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Adult offspring aged 52-104 weeks, from male Sprague-Dawley rats treated chronically with cyclophosphamide (CP) were examined for tumours and gross abnormalities. Litter size at birth and at weaning was found to be greatly reduced as a result of paternal CP treatment. No unusual abnormalities were found at post-mortem examination but there was an increase in the incidence of hydronephrosis in offspring from CP-treated males compared with offspring from control males. This increase could have been indirectly caused by CP-treatment through reduced litter size. Histological examination of 26 tumours showed a variety of tumour types in the offspring of CP-treated and control males. Two of the four uterine tumours in offspring from CP-treated males were examined histologically; one was a sarcoma and the other an adenocarcinoma. Although no uterine tumours were found in offspring from control males, it is not clear whether this difference in frequency was treatment-related. The most common tumour site in female offspring from both CP-treated and control males was the mammary gland, and all six of these tumours which were examined histologically were adenofibromas. Abnormal karyotypes were observed in 2 out of 21 offspring showing abnormalities from CP-treated males and none out of 2 offspring with abnormalities from control males. These were not associated with tumours. It was concluded from this limited study that there was no clear evidence of increased tumour incidence in the offspring from CP-treated males. There was an indication that abnormal karyotypes may have been caused by the paternal CP treatment and these abnormalities persisted into adulthood.  相似文献   

Sixteen young women with hyperprolactinaemia and normal or equivocal sella in radiographs underwent computed tomography using a Siemens Somatom II. In all but one case an abnormality was found. The sella was full in seven and partially empty in nine. A tumour was visible in six of the full and in four of the partially empty sellae. All but one of the 10 tumours was unilateral, and in seven the pituitary stalk was deviated away from the tumour. After administration of intravenous contrast (Urografin) four tumours showed diffuse enhancement, four ring enhancement, and two enhanced less than adjacent normal pituitary tissue. Two of the tumours have been subsequently shown histologically to be prolactinomas. Prolactin response to thyrotrophin-releasing hormone predicted a tumour in seven out of eight with visible tumours but also in three out of four without visible tumours; using metoclopramide, a tumour was predicted in six out of seven with tumours, but again in three out of four without visible tumours. Such results question the value of dynamic tests for the discrimination of tumours. We conclude that practically all women with sustained hyperprolactinaemia and a normal or equivocal sella radiologically have pituitary disease.  相似文献   

Bromocriptine has an accepted place in the management of small pituitary tumours that secrete either prolactin or growth hormone. The treatment of large tumours with extrasellar extensions is more difficult, however: though surgery is the standard treatment, it is often unsuccessful in returning excessive hormone secretion to normal and may cause hypopituitarism. A prospective trial was undertaken to assess the frequency with which changes in pituitary function and size of large tumours occurs. Nineteen patients were studied before and during treatment with bromocriptine (7.5 to 60 ml/day) for three to 22 months, using contrast radiology and a detailed assessment of pituitary function. Eighteen patients had hyperprolactinaemia and two of these also had raised concentrations of growth hormones; one patient had an apparently non-functioning tumour. In 12 patients (63%) tumour size decreased with bromocriptine and no tumour enlarged. Nine patients had visual-field defects, which improved in seven, becoming normal in five. Pituitary function improved in nine patients (47%) becoming entirely normal in three. Bromocriptine should be the treatment of choice in patients with large pituitary tumours with extrasellar extensions, provided close supervision is maintained.  相似文献   

