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Deblocking aminopeptidase (DAP) is an exoprotease that can release N-terminal amino acids from blocked peptides. Three DAP homologous (TkDAP1, TkDAP2, and TkDAP3) are annotated in the genome data base of Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1. TkDAP2 and TkDAP3 were identified as proteins that are overexpressed in response to heat and oxidative stress by two-dimensional electrophoresis. In this study, the TkDAP1 and TkDAP2 genes were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The two proteins were purified homogeneity and analyzed by gel filtration chromatography and electron microscopy. TkDAP1 showed two oligomers, which were identified as an octodecimer and a dodecamer. TkDAP2 produced three native forms: octodecimer, dodecamer, and trimer. Dodecamer assembly was the main form in the two proteins. Finally, TkDAP1 was found to have higher deblocking aminopeptidase activity on the substrates of Ac-Leu-pNA and Ac-Ala-Ala-Ala, while TkDAP2 had higher aminopeptidase activity on the substrates of Leu-pNA and Ala-Ala-Ala-pNA.  相似文献   

Long/branched-chain polyamines are unique polycations found in thermophiles. The hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis contains spermidine and a branched-chain polyamine, N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine, as major polyamines. The metabolic pathways associated with branched-chain polyamines remain unknown. Here, we used gas chromatography and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses to identify a new acetylated polyamine, N4-bis(aminopropyl)-N1-acetylspermidine, from T. kodakarensis; this polyamine was not found in other micro-organisms. The amounts of branched-chain polyamine and its acetylated form increased with temperature, indicating that branched-chain polyamines are important for growth at higher temperatures. The amount of quaternary acetylated polyamine produced was associated with the amount of N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine in the cell. The ratio of acetylated to non-acetylated forms was higher in the stationary phase than in the logarithmic growth phase under high-temperature stress condition.  相似文献   

The sulphur atoms of sulphur‐containing cofactors that are essential for numerous cellular functions in living organisms originate from L‐cysteine via cysteine desulphurase (CSD) activity. However, many (hyper)thermophilic archaea, which thrive in solfataric fields and are positioned near the root of the evolutionary tree of life, lack CSD orthologues. The existence of CSD orthologues in a subset of (hyper)thermophilic archaea is of interest with respect to the evolution of sulphur‐trafficking systems for the cofactors. This study demonstrates that the disruption of the csd gene of Thermococcus kodakarensis, a facultative elemental sulphur (S0)‐reducing hyperthermophilic archaeon, encoding Tk‐CSD, conferred a growth defect evident only in the absence of S0, and that growth can be restored by the addition of S0, but not sulphide. We show that the csd gene is not required for biosynthesis of thiamine pyrophosphate or molybdopterin, irrespective of the presence or absence of S0, but is necessary for iron‐sulphur cluster biosynthesis in the absence of S0. Recombinant form of Tk‐CSD expressed in Escherichia coli was obtained and it was found to catalyse the desulphuration of L‐cysteine. The obtained data suggest that hyperthermophiles might benefit from a capacity for CSD‐dependent iron‐sulphur cluster biogenesis, which allows them to thrive outside solfataric environments.  相似文献   

Hydrogenases catalyze the reversible oxidation of molecular hydrogen (H2) and play a key role in the energy metabolism of microorganisms in anaerobic environments. The hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1, which assimilates organic carbon coupled with the reduction of elemental sulfur (S0) or H2 generation, harbors three gene operons encoding [NiFe]-hydrogenase orthologs, namely, Hyh, Mbh, and Mbx. In order to elucidate their functions in vivo, a gene disruption mutant for each [NiFe]-hydrogenase ortholog was constructed. The Hyh-deficient mutant (PHY1) grew well under both H2S- and H2-evolving conditions. H2S generation in PHY1 was equivalent to that of the host strain, and H2 generation was higher in PHY1, suggesting that Hyh functions in the direction of H2 uptake in T. kodakarensis under these conditions. Analyses of culture metabolites suggested that significant amounts of NADPH produced by Hyh are used for alanine production through glutamate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase. On the other hand, the Mbh-deficient mutant (MHD1) showed no growth under H2-evolving conditions. This fact, as well as the impaired H2 generation activity in MHD1, indicated that Mbh is mainly responsible for H2 evolution. The copresence of Hyh and Mbh raised the possibility of intraspecies H2 transfer (i.e., H2 evolved by Mbh is reoxidized by Hyh) in this archaeon. In contrast, the Mbx-deficient mutant (MXD1) showed a decreased growth rate only under H2S-evolving conditions and exhibited a lower H2S generation activity, indicating the involvement of Mbx in the S0 reduction process. This study provides important genetic evidence for understanding the physiological roles of hydrogenase orthologs in the Thermococcales.  相似文献   

