meristem is initiated by APETALA1/CAULIFLOWER (AP1/CAL) and LEAFY (LFY). The latter activates AGAMOUS (AG), partly in co-operation with WUS. AG then directs the development of the innermost floral organs and at the same time antagonizes WUS to terminate the meristem, although the mechanism of WUS repression remains unknown. All these genes participate in a series of regulatory feedback loops that maintain stable expression patterns or promote sharp developmental transitions. Although the regulators of meristem maintenance and determinacy in Arabidopsis are widely conserved, their interactions may vary in other species.  相似文献   

Flowering in darkness in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modified method for studying the initiation of flowering in darkness (dark flowering, DF) in Arabidopsis thaliana has been developed, and the DF process has been examined with the aid of late-flowering mutants. A majority of plants developed floral buds by the use of liquid-shaken cultures in darkness. The late-flowering phenotype in gi and co mutants and early-flowering phenotype in a hy2 mutant disappeared in DF. It was found that wild-type plants grown under DF conditions express light-regulated genes and develop appropriate leaf architecture, as do the light-grown plants, without the apparent differentiation of chloroplasts. The shift experiments from darkness to light revealed the critical duration of growth in darkness for the initiation of DF. These results indicate that the DF process to the initiation of flowering is a mode of development distinct from that in light in Arabidopsis .  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation of repetitive sequences is widespread in plant genomes, occurring in both symmetric (CpG and CpNpG) as well as asymmetric sequence contexts. We used the methylation-dependent restriction enzyme McrBC to profile methylated DNA using tiling microarrays of Arabidopsis Chromosome 4 in two distinct ecotypes, Columbia and Landsberg erecta. We also used comparative genome hybridization to profile copy number polymorphisms. Repeated sequences and transposable elements (TEs), especially long terminal repeat retrotransposons, are densely methylated, but one third of genes also have low but detectable methylation in their transcribed regions. While TEs are almost always methylated, genic methylation is highly polymorphic, with half of all methylated genes being methylated in only one of the two ecotypes. A survey of loci in 96 Arabidopsis accessions revealed a similar degree of methylation polymorphism. Within-gene methylation is heritable, but is lost at a high frequency in segregating F2 families. Promoter methylation is rare, and gene expression is not generally affected by differences in DNA methylation. Small interfering RNA are preferentially associated with methylated TEs, but not with methylated genes, indicating that most genic methylation is not guided by small interfering RNA. This may account for the instability of gene methylation, if occasional failure of maintenance methylation cannot be restored by other means.  相似文献   

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