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We are re-addressing species concepts in the Rhizopogon vinicolor species complex (Boletales, Basidiomycota) using sequence data from the internal-transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat, as well as genotypic data from five microsatellite loci. The R. vinicolor species complex by our definition includes, but is not limited to, collections referred to as R. vinicolor Smith, R. diabolicus Smith, R. ochraceisporus Smith, R. parvulus Smith or R. vesiculosus Smith. Holo- and/or paratype material for the named species is included. Analyses of both ITS sequences and microsatellite loci separate collections of the R. vinicolor species complex into two distinct clades or clusters, suggestive of two biological species that subsequently are referred to as R. vinicolor sensu Kretzer et al and R. vesiculosus sensu Kretzer et al. Choice of the latter names, as well as morphological characters, are discussed.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were transferred and characterized for two Neotropical fig tree species, Ficus citrifolia and Ficus eximia. Our study demonstrated that microsatellite markers developed from different subgenera of Ficus can be transferred to related species. In the present case, 12 of the 15 primer pairs tested (80%) were successfully transferred to both of the above species. Eleven loci were polymorphic when tested across 60 F. citrifolia and 60 F. eximia individuals. For F. citrifolia, there were 4 to 15 alleles per locus, whereas expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.31 to 0.91. In the case of F. eximia, this was 2 to 12 alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities from 0.42 to 0.87.  相似文献   

Two contrasting genome-specific DNA sequences were isolated from Aegilops speltoides (wild goat grass) and Hordeum chilense (wild barley), each representing more than 1 % of the genomes. These repetitive DNA fragments were identified as being genome-specific before cloning by genomic Southern hybridization (using total genomic DNA as a probe), and hence extensive screening of clones was not required. For each fragment, up to six recombinant plasmid clones were screened and about half were genome-specific. Clone pAesKB52 from Ae. speltoides was a 763 by EcoRI fragment, physically organized in simple tandem repeats and shown to localize to sub-telomerec chromosome regions of species with the Triticeae S-genome by in situ hybridization to chromosomes. The sequence data showed an internal duplication of some 280 bp, which presumably occurred before sequence amplification and dispersion, perhaps by unequal crossing-over or reciprocal translocation. In situ hybridization showed that the sequence distribution varied between closely related (S-genome) species. Clone pHcKB6 was a 339 by DraI fragment from H. chilense, also tandemly repeated but more variable; loss of the DraI site resulting in a ladder pattern in Southern blots which had little background smear. In situ hybridization showed that the tandem repeats were present as small clusters dispersed along all chromosome arms except at a few discrete regions including the centromeres and telomeres. The clone hybridized essentially specifically to the H-genome of H. chilense and hence was able to identify the origin of chromosomes in a H. chilense x Secale africanum hybrid by in situ hybridization. It has a high A + T content (66%), small internal duplications, and a 50 by degenerate inverted repeat. We speculate that it has dispersed by retrotransposition in association with other sequences carrying coding domains. The organization and evolution of such sequences are important in understanding long-range genome organization and the types of change that can occur on evolutionary and plant breeding timescales. Genome-specific sequences are also useful as markers for alien chromatin in plant breeding.  相似文献   

We have developed and characterized 13 microsatellite loci from a group of Anodonta species in western North America, and demonstrated their utility in populations representing two major clades in this genus. Allelic diversity and polymorphic information content were high for all loci, although these characteristics varied across populations. Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg genotypic ratios were not detected, although the estimated frequency of null alleles was high in one population for one locus. This is the first set of microsatellite loci to be developed for freshwater mussels in western North America, and will be useful for describing gene flow patterns among populations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers for Ficus montana and Ficus septica were developed using genomic libraries enriched for di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats. The subsets of five and three best scorable primer pairs were characterized on 24 F. montana and 36 F. septica individuals, respectively. For F. montana, loci showed five to 14 alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.23 and 0.87. For F. septica, loci showed three to five alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.36 and 0.49. Four primer pairs (two from each subset) cross‐amplified in the other species, indicating transportability of the markers within the genus Ficus.  相似文献   