The genes of E. coli are located on a circular chromosome of 4.6 million basepairs. This 1.6 mm long molecule is compressed into a nucleoid to fit inside the 1-2 m cell in a functional format. To examine the role of DNA supercoiling as nucleoid compaction force we modulated the activity of DNA gyrase by electronic, genetic, and chemical means. A model based on physical properties of DNA and other cell components predicts that relaxation of supercoiling expands the nucleoid. Nucleoid size did not increase after reduction of DNA gyrase activity by genetic or chemical means, but nucleoids did expand upon chemical inhibition of gyrase in chloramphenicol-treated cells, indicating that supercoiling may help to compress the genome.  相似文献   

Archaea, which regroup organisms with extreme living conditions, possess many predicted iron-containing proteins that may be metabolically critical; however, their need for iron remains poorly documented. In this report, iron acquisition mechanisms were investigated in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis . Thermococcus kodakaraensis requires iron for its growth and possesses many putative iron uptake systems, including several ATP-binding cassette-like transporters and two FeoAB-like receptors, showing that this organism shares similar features with bacteria. One homolog of the major bacterial iron regulator, ferric uptake regulator (Fur), with about 50% similarity to Escherichia coli Fur was also identified. Thermococcus kodakaraensis Fur was found to be able to specifically bind to a Fur-binding site consensus-like sequence of its own gene promoter. However, its expression has been hindered by a −1 frameshift mutation and the chromosomal repair of this mutation did not affect T. kodakaraensis in vivo phenotypes. Microarrays analyses helped to further characterize T. kodakaraensis iron-dependent growth and revealed no role for the Fur homolog in the global regulatory response of the cells to iron. In contrast, additional evidences indicated that the T. kodakaraensis diphtheria toxin regulator (DtxR) homolog may control the expression of the major iron acquisition effectors, while its inactivation enabled higher resistance to iron deficiency.  相似文献   


The maturation of [NiFe]-hydrogenases requires a number of accessory proteins, which include hydrogenase-specific endopeptidases. The endopeptidases carry out the final cleavage reaction of the C-terminal regions of [NiFe]-hydrogenase large subunit precursors. The hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis harbors two [NiFe]-hydrogenases, a cytoplasmic Hyh and a membrane-bound Mbh, along with two putative hydrogenase-specific endopeptidase genes. In this study, we carried out a genetic examination on the two endopeptidase genes, TK2004 and TK2066. Disruption of TK2004 resulted in a strain that could not grow under conditions requiring hydrogen evolution. The Mbh large subunit precursor (pre-MbhL) in this strain was not processed at all whereas Hyh cleavage was not affected. On the other hand, disruption of TK2066 did not affect the growth of T. kodakarensis under the conditions examined. Cleavage of the Hyh large subunit precursor (pre-HyhL) was impaired, but could be observed to some extent. In a strain lacking both TK2004 and TK2066, cleavage of pre-HyhL could not be observed. Our results indicate that pre-MbhL cleavage is carried out solely by the endopeptidase encoded by TK2004. Pre-HyhL cleavage is mainly carried out by TK2066, but TK2004 can also play a minor role in this cleavage.


Extensive biochemical and structural analyses have been performed on the putative DNA repair proteins of hyperthermophilic archaea, in contrast to the few genetic analyses of the genes encoding these proteins. Accordingly, little is known about the repair pathways used by archaeal cells at high temperature. Here, we attempted to disrupt the genes encoding the potential repair proteins in the genome of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis. We succeeded in isolating null mutants of the hjc, hef, hjm, xpb, and xpd genes, but not the radA, rad50, mre11, herA, nurA, and xpg/fen1 genes. Phenotypic analyses of the gene-disrupted strains showed that the xpb and xpd null mutants are only slightly sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and mitomycin C (MMC), as compared with the wild-type strain. The hjm null mutant showed sensitivity specifically to mitomycin C. On the other hand, the null mutants of the hjc gene lacked increasing sensitivity to any type of DNA damage. The Hef protein is particularly important for maintaining genome homeostasis, by functioning in the repair of a wide variety of DNA damage in T. kodakaraensis cells. Deletion of the entire hef gene or of the segments encoding either its nuclease or helicase domain produced similar phenotypes. The high sensitivity of the Δhef mutants to MMC suggests that Hef performs a critical function in the repair process of DNA interstrand cross-links. These damage-sensitivity profiles suggest that the archaeal DNA repair system has processes depending on repair-related proteins different from those of eukaryotic and bacterial DNA repair systems using homologous repair proteins analyzed here.  相似文献   