Ninety-two pregnancies occurred in 76 hyperprolactinaemic patients treated with bromocriptine. Half conceived within three months of attempted conception. There was no evidence of an increased rate of spontaneous abortion, fetal abnormality, or multiple pregnancy; the three twin pregnancies occurred in women who were additionally treated with clomiphene and human chorionic gonadotrophin. Thirty-one patients had radiological evidence of a pituitary tumour; 14 with major radiograph changes in the pituitary fossa or serum prolactin concentrations greater than 100 ng/ml received pituitary irradiation before conception. None of the latter showed evidence of enlargement of the tumour during pregnancy. In contrast two of the four patients with similar tumours but who were not irradiated developed visual field defects, one with gross destruction of the pituitary fossa. Prophylactic treatment to limit subsequent tumour expansion during pregnancy in patients with prolactinomas is indicated, and pituitary irradiation before conception appears to be a safe and effective method to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a congenital overgrowth condition with an increased risk of developing embryonic tumours, such as Wilms' tumour. The cardinal features are abdominal wall defects, macroglossia and gigantism. BWS is generally sporadic; only 10-15% of cases are familial. A variety of molecular aberrations have been associated with BWS. The only mutations within a gene are loss-of-function mutations in the CDKN1C gene, which codes for an imprinted cell-cycle regulator. CDKN1C mutations appear to be particularly associated with umbilical abnormalities, but not with increased predisposition to Wilms' tumour. In the remaining BWS subgroups, a disturbance of the tight epigenetic regulation of gene expression (patUPD 11p, microdeletions or epimutations) seems to be the cause of the syndrome. Here we describe the clinical presentation of BWS and its dissociation from phenotypically overlapping overgrowth syndromes. We then review the current concepts of causative molecular genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, and discuss future directions of research.  相似文献   

Central nervous system (CNS) tumours are the most common solid tumours in children. Cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies of these neoplasms have previously shown abnormalities of chromosome 17, implicating genes on this autosome in tumorigenesis. To identify mutations in the TP53 tumour suppressor gene (17p13.1), we have sequenced the five highly conserved regions of this gene in 29 mixed paediatric CNS tumors. No mutations were detected by this analysis. In order to identify other candidate disease loci on chromosome 17, we have carried out a detailed deletion mapping analysis using 16 polymorphic DNA markers on 19 of the above tumours and an additional four cases. Abnormalities of chromosome 17 occurred in nine cases (39%), six of which were primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET)-medulloblastomas. These findings suggest that it is unlikely that the TP53 gene is directly involved in the development of common paediatric brain tumours. This is in contrast to findings from adult brain and other tumour types. Moreover, the frequency of chromosome 17 aberrations, especially in PNET-medulloblastomas, suggests that other genes on this chromosome contribute to tumourigenesis.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate HIF-1alpha (hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha) expression in a large number of immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally characterized surgically removed pituitary tumours. The potential relation of HIF-1alpha with outcome variables as well as the presence of HIF-1alpha expression in the tumours treated with dopamine agonists and octreotide, a long-acting somatostatin analogue was also investigated. HIF-1alpha immunoreactivity was confined to the nucleoplasm whereas the nucleoli were unconspicuous. The distribution of HIF-1alpha was evident in the tumours whereas normal adenohypophysial cells showed no HIF-1alpha staining. HIF-1alpha expression was detected not only in the tumour cells but also in endothelial cells lining the blood vessels within the tumour. ACTH producing adenomas showed the lowest level of HIF-1alpha expression whereas pituitary carcinomas and GH producing adenomas had the highest counts. The statistical study demonstrated no significant correlation between HIF-1alpha expression, patient age, gender, tumour, size, invasiveness, cell proliferation rate and vascularity. These results suggest that the behaviour of pituitary tumours does not primarily depend of HIF-1alpha expression. Our study demonstrated an increase HIF-1alpha expression in bromocriptine treated PRL producing pituitary adenomas compared with untreated tumours but no increase in octreotide treated tumours.  相似文献   

