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ric-8 (resistance to inhibitors of cholinesterase 8) genes have positive roles in variegated G protein signaling pathways, including Gα(q) and Gα(s) regulation of neurotransmission, Gα(i)-dependent mitotic spindle positioning during (asymmetric) cell division, and Gα(olf)-dependent odorant receptor signaling. Mammalian Ric-8 activities are partitioned between two genes, ric-8A and ric-8B. Ric-8A is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Gα(i)/α(q)/α(12/13) subunits. Ric-8B potentiated G(s) signaling presumably as a Gα(s)-class GEF activator, but no demonstration has shown Ric-8B GEF activity. Here, two Ric-8B isoforms were purified and found to be Gα subunit GDP release factor/GEFs. In HeLa cells, full-length Ric-8B (Ric-8BFL) bound endogenously expressed Gα(s) and lesser amounts of Gα(q) and Gα(13). Ric-8BFL stimulated guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPγS) binding to these subunits and Gα(olf), whereas the Ric-8BΔ9 isoform stimulated Gα(s short) GTPγS binding only. Michaelis-Menten experiments showed that Ric-8BFL elevated the V(max) of Gα(s) steady state GTP hydrolysis and the apparent K(m) values of GTP binding to Gα(s) from ~385 nm to an estimated value of ~42 μM. Directionality of the Ric-8BFL-catalyzed Gα(s) exchange reaction was GTP-dependent. At sub-K(m) GTP, Ric-BFL was inhibitory to exchange despite being a rapid GDP release accelerator. Ric-8BFL binds nucleotide-free Gα(s) tightly, and near-K(m) GTP levels were required to dissociate the Ric-8B·Gα nucleotide-free intermediate to release free Ric-8B and Gα-GTP. Ric-8BFL-catalyzed nucleotide exchange probably proceeds in the forward direction to produce Gα-GTP in cells.  相似文献   

Ran-binding protein 3 (RanBP3) is an approximately 55-kDa protein that functions as a cofactor for Crm1-mediated nuclear export. RanBP3 stimulates export by enhancing the affinity of Crm1 for Ran.GTP and cargo. However, important additional functions for this cofactor may exist. We now report that RanBP3 associates with the Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, regulator of chromosome condensation 1 (RCC1). This interaction was stimulated by the addition of Ran; moreover, Ran.GDP, Ran.GTP, and Ran without nucleotide could all stimulate complex formation between RanBP3 and RCC1 even though binding of Ran.GDP to RanBP3 alone was undetectable. RanBP3 could also promote binding of Crm1 to RCC1 in the presence of Ran. Binding of RanBP3 to RCC1 increased the catalytic activity of RCC1 toward Ran, and importantly, the ability of RanBP3 to stimulate RCC1 was not affected by the presence of Crm1. These data indicate that RanBP3 acts as a scaffold protein to promote the efficient assembly of export complexes. By tethering Crm1 to catalytically enhanced RCC1, RanBP3 may lower the entropic barrier for the loading of Ran.GTP onto Crm1. We propose that this provides an additional mechanism by which RanBP3 facilitates export.  相似文献   



Blood platelets undergo a carefully regulated change in shape to serve as the primary mediators of hemostasis and thrombosis. These processes manifest through platelet spreading and aggregation and are dependent on platelet actin cytoskeletal changes orchestrated by the Rho GTPase family member Rac1. To elucidate how Rac1 is regulated in platelets, we captured Rac1-interacting proteins from platelets and identified Rac1-associated proteins by mass spectrometry.


Here, we demonstrate that Rac1 captures the Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor P-Rex1 from platelet lysates. Western blotting experiments confirmed that P-Rex1 is expressed in platelets and associated with Rac1. To investigate the functional role of platelet P-Rex1, platelets from P-Rex1 -/- -deficient mice were treated with platelet agonists or exposed to platelet activating surfaces of fibrinogen, collagen and thrombin. Platelets from P-Rex1 -/- mice responded to platelet agonists and activating surfaces similarly to wild type platelets.