Sequence motifs at the protein carboxyl termini in linear polypeptides are uniquely positioned and functionally capable of serving as recognition signatures for a variety of cellular and biochemical processes. At the proteome level, it is unknown whether and what carboxyl-terminal sequences might be particularly conserved, which may be directly related to specific biological functions shared among certain groups of proteins. To investigate this question, we analyzed the terminal sequences of reported yeast open reading frames, which presumably constitute the predicted, entire proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The results show that there are both known and novel terminal sequences. They are conserved at a frequency similar to that of functionally important, experimentally confirmed signals such as the HDEL sequence that mediates the endoplasmic reticulum retention and/or retrieval. The findings support the notion that there may be additional carboxyl-terminal signals, and the conserved motifs could be experimentally tested for currently unknown biological functions. Similar analyses were also applied to the limited proteome databases of other organisms with overall consistent findings. Therefore, indexing a proteome according to its carboxyl-terminal sequences may provide a means for functional classification and determination of proteins.  相似文献   

High rates of mutation and homoplasy mean that microsatellites generally are not considered to be useful molecular markers for inferring systematic relationships between species. However, an earlier pilot study suggested that conserved flanking microsatellite sequences, also known as repetitive flanking sequences (ReFS), may form a basis for a dominant marker that can differentiate between species of Lepidoptera. We present data that demonstrate that ReFS are quick and easy to use, and generate highly repeatable banding patterns from a range of Lepidoptera species. Sequence data from a subset of ReFS‐amplified bands revealed microsatellite families with flanking sequences that are more conserved within than among species: this is probably attributable to recombination‐mediated events, transposition of mobile elements or a combination of the two. Our data support the use of ReFS as dominant interspecific molecular markers, and add to the growing literature on the evolution of microsatellites in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Five microsatellite markers were analysed and their alleles were sequenced for the three sturgeon species that lived in western Europe: the European sturgeon Acipenser sturio, the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus and the Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii. A total of 94 different allele sequences were obtained. Fixed mutations in the flanking regions or in the core repeat of microsatellites provided a clear distinction between the different species. Comparison of allele sequences also provided some insights into microsatellites and the evolution of Acipenser species. These nuclear markers can be used to solve species determination problems, and combined with mitochondrial markers, will be useful to identify introgression and hybridization among the three species. Moreover, because they are short and with a limited allele size range, they are particularly suited for analysis of museum specimens or archaeological remains.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are important elements of the cellular group of molecular chaperones. Specifically, HSP70 proteins protect cells from being damaged when plants are exposed to environmental stresses. These proteins are catalysts that manage the correct folding of other proteins, and they play a key role in the development of tolerance against biotic and abiotic stresses. In the present study, 113 HSP70 genes were retrieved from the available genome assemblies of four cotton species, including Gossypium hirsutum, G. barbadense, G. arboreum, and G. raimondii. The HSP70 genes were clustered into 11 subfamilies based on phylogeny. One hundred and nine (109) gene duplications were found across these four species. Localization of genes revealed that several HSP70 genes reside in the cytoplasm. Synonymous and non-synonymous substitution rates revealed that functional segregation of HSP70 genes in cotton is due to purifying selection. Furthermore, HSP70 genes in cotton are expressed constitutively during developmental stages. These findings are valuable to understand the complex mechanism of HSP70 gene regulation that occurs in signaling pathways in response to plant stress.  相似文献   



Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are found in most organisms, and occupy about 3% of the human genome. Although it is becoming clear that such repeats are important in genomic organization and function and may be associated with disease conditions, their systematic analysis has not been reported. This is the first report examining the distribution and density of simple sequence repeats (1-6 base-pairs (bp)) in the entire human genome.  相似文献   