The most common ectopic production of a pituitary hormone is the one of ACTH leading to Cushing's syndrome. Ectopic ACTH-hypersecretion is the cause of Cushing's syndrome in 10-15% of all cases. The ACTH-secreting tumours are often oat-cell carcinomas of the lung, less frequently pancreatic cancers, hypernephromas, or C-cell carcinomas of the thyroid. Some of these tumours may be benign or semi-benign as the rare carcinoid tumours and cause great problems in the differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism. Out of 173 of our patients with Cushing's syndrome observed in the last 12 years 21 were caused by ectopic ACTH-production. Of these 21 patients 13 have a small cell carcinoma of the lung. The ectopic ACTH-syndrome often has typical clinical features caused by the levels of ACTH and cortisol leading to hypocalcemic alkalosis with muscle weakness and wasting, carbohydrate intolerance, and hypertension with oedema. The survival time in many of these patients is not long enough to allow them to develop typical signs of Cushing's syndrome though they are often highly pigmented. These patients are easily diagnosed. However, patients with small tumours which do not cause very elevated ACTH-levels and who have the more typical clinical signs of full-blown Cushing's syndrome are difficult to recognize. For the differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation test and dexamethasone suppression test with high doses are helpful. In special cases the venous sampling procedure for ACTH-measurements is necessary, also CT or NMR is helpful. Ectopic CRH-production is a rare cause of ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome. Patients with ectopic CRH-production and consecutive ACTH-hypersecretion from the pituitary have not been studied extensively. There are especially no well documented results of the use of the CRH-stimulation test in vivo in this group of patients with Cushing's syndrome. On the other hand, in the documented cases, not only CRH-, but also ACTH-production was found in the tumours. So far, this rare cause of ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome has to be excluded or confirmed by the measurement of endogenous CRH-levels. But until now we have not been able to detect one single case of ectopic CRH-production using a sensitive homologous CRH-radioimmunoassay over a period of more than 8 years in which we have seen nearly 120 newly diagnosed patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome. Only in the plasma and tumour tissue of two patients of other groups have we found high CRH-levels.  相似文献   

Cases of seven different types of surgically resected pituitary adenoma are described. Included are tumours secreting prolactin or growth hormone or both, and nonfunctioning tumours--undifferentiated and oncocytic tumours, and one tumour with cells of the adrenocorticotropin-melanocyte-stimulating hormone type. The final interpretation of a case of pituitary adenoma should include an assessment of thorough morphologic studies, using not only routine staining and light microscopy but also immunostaining and electron microscopy, to complement the biochemical, radiologic and clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

A highly specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed for measuring circulating growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) in human plasma. Before measuring immunoreactive GRF plasma samples were extracted on to Vycor glass. Immunoreactive GRF concentrations in plasma samples from 37 fasting normal subjects ranged from less than 10 to 60 ng/l (mean 21 ng/l). Fasting concentrations in 76 out of 80 acromegalic subjects were within the normal range, but the remaining four patients had values of 92 to 25 000 ng/l. Of these, only the patient with the highest concentration had evidence of ectopic GRF secretion from a disseminated carcinoid tumour. Two of the others had longstanding pituitary tumours, and the fourth patient had a pituitary growth hormone (GH) secreting tumour proved by its removal and subsequent remission of acromegaly. There was no correlation between serum GH and plasma immunoreactive GRF concentrations, irrespective of whether the patients were untreated or had been given radiotherapy or dopamine agonists. The assay should help elucidate the physiological role(s) of GRF and may also prove useful in differentiating between pituitary and hypothalamic defects in patients with acromegaly.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of pituitary tumours is far to be understood. Pituitary transforming tumour gene (PTTG), a gen that induces aneuploidy, genetic instability, cellular proliferation and to stimulate angiogenesis, has been involved in neoplasic transformation and shown overexpressed in many neoplasm as lung, breast, endometrium, thyroid and colon malignant tumours. On the other hand, PTTG has been inconsistently studied in pituitary tumours. The majority of studies have been performed in animals and there is a great variability in the methods used in its determination. The goal of this review is to resume the role of PTTG in tumourogenesis and critically to revise the studies published in humans in order to advance in the knowledge of the pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas and to find clinical useful predictors of the behavior of these tumours.  相似文献   