These findings suggest that P-Rex1 is not required for Rac1-mediated platelet activation and that the GEF activities of P-Rex1 may be more specific to GPCR chemokine receptor mediated processes in immune cells and tumor cells.  相似文献   

Solution NMR studies of a (15)N-labeled G-protein alpha-subunit (G(alpha)) chimera ((15)N-ChiT)-reconstituted heterotrimer have shown previously that G-protein betagamma-subunit (G(betagamma)) association induces a "pre-activated" conformation that likely facilitates interaction with the agonist-activated form of a G-protein-coupled receptor (R*) and guanine nucleotide exchange (Abdulaev, N. G., Ngo, T., Zhang, C., Dinh, A., Brabazon, D. M., Ridge, K. D., and Marino, J. P. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 38071-38080). Here we demonstrated that the (15)N-ChiT-reconstituted heterotrimer can form functional complexes under NMR experimental conditions with light-activated, detergent-solubilized rhodopsin (R*), as well as a soluble mimic of R*. NMR methods were used to track R*-triggered guanine nucleotide exchange and release of guanosine 5'-O-3-thiotriphosphate (GTPgammaS)/Mg(2+)-bound ChiT. A heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC) spectrum of R*-generated GTPgammaS/Mg(2+)-bound ChiT revealed (1)HN, (15)N chemical shift changes relative to GDP/Mg(2+)-bound ChiT that were similar, but not identical, to those observed for the GDP.AlF(4)(-)/Mg(2+)-bound state. Line widths observed for R*-generated GTPgammaS/Mg(2+)-bound (15)N-ChiT, however, indicated that it is more conformationally dynamic relative to the GDP/Mg(2+)- and GDP.AlF(4)(-)/Mg(2+)-bound states. The increased dynamics appeared to be correlated with G(betagamma) and R* interactions because they are not observed for GTPgammaS/Mg(2+)-bound ChiT generated independently of R*. In contrast to R*, a soluble mimic that does not catalytically interact with G-protein (Abdulaev, N. G., Ngo, T., Chen, R., Lu, Z., and Ridge, K. D. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 39354-39363) is found to form a stable complex with the GTPgammaS/Mg(2+)-exchanged heterotrimer. The HSQC spectrum of (15)N-ChiT in this complex displays a unique chemical shift pattern that nonetheless shares similarities with the heterotrimer and GTPgammaS/Mg(2+)-bound ChiT. Overall, these results demonstrated that R*-induced changes in G(alpha) can be followed by NMR and that guanine nucleotide exchange can be uncoupled from heterotrimer dissociation.  相似文献   

Leukemia-associated Rho guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (LARG) belongs to the subfamily of Dbl homology RhoGEF proteins (including p115 RhoGEF and PDZ-RhoGEF) that possess amino-terminal regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) boxes also found within GTPase-accelerating proteins (GAPs) for heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits. p115 RhoGEF stimulates the intrinsic GTP hydrolysis activity of G alpha 12/13 subunits and acts as an effector for G13-coupled receptors by linking receptor activation to RhoA activation. The presence of RGS box and Dbl homology domains within LARG suggests this protein may also function as a GAP toward specific G alpha subunits and couple G alpha activation to RhoA-mediating signaling pathways. Unlike the RGS box of p115 RhoGEF, the RGS box of LARG interacts not only with G alpha 12 and G alpha 13 but also with G alpha q. In cellular coimmunoprecipitation studies, the LARG RGS box formed stable complexes with the transition state mimetic forms of G alpha q, G alpha 12, and G alpha 13. Expression of the LARG RGS box diminished the transforming activity of oncogenic G protein-coupled receptors (Mas, G2A, and m1-muscarinic cholinergic) coupled to G alpha q and G alpha 13. Activated G alpha q, as well as G alpha 12 and G alpha 13, cooperated with LARG and caused synergistic activation of RhoA, suggesting that all three G alpha subunits stimulate LARG-mediated activation of RhoA. Our findings suggest that the RhoA exchange factor LARG, unlike the related p115 RhoGEF and PDZ-RhoGEF proteins, can serve as an effector for Gq-coupled receptors, mediating their functional linkage to RhoA-dependent signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Although phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-gamma) participates in cellular mitogenesis, evidence indicates that the catalytic activity of PLC-gamma (to hydrolyze certain phosphoinositides) is nonessential to the process. So how is it that PLC-gamma is necessary but its lipase activity is not? Recently published results from Snyder and colleagues describe the ability of PLC-gamma to facilitate guanine nucleotide exchange for the recently identified nucleus-localized GTPase PIKE, which acts to enhance the enzymatic activity of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K). The authors contend that the SH3 domain, rather than the catalytic domain, of PLC-gamma is required for aiding PIKE, and furthermore, that the mitogenic activity of PLC-gamma depends not on its phospholipase activity, but rather on its interaction with PIKE. Wang and Moran examine the results and piece together a picture of how PLC-gamma cooperates with PIKE.  相似文献   