Two contrasting genome-specific DNA sequences were isolated from Aegilops speltoides (wild goat grass) and Hordeum chilense (wild barley), each representing more than 1 % of the genomes. These repetitive DNA fragments were identified as being genome-specific before cloning by genomic Southern hybridization (using total genomic DNA as a probe), and hence extensive screening of clones was not required. For each fragment, up to six recombinant plasmid clones were screened and about half were genome-specific. Clone pAesKB52 from Ae. speltoides was a 763 by EcoRI fragment, physically organized in simple tandem repeats and shown to localize to sub-telomerec chromosome regions of species with the Triticeae S-genome by in situ hybridization to chromosomes. The sequence data showed an internal duplication of some 280 bp, which presumably occurred before sequence amplification and dispersion, perhaps by unequal crossing-over or reciprocal translocation. In situ hybridization showed that the sequence distribution varied between closely related (S-genome) species. Clone pHcKB6 was a 339 by DraI fragment from H. chilense, also tandemly repeated but more variable; loss of the DraI site resulting in a ladder pattern in Southern blots which had little background smear. In situ hybridization showed that the tandem repeats were present as small clusters dispersed along all chromosome arms except at a few discrete regions including the centromeres and telomeres. The clone hybridized essentially specifically to the H-genome of H. chilense and hence was able to identify the origin of chromosomes in a H. chilense x Secale africanum hybrid by in situ hybridization. It has a high A + T content (66%), small internal duplications, and a 50 by degenerate inverted repeat. We speculate that it has dispersed by retrotransposition in association with other sequences carrying coding domains. The organization and evolution of such sequences are important in understanding long-range genome organization and the types of change that can occur on evolutionary and plant breeding timescales. Genome-specific sequences are also useful as markers for alien chromatin in plant breeding.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Pseudo-response regulator (PRR) gene family members play a significant role in plant circadian clocks, flowering time inflorescence architecture development during...  相似文献   

Chandra A  Tiwari KK  Nagaich D  Dubey N  Kumar S  Roy AK 《Génome》2011,54(12):1016-1028
A limited number of functional molecular markers has slowed the desired genetic improvement of Stylosanthes species. Hence, in an attempt to develop simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, genomic libraries from Stylosanthes seabrana B.L. Maass & 't Mannetje (2n=2x=20) using 5' anchored degenerate microsatellite primers were constructed. Of the 76 new microsatellites, 21 functional primer pairs were designed. Because of the small number of primer pairs designed, 428 expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences from seven Stylosanthes species were also examined for SSR detection. Approximately 10% of sequences delivered functional primer pairs, and after redundancy elimination, 57 microsatellite repeats were selected. Tetranucleotides followed by trinucleotides were the major repeated sequences in Stylosanthes ESTs. In total, a robust set of 21 genomic-SSR (gSSR) and 20 EST-SSR (eSSR) markers were developed. These markers were analyzed for intraspecific diversity within 20 S. seabrana accessions and for their cross-species transferability. Mean expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosity values with gSSR markers were 0.64 and 0.372, respectively, whereas with eSSR markers these were 0.297 and 0.214, respectively. Dendrograms having moderate bootstrap value (23%-94%) were able to distinguish all accessions of S. seabrana with gSSR markers, whereas eSSR markers showed 100% similarities between few accessions. The set of 21 gSSRs, from S. seabrana, and 20 eSSRs, from selected Stylosanthes species, with their high cross-species transferability (45% with gSSRs, 86% with eSSRs) will facilitate genetic improvement of Stylosanthes species globally.  相似文献   