The purification and characterization of thermostable chaperonin of the thermosome family from hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus profunds are described. The purified thermosome is a homooligomeric complex and an ATPase with maximal activity at 80 degrees C. The electron micrographs obtained from negatively stained as well as frozen-hydrated specimen showed an eight-fold symmetry of chaperonin. They were about 15 nm height and 16 nm in diameter with a central cavity of 5 nm. In order to understand the ATPase cycling of thermosome, we analyzed the oligomeric structure of thermosome treated with several nucleotides.  相似文献   

The family B DNA polymerase gene from the archaeon Thermococcus marinus (Tma) contains a long open reading frame of 3,939 bp that encodes 1,312 amino acid residues. The gene is split by one intervening sequence that forms a continuous open reading frame with the two polymerase exteins. In this study, the Tma DNA polymerase gene both with (precursor form) and without (mature form) its intein was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by heat treatment and HiTrap™ Heparin HP column chromatography and characterized. Primary sequence analysis of the mature Tma polymerase showed high sequence identity with DNA polymerases in the genus Thermococcus. The expressed precursor form was easily spliced during purification steps. The molecular mass of the purified Tma DNA polymerases is about 90 kDa, as estimated by SDS-PAGE. Both Tma DNA polymerases showed the same properties. PCR performed with this enzyme was found to be optimal in the presence of 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.4), 40 mM KCl, 12.5 mM (NH4)2SO4, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.05% Triton X-100 and 0.0075% BSA. Furthermore, long-range PCR and time-saving PCR were performed using various specific ratios of Taq and Tma DNA polymerases (Tma plus DNA polymerase).  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is an essential type II topoisomerase found in bacteria. We have previously characterized DNA gyrase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis. In this study, several monoclonal antibodies were generated against the gyrase A subunit (GyrA) of M. smegmatis. Three, MsGyrA:C3, MsGyrA:H11 and MsGyrA:E9, were further analyzed for their interaction with the enzyme. The monoclonal antibodies showed high degree of cross-reactivity with both fast-growing and slow-growing mycobacteria. In contrast, none recognized Escherichia coli GyrA. All the three monoclonal antibodies were of IgG1 isotype falling into two distinct types with respect to epitope recognition and interaction with the enzyme. MsGyrA:C3 and MsGyrA:H11 IgG, and their respective Fab fragments, inhibited the DNA supercoiling activity catalyzed by mycobacterial DNA gyrase. The epitope for the neutralizing monoclonal antibodies appeared to involve the region towards the N-terminus (residues 351-415) of the enzyme in a conformation-dependent manner. These monoclonal antibodies would serve as valuable tools for structure-function analysis and immunocytological studies of mycobacterial DNA gyrase. In addition, they would be useful for designing peptide inhibitors against DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

The ribonuclease P (RNase P) proteins TkoPop5 and TkoRpp30, homologs of human Pop5 and Rpp30, respectively, in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis were prepared and characterized with respect to pre-tRNA cleavage activity using the reconstitution system of the well-studied Pyrococcus horikoshii RNase P. The reconstituted particle containing TkoPop5 in place of the P. horikoshii counterpart PhoPop5 retained pre-tRNA cleavage activity comparable to that of the reconstituted P. horikoshii RNase P, while that containing TkoRpp30 instead of its corresponding protein PhoRpp30 had slightly lower activity than the P. horikoshii RNase P. Moreover, we determined crystal structures of TkoRpp30 alone and in complex with TkoPop5. Like their P. horikoshii counterparts, whose structures were solved previously, TkoRpp30 and TkoPop5 fold into TIM barrel and RRM-like fold, respectively. This finding demonstrates that RNase P proteins in T. kodakarensis and P. horikoshii are interchangeable and that their three-dimensional structures are highly conserved.  相似文献   

An 11.5-ku DNA binding protein, designated as Sshl2, was purified from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus shibatae by column chromatography in SP Sepharose, DNA cellulose and phosphocellulose. Sshl2 accounts for about 4 % of the total cellular protein. The protein is capable of binding to both negatively supercoiled and relaxed DNAs. Nick closure analysis revealed that Sshl2 constrains negative supercoils upon binding to DNA. While the ability of the protein to constrain supercoils is weak at 22℃ , it is enhanced substantially at temperatures higher than 37℃ . Both the cellular content and supercoil-constraining ability of Sshl2 suggest that the protein may play an important role in the organization and stabilization of the chromosome of S. shibatae.  相似文献   

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