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Defective structural and neural upper airway properties both play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea. A more favorable structural upper airway property [pharyngeal critical pressure under hypotonic conditions (passive Pcrit)] has been documented for women. However, the role of sex-related modulation in compensatory responses to upper airway obstruction (UAO), independent of the passive Pcrit, remains unclear. Obese apneic men and women underwent a standard polysomnography and physiological sleep studies to determine sleep apnea severity, passive Pcrit, and compensatory airflow and respiratory timing responses to prolonged periods of UAO. Sixty-two apneic men and women, pairwise matched by passive Pcrit, exhibited similar sleep apnea disease severity during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but women had markedly less severe disease during non-REM (NREM) sleep. By further matching men and women by body mass index and age (n = 24), we found that the lower NREM disease susceptibility in women was associated with an approximately twofold increase in peak inspiratory airflow (P = 0.003) and inspiratory duty cycle (P = 0.017) in response to prolonged periods of UAO and an ~20% lower minute ventilation during baseline unobstructed breathing (ventilatory demand) (P = 0.027). Thus, during UAO, women compared with men had greater upper airway and respiratory timing responses and a lower ventilatory demand that may account for sex differences in sleep-disordered breathing severity during NREM sleep, independent of upper airway structural properties and sleep apnea severity during REM sleep.  相似文献   

The knee is often a site of injury that can often lead to a chronic disease known as osteoarthritis (OA). The disease may be initiated, in part, by acute injuries to joint cartilage and its cells. In a recent study by this laboratory, using Flemish Giant rabbits, an impact compressive load on the tibial femoral joint was shown to cause significant levels of acute damage to chondrocytes in cartilage of the medial and lateral tibial plateaus. In the current study, using the same model, histological and mechanical data from the plateaus were documented at 6 and 12 months post impact, and compared to the unimpacted control limbs and a limb from unimpacted, control animals. The mechanical properties of cartilage were measured with indentation relaxation tests on the medial and lateral plateaus in regions covered and uncovered by the meniscus. The histological studies on impacted limbs showed surface lesions on both plateaus, thickening of the underlying subchondral bone at 12 months and numerous occult microcracks at the calcified cartilage–subchondral bone interface at 6 and 12 months, without significant changes in cartilage thickness or its mechanical properties versus controls. Yet, there was an increase in both the matrix and fiber moduli and a decrease in the permeability of uncovered, medial plateau cartilage in both limbs of impacted animals between 6 and 12 months post impact that was not documented in control animals.  相似文献   

Experiments were done on seven lambs to determine if site of occlusion--nasal versus tracheal--influences the cardiopulmonary and arousal responses from sleep to upper airway obstruction. Each lamb was anesthetized and instrumented for sleep staging and measurements of heart rate and arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation. A tracheostomy was also done and a fenestrated tracheostomy tube placed in the trachea. Prior to an experiment, A 5F balloon-tipped catheter was inserted through the decannulation cannula into the tracheostomy tube so that tracheal occlusions could be accomplished by inflating the balloon. In addition, a 5F balloon-tipped catheter was inserted into the inlet of a pre-formed silicone mask sealed to the animals snout with silicone rubber foam so that nasal occlusions could be accomplished by inflating the balloon. During an experiment, measurements were made in quiet sleep and in active sleep during control periods of tidal breathing and during experimental periods of nasal or tracheal occlusion. Upper airway obstruction was terminated by deflating the balloon once the animal aroused from sleep. Arousal occurred sooner following nasal occlusion than during tracheal occlusion in quiet sleep; 64 percent of arousals occurred within five seconds of nasal occlusion whereas only 14 percent of arousals occurred within five seconds of tracheal occlusion in quiet sleep. In addition, SaO2 and heart rate decreased more before arousal following tracheal occlusion than following nasal occlusion. However, there was not a significant effect of site of obstruction on time to arousal or the change in SaO2 before arousal in active sleep.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



There is uncertainty about the optimal approach to screen for clinically important cervical spine (C-spine) injury following blunt trauma. We conducted a systematic review to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of the Canadian C-spine rule and the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) criteria, 2 rules that are available to assist emergency physicians to assess the need for cervical spine imaging.


We identified studies by an electronic search of CINAHL, Embase and MEDLINE. We included articles that reported on a cohort of patients who experienced blunt trauma and for whom clinically important cervical spine injury detectable by diagnostic imaging was the differential diagnosis; evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of the Canadian C-spine rule or NEXUS or both; and used an adequate reference standard. We assessed the methodologic quality using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies criteria. We used the extracted data to calculate sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and post-test probabilities.


We included 15 studies of modest methodologic quality. For the Canadian C-spine rule, sensitivity ranged from 0.90 to 1.00 and specificity ranged from 0.01 to 0.77. For NEXUS, sensitivity ranged from 0.83 to 1.00 and specificity ranged from 0.02 to 0.46. One study directly compared the accuracy of these 2 rules using the same cohort and found that the Canadian C-spine rule had better accuracy. For both rules, a negative test was more informative for reducing the probability of a clinically important cervical spine injury.