Zavialov AV  Buckingham RH  Ehrenberg M 《Cell》2001,107(1):115-124
The mechanism by which peptide release factor RF3 recycles RF1 and RF2 has been clarified and incorporated in a complete scheme for translation termination. Free RF3 is in vivo stably bound to GDP, and ribosomes in complex with RF1 or RF2 act as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF). Hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA by RF1 or RF2 allows GTP binding to RF3 on the ribosome. This induces an RF3 conformation with high affinity for ribosomes and leads to rapid dissociation of RF1 or RF2. Dissociation of RF3 from the ribosome requires GTP hydrolysis. Our data suggest that RF3 and its eukaryotic counterpart, eRF3, have mechanistic principles in common.  相似文献   

The 3A protein of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3), a small membrane protein that forms homodimers, inhibits endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi complex transport. Recently, we described the underlying mechanism by showing that the CVB3 3A protein binds to and inhibits the function of GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1), thereby interfering with Arf1-mediated COP-I recruitment. This study was undertaken to gain more insight into the molecular determinants underlying the interaction between 3A and GBF1. Here we show that 3A mutants that have lost the ability to dimerize are no longer able to bind to GBF1 and trap it on membranes. Moreover, we identify a conserved region in the N terminus of 3A that is crucial for GBF1 binding but not for 3A dimerization. Analysis of the binding domain in GBF1 showed that the extreme N terminus, the dimerization/cyclophilin binding domain, and the homology upstream of Sec7 domain are required for the interaction with 3A. In contrast to that of full-length GBF1, overexpression of a GBF1 mutant lacking its extreme N terminus failed to rescue the effects of 3A. Together, these data provide insight into the molecular requirements of the interaction between 3A and GBF1.  相似文献   

The Rho family of GTPases has been implicated in the regulation of intracellular vesicle trafficking. Here, we investigated the mechanism underlying the negative regulation of clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cell surface receptors mediated by the Rho family protein Rac1. Contrary to previous reports, only the activated mutant of Rac1, but not other Rho family members including RhoA and Cdc42, suppressed internalization of the transferrin receptor. On the other hand, down-regulation of Rac1 expression by RNA interference resulted in enhanced receptor internalization, suggesting that endogenous Rac1 in fact functions as a negative regulator. We identified a guanine nucleotide exchange factor splice variant designated Ost-III, which contains a unique C-terminal region including an Src homology 3 domain, as a regulator of Rac1 involved in the inhibition of receptor endocytosis. In contrast, other splice variants Ost-I and Ost-II exerted virtually no effect on receptor endocytosis. We also examined subcellular localization of synaptojanin 2, a putative Rac1 effector implicated in negative regulation of receptor endocytosis. Each Ost splice variant induced distinct subcellular localization of synaptojanin 2, depending on Rac1 activation. Furthermore, we isolated gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor-associated protein (GABARAP) as a protein that binds to the C-terminal region of Ost-III. When ectopically expressed, GABARAP was co-localized with Ost-III and potently suppressed the Ost-III-dependent Rac1 activation and the inhibition of receptor endocytosis. Lipid modification of GABARAP was necessary for the suppression of Ost-III. These results are discussed in terms of subcellular region-specific regulation of the Rac1-dependent signaling pathway that negatively regulates clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Rho family GTPases Rac and Cdc42 are pivotal regulators of apoptosis in multiple cell types. However, little is known about the mechanism by which these GTPases are regulated in response to apoptotic stimuli. Here, we demonstrate that TIAM1, a Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is cleaved by caspases during apoptosis. TIAM1 cleavage occurs in multiple cell lines in response to diverse apoptotic stimuli such as ceramide, Fas, and serum deprivation. Processing occurs at residue 993 of TIAM1 and removes the NH(2)-terminal of TIAM's two pleckstrin homology domains, leaving a stable fragment containing the Dbl homology and COOH-terminal pleckstrin homology domains. This leads to functional inactivation of TIAM1, as determined by failure of the cleavage product to stimulate GTP loading of Rac in vivo. Furthermore, this product is defective in signaling to two independent Rac effectors, c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase and serum response factor. Finally, we demonstrate that in cells treated with ceramide, cleavage of TIAM1 coincided with the inactivation of endogenous Rac. These results reveal a novel mechanism for regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor activity and GTPase-mediated signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The GRP1 protein contains a Sec7 homology domain that catalyzes guanine nucleotide exchange on ADP-ribosylation factors (ARF) 1 and 5 as well as a pleckstrin homology domain that binds phosphatidylinositol(3,4,5)P(3), an intermediate in cell signaling by insulin and other extracellular stimuli (Klarlund, J. K., Guilherme, A., Holik, J. J., Virbasius, J. V., Chawla, A., and Czech, M. P. (1997) Science 275, 1927-1930). Here we show that both endogenous GRP1 and ARF6 rapidly co-localize in plasma membrane ruffles in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-T) cells expressing human insulin receptors and COS-1 cells in response to insulin and epidermal growth factor, respectively. The pleckstrin homology domain of GRP1 appears to be sufficient for regulated membrane localization. Using a novel method to estimate GTP loading of expressed HA epitope-tagged ARF proteins in intact cells, levels of biologically active, GTP-bound ARF6 as well as GTP-bound ARF1 were elevated when these ARF proteins were co-expressed with GRP1 or the related protein cytohesin-1. GTP loading of ARF6 in both control cells and in response to GRP1 or cytohesin-1 was insensitive to brefeldin A, consistent with previous data on endogenous ARF6 exchange activity. The ability of GRP1 to catalyze GTP/GDP exchange on ARF6 was confirmed using recombinant proteins in a cell-free system. Taken together, these results suggest that phosphatidylinositol(3,4,5)P(3) may be generated in cell membrane ruffles where receptor tyrosine kinases are concentrated in response to growth factors, causing recruitment of endogenous GRP1. Further, co-localization of GRP1 with ARF6, combined with its demonstrated ability to activate ARF6, suggests a physiological role for GRP1 in regulating ARF6 functions.  相似文献   