Sun X  Wang GL 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e16079
LRR-kinases constitute the largest subfamily of receptor-like kinases in plants and regulate a wide variety of processes related to development and defense. Through a reiterative process of sequence analysis and re-annotation, we identified 309 LRR-kinase genes in the rice genome (Nipponbare). Among them, 127 genes in the Rice Annotation Project Database and 85 in Refseq of NCBI were amended (in addition, 62 LRR-kinase genes were not annotated in Refseq). The complete set of LRR-kinases was characterized. These LRR-kinases were classified into five groups according to phylogenetic analysis, and the genes in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 usually have fewer introns than those in group 5. The introns in the LRR domain, which are highly conserved in regards to their positions and configurations, split the first Leu or other amino residues at this position of the 'xxLxLxx' motif with phase 2 and usually separate one or more LRR repeats exactly. Tandemly repeated LRR motifs have evolved from exon duplication, mutation and exon shuffling. The extensive distribution and diversity of the LRR-kinase genes have been mainly generated by tandem duplication and mutation after whole genome duplication. Positive selection has made a limited contribution to the sequence diversity after duplication, but positively selected sites located in the LRR domain are thought to involve in the protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

A Vitis riparia genomic library was screened for the presence of (GA)n simple sequence repeats (SSR) and 18 primer pairs yielding amplification products of the expected size were designed. Heterologous amplification with the primer pairs in related species (V. rupestris, V. berlandieri, V. labrusca, V. cinerea, V. aestivalis, V. vinifera, and interspecific hybrids) was successful in most primer-species combinations. Therefore, the new markers are applicable to the genotyping of a range of Vitis species. Variations in the SSR flanking sequence were detected between and within the species. The degree of polymorphism and performance of the markers were determined in up to 120 individuals of V. vinifera. Four of fifteen alleles per locus were detected and expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.37 and 0.88. Null alleles were shown to be present at two loci by a lack of heterozygous individuals and by transmission of the null alleles in a controlled cross. Regular Mendelian inheritance is indicated for all but one loci by a preliminary segregation analysis in 36 offspring. Thirteen of the markers were found suitable for the genotyping of grapevines (V. vinifera).  相似文献   

From an enriched (AG)n/(AC)n library, we developed nine polymorphic microsatellite loci for three cryptic species of the fig‐pollinating wasp Ceratosolen emarginatus. We genotyped one population for each of the three cryptic species across all the nine loci. In total, 204 alleles were detected from the three cryptic species of C. emarginatus. The observed heterozygosity was 0.755 ± 0.034, 0.653 ± 0.030 and 0.603 ± 0.073 in C. emarginatus populations A, B and C, respectively; the expected heterozygosity was 0.850 ± 0.031, 0.724 ± 0.035 and 0.702 ± 0.104, respectively. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any two loci of all three cryptic species. The newly isolated microsatellite markers will be very useful for estimating the genetic variation within and among the cryptic species and for revealing the mechanisms of speciation and inbreeding coexistence hypothesis of the cryptic species.  相似文献   

Rapid expansion of microsatellite sequences in pines   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Microsatellite persistence time and evolutionary change was studied among five species of pines, which included a pair of closely related species (Pinus sylvestris and Pinus resinosa) in the subgenus Pinus, their relative Pinus radiata, and another closely related species pair (Pinus strobus and Pinus lambertiana) in the subgenus Strobus. The effective population sizes of these species are known to have ranged from the very small bottlenecks of P. resinosa to vast populations of P. sylvestris. This background allowed us to place the microsatellite evolution in a well-defined phylogenetic setting. Of 30 loci originating from P. strobus and P. radiata, we were able to consistently amplify 4 in most of the these pine species. These priming sites had been conserved for over 100 Myr. The four microsatellites were sequenced in the five species. Flanking sequences were compared to establish that the loci were orthologous. All microsatellites had persisted in these species, despite very different population sizes. We found a recent microsatellite duplication: a closely related pair of loci in P. strobus, where the other four species had just one locus. On two independent occasions, the repeat area of this same microsatellite (locus RPS 105a/b) had grown from a very low repeat number to 15 or 17 in the last 10-25 Myr. Other parts of the same compound microsatellite had remained virtually unchanged. Locus PR 4.6 is known to be polymorphic in both P. radiata and P. sylvestris, but the polymorphism in the two species is due to different motifs. The very large pine genomes are highly repetitive, and microsatellite loci also occur as gene families.  相似文献   

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