Based on studies with modest methodologic quality and only one direct comparison, we found that the Canadian C-spine rule appears to have better diagnostic accuracy than the NEXUS criteria. Future studies need to follow rigorous methodologic procedures to ensure that the findings are as free of bias as possible.A clinically important cervical spine injury is defined as any fracture, dislocation or ligamentous instability detectable by diagnostic imaging and requiring surgical or specialist follow-up.1,2 These injuries can have disastrous consequences including spinal cord injury and death if the diagnosis is delayed or missed.3 Despite the low prevalence (< 3%) of clinically important cervical spinal injury following blunt trauma (e.g., motor vehicle collision), accurate diagnosis is imperative for safe, effective management.4 Currently, uncertainty exists about the optimal diagnostic approach. Some guidelines5,6 advocate using screening tools to identify patients with a higher likelihood of clinically important cervical spinal injury; these patients are then sent for imaging to establish the diagnosis. In other more conservative settings, all patients with blunt trauma are sent for imaging. The first approach, involving screening, is arguably preferable because it optimizes resources and time, while reducing unnecessary costs, radiation exposure and psychological stress for the patient.7 For screening to be safe and effective, the screening tools must have high sensitivity, a low negative likelihood ratio and a low rate of false positives. This assures clinicians that a clinically important cervical spine injury is unlikely and reduces the number of referrals for imaging.Clinical decision rules synthesize 3 or more findings from the patient’s history, physical examination or simple diagnostic tests to guide diagnostic and treatment decisions.8,9 Two clinical decision rules, the Canadian C-spine rule2 and the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS; Box 1),10 are available to assess the need for imaging in patients with cervical spine injury following blunt trauma. These rules aim to reduce unnecessary imaging by reserving these investigations for patients with a higher likelihood of clinically important cervical spinal injury. Developed independently and validated using large cohorts of patients, these 2 decision rules are recommended in many international guidelines.5,11,12 However, no consensus exists as to which rule should be endorsed.1214 Therefore, the purpose of our systematic review was to describe the quality of research evaluating the Canadian C-spine rule and NEXUS; describe the diagnostic accuracy of the Canadian C-spine rule and NEXUS; and compare the diagnostic accuracy of the Canadian C-spine rule to that of NEXUS.

Box 1:

National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) low-risk criteria10

Cervical spine radiography is indicated for patients with neck trauma unless they meet ALL of the following criteria:
  • No posterior midline cervical-spine tenderness
  • No evidence of intoxication
  • A normal level of alertness (score of 15 on the Glasgow Coma Scale)
  • No focal neurologic deficit
  • No painful distracting injuries



To prove the possibility of axillary nerve conduction changes following shoulder subluxation due to hemiplegia, in order to investigate the usefulness of screening nerve conduction studies in patients with hemiplegia for finding peripheral neuropathy.


Forty-four shoulders of twenty-two patients with a first-time stroke having flaccid hemiplegia were tested, 43 ± 12 days after stroke onset. Wasting and weakness of the deltoid were present in the involved side. Motor nerve conduction latency and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude were measured along the axillary nerve, comparing the paralyzed to the sound shoulder. The stimulation was done at the Erb's point whilst the recording needle electrode was inserted into the deltoid muscle 4 cm directly beneath the lateral border of the acromion. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the motor conduction between the sound and the paralytic shoulder. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare between plegic and sound shoulder in each side.


Mean motor nerve conduction latency time to the deltoid muscle was 8.49, SD 4.36 ms in the paralyzed shoulder and 5.17, SD 1.35 ms in the sound shoulder (p < 0.001). Mean compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude was 2.83, SD 2.50 mV in the paralyzed shoulder and was 7.44, SD 5.47 mV in the sound shoulder (p < 0.001). Patients with right paralyzed shoulder compared to patients with right sound shoulder (p < 0.001, 1-sided for latency; p = 0.003, 1-sided for amplitude), and patients with left paralyzed shoulder compared to patients with left sound shoulder (p = 0.011, 1-sided for latency, p = 0.001, 1-sided for amplitude), support the same outcomes. The electro-physiological changes in the axillary nerve may appear during the first six weeks after stroke breakout.


Continuous traction of the axillary nerve, as in hypotonic shoulder, may affect the electro-physiological properties of the nerve. It most probably results from subluxation of the head of the humerus, causing demyelinization and even axonopathy. Slowing of the conduction velocities of the axillary nerve in the paralyzed shoulders may be related also to the lowering of the skin temperature and muscular atrophy in the same limb. The usefulness of routine screening nerve conduction studies in the shoulder of hemiplegic patients seems to be advocated.  相似文献   

Upper airway obstruction is recognized to cause apnoea in newborns as well as in adults. However, very little is known about factors that influence the arousal response from sleep during upper airway obstruction in newborns. Experiments were therefore done to investigate the effect of short-term sleep fragmentation on the arousal response to upper airway obstruction in six lambs aged 8 to 14 days. Each lamb was anaesthetized and instrumented for recordings of electrocorticogram, electro-oculogram, nuchal and diaphragm electromyograms and measurements of systemic arterial blood pressure and oxygen saturation (fiberoptic catheter oximeter). A tracheostomy was done and a fenestrated tracheostomy tube placed in the trachea. Experiments were not done before the third postoperative day. During a study, a 5F balloon tipped catheter was inserted into the tube so that airflow could be obstructed by inflating the balloon. Measurements were made during 30 s control periods and during experimental periods of upper airway obstruction in at least three epochs of quiet sleep and active sleep in each animal. These measurements were made following a period of uninterrupted sleep and repeated following a 36-42 h period of sleep fragmentation. Sleep fragmentation was produced by 30 s of noise separated by 2 min of quiet. Sleep fragmentation produced small but statistically significant increases in the time to arousal and decreases in the haemoglobin oxygen saturation at arousal during upper airway obstruction in quiet sleep but not active sleep. However, these changes, although consistent, were small and are of questionable biological significance. Therefore, I believe it is unlikely that short-term sleep fragmentation per se significantly impairs the arousal response to respiratory stimuli in newborns.  相似文献   

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