Epac is a cAMP-dependent exchange factor for the small GTP-binding protein Rap. The activity of Epac is inhibited by a direct interaction between the C-terminal helical part of the cAMP-binding domain, called the lid, and the catalytic region, which is released after binding of cAMP. Herein, we show that the activation properties are very sensitive to modifications of the cyclic nucleotide. Some analogues are inhibitory and others are stimulatory; some are characterized by a much higher activation potential than normal cAMP. Mutational analysis of Epac allows insights into a network of interactions between the cyclic nucleotides and Epac. Mutations in the lid region are able to amplify or to attenuate selectively the activation potency of cAMP analogues. The properties of cAMP analogues previously used for the activation of the cAMP responsive protein kinase A and of 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-2'-O-methyladenosine-3',5'-cyclicmonophosphate, an analogue highly selective for activation of Epac were investigated in detail.  相似文献   

C3G is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap1 and is activated by the expression of Crk adaptor proteins. We found that expression of CrkI in COS cells induced significant tyrosine phosphorylation of C3G. To understand the mechanism by which C3G is phosphorylated and activated by Crk, we constructed a series of deletion mutants. Deletion of the amino terminus of C3G to amino acid 61 did not remarkably affect either tyrosine phosphorylation or Crk-dependent activation of C3G. When C3G was truncated to amino acid 390, C3G was still phosphorylated on tyrosine but was not effectively activated by CrkI. Deletion of the amino terminus of C3G to amino acid 579 significantly reduced the Crk-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of C3G and increased GTP-bound Rap1 irrespective of the presence of CrkI. We substituted all seven tyrosine residues in this region, amino acids 391-579, for phenylalanine for identification of the phosphorylation site. Among the substitution mutants, the C3G-Y504F mutant, in which tyrosine 504 was substituted by phenylalanine, was remarkably less activated and phosphorylated than the wild type. All the other substitution mutants were activated and tyrosyl-phosphorylated by the expression of CrkI. Thus, CrkI activates C3G by the phosphorylation of tyrosine 504, which represses the cis-acting negative regulatory domain outside the catalytic region.  相似文献   