Weanling female litter mates were equally proportioned at the start of the study between a breeding and a non-breeding group. At 10 weeks of age, each rat of the breeding group was housed individually with a male until 5 litters were produced (or exceptionally for a maximum of 42 weeks) before the male was removed. Females of the non-breeding group were kept singly in similar cages. 2 years after the start of the study all the surviving rats of both groups were killed. Comprehensive necropsies were performed on the decedents and survivors and the pituitary gland of each rat was examined histologically. The 48% survival of the female rats which were allowed to breed was better, but not significantly so, than the 38% of those not allowed to breed. Overall fewer, 70% (35 of 50) of the mated female rats had pituitary tumours compared with 80% (40 of 50) of the non-mated group. Fewer of the decedents, 69% (18 of 26), of the mated females had pituitary tumours compared with 94% (29 of 31) in the decedents of the non-mated group. More survivors, 71% (17 of 24), of the mated females had pituitary tumours compared with 58% (11 of 19) of the surviving non-mated rats. A tumour was first observed at day 328 in the non-mated group, whilst in the mated group the first tumour was identified at day 450. It is suggested that breeding delays the appearance of pituitary tumours in the female rat.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial lipidome influences ETC (electron transport chain) and cellular bioenergetic efficiency. Brain tumours are largely dependent on glycolysis for energy due to defects in mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation. In the present study, we used shotgun lipidomics to compare the lipidome in highly purified mitochondria isolated from normal brain, from brain tumour tissue, from cultured tumour cells and from non-tumorigenic astrocytes. The tumours included the CT-2A astrocytoma and an EPEN (ependymoblastoma), both syngeneic with the C57BL/6J (B6) mouse strain. The mitochondrial lipidome in cultured CT-2A and EPEN tumour cells were compared with those in cultured astrocytes and in solid tumours grown in vivo. Major differences were found between normal tissue and tumour tissue and between in vivo and in vitro growth environments for the content or composition of ethanolamine glycerophospholipids, phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. The mitochondrial lipid abnormalities in solid tumours and in cultured cells were associated with reductions in multiple ETC activities, especially Complex I. The in vitro growth environment produced lipid and ETC abnormalities in cultured non-tumorigenic astrocytes that were similar to those associated with tumorigenicity. It appears that the culture environment obscures the boundaries of the Crabtree and the Warburg effects. These results indicate that in vitro growth environments can produce abnormalities in mitochondrial lipids and ETC activities, thus contributing to a dependency on glycolysis for ATP production.  相似文献   

Intracranial tumours such as brain gliomas and pituitary adenomas pose a challenging area of research for the development of gene therapy strategies, both from the point of view of the severity of the diseases, to the physiological implication of gene delivery into the central nervous system and pituitary gland. On the one hand, brain gliomas are very malignant tumours, with a life expectancy of six months to a year at the most after the time of diagnosis, in spite of advances in treatment modalities which involve chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. Gene therapy for these tumours is therefore a very attractive therapeutic modality which due to the severity of the disease is already in clinical trials. On the other hand, pituitary tumours are usually benign, and in most cases, treatment is successful. Nevertheless, there are some instances, especially with the macroadenomas and some invasive tumours in which treatment fails. Gene therapy strategies for these adenomas therefore needs to progress substantially in terms of safety, adverse side effects and physiological impact on the normal pituitary gland before clinical implementation. In this paper, we will review gene delivery systems both viral and non-viral and several therapeutic strategies which could be implemented for the treatment of these diseases. These include cytotoxic approaches both conditional and direct, immune-stimulatory strategies, anti-angiogenic strategies and approaches which harness pro-apoptotic and tumour suppressor gene targets. We will also review the models which are currently available in which these gene therapy strategies can be tested experimentally. This new therapeutic modality holds enormous promise, but we still need substantial improvements both from the delivery, efficacy and safety stand points before it can become a clinical reality.  相似文献   