Leukemia-associated Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (LARG) is a RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that can activate RhoA. The PDZ (PSD-95/Disc-large/ZO-1 homology) domain of LARG interacts with membrane receptors, which can relay extracellular signals to RhoA signal transduction pathways. Until now there is no structural and dynamic information about these interactions. Here we report the NMR structures of the LARG PDZ in the apo form and in complex with the plexin-B1 C-terminal octapeptide. Unobservable resonances of the residues in betaB/betaC and betaE/alphaB loops in apo state were observed in the complex state. A distinct region of the binding groove in the LARG PDZ was found to undergo conformational change compared with other PDZs. Analysis of the (15)N relaxation data using reduced spectral density mapping shows that the apo LARG PDZ (especially its ligand-binding groove) is flexible and exhibits internal motions on both picosecond to nanosecond and microsecond to millisecond timescales. Mutagenesis and thermodynamic studies indicate that the conformation of the betaB/betaC and betaE/alphaB loops affects the PDZ-peptide interaction. It is suggested that the conformational flexibility could facilitate the change of structures upon ligand binding.  相似文献   

Many viruses modify cellular processes for their own benefit. The enterovirus 3A protein inhibits endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport, a function previously suggested to be important for viral suppression of immune responses. Here, we show that a virus carrying a 3A protein defective in inhibiting ER-to-Golgi transport is indeed less virulent in mice, and we unravel the mechanism by which 3A inhibits this trafficking step. Evidence is provided that 3A inhibits the activation of the GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1), which regulates the recruitment of the COP-I coat complex to membranes. 3A specifically inhibits the function of GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Arf1, by interacting with its N terminus. By specifically interfering with GBF1-mediated Arf1 activation, 3A may prove a valuable tool in dissecting the early steps of the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Sec7 domains catalyze the replacement of GDP by GTP on the G protein ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (myrARF1) by interacting with its switch I and II regions and by destabilizing, through a glutamic finger, the beta-phosphate of the bound GDP. The myristoylated N-terminal helix that allows myrARF1 to interact with membrane lipids in a GTP-dependent manner is located some distance from the Sec7 domain-binding region. However, these two regions are connected. Measuring the binding to liposomes of functional or abortive complexes between myrARF1 and the Sec7 domain of ARNO demonstrates that myrARF1, in complex with the Sec7 domain, adopts a high affinity state for membrane lipids, similar to that of the free GTP-bound form. This tight membrane attachment does not depend on the release of GDP induced by the Sec7 domain but is partially inhibited by the uncompetitive inhibitor brefeldin A. These results suggest that the conformational switch of the N-terminal helix of myrARF1 to the membrane-bound form is an early event in the nucleotide exchange pathway and is a prerequisite for a structural rearrangement at the myrARF1-GDP/Sec7 domain interface that allows the glutamic finger to expel GDP from myrARF1.  相似文献   

Alsin is a Rab5 and Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ALS2 is the gene mutated in a recessive juvenile form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS2). ALS2 encodes a large protein termed alsin, which contains a number of predicted cell signaling and protein trafficking sequence motifs. To gain insight into the overall function of alsin and to begin to evaluate its role in motor neuron maintenance, we examined the subcellular localization of alsin and the biochemical activities associated with its individual subdomains. We found that the Vps9p domain of alsin has Rab5 guanine nucleotide exchange activity. In addition, alsin interacted specifically with and acted as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1. Immunofluorescence and fractionation experiments in both fibroblasts and neurons revealed that alsin is a cytosolic protein, with a significant portion associated with small, punctate membrane structures. Many of these membrane structures also contained Rab5 or Rac1. Upon overexpression of full-length alsin, the overexpressed material was largely cytosolic, indicating that the association with membrane structures could be saturated. We also found that alsin was present in membrane ruffles and lamellipodia. These data suggest that alsin is involved in membrane transport events, potentially linking endocytic processes and actin cytoskeleton remodeling.  相似文献   

Msec7-1, a mammalian homologue of yeast sec7p, is a specific GDP/GTP exchange factor for small G-proteins of the ARF family. Overexpression of msec7-1 in Xenopus neuromuscular junctions leads to an increase in synaptic transmitter release that is most likely caused by an increase in the pool of readily releasable vesicles. However, the molecular mechanisms by which msec7-1 is targeted to presynaptic compartments and enhances neurotransmitter release are not known. In the present study, we demonstrate that msec7-1 interacts directly with Munc13-1, a phorbol ester-dependent enhancer of neurotransmitter release that is specifically localized to presynaptic transmitter release zones. Given that Munc13-1 and msec7-1 participate in very similar presynaptic processes and because Munc13-1 is specifically targeted to presynaptic active zones, we suggest that the msec7-1/Munc13-1 interaction serves to colocalize the two proteins at the active zone, a subcellular compartment with extremely high membrane turnover.  相似文献   

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