Elevated blood levels of immunoreactive human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) have been reported in many patients with non-trophoblastic tumours, but also in various non-malignant conditions. Even normal tissues other than placenta have been shown to produce HCG, such as gonads, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pituitary. Since HCG is produced, albeit at a low level, by a variety of normal tissues, there is no need to invoke the gene derepression theory to account for 'ectopic' HCG production. However, tumours associated with excess of biologically active HCG as evidenced by endocrinological abnormalities, such as precocious puberty or gynaecomastia, are very rare. We have reviewed the world literature and found 44 such tumours in the lung, adrenal gland, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract (excluding the gonads). The analysis of their histological pattern shows that they typically contain syncytial giant cells or frankly choriocarcinomatous elements. In this respect they are like germ-cell tumours associated with excess HCG production. The precursor of the HCG-containing cells in 'somatic' tumours is unknown but their functional and morphological similarity to the trophoblast revives the old concept of pathophysiological correspondence between some malignant tumours and invasive trophoblast.  相似文献   

Granulosa cell tumours of the ovary are rare, comprising around 3% of ovarian tumours. These tumours have preponderance for local spread and extremely late recurrence. Although previous cases of recurrence have been described, it is extremely unusual for these tumours to recur after thirty years. We describe a case of recurrence of granulosa cell tumour after 30 years, presenting as small bowel obstruction. The patient had not been followed up after the original surgery, and on histological analysis, recurrence of the original tumour was confirmed. This case report emphasises the necessity for lifelong follow-up of patients who have had these tumours excised, and also the unusual way in which these tumours can recur.  相似文献   

Nine pregnancies are described in patients with pituitary tumours. All patients had definite radiological evidence of a pituitary tumour and no evidence of acromegaly or Cushing''s disease. In seven patients serum prolactin levels were estimated before pregnancy and found to be raised.Seven patients had been treated with pituitary implantation of yttrium-90. The remaining two developed complications of the tumour during pregnancy. One developed a bitemporal visual field defect in the second trimester which was successfully treated by emergency yttrium-90 implantation. The other developed diabetes insipidus in the third trimester which resolved spontaneously after delivery.Six patients were treated with drugs to achieve pregnancy. Four took bromocriptine to suppress raised prolactin levels, one was treated with human menopausal gonadotrophin, and one was treated with clomiphene.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most important primary hepatic cancer and is a common cancer type worldwide. Many aetiological factors have been related to HCC development, such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis viruses and alcohol consumption. Inactivation of the p53 tumour suppressor gene is one of the most common abnormalities in many tumours, including HCC. p53 is of crucial importance for the regulation of the cell cycle and the maintenance of genomic integrity. In HCC, hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV) effect carcinogenic pathways, independently leading to anomalies in p53 function. Several authors have reported that some HCV proteins, such as the core, NS5A and NS3 proteins, interact with p53 and prevent its correct function. The mechanisms of action of these HCV proteins in relation to p53 are not completely clear, but they might cause its cytoplasmic retention or accumulation in the perinuclear region where the protein is not functional. The identification of the interactions between p53 and HCV proteins is of great importance for therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing the chronicity and/or carcinogenicity of the virus.  相似文献   

Wilms'' tumour is one of the most common neoplasms of infancy and childhood. Current treatment regimens result in a cure rate of about 80% for localized tumours but may also cause musculoskeletal deformities. Assessment of 21 patients previously treated for Wilms'' tumour showed that all had flank atrophy on the treated side. Radiologic abnormalities included asymmetry of vertebral bodies, vertebral end-plate irregularities, scoliosis, kyphosis, platyspondyly and hypoplasia of the ilium. Although the vertebral changes following radiotherapy for Wilms'' tumour are present from an early age and the potential is great for an increase in spinal deformity with growth, few spinal curves progress past 20 degree. Since one cannot predict which curves will progress, all such patients need careful orthopedic follow-up until skeletal maturity is achieved.  相似文献   

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